tv Going Underground RT August 23, 2021 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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drones is they formally ca backs taliban suite because again, it's done. we speak to the presidency of that kind of special boy. and what is the role of afghanistan's neighbor, the country that actually hosted as i'm in love enough and i live and when pockets on independence day to day, we speak to the parliamentary leader, the pockets on people's party, cherry ref one. plus julian assange and the continued persecution in london of journalist to reveal the extent of secrecy and lies in afghanistan. we speak before you think opposition is jeremy kobus outside of high court is joe biden. when is the right to appeal against the judgment, the extradition to the usa might kill him. but for us as expected by many the former ca back taliban is sweeping across af can. it's done. after defeated us and u. k. troops began fleeing the globally strategic country. joining me now from the war 2 nations capital cobble is president ash ref gone. he's special envoy for pakistani affairs moment. my dad's, i thank you so much special for coming on the show. obviously the situation is moving quickly. we've had all week different towns declared the for the majority in
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the and the taliban. we got the talks and the talks in coffee are and what you understand is going on, i suppose, especially on the your remit. as regards the pakistan african border when it comes to the re taking of all these towns and cities and regions. so it's unfortunate since may do, sir, when the us formally declared that they were parked by september was exacerbated. and because the us support to suddenly see, i mean yes up or suddenly see have been taking over quite quickly districts. and then we were told that they may not take cities. and actually the alluded to that when they want to moscow that they may not embark on taking city,
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but they did. the dominant news now is, was basically is fighting, it's a displacement. it's a carrying the stocks are there. they're going gone. but little hope is now what i should use, hoping now attached to the piece drugs and do all this one or 2 months. what bike stuff, what other bundles strategically was to cut off carbon as it cannot be, lifeline. so like islam, collar we do almost all border crossing we did on monday the only one that will fund it was back and then there are 2 border crossing opened with changes taking place. now, god forbid, if government lose that, then it could be a konami can easily suffocated. just winding back there. i mean,
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i should say at the supports, according to the, by the administration, they've increased the number b, 50 twos, the a c 130 con ships and the end the drones, jake, using the taliban lied to the russians. and to the chinese, obviously the taliban was speaking with the officials, both in moscow and with officials of the chinese communist party. when i lived in watson what, what did they said? they wouldn't that they said you just said they, they said they wouldn't be taking the cities and then they did. i wouldn't to be a lie, i would say to the conditions their warnings to the disease of president and also de listing. since the 7000, the president who are not relieved that de la thing didn't take faith, they took that as an excuse. but also, as i understand, because i've been in this kind of situation for the, for 2 years. and this kind of situation, a wanting group will not like to lose momentum. so if they stop that i can get
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50 after taking over a lot of districts, then they would have lost momentum. so therefore they embark on it and they took that for lack of i'm in that denial of leave of prison as an excuse. what is the extent of ca, involvement on the ground? there are reports that while biden intends on withdrawing troops, that the ca is expanding operations. you know the stories of the ca backed and trained death squads that emerged at the end of 2020 schools of afghan civilians allegedly being killed by ca, train dead squads. they increasing across the of august and africa border. i'm not in fixture with that. i think the only force that was linked to ca, that still active in the war. that's what, that's what it's called, keep that's in horse. and
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a portion of them is now shifted to canada and us, we don't see any presence. i mean in the form of the, the african offshoots. i don't see them. and one of the reason that they're bombardment is not efficient. i mean, if the b, b, 50 twos are active, they cannot be efficient because they don't have a ground present. any schools being bombed by the us warplanes there when reports of civilian infrastructure being damaged by the american bombing in the past few days. it's very hard to, to verify, but there were claims that bombardment of the hospital a business center and perhaps the school could place in less kinda and on their own, there was no news of some kind of intervention in the job,
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which is the nearest province outside cobbled to the ne, ensure we haven't heard any particular us force intervention. our were the african forces support the one way or the other? you don't think some people in washington see this policy as when, when they remove the troops, they d stabilize afghanistan and allow islam ism and these groups. i know that the, the african government is also connected to them. and the stabilizing china with the east coast on terrorists, as the chinese call them. who emanate, of course, was in jang. and the stabilize russia with the tech man it's done is becca star boarders. and at the same time, they don't have to pay so much. they've been for trillion, maybe on these was after 911. it's a great victory for washington. oh well, that's not how people in the finest and see,
