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tv   News. Views. Hughes  RT  August 27, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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rather driven by dreams shaped by those in me i think we dare to ask the those who carried out this attack as well as anyone wishes america harm. no, this, we will not forget we will not forget the we
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will hunt you down to make you pay us present. joe biden respond at the reports of at least 12 service members were killed and 15 more injured, putting even more pressure on just how the bite ministration will respond. as fears of future attacks grow and the world ask, what defines an act of war in the bottom ministration of the world is also watching to see what happens next in afghanistan and how america respond. we have team coverage from on the ground in couple to monitoring the reactions from the various countries, including us with expert analysis. that's an update on the story we 1st brought you yesterday about the 20 plus high school students and their parents who are still stuck in afghanistan. natasha, we have been continuing to follow these students will update us on all progress they have made. i'm sorry, no huge. and all the stories on this edition of news, huge, huge right here in our t america. let's get started. the
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who's we start the show as a bad situation. i can stand, has worsened into pure tragedy. the world has watched to see how the united states will actually respond to the chaos and the violence in the streets of cable. as suicide bombers exploded right outside of the airport in the barren hotel and hotel that was being heavily guarded by the united states military. now it is believed that at least a dozen us service members were killed with a dozen more people injured. are your right guys to have it on the ground in cable with the following story. to understand how this disaster could have happened out, so many people could have be killed and injured to explosions. it is important to understand that the full depth of the pad, the body of the currently grips cobble airport, the videos. so do it justice,
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the airport, his boss kilometers and kilometers in circumference ringing. yes, crowds, more pressure tightly together. it is scrum, sometimes charging the check boards, trying desperately doing whatever it takes to get inside the planning of barbed wire fences. and these, these, these practice, these mobs of people provide the lucrative targets to the terrace. the number of casualties was going to be watched any way you put it there, you put it no way. no matter where the explosion went off in such a it's such a tight press, tight pack of bodies, the body of the desk told was going to be go to be boss. we drove out the main entrance yesterday. we saw what it looked like, barely barely a few meters out of the airport. we had the taliban shooting into the air sideways trying to get people to stop rushing the gates that had just to let us out. we
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continued, it took many, many minutes to just get out of the wrong people move aside to let the vehicles out what we know there, 2, explosions, one at the door, the gate of the, of the airport and one at the eastern and of the airport near the barren hotel, which is heavily used by american and british forces as well as diplomatic, was a vetting office where they approved afghans and the others for emergency evacuations. and they are marched across the road into the airport itself, or allegedly, a car bomb, went off there, a suicide bomber struck the northern end of the airport. according to the various sources here and capital, the suicide bomber was detected by the crowd or approach of what he was detected. he took the charge. the check is why perhaps we heard of americans returning far, far, ordered individual whitehouse as soon conferred the depth of their proceedings,
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the explosions. we were given an interview, his 1st interview by the new minister. information of the taliban. the new i've got government, he told us the ultimate we what happened at the airport is america spoke. that is america for because america in the early days and other european countries, they cool the people to come to the air flow to safety to the web. floating out of the dangers after i heard the message, it came rushing and that tens of thousands to the airport from all over. i've got a stud and then once they were refused engines, what they, once they realize that it would be difficult at that to catch a jet to fly out. they chose to camp out to remain there, believe in what they had previous baton. had about that this was perfect routes for a terrorist attack. the terrorist strikes is that the cottage and may have, they said that they had the war, the americans and the british,
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before they should bear tara threat, that there was a dangerous security danger. at the end they were, they were and so what it would be they were they said it was, wasn't specific and they didn't know what is what happened with perhaps a bob. will somebody shooting it to the crowd, cause it a 1000 strong stampede many casualties? potentially they're talking about now said the threat world and until the united states is leave until it could secure the security. then the pillars got here. people, the ship tight bodies surrounding the airport disburse more, i guess. do you have trouble, especially when you use use join us that florence i returned invest, gave journalist been swan ben. i know you've watched the events today with a heavy heart, and now we're trying to asking questions is, how did this happen? is there anything we can do to prevent it isis case, you can claim forced us a little bit. who exactly is isis k?
