tv News RT August 18, 2021 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the the hours of headline t new video is emerging from afghanistan capital showing the desperation of people trying to flee at the tone of taliban. that's, that's the group, grief, the media author, its power grab promising it's seeking no revenge. women take this freeze to defend their rights which the taliban is promising to keep protected. although within the limits of all, we discuss the situation with the head of the largest media company. it's a bit too early to judge as to what the long term intentions are. there will be a transitional government and that they may be more restrictive and eventually they'll be in the european union admin. it's money efforts to train the army world in vain. mother viewed the streets of youth, a u. s. is one of the city effects was the everybody not just
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going to stuff, this is shane. what's happening over there? which is that are left behind. i just reveal the pilot commander who gave a big 3 speeds from cobbled presidential pilot, had actually been released from the us captivity office spending years at guantanamo bay. ah . well, a very good morning to you from all of us here at the international moscow. i real research with a busy program for you today. and at 1st this morning to helping more scenes of chaos, in our honest on following the taliban take over a gunshot to a fire to cobble international airport has people continue to try and flee the new regime. some trial to try to scale perimeter walls and fences to reach evacuation
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flights with desperate parents apparently dragging some of their kids over. bob. there are unconfirmed reports. so taliban fighters shot one man who was climbing a wall. and we understand 7 people are being confirmed dead killed at the airport, i should say, interest the last few days. now some of those who reached the apple were so desperate to get out. there was already a clinging to the plains that were taking off. this video was actually filmed by one of those clean to such a plane. unclear what is faithful as though because of the video didn't make it online. so some people think he might still be alive, or the u. s. air force has can fun human remains are found to the under carriage and one of his transport planes that came from cobble. we understand an investigation is underway. meanwhile, the taliban has held its 1st news conference since the group swept into cobble spokespersons for the group promised an amnesty for those afghans who worked for the coalition forces. it is in fact, it was one of many pleasures made happiness. i want to give assurances to all
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competitors, those on the position side as interpreters involved in military actions or those who health and civilian sectors. we have granted them all amnesty. we don't want to take revenge on anyone and those youths who are talented and from the soil. we don't want them to leave never. they are a valuable asset. they must stay in the country, god willing, and according to sherry law, we will that women work and participate in activities. women are the main symbol of our society. we respect them. women will participate in different sectors of society. although, according to this area law, meanwhile, fresh video has emerged said to be of women protesting in carbo, apparently that demanding their rights be respected, including work, education, and politics. the taliban though, has apparently been urging women to in fact, joined the government, promising to protect their rights within the limits of islam. the taliban says it will allow them to get an education and to work. and as opposed to supposedly
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approve that new way. there was an unprecedented event of an official sat down with a female present different interview with toto news, a local tv channel full part of a big p r campaign by the taliban to present a more moderate side to the world. earlier, my colleague neal harvey, discuss the new approach with a sophomore, sandy, the chairman and chief executive of the moby group, which overseas total news the tyler gonna trying to win hearts and minds. they're trying to convince a political stablished, people outside the taliban movement to join and support the taliban movement that are trying to secure international support. so i think it's a bit early. it's a bit too early to judge as to what the long term intentions are. there will be a transitional government know that they may be more restrictive and eventually they'll be in emeralds at the top of all have better ways so long ways to go before we can say that they're receptive to women on television or to, you know,
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equal opportunity for life kind of sense, how do you feel about freedom of speech? enough canister, the moment you going to be optimistic? maybe you feel the worst when the taliban came into power. but how are you feeling at the moment? i'm feeling neither. i think it's too early and we can't be naive to assume that they have changed for good freedom of speech is not just on reporting on facts. i mean they, they believed that gods on their side. and the holy koran is the constitution. and then they can never be challenged in time. they will need to be need to get channels and we'll see how much capacity they have for criticism when that happens . too, too, too early. and we have months and months ahead of us to see if they actually their, their actions match the words. it's understandable. we sent an awful lot of people fleeing the heading for the airport. it's been tragic at times, watching the people that tends to get out. have you had any of your stops saying
