tv News RT August 10, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] ah, help headlines here when off he is an optional and a big announcement coming out of new york where governor andrew cuomo announces he is quitting. i made allegations of sexual harassment by 40 and victim to the very me to call himself claim to support. i didn't a blow to that cause the head of a charity that supports the victim is all sexual harassment. also quits, bowing to pressure over her ties. true. andrew cuomo also in the program here, went out to you. the wife opened allegedly us intelligence officer implicated in the death of the british motorcyclist. how are you done? faces claims she may have been on her phone and distracted when her car plowed into
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him, we hear from the families adviser about the new development. the, the u. s. government are trying to shut the inquiry down the other side or being evasive and inconsistent about producing the phone records. an incentive from themselves today mom, 60 years since the us youth, agent, orange in vietnam, herbicide proven to cause serious health issues among both locals and american soldiers. a one veteran tells us it's time and i made we really need people to sit down and take her and say, hey, where is this going to do? not only to the civilians populations not only to the enemy but also for cruise. the cruise? well tonight's program starts off with big news from the big i'm real research,
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i went to international moscow where it's now just after 8 pm here, just after 1 pm in new york, which is where we start this hour. that governor, the andrew cuomo, has announced he'll be quitting office in 14 days. it comes off the month of allegations of sexual harassment leveled at him. and of course, mounting pressure to resign given the circumstances. the best way i can help now is if i step aside and let government get back to governing, and therefore that's what i'll do. all right, let's learn more about the story now and go straight to new york. there's art, he's kenneth martin. good to see you. well, he did keep you keep on denying the allegations up until the end has mister cuomo even acknowledged any wrong doing at this point? i wouldn't say he has this point. he has been the governor since 2011.
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but now andrew cuomo, governor of new york, is going to be leaving office in 2 weeks. many voices were calling for him to step down, not just activists, but joe biden, the president of the united states, that he wanted him out. and now he has resigned, 11 women came forward and said he had sexually harassed them. as he was acting as governor in the new york state attorney general's office, investigated and came to the conclusion that he did indeed engage in such misconduct. now, cuomo continues to say he didn't do any wrong doing. he did not do anything wrong. he says that he was, he's being falsely accused. this is a misrepresentation. now however, he said that it would be impossible for him to govern amid this way that accusations and that for the good of the state, he needs to leave office. this is andrew cuomo, still maintaining his innocence. while stepping down i saw a hug. and putting my arm around the staff person while taking
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a picture was friendly. but she found it to be too forward. i kissed a woman on the cheek at a wedding, and i thought i was being nice, but she felt that it was too aggressive. i have slipped and called people honey sweetheart. and darling, i meant it to be in theory. but women found it david and offensive. i do hug and kiss people casually. women and men. i have done it all my life. it's who i've been, since i can remember in my mind, i've never crossed the line with anyone. now at this point, there are many critics who simply do not find these statements from andrew cuomo,
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his explanations of his behavior to be credible, they just don't buy it. however, there are other voices speaking up and saying these allegations haven't been through any legal process. he's basically been accused and not had a chance to have his day in court. he's basically in a situation where the accusations alone are forcing him to step down. now, many people have noted, you know, the me to movement was certainly a big, a big moment for the democratic party when you had many voices. speaking up criticizing donald trump criticizing others, a wave of allegations of sexual harassment. what's interesting is that at the time that me to surfaced and the, the, me to allegations became very prominent u. s. media. andrew cuomo, governor of new york was very supportive of the me to movement. this is what he said at the time. to sheep in or
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ridicule the pain. a woman suffers from the sexual attack is disgusted, sexist and disgusted to 2nd guess how a woman should acted after a sexual attack is sexist and disgusted women. i've had the courage to stand up and tell the truth, and that is a beautiful, beautiful statement. and we applaud their coverage. now it's important to know that some critics have pointed me to and said that this is an example of democrats using the issue of sexual harassment to go after republicans. but in this case, andrew cuomo is a democrat, and the people calling in for step to step down are largely democrats. so this is a, a case of me to playing out within the democratic party. what's also interesting to note, as many critics of me too long pointed out accusations alone are considered to be largely proof of guilt. there's not really a process when
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a public official is accused of sexual harassment. it becomes almost impossible for them to govern and they are basically in a situation where they're kind of cornered into stepping down. and while andrew cuomo certainly held out a long time since these ask accusations 1st surfaced back in 2020, it seems now after the new york state attorney general's report. and now after joe biden wanted him out, that andrew cuomo, governor of new york, will be leaving office amid allegations of sexual harassment. cut him off and live in new york. thank you. well, the scandal surrounding klemmer's harassment case became even bigger after a group fighting sex abuse got involved, but not on the side. you might expect the leader of the child he times up which supports victims of sexual harassment. resigned after coming under fire for her ties to the new york governor it earlier in the program montes. daniel hawkins
