tv Cross Talk RT August 16, 2021 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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there's certainly a lot of anger among atkins at the moment. much of it channeled on the and his clothes on too much of that channel that the american, the international community for abandoning the once again, people are afraid because they've been here before. they don't know whether to trust the taliban spokesmen promises about a move in peaceful transition, but there's going to be a general m b. but there are people who are justifiably concerned because they were working for the government or they were working in ministry and they're afraid of retribution. let's also ember that. there are those who will say that the money isn't one group anymore. it's not a centralized body. and that the negotiators may not necessarily have control over the fighters on the ground, that there is a kind of divide that there's multiple telephone rather than one group. well, there's a heated discussion going on right now. one line at
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r t dot com regarding the future of afghanistan. for the meantime, that's it for you and use cost with his half an hour. we are back in about 25 minutes with more of your worldwide news coverage. the the with with the hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . unfortunately, we are witnessing a trend in media and they go from one news fiasco to another. the weapons of mass destruction story, the russia gate hoax, hunters laptop, the app can bounties tail. and now the possible cobit lab leak story. why does anyone in their right mind even tune in any more?
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the cross talking the media, i'm joined by my guess john verbally in new york. he is a political analyst, as well as a former foreign correspondent in russia. in graphics. we have tom parolee. he is a contributor with real americas voice. and in los angeles, we cross who pi e, and he is a corporate strategic planning. an independent economic analyst or a gentleman cross stock rose in effect that means can jump anytime you want pie always go to the person that got up early as for their program. and that's you can hear exactly on the other side of the world as me. as i said in my introduction, what are people tuning what we know the ratings are really, really down. but i mean, in my introduction, i just gave you the easiest stories that they blundered over the last few years. and there is no corrective, they don't even recognize that they're, they, they, they misinformed the public, they, they, inside the public and they,
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and with no self reflection of how much damage it's being done here. and on top of that, all the story says, divide people, and it seems to be that's their primary ideological motive is to divide ok, because who knows what's going on you, we have to make an effort to learn what's going on because he watch cable and what were read the broad sheets your last, maybe that's the point. go ahead. pye and los angeles generally regarding the corporate, mainstream media, they obey a ruling, trans atlantic, a lead establishment, not rigorous rules of journalism. anyone hearing that is paranoid simply hasn't read history, let alone done a simple google search on government molestation of a so called free press. over the past several decades. the news media is corrupted on just about everything. besides, i don't know, sports and weather reporting, practically all of the reporting is politicized. be a macro economic, geopolitical,
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or certainly the science of health care over the past year and a half. yeah, i mean, if i got to go to john, it looks like narrative always will. trump reality is a, because that's all we're given is, is approved by the professional managerial class narratives that we can talk about . you can talk about this or will disappear, you with their friends in big tech, and then you know, the biggest one of all is the lab leak story. you know, now we're allowed to talk about it. well, who in the world has the right to tell us what we can say, what we can say, but they use coercion, we will disappear, you from public life? i mean, this is just absolute lunacy. so, you know, what is it, you know, there was a soviet thing, you know, the, the future is said, but the past is uncertain. and this is what's happening. go ahead. yeah. yeah. it was disgraceful a year ago in march, march 2020 when jer, i know it's 12530 year old journalists are calling dr. luc montagnier, who has
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a nobel prize invite biology. and these 25 year old journalist, a calling him a conspiracy theorist because he said the virus covered and he is from a lab. it's absolutely mad this peter. absolutely. we're living in the same firm that these, these hacks, these journalists, next thing they can criticize a noble prize laureate. it is peer madness, but we know they work. they're just a p r agency, basically the major media. now, most of them are just working as p r agencies for a powerful interest in, especially in the us government. the british government been the democratic party 1st and foremost, but also for corporate interest. well, whoever will pay them, and most journalists probably sincerely believe they're doing their job, but it didn't realize that they are being manipulated by their editors and well, by those above that. and that's what's really sad because a lot of journals, sincerely thing, they're journalist, they're fighting for the truth. they're gonna, you know, they're going to serve the public, that that's what's really sad they need, they need to wake up. the journalist, the massive journals need to wake up, and they need to revolt against their superior. well, we'll come with, you know,
