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tv   News  RT  August 20, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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as always, contractors are getting back rich, and so finally they just had to give up the ghost. the gone for chaos around the international airport in kabul was more i've gotten, it's trying desperately to leave the country trying to get to the americans. they push me out, they kick me out, or would you like to be there with that? yes, it seems that the sales receipt is quite sharp that you're seeing here. they're all clues. a local journalist gives us a tool around cobbled to see how life has changed off the taliban over ah,
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life for moscow, thanks for joining us. and i don't all teeth and i should love daniel, who can throw the you all tonight. welcome to the program. a crowds of destro to have guns are still a messing around cobble effort in the hope of escaping to a new life away from the taliban. the gun. so i can still be heard as people stamp in desperation. with foreign troops on the taliban occasionally shot in the air, the dispersed crowns. it's getting increasingly difficult to control the situation . soldiers also fired tear gas into the crowd early on friday. that was unclear from which country the know in this video, you can see i've gotten sold. there's also station at the airport following blanks . troops tried to push people away from the entrance. local say they're being
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treated badly by all sides. the dentist, i kid for the past 2 days to get into the americans, they push me out. they kicked me out. i would just be in the district that he just fired that the demit you tried to go to the guy mom and find the costs and everyone was going by here. like i know when i go to got in between the kids, the kids like one year old kid. oh, goodness. american. yeah. yeah. and this, you know, the american, the germans, the, to the beat up people with, with baseball, local journalists, took us on a tool around the capital on the taliban rule and spoke with those who sees the city as well as those who are trying to flee from it also several days that they call, we'll see the capital of a gun at some fall into the tunnel. and it seems that the sales is quite sharp that
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we are seeing you here. they're all clues, the bonds, the restaurant, the supermarket did all cruise. and if you see this region here, it's a complete the why is it 3? if you compare it with us before we do a month before, before it's all about capture the city, it was a very rock city. it was the what use area is in fact a very rough area of call, but now it's like looking very why we will. our majority is 4 percent of the stomach. and i told the people and cover that they are protected by the ton of on w w. i'd also say this, i'm thinking about leadership. i have all the to the fighters that they don't have permission to enter for any houses or to any to search. i know how it is. i did both they, they are not allowed to enter. the house has our inquiry on the government. people know i'm a year and a checkpoint of a ton of money and public safety. i bricks off with the whole month of the check
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for the how can i children for the people they are say, what people are problem. my name is ross monica chime. i find the hidden cameras. it has been 80 and 20 years that we have been in the mountains now with capital capital city. i hope you are not set. we have no great the problem of the terrible people. no, i see the shops and markets are closed. what's your message to the shopkeepers and owners of the market? look as i do what a good will given them freedom do should common no combat shop. there is no problem with the fight. didn't finish, didn't have dentist, staff fighting has finished. and again, this done loads had before gone. now we should come together and save our country. this is one of the cobble international airport get lots of people just got here to get charles to get inside of the airport. quite a few of the security forces that they don't give permission for anyone to get inside of the airport. now i'm going to interview with one of the guys who is
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working for a long time. it is good, but they couldn't find the child to get inside of the airport. so how long have you been behind this kid been around for 3 days. there were people that stormed the whole the certificate for an english course. people went with electricity bills, but those of us with the real documents couldn't get inside. i have my special immigrant visa, which has been accepted and approved, but i still can't get to the side with getting caught on a local resistant forces amount of successful offensive against the taliban in the north of san clayton and managed to liberate 3 districts in the province of black land, almost video, which we call the verify, you can see local militia celebrate the success by raising the national flag report say the troops, the allied with the i've gotten 1st, vice president mueller, sali, he and other come on as the reporters mustering troops in upon sheer problem in a bid to resist taliban rule as well, people are also showing their resistance to the taliban regime. and kabul crowds
