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tv   News  RT  August 11, 2021 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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ah, ah, but in police say, the use of violence is part of germany's legal system in response to claims of using excessive force like a protein that a recent lockdown radi is unisons case is once again in london. hi court. this time of washington appeals to extradite him. the us, british opposition leaders lending have support the with the lower the threat or one compression of what is also the threats of exam. so about take my 1st helicopter. right. can be for a better reason and our team joins a helicopter cru battling the devastating wildfire that have ravaged russia for each month. ah,
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was for moscow, thanks for joining us on our team. and i shall. i'm daniel holton. welcome through the program. now the us special operator on torture mill smoke has met with burnings. interior minister is one of the top police officials about the allegations of police brutality at an anti lockdown protest. earlier this month, you an expert said the authorities were open and ready to share material. the police have remained unapologetic about the use of force against demonstrated. the question is, violence, violence hurts. one is injured, violence looks violent, direct coercion, even with all the pictures that go with it is still part of our legal system. while when not the video of a pace off, the slamming an elderly woman to the ground surface. the wild cried police
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brutality that was done and got outrage, even the little police department watch the very same video. and they said she came out and said, oh why this is normal, but there's nothing to see here. so it's a pretty shocking statement that's been made the following an investigation into numerous complaints about police misconduct out a bill in protest on the whole. but how many will remember on that day, 5000 people took to the streets of the german capital and they would demonstrate and are against lockdown measures. and of course, the coping vaccine on the lobby took quite a dog town when i stepped into falsely dispatched a crowd before them punching people in the faces ticking and sobbing demonstrates his using pass a spray in the spaces and probably the most famous incense throwing people violently to the ground around $600.00, the rest in total were made. now the question then to make so shocking that it went
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to the very top and grabbed the attention of the un special repertoire and torture nose. moussa, a number of videos have been spread that give ground for concern because a strong enough the human rights violations were possibly committed. well, he also added that the woman could have died just that we understand the severity of the situation. and it's actually thought that triggered the mouth to reach out to the german 4 teeth requested did additional information and for them to open an investigation. now having concluded that, having looked into the incident as we've had apparently been in police, doesn't see anything to stopping in that footage at all. and in fact and inside it was on the little 4th. she went so far as to praise his colleague for handling situation well, that was neatly executed, had lever hold, the officer held the woman until contact with the ground so as to avoid head injury . so not only are we hearing justification with this idea, that violence is part and parcel of the legal system in the european democracy, which i think is
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a new and pretty astounding butler and consulting ikea. and we're also hearing since the even praise offices who a party and a top the tuition and they will, 4th, to rely on very extreme means to suppress the router crowd to was responding. what more the bed and police union actually came out and added that most is worry about human rights violations. having been committed would only impose an anti lockdown protestors and quote, conspiracy theorists who want to discredit the police. so it seems very much that despite real time footage, showing these violent act, despite concern from one of the highest organizations in the world, the un the balloon pennies is not any refusing to, to apologize. it's refusing to acknowledge any type of wrong to a little. so now criticizing those who tor attention to the wrong thing, i'm an era where police are hyper aware of the use of excessive bond that they know what they can lead to the public outcry that it can lead to this move by the
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billing piece that you watch the hands of the situation. unclear itself is a bold move, i think is not going to find many funds, journalist and also it's almost fast. but, and i told us german officials seem to care more about police brutality brought home. this is a troubling, a very troubling phenomenon which i personally have lived in germany for so many decades would not have expected. it is clearly excessive what we saw and it is troubling. the reaction by the bird enforced the the refusal to admit that they have been wrong doings, especially if we think that one year ago, the german media, the german public. so 100 percent li, condemned the violence against black people in the u. s. a. i fully understand the german media, german official criticize of the european countries while the us follow that the
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profile plenty. but why do they refuse to do the same thing when their own police forces are concerned? that is the, the voting fact borders of we can found until in a song. so run it outside the high court in london to protest and appeal by the united states. it was fall against the january ruling not to should i was blown. washington has now been allowed to challenge, keep psychiatric evidence against his extradition. next hearing it will take place in october. the song was arrested in 2019 for breaching british quail conditions. he remains in a london jail and is warranted on espinoza's charges in the us. more than a decade ago, the wikileaks co founder published thousands of classified documents, exposing pentagon war crimes, and i've got to storm and iraq, you could face up to 175 years in prison if extradited to america. ortiz, cape pottage, reports from outside the court parent. the u. k. is high court of justice in