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look, you know, we just not comfortable with this. we, we want to go? yes we have and there are many who want to stay on and continue their work and some who wish to get that. i mean what the taliban do in the, in the coming weeks will determine what people do in the years. i had this, this of this, this middle class, this youth was, you know, 60 percent off for november the age of 20. and they can, they can make or break the country. and if they leave, we lose our educated class or really is up to the top line in terms of how they behave and their behavior is going to impact what people do in the months ahead. well, the new, the taliban has already failed to convince some the use foreign policy chief joe's at bar l. calling for dialogue with the group though to prevent human act humanitarian crisis. but he does say that doesn't mean the group will get international recognition of taliban, of course, is still listed as a terrorist organization by most of the world, including the un, burrell,
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admitted all the time and effort invested in the country over the last 2 decades. apparently it's all been in vain. anyone has been surprised they did fall in a few days or not. i mean, we had to spend a lot of money and a lot of efforts to drain and so fast enough. so even the balance has been surprised by the tree. you latest growing increasingly wired about the situation and i've gone on faring the chaos, could wind its way to europe in a deluge of refugees. we must anticipate and protect ourselves against major irregular my great re flows that would endanger those who use them and feed trafficking of all kinds. we will therefore take the initiative to build without delay, a robust, coordinated, and united response that will involve the fight against irregular flows. first, we have to discuss how to accommodate the people in the neighboring countries and
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move forward. the next step would be to look further, but a european solution would certainly be difficult. we have not yet managed to create a common asylum policy. now, despite medical concern about the human crisis and the potential impact that this could have on europe, she did manage to find time to attend, to form premier in berlin. and despite the criticism that germany had only evacuated, save and of its national from cabal. at the same time, a number of leaders are very pit mistake you have, for example, the check president my list zeeman, who had said that nature failed in afghanistan. and its legitimacy has now been brought into question the distrust towards nato, from a number of member countries will grow up to this experience because they will say, if you failed and again, it's done. whereas the guarantee that you won't fail in any other critical situation at austria, it has cold on neighboring countries to have got done to people taishan centers as
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a way of handling immigrants that are attempting to flee the taliban. also, of course, is maintaining a very hard line stance when it comes to immigrants. you then have turkey, which is in the final stages of building a 295 kilometer road along its border with the ran to prevent african refugees from entering that country. the nato secretary general said the priority for nato was as follows. nato's focus right now is to ensure the safe departure or personnel from our, than partner countries. and of the afghans who have helped us. very good mister, that europe was surprised at the speed of the political and military collapse of the cobble government. it was something that they had not anticipated. he also said that he was frustrated that after years of international assistance, the results were to quote him not better. international affairs john,
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this richard mad house believes the use priority is not human rights, its profit and foreign policy objectives we've known for decades now that the war and again, it's dan locked. it was last from day one. this government was never going to work . and yet a series of us generals and nato officials lying about the capacity and capability of the afghan government that they set up. and the security forces who they pumped full of weapons to make money for the arms industry at the taliban have of course territorial control. they don't have what is, of course, the western legitimacy just yet neither from the un and, nor from and to certainly not from the u. s. and the u. k. was egg on their faces because they've been telling us for 20 years that they're trying to set up a government there and they have failed miserably. because the whole thing was a racket to make money for the weapons industry will never about nation building or about delivering democracy was while making money for the private sector. it's that simple. you the western world, they claim it's about human rights. they say that recognizing a taliban government,