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essentially it's the same thing as isis. so most viewers would know slumming, state of iraq and syria, right. isis, which was this group that took over in 2014, 2015 big swath of iraq and syria. and by the way, who were able to do that because of massive amounts of military equipment that the us left behind the civically interact, that's where they really got their weapons from. they went into iraq, took those home these weapons and went back into syria, isis k, which is the islamic state of correson, which essentially means eastern course on the traditional region of that is eastern persia. it's that land, easter pressure i should say, which is of course monitor iran and then eastern afghanistan and that's where ice is k or the flemish. that of course on has been hold up so far and they've kind of come out of that place. they don't like the taliban, they're not friends with the taliban. they've been fighting the taliban. but more importantly, they'd been fighting the u. s. and i bring up the point about the weapons, scotty,
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because we just did the exact same thing and up dennis and left behind. unbelievable amounts of us military equipment, massive amounts of weaponry and guns black hawk helicopters from these. we left it all there. the same way that we did in iraq, so we could be creating a very similar problem, what we saw 20142015 with the other isis. now as your point out, we have arm to both side of this issue in this line of fight, and both of them are united in haiti, new united states. so we are obviously ours are against us to i want to play with joe biden had to say during his press conference today about isis. k. made aware foreign chose community the isis k. an arch enemy, the tale bonds, people who are friedman, both those prisons are open, has been planning a complex set of attacks and united states personnel and others. ok,
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so the pentagon also issued in a statement saying they expect isis to actually have more attacks. this is not going to be the 1st or the last that was going to happen and that the us is asked the taliban to help protect our soldiers. over in this area. i mean, i get the enemy of the enemy as my friend. but is this really a smart way of coverage, right? or is this the best way we can and protecting our soldiers that are military over there, but also those still the americans that are trying to get out of the country? yeah, i don't think so. it doesn't make any sense so much of what within this press conference, earlier to that is just leaves. you scratching your head. it's very hard to follow what the president was talking about. so he essentially once the taliban to protect us troops from the taliban. once the country and we've been at war where he says they'll do without a self preservation, i don't know if that's necessarily the case. we don't have any reason to believe that's the case. we also, you know, there are all these americans who are trapped in the country and the binding ministration. keep saying that they can leave if they want to. well,
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who doesn't want to leave? that's. that's the question that never gets a follow up in the white house press briefings. why not ask the question? who is trying to stay there? because that's not happening right now. now, to the other point about isis k, i think this is important is that they have a history of attacking different targets income war. it goes back to 2016, just a couple numbers. 6 major attacks by isis k in the african capital in 2016. there were 18 of those attacks in 2017 and then 24 of those attacks in 2018 and they primarily target what the target schools that girls attend the target hospitals and maternity ward's. and i will say this, the idea that they're the arch enemy of the taliban, that's. that's inaccurate when the president says that, are they at conflict with the taliban? yes, they don't necessarily work together. but remember this, people said that in syria, al qaeda and ices would never work together because they were not in alignment in terms of their belief systems. and i caught
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a lack of the journalist for reporting that just kind of we're working together. and you know, one of these in g o. c o s allies, not sure what turned out it was true. we now know that isis and i'll kind of work together against the united states and also against the syrian government when they have a common enemy. so we saw this happening in afghanistan. they have worked together . and by the way, a lot of isis k fighters have been recruited from where from the taliban, their former taliban fighters, who are more extreme in their, in their worldview until they've moved over to ices k. well, and i think this is where i think people scratch, i had the reason why we cannot get americans out of the country right now. the reason why those refugees are cannot get out of country is because of the taliban. so the taliban really wanted to help the united states and bring peace sierra guess what? stay home, give us a week to get everybody out and yet that's not what's happening. they're continuing to fight american soldiers within the street. ok. so where do we go from here? are you expecting not only from the press conference that we just heard from joe biden, do you think there is going to be tough action?