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maybe they equate journalism with advocacy because they're, they're not the same thing as matter fact. they're when you called mingle them, it is very, very dangerous because it colors what you see and understand. so, i mean, i think they call themselves journalists, but they're really at advocates for an ideology here. you know, tom, one of the interesting things in doing to cross stock now over 10 years is that i've kind of distilled down what this program does is that we debunk all of this stuff. that's what we end up doing because they look at us is conjuring up crazy ideas and then we end up being right hook every single time. but they never turn around and say, well, you got a point that they never said that. ok, what they do is they smear, you ok. that's what journalists do. they smear and you know what journalists also do it, they smear other journalists. ok. that's how bad it is. go ahead. tom in greenwich . no. europe. right? absolutely right. it is. this is exactly what they do and your lead to the question is it is agenda driven media. they have an agenda and going back to former
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president trump. their agenda was to get him at our office. and as far as koby to virus was the perfect vehicle to do that. early on they criticized trump. we ban travel from china, they call them a xena folk. and then the scientist actually created a scenario, a, the media, the whole conspiracy theory of a lab origin virus, right? as a back, there was that lance a statement. yep. that said, you were conspiracy theorist, if you dare to think it came from the lab and the media didn't do any due diligence because the person behind that, the one who orchestrated that was dr. peter, that sec, who was the person who funded the war, hon lab. if that is the note screening conflict of interest, i don't know what is. yeah, well, you know, in. com, if you know if this program and there's a few other places that you've gotten,
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you could actually hear that. i mean, yesterday i saw a doctor found on one of these ridiculous morning programs that nobody watches. and you know, it was just all chit chat about, you know, flowers on a table. and though the vice president's wife was there and it was all very jovial, no one asked. and like, by the way, what was that exchange you had about gain of function with your colleague in the beginning of last year? nothing 0, absolutely 0. i mean that is, that is the definition of just peer disinformation. if they don't agree with it, it doesn't exist pipe, agree with me or disagree with me on that. i mean, i agree with you. and then just with regard to this, will hon lab leak theory. and frankly, anthony found, she's now seemingly potentially being thrown under the bus will see where the narrative goes. they all appear kind of coordinated in order to deflect attention away from what beijing certainly and others around the world have been loudly
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adamant about in their formal state pronouncements as well as their english language pressed online for over a year. namely the need for us authorities to prudently investigate for dietrich maryland as well as other u. s. labs around the world, bio labs regarding cove its root causes, the who and china joint research concluded just in march that the will hon. lab league theory lacks credibility, but that won't stop it from gaining atlanta's propaganda mileage in china's english language press c, g t. n is loud about it, but it's verboten territory anywhere in corporate press. in the u. s. u. k, or certainly other 5 ice nations. why even i can follow up. i'm just some guy that i can follow up on a, c, g, t, n, piece in english, and think for myself as kind of millions of others. hence, this latest distraction with team player found she in order to shift narratives. i
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mean, who writes these scripts for the press to that and we're cite some neo con hacks with heidegger fetishes who never finished film school. i me, interesting. and in my introduction, i gave all of the, the, the ridiculous fiasco, you know, these people, it was orchestrated where people that are not very bright. ok, it's that is obviously that's why they fall apart. and these and these new quote, new stories are for other news people to believe ok would say all this kind of nod their head ok like seals and clapping here. you know, bit john, you know, my, i want to make it clear to everyone here. i want to know what happened. ok. i'm not interested in blaming or punitive anything. i'm not interested in. i want to know what happened. so we don't go through it again because for all the people that report upon it, and for all the vouchers like people they still get paid are doing really, really well. there are hundreds of millions of people around the world that are in distress right now because of this, and we need accountability and the get accountability. we need to know the truth