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joined my colleague niel harvey to discuss this angle of the story. while robots are kaplan is a lawyer, and she's one of the co founding members of the times up shower seats, organization that defends and supports the victims of sexual harassment and sexual abuse. it's a charity that raises funds for that legal costs and their main slogan. the slogan behind their mission is that no woman should be left behind, nobleman should be left voiceless. they should be able to tell a story and get the support they need. no matter how powerful they will lead accuses up. you deserve more than just you are showing others at no one has the right to strip your voice. no matter how known and powerful they are, well, you can even buy merchandise, clothes and other items with that mission statement on limits. very well run organization that's no doubt, help many, many women in their dog as our so what was cap plans, involvement at all this? well, a report by the new york attorney general lateesha james mentions on multiple occasions
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saying she actually helped to review and draw the letter written by under quote, by which allegedly calls out attacks and diminishes the allegations put forward by his victims. the letter went on, published apparently not enough. people were willing to sign it to actually get behind the new governor, but nevertheless, her mention in the report design good many victims and survivors of sexual abuse. they've written an open letter around 30 signatories, which have criticized cat plan for taking part in the writing of this letter, which would describe what critics is victim shaving and castigating those victims who wanted to come forward and tell a story. unsurprisingly, it was viewed as untenable with her position as the head of a, one of the heads of a women's charity. this is what cow plant said in her resignation statement. i can offer the degree of transparency about my firms matters now being demanded. since that would be contrary to my responsibilities as a lawyer kaplan's also,
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the law that is representing elizabeth jean carol, lots of ryan said suing donald trump defamation with ross to rape obligations made many years ago. is that a whole lot that i mentioned to the story as well? yeah. one shogun. ation human rights campaign is reputation tarnished. it seems by involvement with the quote most scandal tell us more about that group. well, the human rights campaign is the most prominent l g b t. i was advocacy group in the united states. it defends that, promotes lobbies for minority rights across the whole country. and its president, david found himself under fire as an internal investigation is launched into his role. he was also mentioned in the attorney general's report, allegedly releasing the victims personnel file to the governor's office when those allegations were made. though he's somebody else who said his behavior was entirely legitimate. he acted well within his ream it,
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there was nothing illegal untoward and what he did nevertheless, and in time of estimation has been lost. and no doubt a shadow will be cost over that lobbying group. or let's cross back to new york now and join a lie and that who is joining us here. line all the good to see you are legal and the media analyst here on the program today. kuala was defiant during his resignation speech, though of course he did support the me to movement, went into ousted other alleged sex, passed without trial. some according this, a taste of his own medicine. he perhaps gave one of the worst defences ever in the history of defences. this is somebody whose tone deaf somebody who was completely detached from anything even resembling reality. when he was asked specifically, why are you grabbing women? why are you seeing repeatedly grabbing them, fondling them, making women, subordinates, in particular, feel creepy. why are you doing this?
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he came up with this bill. i'm metalli at metalli's american. it's in my, my heritage. so way i was raised, i mean nothing by it. in his actual legal, brief or the responsive pleading of sorts that he filed with his blue chip lawyers . he had page after page which basically was the bulk of his defense pictures of him, hugging everybody from the dalai lama to his mother. just, i mean, it was a man who was completely divorced from reality. it's like nothing you've ever seen . you could not have possibly handled this worse than andrew hormone line, or he's been denying, as we agreed the allegations basically since day one. but is it possible the allegations that just allegations and that could be some political motive to perhaps this is all just a hatchet job? well,
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there's always political motivations. there are political repercussions. there are political aspects to it. but when you have women who either have pictures, video recordings, he's singing to them. he, i mean this is if this is a political hatchet job, and if they somehow lowered him into doing this, they, these are the most incredible mind control agents. i understand from the very quickly he doesn't have, there are no term limits here in the state of new york. so one of the reasons why he's getting out now is he has an $18000000.00 campaign war chest that he can basically use indefinitely for virtually everything. or they've been telling him, if you pursue this, and if we impeach you, we may pass an emergency bill to freeze those also in the state of new york. unlike the federal government. when you are impeach in the state of new york,
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you must step down immediately. now kathy hall go is the 1st woman governor in the state of new york. she is going to be taking over. and let me also remind you and the world of the history of ignominy and shame and sexual matters such as we had one governor eliot spitzer, a client 9 who had to step down when he was a legit and ultimately proved to be consorting with prostitutes and transferring money to hookers and bravo. so this the empire state, then this is, this is unfortunately par for the course. but this, this had to happen. and today as we speak because of his inability to appreciate, consequence. he's saying, look, i'm going to step down. not because i'm guilty, not because i did anything wrong because any of these accuse are correct. but for
