tv Keiser Report RT August 26, 2021 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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at distances, covered by crowds, oppressive crowds, but in circles, the entirety of capital airport had greatly appreciate the latest information that saw correspondence in kabul ra goes b. and just to add to watson rod was saying he's, he's only find out about the one explosion just in the last few minutes information coming into the source coming from the turkish ministry of defense that the been a 2nd explosion had occurred near cobb. pull that's going to need some confirmation and yet it's very difficult to ascertain exactly what the scene is there. of course, as you imagine, it will be chaos multiple reports now of injuries, including at least 3 us soldiers. let's go to michael maloof now form a pentagon unless to join soon. i'd appreciate it. michael, obviously hard facts pretty hard to come by this very early. busy stage but what he's pretty certain is that there's been some kind of explosion. almost certainly
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this is been a terrorist attack because of all the information that was coming in from intelligence agencies that was going to be some kind of attack. the taliban were also warning of this. they said to russian media that they had to talk nature. they were concerned about their being an attack. so presumably the taliban and western forces that we're all working against this and yet they still couldn't. don't that. is that because the say a situation that was so chaotic or is it because it isn't the law state theresa just to go to what they do? probably all the above. thanks for having me. there is, there was a 2nd explosion. the pentagon is now confirmed and hotel is only about $200.00 yards or 4200 meters from, from the, from the gates of the airport. and as you pointed out, it's clogged with people. so any explosion, suicide bombing would be catastrophic. this tele bond does not like ice of course,
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on ice, and k is, it's called an ice s k has threatened to do this. they do generally attack people and, and infrastructure in front to you tele bond is always going off going after military and police target. so even telephone is very concerned about this, especially if they've made some arrangement with the us. so they have, it shows that they have no control over ices, k or arcadia or anybody else. so there's no way that they can guarantee what they said that they could promise that is to prevent attacks on us, on the us or for allies in the future. we're talking about, well i says core sign is yourself and previous guess says and many people, what you might be thinking ordinarily is i see score some people thought that i should have been defeated, but this is an entity, isn't it? that the just evolves. it metastasized over into afghanistan
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about a year and a half to 2 years ago is settled in a region ne of couple in a highly mountainous area which makes it even more difficult to send the ground forces to try and get to them. it's a safe sanctuary for them. and from there they intend to grow their, their emerett, their, their caliphate, even. they are in afghanistan, which poses a major direct threat to central asian countries and also ultimately to the russian federation. this is a very serious thing and it's and tell a bond which, which can control certain areas, but it doesn't necessarily have the ability to govern areas, is not going to be fully in charge and capable of, of dealing with them. and, and that's the same time you're seeing malicious other militias for me, that are anti taliban. and pretty soon this whole situation is going to,
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to disintegrate back into another civil war again. but there are clearly opposition groups now that are rallying to post taliban to challenge them. in fact, they've taken over some, some districts which have not, which have gone largely on reported. and so we were beginning to see that process of opposition forces now directly challenging telephone which thinks that it's going to have its own emerett there. and, and they can, they can again, have control over overcome all for the moment, but being able to effectively have security throughout the whole country is problematic for them. it's been very vividly reported over the last few days about people trying to get out of cobble afghans is as well as foreigners. but the latest information suggests it's still around one and a half 1000 americans still in the ask on capital numerous other western citizens after what has happened. now,
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one cannot imagine the desperation they will be failing and presumably great fear to even go to the only point of extraction for them. just how big of a p r disaster is this turning into for joe biden. if he has to say we're sticking to our deadline, we're leaving people behind this is the self inflicted wounds self inflicted defeat that job by and brought upon the united states, the united states. taliban did not speak the united states. the united states defeated itself. and it's, it's, it's a, it's remarkable how this man has imposed upon the american people and upon the world for that matter, the self, the self inflicted catastrophes and, and crises. and we were only 8 months into his administration, 9 months now. it was discretion got another 3 and
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a half years of this prep. i don't know if the united states would be able to sustain that or, or let alone the world be able to sustain his so called leadership in any of this because it's so catastrophic for the, for the world. and what we're seeing is when you have a crisis in one area, it's going to have a cascading effect into other areas. now, the, the g, how the militants now have become in bold, wherever they may be from the sent from central asia to the middle east and in africa. and they're going to see that there is nobody in charge to take them on. and it's going to really require a reassessment by us and allies on what their national security strategies are going to be rather than the united states play. tried to take on china and russia as adversaries. we have a new problem and all those countries with united states and the allies need to team together with this growing problem. and it's,
