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tv   News  RT  August 17, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the moon, the the in the headlines this out here, we're not c k, off in gold cobbles, or thousands of afghans tried to flee the country. the disturbing images show people desperately trying to cling to an airplane as it attempted to take off with some lighter funding to that, that mission and gas there was never supposed to been. nation was never supposed to be created. a unified centralized democracy council that's faring for the future. unfeeling abandoned off the president biden. defense is troop withdrawal and blame as much of a chaos on the country itself. and the reality makes you leaders very anxious over a potentially huge flow of my prince and refugees. up northwood to europe,
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underlines, and everything that has followed has not been as successful and has not been achieved in the way we had planned. on. we must anticipate to protect ourselves against major, irregular my great 3 flows. the it is tuesday morning here in moscow and a busy program for you today on are you into national? i'm rural, re sushi, welcome to it. so a mass exodus is underway in afghanistan with dramatic pictures coming from the capital, where a huge stampede formed as people tried to leave the city. a fleeting families also stole the international airport. we understand at least 7 people have reportedly been killed. we're talking about monitor, sees control of the entire country 2 weeks before the u. s. has set to complete his trip. withdraw after a costly to decade. will the
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unverified footage on social media show some disturbing pitches right here as a desperate afghans faring for their lives. attempted to cling to the outside of a u. s. air force plain as the combo lap ord reports a human remains were found in the landing gear of that aircraft. as it was a well that was a following its flight from cobble. well pictures of also emerged over those. i'd lucky enough to make it onto a plane on sunday, although they were then met with another crush of people. this time on board. 640 was said to have packed inside this particular us jet. that sounds the pentagon
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says it is preparing to accept 22000 asylum seekers. or we discuss the ongoing situation in afghanistan with former u. s. navy intelligence officer, steven rogers, he says he can't help but draw parallels with what happened in vietnam. the goal was to ensure that the app in government was strong, that it was a nation where the people were free. it was a nation, ruled by a constitution and not ruled by any dictator or a terrorist organization. so the goal was never achieve. 20 years of work was put into that we have seen is a caster feet. how do you leave all these people behind the talk about the afghan assistance to, to, to be met with the baby, torture and murder. this reminds me of saigon. i was in the air force during the time, so i got fell. and when i see helicopters in bul landing on rooftops in an airport
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and giant us air force planes having the refugees board. those planes reminds me of saigon. and when we see its history repeating itself, so there is no bright future obviously for our dentist spam, but until we make a change in our nation with regard to our foreign policy, we don't have a much of a bright future either. meanwhile, the taliban was seen patrolling the streets of cobbled brandishing weapons and heavy military equipment. they also seen driving american humvees along with the sweeping territorial against the taliban. seems to grab not only political power, but also us supplied fire power, namely guns and ammunition. helicopters and more, and we got an update on the reason developments from local john listed below start watching the massive embarrassment. it's a heartbreak, it's a tragedy. and it's also the end result of what the last 20 years. all the money,
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all the investments looked like on the other fund. we do have some developments of senior taliban leader. i'm in hon with that. a meeting with a former president because a chairman of the law, the law, the taller bonds position publicly through statements is that everyone will be safe . no one will be harmed. it also instructed fighters not to go into people's homes and not to bother anyone. but we still don't have any clarity on when the government will be formed. what type of government id will be? meanwhile, a c and john list has been widely marked on line for her report on the taliban, patrolling the streets of cobble and her take on what was happening, the changing death to america. but they seemed friendly of just same time as utterly bizarre. the jumping death to america, but they seemed friendly, were literally living in an episode of south park. only cnn could call the taliban
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chanting, dusts, america, and mostly peaceful story, thought, see and face in flack for giving contradictory words. president biden brokers silence on the crisis more than a day after the taliban took control of the country. he claimed the u. s. mission in afghanistan was never about nation building. but a statement. it was a drastic turn around from previous comments. our mission and ghana stand was never supposed to been nation building. it was never supposed to be created a unified, centralized democracy, or only by licenses. and again, stan remains today. what has always been preventing a terrorist attack on american homeland? the failure to establish a solid national government could create a lawless, safe haven for an tim or a concert. when you look at what's happening and app ganeth, dan, you can hardly say that joe biden is blameless. he supported the war 1st in congress and then his vice president. and now he says that his decision for
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a sudden withdrawl is correct to many. it looks like he has absolutely no clue what he is doing. what in his mind, it all makes perfect sense. we want to have gans dana was 20 years ago with clear goals. get those who attract us on september. 11th, 2001. and make sure i kind of could not use afghans stan as a base from which to attack us again. we did that. now some are remembering how wishy washy joe biden was when it came to the obama white houses decision to take out the lot and eventually praise the decision when it fit the overall narrative and emission that will go down in the annals of intelligence and special operations some of america's most gifted security professionals tracked down osama milan after the trail had gone cold. joe, what do you think?
