tv Keiser Report RT August 24, 2021 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT
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tweet is something that blew my mind and it fits into a lot of what the cause report has been talking about for the past. well, the past decade and you know, that whole region of the world of the 2 cities trap a silk road, china, china, emerging, and all the problems happening in afghanistan, the middle east, that certain area of the world that we're going to look at something called that i just learned about, but i'm going to read you the wikipedia because it's really interesting in light of what's happening with the u. s. poet losing an afghanistan. and then around announcing that they say that they're joining their officially going to be accepted . and the shanghai cooperation organization, which i have not been and the previous 2 times they applied. so the geographical pivot. and this was introduced by sir, how ford, john mac kinder. ok, ma kinder. he was an english geographer, academic and politician who is regarded as one of the founding fathers of both geo
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politics and geo strategy. so he dubbed this phrase the geographical pivot of history. it is an article submitted by him in 19 o 4 to the royal geographical society that advances his heart land theory in this article and the kinder extended the scope of geopolitical analysis to encompass the entire globe on page 150. and this he said, who rules east europe, commands, the heartland, who rules, the heartland, commands the world, island who rules, the world island commands the world. so max, you're probably wondering what is the heartland? what is the world island? what are the things? well, the world island, as he said, which so this, if you rule the world island, this area you rule the whole world, and that is the entire length continent of europe, asia,
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and africa after you asia. because this was the largest most populous and richest of all possible land combinations, that controlled half of the world's resources in that area. that has been part of this strife for the last 100 and something years. hundreds of years really. the offshore islands, he said included the british isles in the islands of japan. the outlying isles included the continents of north america, south america, and oceana. so any country who wants to rule the world needs a rule that world island right well brings up to previous empires and what gave them geo graphic strength, right? there is a british empire in the american empire, the british empire ruled the seas. and in his work, he talks about how having the critical landmass trump solving dominion over the seas. because of all the natural resources that are effectively in that land mass
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in the american empire. it was a phrase manifest destiny. as america went east to west and they conquered that entire continent more or less, and separated or isolated or protected by 2 oceans. so they were having the ability to grow accordingly. now we're entering into a period where this idea of having the critical landmass the island is coming into play. so around joining the shanghai cooperation organization or s c o. we've been talking about that for a number of years. and once now they're stepping up. so now they join, also, afghanistan is now no longer under the influence of any one but the f gattey's. so now you, you see how this can take shape, how this takes form. so now there's incredible land mass with the one bed, one road initiative, china and russia very closely linked now. you know, there's food and over there in china again selling some ice cream. they love the russian ice cream and china. i think that's the entire basis of the one about one
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road empires, russian ice cream and now and are in afghan. stan, and there it is. that's what the guys talking about. and this is the new empire. so you're going to discuss that particular thing. the geographical pivot of history and history, we have the pivot of history that we've been talking about, the extended the shop. there's a pivot happening. we've been saying this over and over the last few months. but den collins talks about this in relation to china and what's going on over there and afghan, and then and elsewhere. but you know, so let's go to that story about around and the shanghai corporation organization around to join shanghai cooperation organization that hasn't been formally announced them and happen, but it looks like it actually will happen this time. so right now the s e o is china, russia, india, pakistan, their members. it's a mutual defense and security package. a ran has so far been unable to join because of tears. you could then and then becca,
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stand. then you 3 universal acceptance by all members and they kept on denying the right of around join. but this enters into what china china is one of the founding member. and they want this belt and wrote initiative right without rans, active presence. and as role as the link between the east and west and china's plan, it will be difficult to achieve the goals of reviving the soap road. and china is well aware of this. because in both land and sea routes around geo political position on the south road is vital. the plan which includes 2 trade routes, the silk road, economic belt, and the 21st century maritime silk road involves investing in the economic infrastructure of more than $65.00 countries. the economic belt which covers the land root of the soak road and as the ancient root of the south road connects china to eastern and western europe through central asia and west asia. and the countries
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of chris extend cause expand is becca been around turkey, ukraine. it includes poland, belgium, france, and finally italy, right? and, you know, things are happening quickly in that region. he got the new pipeline, nordstrom to going where i from russia to germany. so we can see a direct link there. and as you point out those european countries on the eastern side of europe falling into the new land mass economics down, which will be bigger than the e u, which is currently the biggest economic sound in the world. so this would eclipse the considerably. and you know, as horace greeley tall young man in america go west young man. i think today the mattress should be go east if you're looking for opportunity. got to his becca stamp. i. well, this is what mac inder said. a 100 years ago, more than 115 years ago. so this is been the goal for the entire time of geo politics. he found a geo politics. we have