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and it's not going to go away. this is a bold these mil militants to carrie carrie up there. their attacks and to think that they can get away with because no one's really going to stop them at this point. if to tell a bond, which is a disarray of sold individuals in, in sandals and carrying a k 40 sevens, can repeat the super power of the world. they feel that there's no, there's no limit. and i think that it's a psychological thing. the united states has greatly hurt. it's not only its image, but its ability to, to be a reliable partner. and i would add that because of these attach, this means to get back to the airport situation. they're gonna have to shut down that airport. and i would, and we have some general retired generals that i know of who are seriously trying to put pressure on the pen again, on the pentagon and on. com and,
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and the special forces groups to take the initiative to take back. bathrooms, open that back up, set up core doors to, to extract americans. it's greater than 1500. those are the only ones that registered. we got far more who are in the area. there's this, there's a school group out of california right now. 29. americans who were stranded that's a whole school group and they can't get out. so it's, it's, it's, it is dire. and it, it's, it's going to call for drastic action. and, and kind of activity taken back. bob barker is not beyond the realm of possibility in the sport. will joe biden have to rethink his his deadline? he's been very clear about it, the telephone and said they wouldn't tolerate an extension to any deadline. but the reality is, as you said, it may become extremely difficult if not impossible, to safely to get us to weston citizens out of i've gotten this done the
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moment. can you afford to leave people there? does it have to extend the deadline? he's going to have to be he did call for contingency plans and he, casey, had to, i think we may see some major activity over the weekend leading and time leaving need. and after the weekend over the weekend itself, it's just cause we're drastic action that you cannot leave americans and allies behind because they become instant hostages. and that that is unfathomable in the eyes of the united states in the american people. and for that matter, the world is something drastic is going to have to happen. and there is talk that elements within the department of defense or so outraged that i would not put it past somebody taking initiative on its own without the so called commander in chief
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given the okay, this is, this is beyond the pale at this point we're hearing reports on the telephone, the saying that this wasn't islamic state, which is what you suggested was most slightly, all things seem to be pointing towards them at the moment. was the problem about the way this, this whole extraction of troops and citizens from cobble? was it the manner in which has been done? why was it all so last minute? why has there been this bottleneck of people rushing? almost like people rushing into you see going into the stalls on, on, on days when there's a sale, people desperate thinking there's a time limit on, on me doing what i want to do. why is it all been so hurried? why was this not planned out more in advance? why was it not more organized? because joe biden decided to reject anything that was the trump had come up with in terms of withdrawal plan. trump had conditions attached
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to withdraw that if the telephone reached certain condition, then go to the next level. but he had, under no circumstances, wanted to leave all of that equipment. abandoned bathroom removed troops before you got the united before you got us citizens. and those are the allies and afghans who helped the allies get them out of harm's way. this was just joe biden, pulling the plug, saying i'm done. setting the deadline. i, he never wanted going back when he was vice president under obama, he actually disagreed with obama's decision to put in 100000 combat troops. we had put, put in 800000 combat troops under obama, joe biden, oppose that. and now this is just joe biden, as president now say not got enough, and he's, he's getting out and he doesn't care how it's done. and he disregarded the very
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good advice from his military and intelligence experts. so this one happened if you did this, this, this and it's unconscionable that he made any move like this without getting americans out 1st. and the allies out 1st and, and, and the app can those from afghanistan who built this? it's, this is just joe biden saying, i've had enough and he gave the order to to, to leave. and the military be in the military. they take orders from the commander in chief. they saluted and carried up, carried out that function, abandoned bathroom, left on the left, $8385000000000.00 worth of equipment that now is going to be used against the population and against any any future tax that they might want to do. if they decide to expand beyond afghanistan and, and,
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and it's not going to be left in the hands of telephone, it will all ultimately al qaeda and i, c. k will get their hands on it for the telephone. the suggested not an attack on by ice and they had been morning about the united states said good intelligence, that this was going to be that there was a looming attack. an ice cave themselves. they were planning the attack. so, you know, working walks, i conduct quick side to duck, it cetera. so if this is an abysmal situation, this is hurt the united states more than anything. and i think that this is the beginning of the end of nato, as we know it today, because nobody can trust united states any longer as a leader in it's in its defense security arrangement. and i think that this is going to cause a whole new reexamination by country. and basically we're going to
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see the creation and establishment of the turn of the world order emerging from it all. and it's not going to be the one that we, we've had for the last 75 years. i would imagine it's going to make a lot of people think twice, 3 times now about going into hot spots around the world. representing governments pops thinking. if there is trouble, all governments will get it out because that's not happens, not for everybody here. we're talking about, well, over a 1000 people who is foreign citizens, western citizens who are going to remain trapped in cobble. and we already have seen the scene, devout desperate people were to get out. it's just got an awful lot worse. the situation for them. what happens to those people now? we heard sexy. say, anthony blink. and prior to the attack saying that the people who weren't going to get out, but they weren't going to be forgotten. but how on earth can the united states get its people out? now, amidst this chaos, amidst this deadline that is almost upon them, i'm just thinking of the people who are going to be trapped the. the nightmare that