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and i said, you know, i didn't know we had so many economists around the table. i said we oh demanded direct answer. mister president, my suggestion is, don't go, we have to do 2 more things to see if he's there. now biden looks a little shaky when you look over other foreign policy decisions as well when it comes to iraq. he voted for the war and he pushed the false claims about weapons of mass destruction, but now he's for withdrawing their to as vice president, he supported prime minister ma leaking and many of argues that he ended up emboldening isis when it came to libya, biden was very outspoken in supporting the overthrow of what was at that time, one of the most stable and economically prosperous regimes on the african continent now says that one was a big hoops as well. starting to look like biden doesn't really know what he's doing on the global stage. this is something is critics have been pointing out quite loudly in recent years. i think biden has been wrong on nearly every major
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foreign policy. a national security issue over the past 4 decades. remember, our biden campaigned for office by calling out donald trump says unpredictable and untrustworthy when it came to us foreign policy. well, recent moves in afghanistan are certainly not an argument in jo biden's favor. you know, it's hard to know what's going through biden's mind because he does change his mind on strategic issues and he doesn't have any clear set of guiding principles when it comes to foreign affairs. yes it's, it's somewhat of a crisis, but the crisis happened a long time ago when democrats stopped supporting a non interventionist military policy when, when democrats were all in favor of going into iraq and going into afghanistan and when they supported hillary clinton and obama, when we when the united states military got involved in libya and other places, they already lost the logical battle they are in a crisis happens. so this is just another symptom of bad policies within the
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democratic party. and the democratic party losing the good things that had ever had that it stood for. meanwhile, you ladies are growing increasingly worried about how the situation is developing. and i've done this dawn and they fear that chaos could spread to europe in the form of a huge su nami, of refugees. the fresh french president and the german chancellor were among those among the 1st i should say to a voice that concern that's that's unblocked as it is now a given that ok, that can no longer carry out attacks against the united states from ghana as they did on september 11, 2001 with everything that has followed has not been as successful and has not been achieved in the way we had planned. on p. c. p. we must anticipate and protect ourselves against major, irregular my great re flows that would endanger those who use them and feed trafficking of all kinds. we will therefore take the initiative to build without delay, a robust, coordinated,
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and united response that will involve the fight against irregular flows. even before recent events, the number of afghans fleeing in the country each week was estimated in the 10s of thousands. and that is not expected to grow rapidly. a faced with a crisis, the us has authorized half a $1000000000.00, an immediate aid to african refugees. but it's peter, all of a now explains the vast majority of those migrants will not be washington's problem . europe has watched on in horror at the speed at which 20 years of nato occupation of afghanistan was turned round by the taliban advance sit down nor triple a p. it is a challenge for peace and international stability against terrorism and those who supported smith and i was promised. this is an extremely bitter development beater dramatic and terrifying. now have to concentrate on the rescue. we don't want anybody bilaterally recognizing the taliban, and we want to united
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a position amongst all the like minded. as far as we can get one, as hundreds of thousands of people have already fled their homes enough down it's down and many more are expected to do the same. here in germany, the man who's looking to replace angle, a miracle as chancellor says, we can't be allowed to let recent history repeats itself. we have to give our 1st joint european and trans atlantic response this week. the mistakes in dealing with the syrian civil war must not be made again. 2015 should not be repeated. the us quitting galveston and the return of the taliban is set to see a rise in both seeking sanctuary. but just where these people going to go, there is already around 3000000 afghan people displaced in iran. over 2000000 of whom are and documented to ron has suggested that it could set up more refugee camps on its eastern border. but that would require funding with eyes looking
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towards the u for help. pakistan is home to 1400000, registered african refugees and asylum applicants. but along with turkey, which is housing over $3000000.00 syrian refugees, islam about an anchor, a king to work together to stop more arrivals. take your turkey is facing a growing wave of africa migrants translating through iran. we will continue efforts to enable the return of stability in the region beginning with afghanistan . and to do that, we have to pursue and strengthen our cooperation with pakistan. e. u. member states, all very aware that europe is a destination of choice for many fleeing. i've got to stop so much so that earlier this month, 6 member states put their name to a letter warning house stopping deportations back to afghanistan would be viewed stopping return, sent the wrong signal, and is likely to march of 8, even more of going citizens to leave their home for the you. many hope the 2015
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refugee crisis was a warm, soft not to be repeated event. it would seen that reality may have different plans . right now, we know that up to 5000000 guns thinking to leave their country and added would be much more than we have seen and 2015. the overwhelming majority . we know from the pole in germany and continental europe. don't want to see a new wave of mass migration, especially not from afghanistan, where people off to 40 years of war for them it's extremely difficult to, to integrate into day very liberal and feminine european societies. so there is a consensus from the center to the right. don't let them in and don't agree with the 2nd 2015. the u. k is foreign. secretary has also been slammed for not cutting