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a whole geo politics thing. tank industry and industrial complex in america. and they all got it wrong, they all get it wrong. they've had it wrong. we've lost enough ghana. stan, this is their failure. and you know, now we have this situation. so it ran to join shanghai cooperation organization. and it goes on to point out the importance of the secret. central asian countries do not have access to open waters. therefore, in the economic plan of one belt, one road, china will inevitably be one of the access routes of these countries to the open waters of iran. therefore, iran can provide better transportation better and more access to the persian gulf by strengthening and developing communication infrastructure. in other words, around is their connection point to open waters. everyone gets is a, when it's a win win win win situation that there's no losers in this, in this new, in this organization. there's also the black sea, but that of course has to go through turkey. so there is
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a vulnerability there. but in terms of, of the geo politics of this, this is the story that we've been talking about over the past decade with dan collins. i think if you look at the record of report and what we've been reporting and our conversations with dan collins, i think we've been way ahead of any of the conversation you've seen on us mainstream media for the past. you know, especially once joe biden and, and others in power back in 2000, 2001 elevated china to the w t o. basically, it's almost done propaganda pro china because our elite, where it's shipping all our jobs over there. but now they're like, fanatical about like heating china, right with, without any coherence or reason or rationality. but i think we've been right on this like, like dan collins predicted. it was back in pre 2016 election. he said, we were already in a trade war with china,
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only the united states is the only one. they didn't know they weren't a trade war and they were losing. and that he then remarked that it was interesting that trump, at that time was pointing this out, he was saying the exact same thing. and he was hated at the time. number trump, this is part of their heat for him was that he was mentioning that he was going to go hard after china. but now, now we have the geographical pivot is happening just as like when we said that we didn't know about the kinder. and this, this, this concept, but when we 1st talked about the 4th turning meets that they said it each half and all these things happening, we didn't realize just like that. this is been understood as a very important world island situation right there. and it looks like the belt and road is continuing forward, providing of course china doesn't burn down. it's your treasure fleets, as you've also discussed. right. so what we're saying is there's this incredible picture, a puzzle that's happening in that area. the one missing piece was around,
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and after a couple of failed attempts, now the ramp case is going to be slaughtered in and we put that around piece and you see one by one road going on with us entire land mass with access to water with energy from russia, manufacturing china energy from around against the up, but they provide trade routes. afghanistan, they have left the and we know that, but also they are strategically geographically. part of this all situation, i believe china is already got salesman on the ground in afghanistan, buying a property and doing deals and, you know, gliding the way, i guess the afghan is we're more interested in just doing business and less in democracy. well, you know, certainly china borders at pakistan and also borders the smaller border with afghanistan. so they are, they do cheryl land border and it makes sense that they would want some sort of stability on the border. everybody wants stability on their border. look at our border at the moment, there's hundreds of thousands of people crossing the border every month because
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there's so much instability and central america due to other policies there. but you know, i do have a funny joke, but of course it might get us the platform from, from, from, from, from me during the break down the break space is going to tell me a funny joke and you don't get to hear it because everything is censored these days except us. is that right? i think so. don't go away. was far coming. hey, what is it has to do with hunter bite and it just seems weird that our afghan astound policy makes china the big winner. yeah, that is a funny joke. we couldn't possibly tell that because everyone's really sensitive about that. it could get his platform. don't share it. don't tell anybody you heard that shows alicia shape it yourself. just down to here, i'm gonna take a break. when we come back, mar. don't go away. unless we're not here anymore. exactly. we might not
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be here, but still come back. somebody over here. it just be somebody else. the me. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation. let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. developments only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk. americans love by an armed. ah, this was a funded middle part of how our political leadership and our country at large, understood the bargain. you get a whole and then you will rebel,
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right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial back and think about the longer deeper history of what housings meant in the united states. not just that old question of the american dream, but the bigger question of who the dream has been for our military mission against them will conclude. on august 31st. i went to the phone, so who did a good to us all the quote unquote, a young girl who really run down through so much you got to do that. you know, southern company is something you cut that us a couple of months. i think that was the place to get a quote to ship. very good. this was the right weapon
