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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  August 21, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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michelle, tonight we pull out of afghanistan after a swift taliban victory. so now we're going to prove our superiority by making it difficult for the taliban to tweet. and big tech is taking over city's proving there's no such thing as free. why fi? then? palestinians are forced to leave with israeli settlers as roommates that's nothing a dry erase board can self but 1st. 2 we're seeing the landscape changed america and i don't mean the fires. yes, july was the hottest month in the history of recorded hot months. that mean last year was hot girls summer this here is world summer g q, just name the planet, the hottest living thing. second, only to do a leap, or if your planet has a fire, lasting 4 or more years, talk to your god. the google map is changing and another way big companies are getting into the real estate business and developing actual cities further
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employees to live and work in it. one must pushed out residents for a county called star base. no one else called the starbase in silicon valley tech companies are a little more subtle with their takeover. google is developing downtown west, taking over a chunk of san jose and facebook is creating will little village, a town and housing development in menlo park. so mark zuckerberg is trying to rehabilitate his image by becoming a landlord. so companies are owning whole towns. i mean, what year is it? i was beginning to suspect that we're living in another gilded age. let's see. i mean, we have record inequality monopolies and many workers don't have the right to unionize . the only real difference i can think of was at the turn of the century. take your kid to work day was every day. around 1900. there were about $3000.00
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company towns or municipalities owned by one corporation, pullman town, illinois, a planned community for manufacturing room cars, was the most notorious, and came to an end. when workers were so unhappy with their live work situation that they went on strike for 2 months. and it ended in a pitched battle between the u. s. army and workers. this was not the workers utopia, george pullman imagined. ok, the ruling corporation of the company town control the school, the library, the stores, and of course housing. so zocker berg won't just be a landlord of willow village, will also be a mayor, a restaurant tour, a pharmacist and a grocer. willow village will include a supermarket, a pharmacy can phase a hotel and a town square. maybe the facebook town square should stay digital because how are
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they going to sell the live one? come see, facebook vill town square. i r l. a rena, where a fight to the death occurs between a proud boy or a 50 year old retired comp and you're drunk liberal, and people ask the facebook town moderators to step in, but they say they're only job is to make sure there's no nipples visible within the city limits these tech companies are telling us that they can do cities better than us. every aspect of them google not just making a smart city, they're making a smarter city. we wonder is google colon our city? well here san jose's may are welcome to the side of the dancing pick. mayor lacardo held his news conference right here to support his contention that the existing downtown community wont be raised when google moves to town. not even this old me on sign for a defunct sausage company. that once stood where google plans to build
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a google has committed to preserve that dancing pick. google clearly made a calculated concession here to preserve the heritage of downtown san jose. but i think residents are more worried that they'll have to surrender their city to a silicon valley experiment. more worried than about the meat processing plant, sign the lands in google, so called downtown west project footprint, or dole drab, and in many cases already vacant. and this is how google says they could look in the future, a busy vibrant hub of housing, office, space, transportation, retail parks, and plazas ah, the google sponsored plaza will rival the piano. as the venison, rome, i can see a family of german tourists coming to marvel at them on their visit to america. of this god prospect. as so many scouts of emoji
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was in this horrible dancing pig company towns, though they went out of style with the development of local governments and the rise of workers rights after the new deal are not totally extinct. disney runs the government of 3 cities in one of disney cities, theme park workers pay rent to landlord goofy, and don't have the power to vote locally. according to the founding charter, the district board of supervisors, elections are only open to landowners within the district. because disney owns 2 thirds of the districts land, the company alone selects all 5 board members, voting limited to landowner mall. that's just what our founding fathers intended. now let's talk about education. thanks to a $50000.00 donation from amazon,
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the major employer in the area high school in san bernardino offers amazon logistics and a business management pathway to students in which students learn amazons 14 leadership principles in an air conditioned classroom designed to emulate the inside of an amazon facility. and each teenager, where's a company golf shirt, emblazoned with the amazon logo. this is not your normal vocational school training . amazon, our source training future employees to local public schools. wait until you see the amazon nursery school program. there are the only amazon workers who can go p whenever they want. thanks for the day. papers canceled donated millions to education in nevada, but most of the cash was allocated to be robotics. education and competition foundation. so if kids are into something else, like i don't know, music,