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for a change. go ahead, john new york. no, no, no. it's going to be no accountability because as we said, as we know, there's a really lead and as a media that serves this ruling elite. and so there's never gonna be an accountability never been, never will be independent investigation found. she won't be brought to justice. maybe he'll be thrown under the bus by people, obviously more powerful because he's just upon at the end of the day. but there's one moment here, i really want to emphasize that we're not, we haven't talked about is the public. how does the public, how does the american public see this and why do they fall for every time every time the american public at least 5060 percent, they fall for not entirely 100 percent. but 56 percent of people believe the lies and they fall for every time. why? because americans have effectively outsource their thinking to the media. yeah, most americans, they, they can not, they're so busy. they have so much debt. there's so much credit card debt their pay, the rent, pay the mortgage, the honesty, they're smart people, but they have no time to think. so they just click ok and he said this scene and
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said that in your time so that, that's what i'm going to think because i have no time to think. so i technically, most americans out source their thinking to the major media. the major media knows that the corporate media call them the party control media. they know that, and so they will trick. they will deceive the american public every time and get away with it. yeah. accountable. okay. when you got it, i'm going to go to tommy a last minute here, right? y'all also i would expand upon what john just said there is that if you don't degree, if you do descent, then you're a big it then you're a racist. you're a transfer me now that's me or you. if you don't agree, go ahead, right? right before we go to the break right? now i'm here. that's right. and you know, is zeena fall or throw the list out there really is about silencing any opposition and what i find most right. frightening is silencing independent thought. that's where our country here in the u. s. is based on freedom of x correction, freedom of beliefs, freedom to assemble. and what the progressive democrat left want to do is silence
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that. and the media is there cheering them on why and, and also, you know, in with this labilly cleary, it's not, it's not really about china in my opinion. it's about the u. s. government involvement. and if this is what they're really, really worried, because they can be demonized, russia ran china, and that's all that's all about new for us here. but if it's, if the u. s. government officials are involved in this than that in something really catastrophic that we have to consider. or i'm going to go to a short break here. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the media. stay with our the the, the with came
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remind you about discussing the media. i go back to los angeles. hi. one of the things i find very disturbing are these official narratives that we're forced to abide by. and in one of those narratives it has to do with science. now, a little over a year ago, i saw him to science. you know, i'm, you know, i'm, that i'm not great with math and kind of stuff. okay. and you know, when, when suddenly, when the land comes out with an article, you know, you know, i'm not a science guy, but i know what the lancet is. and now i find out that's basically completely fraudulent here. i mean, the do is to enforce these ideologies and these narratives. they destroy everything in their way. everything. now, where you are, is there like a fox news scientist or a c n n scientist? now, i mean, what's the worth of science?
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i mean the junk back to go ahead pine. well 1st all, you bring up any of these issues to family, friends, colleagues, whoever. and they'll throw back this peer review issue will say, look, whatever you're citing to me, unless it's peer peer review approved never mind the plethora of controversies involving, essentially bought off peer review over decades. and the general. yeah, i mean you're right, the corporate media is oddly stuck to a very strict script over the last, certainly 20 months parodying, essentially whatever anthony found, you and bill gates say as if they're old testament prophets. meanwhile, alternative and foreign media online have consistently hosted countless m d 's, ph. d. 's are ends, nurses related specialists who are objecting to clearly assign, talking points from this and i each w h o c, d, c, and big farm a syndicate, essentially, because corporate media and corporate medicine ultimately obey the same
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a lead establishment and how for over a century, i mean the media parents quote unquote, trust the science a rather than suppose it quackery online, yet not every specialist loudly objecting to these assigned orthodoxies is a quack. i mean, the late nobel laureate carry mullis who both invented the p. c. r, test and critique. it's institutional misuses certainly wasn't a cry, a quack of any sort. but you wouldn't know that because the corporate press paints him as some drug inspired loon or something. yeah, you know you, john is like when i hear you know, trust the site and actually that translates to my mind as shut up and listen and follow the leader. ok, that's what i how i read. when anyone tells me to follow the science, that means they got an angle, but they got an angle there. ok, why do i feel that way? they made me do that. they make all feel that way after one hoax after another and