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marched through the streets denouncing the takeover of the country and shot that anti taliban slogans and carried joins as gun flags of become a symbol of defiance. women also took part in the progress they remain. among the most threatened in today's taliban controlled afghanistan, all things to take over 3000 cobbles, shoving women faces have been painted over. several shops and beauty, silence also closed the doors out of fear of possible reprisals. some local, say, women are practically disappeared from the streets with only a very small number. daring to come out all at the spot. the telephone was earlier promises the respect women's rights seem. as many afghans don't have confidence in those words, we don't want to go back 20 years. they use force against us and broke our smart phones. and they told us that you cannot raise your flag. they told us,
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go and sit at home. your women be ashamed of the route we were forced to protest against them to show the world that the taliban government does not have any value. not just for us, it has no legitimacy. the world list unverified video shows a man being assaulted by a ton of undefined if a wearing enough can national flag that's out of our members. thoughtless submitted on the street, taking the flag off him before hitting him. in the face lawyer, my colleague will re sushi, spoke to the mayor of cobble about the situation on the ground, explained how he managed to keep his job after the taliban take they are in touch with me. they called me and they informed me that they should continue my job for seems to thumb that the taliban is perhaps putting on a bit of a p. r stunt at the moment the taliban saying that they want women to have the opportunity perhaps to even get
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a job. busy it says women can perhaps even get an education. we have educated women, we have women who can provide services. we have woman can, can be part of the economy. therefore, it's only logical for itala by government our, for any government to make sure that we take advantage of that issue of women has to be dealt with and the context of human rights. and islam, of course, within that context, there are freedoms. we cannot deny that from the women of upon us one. do you think the lack of resistance, even the lack of blood spilled, suggests that actually strong support for the taliban within the country. there was a little bit of both for support for paula bon resentment of how things were managed. the satisfaction among racket, rank, and file in the military executed forces to not to fight because they didn't want to fight or something unknown. the ever thing. what defines around
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individuals rather than systems. therefore, the motivation to fight for a person or persons was not enough for the people to fight. therefore there was no bloodshed. thank god. do you think mister mayor? the people of cobble are going to accept taliban rule? both sides have to come to grips with reality and naturally follow, but will also have to come to grips with reality that up on the sun is not the same up on a song 20 years ago. so there is a given take that has to take place or get him to the airport is a question itself. one german citizen was shot and wounded on his way the in while a ton of mines now said to be carrying out house to house searches for people who oppose them. during one minute. he killed a family member of a deutsche about a journalist who now works in germany just days ago. the medicine is promised not to carry out. reprisals and media operators, normal karen, look feld. a german journalist on middle east expert said she is not surprised. the
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thought about its promises didn't last long. the situation now is completely out of order. i think it's the transition situation. and probably that slopes on the ground. i mean the taliban fighters on their own who are going from door to door. do not really know what need to ship in cupboard and say, i think not the structure of the clear hierarchy on the situation is so unstable that these things can happen and i'm afraid to last for longer and, but at the same time we must remember that kind of done is we try the society and the people follow different order, you know, from that try and not really used to follow the order of leadership, of the political leadership or military leadership, which is far away. and at the same time as possible, that people, central old bill,
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i mean the sounds maybe a little bit cynical, but when you have some situation like, you know enough, gone a some this can happen. meanwhile, a former royal marines, carmano tweeted a picture of an empty fright leaving cobble as it was taken by his wife. he was on boards, the image, which is so far unconfirmed, went viral with people on twitter saying it's scandalous, given. there are thousands of desperate people who could flown to safety. the u. k . ministry of defense. the plane wasn't best according to the ex marine planes, the taking off from cobble every hour with an empty or full of the us intelligence communities under the spotlight offered. so much the rapid taliban takeover ticket completely off god. so i bought and tried to explain it as follows. i got all kinds of cables, all kinds of advice. if you notice range from this group saying that they didn't
