tv Going Underground RT August 25, 2021 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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we can publish internal documents exposing the incredible scope for these privatized companies. and they were offering to this particular gm's and targeting activities and political opponents. and i'm general. so at that time, actually if you go to the website website, we can sort, or you can reflect on that when was to be described, there was exactly the same thing that we have seen come to the surface and getting attention in 2011. when the duty i'm a sounds was a long seen this publication mother press conference at city university in that story. got very little fraction that to me. and i was very surprised at the time because it was such a strong revelation. strong story,
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but it has taken 10 years now to maybe reach to religion. maybe people are now ready to upset the fact that these are spy tools that they can be carrying. but it does come my surprise to, to us we can look at chris and i better just ask you, what should we do? you presume? here in a person of interest to us and governments? i know there's a case in spain about the surveillance by ca, linked companies of jeffrey robinson, q c. talking to julian, a. sorry you have a phone there. how frightened you? i mean edward snowden, who you were, he thinks, help to get to safety. and moscow said, take your sim card out when you tell what when you want total privacy. i mean is that what we're supposed to do? you have to always expect that your, your phone has been metal and i have been it's very to the texting ordinary people
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. it's not that easy to see. actually a years ago, 11 expert in the field told me, well, i mean, the only symbol that you can sort of read into your phone has been tampered with is the fact that the battery will die and go down to where you quick. that means that somebody is basically using remote to your, your, your, your phone, your device spying to when i was doing regular reporting, member hearing about how the drug dealers were operating with old mobile phones when they would be cigna because they were afraid of being under surveillance by police, they will put their phones into the freezer that had the discussion. so i mean, you should simply always assume that this is basically taking away your privacy and security,
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or nobody is secure in today's world. we just live in that environment now. so group has given us the statement, they've been talking about this and they say, and it's a group, is a life on a life saving mission. and the company will faithfully execute this mission. undeterred, despite any and all continued attempts to discredited on false grounds, that's what the israeli company is saying. they used to break up eat affiliate sex and drug trafficking rings. nothing to do with attacking new york times journalists and journalists from you know, reuters in the economist, lifesaving mission who's lives. so the incentive. ready dictators and abusing those technology to go out of the political opponents. so do you live in some distance activities? we have, we have no programming roof about this and, and i should also say mention funds apparently here in britain invest in n s. so,
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so does that mean in capitalists countries where investing, i mean we're paying our taxes, you see that go into the military industrial complex, and also private pension funds are investing in a so group, i mean, we all paying for our own we are, it's just giving i must understand that there's only one company of many. i mean, 10 years ago we pointed the business was a multi 1000000000 dollar industry. we were calling out the pointing out the fact that this had to be regulated just like the weapons at the speed of it. nobody listened that time, so it is unregulated and can easily be weaponized. we are calling this company, let's call it for what it really is. i mean, these are intelligence services. and you know, i intend to say that we should call them non state hostile intelligence services,
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and the hostility is against the individuals against privacy and against the fundamentals of our democracy. democratic society. yeah, i mean, they say they vet their client's love, but there's another way of approaching this story of the 50000 phone numbers which and so says is the equivalent of opening the white pages and using these numbers randomly. it is that a lot of these, a media groups they've been accused of being involved in the government lies that get nato nations into wars wiki leaks not appealing for the very information that may have been the may have been got through. and so pegasus spyware. so then we can find out the links between the journalist and so go mainstream media and the military industrial complex. the persuade, their populations into wars that killed wound or displaced tens of millions of people. i'm not going to encourage spying. when journalists are all, i think it's, it's discussing practice. but it has been going on for quite
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a long time. you pointed out to the beginning that lawyers had inspired by a private contractor. so could security company out of spain in the country embassy when julian license was there. but on top of that, when there was a lot of journalists that came to visit to live, we had several journalists with spider on this company and including because they had to leave their phones with his company. for certainly they were used as infiltrated mist, malware. and the information was extracted from that case because he's in spain. obviously we don't the guards fighting on journalist either, but you know that the u. k. god, you, in your old media partner doesn't appear to be giving much prominence to a key witness in the trial here in london. one of the key witnesses for the united