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we have not seen it in the past. you look at history, and i'm going to say this again. you look at, in the past, we had black hawk down under clinton, no retaliation of any form. you had what happened at big guys with the ambassador? no retaliation just investigations that went nowhere on capitol hill. will we actually see as you have actually you have senators and representatives obviously on their public inside already calling for stepping down. are we going to see any actually action behind the tough words that were said today by the president? so what i here's yeah, i think will happen 1st. i think we will air strikes that will take place the u. s . one that will target a couple positions and say we struck back at isis k before leaving as a stand before the official removal of us troops from afghanistan. the u. s. had already done this, they had already targeted specific locations that they knew of that were strong holds for ice this case because their goal they said was to wipe out and basically kill off the entire existence of ices k before leaving the country. but that didn't
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work, obviously, obviously it was a failure again of their inability to be able to stamp out an enemy in afghanistan . so it didn't work the 1st time. so, so targeting the couple of spots and, you know, using drop strikes and tackle slots will not in isis k, and this is, again where i, so many people are frustrated with what's happening right now. the president uses to acknowledge any wrong decision here. why in the world have you know, that you waited? i know this is the question that journalist need the answer to. why did you not evacuate all you are, you know, translators, all of your help as well as all the americans. you were there before removing the military. it was a completely backwards and flawed strategy. but that would raises this question. if you knew that k was such a threat, which now the administration says they didn't know they were such a threat. why were you being green in the removal of those knowing that you were about to leave behind an incredible amount of weaponry in that country that now falls into their hands. it's not just in the taliban family is going to be in their
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hands as well. and this is, i want to get ro cracked to bring, bring it back to how we started this big question. lot of people are asking, why did we leave so much? why if anything, did they not just burn it? why did they not dispose of it destroy it before they left? why did they leave so much right there knowing directly who was going to go to and possibly be used against our own military in the future. what did that become? and since been it is common sense and you have common sense godaddy in the middle of the desert. you take all the equipment out into the desert, new bomb at all. you destroy everything and you get rid of it. but of course, we didn't iraq, and there was no repercussion for that. and you know who profits from that? the defense contractors who make and sell that military equipment. because now you've made it and you sold all that military equipment and now it's in the wrong hands. so now you've got to make and sell more mili or military equipment in order to battle. the guys who now have our old military equip and our military equipment
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from the past, for as well. seems awfully convenient. doesn't absolutely disgusting because they're playing with american lives. been like, always great to talk to you even if it's on such a bad subject like that. now after the break, we promise to keep you up to date with the high school group stranded in afghanistan. we're going to bring you the latest as well as what those at home are doing to try to help. the kids in the awe is your media a reflection of reality the in a world transformed what will make you feel safer. type relation or community. you going the right way or are you being
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somewhere direct? what is true? what is faith in the world corrupted. you need to defend the join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah oh, when i would show the wrong. when old rule, just don't the rules. yes to shape out the same because it after kid and engagement equals trail. when so many find themselves well, did we choose to look for common ground in the wise we lost their lives
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given in the service of liberty. the services security, the service of others in the service of america, like their fellow brothers and sisters in arms who died defending our vision and our values. the struggle against terrorism, of the fall on this day are part of a great noble company of american heroes. words that were spoken by president joe biden to address the country, trying to bring in the emotional side as there are hurting families today, as there will be flag draped caskets coming back home to america. this is a political issue as much as it is about national security, and i wanna discuss the politics and get the 360 view bringing ed martin for my georgia state lawmaker ladon jones for don ad. thanks for joining me on this day.