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then and you want me to get it. you sell me another the same bill of goods again here. i mean, this is really quite, i mean, what it does is it's going to, it's creating a fragmented society where nobody knows what to believe. and i'm absolutely convinced that particularly the liberal corporate media, they what they're, they're pinpointing, they're identifying for you who to have because the war, international war on terror has come home. and those are the people that are your enemies. you see it every single day. you know, biden's comments and culture with ghastly in my, my ghastly. i mean that is just saying, you know, bring it on civil war. it's completely irresponsible in the media. just goes right along with it. go ahead, john. yeah, but that's, that's the goal. the goal is to create constant chaos. it's almost like a like a mouse strategy here i maybe these people probably have never read my, don't know much about him, but that is essence to fragile. create more chaos. turmoil in society hates the vision and we see it, you know, just just so you just 3 years know i was out of the country right from 1990 to 2013
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. so when i returned to the u. s. in late 2013, i suddenly realize entirely different country and especially the tension. i'd never seen such tension since division before. and supposedly obama was gonna bring the country together. but quite the opposite happened. and then i realized the media where i worked 15 years in the major media and i realize i left 2011 from the major media. and i realize that the major media had changed, and it's simply had become an instrument of the ruined part of the ruling elite. and the main, one of the main policies was creat turmoil, create division crate stress and tension in society. have people hate each other because why the ends is very simple. it's easy to rule them that yeah, he people divided and fighting each other. you know, one of the interesting things is that the media is us. i don't know how to describe it. it has not overcome or come to terms with, with donald trump, because again, with this lab leak story, because from said one thing,
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it must be the opposite. but i mean, if trump said 2 plus 2 is for, they'd say he's a liar because he said it ok. i mean, there are plenty things the former president said that i did not like and very strongly disagreed with. but you take it issue by issue and this is what the media has done. they have these, this trump derangement syndrome is just taken over their dna. i mean, you have to take everything case by case and try to verify the facts instead of just smearing it away because someone said it and, and also if you look at m s m, b, c, they keep doing trump because they need the ratings. i mean, every single segment somehow goes back to the former president. i mean, it's been 6 months. life is moved on, but they live there. they, they, that's their space where they habitate. go ahead tom. peter, certainly they had an agenda agenda was they have everything trump in your 1st introduction listed, all the things that were connected to former president trump the way to media
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misguided it use it, abuse that but you know, the or you and the other panel symmetric keyboard is called a count ability look, i have a degree in molecular biology. i follow science. i follow data going into this pandemic. i was completely neutral, but as it time evolved while my i to focus went on doctor anthony found she because of all people, he had one job to do. protecting united states from pandemic because he runs the infectious disease unit at an age. the national institutes of health and he oppose the china travel ban. hayden agreed that there was a problem. he was denied that there was a problem with the virus until mid march. that is just amazing to me because his job is anything would have been to exaggerate the risk, to go visit bureaucracy and to keep american safe. yet he did the complete opposite . and oh, by the way, he's the highest paid government official. he makes more money than president biden
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. this is simply outrageous. need to hold people accountable for their jobs. well, tom, it seems to me his primary function in his current position is to dole out taxpayer is money to pet projects that he likes and, and you know, gain of function, which is a term i only learned over the past year. mean, he's basically the godfather of it, there's, it's documented, is documented all over the place if you want to know. so, i mean, that's quite peculiar. i mean, why is american money doing this kind of experimentation in a foreign country when it was prohibited in the united states? i mean, can anyone just ask them not simple question. i don't, rand paul's been trying to do that. and again, he's just dismissed as being a fool, but he's a physician. i mean, of all the people of congress to get asked an intelligent question, and believe me, there aren't many intelligent people in congress. he's the guy pi, i notice you're agreeing with me. thank you. go ahead. yeah,
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and i agree with thomas, so i mean, both guess press knobs getting back to just the press. they're not allowed to think or ask necessary questions just on this issue of anthony found, she, i mean, even if he was the most gifted immunology in the us, we just assume that for split 2nd, his staying power in such a politically critical role should beg deeper questions over the more esoteric aspects of health care and governance. i mean, you consider surgeon's general only, sir, for your terms is appointed by the president. why? only 4 years when foul cheese advised every us president has since reagan. i was a kid when he came on board. i mean, why him per se? is it purely due to scientific skill or do to like establishment relationships and frankly, deception skills the likes of which are no say the u. s. federal reserve chairs urge to retain found is 80 years old, keeps contradicting himself and complains about only getting like 4 hours of sleep