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they must be living through. now fearing for the lives day to day, what a nurse is going to happen to them? who's going to help them? is it going to be the taliban or the be turning to the taliban to help them? no, i think blinking is delusional. he's begging tell a bond he's, he's, he's negotiating with a terrorist group, you can't do that. and he's, and he's relying upon a terrorist group to basically help help us, which has been occupying and bombing this country for 20 years. so i can tell a bond like any other she had a militant group understand power, but they can certainly smell weakness and now there's smelling weakness in the us. and they are going to use it to their advantage. and i think that they will take americans hostage and they will and again, these were americans who did not register not to mention that the americans who did register and still can't get out. but there are many more americans who are in
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remote areas that might be helping on water purification. then water works in remote areas. little groups that when assist in infrastructure development in, in, in highly remote areas they, they can even begin to get to couple to be able to be extracted. and for the military u. s. military, then to try to extract them. they're going to have to cross over a lot of tele bond control territory and risk a lot of lives trying to rescue them. so there's going to, there's going to be a cost benefit analysis for any attempted rescue. and i'm afraid they're going to be on the losing side, so they're going to be stranded. and they're just going to have to try to make their way out of those areas discreetly into, let's say neighboring countries. we saw, we saw afghans security folks doing, doing the same thing. they immediately bailed over into pakistan into iran. i don't
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see why we couldn't. we couldn't get assistance from those other countries in the central asia, like it was becca stance. she could minister to, once a americans make it to the gates to be able to make it to the borders successfully to be able to be taken on in and taken out. but that's basically what's going to have to happen. they're going to have to hide and try to get through some intimate control territory. and it's going to be rough, if not almost impossible because of checkpoints on a michael, when you talked about this at some point. but i just want to try and clarify for our view is we have the taliban considered to be a terrorist organization, promote the most governments around the world. we have suspected islamic state terrorist attack having a could. what is the relationship between the taliban and other extremely groups? for example, this new branch of islamic state will the taliban with a new p r appearance and that,
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that there are attempts to see mulder will they have 0 tolerance for terroristic, st. missed? will there be some sympathizes in the telephone? how will they interact together? if that's a, it's a, a type of question that is really muddle big or the responses muddle because there have been elements of telephone that have joined nicest in the past and inside about dana stand, there are some that are being opposed to them. isis k represents a much more extreme version of what they all believe in, in terms of shari'a law. one is more extreme than the other. tele bond is less, believe it or not, is more moderate than, than isis k. and, and they have, they have conflicting interest in ideas that plus, if they want to set up their own caliphate, they're going to have conflicting calla things. because colorblind wants to have all about ghana standards. it's calibrate, but you have isis k now,
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which is trying to set up its own caliphate within afghanistan. and from there, begin to expand that expansion could go into central asia. and i think that that, into the central asian country than that is the that is the concern, i think the bulk of china and russia and iran immediately because of that expansion potential is very serious. in fact, it's an isis k strategy, not only to come in through iraq and syria, but on the other side, come in from afghanistan to put a pincer movement on iran ultimately, and take that iran is ultimately the target because the sheer isis k r extreme as soon as, and there just died in the wool ideologues and they will live and die for their, for their way of thinking in ideology. and, and so we're, and we're right in the middle of it. we gotta get out of it because this is going to be deadly for all countries in the region,
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or they're going to have to mounts and very heavy security. appreciate your, your time, michael. before you go just to confirm that they were getting official confirmation coming from the u. s. government that this was a suicide bomb. this takes place one of those 2 explosions. really appreciate your analysis. montgomery lou, my guest, former pentagon analyst. okay. for joining us here in our international, you are watching all breaking news coverage, emerging from us, gone to stand. there has been an explosion, reportedly to explosions have taken place actually in the vicinity of chicago international airport. a chaotic evacuation efforts has been undergone there over the last week or so. tens of thousands of people are already evacuated, but still thousands remain ahead of the u. s. military pull out the deadline. remember august 31st. that's when the u. s. with jaws officially, according to report and the port area, or at least 13 people of died and many more reported to have been injured,
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including for us soldiers. the pentagon has confirmed the explosion. it comes just hours after western governments have been warning of a security threat. for lots of reports coming in from western intelligence, warning us suddenly us citizens to stay away from cobble international airport because of the high threat perceived that there was going to be a terrorist attack turkeys defense ministry is were saying that there has been a 2nd explosion so far, no claim of responsibility. the taliban down played earlier, tara threat warnings. they said that this was a provocation. an attempt to undermine the effort they were making to reassert control over the african capital. they are now saying several of their own. taliban gods have been injured in the explosion as well as women and children. in the
