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tv   News  RT  August 16, 2021 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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i thank the representative of the russian federation for the statement. i now give the floor to the representative of vietnam. you have the floor please, to thank you for i didn't and hang the 2nd gera for your pattern in for your briefings as well. come the presence of representative of going down to our briefing today in the paladin. we have follow the situation in afghanistan, especially in the region to the representative of the russian federation that to the united nations. that's an emergency meeting taking place of the security council in new york for sending the bins either stating another situation in afghanistan to change much more quickly than anybody had expected. but these key points that there was no need to panic. the most important thing being that a civilian bloodbath had been avoided. he also concluded by saying he was concerned that any instability might spill over to other asian countries. but what russia was is to see
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a swift human peaceful settlement to the situation. and of the most of the watching arty, it's a nationalist continue with special coverage this monday of the dramatic events that have been unfolding enough galveston over the past 24 hours. the taliban has now declared it under war in the country after its fight as effectively captured every major city including the capital capital. it means after nearly 20 years, entire nation is not back under control of the militant group. the other unconfirmed reports stating at least 5 people had been killed at the capitals airport must warn you may find these images disturbing the. c bodies was seen on the ground, the pool this morning. the image is coming up the unverified video,
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the most online reportedly capturing the moment us troops open what they called preventative fire at the port. it's not confirmed if that fall led to any death. the soldiers say that they were only shooting into the, at some report. so this is just the victims may have been killed in a stampede with people rushing towards plains to get out of the country. this is how the airport looked on sunday night. this is the only part of the city that still remains out of the taliban towns. thousands were seen, desperately searching for an opportunity to meet. initial flights have again been suspended fairly, the resumes the airports. now the only option, the people to get out of the country with all border post said to be on the taliban control and the return of the top, the buttons. a huge concern for those who be working for coalition forces over the years so much. so some have taken desperate measures to get out. and then when you, again, you may find this footage distressing and verified pictures on social media playing to show someone falling from
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a plane as it was taking off from call blackboard. it's kind of like the person to be hiding in the under carriage of the draft, but it's other objects we're also seeing pulling from the plane. he's not yet confirmed whether somebody was killed and sundays arounds or talks. president chef gone, he resigned. he confirmed that on facebook, he said that the movers to avoid bloodshed and his departure was part of a peace deal proposed by the taliban. conflicting reports of just these now i want to 2 neighboring countries to gist on or is becky start both countries so deny those claims. other suggested he may have escaped to a man and the local news i just called total. oh says that tell about militant, stormed its office and campbell, they entered the compound and seized weapons of security stuff. the sullivan ramped up is offensive in april, following jo bonds confirmation that he was pulling out to american troops. and as you can see here in just a matter of months, the group successfully swept the entire country. let's take a look now, how is the b
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the skewed council is holding an emergency meeting on the situation in afghanistan . that's taking place right now. most of the representatives already expressed that positions with any concerned about the well being of the african people. now that the taliban has taken control, let's get to kelly more been ease in new york for his following events can take us through what's been said so far. and the security council meeting well as the 15 member body that leads the united nations as convenience meeting. we 1st heard from un secretary general antonio good sierra, who called on the security council to use all tools at its disposal to stop the threat of global terrorism as it relates to afghanistan. here's what he said. we've witness time and again how taliban have broken their promises and commitments
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in the past. we have seen gruesome images of taliban smart executions of military personnel and target killing of civilians and kandahar and other big cities. mister president, we cannot allow this to happen and cobbled which has been the last refuge for many people escaping violence and parliament, revenge attacks. cobble residents are reporting that parliament have already started house to house searches in some neighborhoods, registering names and looking for people and their target list. now the u. k. representative took to the floor and described atrocities being committed by the taliban and argued it may be forest under such circumstances, to cut off aid to afghanistan if it would be somehow enabling these atrocities. and we heard from the u. s. representatives who spoke as if the country was a champion of human rights presented the image of the united states as a defender of people facing human rights violations,