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a potential taliban government is contingent upon human rights. but again, i find this hard to believe. i think the real factor is not human rights for them. it's whether it's profitable, whether it's convenient for their foreign policy objectives. i think the most important thing to see how russia, china and iran deal with ghana, stan and, you know, consider ties with, with them. not necessarily the united states alone because obviously the taliban have, you know, they've called their bluff. more british i'm gotten evacuated, arrived on a military base in the u. k. with the british official responsible for the evacuation, noting the taliban did not interfere with the process of cobble that board. meanwhile, a prime minister boris johnson has announced a new resettlement scheme for ask our citizens at the 1st year of which we'll see the u. k. taken around 5000 people, mostly women and kids. of the u. s. meanwhile, has made available half a $1000000000.00 in aid, and we quit people in london and new york about what the world's witnessed. and i've gone on over the last few days. the home politicians throughout the world
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should be legally hanging their head in shame. what's happening when it's absolutely disgraceful? well, the cd effects normally was the, everybody, not just a gun to some european america. everybody was and it has created a great deal of difficulty for people working there. and obviously for the native, a, people of afghanistan, shame, what's happening over there, but have dentist and they've been fighting for 102 years. the fact that we've been over there for 20 years, we really haven't stabilized the country. there's no reason for us to be over there . my biggest are the women that are left behind. i know what it says. you know the taliban regime thing that they will allow women to have the freedom that they've enjoyed 20 years. but i don't believe it. i mean concerns about what impact their return to the taliban will have on people's lives in afghanistan,
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the red cross shirts, it will keep it stop there and continue providing assistance to all sides. or recently, the 8 organization reported that since the start of june is treated 40000 people injured and fighting in the country while the figure for august alone, so far as 8000. the charities director for asia and the pacific says in recent years, more than half of all casualties have been women and children on the recent fighting, you know, in the country and the city in the recent days we've been seeing a number of ensured must have been prepped up or people injured in us because that would fighting down leg. got it right and created huge you monitor in need. here are deeply you back a bit more from the fighting over the years here. the concern is really much on the women and children that are making more than half of the casualties such that we
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have we receive, you know, we're, we're supporting her because i mean, the dramatic events of the past few days. it's only recently come to light that one of the taliban commanders who stormed the presidential pilots in the capital was actually released from the notorious guantanamo bay camp. it's long been known as a hot bed for terrorists and other radicals who of course have been imprisoned. there are caesar dmitri pow cuz we take a closer look if the situation and i guess that wasn't already a disaster showcasing the shortcomings of u. s. foreign policy and appetite for regime change. well, it turns out one of the taliban leaders who gave a celebratory speech from couples, presidential palace was none other than a former guantanamo detainees who was released as a quote medium risk. yes. seriously, of all the people, the u. s. tortured in guantanamo. this was one of the guys deems thought, really dangerous, and let go meet goal roo honey. one of the 1st detainees at guantanamo in 2002. he
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was captured by us forces on suspicion of being a taliban security officer during his time and get more money maintained that he was, quote, a simple shopkeeper who tried to help americans. so some 5 years later or 8. according to ronnie he was released on the promise that he just wanted to help is sick father won an appliance store and couple fast forward to 2021 and he's a taliban commander leading the takeover of couple. so either the u. s. intelligence was, well, not really intelligent, and lana taliban radical pull one over them and lie his way out of the hands of the ca, or it was the time to spend and get know that actually radicalized the simple shopkeeper into a taliban fanatic. don't matter if a detainee were innocent. indeed, because he lived and they've got to stop and was captured on or near the battle area, he must know something of importance. well, apparently all the torture and human rights violations that get mall,