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said for when it would fall when it did fall. but saying that it would fall to other saying, it wouldn't happen for a long time. they've be able to sustain themselves through the end of the years. or the intelligence community didn't warn about it, it's your rating security situation they hadn't reckoned with the share of the draws. so when you start changing mach many, that intelligence assessments will now face stronger scrutiny early. and my colleague neil harvey discussed with a former office of how this latest until failure will impact washington's credibility. but those of us should around for vietnam have a strong attitude of do chavo when the u. s. army is at war, the civilian intelligence whose cache is independence analysis. doesn't matter. as matter of fact, it's super crash. whether there are any people in the ca who correctly predicted what would happen now? i mean, it has to be, i mean, was a no brainer. i mean, once the head of sudden come general mackenzie said we are withdrawing all air
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support. we said that on the 14th of june, 3 weeks later, the air force and army leaves barbara air force base. what did they expect to happen? so in other words, if the civilian agents change piped up and said, you know that the taliban is just going to roll through, they would be disregarded. it's the us army. and it's milly, and it's of course, mackenzie who is head of who should be should be a portion to blame for this. and the question that i have really, where are they so dumb? how damaging is this for the by the ministration. clearly the president would have gone along with this if he thought it was going to and of such an absolutely pay or not math for him, but how, how much of this hurting him? oh, it will hurt him. it's a liminal event. i would say it's as important as 911 now the real danger of course . ringback is that the people will accuse biden, there is
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a prospect that the republicans could capitalize on this because the major media will not be able to tell the truth about what happened to me on friday. terrified and also gave an address and feel that journalist questions regarding the situation . and i've got to start on the decisions washington and taken in the run out of the fall of cobble on sunday. the mountain criticism from all sides widened, tried to put a bright face at the meeting, though there still a lot of uncertainty to evacuate. mission is dangerous and evolves risks to armed forces and has been conducted under difficult circumstances. i cannot promise with the final outcome will be well biden. he essentially used his address to try and divert attention away from what were obvious shortcomings and lapses in judgment that led to the taliban serge over the weekend. now biden did try to sell the ongoing evacuation as if it is some sort of success. now, there is
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a situation as we understand where there are a number of american citizens that are still stuck in cobble. now it's also important to note that, you know, mainstream media has been quite critical of joe biden, on this certain networks that tend to lean towards the democratic party and their coverage of launched scathing attacks on biden and how he handled the situation. secretary blink, and how did president biden get this so wrong? how could officials have missed fish? how did it happen? how do we get here? does president abide not bear the blame for this disastrous exit from afghanistan? now in his speech biden admitted that the administration thought up until the very last moments that the afghan forces would not collapse so quickly, the taliban would not be able to search ahead so quickly. and it's also important to note when he was speaking, he seemed to indicate that it was not the time for criticism. the can overwhelming
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consensus was that they were, this was not where they were not going to collapse the afghan forces. they were not going to leave and we're not going to just abandon and then put down their arms and take off to be plenty of time to criticize a 2nd guess mate is precious over. but now, now i'm focused on getting this job done. now, seeing as this was a joint nato alliance that was operating an afghan, a stand the hasty pull out has put that nato alliance once again into boston. in europe, there are some that are beginning to call into question america's leadership of the nato coalition. no, we have not heard any like overt, straightforward criticism. some tropes have been found in the media lately and in the public domain. it's a remarkable change in tone because up until then biden had been viewed as the opposite of donald. trump has more reliable and trustworthy by the nato allies. however, there seems to be rising disillusionment among nato allies. and joe biden,
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though, says this is not something he's concerned about. i see no question of our credibility from our allies around the world. i've spoken with our nato allies. we spoken with nato allies, the secretary state, or national security via he's been in contact with his counterparts throughout the world. and our allies, as has the general r c b. i keep calling them in general, but my sister defense, the fact of the matter is i have not seen that matter of fact the exact opposite i've got. now donald trump has said that this is the greatest strategic error in u. s. history. he called it capitulation. donald trump has said that joe biden owes america an apology. the world is now looking on and watching the scenes and cobble the white house is certainly under quite a bit of fire. joe biden's whole numbers are dropping. many are looking on the situation and afghan stan and saying that the united states seems to have pretty