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i mean people blame us. that sponsor really and i hear the same database going on and in washington also, particularly people who served it up on a stand in the past 20 years. and the diplomatic feel in military, they're criticizing job by the decision that it was done in a hurry. the $8500.00 troops, the presence enough, understand who are sustainable, and it wasn't a big cost for the us not to be able to bear in respect to win win against let's say china or against russia. i mean that's, that's a d b that we have to wait for it to see who wins at the moment. very, i see, personally, so far, i mean, the administration that was born in the born conference, it was built based on the international consensus. but now whatever happened from
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now on, it's going to be both based on the regional consensus. so the initiative is now more in the region then in europe and washington, let's just go to the region and i should say it's when, when, arguably, until the next trustee in new york and washington, which is why they said they went to get this done. what evidence to the acting interior minister ab ms. wells, what evidence does he have seeing the taliban moving tanks to pakistan? or that i don't know. i don't know. some minute can accidents had been seen across the line used by people. those included these pick up. so the hound rees, whether the taliban took them over across the urine line, or what the stall and when the u. s. supplies coming through. that's very difficult
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to verify for a person like me. i'm sure the us taxpayer will love to hear about that. i'm a, do you believe that pockets on the government of him run con is involved in what is happening in afghanistan as regards the takeover of all these cities in regions where that's all he d b in the past 42 years and has been involved. no one is done and since the taliban emerged in 1994, what i mean very special needs are you are the special envoy. so is that happening now? i cannot say militarily, politically they are in was that up? i can stand the national seat fighting along st site tyler have the been sent by bikes situations or how they crossed by themselves. or because
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started when i the logical entity and they have ideological connections to the other organizations and bikes. whether they're supporting, it's very hard for me to verify. well, they of course deny that. obviously, we saw pictures of us are gone with general. dost him? what is the difference really, for a person living in one of these towns and cities being taken between government by the taliban government from cobble in terms of girls schools and so on? the wall, i mean general dalston did you like seeing those pictures? you think a person known for gross human rights violations should be an ally of your government and your lead alike in africa, there were question marks in my mind also when i sighed or when i attended was one or 2 of them. i do have a question marks about that, but i think the message that i need or his intentions are misunderstood. he wants
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those warlords or political lars or war leaders, whatever you call him to hell mobilizing. huge to participate or to, to become part of the army and police. yeah, but that hasn't happened in 20 years over over casa for other other presidents just find the, i want to ask about iran and the refugee problem. iran has taken 800000, maybe a 1000000, maybe more than a 1000000 refugees from left canister. and what do you think about britain in the united states sanctioning iran, even as it comes to the aid of all these people seeking asylum from? what's now happening in afghanistan, where sanctions are very different in issue. it's a long time you should between iran and the us. iran is when they but, and it's not that when the problem in one neighboring country and people cross to
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the other one where they made him feel safe and where the me, on their bread and butter more. will they also come to britain? do you think the refugees trying they are trying it's not new for the past many years, but i am sure it's going to increase because the practice of housing is going down in carbon and other cities because people are selling their houses to use that money to cross over to europe, especially boy, thank you. welcome. after the break, as pakistan celebrates independence day, today we speak to opposition to sherry rock mont, about pentagon allegations. that is, i'm about is a doing the taliban. all this coming up in part 2 of going on the ground. ah,
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy plantation, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk military mission again, stay will conclude on august 31st one phone for did a good to us all the quarter go to younger people and i really want the proof for my you got to be subtle. companies something the cut, the cut over the whatever it was, i think that i'm on the 7th, not to get a quote to ship this was the right weapon against the right. no, no,
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no bought it from but it was filled out through z o o z the, the signing of the us to all about agreement. and i laid the groundwork for the road ahead toward a lasting peace in afghanistan. and i know we still need that. mcdonald and her the welcome back, and when we spoke to the asking, the president special was like a sunny affairs. as cobble in his lama seek to cooperate after defeated nato troops retreats from the hindu kush. this is of can it's done in the usa accuses pocket phone of supporting the taliban, which is sweeping through the water nation. recapturing last land. now on pakistan, independence day. joining me from karachi as parliamentary leader, the focused on peoples body sherry for man. thank you. so much and senator for coming on the show. i mean, you just come out with a book,
