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tv   News  RT  August 10, 2021 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the protestors in london storm the b. b, c's old headquarters in london. despite the corporation being moved in space. from there a decade ago, the demonstrators are angered up the vaccination of teenagers on the broadcasters role in promoting it. also had just our teen use our, the wife of knowledge and us intelligence, all of us are implicated in the death of british motorcycle. it's already done faces claim she may have been on the phone and distracted when her car plowed into him, we hear from the families adviser about the new developments in the case. the other side are being evasive and inconsistent about producing the throne records and incentive from themselves. this tuesday mark 60 years since the us 1st
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used agent orange in vietnam, a herbicide which was proven to cause serious health issues, both among local than us soldiers. a veteran tells us of the devastation that cause united states had learned a lesson, and i certainly hope they do because we wind up spending a lot of time causing a lot more pain and we have to, ah, broadcasting live for moscow, this is our t good morning i'm you know, new to our top story. anti vaccination protesters in london now clashed with police while trying to storm the old headquarters of the b. b. c. the broadcast are largely moved its operations from the building some 8 years ago. the
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demonstrators are furious about government plans to start inoculating teenagers on the bbc's rule in promoting at the last week. the government and non cobit vaccines would be offered to all 16 and 17 year olds without needing parental consent. its believe the national health service will soon be instructed to start giving you a 1st doses to about $1400000.00 teenagers. something the government sees is necessary in the face of the highly contagious delta strain. the pfizer at by on tech job has also been authorized for those age 12 and above, but a decision on whether to roll it out to the younger age group has not yet been taken. ortiz shoddy. edwards dusty reports from id faxing. protesters
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on a mission today they're taking the streets of london going from one media outlet to another, one job. right? to be met with about even to try out the entrance days has really started. and if i hadn't got mission and then mike at that point, but they decided to take to the video to try and stay trying to get information because they'd like to the people. basically they, they've been feeding to our tv to me for the last few mom, pain lied, lies about the about it was a hiding pete vote in the baby. a journalism is based on the story and i've always heard what we're out to do today. the paid on the government to put up all of the
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problems as a b b. i was upgraded, security all the way for freedom day. many people all came in, but really the 5 today was the point in time. they all had to was i've been that made out that place that really are trying to come out in for the day. they all you that the, the why we know that the back road out program is not going to see the make and we're not infringement. of freedom of civil liberties as well. so today is just about the call was to come in the future to shut edwards dusty police by the way, said some of the demonstrators later made it to the bbc's current headquarters in london. but left hours later, the broadcaster itself has made no comment. there's been
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a new development in the case of british teenager hurried on. he was killed 2 years ago in the u. k. in a road accident involving the wife on the ledge. us intelligence officer that done families, lawyers say anson coolest, may have been on the phone when her car plowed into harvey's motorcycle, the, the relevant phone data her since disappeared. and not the american has been a vase of about whether she was using it. the time of the collision, a spokesperson for the done family say that they just want accountability. we've been trying to get to the bottom of the phone issue in the u. s. civil case for the last 3 months and as our lawyers have put it, the other side are being evasive and inconsistent about producing the phone records and the phone themselves for u. s. government are trying to shut doc inquiry down. the civil case in the united states may represent b only chance that this family will get
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a justice. it's never been about money. they want accountability there and they want to get to the truth in terms of the criminal sense. our position has always been, you don't get to kill somebody or walk away our request to mrs. or kudos on the united states. government is that she simply. ready presents herself to the united kingdom justice system and goes through the process. the parents are pursuing every single avenue justice opened to them. so cool as who it's claimed is the wife of a cia officer was driving on the wrong side of the road when the crush occurred. she was charged with causing death by dangerous driving in the u. k. although she's never denied her guilt, she fled back to the u. s. claiming diplomatic immunity. an extradition request by the u. k was denied in july prime minister barak. johnson raised the issue in a meeting with president biden, the latter express sympathy to the family and said the 2 countries were working