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the sake of the state, for the sake of governance, i'll do the right thing and fall on my sword, because that's the kind of magnanimous person on the line will think about it for a moment. if you are the governor of new york, let's say for approximately a tech out or so, you've got to be living the high life. you basically gotta be the king of new york . now the quote has not been proven guilty yet. he has resigned. are we talking justice here, or is it more of a case of mob justice at this point? what do you mean proven guilty? what does that mean a jury by the way, he has multiple criminal charges that are pending. and let me also add something to bring him a very good point. he is the king of the hill. there are people, there are people of all types and stripes. women in particular who would love to be with the governor of new york. and he's never been one really to push for money. he's not really,
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he's not that commercial in terms of his pursuits. but here's the aspect that i find interesting of the, all of the people that were talking about were underlings, people who are below him, figure debris piece people who depended upon him. let me give you this view. you're going to love this. he was asked recently, why did you have this one female security officer moved to your security detail? why was that? and his lawyer, this brilliant lawyer said, quote, a paraphrasing, i should say, well, he noticed that he didn't have enough women on his security detail. and you know, he's into diversity, so he said, i think we should put that young lady to be big because i'm hearing good things and i am amanda beneficence. and a man of. 2 equality,
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i think we should do that. she couldn't be sincere if his life depends. and also his 2nd in command, melissa derosa, who by the way, just step down. she was called the sexually the dragon lady who told anybody you cross him and we will blame you into dust. her predecessor, a man is joe for cocoa, who was so close to the formal family, who was considered called by mary, a formal andrew, his father, the late governor, my 3rd son. they just turned their back them completely. he was the hatchet man of hatchet, man. so all around hormone is this intimidating factor. you messed with me. i'm going after. this is again, let me remind everybody. this is the manager was responsible. so they say 415000 elderly people meeting their maker rather early because he moved coven patients into nursing homes. why you might ask some say,
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to avoid making it look like donald trump was helping donald trump, who opened up facilities and brought in a huge hospital ship. so we can go on and on. but if you think this is some mackey of elleon hatchet job that was put together. good luck. this man handed it to his enemy. he said, here i am. go ahead here is by throat hurting it all over for you. i mean, it was shooting fish in a barrel. legal and media analyst line or joining us fly from new york. thanks lionel. well, it's been a new development in the case of a british teenager hurried done. of course he was killed 2 years ago in the u. k in a road accident involving the wife of an alleged us intelligence officer of the done families. lawyers say, answer coolers may have been on the phone when a car plowed into harry's motorcycle, the,
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the relevant phone data has somehow since disappeared. and that the american has been invasive about whether she was on a call at the time of the crush spokes person for the done families says they just want accountability. we've been trying to get to the bottom of the phone issue in the u. s. civil case for the last 3 months and as our lawyers have put it, the other side are be evasive and inconsistent. about producing the phone records and the phone themselves for u. s. government are trying to shut doc inquiry down the civil case and the united states may represent the only chance that this family will get of justice. it's never been about money. they want the accountability there and they want to get to the truth in terms of the criminal sense. our position has always been, you don't get to kill somebody or walk away. our request to mrs. recruiters in the united states government is that she simply. ready presents herself to the united kingdom justice system and goes through the process. the parents are pursuing every
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single avenue or justice open to them. and as a cool us who it's claimed as the wife of i, c, i, a officer was driving on the wrong side of the road when the crash occurred. she was charged with causing death by dangerous driving in the u. k. well, though she's never denied her guilt, she fled back to america, claiming a diplomatic community. an expedition requested by the u. k was denied. well, in july the u. k. prime minister raised the issue in a meeting with joe biden. the latter expressed sympathy to the family and set the 2 countries working together on the case later this month, harry dunn's parents will come face to face with mister coolers, for the 1st time at a courthouse in virginia. as a civil claim had, has been filed at the dance family spokesperson. again, this has progress is being made things to continued media coverage. we count many americans amongst us as our friends, we supported these people for decades and diminished. one of their employees killed
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harry. their reaction was to not stop and think about this family and the consequences that they faced. but they thought about themselves. they recalled her, and the catastrophic miscalculation that they made was that nobody would find out about it and sent to your good sales your colleagues in the media. thank goodness you all came to this family support. this issue is never going to go away until the united states government realizes that there is a broken hearted bereft family here who need help and needs support. we've reached out and all the rest to them numerous times continually get slapped in the face. ready for doing so, they're entitled to accountability and they want justice both in the criminal sense and the civil sense. today marks 60 years since the 1st use of agent orange by the u. s. military in vietnam. the highly toxic curbside and to foley and cause the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people who have been left