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women's explaining activism, politics modality in august on how ease with itself is pocket start of the $21.00 gun, $31.00 gun salute. and pres, they scream out into the night on national day to day. well, scream out into the day actually. and focused on in looking at a very difficult couple of years ahead as we speak. but dictionary, because normally on the, on the day we look behind the headlines, we look towards structure problems we looked at was the need for further resilience . but what we're seeing today is an impending theories of challenges. practice on have a be resilient population. we have wonderful women at the best face of the country and yet discrimination. just like all of us out the show,
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we have a situation where are you go more to 65 percent of the population? so they have particular needs such as jobs and a demographic that needs and to read in that is not polluted. so climate stress, bio diversity. these are the problems, especially as the st. right now, the onslaught of yes and out of the book called id, which is the data very and came in from india are gone pretty many words about it. i would like to transmit a message of hope and a resilience which again, i think comes from the women. but i think we do have to great, as i said, because no new around the world did to the panoramic began arguably in china, close ally of pakistan. any truth and reports we're hearing in some media of
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a joint p t i p p. p ticket for 2023, that all these problems that you speak of, and chinese investment, skewing the political landscape to make the possibility that you and iran con, will be good friends soon. i'm not being any such gold post on the way. if you are me and the situation really right now is quite, it's divided, and country really need to move past the construct. did narrative is being off of a divided region and we're falling apart right now, which really from the advantage can cause a lot of anxiety. you know that the pentagon is saying that pakistan is involved in helping taliban, your neighbor in africa, in afghan, it's done. we just heard from the special envoy, we were talking about reports that us aerial bombardment of again, it's done,
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has cause damage to schools in hospitals. what are you hearing about american involvement in the region is we know the ca forces remaining in afghanistan after the us and u. k. troops leave one look at what's happening and one's done right now is a ground 0 off american ambition. the failure, all the american policy of the 3 formation and democracy creation had failed. but so had the big push in reconciliation with the bond that they have sought to legitimize the giving room to the 5000 prisoners from a 100 prisoners that they have given power to. so to say now that back a son is responsible for she's not giving thanks judy that, that man, don't me thank to re they live in lash whatever room than apartment than door. and
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they also have access to it. i know it has a state now. there are many, many actors and players interested in responsibility, but i've been focused on isn't the front line of those smith, not sure. i'm not child clothes. iran and the taliban are given that iran is taken in around 800000, maybe a 1000000 more than a 1000000 refugees. did nato troops invade the wrong country? i mean, after 911 sure. they've invaded pakistan because it was packaged somewhere somewhere in london. went to obviously you have nuclear weapons, it would've made it harder for native i think that it's not even a question i could stick seriously. but, but given the nature of an outcomes of some american fathers, that could have been a conceivable taught. i'm not saying that nuclear weapons that a detergents, but the point,
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but which is the issue is that pakistan involved open for invasion if you'd like to focus on has been a country that has been on the front lines of fighting. one of the most difficult, challenging was against slighted extremism. at that time it was a war against data, but you know how these curated narrative go. and we have actually lost more blood in treasure, 70000 people in the last down and actually succeeded in eliminating or moving guy out of the region which the americans used to concede. they have to be around 2020, now cause all the regrouping you see directed to focus on it. there's also, i think they're all white bed for a shifting of blame. and i'm surprised that the pentagon is doing that because they invested in fostering in the back in the bad old days and had been
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listened to pakistan advice on went to start a conversation with the thought of bon, when there was a balance of power in the field then perhaps he would not be seeing the civil war that we are pretending is not taking place. in other words, why do you think that is? i mean, you got to how many 1000000000 it is $65000000000.00. a one report says, a chinese investment in pakistan to china broker, the regional talks between the neighbors, iran, pakistan and afghanistan. should it be managing now to take the lead? i think that the best way forward would have been a multi lateral or regional solution to this because the region is invested in the stability. so the central asian country, the china and russia, but i don't think either has an appetite or any com back in the sun. and the point
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just been over this box on easy because it catches the goal that ends up sneezing very rapidly. but isn't that, isn't this a when i mean i asked, this is a special envoy. ended a win win for washington. d stabilizers pakistan which is allied closely with managing and janie's investment it re, stabilizes russia. obviously the taliban is allied to those china considers. terrorists are d, stabilizing, jin chang. this is all good for some policy makers in washington. yes. well, i don't subscribe to conspiracy anywhere. but i, why would china want to take on the responsibility of such a big bench? i mean, this is like eating. so with the pork, their foreign policy follows a different strategic tempted. they like to grow their way to countries and the like, do you ex nomic power?