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people facing attack. here's what we heard from the u. s. representative. we need to all. busy do more and the time to step up is now. we urge afghanistan's neighbors and others in the region and beyond to give refuge to be temporary or permanent to afghans attempting to flee. and together we must do everything we can to help africana stands to help afghans who wish to leave and see refuge is now at this point, many are looking on and finding this town from the u. s. representative to be rather hypocritical. and as the united states is largely perceived as having been able to prevent this entire situation in this entire crisis, but choosing not to do so many of noted that jen saki, the white house spokesperson, ah, she is currently out of the office. and joe biden remains on vacation. there's been a firestorm of voices criticizing joe biden,
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because it seems like they are strategically deciding to be silent at this moment. take a listen. president biden's decisions have a link toward and even was equal to the humiliating full of saigon in 1975, who basically gave up on the african government not just now, but all the way back to the start of these talks. what president biden did was to embrace it, he owns it, it was a huge foreign policy failure with general armies, occasions to show of 7 month into this administration. everything points to complete collapse. now the meeting continues in the security council chamber and manhattan, but currently the whole world is looking at afghan of stan, wondering what will come next wondering how many people are in danger. lot of questions being raised interesting words from the united states will be hearing from other leading countries soon. appreciate the the update from new york. hello
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more correspondent. well, the war enough canister, unclaimed the lies almost 2 and a half 1000 us soldiers. many of the colleagues not questioning what was it all for 2 years veterans, including one that know reopen the u. s. embassy in cobble in 2001 chevy with his battles. well, at this point, for, for all of the men and women of our country have served in afghanistan, who have lost friends, who, who seeing people injured have gone through terrible emotional and physical trauma as a result of this service. and had hope that in some way they were helping afghanistan for all of these people. most of them are sad, some are angry, but really they're sad and they're asking the question, and i think it's been reported widely. why, why was, why were we there? what were we really doing? because we did not achieve any mission that was sold to our soldiers to our young men and women who served there. what they were told they were doing was not,
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i'm sorry, it was not the mission that was accomplished. ok. we didn't accomplish that mission, whatever mission that biden and trump, and george bush and obama were hoping to accomplish that was kept a secret from our troops that troops were told of very positive things about the future. but again, a stand and none of it was true and, and i until committee knows very well that most of it was based on falso vin imagining imagination, the veterans on iraq, the veterans of afghanistan, all of us, veterans ought to be going to our congress to say no more wars because every one of these conflicts as they ended up not only with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, millions of citizens of the countries we've gone into being dead or wounded. but certainly the veteran population of the united states that continues to suffer suicides at $22.00 a day and long term mental problems that affect not only them personally, but their whole families and their communities is something that our us congress
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and our politicians ought to be held accountable for forgetting us into these endless wars the when was for the defense contractors of the united states of america, they got really rich and those afghans that helped them on a high level, not really rich, but those that actually implemented the projects didn't get rich and now the, the retribution and retaliation from it's all a bond who said you'd never should have been working with the u. s. government on, in any of this anyway. is tragically going to happen. wireless scam, or in the perspective on the recent developments in afghanistan, local journalist blah saw why he's been keeping up to date june. so once again, thanks stuff coming on, not r r t again below very precarious situation. and we've just heard at the un security council, the ask at envoy to you and claiming that the taliban has been going house to house
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at times and to use his words was carrying out. target killings of civilians tend to amount to cold blooded murder outside the realm of warfare. do you have any information to support on the gates that you claim while the taliban are very adamant and quite publicly so that there isn't a necessity and that no one would be targeted? no one would face in a tradition. the taliban of also instructed their fighters not to go inside people's homes. i was looking at a statement under twitter page of how much i had the official spokesman riding that some people who had gone in and collected armored vehicles and weapons and other stuff. what identified and that no one has the permission to go inside people's homes that everyone should feel secure inside their homes. busy what we have to see and wait is how the time of transition. now from fighting into governance into