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with lasting effects from the indiscriminate use of the chemical warning. you may find the following images describing the address about 5000000 people in vietnam who has incurable chronic diseases due to agent orange and the complete normal life. a fine job the i was a simple soldier in a bomb squad. my task was to clear paths and demolish things. the area was poisoned, but we didn't know it back then. we just went on with our lives. we only realized when we started having children that go along
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the game and also when people started having children, the normal to stuff that weren't realized, orange pe needs to tell me those names from those yet. now the parents were fighting that high. the family immediately goes with the american soldiers are also still struggling with injuries from exposure to agent orange a retard u. s. navy commander and lawyer john wells spoke to us about the consequences of the chemical and the tenants of veterans to claim compensation more significant portion we would say,
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currently we're looking at about 110000 claims have been filed. some of those are the same person, multiple plans for the same person, but it's probable that we're, i would say 706070 percent of those folks had some problems. today there was cases of what they call the ring per besides. and it was use primarily for d, for the ation age and orange was so name because there is an orange strike around the center of the barrel of the things like agents blue had a blue stripe edge and pink. thanks dr. and so on, so forth. as far as we know, edge in orange was the worst, but some of the others herbicides had the same chemical component. the grow chemical john monsanto is one of the companies under fire. of course, it was a major supplier of agent orange to the us during the vietnam war, despite facing a barrage of legal claims,
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both it and its new parent company based maintain. they cannot be held responsible for how the military use the product. john wells again believes that more should have been done to stop its usage. i think primarily the v. a system is over bureaucratic and they have difficulty processing them by even now, you know, we've had 2 and a half years since that court decision. they've only processed about 60 percent of the claims that are in file. we really need people to sit down and take a look at and say, hey, what is this going to do? not only to the civilians populations not only to the enemy, but also to our own troops. if the worlds are united states that learned a lesson. and i certainly hope they do because, you know, we wind up spending a lot of time causing a lot more pain. and we have to out there, or is it easy? it's never easy, but it's, you know,
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we should do everything we can to minimize the effect on we all really on everybody . wildfires continue raging and parts of russia, particularly in the you could hear region with smoke, reportedly reaching now as far as the north pole. we understand that as a 1st time occurrence to meet your power, joined a group of avalon firefighters in the region as they seated clouds to force it to rain. so we are now at the you could concern national airport where we're going to watch the launch of the airplane and $26.00. the news. what this plane does is it goes up into the clouds as long as there are a cloud and shoot these projects out for chemicals that turn these regular cloud into precipitation clouds. because as a reminder, this year has been one of the drivers in this regions history the last time the
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precipitation is where this low was back in 1888. right now we're going to go talk to the airplane pilots. the engineers who will probably explain more detail how this plane works ah, running through the flight to where the fires are and on command fi. so iodide into the clouds, depending on the clouds, we have to go around and sometimes we shoot canisters to the right hand side. sometimes the left, but we are trying to fill the clouds silver iodide, which hopefully causes them to rain. though these are the actual cartridges that are going to be fired into the cloud. once again, make them re cloud on the few, just leave it on these kind of step work sub 0 temperatures silver ideas most suitable for ice crystal at an altitude of more than 4200 meters moisture, 6 to the crystal,
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they freeze and then fall in the form of raise the department now on command, we will, should the canister of the clouds me. we're just talking to some promising clouds of one of the 5 the flight was a success. the plane did its job and only a few hours after the silver iodide cartridges were deployed firefighters on the ground started reporting rainfall, which tremendously painted their efforts pretty soon. we're still on marketing, more but firefighters. professional rescue workers and military personnel aren't the only ones battling these wildfires. countless volunteers from all over you cool, yet young and old could not stand idly by and have been joining the fight to save their homeland security. but there is typically, here the guys
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a rule patriots. first of all, they want to save you here. of course we conduct a briefing so that everything is safe. we send dozens of volunteers to help every day. but i decided to help myself protect the homeland original. isn't it scary much? well, it's a little scary of course, but you need to protect your homeland. and the story continues for you right now online at r t dot com. meantime, your top headlines of the our continue with the next hour in half an the self governance as war as further and further away from the day to day reality of people on planet earth. in particular, america, with that claim to have a government bind for the people. but if the fed is now completely controlled by wall street banks and they said it's not completely controlled by the map, which is a super national organization that serve the global as the recall. then the
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idea of self sovereignty in america takes another huge quantum leap of subversion. the the 3rd boom bought the one business, so you can't afford to branch a board. and i'm rachel blevins in washington coming up. oil prices continue to fall just as opec water starts increases output. we'll take a look at how the latest drop in demand is having an impact on the industry plot could europe or versus policy allowing travel from us tour? it will bring you a live update from one of the countries requiring
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