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central london. the u. s. is being allowed to appeal against the decision not to expedite. ricky league founded to in it's ours and i can, which is broadcast some of his supporters with what's going on during the phone. with them all purchased justice has just been thrown out the window. the u. s. government is using the u. k. tax payers money for these aberrations of justice cases, the whole thing is going to be, can't depend on the crash. and on this issue you anybody, li, 3 in the mainstream major in the u. r. o. notice if they get behind these, they're going to be next. on january, the 4th, the british judge should rule the couldn't be expedited to america fighting concerns about his mental health and the risk of suicide. any us prisoner remain in a british high security prison. he's considered a flight risk and has spent the last decade either in the u. k. prison or the
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ecuadorian embassy in london. when a decision on the phone, his latest hearing isn't expected until we often go outside. the high court is going to supporters were protesting against his extradition, including former opposition leader, jeremy coven, is under threat to his confession, dominican what? he, what he's also is the threats of example was youth corporation, huge control of most media, television, radio and friends. and they become a tell, sentient on gender journalist richard, watch the video stream of the hearing and says he was deeply disturbed by what he saw. i literally did a double take. i can recognize that it was a song she looked extremely old. you know, he's wearing a white shirt, some glosses, his harris, his ruffled, and yet here,
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the tie that was actually on just really looks completely. i mean, you know, part of the rash assessment. he looks very awful and ill and with this is normal because the whole point of the high court, preliminary hearing today was to discuss his health. right. so we had extensive medical witness testimony during the expedition hearing at the bailey back in september and october. and this was again, brought up today and is going to be brought up again in october and not in the high court that his health is deteriorated. he's been tortured, and this is, i'm a journalist who's not serving a sentence. he's not a criminal and he's in a maximum security prison in britain. guantanamo bay. i mean someone needs to explain that to me. what is happening because this is completely unjust and it's a crime against press freedoms and it's, it's an a front against his personal health. the most important thing about this case is press freedoms. because when you have someone who's publishing, you know, work documenting war crimes from the united states in indiana, santa and iraq, because people, again, they think this is something to do with 2015, absolutely nothing to do 2015. he's being charged. julian,
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a founder being prosecuted biting faith because he published documents relating to iraq and afghanistan, published evidence of war crimes of kidnapping rendition and torture. but if the high school students in the us state of oregon will no longer have to prove their proficient in reading, writing and mathematics in order to graduate governance just signed off the new legislation. but let's go live. now to our respondents, caleb opened for more. only caleb, thanks for joining us. what exactly does this sound mean for oregon's high school? is where do they go from here? while according to the bill that was signed into law in the state of oregon, last month, students in order to graduate from high school in the state of oregon will no longer have to prove that they're capable of reading, writing, or performing basic mathematical operations. this is don, according to the bills language, to help students from communities that have quote,
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historically experienced academic disparities. take a listen. the testing that we've been doing in the past doesn't tell us what we want to know. we've been relying on tests that have been, frankly, very flawed. m relying too much on them so that we are really helping the students or the teachers or the community. now the bill from what it's supporters say is about trying to help students who are from immigrant populations or refugees who have come to the states who the examinations and the tests required for graduation are seen as kind of a barrier to them getting the high school diploma now, reportedly these rules will now be in place for the next 5 years now. the bill was signed into law without much fanfare. there was no signing ceremony. there was no press release announcing the bill, and it was added to the database a few days after it was signed. and now i was last month. and now there's been quite a strong and negative reaction to this decision. take
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a listen to that. this is a progressive level form of education, dummy down kids. you are taking away the only tool to get to break the poverty cycle. this is the type of legislation that they want to make black people a permanent underclass. now these requirements were suspended during the pandemic due to the circumstances, but now this suspension of those requirements has been fully signed into law in the state of oregon. now it's possible that the federal department of education could step in to overturn these requirements. but many see this as a trend of lowering standards. for example in the state of new york, they're getting rid of some of the examinations and tests that were once required. so there's a lot of frustration around this. people look at the performance of students and the academic performance of the united states overall in the educational level. there's a lot of frustration and a lot of outrage about this. certainly not
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a move that the oregon state legislature was proud of, but those requirements have now been lifted. so at this point, in the next 5 years in the state of oregon, students will not be required to prove they can read or write or perform basic mathematical operations in order to get a high school diploma in the state. you can be seeing some pretty happy. so over the next 5 years, it seems in an exam time. caleb, thanks for thing. cross that story that kayla morgan or for more organ republican board and sherman perry atkins and says the new law could drag that down. mistakes in time, as you creational system, has really upset a lot of people and oregon parents, in particular, school boards across the state are very upset about it. and i think that the fall out is just now starting to happen. it's somewhat races. i mean, you're putting a class of people down and you're bringing everybody down in time. are you forcing colleges to lower their standards in order to get students to pay their bills?