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they can write all so i mean, can you hear that? no, you can because you can't hear tiny vital ends in the space. another feature of the company store not last time is the currency exclusive to the town. the company script workers paid their boss slash landlord slash overlord in this currency that couldn't be used elsewhere. it's like getting paid in cbs points, but you will work can live in cbs. and this is coming back. nevada's governor sponsored a bill that would codify an innovation zone, or county that's owned and operated by block chain elo fi. and it be called painted rock, smart city. the entire town would run on the block chain currency. you might recall the famous song about company towns i o my soul to the company store. you know that song 16 times. i mean, i'd play it right now,
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but i don't have the rights and then i would, oh my sold to the company capital records in the city is not a computer. shannon matter, points out that many smart city projects of already failed because of unpredictability. silicon valley moves fast and breaks things, but cities, if responsibly designed and administered, can afford such negligence. the big tech smart cities are plans to solve every urban problem with algorithms that aren't hampered by the democratic process. so in al gulker see, i know it sounds like it's ruled by l g, but it's not l g would probably be a far more benevolent ruler, actually. more housing and revitalizing cities are all great ideas, but a corporation does not have the answer to the people. it answers to its bottom line . coming to you from washington, d. c. soon to be amazon
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d. c. this is redacted tonight. the thing i welcome my name is carol bonnie: now let's take the new back home and it's had too much to drink. bite in announced he's sending troops back to afghanistan only a few days after we left because of the rapid fall of the capital to the taliban. oh, this is awkward. i know. we just said good bye. i hate this. yeah. hi again. oh, you guys just got here. cool. yeah, we were just on our way out. again. everyone was surprised with how quickly the u. s. allied forces fell even after 20 years of preparation from the americans and 2
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trillion dollars. even the taliban were surprised at how fast they weren't advancing through afghanistan state side the belt way. media focused on how embarrassing the situation is for the u. s. especially poor old bite and the pace at which the security situation is deteriorating in afghanistan has taken us officials by surprise. and i think it's important to note that as this unfold, this is a situation that threatens to permanently staying prison, biden's foreign policy, legacy biden's, legacy. i mean, who cares about the way biden's presidency is remembered when he will remember any of it himself. he has to be briefed on his grandkids names every morning. he probably thinks he's watching the fall of saigon or reruns of mash, while biden is trying to figure out which war he just ended were trying to figure out what the point was. the official wine is no longer that the war was
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a nation building project. we're now calling it a 20 year operation to kill osama bin lot and project and we didn't care if he was dead. we were going to get him again as a ghost. this is the only way i can understand this war. we were after been a lot in body for about 10 years and then spent another 10 years hunting for a spirit. it couldn't be opium, oil, antiquated, a cold war politics to political dig, swinging. and this lockheed martin, executive champagne infinity pool, much easier to p and it's got to be the goal. i get, i get it there. spooky b, u. s embassy in afghanistan posted a job listing wallace in the process of being evacuated. day to day tasks might include packing up all the american flags to save them from burning, waving down,
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evacuation helicopters and wiping down the gym equipment before the next users. we spent almost a $1000000.00 on these gym, so perhaps we should also get the taliban some pointers on how to effectively target their delta weights. and no, sorry, the embassy job is not remote. the american defense contractor, p a, which has taken over in $930000000.00 in contract to train ask, and police and security forces. reassured investors earlier this month that they will not see reductions to revenue or profitability from the embassy security contract. we don't expect to see a significant change. we're monitoring the situation in afghanistan including security concerns. i've been raised, but we currently don't see any impacts to our revenue or profitability on that program. i know the american imperial project collapse, but at least something remains intact. the profits of defense contractors,
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if you invested $10000.00 in defense stocks, when the war on afghanistan started in 2001, those stops would be now worth $100000.00. and good. it's not just the defense contractors. it's also the stockholders who came out on top grades and anyone who was short selling shares on afghan democracy. they also did well. the investors 20 years story will be portrayed in the movie, the big, long, direct him directed by adam k. we've been saying for the past 20 years, it's impossible to work with the taliban, but history says otherwise, i say, shut up history. no one remembers. i mean, do you recall when a texan oil company tried to negotiate a contract to build pipelines and afghan sandwich? and with the taliban and invited them over for christmas in 1097. meaning remember when the taliban wanted to negotiate the handover but
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a lot in in 2001. i'm sorry. all i can recall from 2001 is 911 and lander. and sometimes i get those too confused. those if ring any bells, when i tell you that in 2001 we told the taliban, they could accept a carpet of gold or a carpet of bomb things kind of races to be offering afghans rugs as a walk person. i should have remembered that, but i don't remember when we help train and fund moves again against the so we allied socialist government and remember that many of the fighters became members of the taliban later. well, i had a government mandated frontal lobe bought me in 2016 in order to tolerate watching amazon b c. so i'm drawing a big blank well, i learned today apparently with our health, the move id one, again, soviet forces. so we've really taught them to fight