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against the right and the local. no, no, no bought it from but it was filled out through z o o z the the signing of the us to all about agreement. and i laid the groundwork for the road ahead toward a lasting peace in afghanistan. and i know that i'm a dunaway and does he look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except when the shorter the conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. the point obviously is to create truck rather than fear
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take on various jobs with the artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot must protect this phone, existence would exist. the me welcome back to the kaiser report time now to turn to dan collins, entrepreneur and businessman expert on many things including china day and welcome back. a great to me back. alright, i follow you on twitter and you know, you put out some great content on twitter. what's your twitter handle again? believe dan collins, 2011. that's right, and i saw this, you know, you're talking about geographical period of history playing right now and how this period relates to the news of the failure of the us military project in gaps,
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afghanistan, and also in iran joining the shanghai cooperation organization. expand on this? well, it's interesting development news, bro, this week i ran is join the s c o cooperative organization. clearing russia, many countries of central asia and of course led by china. they have a cooperative different type of defense agreement against anti terror. iran is now going to be able to purchase a lot of chinese military equipment like a carrier missiles. this could totally up and middle east security. i mean, how are you know, us as in for secure in the middle east with our aircraft carriers. now they may not be able to get anywhere into the middle east, so the yes you always been developed around is joined it. the geo political pivot of history was a founding geo political principle that no one can ever be allowed to control eurasia, your asian land mass. the reason why is it would then become
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a world's island and the rest of the world kind of become a backwater. so what you see regionally is kind of the realization of mckindoe's island. you have russia plus china plus central asia all the way out to the middle east. china by far the world's largest customer for oil novel, middle east. and you got what's the mic hinders island and what could a pen trade flows and could eventually create backwaters out of places like western europe. right. you know, with iran the strategy was asked to isolate them to apply sanctions. and here with the stroke of a pen, we've got an enormous addition to the shanghai cooperation organization, which fills in the missing piece and the one bed one, road initiative. and also why just a, you know, the economies of scale. there's a certain, gustavo, here, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, dan, and you mentioned aircraft carrier. so those aircraft carriers were prevented from
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going in. now they'll be able to, to, to get right and will be denied access essentially from that area. and that is america's flagship deterrent. i mean that's all i really use. so this is a total game changing moment in history and it harkins back to as you point out what's been talked about 100 years ago. geopolitically what we can expect from something like this. now the speed of the collapse of afghanistan back into taliban control as being compared to the helicopter. left out of saigon. the new york post here in america ran a front page story bite in saigon. what's your assessment of the situation and trying to benefit the complete boon dog. max. $2.00 trillion dollars spent over 20 years. thousands of lives, loss this day was coming. i mean italy bond, even last year, controlled more territory than they did in 2001 on the us initially went in the 1st
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6 months of the war. i think us did it was, it was a good response. they created the victory, but they get involved in this stupid nation building stuff over to decades. away tax dollars as fast as you can spend with a $1000000000.00 a week at one point, you know, goes in afghanistan, goes right back to mil military contractors. it's been a, it's been a boon dollar. we're going to see potentially 5000000 refugees in advance. dance of all the women are gonna go back into into feudalism. many of the men are going to be in big trouble with reprisals. anybody worked with the american government and in ghana saying has already toured the world. the leadership of again, a stand has been to moscow. they've been to shanghai as almost they already control afghanistan, which they in fact do outside of balls. we've been leaving behind military equipment, u a v. 's. we had 100 humvees roll into iran yesterday because they didn't want to be captured by the tale burn that we're given away equipment. now. china's already
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got $400000000.00 funds set up to put electricity in the country. so we spent $2.00 trillion dollars and only 35 percent of afghanistan as electricity today. that's. that's the result of our nation $1000000000.02 trillion dollars. but china coming in, they're going to put a electrification in the country. they're going to build railroads. they're going to build an oil pipeline right down to our pakistan, which is already built and links up for iranian oil. so it's basically a way to get a oil lan bridge from the middle east to china and they will no longer be hand called as the streets in the lock and singapore via u. s. navy blockade. so it's a major, major strategic breakout for china. right. and of course, you live in china for 20 years as a business man. you doing business over there? you live in, in the us now, but you speak chinese, and i would imagine i'm going to ask you, have you been following any of this?
