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tv   Documentary  RT  August 28, 2021 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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to do he's got the money to play the game ah, from 10 miles outside the town. highway 62 were lady has 45 miles and they own all the most signs. they don't anything out. this is the interest, but she have to have a key to get in to manage 19876, just like an average ordinary guy to talk to him. and then you realize this guy's go play and he knows what he's doing for
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the one number one, it's amazon founder and ceo jeff beta. he is the 1st century billionaire, the people who hold them as the family. so media, me, i'm using my resources to put in place heavy lifting and infrastructure so that the next generation of people can have a dynamic entrepreneurial explosion into space in
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is the, are still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos. amazon is the largest store in the world. it sends out $150.00 parcels per 2nd, adding up to 5000000000 each year.
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its boss just pays or has a single obsession to sell everything instantly everywhere and to satisfy his customers every desire without delay. there are 300000000 amazon customers worldwide today. the multinational company is revolutionizing commerce and the way we consume it is even succeeded in shrinking time and space.
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how exactly is amazon taking over the whole planet? what does jeff phases want that he doesn't already have? what future does the multinational wish to impose on us and at what cost was our story begins in 1994 in a seattle suburb jeff bezos, a 30 something wall street expatriate creates amazon in his garage.
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jeff basis. and what are your, what is your claim to fame and the founder of amazon dot com. where did you get an idea for amazon? well, 3 years ago, i was in new york city working for quantitative hedge fund. when i came across the startling statistic, the web usage was going in 2300 percent a year. so i decided i would try and find a business plan that made sense in the context of that group. who in the beginning they were only 3. 1 of the things that was really happening in seattle of that time was grunge so, so you had nevada and pearl jam and all that kind of music. so they were plaid shirts on everyone. paul davis is one of the programmers who developed amazon's very 1st website and amazon itself was out in a suburb that really was very far from the city and clubs and any kind of of
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seen that that might be happening. there were basically 2 programmers working harder writing code. busy and jeff, working hard on, on the sort of business he side of the new company, there wasn't this kind of really fuel energy, you know, like, oh my god, you know, what's going to be a goal today? what are we going to take off today? oh my god, if that isn't done, isn't done today, things fall apart. it was more just the case of methodically working as quickly as, as we could buy books arrived. somebody was gonna have to pack them up and shut them out. and so until that will be jeff, this is like the super early days when it was really just still the 3 of us plus his wife working part time. sometimes it will be white mckenzie, sometimes it would even be shallow. right? if there weren't that many, and we want super hide off in something, this is at a time where, you know, we typically, we were handling, you know,
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maybe less than 20 books per day or something. mm . 25 years later, amazon no longer sends 20 parcels, but 14000000 a day. the company owns over 250 warehouses and delivered on 5 continents. i guess amazon success kotch stacy mitchell's attention. she heads the institute for local self reliance research center, studying the evolution of the american economy. for the past 10 years, she's been closely monitoring the growth of the beast. amazon is
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like, it's like this invisible force. you know, it's got, it's tend to holes in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon isn't trying to get into there. now the biggest clothing retailer in the us and they produce a lot of clothing. bookstores, toys, stores, hardware stores, kind of grown invisibly. it doesn't get noticed are covered by the media and the same way because it's not physically present except in just a few places. amazon is growing so rapidly, they are creating a lot of jobs, but as they grow, they're destroying a lot of jobs. and we found that for every one new amazon job that had been created, there were 2 jobs that were lost at existing businesses. we've lost about 85000 independent small businesses in the last 10 years. we've lost about $35000.00 small and mid sized manufacturers. amazon isn't the only cause,
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but it's the top cause of those losses. ah, stacy mitchell investigates amazon strategy of conquest. there's a kind of a balancing act that they seem to walk between slowly taking over everything rapidly, taking over everything and yet not being so visible that people become alarms. so some ways we train is left the station and as a society, if we're going to try to figure out how to bring that back, it's much harder to do now than it would have been 10 years ago. we had noticed what was really happening in, in the united states, amazon now controls half of all online commerce the company leads online sales in clothing,
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electronics books, d v d 's personal care and the products ah, it also offers the video on demand, online music streaming video games, data storage insurance, as well as drugs. amazon also embodies a certain vision of america progressive and liberal. its acquisition of whole foods leader of high end organic produce is a good example. jeff bezos is a complex character. he's a ceo as well as an investor, but in 2013, he personally acquired the washington post. one of the most prestigious newspapers in the u. s. ah. step by step. the amazon empire extends its grip on the world. really hid amazon at this point represents the transformation of the american economy. i mean,
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you know, the old saying when i 1st came the street and kind of back in the day was what's good for g. m is good for the country today. that's largely amazon as largest market cap company. it's, it's greatly intertwined with the entire american and global economy. amazon essentially controls the marketplace. it's not really a market, it's a private arena. amazon sets the rules. it gives the side which companies get the best spots which companies rank in the search rankings. who can even be there, what they're allowed to sell, how they can communicate with their customers, what they have to pay in order to be part of it. the old saying is if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. so amazon looks like monopoly trades like a monopoly makes money like a monopoly. behaves like monopoly. so when i looked at it, you have to use monopolies in the traditional sense, upon a comparable type company. the real definition of
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a monopoly is when you have the ability to control the terms by which other player earth can access the market. when you have that kind of power to dictate what happens and amazon has that power, amazon has become a kind of gatekeeper. and their strategy is very much about being the e commerce platform for the entire world. the, ah, is your media a reflection of reality? the in the world transformed what will make you feel safe for tyson lation community? are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct?