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states government admitting he was lying about all his allegations. why do you think the guardian is not interested in that report or any of the publications that are listed in this pegasus spyware report? i haven't seen the reuters news flash that the most famous journalist in the world . the key witness against him is admitted his line. well, it has little traction so far. i know that, you know, some of the major mainstream needed doing without working on stories based on just from the, the, the investigative journalist selection progress. so just give me a little bit of time. it's a complicated story, but i mean, the essence of it is we, we kind of get time, can we? because there's a heat wave here in london. i don't know what the temperatures are in. belmont, i don't know what the coven situation is in bell much. the united nation, special rogers repeatedly meet on this program, and the british stories are being involved in torture. there is no time is that you're right. must be free to mediately that it is. it is
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absurd that he is sitting in the prison after if he had a victory in court and generally for it, it's just absolutely absurd that he would be sent back to the prison, which is creating the condition which was underlying the decision by the judge to actually been my explanation and talking about procedure. i mean, i'm trying to point out, i mean, where on earth somebody sit in a jail for 6 months plus a wiley high court is coming to the decision whether to allow an appeal or not 6 months and a half a year. that's. that's absurd. it's a human rights violation that we would be condemning any other country. this new revelation of blowing such a hole in the narrative by the american indian scientists in on some numerous patients in the just rates are ruling on january 4th. which means
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basically that be in the united states government was misleading or u. k. court. that's very syringe. ok, well the news here in britain is notes about that. in fact, the world global mainstream news had time to talk about jeff bezos going to space. that's a much more important story than the daughter of the most famous publisher in the world. maybe amazon quick to shut down a w s. their web services system for and as so the israeli pegasus system, after amnesty international, started talking about all this spyware. great success then, no problem. i know the wiki leaks have often talked about amazon's close links to the intelligence services. i mean that so that, so that should not be the end of it. i mean, there must be an outcry in the, in the public and as we've said for 10 years, and i was pointed out 10 years ago. i mean, the nice, nice to be a regulation of st. ok. i'm sure amazon would say they're just an online bookshop.
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obviously, i just, finally, i mean, you know, time and time again, those defending wiki leagues have talked about the us constitution about norms, international norms, the home secretary pretty battelle year who she was just grace previously, actually for di to israel. she has got a consultation baby here at the home office on the official secrets act that some say make, makes leaks criminal. i mean we helix has always said, look, we're doing what journalists are supposed to do, you know watergate kind of things. what do you make of the possibility that governments may say, i know there's a simple way to avoid the kind of legal problems that they're having to try and imprison, assigns for a 175 years, make the kind of thing the wiki leaks do illegal per se, a pro. all right, well i mean that is exactly what the is the essence of the incitement against
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julian space. if you criminalizing journalists and what should be of interest, rather than people in britain back during me at the tradition hearing, we saw an attempt to read the fine or, or define the official secrets act in the same manner. so as to just look, sample is being sucked because that has to be a jewel criminology. it has before the last time somebody, what is alleged? indictment has to be a crime in the u. k. so basically what, what the, what was merging out of the tradition process was a redefinition of the journalistic alignment. and basically yes, publishing and classified information coming from a li is a crime. so that's criminal legend journalism by remote say,
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in the present or absent. thank you. and as i said n a. so group has said in a statement to us that there is no link between the 50000 numbers do. and it's a group of pegasus and their technology was not associated in any way with the motor of america shoji. and the full statement can be found online or below this video. if you're watching on youtube, after the break, forget the cayman islands are panama co founder. the tax justice network tells us whether you can, the u. s. top, the leaderboard for the best off shore attack savings in the world. all this and coming up in part 2 of going on the ground. ah, ah
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ah, we are still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos. you know, it's got its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon isn't trying to get into to step by step. the amazon empire has extended its grip on the world that was like an inquiry like a dog. so amazon looks like monopoly trays like a monopoly makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly, like amazon essentially controlled the marketplace. it's not really a market as a private arena world where a single company controls the distribution of daily products. and the infrastructure of our economy is the world according to amazon. mm.