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and the chinese media and how do they, how do they play it in terms of they have dana stand there. it's, it's basically a black guy in the united states is just one more from the financial crisis of o 8 to the cold is experienced now. and 2 at the collapse of afghan stan in potentially iraq, which be fair and running now, is just one more card in the deck of american impotence and geo political stage. yeah, and we say yes and focusing on china here for a 2nd. so a lot of headlines that we've talked about a china crushing some of their most successful companies like and financial or education companies, you know, going back 500 years in china, burning their treasure fleet. once again, you know, 500 years ago, i believe it was the bang dynastee, where they had the world's greatest naval fleet, thousands of crafts and they dominated global trade. but the new leadership came in
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. they burned to the ground, fearing that the mark until class was getting too powerful. as i understand, the story is, is a replayed of this to some degree and financial jack. my, these big tech company is it is there. is there a similar dynamic? i know there's 500 years apart, but is it similar? it could lead. i mean, the answer is it could be, it could be a turning point. i think it's too early to tell what china china does have a cyclical history, a booming bus. and every time the bus happened is because the government, because of government overreach. so a lot of there is a big misconception today about china and the chinese government would disagree with this. but the chinese government did not create the chinese economic miracle. it was the chinese people. china took a long time to learn how administered 1400000000 people, got me just back in the cultural revolution. when the false i got was happening. they were starving 4050000000 people starved to death in sixty's cultural revolution. got into the eighty's and kind of went to capitalism. they said private
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enterprises. good. they boom. they even when i moved to china, 998, i was an exchange student troy university. they were told we have no money for you . go start businesses. everybody's starting businesses because the government had no money. so they took it, there was basically no regulation do whatever you want for the last a fair capitalism. the chinese economy boomed. and then over the last 58 years, you've seen the government take credit for that and just put more and more and more regulation. if they continue to de, incentivize the economy, they will have a problem and they will solve. but i think it's too early to tell, we'll see their, their smart operators. they may see we've overreached and they may pull back. so they are very proud. they take a very practical, appall approach to managing the economies or see how it develops. right? well, certainly under the shanghai cooperation organization, we've got china rushing around now as a member and the one bed one wrote initiative,
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which is china's initiative. and i think they've already allocated some huge multi $1000000.00 credit facility to start building that out. how far along are they and building it out? puerto bill railroads, your bill countries have been electrified. countries either by john have high speed trains. meanwhile, in detroit, we had 2000000 people were down 260-0000. that's my original home down. bring it up . we've been de industrialized or if the structure is a mess, we just pass a 3 trillion to our infrastructure bill. i would bet nothing actually ever gets done. there may be a few media projects that they highlight, but we can't build anything him or like to change the train. either way ahead of us ports of the building, sir, along bridges in montenegro, which they use complained about you know, the expressway in montenegro that you complained about the country didn't have an express way. so the china building the belt road,
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the 14 plus one protein in the eastern europe. all that lot of eastern europe companies are now moving towards china's orbit. so you're going to see that your asian heartland, china, russia, iran factor stands going to bring in the orbit of southeast asian countries, eastern europe. and because the, the economics, it's too strong, china's economy is so much more powerful united states at this point. yeah. here's an interesting thought, you know, puzzle. so you know, in the us, they do all want printing and they do all the stimulus packages and they talk about all these programs. but if you look at the money philosophy number, it's trying to 0 because all the money get stuck on wall street, wall street keeps it all. it's a huge bottleneck. never gets distributed. something like less than $0.05 of every dollar. the government prints gets to the designated destination or they say it's going to go. so this infrastructure bell, if it's 3 trillion 90 percent of it will stay on east hampton. you know that in
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something like that, similar in china now you know better. so when the government initially puts out these huge programs, does money velocity actually, is there a velocity? is it actually happening or is it, was it just one big show? know the might the banking system as you know very well, the banking system controls the united states economy in china, the banking system estate on it is there to put loans out and put money into the economy. but that money actually goes into real projects. it doesn't get turned into the casino, where it just gets speculated in united states. i mean, as somebody does business united states, i can tell you small business, medium size is not getting unsecured loans. there's no loans out there. the same people that are, you know, 0 percent interest rates from the banks, but average people are paying 20 percent plus on a credit card. it's interest rate a part that you talk about. but there is no the banking, the private equity system, the wall street in united states is not set up for the real economy in china. it's
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all real economy. the ceo of a bank construction bank, take bank in china. they may, they are twice as large as j. p. morgan make $2.00 to $3.00 times the profit of g. p. morgan, the ceo, might make $200000.00 a year. meanwhile, jamie dining becomes a billionaire. as an employee of a bank, you become a 1000000000 or as an employee, it's ridiculous. so it's so it's a completely different financial systems. china doesn't get in the speculation. they don't get into all the leverage stuff. the banking system, the currency has been fixed only to provide stability for business. so that's what the whole system is about. building a real economy with real jobs and real prosperity, right, and a, g, d p over there is something like 1718 percent in the u. s, it's barely positive. we'll get into the 2nd segment. thanks for being on cars report, dan, and that's going to do it for this edition of kaiser report with may max kaiser and stacy herbert want to thank, i guess, dan collins. until next time,
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business fundamentals part of how our political leadership and our country large understood the bargain. you get a whole and then you will rebel, right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial back and think about the longer, deeper history of what housings meant in the united states. not just that old question of the american dream, but the bigger question of who the dream has been for the
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ah, taliban says it will no longer let africa nationals access the capital airport and only foreigners alive to reach the facility groups also confirmed. it was too great to extend the united states to throw a deadline beyond august the 31st g 7 exams, the unfolding crisis in afghanistan. the lead is the word the us to secure components, add port as long as necessary for joe biden says that he is sticking to the original withdraw deadline. the former gun interpreter as he would now you 2 4th is during the 20th campaign, slammed the british government for not getting their families act as relatives, fe, reprisals from insurgents. now empower.
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