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what is true? what is in the world corrupted. you need to this end, the so join us in the depths will remain in the shallows ah, in the families that up with the mark. sounds good. i took marking your function. you would like to get some idea of who was it or? no, no. do y'all done? got i've got that limit and i wanted them off. you're gonna go back to go to
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the what about the run, the less about me and the me amazon is conquering one territory after another after the us just phases took control of england. germany, france, japan, canada, italy, spain, brazil, mexico, and australia. today the decisive battle for the company is taking place in india. ah.
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in 2013 amazon arrived in india with the intention of gaining control of a market estimated at $100000000000.00, conquer or fault or whatever is going to have been able to achieve globally is to be able to then pretty much all major markets globally, right, for that in europe or in the u. s. and some of the other asian marketers with outside of china, the only but 2 feet of it is still open india. so a,
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this is the only battlefield is open be to the thing that can be large fancy. the amazon no one in india is the fastest growing economy in the world with a 7 percent growth in 2017 was warning the news. in recent years, some 200000000 indians have joined the middle class dramatically increasing the number of internet users and eager consumers. the news. as a result, indian
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e commerce is growing by 30 to 50 percent every year. amazon is not the only company trying to tap into this growth. competing with jeff bezos. as flip card, the leader of the indian market, founded by 2 ex amazon employees and paid him a new startup finance by chinese giant alibaba. the 3 of them are waging a multi $1000000000.00 commercial war. in its 1st year, jeff phases invested $2000000000.00 and then $2000000000.00 more the following year . to gain market share, amazon has already invested $5000000000.00 in india without seeing a profit. all of these 3 players are armed, still the top they have a lot of phoenician, lot of funding, big gays backing up so you don't see anyone falling apart anytime soon. the. the battle gets even more complex. as these multi national corporations are
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facing a very strong nationalist pushback in india, this is the case delhi, the commercial district of the indian capital. here, commercial structures have remained unchanged for hundreds of years. really that will limit your budget for them to get modern and some of your med that. busy sitting at this table and 15 angry men, the largest group of merchants in all each own several shops in the neighborhood. they are the 1st to feel the impact of amazon's presence.
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maybe you know the merchants of old delhi are worried but they have a major asset to slow down amazon's rise. they formed the electoral base of the b. j. p. the party empower and induce since 2014 it's leader, prime minister and her and ramadi. promotes an exacerbated form of nationalism and defense protection is the view of the economy ah, the indian government recently introduced
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a bill that could severely limit amazon's room to maneuver. notably by preventing it from under cutting prices. o jeff bezos had to engage in a diplomatic game. he regularly meets with prime minister moody all it's a significant stick for amazon and for, for the kind of investment which amazon has been doing didn't market a reflection of the find a policy to see the big this market. and if it fav to reflect that in a global movie for amazon it's, it's not a regional story. it's a, it's a little bit story forever. yeah. in the in
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the counter. the americans, the merchantable. deli, have a plan to ensure the government doesn't forget them. i the pleasure for the 5 years or 10 years down the line because they're deep pockets in big losses. that is why they're coming to india. you can see any examples in the words they've been in the market as again then you get a monopoly. a shout is one of you, she, me. this bus will go around the country to alert other merchants and the
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population at large of the threats that looms over india. obviously not in the i a i. 6 o, in 2018, amazon announced its intention to invest yet again another $2000000000.00 in the country. its operations in india have so far resulted in a net loss of $883000000.00.