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much dropped the ball here. a british model spin slammed the lines of boasting of folks which is wearing a book. it was part of a promo for you book on environmental and societal changes. model activities, lily coal posted to use on the ground that she later deleted one featuring in a book, covering her face and body and the other revealing her face beneath. in the call and she said she was embracing diversity on every level. now the post came was cobble, fell to the tell about them without can women actively speaking out about fears? the heart for rights will be stripped away. a number of folks challenge the moral, pointing out the taliban forces women to wear a booker. and i've got women have no choice but to live under the islamists rule. a co later apologize thing. she wasn't aware of the events unfolding, and i've got a thought because she wasn't following the news. she added that she was heart broken to learn what happens. and she's now looking for ways to help women that we
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spoke to saudi aid from women's rights group, gloucestershire sisters, anti virus and tv come with rebecca butler about the issue and her death. thoughts about women facing restrictions that i've got to stay on under the taliban. it says vacuous, self promoting behavior on the part of lily coal. when she did this to promote her book, general public is so really fed up of as a paid under qualified individuals that she signaling, particularly when they don't fully appreciate the token of what they're doing. it's not feminism, it's not diversity. the bercher is a symbol of oppression who cause a context. so of issue i was raised in a very conservative community, so i would see it as something that's very, very oppressive. but i also don't expect anybody that hasn't been raised in that
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community to understand some ignorance is genuinely innocent. why would i expect to understand what is going on within those communities? and i think it doesn't help me have hysteria on either side about the taliban saying they will respect women within the confines of atlantic law equals not respecting women's rights that he's being zoomed across the world that it is okay to repress women. as long as men are ok, women and children are going to be left behind. ready was seeing the impact about women trying out the most money. san already put in prison in their homes, in, in the, in the push out of their job. we're already seeing that i am i read litigation and i've got songs also dominated the agenda of approaching and anglo muckle, who held talks in moscow. today we've agreed on the need for the international
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community to oppose the resurgence of terrorism. some of janice 10, but with respect to another project, that of making sure that there is a united social stance of the good people for the future of their country that we have not achieved. and i have to admit this. you cannot impose from outside standards of political life and behavior on other countries and peoples and paying no attention to the unique features of an ethnic or religious nature or the historical traditions of ghana. stan, be number one story in the news and the past few days. and also one of the main topics discussed by the heads of state of the german chancellor called the resurrection of the taliban in afghanistan as quote, unquote, very disappointing. and also talked about how much she concerned about the fate of western citizens that are currently struggling with the evacuation and also about the afghan citizens who were working to help the western coalition. their president
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took refrain from openly criticizing the taliban. and also this time fell short of criticizing washington for swift pull out. however, he did once again speak of again, it's dan as an example of how outside interference and also teaching lessons of democracy while ignoring the local traditions that leads to disasters, movement onto other highlights angle. and marco was very keen to show to the media how much she pressured vladimir, poking on the jail term of kremlin critic alexis the volley, who is currently serving a sentence for a criminal offense. now president who had quite a few things to say and response. and in particular, he said that those who commit criminal offenses should be punished regardless of whether they are opposite and activists or anti government bloggers. from our point to you, the tendency of a scene of i need to chime in prison on the basis. the previous vertical is not
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a set of template. and european court for human rights has classified it a disproportionate and it talks to the russian president, i demanded the release of alex st. and made it clear that will be following this case closely. if you look at western countries in europe or in the united states, i don't really see say the occupy wall street or yellow vest activists being supported in their attempts to enter a governing body, including the parliament. we don't see that happen. moreover, when people entered the u. s. congress with political slogans following the us presidential election last year, over $100.00 criminal charges were brought against them. and judging by the nature of those challenges, they're looking at sentences anywhere from 15 to 25 years. or even more to be fully objective us, you know, to take note of this side as well. for lynn and moscow are gearing up for the launching of the north stream to pipeline which is intended for direct natural gas deliveries from this country to germany's northern coast. this project had many enemies, including the u. s. and ukraine. when it comes to the crisis and the hostilities in