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politics. we have to remember. taliban are no more of the shadow government. they have got the control and we are still not clear what sort of government we might be looking at. you know, what that government of the out about might look like, who will be part of it? will it only be the taliban? but there's also talk of curfew tonight, for example, this top off, you know, majors preventing looting and careless in the city. this is still a city of at least 6000000 people who are, you know, thousands of st. and then there are galaxy. and that the how much because i didn't actually airport where, you know, hundreds of the women and children tried to get on to any plan that they could. and they were fired by the american forces. dad, at least 5 fatalities. more than 50 people have been wounded and on the parameters of the airport. it is the taliban who present. so it is not only chaos,
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but it's also tragedy. you know, that's how one of the looks after 20 years of massive investments by the u. s. and other than blood integration, just a few hours ago, the total news agency said on twitter, this office had been seized by members of the taliban. do we know what the situation is there now? was told was the office of the start of the most popular and b television station. i saw the taliban coming in collecting the weapons that the government had provided for the prediction team of the law over the years because there are various risks, you know, but the tone was very polite and these taliban promised to lo employees that they will provide security so no one is complaining, it is just the development which the laws, you know, employees including the ceo of movie group side most in the has confirmed on his twitter page at the been reports done. if there's any truth of this, that african tv channels of the broadcasting resign patients from the koran as well
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as taliban media. and the confirmation of that. i have not seen that myself, but i have seen coverage quite extensive by the law and few other television stations of the news that's happening. so again, we'll have to wait. once we hear from taliban media official here, once we hear from the political leadership of how they want to go ahead and probably as he said, this is a completely different challenge. now for the taliban fighting is one thing trying to govern and trying to maintain peace on the streets, preventing looting, mentoring, comments, that's a totally different challenge. how would you describe the mood of the citizens the moment? how would they approaching this precarious situation? where life picked up slowly but surely today there were people, but just shops are open and some traps for open. but still, you know, atm machine and banks are out of cash. you know, most of the shops,
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coffee shops in general, parts of cobbler closed in. this is a very different than which the taliban come from. the one that the left in 2001. i actually witnessed it at the time because i was working with v tv. the fix a translator covering the u. s. strikes against the taliban, and then the subsequent fall of the resume at the time. so this is a very different, honest time. there has been social transformation and even the tal about themselves . they have a generation of their own fighters who are using smartphones, treasure, or facebook and other social media content. so we will have to see again, how the taliban transfer not only from fighting into politics, but also into social issues as well. yeah, it looks a different telephone, certainly in terms of the way they're approaching things in terms of their payoff. they've said a lot, as you said, love to wait and see if that turns into concrete action. many thanks for that day. local journalist, enough counties on beloved saw worry the while the use of ministrations
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again, increased number of troops that it's sending there to have gone on to help evacuate american citizens an additional 1000 now being sent on top of the 5000 already allocated for the next 2 days, helicopters and planes also been seen flying over the africa and capital of nato, so to ensure safe evacuation of foreign citizens. hundreds of americans already left thousands of other the trying to follow us embassy lowered its flag after all staff were transferred to cobble airport back in washington, d. c. a large crowd gathered outside the white house, people voicing that concern over the fall of the afghan government and the true withdraw the waving african flags and holding signs proclaiming america betrayed the african peoples and demanding the country opened his borders to them. immediately. don off to my colleague to discuss how the taliban trump is being viewed in america. all we can do is just speculate as to how trump would have could have,
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might have handled. the withdrawal would have been better and would have been worse . there's no way of telling because trumps no longer president and part of the president is a joe biden. and of course it's difficult to whitewash this whole thing because and to make it look like a success which they are trying to do right now. because just think of it, the americans, they've been present and have gone to and just short of 20 years. that's 2 decades . if you're an african teenager in 19 going on 20, it means you never remember. you can't physically remember the country before before the us invasion. you've lived your whole life in a country where the u. s. was always present. and you've heard that such statements and such promises against the taliban, made by all sorts of us politicians. thanks to our military allies and brave fighters of afghanistan, taliban regime is coming to an end. we broke the taller bonds momentum. we built
