tv News RT August 16, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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ah ah, the re can you say on our national lease supply, the people have reported living, kill carville appleton afghan. the youth coming shortly after him. verify the video on line showing us soldiers using what they call preventative fire. for summer pool suggest the victims may have been killed in a stem paid. people rushed to get out of the country. catholic situation to the poor comes of the taliban back in control. totally understand fully the capture of the country's capital on sunday. this follows a week of rapid territorial gains by the time, is it roughly to evacuate every american citizen from the country? the u. s. puts a brave face and he's trying to use that with some professionals. advocating the to
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the grow and insisting the lengthy mission in the countries been nothing. but while european states evacuate the nationalist from cobble raised concerns about a potential flood of refugees, coupled with a new tire threat the as joining su, watching r t international. we continue our special coverage this monday with the dramatic events that have been unfolding in afghanistan of the last 24 hours. where the taliban is now declared an end of war in the country thought after its fight as effectively captured everybody, just city including the capital cobble. and it means that after nearly 20 years, the entire nation is now back under control of the militant group. and confirm report stating at least 5 people have been killed at the capitals airport. and i must warn you. you may find these images the serving
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the bodies have been seen on the grounds to the airport this morning. as image is coming after unverified video emerged on line reportedly capturing the moment us troops opened while they called preventative fire. the port has not been confirmed if that lead to the death of any of those people, the u. s. so just say they were only shooting into the some reports suggest the victims may be killed in a stampede, as people were rushing towards planes to get out of the country. and this is how the apple looked earlier on sunday night is the only part of the city. the still remains out of the taliban. thousands to seem desperately searching for an opportunity to lead. commercial flights have again been suspended after they've been resumed. you know, the only option to get out of the country, the border posts said to be the taliban control. and the return to the telephone is a huge concern for those who've been working for coalition forces over the years.
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so much so some of the taking desperate measures to lead the country. you may find these that just coming up now distressing and verified footage on social media, claiming to show someone falling from a plane as it was taking off from call the landlord signed on line that the person had been hiding in the under carriage of the other craft, but as other objects were also seen, falling from the place is not yet confirmed, whether seen falling from the place is not yet confirmed whether someone was killed . i spoke clearly to local journalists below. so worry about the situation at carville airport and recent developments in the country. well, there are several 1000 people now since yesterday. the number increased today as well, which includes women and children. these are people who serve whether u. s. military and other western countries or they are desperately trying to get on a plane that are not dead. and the american soldiers have hired them. you know, their civil fatalities are more than 50 people wounded on the other side of the
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airport or the parameter of the dead. these people are fearful about their lives. so this is an incredibly tragic scene. this is heartbreaking, especially when we found out from eye witnesses at least 2 lines who had hidden in some parts of the plain from the skies and instantly died when the plan was taking off. it just shows you where. ringback i want to come to that panic. obviously a fear of the taliban is very limited, but the tug on themselves seem very insistent that life will continue as normal. they want people to go back to the businesses, carry on with, with their job is trying to establish law and order. they say they stablish to curve, you understand and 10 p and to 4 am. is that something that you expect to be repeated again today? what. busy we have heard from the thought of, i'm instructing the fight does not to go into people's homes and not to really engage in attributions and of in the attacks. the thought of, i'm say this now,
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and i'm extended by the taliban. the other one should feel safe. the thought of i have been collecting weapons, armor, vehicle and other vehicle from a former member the column in senators. busy and other officials saying that this belongs to the public. the other one are also trying to sub leash contact, which they have now managed to do so between the police headquarters in cobble and the different stations police stations because they want to make sure that there's no looting outlines of interest that 100 millions of dollars is small and bigger, says so there are fears there are concerns, but so far the city is called me, let's see what type of government we are looking at. who like leaves the thought about government at the top on sunday, have 2 rounds of talks. president, chef connie resigned something he confirmed on facebook. he said that the movers to avoid bloodshed and his departure was part of a peace steal proposed by the taliban. conflicting report suggest is 91 of 2
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neighboring countries either to just on or is becky on both countries or deny those claims of this is just the may of escape to amman. and the local news agency called toler says that telecom militants stoned, its office and campbell, then to the compound, and seize the weapons of security stuff. it's all about ramped up. it's offensive in april, following jo biden's, confirmation, he was pulling out american troops. and as you can see here in just a matter of months, the group is successfully swept across the entire country. let's take a look now at how events unfold it. the i knew
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the same international community that assured them that opportunities would be expanded. education would be guaranteed. freedoms would spread and rights would be secured. seconds. the international community must tonight to make sure that i've gone is done is never again used as a platform or safe haven for terrorist organizations. i appeal to the security council and the international community as a whole, to stand together to work together and act together. and use all tools in its disposal to suppress the global terrorist threat enough gun is done. and to get into that basic human rights to be respected regardless of the world's power. these 2 fundamental principles in which our will there such a deep and abiding interest must be upheld. mister president's, united nations is committed to supporting off guns. we continue to have stuff and