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report to saying that the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber gunfire. as also been reported in the vicinity of the apple, one of the explosions happened near the barren hotel. british and american citizens had been based wasting their extraction. in recent days, several european nations announced earlier on thursday that they were actually halting their evacuations from cobble airport because of security concerns. and there are still around $1500.00 american citizens countless. so the foreign national still in the country trying to get out before the us withdrawal deadline, which is just 5 days away. i believe we can now hear from taliban official. we had some comments. let's listen now to the telephone spokesperson. it must. busy be the problem is that a huge number of people have gathered near the water and there is a threat that the single person, one person alone can carry out an attack and killed people in order to damage the
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taliban reputation. this is not a significant, not a big threat. we're monitoring the situation at the airport. but so that was the taliban spokesperson trying to play down concerns that there might be a terrorist incidents plans to take place, sit cobble international, airport western intelligence suggested. so extreme was the threat that they were warning us citizens to stay away, the pentagon, the white house, the u. s. embassy and campbell at all said they believed that there was going to be a terrorist attack. they had wall mess citizens to stay away despite this looming deadline. despite the panic, to get out of call, both the united states government will warning the citizens to stay away from the port where the people have hated that advice. we will only find out in the hours in days to come, but the have been reports. a certainly of us soldiers having been caught up in this
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blast. we don't know if these are injuries or fatalities reports of at least for us . marines certainly caught in the blast and minimum injured just to remind you to explosions, have been reported. now. turkish officials have said that there's been a 2nd explosion. this points all information suggests that the 1st explosion occurred near the byron hotel. located not far away from caldwell airport and that is where you k, an american citizens have been staying as the eagerly awaited the extraction from the capital. the flights continue, we hear that carbon international airport because of course inside the port bodies all secured by us and we're than soldiers. they have established their own security zone within the airport, enabling the flights to continue these explosions happening in the taliban
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controlled area outside. and it's all correspondent, broad garcia. there's told us we'll be hearing from him by the way, probably within the next 10 minutes life from the african capital. he explained to his that the security sounds outside the whole. they're all controlled by taliban militants that they do conduct security checks. the attempt that to prevent something like this happening, happening, people who are approaching the airport hoping to fly out. they were being padded down to being checked, to make sure they didn't carry any weapons or any explosives. but it's clear those checks has not been effective. given all the information we're getting in that says that there have been 2 explosions near the airport with dozens of casualties reported at this point. and as miranda explained to as an explosion, that would be inevitable. that would be fatality. given the huge numbers of people who been packed in around the airport, people desperate to get out of the african capital. you watching all
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t international and take a very short break and then we'll be bringing you the latest information coming in on these explosions in the afghan capital. we hear from our correspondent stay with us. the psychiatric drugs are essential for millions of patients. or are they, they want that pill that they hope will take care of their problem thoroughly and rapidly in the short term they really work. the problem is, in the long term, they're mostly disastrous. suddenly stopping a drug can cause withdrawal symptoms more serious than the condition it was meant to treat instead of the beneficial effects of these different medicines, any up to something wonderful, very often they're harmful effects and up to something terrible can pills. so of all ills are trying to mitigate life itself. i just think i was like i was just
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scared, scared, little girl of 24. and like me didn't have to be so complicated. this is your media a reflection of reality. the in a world transformed what will make you feel safe for tyson lation community? are you going the right way or are you being direct? what is true? what is the the in the world corrupted. you need to defend, ah, so join us in the depths. will remain in the shallows. ah,
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in a military mission i can stand will conclude on august 31st. i want to go to the court. i go to young, go to do, and i really want the proof for my you got to be of subtle companies, something you cut the cut over the what are the most likely that i'm on the 7th, not to get a quote to ship a minute. this was the right weapon against the right hand corner, bought it from, but it was filled out to reveal the, the signing of the us to all about agreement. and i laid the groundwork for the road ahead toward a lasting peace in afghanistan. and
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i know we still need that mcdonald and her the americans love buying homes ah, business fundamentals, part of how our political leadership and our country, large, understood the bargain. you get a whole and then you will rebel, right? as the things you don't revolt, if you have a stake in the system, be really interesting to dial back and think about the longer deeper history of
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what housings meant in the united states. not just that old question of the american dream, but the big question of who the dream has been for the at least 13 people are killed and more than 50 injured into explosions. so i'd call below airports. according to reports, for us, soldiers are among those who are willing to do and reported carried out by suicide bombings. the taliban, as recently admitted an attack on cobble apple, was possible claiming that the threat level was considered to be there was
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