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together on the case. later this month, hurry dunn's parents will come face to face with mister coolest. for the 1st time in a court house in virginia, a civil claim they filed is heard that done from the spokes person against these progress is being made thanks to continued media coverage. we count many americans amongst us as our friends. we supported these people for decades and diminished. one of their employees killed harry lar reaction was to not stop and think about this family and the consequences that they faced. but they thought about themselves. they recalled her, and the catastrophic miscalculation that they made was that nobody would find out about it. and thanks to your good sales to your colleagues in the media. thank goodness you all came to this family support. this issue is never going to go away until the united states government realizes that there is
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a broken hearted breast family here who need help and needs support. we've reached out and all the rest to them numerous times continually get slapped in the face for doing so. they're entitled to accountability and they want justice both in the criminal sense and the civil sense. today marks 60 years since the 1st use of agent orange by the u. s. military and vietnam. the highly toxic herbicide on the fully and cause the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people both vietnamese and american retired u. s. navy commander and lawyer john well spoke to us about the consequences of the chemical and the attempts of veterans and claiming compensation. today, there was cases what they call the ring per besides. and it was used primarily for d, for the asian edge and orange was so name because there was an orange strike around the center of the barrel. of the things like agent blue had a blue stripe, agent,
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pink, think, stripe, and so on, so forth. as far as we know, agent orange was the worst that some of the others are besides the same chemical components. now, significant portion we would say, currently we're looking at about a $110000.00 claims have been filed. some of those are the same person, multiple plans for the same person, but it's probable that we're, i would say 706070 percent of those folks had some problems. a former us soldiers are still struggling with our injuries from exposure to agent orange and the people of vietnam, or no different hundreds of thousands of suffered lasting effects from the indiscriminate use of the chemical warning. you may find the following images disturbing. the
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address about 5000000 people in vietnam who has incurable chronic diseases due to agent orange and the complete normal life of find jobs. the me, i was a simple soldier in a bomb squad. my task was to clear paths and demolish things. suddenly the area was poisoned, but we didn't know it back then. we just went on with our lives. we only realized when we started having children in the
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game. when people started having children with normal to stuff as a war, they realized what orange pe means in the 82. so i mean for bro here from those yet now. the parents were shocked and frightened. the father left the family immediately with the the grew chemical giant monster to his, one of the companies under fire. it was a major supplier of agent orange to the u. s. military during the vietnam war. the spy, facing a barrage of legal claims, both its its parent company, buyer maintain, they cannot be held responsible for high washington use. the product, john wells, again believes more should have been done to prevent the tragedy. we really need people to sit down and take a look at and say, hey, what is this going to do?
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not only to the civilians populations not only to the enemy, but also to our own troops. if the world or united states had learned our lesson, and i certainly hope they do because, you know, we wind up spending a lot of time causing a lot more pain and we have to out there, or is it easy? it's never easy. but it's, you know, we should do everything we can to minimize the effect on real, really, on everybody you case defense. secretary has criticize washington's agreement with the tell about on the policy of us forces. thus, despite the u. k itself withdrawing its troops from the region. the dispute a deal was struck last year names to keep terrorist groups such as al qaeda out of the country. and it seems, london has its issues with the agreement. the deal was a rotten deal. it is flawed. it saddens me that's a deal picked apart
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a lot of what had been achieved, and if the dentist on over 20 years will probably be back in 10 or 20 years. there is, if we're coming across an after members that perhaps thought until loud was pretty much your not, your strengths didn't think so as to what is going to happen in the event of the school out. and the way you see them sort of taking overall because after goes down up to down city, up to city and on the latest had county had for provincial capital had fallen to the forces. so be just a matter of time before the take all except but house couple and some nearby 80 is the fall off the top gum. drug seeds are pretty much imminent. nato forces started to paula. that taliban has moved to fill the void rapidly. capturing large swedes of territory, as you can see in the map,
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here is the area in red. the taliban now controls most of the country with the latest flare up and fighting happening in the north after rapid advances in rural areas. it is no charging big cities. over the course of 20 years, the war in afghanistan has left 47000 civilians dead. almost 3000 soldiers from the u. s. and the u. k. a lola lost their lives fighting their for american taxpayers. the war has cost an estimated $1.00 trillion dollars plus. whereas for the u. k, the figure is 40000000000 pounds. we discussed the agreement between the u. s. and the tele bond with international affirm commentator jonathan steele, and extraordinary from side to deal, basically to pull out on conditioning. i'm in the very name of the agreement signed in february 2020 was design, talked about an agreement between the islamic emery to the kindest on which is not recognized by the united states and is known as the taliban. i mean,