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offices in areas that have come and the taliban control. i am relieved to report that in large measure our personnel and premises i've been respected. we are to taliban to continue to do so. and to warner, the integrity and in fuel, in viability of diplomatic in voice and premises. the meditative crisis enough canister effects, 18000000 people fully health of the country's population. it is vital that the basic services continue to be provided. in the statement, the said yesterday, the taliban said that they would work with the exist in his oceans. it is crucial that civil certain salaries continue to be buried. infrastructure is maintained, airports are opened, and ellison education services continue. united nations presence will adapt to the security situation. but above all, we will stay and delivered in support of the african people in that how of needs
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looking ahead. i called for an immediate end to violence for the rights of all our guns to be respected and for i've got them to comply with all international agreements to which it is a party. is the president africans proud people with the rich cultural heritage. they have known generations of war and hardships they deserve. our full support, the following days will be pivotal. the world is watching. we cannot and must not abandon the people of afghanistan and i thank you. i thank the 60 general for his briefing. i now give the floor to the representative of god is done. you have the floor piece you would soon see the president excellency,
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my so secretary gentle excellency's ladies and gentlemen. good morning. thank you mister president for this opportunity to speak at yet another council meeting on the situation in afghanistan. and for india, the leadership of the council during this critical period. we welcome the convening of this emergency session of the security council on the situation in afghanistan. and thank all the council members, particularly sonya and norway, as coping holder of her phone is done for the roles and organizing this session. mister president, today i'm speaking on behalf of millions of people in up honest on whose faith hangs in the balance and are faced with an extremely uncertain future. i'm speaking for millions of half on girls and women who are about to lose their freedom to go to schools, to work and to participate in the political, economic, and social life of the country. i'm speaking for thousands of human rights
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defenders, journalist academics, civil servants, and former security personnel whose lives are at risk for defending human rights and democracy. i'm speaking for thousands of internally displaced people who are desperately need of shelter, food and protection in cobble and other places. as you're witnessing yourself, the situation in cobble as city of about 6000000 people is extremely worrying to say the least. you have seen chaotic scenes at the cobble international airport as desperate citizens are trying to leave the country. mister president, would x we are extremely concerned about taliban is not honoring the promises and commitments made in their statements adore her and how their international fora. we've witness time and again how taliban have broken their promises and commitments
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in the past. we have seen gruesome images of parliament, math executions, of military personnel and target killing of civilians and kandahar and other big cities. mister president, we cannot allow this to happen in cobbled which has been the last refuge for many people escaping violence and taller bonds revenge attacks. cobble residents are reporting that taliban have already started house to house searches in some neighborhoods, registering names and looking for people in their target list. there are already reports of target killings and looting into city cobble residents are living in absolute fear right now. mister president. there is no time for blame game anymore . we have an opportunity to prevent further violence, prevent of canister descending into a civil war and becoming a pariah state. therefore,
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the security council and the un secretary general should use every mean that its disposal to call for an immediate succession of violence and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law. call on the power line to fully respect the general amnesty offered by them. see the target killing and revenge attacks and abide by international humanitarian. last urge that no public institutions and service delivery, incense, infrastructure, be demolished, including works of art in museums, and media institutions. threats that annual and violating human rights of african citizen and international humanitarian law will be held accountable urgently establish a humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of those at risk of talents to beauticians and attacks. call on neighboring countries of our plan is done to open the borders and facilitate the exit of people trying to escape an entry of goods for
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humanitarian relief. an operations called for the immediate establishment of an inclusive and representative transitional government that includes all ethnic groups and women representatives, which can lead to a dignified and lasting solution to the conflict. bring peace and preserve the gains of the last 20 years, especially for women and girls. stress that the council and the united nation will not recognize any administration that achieves power to force or any government that is not inclusive and represented of its diversity of the country and equivalent state that it does not recognize the restoration of the slimy cameras as reconfirmed in previous council statement, an agreement established international guarantees for the implementation of a future political agreement. and finally, mobilized urgent humanitarian assistance for the 18000000 people of upon us on