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a period imperialism pretty well. maybe we should have been more specific. now for a serious point, we need to save the refugees from this mess we created. the u. s. has cut back at the silent program and in many cases, limited to ask in interpreters, apparently you need to know english to be worthy of compassion. i mean how our ask is supposed to know that we have leading hearts. if we don't tell them we should be accepting many more refugees than we are. i mean, we have the space, it, we're going to destroy someone's country, we should at least give them i don't know. kentucky says it's the birthplace of abraham lincoln, but even lincoln was like, you can call me the senator from illinois. speaking of kentucky, the way libertarian sen ran, paul talks about cove. it makes him sound like
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a denial is. but despite the rhetoric some more recent news indicates that this he was well aware of the virus before it was coming for the rest of us. apparently, the senator's wife kelly paul purchased stock in de leon sciences, which produces rom, just severe. in february 2020 rand paul just discloses 16 month after the fact, even though by law you was required to do so within $45.00 days of the initial investment. but i mean, what kind of draconian law would so blazingly, interfere with the free market like that. i mean, this country's economy relies on people having the freedom to make educated guesses that may or may not be based on their spouse's giving them privileged information. the law in question is the doc act of 2012, which passed with bipartisan support. thanks to republicans like this guy, and people should not profit off of their involvement in government. they shouldn't
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profit off of special relationships. they shouldn't profit off special knowledge they gained in the function of serving the people. i think this bill is a great vehicle for discussing how people in government are abusing their roles and government to make more money at the expense of the taxpayer. and i think it should in great point 2012 ram paul. we need a regulator. politicians to ensure that some ass wife doesn't commit insider trading one day. i guess that's one way to tell your wife you don't think your relationship is special. in other news librarians across america are banding together to get cops out of their workplaces, and i don't mean that they've just been putting displays of abolitionist paperbacks or anything. angela davis writes to ward off the police all, well, sometimes books. you usually do work against catholic garlic, against vampyres libraries are often
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a last refuge for people who don't have access to basic resources. that's why organizers are trying to get their cities to shift funds that would go to police and private security to directly help their patrons and need in denver. they've been able to get the city to make social workers. he auxiliaries to librarians to help patrons find housing, health care, and other services, and to administer, nor can, to prevent opioid overdose as abolitionists librarians either mission as increasing library access for all. i mean, we can't keep living in a world where librarians have to stand by and watch us please invade their workplaces and brutalize the people. if serv, i mean, until we change the system, the only thing they can do in response to say is a library island servers. on please we have to go to a quick break,
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but check out more redacted tonight at portable dot tv will be right back. the americans love buying homes. ah, this was a funny middle part of how our political leadership and our country, large understood the bargain. you get a whole and then you will rebel, right? as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. the really interesting diamond back and think about the longer deeper history of what housings meant in the united states. not just that old question of the american dream, but the bigger question of who the dream has been for
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oh, okay. yeah. you know, when you go to deal with a 6 day marathon of creativity, a multicultural festival, and the biggest variety is the competition for a few days. palm became a russian cultural capital. 28 categories. ahh from violinist piano to the parenting and data protection night years just throwing up over the water where you're not there this year. so you could give them the growth of a 3 or for them to be here. they 1st had to win reading content. the delta games only take the very
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best of the best buy. i me the news. welcome back. earlier this month, the israeli supreme for again chose to delay its ruling on evictions of palestinians in the shakes ra, neighborhood of east jerusalem. these plans evictions park the chain of events that led to the gaza bombing in may that killed over $200.00 people. for more on this story, we turned to our middle east correspondent job for con, hello job for look. i don't know why you all sent me here. once the gaza bombing stopped the mainstream media was happy to stop covering palestine and palestine are
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happy to return to their normal state of brutal apartheid. i mean, ongoing piece process. the point is, everyone's happy. there's no story here. the only reason the check to arrive diction issue is not resolved is because the palestinian families rejected a generous offer by the israeli supreme court to allow them to live in their own homes. as long as they start paying rent to the israeli settlers, so they have to pay rent on homes. they already own real estate as complicated re we'll say this isn't a real estate issue, john for we're not talking about gentrification here. hey, israel has gentrification exactly. like we have here in the states, you know what i'm talking about one year. your new york apartment is 5000 a month. the next hits bulldozed by the state. now you gotta move to a refugee camp in jersey. gentrification that does not happen here. spoken like