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short his holiday sooner as it became a power and the taliban was sweeping. afghanistan and dominic rob only returned to britain on sunday for the foreign secretary to go a while during an international crisis of this magnitude is nothing short of a shameful. i think it was amazing, staggering that the foreign secretary was still on holiday, while f canister was collapsing to the taliban. you've got to be on duty during that sort of period where we're so deeply and intimately involved in it. we haven't heard from the foreign secretary and about a week despite this being the biggest single foreign policy disastrous and suicide . so i don't know what the foreign office is thinking over say the united kingdom has been part of this nature occupation over the last 18 years, the brit 1st and initially went in under the international pretense of a pro, humanitarian and pro democracy mission. however,
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all of you believe the very fact and speed of this taliban take as many people point to the defeat militarily. politically, the sound as a very humiliating time for the west and foreign policy because the west has always predicated its entire regimes on being the most robust. and it's not just on to will activists that have this point of view. but even some tory back benches in government, this is completely humiliating for the west. we assembled the most incredible technologically advanced lines. the world has ever seen, and were being defeated by an insurgency that armed with a k 40 sevens in all p. jeez. this will be the biggest own goal made by the west. so far this century, the humanitarian disaster that is about to unfold will be catastrophic. the migration challenges will be huge. we will see further terrorist attacks. we know over the we can 600 troops deployed as a rescue mission to try and get these people back safely. that includes british
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nationals, but also gone is that help assist the british army during the occupation already around 300 people have been flown back. the idea is around 122-1500. throughout the next few days sale the total $4000.00 brought home. however, the defense secretary ben wallace here in the united kingdom speaking how did today and a radio into the became, is very, very emotional. he even became quite choked up. some people will get back and we will do our best and countries, the processes people. why do you feel it? so personally mr. wallace can undersold because it's 20 years of sacrifice is what it is. there's a lot of criticism against the government at this point. so what we'll see on wednesday is a huge array of purchases and most of all, of course, 50000 civilians died during this 18 year occupation. 500 british troops and many
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people, question, what was it for the russian foreign ministry has set the situation unfolding in afghanistan is the natural result of the u. s. and nato troop withdrawal, critic, se washington's lengthy operations of the country. you have actually been playing directly into the hands of the taliban, as all eager to shut off now explains they've done it. finally from siri and libya in the middle east to venezuela and cuba and latin america. washington has a decades long history of failed attempts to bring anti government militia is to power . and at last they've crack the code in. i've got, has done with the taliban. apparently, all they had to do is instead of aiding them, they should have just fought against them all this time. thanks to our military generalize and the brave fighters of afghanistan, the taliban regime is coming to an end. there is little doubt that our greatest
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military challenge right now is afghanistan. we must reverse the tale, bonds, momentum, and deny of the ability to overthrow the government. our troops will fight to win. we will fight to win. it all started so well. the u. s. invaded the taliban, fled to the mountains, the u. s. trained and trained and train the new. i've got an army, spend billions on supplying it with more noms. we spent over a trillion dollars. we trained and equipped in afghan military force with some 300000 strong. we gave them every tool. they could need all of this in vain, only for the taliban to seize all the equipment. as soon as i've got to stand fools, which strengthen their already solid position in the country, the comprehension of the situation on the ground was also far from what you might expect from the country, deeming itself the military and intelligence superpower. the united states
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currently lacks a comprehensive strategy to gates reconstruction efforts in afghanistan. it also lacks overarching plants with clearly defined metrics to guide its work in a number of key areas, such as anti corruption, connor narcotics, health, education, gender rule of law and water. all this lead to the inevitable corruption, the thriving within the security forces. there glaring ineffectiveness and as a result, lack of trust to the u. s. backed institution from locals. the african population perceives places, predatory bandits and calls them the most hated institution in the country. around 30 percent of the recruited place of deserted with issued weapons to set up their own private checkpoints and extort money from travelers. various sources before the telephone calls were a preferrable alternative, and that they were perceived as accessible, fast and less corrupt than the government established courts. so when the us says
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something like this, that force proved incapable of defending the country. and that did happen more rapidly than we anticipated. is it that big of a surprise? i mean, really well, but at least this time america is meddling actually lead a militant group. even one recognized as terrorists by many states to gain total control over a country of galveston who failed. the united states failed and they failed to train the ocoee and military. but to be honest, this isn't even the 1st time where we've in something like this. remember how much the united states invested in in nation building in iraq and how the iraqi security forces word. at 1st sight of islam extended, it was very obvious to me. as soon as the united states said that it would be withdrawing that this was essentially the same thing as hitting the keys to the towel them. but i truly do not believe that the american public understood this.