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and other us detention centers turned out to be all for nothing. sure, they apparently got some good intel out of some of the detainees. but on the other hand, the ones that they let go went on to became terrorist leaders. yeah, ronnie isn't the only detain eastern terrorist boss. there's a whole list there is the 5 taliban leaders that obama swapped for an american desert, or these leaders were promised to never see a battlefield again. and that would be held in guitar far from again, a stand regardless of the circumstances, whatever those circumstances may turn out to be. we still get an american soldier back if you seldom kept it period full stop yet somehow they're now apparently the masterminds behind the current take over a couple, one of them is even a part of the official delegation of the taliban. he even took part in negotiating the us withdrawal from janice. then earlier this year we'll see then there are the
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isis super terrorists. for example, the infamous all buck daddy, the former leader of isis. he was captured in 2004, held in detention at a u. s. facility in iraq for 10 months. let go and went on to have a successful career and terrorism becoming the head honcho of the big bad, isis. he was a street thug. when we picked him up in 2004, it's hard to imagine we could about a crystal ball, then that would tell us he'd become head of isis. yeah. if only you could have seen that coming anyway. and then there's this guy who was a valuable inform and during his time, at the hands of us intelligence out, that was the song. but if you meet talents and ability and now kids is no less than the current leader of isis replacing all. but daddy turns out he was just using the us to get rid of the competition for the top spot amongst terrorists, another big wolf's, this is kind of beginning to seem like a trend. now, basically,
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not only did the us fail to recognize dangerous radicals when they were right there their hands, they apparently even managed to embolden and help radicalized people who probably wouldn't have posed any threat if it weren't for having an encounter with some american intelligence officers. in the end, america seems to be fighting problems itself created and so many that doesn't even come as a shock. well, the tele bonds are not only got his hands on for my us prisons, enough gun us tom. but obviously of course is also it's a weaponry biden's, national security adviser admitted that american arms have been captured by the medicines. however many others say the arms were either left or just handed over to them. those black hawks were given to the tall one. they were given to the african national security forces to be able to defend themselves. we don't have a complete picture, obviously of where every article of defense materials has gone by. certainly a fair amount of it has fallen into the hands of the taliban. and obviously,
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we don't have a sense that they are going to readily handed over to us at the airport in recent comments or by us officials also show the whole situation in afghanistan came as a big surprise to the white house. moreover, it seems, washington is not entirely sure what to do next. even well drawn plans don't survive 1st contact with reality. this is happen more rapidly than we anticipated here. there is chaotic situation in cobble where we don't even have the establishment of a governing authority. when you're at a point where things are happening more quickly than anyone would have anticipated, then you're going to have some chaotic stand slash you listen to us officials discussing afghanistan. they don't seem to be providing real information and seem to be emphasizing that they don't have a clear picture of the answers. the questions that are being asked, we are seeing us officials try out an old, tried and true method,
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flap on some sanctions and hope everything works out. i am not going to go into the full planet panda plea of things that we can do, but there are obviously issues related to sanctions. there remains to be seen whether or not the taliban really cares about us. sanctions, however, washington has made clear, is not going to sacrifice any more american lives on the altar of democracy in afghanistan. however, national security, advisor sullivan did make clear. he cares deeply about afghan women. truly deeply. my heart goes out to ask in women and girls in the country today under the telephone. so amid confusion as the global community looks on the situation in afghanistan as a lot of questions for us leaders about what they did know and didn't know. and what's going to happen in the future? i'm sure everyone is totally reassured by these answers that have just been provided by washington officials. president biden has struck both
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a defensive and defiant tone about his decision to pull old troops out of afghanistan. and his claims that the mission was never about nation building stands in stark contrast to the promises made to the asking people 2 decades ago. eager to shine off takes a closer look. it didn't take long for the taliban to fill in the power vacuum left after the now infamous us pull out defending that with the rule, president biden pin. the blame on the african government. political leaders of afghans were unable to come together for the good of their people unable to negotiate for the future of their country. when the chips were down, they would never have done so while us troops remained pianist and bearing the brunt of the fighting for them. america's mission and of gaston was never supposed to have been nation building, says president bite and in 2021. the alternative to nation building is k. s.