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and for that surely needs to be stable. surely this innovation states and son needs to be stable. but it's not a project that they can take on as get, and they should have been a regional conference long before this that took that shared responsibility. now they should have been sharing, and that has not happened just to say that now where, you know, china should take the font. well, china has 30 lead taken a lead. so i was russia despite prescribing that, that a bon. they've been privately talking since 2018 and, and even hosting conferences, there is an interest in all the stakeholders. do have a stable for us for, for some length of time and to come to negotiate in political political agreements . but right now the thing a military solution are all in the bad fee. there is a human tragedy on boarding and upon and on. and it's not boxed on or on,
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or just the, just the name of responsibility be in dire to know more than i don't know. 40 countries i've been sitting in a response for 20 years. it's done that the rules based international order oper, it under its own rule, don't you think? so this is sherry one have a natural day and thank you. well, if one man was responsible for revealing to the world, the extent of u. k. u. s. secrets about there was after $911.00. it is julian sanchez wiki leeks . organization published the afghan war logs, which pulled the rug and the circle. mainstream media reporting of the war in afghanistan is reward, has been persecution, detention, and torture. and this week he lost his latest school battle against joe biden's administration. he faces 175 years in prison, going underground social media, producer finance. that went down to the protests of the high court and caught up with the former u. k. opposition lead to jeremy corbin,
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one of the many voices calling for a son his freedom. already be your message to forest johnson. of course it's up to him whether julian thought, actually for 175 years. i would say devoris johnson, you've made your life before you became an m p as a journalist, a career as a journalist, judy, this is uncovered and lots of uncomfortable traits around the world. that is the function of true journalism. and i think that johnson should reflect on that. and of course, we've seen, you've seen as a campaign across the tourists united states, despite many protests around the world, has been rolled ahead with its ponds. do you think it'll do the same? but during the lunch, when it's gotta get past the court, and it's got to recognize that there are millions of people around the world that say in julian, us, orange, somebody that is actually uncovered. some very uncomfortable. truth can tell the reality of decision to go to war, such as iraq. and we've seen the bertha scrubbing of course pos, laws against whistleblowers against john list leaking from the government. do you
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think this is a wider war on press? freedom press freedom is essential in a free society. it's essential to deal with the problems, the world, the corruption, the environmental disaster, all the big issues that faces, planet, not going to be sol. if the truth covered up, uncovered by real german to make grave steps and brave decisions to uncover corruption and dangerous to all of us to climate change than we need frustrated real, frustrated with also things done. you will help us with revealing the extent of us john strike. he's been up to 5 months. so do you see like the wider warning? listen is julian sandra casualty almost make sure that others don't follow and lead . well, the way that it has been treated is really a threat to all journalists. and it's an example to all of them as well. and so us
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standing up on him, i show a page is actually about signing up, press freedom everywhere, and 175 years. he faces in a super max prison. we've seen un human rights report thing. these are some of the world's most abusive areas for mental health. you think you're nathan's might commit suicide? well, i hate to be told you about somebody's private to try to mental health in the situation. the judge recognize that it wasn't his mental health, and he would be a very, very serious risk in suicide. if he was moved, there was an answer, the him, a broader movement among european political parties and policies. ordinate auction in helping to. yes, there is a why the movement to coordinate action on this. i raised the matter, for example, the last 4 sessions accounts to the euro. with gavin td,
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whose members the irish goes right through the songs celebration. and we were supported by a lot of other colleagues. it will also, i believe, has been right in the european parliament as well as gross, as in the british parliament and by the people in parliament all over the world. but it's not just parliament, it's public opinion such an issue here today that's gonna make a difference. i just finally, what more do you think needs to be done for julie and it's on to actually be free? what kind of more pressure is to be applied? it's political pressure to be applied and i hope political oppression pressure that can be applied in the united states on this because clearly it is a decision of the by the ministration to continue with donald from a rather bizarre appeal that was launched in the dying days. of administration, well trumpeted many things off the top of his head and this is probably one of them, but i would expect press the button to do better than that for me and a believe jeremy call been speaking to going other social media producer for her
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that's it for one of your favorite episodes of the season will be back on september the 8th for a brand new season. still uncovering the stories buried by the so called mainstream media until then keep in touch with us for social media and let us know who you'd like to see on the next season of going undergrad. ah, no. when i was shot the wrong, why don't i just don't the world? yes to shape out the same because the after an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves well, the part we choose to look for common ground in
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the found still dominates. the headlines this monday to the biden administrations, reportedly changing its policy it cobble airport. now only americans and nato state citizens will be allowed through plus us green cardholders. there's no further provisions at the moment for afghans who work for the coalition. earlier, some employed by foreign states did manage to flee, but that relatives remain in the country, fearing retribution from the taliban. we speak to one translator on condition of complete anonymity because risks remain high. i believe that americans are responsible for this thing and then today's anybody will be killed as a result of this will be on behalf of the american government.
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