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nowadays. and yet he supposedly the most important physician in the world right now, because there's no one else out there to at least credibly vet the science as your other guest alluded to. you know, in john, i mean, again, i mean, he seems like a, the quintessential bureaucratic operator and he has amazing staying power, which i had never heard of the guy until all of this happened here. but, and it made. but for me, this is all, you know, we're talking, the focus is on the media here, but it's the professional managerial class. we can take it away from left right here. it's more about a certain class and it's interest here. and they adore him because they reinforce narratives that are beneficial to them as a group of people. ok. and so that's why they naturally protect them because he's credential, but he's connect, it has the right zip code. ok. that's what it's all about. i see this is these people protecting their, their view of the world because it works for them. we all,
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you know, you know, the, they're all having wine in the shower and having brunch. ok. as so many people in the world are still recovering from all of this, and nobody wants to find out why apparently, this is just abominable. go ahead, joe. yeah, where is he? but he goes even deeper than that, because as we know, american society will america, the country where if you don't perform, you get fired, it usually can be quite easily why we find out for you, for you, john, for tom, for pi and me. okay, go ahead. going right, yeah, but the fact that found to stay there as, as i said, despite all. busy his failures and mistakes speaks about the fact that these are people not to just enjoy having him there. but there is really an agenda. he's been there put in place and i absolutely, i never use a term deep state. i never use that term. i don't like to use it, but now i taught for me to deny its existence. you could come, it's so obvious that there is a class of bureaucrats and group of bureaucrats inside the us government, who do have an agenda. these are people do work,
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think work and think long term. just disclosure my family has been working with the federal government for more than half a century. so i do have some insight knowledge about this. can't speak much about it, but it's real. it's real that there are powerful interest interest in the us government . and these are people who think long term and they have their people in the right positions. right places, and they will keep them there to achieve that agenda. whatever it might be, you know, time, there's only one thing that gets in their way democracy. that's what gets in their way. they of whore it ok. why should happen? half the population. why should 75000000 people have a say in politics? that's what they are poor. they, we believe they've certainly believe that they are absolutely necessary and they're privileged. ok because of their, their class standing and all of this year. this is all going in a very bad direction, gentlemen, because at one point, it's a real conspiracy theory all got to get out of hand, and then no one is going to know what to do here. that's all the time we have
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gentlemen. i want to thank my guest in new york and in los angeles, and thanks to our viewers for watching us here, are you next? i'm and remember the ah my recent studies, 90 percent of all the money printing for all the different program never leaves wall 3. right, so it just stays on while you're still saying, here's an infrastructure bell, roads, tunnels, bridges, and they the 2000 paid bill, the numerator, all the things where this one is supposed to go. and then they pass the bell. then they authorize the money to be printed and then they sent it for distribution to wall street. a lot of places on it that very clearly the money philosophy charge, which is always going toward 0. they never goes anywhere just on the wall street
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balance sheet, and they use it to buy expensive property land. and that's been the story now for more than 20 years. the annex painted, i'm side of the pandemic. kenya is experiencing an edison baby boom. 200. why does kenya have so many allison curves, and how has the panoramic impacted people's lives? and a role is very big along any fact he end up killing himself. ah, i don't believe nearly. and then you go on via a while and i will make a little was let me know just to get the idea. can you say lucky to me me
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ah, the breaking news here went off the international this hour, at least 5 people reportedly killed at cobble airport. and i got us on. the news comes shortly after unverified video online showing us soldiers using what they called preventative fire at the airport. some reports addressed the victim may have actually been killed and heated people rushed to get out of the country. situation of the board continued that the taliban is now back in control all of gun this on the following. busy the capture of the country's capital on sunday, it followed a week of rapid territorial gained by the insurgents. meanwhile, rushes to evacuate every american.
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