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particularly doors, displaced by current conflict. the you and humanitarian appeal. at $1300000000.00 remain 40 percent funded. we urge the international community to meet the remainder of the flight saving appeal to provide critical 8 to all internally displaced people. at the end, i would like to thank the united nations and many other international organizations who are on the ground providing lifesaving humanitarian support and monitoring human rights on the ground. thank you, mr. president. i thank the representative of gun is done for the statement. i will know, give the floor to those council members who wish to make statements. i give the floor to the representative of estonia. you have the floor, please. thank you mister president. i welcome the presents and the strong messages of the secretary general and their representative
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of that kind of stuff. last week, we highlighted our grave concern that the number of civilians killed and injured in africa. stan had reached the highest on record. whereas taliban responsible for the largest share of casualties to day, having declared control over afghanistan, the taliban bear even greater responsibility and accountability for the safety and security of all people. enough can stand estonia calls for those in power. those in positions of authority to adhere to international law, in particular, international humanitarian law, and uphold the norms and standards and human rights. what has not changed is that more than half the population of going to stand is in need of humanitarian aid. it is of critical importance to ensure that humanitarian access is not hindered and that a providers can work and safety we call and all parties to allow immediate coverage
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is going to depend out of that supposedly meeting of the un security council in new york that we've been listening into, we had an opening statement from the sector general, the un antonio terrace. he insisted that terrorism must not be allowed to find safe haven within afghanistan. we also heard from the african representative the invoice who made claims of reports of target killings of afghan civilians by the taliban. he called for the establishment of the humanitarian corridor and also called for a transitional government to be set up by the telephone and including women members and for it to be representative of the diversity of the country. that will continue on shore for several hours and will come back to different moments throughout proceedings. in the meantime, the usa ministration is again increased the number of troops that it is sending into afghanistan to help evacuate american citizens an additional 1000. now being sent on top of the $5000.00 and already allocated for the next 2 days. in the
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meantime, helicopters in plains have been saved flying over the afghan capital as nato sought to ensure the safety evaluation of foreign citizens. hundreds of americans already left the country thousands more trying to follow us embassy load its flag. after all staff were transferred to the airport back in washington, d. c, a large crowd gathered up the white house people voicing that concerns over the fall of the african government in the true withdraw that been waving, ask our flags and holding signs, proclaiming america betrayed the afghan people and demanding the country, opening borders to them immediately live on us easy, it's donna, still, my colleague will receive shape to discuss how the telephone's trump is being viewed in america. all we can do is just speculate as to how trump would have could have, might have handled the withdrawal would have been better, would have been worse. there's no way of telling because trump's no longer president, on the printer, the president is a joe biden. and of course, it's difficult to whitewash this whole thing because and to make it look like
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a success which they are trying to do right now. because just think of it, the americans, they've been present and i've gone to a new just short of 20 years. that's 2 decades. if you're an african teenager in 19 going on 20, it means you never remember. you can't physically remember the country before before the us invasion. you've lived your whole life in a country where the u. s. was always present and you've heard that such statements and such promises against the taliban, made by all sorts of us politicians. thanks to our military and our allies, and the brave fighters of afghanistan, taliban regime is coming to an end. we broke the tale bonds, momentum. we built strong afghan security forces. we devastated outside of leadership, taking out over 20 of their top 30 leaders. the path to peace is now set before that. i have plans on afghanistan that if i wanted to win that war, afghan,
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this stand would be wiped off the face of the earth would be gone. it would be over and literally in 10 days. and i don't want to do that. i don't want to go that route bond take over that canister. now inevitable. it is none. because you have the afghan troops have 300000 well equipped as well as crypt has any army in the world and an air force against something like 75000 taliban is not enough. so this is the sort of people who are living in panic and rushing to the airport. they were panicking because for all these 20 years they have been promised. the taliban has no, no fighting challenge, but it will be wiped out eradicated, obliterated, you know, all sorts of fancy words. what happened? well, we all know what's happened instead. i mean, the biggest, the best metaphor here is i've gotten not african,
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but talib and troops posing next to humvees, next to black hawks. all the best equipment in the world. and you know, will, few years ago all they could mount was a machine gun on a truck and now they're mounting letters regarding the weapons. when aircraft, not only did the us fail to dismantle the taliban, as they had promised, because it was largely a war on the taliban. but they emboldened it. they both stood. it's military capacity by an order of magnitude, because the african army essentially just gave them gifted them with some of the most advanced and powerful military equipment in the world. the taliban now has an air force over the past 2 decades. america has sent so much military hardware drive going on and so many suitcases of cash. you would imagine off the 20 years of old military equipment and all the money that the afghan soldiers will be able to actually defend the country. but apparently, after all of this, they can't, while they did get their training, they did receive that fancy weapons. but the thing is,