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the whole system of education gets damaged by this. i think that there's plenty opportunities, there are what we have headstart systems here in oregon. we have tutoring system. we got everything in place to help a student, the struggling to succeed. that's what education is about not to bring the whole system down. this bill will create an evacuation out of public schools in the private schools and homeschooled, and that in turn will hurt them financially. it's one of the most infamous symbols of the vietnam war, agent orange, extremely toxic herbicide, and the fall and used by the us military in that campaign. the chemical cause, the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people. and the last thing effects of passed on across generation and warning you may find the next images upsetting. ah, me,
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that was born in 1975. and i was missing bolts. my, ours at the elbow down. and my left leg from the knee down the hospital that i was born in. never seen anything like that before. so they weren't sure if i was gonna live or die. and it's made my life pretty difficult growing up because i had to adjust to everything. ah, they were just following orders. they weren't arguing that they weren't gonna spread. they were commanded by the officials to spread. so they had to do what they were told to do. i major court cases against every single one they,
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when i'm not sure why they won't take responsibility, but as it is right now, over 8000000 people have died from the effects of age. and then there's countless numbers of people, more number, disfigured and deformed and they have cancer, tumors. you can't even really name them all because it's just so many. ah, the me, my mom live in the veteran. my disability would be a 100 percent covered by the v a and it would take full responsibility for but since it was my dad, they said that there is no way that he kind of affected the veterans. kids and the veterans themselves have serious health issues and medication like outrages sent me like i know several of my friends that are children to be in veterans and with the illnesses that they have. they literally spend thousands and thousands of
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dollars a month out of their own pocket because the us government won't even supply the medication they need for the illnesses and they've got the exposure fills the gum depends against prussia and hollywood, moving makers to paint us military and a favourable lights, the golden annuity of same documents, will. thank you 3, the blockbuster plots after the break driven by a dreamer shaped by those in me dares
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thing. we dare to ask me. what we got to do is identify the threats that we have crazy. even front ation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk me the news. ah welcome back to the program. wildfires continue to raise in rushes. you could hear region in the
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far east of the country. the smoke is covered cities and reportedly reached a far as the north pole for his firefight is heavy, machinery, and airborne forces are all involved in trying to extinguish the flames. and it's heavy, exhausting work is all to retrieve power of coverage when he joined one helicopter cru heading to the front line. so all about sick, my 1st helicopter right. can be for a better reason. we're going to take a look over the fires of the region, just north of the capital. of course, we're going to see how about the situation because right now the fires are directing several villages. we will see just how bad it is and deliver supplies to the people on the ground fighting it and well take off. this isn't scary at all.
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on the way to the village. the views were stunning, but the closer we got to the village day became somewhat terrifying. first, it's clear skies in an endless horizon. and just moments later, it's a wall of smoke. soon as we land, we see a whole bunch of heavy machinery. mister defense has a lot of military equipment, vehicles and trucks in everything to this region because it's the volt under threat right now from the flyers. armored personnel carriers, a couple of heavy duty diggers and several trucks. their purpose to create a mineralized zone there which the fire will not be able to pass, but no less important are the human reinforcements, fearless, volunteers, and professional firefighters. they too are getting ready to head out to battle the fires. we, on the other hand, are moving on, we travel to a nearby field where 2 trucks full of firefighters are having difficulties getting
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through the dense forest fires. so we lend them our helicopter right now and taking all the stuff of all these fighters that have been deployed here to help with the efforts. by the way, these are 40 firefighters that have traveled all the way from the other side of russia, from cordelia mormons, car, hunger date who have battled wildfires in their home, regions this summer. but now that they have finished the job at home, they've traveled to korea to aid their fellow colleagues. and there they go to the front line of the seemingly endless battle. we came for more months to help the regions modem and we will work to extinguish the fires, we will do everything we can when we go back to your goods. and on the way we are once again reminded of just how chaotic situation is with the several more fires and even a new one apparently as we circle around it and the fire washers note as location on their maps. all in all,
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not bad for my 1st helicopter flight. russia is not the only country bossing wildfires volunteers and so i thought i was in grief are still also trying to fight the flames. their stroke video shows the extent of the damage caused by the blaze in recent days. thousands of evacuated from the region and the greek from nister's apologize saying they've done everything humanly possible, but, but it wasn't enough. it also described the situation as a natural disaster of unprecedented proportions. almost 600 wildfires burning across the country. several european states the help in greece battle the most q ation order was sent to move or should we do just gets up and go. we can't. if we don't save our houses, who will, they're doing nothing. today is the 4th day and there are no aircraft yesterday. they only carried out to water draws that gather the local people, save the place to rest with little children left of course. but we are not leaving,