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the welcome back. while increasing numbers have been finding it difficult to feed themselves in the u. k. a u. s. during the global current of ours pandemic, some of the, in raking in the cache is here in britain. 130000 have been killed by cove it. how? so joining me now from cambridge here is the co founder of the tax justice network and tax research u. k. director professor richard murphy. thanks so much richard for coming on. so we know that there was a scandal over the weekend about prime minister barak johnson exempting himself from the lation. we've got the health secretary, obviously with cove it and we got a lot of stuff at the moment about the former prime minister david cameron's lobbying allegations. how corrupt has the johnson government response to corona virus? been in your estimation? oh look, until this government came along, i had never dad call a u. k. government corrupt who was busy and that was a pretty online thing to do because it was got to be pretty risky with regard to
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the locals. frankly, i don't think anyone has any concern about quoting this government crop now, because the evidence is over whelming, this government is pursuing its business in a fashion that is corrupted, favoring its own minister. on some occasions with contracts, mat hancock got a contract from his own department from which he benefited something which by any reasonable definition of corruption might be involved in anti corruption campaign. in some way, for 2 decades. anyone would say is unacceptable. we see for the ministers lobby in ways frankly would be unacceptable. in many countries, we see borrows, johnson, frankly distorting the true telling lies slowly without apparently any concern knowing that he'll be found out who appears to be indifferent to the consequences. so this is a government that is, in my opinion, absolutely rotten to the call that have absolutely no shred of credibility, which is bluntly pursuing policies now,
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which shows that it is completely indifferent to the well being of the people or the u. k. they are playing games with people in this country, putting their lines of risk, putting the lives of young people in particular risk that my children, my late teens and 20 children at risk because they're not really vaccinated because it wants to do something which is awfully reckless. in terms of the kind of policy i, i find it hard to contain my anger with regard to this government because i think a reasonable person should be angry with this government was, you know, bars trans denies, not only the dominic cummings of advisors, allegations disgraced former health secretary mat hankle after allegations about his mistress and lobbying denies all wrong doing of does the former prime minister on the form of prime minister. we've got to, we want to treasury committee saying he did absolutely nothing wrong sending messages to ministers after leaving the house of parliament, it seems on behalf of greenfield capital,
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which made loans of 350000000 to liberty steel which employs 3000 workers. i mean, why would the treasury committee itself say, you know, cameron is innocent? is a, this isn't corruption, he's been cleared. well, i bank with the treasury committee. why with the treasury commit to do this? well, a because it has a set the policy georgie, frankly to our parliament. all parliamentarians know that there is nothing they can do to challenge the government atc for georgie. however, elected by a minority of people in the new pay, we must always remember that the consequence of having a 1st class supposed to lecture me, which is to be unfit for purpose. we give a government like this one, a massive majority, which led to exonerate itself to blame for what it's done and exonerate. previous 5 minutes. this the blame for what they've done applies the official whitewash to the action, but which action is basically representing
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a minority of people in minority. but as you know, poll show bars, johnson more popular than ever. and that's after we heard that the sleep watch dog is going to have one of his old bullying. didn't friends on the bullying? didn't club famous for? well, the allegations are, they used to burn 50 pound notes in front of the homeless people. what was your reaction to that, sir? as to graham chair of the committee with savage and public life as his pathetic and inappropriate it is. i mean, what else? let's say specific, an inappropriate would, would appointing a charm a person who has less be honest, being a member of an organization which clearly works on the basis of the bias within society. the billing club was set up to celebrate the privilege, and frankly, the abuse, the privilege provide the opportunity to deliver. now it's out and being appointed to look at sleep in society. i do not think that is