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investing massive amounts of money often at a loss in order to conquer market share is the foundation of jeff bases global strategy. despite is risky plan, amazon's boss still maintains the competence of the financial markets. amazon stock value rises constantly. ah, in the last 4 years it is increased fivefold. ah, amazon lost about $3000000000.00 in its 1st 6 years in business, selling books at a loss. and it worked, you know, i mean, now amazon is the dominant book retailer with more than half the market. and they've consistently done that in one sector after another where they go in, they lose money. other companies that are not, don't have the same backing from wall street, aren't able to operate at a loss. they go out of business, amazon takes over, you know, and this is
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a company that is able to lose money like that in a way that no one else is jeff fees o c. o. i mean, one of the things when you're analyzing a company is management's credibility. he spent time on wall street at a large hedge fund. i believe he sorta intuitively knew what institutional investors were looking for, knew how to educate them about com frames. i mean, as an analysts, it's not just about how much cash but you want when that cash is expected to come in the door. that helps you build better financial models. and so i believe he did a good job to speak language to financial market participants. jeff bezos has been very astute at how he communicates what he's doing to wall street. and he always talks about this idea that amazon is for the long term that he's not focused on the short term that what he's building is something much bigger. and it's over the long term. and wall street investors have, have very much bought into that idea and they have backed this company,
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even in the years when amazon lost a lot of money years when they made very little money. wall street continued to back this company. jeff basis was successful in imposing his long term vision to an economy geared toward short term profits. having secured the confidence of wall street, he was able to make all of the world's commodities available in one click. this idea of accessibility was born 50 years ago in san francisco capital and the american counterculture gaffer google, apple, facebook and amazon or the unexpected errors to these california hippies. a click like that, press your middle finger
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t a thumb drag and parts snapping like that. you can find adult pajamas with cat names or typewriters, fashion manual, you can add insulin syringes and wallet, greeting card didn't books or poor you like that. you can have any delivered to your door map forever to consider where you did. i in the 19 sixty's in california, thousands of young americans turned away from industrial society, the vietnam war, and the atomic bomb. they decided to return to the land and live in communities based on new principles. this was the birth of the commune, movement. they were anti big technology. they didn't like bombs, didn't like heavy industry. but they love l. s. d, they love automobiles. they love v w hands. they love the products,
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the kind of consumer products of industrial society. and what they want to do is take those consumer products and re purpose them, turn them into the foundations of a new kind of society. a society built on shared experiences. personally, ambition, consumption consumption for the the community list was going to be the foundation of a consciousness oriented society. ah, kaiser's financial survival guide, liquid assets are those that you can convert into cash quite easily. but keep in mind, no, i mean to inflation, better watch guys reported a military mission against a we'll conclude on august 31st. i want to go to what i thought the quote i quoted young george. and i really need proof for
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my you got to be subtle there, that company will cut the cut over the whatever. okay, that i'm on the 7th. not to get a quote to show me that this was the right weapon against the right hand. the local no, no, no, but i keep from but it was filled out through z o, o z the, the thing of the us all about agreement and i laid the groundwork for the road ahead toward a lasting peace in afghanistan. and i know we still need that i'm a dunaway and as i have driven by a dreamer shaped by those in
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me, i think we dare to ask the catholic drugs are essential for millions of patients or are they they want that pill that they hope will take care of their problem thoroughly and rapidly in the short term they really work. the problem is in a long term, they're mostly disastrous. suddenly stopping a drug can cause withdrawal symptoms more serious than the condition that was meant to treat instead of the beneficial effects of these different medicines ending up to something wonderful. very often they're harmful effects and up to something
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terrible can bill. so of all ills, or are we trying to mitigate life itself? i just think i was like, i was just scared, scared, little girl of 24. and like me didn't have to be so complicated. ah, the us last, she's out at the isis k is a drones strike, killed a terra planet. enough gun is done in the 1st reprisal for thursday's car level bombing in which 13 americans were among the $170.00 killed the shot. so far i didn't cobbled to disperse the grounds as people continued to flock .


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