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senator biden retorts in some parts of ministration. nation building is still a dirty phrase, but the alternative to nation building is chaos. a chaos that churns out blood thirsty war, large drug traffickers and terrorist. when the us failed to swiftly hand down, been locked in 2001, the mission shifted towards remodeling the country into an ideal society that does not breed terrorists. george bush used the exact words nation building when looking back, flashing back at american efforts in the country. we know that true police will only be achieved when we give the afghan people the means to achieve their own aspirations. pace these will be achieved by helping ab ganesh. stan, develop its own stable government. but to do that meant to break the spine of the traditionalist african society and implant a new one from reconstruction and aid efforts to overseeing the formation of the
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critics, even brandon, the ex president of gunnison. as for ghani, a us protege, he is a familiar figure to the american establishment. while washington's european allies also didn't have any illusions about what exactly the aim of the mission was. does he didn't succeed and weren't accomplished as we had planned, the realization and the big one is terrifying for the millions of afghans who supported the more free society and who, with the support of western states, strong for democracy, cation and women's rights, and made important progress moreover, the right volumes of books studying us nation building in galveston, one's literally called exactly like that word for word. but the bite and team refused to capitulate and just admit defeat. instead, they're trying to hide their intentions behind the abstract facade of the war on
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terror and branding it as an actual success. we succeeded in achieving those fundamental objectives and the idea that we would sign up for remaining there in the midst of a civil war for another $510.00 or 20 years, was simply not in the national interest, killing bin laden 10 years ago is arguably the only achievement the u. s. has to show for its mission and i've got to stand other benefits which the country well did enjoy under the u. s. protectorate, like an improvement in women's rights, a lower infant mortality rate and more children going to school. all of that is now left at the taliban mercy. while the ruling leads in washington, too busy writing revisionist history. we spoke with us army come back. veteran corey mail says there will always to clear objectives in the mission, in kindest, on one, eliminate the terror threat to rebuild the nation. what went wrong,
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the minute that americans thought that we were in the business of nation building. what we went over there to do in the very beginning and i was part of that was to eliminate the terrorists who were responsible for the 911 attack and also stop him from being a safe haven to terrorism. that could have been done and perfected with cpr operation irregular warfare, a symmetric warfare and spent operation forces with dick with the support of the intelligence communities. basically going out putting together a t t packets. we then got into this ship of nation building and they wanted to continue to perpetuate this idea that we need to stay there in arm and build and defend and help to create a democracy. you know, because we're american are arrogant. see that every other country needs to mock like us just never ends. when it comes out vanish. jan this was a lot. busy of plans to begin with, and i tell all my better and brothers and sisters who are out there, but it was the suits, not the boots who was responsible for this failure. the taliban and all of the chairs networks. and then we had to watch as americans,
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but they had the time they never had to leave and they knew they could wait us out as far as trying to get through the program here on our team to national on this wednesday morning. we continue on special coverage with the unfolding event in afghanistan. in the meantime, it's nearly half past 8 here at moscow. we are back soon with all the the unexpected upside of the pandemic kenya's experiencing in the elephant baby boom. 206. why does kenya have so many cars? and how has the pandemic impacted people's lives? is andree role is a very big along in any fact he end up killing himself. i don't believe nearly and then you got one via whoa and i will make
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a little was i didn't get to the group if they get, i didn't say lucky to me in to because that and i was out of the, one of the been a day that the they didn't even notice whether they call to do this, but i know they come in just because in order with me, oh, when i went to the wrong room, i just don't have any room to fill out the thing because the after an engagement equals the trail when so many
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find themselves well, depart. we choose to look for common ground the follow up on something we've been talking about for a while and that is the lack of leadership, but never ending money. printing the new more. we are pretty someone who's going to watch your course, the 991. the situation spirals completely out of control got about, you know the referendum for the spring of that year off. sylvia who's to vote on whether the state should be preserved on changed the 330 and the
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on the marble. so ah, trenton easter is a narrow strip of land along the bank of the nice river in soviet times it was part of the mold davian soviet socialist republic. in the late 19 eighties, the winds of change began to blow and just now and local nationalists demanded that they switched to the left in alphabet and speak romanian trans nice. this predominantly, russian population resisted the changes to rascal the capital declared its refusal to secede from the u. s. s. can you let me just tell they've got the guy that suicide, but she moved me. it's not a lot of them get.
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