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strong afghan security forces. we devastated outside of leadership, taking out over 20 of their top 30 leaders. the path to peace is now set before that. i have plans on afghanistan that if i wanted to win that war, afghan, this stand would be wiped off the face of the earth would be gone. it would be over and literally in 10 days. and i don't want to do that. i don't want to go that route bond take over that canister. now inevitable. it is none. because you have the afghan troops have 300000 well equipped as well as crypt his any army in the world and an air force against something like 75000 taliban? it is not enough. so this is the sort of people who are living in panic and rushing to the airport. they were panicking because for all these 20 years they have been promised. the taliban has no, no fighting challenge,
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but it will be wiped out eradicated, obliterates the, you know, all sorts of fancy words. what happened? well, we all know what's happened instead. i mean, the biggest, the best match for here is i've gotten not absent, but talib and troops posing next to humvees, next to black hawks, all the best equipment in the world and you know, words. few years ago, all they could mount was a machine gun on a truck and now they're mounting letters regarding the weapons. when aircraft, not only did the us fail to dismantle the taliban, as they had promised, because it was largely a war on the taliban. but they emboldened it, they boasted its military capacity by an order of magnitude, because the african army essentially just gave them gifted them with some of the most advanced and powerful military equipment in the world. the taliban now has an air force over the past 2 decades. america has sent so much military hardware drive going on and so many suitcases of cash. you would imagine off the 20 years of old military equipment and all the money that the afghan soldiers will be able to
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actually defend the country. but apparently, after all of this, they can't, while they did get their training, they did receive that fancy weapons. but the thing is, you also have to have the willpower to fight. and apparently this is what they will lacking. and i mean, i've read a lot of accounts of like for me and i've been war veterans who took part in the training and there's all sorts of stories claiming that. well, they just, they just didn't one they were trying to be. they were trying to make policemen and military out of people who were rent a carpet best. so this is, this is what they've been doing. yes, they're worth 300000 soldiers trained and equipped. but we've learned through, i guess, throughout this onslaught by the taliban. i guess all journalists around the, well, they've learned that to ask a question like, how long will they be able to hold? the city is wrong. it's just rather will they hold the city at all? will they try? because so many cities and towns they just, they just, they didn't fall,
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it's wrong to say that they fell because they never try to stand. they never try to make a stand. so this is what they've been doing. a lot of a lot of a lot of those 300000 they just lay down on some joined the taliban. some just said you can, you can have that because the can lead a more or less the same life. but without having under the taliban, but without having to risk their lives. so this is what the u. s. has failed to do . i mean, they just, they didn't, they didn't motivate because it was a war because the united states and they wanted the war on the taliban. the i've gotten, he's been didn't that because this whole situation proved that they didn't want to fight the taliban. i mean, otherwise they would have now that they had to every, every single, every single chance to but still nonetheless, the united states authority of the incumbent president and his team, they're trying to actually make it look like a success. the inability of asking security forces to defend their country has played up
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a very powerful role in what we've seen. we invested the international community invested over 20 years. billions of dollars in these forces, $300000.00 of them with an air force something the taliban didn't have with the most modern, sophisticated equipment. and unfortunately, tragically, they have not been able to defend the country. and i think that explains why this has moved as quickly as it's moved. well, in fact, that wasn't billions of dollars, it was closer to 2 trillion dollars. this is what the, how, how different experts estimate the cost of more of us when the taliban, if you factor in inflation and such things with interest rate. but yes, so according to the state secretary blinking, they succeeded. but again, i don't want this to turn into a lecture on history, but back in 2001 the united states, the entered gaston, trying to hide to hunt down a some, a ban ludden over 911 terrorist attacks. of course, have they captured a sound log back then maybe they wouldn't have been and i've got to spend 20 years