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you also have to have the willpower to fight. and apparently this is what they will lacking. and i mean, i've read a lot of accounts of like for me and i've been war veterans who took part in the training and there's all sorts of stories claiming that. well, they just, they just didn't one they were trying to be. they were trying to make policemen and military out of people who were rent a carpet best. so this is, this is what they've been doing. yes, they're worth 300000 soldiers trained and equipped. but we've learned through, i guess, throughout this onslaught by the taliban. i guess all journalists around the, well, they've learned that to ask a question like, how long will they be able to hold? the city is wrong is just the will they hold the city or at all? will they try? because so many cities and towns they just, they just, they didn't fall, it's wrong to say that they fell because the never try to stand the never try to make a stand. so this is what they've been doing. a lot of a lot of a lot of those 300000, they just lay down on some joined the taliban. some just said you can,
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you can have that because the can lead a more or less the same life, but without having under the taliban. but without having to risk their lives. so this is what the u. s. has failed to do. i mean, they just, they didn't, they didn't motivate because it was a war because the united states and they wanted the war on the taliban. the i've gotten, he's been didn't that because this whole situation proved that they didn't want to fight the taliban. i mean, otherwise they would have now that they had to every, every single, every single chance to but still nonetheless, the united states authorities, the incumbent president and his team, they're trying to actually make it look like a success. the inability of asking security forces to defend their country has played up a very powerful role in what we've seen. we invested the international community invested over 20 years. billions of dollars in these forces, $300000.00 of them with an air force something the taliban didn't have with the
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most modern, sophisticated equipment. and unfortunately, tragically, they have not been able to defend the country. and i think that explains why this has moved as quickly as it's moved. well, in fact, it wasn't billions of dollars. it was closer to 2 trillion dollars. this is what, how, how different experts estimate the cost of more of us when the taliban, if you factor in inflation and such things as an interest rate. but yes, so according to the state secretary blinking, they succeeded. but again, i don't want this to turn into a lecture on history, but back in 2001 the united states, the entered have kind of been trying to hide 200 down to some a been ludden over 911 terrorist attacks. of course, have they captured a sound loud and back then maybe they wouldn't have been and i've got to spend 20 years on, but well he fled if he managed to escape. so a very achievable and well clear goal turned into something into let's re educate the whole country and teach them to fight the taliban,
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which we had previously by the way. well, it established and funded and trained as well. obviously. well, the taliban turned out to be the turned out to be much better students than the regular african army us security council is currently holding an emergency meeting on the situation. in afghanistan, we listened in a little bit earlier. let's refer to that meeting and he will be set deeply appreciate the continued efforts of your nama and other un actors on the ground in afghanistan that are continuing to provide life saving assistance to africans in need. we also think norway and estonia for calling this meeting and india for convening it, given the events of the past 72 hours. and we welcome the participation of afghanistan to this meeting. over this past weekend, members of the international community joined together to state unequivocally that every afghan should be able to live in safety, security,
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and dignity. we also called on all parties in afghanistan to ensure safe departures and the protection of human life and property. today i want to reiterate, reinforce size and reassert this call. civilian populations, including journalists and non combatants, must be protected attacks against civilians or civilian objects must stop and the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all african citizens, especially women, girls and members of minority groups must be respected. we also call on all parties to prevent terrorism, and we must all insure afghanistan cannot ever, ever again be a base for terrorism. we also call on the tale bond to permit humanitarian organizations to continue their valuable work in afghan. stan, in addition to the ongoing violence,
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the afghan people as suffering acutely from the effects of coven 19 and drought. these urgent humanitarian needs must remain top of mine for all of us in the coming hours, days and weeks and beyond. humanitarian personnel and agencies must have safe unhindered access to provide life saving assistance to the increasing numbers of afghans in needs. we are deeply concerned that right now, 8 is not flowing to people in crisis. according to the world food program, more than $500.00 tons of aid are currently sitting at border crossings. taken over by taliban forces. these a deliveries must remain, must resume immediately. and the world food program must have immediate and sustained safe passage to deliver this much needed assistance. finally and critically,
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all afghan nationals and international citizens who wish to depart must be allowed to do so safely. president biden has made clear that any action that put us personnel or a mission at risk will be met with a swift and strong military response. the united states promises to be generous and re settling afghans in our own country. and i'm heartened by the pledges we've seen from other nations to do the same. we need to all do more. and the time to step up is now. we urge afghanistan's neighbors and others in the region and beyond to give refuge to be a temporary or permanent to afghans attempting to flee. and together, we must do everything we can to help afghan stands to help afghans who wish to leave and seek refuge. i will close where i begin. the
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afghan people deserve to live in safety, security, and dignity. we in the international community stand ready to assist them. thank you very much. i thank the representative of the united states for her statement. i now give the floor to the representative of front. yeah, the floor piece room asked him is him. thank you very much, mr. president. and i like to thank you for convening this meeting. i had a tragic when i historic time for us going to the situation is very serious because this is a new era and the future of this country that is offered so much is more upset and than ever. we've had the secretary general express his concern. we share his concern either on capital where peace and security and i've kind of stand but also of the entire region in.
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