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a clear and objective appointment that in how she lives would think was fair and appropriate. so i will use those measure. it was if i can to describe this appointment, but it is clearly not appropriate. and this is the whole thing that we're saying within the capture of the processes of government by ok, a party, if you still the most popular in the u. k, which does not reflect the majority interest. now my suggestion is that we can see also a significant change in popularity constructed in the u. k is never going to probably enjoy support of less than 30 percent of the electorate. that just seems to be it's hollow core support and that would never get the majority and comment. once we see the current kind of a crisis develop and you've got to read the sensible epidemiologist. so an existence in the u. k. the people on independence age, for example, look at that focus on caveat full cost. i mean i'm used to looking for costs and statistical data and i know that a full cost is not a certainty,
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but look at all the range of full cost. so what we're seeing is that we're going to be hundreds of thousands of people getting it every day. we get to see a significant rise in hospitalization. we all go to see a lot of people die over the course of the rest of this year. almost certainly within weeks we hope to see the country back in lot that and again because that is the only way we will. okay. well i mean, you know, you are not epidemiologist but apparently that is good for the economy. but my point is that once all those things, once these reverses happen, once johnson is found out from them most cool, absolute promise you may be, it's over locked down as finished. we've got freedom. i think we're going to see a significant change this popular actually, every government comes to the point where it's loc from. okay. all right, well, we'll see. some people are going to say that actually stano who hasn't really opposed this government to time and time again, that the opposition for international views and actually between storm and john. so they might have a majority even on 1st plus the post. what might i mean?
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but let's come to stoneleigh then. i mean, i'm pretty cool. it's donna, i don't see why i shouldn't be like many. i really would like to know what the lead to the opposition is doing because he doesn't appear to be opposing the government is affected by the shirt. and he might like to read the job title. it is leader of the opposition, which requires that he actually stand up. and now for johnson likes to claim that that's unpacked, realty, to oppose the government. but actually, when this government is clearly failing, thomas should be offering. it'll tell that it's offering alternatives to go to this court issue a candid offering and all times division of the society that we want in the u. k. one, where they are decent public services where their coffee from the warehouse ation is fair. and when, for example, at this very moment, this discussion on social care, how to fund care for the elderly in the u. k. and the proposal that we're hearing from the government is that this may well be an extra tax on those who call us in the economy. and those who are youngest, in fighting at this government so often does pensions between the have,
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the elderly and large, as i have said, that you can call me. and i have not the young and in fighting picture between the rich and the poor. we should at this very moment be actually imposing taxes on wealth in the u. k. obviously, i mean i'm sure those in the lead to watching this will say jeremy corbin did offer that and it was rejected at the ballot box, but that's go to our international view as i just say to lack of there was an election the international view is especially the rich ones watching. why do you think britain is one of the greatest tax havens in the world? now, that's something to be proud of. surely. i've written 2 books, sometimes havens. and i've also this opinion that britain is now one of the biggest tax savings in the world. and i will give you the explanation in a few moments. there are 4700000 companies in the u. k. we can't explain why a population size need. so many companies, the tax authorities only off the tax returns from too many of those companies and half of the rest say, we are not trading, please do not trouble us by asking for
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a tax return. and then the u. k. we say, yeah, that's all right. we won't ask you for information of the ones that do submitted termination, a significant number say they have no profits and the number of investigations is tiny. so if you want to set up a company somewhere, which is not going to make displeasure, come to the u. k. pay 15 pounds for your company. signed no physical documents to do so, provide no proof of identity, which you would have to do. so in any the recognized fact payton's in the well form, your company that trade for a while and then get rid of it. and literally the company's house in the u. k. will get rid of your company or payment of 10 pounds and the declaration that is never traded, whether that is true or not. so this is the place which provides the greatest opportunity for tax cheats in the world. now we should be clear saying that that the power will not, i don't understand why we want to undermine our own economy by providing the opportunity for tax cheats to thrive within it. to provide the people of many other