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on, but well, he fled if he managed to escape. so a very achievable and well clear gold turned into something into let's re educate the whole country and teach them to fight the taliban, which we had previously by the way. well, it established and funded and trained as well. obviously. well, the taliban turned out to be, they turned out to be much better students than the regular african army. well, the 1st bunch of british troops arrived in campbell on saturday to safeguard nationals and how relocating former afghans stuff. $600.00 soldiers are expected in total. and other european states of evacuating dead nationals and suspending diplomatic missions, denmark in no way, temporarily shutting their shad compound germany and finland. closing their facilities among 60 countries have called on a gun is done to ensure the safety of those who want to live given the deteriorating security situation. we support a work into secure and colon all parties to respect and facilitate the safe and
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orderly departure of foreign nationals and afghans who wish to leave the country. those in positions of power and authority across of janice, done their responsibility and accountability for the protection of human life and property and for the immediate restoration of security and civil order category. so she spoke with arty correspondent pool a slip about your reaction to the full of afghanistan. i think it's fair to say that not just your opinion leaders, but the world in general is in a state of shock. here in france, the priority is on evacuation. we have heard from the french president, seeing saying that the mediate an absolute power is the securing of both french national and african citizens who are there any son on the spot. and here they are particularly talking about african citizens who have assisted the french government . the 1st flight is slated for monday, and it comes as the french military scenes reinforcements to the united arab
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emirates, to facilitate with the evacuation process. now all of this is happening as i balls are being raised and questions are being asked as to how the taliban was able to achieve such a quick victory. and certainly we have more more people asking questions as to the policies of foreign countries when it comes to engaging in was i uploaded the u. s . defeat in vietnam? i'm sickened by the routing of galveston. it is time to think things over before embarking on debt and worse. because if war doesn't solve anything, defeat changes everything at the moment. there's no clear statement as to whether or not countries plan to recognize the taliban as the official government of afghanistan. we have heard from the british prime minister, both johnson urging countries not to act by latterly, in terms of recognizing the taliban. what he wants to see is a kind of united front with like minded countries responding in the same way. and
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he believes that that will be the way to prevent counties done from becoming a breeding ground for further terrorist activity in the past 10 years and less. we've had just every now and again, an accident of refugees and migrant flooding into europe. now it looks like it's going to start all over again. do you think europe can handle another life of this? is the 1000000 dollar question. many people here don't want to see a repeat of what happened. 56 years ago with the migration crisis that unfolded. then, and certainly speaking to people here on the streets of paris, many of them are nervous that we could be seeing a dis, a room, a piece of that migration crisis. again, as far as europe itself goes, the continent is split, particularly in terms of what to do with african refugees who've made their way. yeah. but actually don't have the white papers in terms of remaining in us as refugees. we did see a number of countries right later to the european commission,
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insisting that they have the right to stay back to. i'm going to stand those african refugees who don't fit the criteria. but subsequent to that we did see a number of countries backtrack. so we certainly seen the slips inside europe itself in terms of what to do with these migrants. the main concern being expressed by european countries is that they don't have the capacity actually to handle another huge wave of migration. the clock has run out on how long we can wait to adopt the complete overhaul of europe's migration and asylum rules we need. now at the moment they ask gun richard community comprises about 10 percent here in france . it is the 2nd largest refugee community after the syrians. we are expecting the president emanuel crohn to address the nation at 8 o'clock this evening, local time on the situation in afghanistan. so it will be interesting to see what
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exactly he has to say at that point. the oh, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist, i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk to me i the
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was i'm actually in attempt to in your watching, going underground over the past week. so go, mainstream media has been waking up to the potential extinction of humanity. after landmark i dcc report issued a warning of hell on earth because of climate change. while this while a new cold war, wretched up the chances of extinction. but another man made existential threat, nuclear annihilation. so is humanity is intelligence and collective knowledge, also the root of its own destruction. and the only beneficiary is the billionaires looking to escape the planet in private rockets. joining me now is renowned, philosopher and author ac grayling, whose new book the frontiers of knowledge explodes, the progress barriers and future of humanity when it comes to enlightenment.


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