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even if the fire reaches to see we will not leave our village. we will stay for as long as we can and do whatever we can do. we're going to stay here and try to save our place. we need to stay strong for our children. the pentagon has been routinely bullying hollywood movie makers into betraying the us military and a favorable line as according to union pain document. it also often demands script at it with one tv series, even getting its wings clipped by us ross as konstantin rusk, off report propaganda on the silver screen. so the d. o. d 's been waging war. the creative freedom is scrape writers and directors. perhaps the most blatant case is the 200-1900 c b s trauma serious. the code about marine corps lawyers which was canceled soon after a lease. got back. we're headed towards the as it turns out, the military saw the 1st effort i was before they went on air and was upset about
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his story line showing a marine turned congress magic. he's there, brutally execute, and then iraqi civilian and another service man who killed a spanish citizen while drunk driving. marine corps leadership was apparently provided advance copies of several of the episodes and was displeased enough that they communicated what they sore serious shortcomings in the depiction of the marines. cbs television has indicated a desire to correct the problems in future episodes by accepting deer de assistance as it 1000 pentagon's official web page. the department has a long standing relationship with hollywood. what it keeps quiet about is how many trade offs had cost the filming community. remember, homeland and american long run and espionage thriller, the carrion cobble for a week or 2. when, according to the files, the producers asked the us army to support the final season, filming,
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but initially were turned down by the military. after they saw the script on the entertainment office is currently in talks of the producers of homeland who have asked the modern army support, initial request is declined due to a storyline, that was not an accurate portrayal of soldiers. sure, in a responded with some significant edits to the problematic areas on his agreed to provide support. as requested, show runners responded with significant ad. it's what they were. we don't know why . what we do know is that how lens final season speculates on a full story that the russians funded talia about insurgence and also plays off the consequence of the us withdrawal from against them. sounds like something that american army bosses might like. the pentagon doesn't always get its way though the same internal reports and jas. christopher, no one. a hot shot hollywood director simply snubbed the military as they showed their appetite for a script at its continued discussion. supportive chris nolan thriller, merry go round working title support request. it includes use of all spray and chic
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airframes and g p. an air force of indicated interest if military characterizations are rewritten, emphasizing military mission request for support of chris nolan thriller, merry go round working title. seemed to have stopped likely causes that produce a direct, were reluctant to make changes needed to gain d o. d support. others like captain marbles co directors and a bowden and wine flag, had to cozy up to the defense department reporter leave. they had lunch with air force top command and took part in a professional development session. whatever that means, before the films release, wondering marvel movies are being branded as military propaganda in the media. more and more. the internal reports coverages, 2 years of pentagon, hollywood cooperation from 2017 to 2019. yet they cite scores of famous movies and tv shows that gains support or a green light from the military, including transformers the last night, fast and furious. a tom cruise this top gone to the list goes on. but those are the
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films that made it to the big screen despite the at it's a lot of storage, like a documentary on guantanamo bay trials have been rejected completely and never came in to be next. the spoon must coming away in a few mom, it's time for those of you know, u. k, it's going on the ground. we're back in half an hour. the latest when us again that me the ah, the ah, ah.
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one of the worst ever mass shootings in america was in las vegas in 2017. the tragedy a close a little of the real last vegas where many say elected officials are controlled by casino owners. the vegas shooting revealed what? the l v n p. d. really is and now it's part of the spin machine to the american public barely remember that it happened just shows you the power of money in las vegas. the powerful showed that true colors when the pen demik hit the most contagious contagion that we've seen in decades. and then you have a mayor who doesn't care. so here's caroline goodman, offering the lives of the vegas residence. to be the control group to the shiny facades conceal a deep indifference to the people the vice could have been saved if they were to
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take an action. absolutely, keep the registering and keep the slot machines being in vegas is a money machine is a huge cash register that is ran by people who don't care about people's lives being lost from the the the blue bus one bid this year. you can't afford to miss branch of the board and i'm rachel levins in washington coming after us, seeing a record number, a job opening. and some employers are blending a so called a worker shortage. we'll discuss how the dynamic and taking a toll on small businesses at a time when they are working,
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the bounce back. japanese investment firms off thing is really back at present in china as the regulatory structure and continue, we'll take got the chat companies that are being impacted and just how far vision could take a new rule. then saving the crypto currency reporting provision in the $1000000.00 infrastructure packet has been the walk. we'll take a look at how it's affecting crypto prices. we have a pack show today. dive right in. we leave the program today with more fall out from china, cracked on on, tech companies as soft thing now says it will pauses investing in china as it waits for regulatory action against the countries tech firms to play out. the japanese company has lost more than 35 percent, says it's jock peaked in march, following a 69 percent gain back in 2020. while south bank has relied on it's $100.00.


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