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not exactly where i think any of us were expecting to talk about when we woke up this morning. and yet here we are. with don, i'm going to ask you this is, this is a real moment for leadership in our country. not only the last 2 weeks, but now there's american soldiers that have that have been murdered. busy in the street, how is president biden do you think handling this situation? he start handling it the way that i want to add him to as an american. and that is, he is not rushing to judgment, that he is not rushing to assumption that he is being longer. and his statement is clamor towards why we still have american ships there and, and he's making sure that it's clear. however, we won't let this done and that doesn't necessarily mean strikes right. 2021 thinking about your strike is our only solution is like using a fax machine. when we have email, right? you could send in a field team and not necessarily 6000 troops, right? you can get the people who are at fault without hurting thousands of men, women,
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and children. and so i am so far, very proud of having handling it in the way. it's me as a right intelligence for making any drastic move. well, and i get that i said, as you can imagine, republicans before even the president came despite it came to speak, were already creating their list of people that should be resigned or should be, at least at the very least be impeached based on how they handle this situation, do you agree with those like marshall blackboard who tweeted out that everybody from the top all the way down to the joint chiefs of staff should be held accountable for poor decisions. he feel that she feels like is being made on the battlefield. well, i certainly believe that what we're watching is incompetence. you know, when the president talked about the service of the men and women, i think as i don't know if there's one a women there to but who died today. i appreciate a talk about their service to liberty because we don't ask our men and women to go and die. we don't ask them to worry about how the command got there. right. but it
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was, they died because of incompetence. is president, put our people in harm's way dramatically. you know, my colleague referred to intelligence waiting for intelligence. he's had the briefings they knew this was a possibility. jake sullivan knew this way. he was briefed on this threat from isis k. this kind of threat they knew was going to happen. so we have and you know, when i watch president abide and speak there. i was thinking about jimmy carter and jimmy carter benefited from the fact that he could only give his malays speech once . he didn't have to go out and face the press. he wasn't 24 hour news cycle. we're watching the bible presidency, deteriorate. it for our eyes. this president is not handling this well and everyone knows in america and the people in the rest of the world know it. so it's actually a very dangerous time. i hope the present is careful and slow and methodical. but right now what we're portraying is weakness. and uncertainty and a sense of like i said, deterioration right every day. so it's,
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i don't want to gloat on it is politically disastrous to democrats when an election . you know, right now gavin newsome will lose and, and terry mcauliffe will lose. who cares? right now, i'm worried that the rest of the world is seeing a chance to take advantage of america. that's what we have to worry about. well, and i think we can alter the republican dual credit. this has been a disaster of leadership for 20 years. plus, this is not just on one president's hand. that being said after the events today, dawn, you know, president biden brought up the very beginning, but he also pretty much ended it with the last question. putting this back on the former president trump's administration, and this was his doing. do you think that was a smart? do you see at this point when he says the buck stops with me and leave it at that and takes full responsibility for the actions that that would have been probably more responsible than trying to toss it back in the past on to the former administration list i can't even see that aside, the loss of lives, of americans live at the end of the day. there's been 2 and 2 presidents in office
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since 2001 when they met every single one of them. and that includes biden obama. it definitely try and push all made very bad decisions. and so the question for me now is, what are the decision you're going to make going forward? even if you do have previous briefing, this might happen. just like a briefing on a virus is going to happen. he did nothing, even though he have it. now that has happened today. we want him to not act like a middle school kid and jump into a fight and start bullying folks around. we want to keep the mission going, which is what he said in the mission is remove our troops from that country. we could well, and i'm gonna throw that back to you on this one as we're moving our troops as quick as we can. we're having a real problem with that because mainly the taliban is saying is the one standing in the way for us getting our americans out and yet you are seeing some
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relationships and partnerships happening with the talent. is it a mistake? do you feel like for the american president to reach out and try to, i guess in the name of peace, make some sort of partnership with the taliban and if we can get our, our people out of afghanistan even quicker? no, no, and i was one of the things i really respect about what joe barton said. anyone who will help protect our people, whatever their interest is. i don't care if the taliban have themselves and hates each other. and hey, tracy k. i care for going to let our people out and if they're not, then we should be strong enough to make them pay for it. that's the problem. and with all due respect, my colleague says we're not going to politicize this. and then she lives, donald trump, on the cobra. the virus he did operation, war speedy shut down the country. many conservatives like me didn't love it. so you say that, and you say, why are we politicizing this? i don't think george w bush ever said, why did bill clinton ignore the some of a lot of stuff that was gone? i don't think he said that, but i agree with you. the buck stops whoever's in the big office and in the big