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that's an extraordinary thing. negotiate with a group that richard says he doesn't recognize richard indigenous called terrorist organization. nothing was granted demanded of the tunnel done except to see saw not to attack us troops as they withdraw. and the u. s. also agreed to release 5000 taliban prisoners unilaterally or they rise at the telephone. that's just one of the many issues facing afghan. this done, the countries not going through a humanitarian crisis with widespread poverty. fueling a vast block at market where you can buy drugs, weapons, even human organs are teas. new documentary has revealed how afghan people are deliberately selling their kidneys to make ends meet. you can watch the full program on our channel, but for now here's a quick preview. the other stuff and need to talk to the, you know,
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actually trying to find out what's going on with the for sure. you previously mentioned that you may need to check on it for me, which one you want to use and about what we're doing today i'm doing the able to do was i got to get how do you think it's not me going to be as long as you need any, does that quote that we should this is our t still ahead. despite the political attentions and hostilities between the 2,
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russia has become the 2nd biggest oil supplier to the u. s. so was forcing america to do deals with its main opponents. we revealed more spray. aah! i joined me every 1st day on the alex summon show. when i was speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me the the the the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the the, the, the, the, ah, let's start the program back in europe where relentless devastation being wrought by wild fires is continuing in reef drone photos here. it shows how bob, the situation is in the area right now. almost 60000 tech tours has been reduced to ashes. the rapidly spreading fires force local to flee to safety. thousands have
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been evacuated with elderly residents carried on to ferries. officials say more help is desperately needed to fight the flames. the e u has mobilized one of its biggest emergency tough forces, or for greek authorities, say the risk of further fires remains high in many regions, including your, the capital athens the u. s. and a number of its allies have slept fresh sanctions on bela roost, targeting the nations key industries. president joe biden, doug the country, a key threat to us national security and foreign policy breaking. done the latest developments for us kilowatt that then about a year since that contested election in bella rues. and at this point, we have the biden administration flapping new sanctions on the country. the new sanctions will hit air travel fertilizer as well as the financial sector of bela
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ruth. now, washington accuses bella. ruth says having rigged the previous election that despite bella bruce's claim that simply doesn't add up, that the leadership of dollars is very popular and the results seem to be legitimate. and what's interesting is that when imposing these sanctions, we now have biden's saying that somehow the small country, bel ruth, is a threat to the united states. this is what was said in the breast of activities, such as the elimination of political opposition and civil society organizations and the rates in disruption and endangering up international civil air travel constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security. and foreign policy will be united states. now bella bruce's thousands and thousands of miles away from the united states, but it is very close to russia, and russia and bella roofs are on the brink of becoming full blown allies. the relations between the countries seem to be moving in that direction. now we have a situation where the u. s. has accused lucas shank of violently quelling protests
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that happened after last year's contested election. now bell ruse has come forward and said this was a coup attempt. this was an attempt to overthrow the government by violence. they were protesters who were violently attacking police officers. it was necessary to take action to stabilize the country. we also have the good states raising the issue of air travel on the fact that there was a plane that was brought down and according to bela loses authorities, this was done because of a very credible threat of a bomb. now we have also the bel ruth olympic committee that has been called out by the united states. they've called out develop bruce olympic committee involving there was a track and field athlete some controversy. but repeatedly the athlete who is at the center of that controversy has said there gripes are not political but related to athletics out of the athlete is upset about decisions that was made by their coach. so regardless, we now at this point, understand that back in july,