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and i'm not even sure that the fight in administration understood receive. this is what happens when you try to impose a western concept of them, but democratization onto a culture that has absolutely no concept of, of it. i mean, they didn't, they never had an army there before, and they, they were more involved in insurgencies and whatever. then we tried to build an army. this was totally alien to them. so none of this is surprising. and many of us very early on were saying this is a, a prescription for disaster. and this outcome is very dismayed. on the one hand, i feel very badly for the african people because they have really taken the brunt of, of this miscalculation both by their own leadership and by the united states government assist tunnel off the arabic,
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spoke to mohammed name from the taliban political office. and the group, of course, is still classed by most countries around the world as a terrorist organization. i think the answer to this question is really obvious. the world can see that the territory of afghanistan is now under the control of the atlantic m, or mac. it's waged war against the occupation in order to create an independent islamic state. it was claimed that there were 20 different terrorist groups, perhaps more or less operating enough chemist on that. but when the islamic eminence and asked to cease far a few years ago, not a single shot was fired. and then the lama camera struck in agreement with the u. s . there were rumors in the media reports, the different groups were in conflict over this agreement. but the truth is that no one broke disagreement, and then the groups joined. the taliban and the invaders announced their departure . then more and more groups began to join the moods at dean.
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oh, no, joe biden appears confused in some of his statement. the withdrawal of us troops had to be carried out in a strictly organized manner. after signing the agreement, we told us that the withdrawal should take place in a strict order to an agreed schedule. we told them that at every meeting, and then when they postpone the withdrawal for 4 months or longer, we told them the same. i don't know why there is a chaos and confusion intention. why the dramatic event took place a couple. airport. the scenes cause paint all afghans and also cause fear in those trying to leave the country. so that is a rap on this. i was coverage of the unraveling situation in afghanistan. of course we've been following closely here at our t getting as much insight as we can from people on the ground and analysis from experts around the world. we will continue to do so over the coming hours and the
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coming days. the oh, i do rather driven by a dream shaped by those in me dares think we dare to ask me.
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ah, and an expected am side of the pandemic? kenya is experiencing an edison baby boom. 200. why does kenya have so many cars? and how has the panoramic impacted people's lives? and a role is very big on any fact he end up killing himself. i don't believe nearly and then you got one via whoa and i will make it well before was what i didn't mean to be a media group. if they get the idea, i can say lucky to me, it will because at, and as i don't want anybody who did
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the they didn't even notice whether the equals you don't know, but i know the company just wasn't going whatever it is me the can i go to build a 6 day marathon of creativity, multi cultural festival. and the biggest variety is the competition for a few days. became a russian cultural capital. 28 categories. ahh from violence, piano to the parenting and data protection. not used just throwing up over water. i mean, you're not if you could give some kind of
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a 3 or 4 to be here. they filter when read an or content. the delta games only take the very best of the best. buy i me the ah, the remember when abide and there's a tale bond take over that. now and editable. no, it is not. because you have the afghan troops have 300000 well equipped as well as crypt is any army in the world and an air force against
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something like 75000 colleagues is not in and then he even went on to say this there's going to be no circumstance for you to see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the of the united states from afghanistan. it is not at all conference . well, the shy of 40 days later, we have images like this one coming from google. and yes, there are the images of helicopters, listing americans off the us. and now the taliban has announced the renaming of the country. the law mac m a. dana, stan. so why did president biden? it's totally get the future for us, get us in so wrong. and what is being called bided gone moment as a reference to the failures. the u. s. suffered in vietnam in 1975. we're going to discuss the long, outspoken critic of the war,
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and i've gotta stand with congressman and we're going to bring you at the latest comments on the african. it's dan from the president following his emergence from vacation. as was the 360 view on whether or not the biden administration deserves the blame for the expedius class of the african government considering this was something president trumpet declared. he was going to do as well with the same chain of events have transpired under trumps direction. i'm sorry now you've and you're watching news you use right here in our t america. let's get started. ah . the caliber has taken over afghanistan with an unexpected strength and speed that has the body ministration. scrambling to evacuate remaining americans and afghans who helped us forces during the 20 year war artesia. john, heidi has more tells a tragic story desperate afghans hope.


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