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office is a guy today who instead of saying, we didn't do it well enough. men died. he said it was trumps for, for making a deal. when you run for president, you know, you're going to get all the deals that the guys before you made, and you gotta be the big boy and lead and show fine. look, he's deteriorating in front of us. he says at the end of his speech. and now i'm allowed to ask the person and question as i was instructed. look, if you don't have to be proud of this, you don't have to be worried. we all thought maybe he wouldn't be this bad, but it's really bad. and right now, china is looking to taiwan and bad guys are looking at america and saying, let's take advantage of this really weak, really embarrassing moment in american life. right. it's a big concern added la donna like always, and i, i agree with both of you and the fact that the world is watching. what happens next and what america, what steps america take. thank you so much for joining me on this day. thank you. now another story we are continue to follow out of afghanistan. there is
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a group of southern california students and their parents who remain in the country struggling to find a safe rate route to the airport. larger correspond, natasha suite has more on this troubling situation. clearly to doesn't san diego students and their families are stranded in afghanistan while days ago the white house said it would be irresponsible to say anyone was stranded. the white house press secretary has recently changed her tune all the while. several california families are holding out hope that they can return home. i have friends who are still and jonathan, i have an aunt and a cousin who are in the dentist and, and their families. and what we're hearing is that the situation is getting worse daily. and while the pace has picked up in recent days, it's still a chaos scramble as people seek to escape. originally 8, san diego families went to f canister over a summer break to visit relatives. thursday morning congressman darrell issa, who represents the eastern district of san diego, told local media to san diego. families trapped in the cobbler region had been
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freed from afghanistan. the other families, including children, are still overseas. according to us, military terrorist groups have blocked access to the international airport, making it harder to leave. the san diego families reportedly had tickets to fly home, but were unable to get to the airport. so the 31st day with arbitrarily set without any for thought. but the total of on has made it even harder to succeed. i said his office originally learned through social media messaging that these families aren't fact stranded in afghanistan. he says they're trying to get them out. and now after a deadly blast near cobble airports, air travel for the san diego families will be even more complicated. but just days ago on monday white house press secretary, jim saki responded to reporter's question about americans being stuck in afghanistan, that 1st of all, i think they're responsible. say americans are stranded. they are not. oddly enough . on wednesday, saki had a very different tune. anyone who has an american citizen who they are,
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who are they are looking to help you out. any of you send them to me directly and i will get it to the right place. we are absolutely committed to this. this is across the government commitment. the white house said around 900000 people were evacuated from cobble over the last 24 hours. a bipartisan group of lawmakers are urging president biden to ignore his august 31st deadline for evacuated american citizens from cobble they. they should be able to continue the mission for as long as it takes reporting for new cues and partial suites r t. that's all we have for is very important. show tay. thank you so much for watching. and like always you can download the portable tv app position on more and continue to watch r t r t. america. as we follow the events and ask and see you later. the ah ah,
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the ah, ah, americans love buying homes? ah, this was a funny middle part of how our political leadership and our country large understood the bargain. you get a whole and then you will rebel, right as the things you don't revolt if you have
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a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial back and think about the longer, deeper history of what housings meant in the united states. not just that old question of the american dream, but the bigger question of who the dream has been for our military mission against dam. we'll conclude on august 31st. ah, well, sounds good to us. all the quote unquote a young girl. and i really need proof for my. you got to be a southern company, the cut chicago, the what i think that was the place to get a quote to show me that this was the right weapon against the right hon. bought it from but it was filled out
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through z o o z the the signing of the us tell about agreement and laid the groundwork for the road ahead toward a lasting peace in afghan the stand and i know we still need that. i'm a dunaway and her the top line here. what are the latest numbers all 107 feet, nearly 200 injured the aftermath of a terror attack that shouldn't probable at board where crowds of people, both guns and foreigners, with problems together moving boy back to the witness of an explosion, who was standing just.


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