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the leader of bella, ruth is opposition. net with joe biden and presented the u. s. president with a list of potential targets for sanctions. now those sanctions have been handed down. now earlier today, sanctions were imposed by london as well. and we had quite a reaction from the bell rouge and leader, alexander lucas. shank, britain. good. god, go check on those sanctions. for 1000 years we haven't known britain, and we don't really want to see what you are americans. yes, men. now a number of countries around the world are the target of us sanctions. i think obama administration escalated these sanctions on a number of countries. new sanctions were imposed under donald trump as well. and it seems like the bye didn't ministration has now come forward and more sanctions are being imposed on beller roost. while the usa continues to demonize the leader of bell roost, alexander lucas. shank, america is proving to have
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a growing up at times for russian oil. it's no 2nd only to canada when it comes to supplies of the fuel to the u. s. imports of crude, unrefined petroleum products from russia grew 23 percent in may, amounting to more than a 100000 barrels every day. mexico comes 3rd after canada and russia, although it accounts for less than 3 percent of us imports. so america has been buying more russian all despite tensions with moscow in the energy sector. indeed, washington regards russia huge north stream to gas pipeline project, a threat to european energy security. in july, germany in the u. s. reached the deal under which berlin will take action if moscow tries to use the pipeline to apply political pressure or commit aggressive acts against ukraine to what it only has almost completely microsoft
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word. i found it. ultimately, it's in contradiction to the use own energy security goals. i'm sure i'll have an opportunity to reiterate that including the long united states, which requires us to sanction companies participating in the efforts to complete the pipeline clinical analyst. alessandra bruno believes the u. s. is dependent on countries with which it has deep political tensions. washington may dislike all those things, but i think it dislikes high gasoline prices even more. and right now, thanks to russia's strategic position, pricing position, because russia is not a member of opec. it's independent. so it can choose its own range of price within various agreements. it has the most competitive pricing, a lot of titanium,
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which is used in making aircraft parts and which means defense equipment comes from russia as well. not to mention the fact that critical materials, like rare earth, mostly come from china. so in terms of resources, the united states is highly dependent on countries with which it has deep political pensions. and of course, it is a situation of its own making because by applying sanction, left, right, and center it's port to sometimes contradict itself. her virus cases in the us are on the rise again with numbers topping last summer's peak . even though many states are fully reopened, some i still think twice about holding a big birthday bash, but having just turned 60 former president obama wasn't going to let kobe reign on his parade. the
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the the the, the cobra 19 has gotten more contagious, so it's more important than ever to get vaccinated vaccines, a thief, and the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones. so well, i'm not birthday was the classic move of i do what i feel like i do. tough fun. but then when i'm going to talk to the public, i'm going to say what they should do. so it's quite critical. don't they don't, they're not following the rules. i think that the rules don't apply to them. so
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they're not exciting. setting an example for the general population. that's why the general population feels. it's not important where math is not to take. it's very important. take vaccines are 100 percent effective. you need to make sure we get rid of messages. it's long overdue. i book with you, and those are the people who are out and being picking up are over a 100 and knowing when i'm on the news. this is going to be safe. this is a sophisticated vaccinated crowd, and this is just about optic. not about safety. delving the only business headlines next, have been bus team take over our screens in moments, catch the squad in moment. the
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the, the other stuff. and then need to talk to someone that could be done, but even when i'm in a position where they need to go on it for me, i don't want to just about what it was, what day to me i was i got to no good. how did you,
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they can put up with me going to be as long as it doesn't work for you? because that quote i think is part of mental health revolution. we increasingly freeze political claims, psychological language and mental health became more common. so if you disagree with something i said on this program, you know, just say i just agree with you. i think you're wrong because of the following problems in your adventure logic. you say your micro greg, you say you triggered me? you said you hard me again, some psychological way be just news or psychological terms. and i guess an enormous pro politics because it's almost impossible to have a discourse on that terrain. the
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the the the boom bus, the one business. so you can't afford to miss branch aboard and i'm rachel blevins in washington coming up. oil prices continue to fall. just as opec water starts increases output. we'll take a look at how the latest drop in demand is having an impact on the industry. what could europe reverses, paul is the allowing travel from us tourism will bring you a live uptake from one of the countries requiring a green pass for indoor activity. and china's economic recovery has begun to slow down as in.


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