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a true gender fire. why don't you check your privilege? stop framing this as a housing market issue. it's called ethnic cleansing when and whoa, whoa, anthony cleansing, no, don't say that. no, no. in fact, some of these is really settlers have been kind enough to let the palestinian family stay when they forced themselves in. so the 2 families lived together. yeah, it's like a fun, odd couple said tom. one family does all the cooking, the other does all the cleansing, cleaning, cleansing the dishes, you know what i mean? i mean, isn't this whole core process kind of a farce anyway, international law does not recognize is really court jurisdiction over shapes. or the laws in israel are designed to colonize palestinians and remove them from the land. one of the judges on this court currently live in the illegally occupied west bank. that doesn't seem like a fair trial if you mean he's a settler,
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then yes, he's a settler, just like the pilgrims. and what happened with the pilgrims and native americans? gentrification tougher. all right, fine. you're right. palestinians have been dealing with this for decades just this week. israel demolished a palestinian kindergarten. it's ethnic cleansing. yeah. so why was it so hard for you? you to admit? in 2014, i went on a day with a woman. i fell in love with a never saw again. we laughed, we danced. we spoke of matters of the heart. at the end of our magical night, she wanted ice cream. i said, of course my love worth is going, i'm lactose intolerant. it was been in jerry's chunky monkey. my pans on the train that night. never saw her again. from that moment on bed and jerry's is my sworn enemy. and if the government of israel is their enemy and the government of israel
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is my friend, you realize ben and jerry selves, dairy free ice cream now? right? oh, well then free palestine. seriously, that's all it says, obviously free palestine. i mean and don't stop watching check euro with the recent social media, attention, and shift and public opinion. these really government shook. that's why they're delaying these proceedings. palestinians do not have faith and he is really courts . but they do have faith and mass movements. so don't lead up. thanks jennifer. thank you. now we're going to get to some news. we didn't have time to cover the show for that. we turned to corresponded anders li. anders. anders lior. tell me, what are the stories? well, we are in the midst. possibly of a brewing eviction crisis right now in new york. one and a half when at some point, yes they've been, you know, the, the federal one was extended and they're trying to do that in new york because it's
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been almost a year now that the state has been sitting on a ton of money. and one of the things that make made and makes andrew cuomo an awful governor. is that the roll out all this money? the other heading? yes, the list would be, this would take 3 hours to go scroll, right. i mean, you remember job for a 2nd last week, but the roll out for these funds which are supposed to be disbursed to parents and small landlords is moving at a glacial pace and that's political calling glacial. i don't know what it is that glacial pace now with the global war. right. maybe that is arguably friend and now we need well maybe that's what he's going to say is we need things to move slower because of the climate. but kathy hope all is going to be in there pretty shortly, and she needs to figure something out. she's not the most progressive politician historically, but if she really wants to win reelection, she has to meet tenants groups happy. and that's going to come with extending the eviction moratorium and more probably, you know,
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people like the new york times are complaining about the real victims of this crisis or the small landlords out there. they're in so much trouble. we've got to look out for them. the solution really, when it comes down to it, and this is more of a long term thing, but this is a very, this is really the inescapable reality is we have to put these small landlords out of business, right? the government should be buying up their properties because if they can't afford to keep them afloat, they should get a real job landlord. i'm sorry, to land. it's watching. you don't have a real job in places like california, they've actually bought up motels and give given homeless people a place to stay and live and that is a much better solution than leaving housing. yeah, it sounds a lot of problems. well, thank you so much, anders. ah, here are your headlines from the future in a few years from now you'll read violence rubs on border between microsoft,
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tokyo and apple. sam. and tomorrow you'll read. in rand paul's deposition, he was quoted. take my wife, please. and then in a few years you'll find out us exits iran after unsuccessful search for osama bin. lot in this somebody soul. that's our show. thanks so much for watching . you can get more on redacted tonight on youtube dot com slash redact that night. but until next time, good night. and keep on fighting. oh, i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except when such orders that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we
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should be very careful about artificial intelligence. the point obviously is to create truck rather than fear i would take on various jobs with artificial intelligence. real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with existence. now we have e cigarettes. i just heard that it was a healthy alternative to figure out how do we trust tobacco companies with their message that these new products are actually going to reduce? are these are making the tobacco have been worse? ah, the ah,
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the evacuation flights resume that capone's main airport is tens of thousands, desperately seek to flee afghan stand. i want to tell ban route after the disastrous withdrawal of us troops. meanwhile, during the chaotic polite the western coalition also leads generous gift to the insurgents. including advanced weaponry from aircraft and vehicles and even biometric devices for service. our americans claim that they are being refused life saving treatment. if they haven't had a case with vaccine, even if that condition means they can't be inoculated, we put the issue of put it back. why all we actually trying to discriminate against bully horizon, those small number of people who chose not to.


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