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east ukraine latimer proven, went on to criticize for attempts to introduce a new or what's going to the russian side would the rail, the minsk agreements completely. but just to remind you both anglo merkel and a lot of our potent are proponents of these very important agreements, which as they believe are the only mechanism for peace and that part of ukraine. now what really makes friday summit in the kremlin outstanding is that the anglo merkel is about to step down at the german chancellor and the 16 years of being in charge. the german government make her at the longest standing western needed to be constantly in touch with a lot of our during his own long career as the russian president. surely the relations between these 2 had their ups and downs, but they were always full of spect. then some of the highlights are already in the
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history books. ah, ah, well, we don't know each other well enough, but i'm amazed by her ability to listen. i, me, ah, it is known that the russian doesn't like drink german beer. and sometimes there's a possibility that we can make exchanges. i've also gotten very good because i'm from time to time send a couple of bottles over rather burger b i
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ah us maybe busy dealing with the full article. i've got to stand by that hasn't stopped it from finding time for one of my favorite activities, slapping more sanctions on russia. on friday, the vitamin instruction imposed sanctions against the russian ship and 2 companies involved in the construction of the north trip to pipeline. however, the german company working on the project faces no sanctions. the pipeline will transfer natural gas from russia to germany and is almost complete. we discussed these new measures, republican strategies, karen jonah, who says they're in 7th by biden, to shift attention away from his own political salinger's. i think it has a lot to do with the chaos that's evolving in afghanistan and elsewhere.
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this is, this is the only president of the united states who, within 6 or 7 months of taking office has created and is responsible for to humanitarian crisis, is one in our southern border and one in afghanistan and a national security crisis as well. and is just looking for an opportunity to blame others. so if, if you see his foreign policy shifts, which are quite chaotic from supporting the international initiatives with nato and afghan in to, to support it now the, the pipeline, the north stream pipeline. and now doing a reversal with regard to sanctions, it's messy, it's chaotic, but it's, it's not uncommon with this particular president. and it's unfortunate because i don't like sitting here criticizing
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a u. s. president over international foreign policy at all, but he deserves it. well, those are the main lines for this, our state shooting for dennis and a plus one coming up in just a few moments time, the team and i back in half an hour with the latest join us again. but the oh, when i would show the wrong one, i'll just don't rule out the thing because the after an engagement equals the trail when too many find themselves well, the part we choose to look for common ground. now
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we have the cigarettes. i just heard that it was a healthy alternative to figure out how do we trust tobacco companies with their message that these new products are actually going to reduce? are these, these are making the tobacco tours? hey folks, next up, man and full jalen rose. hit a hell out of the ball over on s p. s. great coverage during the finals that he did . and he's also got a podcast called jalen rose renaissance man. my. my man did 13 seasons in the n b a . so he knows of what he speaks plus a surprise on who his biological father is. i did not know this to. i read the notes, but it will explain a lot about jalen. dr. jalen rose right after this on dennis miller plus one. the folks welcome to dennis miller plus one. happy to
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welcome a bonafide bollard the show jalen rose 13 year and be a veteran. best selling author philanthropist. tv personality is building the resume here. currently an a, b, c and e s p and analysts state of the art and hoops for n b, a co host, the jalen and jacoby jacob, the, i don't even know the other because i think of it, it's jail. and she also has is jalen rose renaissance man podcast that's available with you, where you can get your projects that i tell you his old man could ball for broad as he was. he was, he was providence before before to day in bed. marva got so this is jalen rose jalen. i appreciate the love i'm a huge fan. i'm a major supporter of all. busy things dennis miller honor need to be on and also thank you for knowledge in providence friars and jimmy walker,
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please before this is i need a story. well.


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