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countries to what the cheat taxes in their own country is the opportunity to do so . but frankly, it is easier to for the company, it is easy to t t taxes if that's your goal using a u. k. healthy. now that a company, a jersey, the man came in british regina is almost whatever you like tonight. ok, this isn't an advert for infants for the rich. i was just thinking, but i mean could even co vaccine companies were doing there apparently is going to switzerland in delaware. we were presenting it as a britain is a new delaware, but stole is joe biden. after all, he's going for this global corporate tax rate, show us celebrating that, johnny ellen, announcing the global minimum corporation tax. or will it just encourage companies to go to countries that don't have it? i do celebrate this deal. is it perfect? not? is it better than anything i could imagine 7 months ago when you might remember,
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we had a president trump in the white house. this was going to be impossible at that time . now we're talking about the possibility of actually having a us lead. but international coalition of a $130.00 nation states, agreeing to set up a minimum global tax rate that 15 percent now, they're all happy. caveat thought the applies to some very large companies. it is going to buy large pay the additional taxes to countries like the usa and the u. k . a not to the developed countries of the world that may well lead that money more than you can. the us, they do right now take the time when they are on the stress as well and measures in this be able to tackle the tech companies look to be pretty hard hearted. it's better than no deal in terms of moral leadership biking is providing some here. so i've got to congratulate him on that. i've got to say that this is a step in the right direction. that are big flaws. one of the very big flaws in
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this is that it is dependent upon the quality of the accounting information provided by these companies. and i am a professional child. so the counts and some of the various roles i play and i am well aware of the games that my profession plays and the opportunities that they take to manipulate numbers to suit their purposes, shall i, would you like that? and this could be a game that she's now going to be played, that companies will be restating and reorienting the way which they provide to in their accounts, to try to avoid the tax bills that they should be owing. i'm wired about that. there is still campaigning to do. the door is not closed on this deal as yet. so that could be reform. i'm certainly gotta be putting quite a lot of effort in seeing whether we can improve it between now and october, when the opportunity closes. professor, as you thank you. that's it for one of your favorite episodes of the season will be back on september the 8th for a brand new season. still uncovering the stories buried by the so called mainstream
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media until then keep in touch with us for social media and let us know who you'd like to see on the next season of going undergrad. ah, me only one main thing is important or not as an internationally speaking, that is a nation's allowed to do anything. all the master races and then you have the mind, the nations who are the slave, the americans, brock obama, and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians enter this dangerous go. you man, that wants to take over the world. that was a conscious strategy. so i'm gonna be at noon i english v i v. i not
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leashed off in one tablet, block nato. it's our, we move east and the reason us hedge emily is dangerous is the last, the sovereignty of other countries. the exceptionalism that america uses in its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if need to a disbanded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large companies would lose millions and millions or in business and businesses. good. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fascist or military mission against a we'll conclude on august 31st. i want to don't. so who did a good to us all the quote unquote a younger people and i really need proof for my you got to do that subtle
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company is something the cut the cut over the whatever the month i paid that. i'm on the 7th. not to get a quote to show me that this was the right weapon against the right. no, no, no bought it from but it was filled out through z o o z the, the signing of the us taliban agreement and laid the groundwork for the road ahead toward a lasting peace in afghanistan. and i know we still need that. i'm a dunaway and as well, america goes crazy. a frat party in afghanistan is over 20 years, leaving behind quite a man. the
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of the scenes of gridlock accuse and deadly crushes to leave and all the news team arrives and cobble 10 days off to the taliban. so over senior correspondent tells us about the reality of life enough galveston, bog, patriotism, or the fear of 14 flipping away as us weapons contract is called to continue the pentagon in africa, mission wiki leaks editor in chief things, the rec. clear reasons why it was the massive flow of money that went into the wrong pocketed could only be called corruption. on a large scale, europe's facing a security nightmarish thousands have been playing. i've got to stand russia's top diplomat assess is just one of the consequences of us interference and other countries i've listed for military.
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