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tv   News  RT  August 28, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the beneficial effects of these different medicines ending up to something wonderful, very often their harmful effects up to something terrible can bill so of all ills. or are we trying to mitigate life itself? i just think i was and i was just scared scare a little girl of 24. and like, didn't have to be so complicated. ah, the us last she's out to die says k is a drones strike, kills a terre planned them. enough gown is done in the 1st reprisal for thursday's cobb level bombing in which 13 americans were among the $170.00 killed the surviving cobble to disperse the grounds as people continue to flow to the airport
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and desperate to flee dennis on. despite on going warnings about the territory to us house republicans demand again, this is the claims i've got his sons asked. the president fled the country with suitcases stuff to dollars. they say we're likely stolen from us. the news either what's going to national great happy with washington is concerned that it can be down as strike against these lum state affiliate which claim to be behind a devastating terror attack cobble airport. the drug strike was said to have eliminated, and isis k planner is not known whether the target play the role in thursday's atrocity. the airport or tank left a 170 people dead, 13 of the american military personnel whose deaths and biden has vowed to avenge.
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the us is also warned of further threats posed by ice in the region. and this asked that citizens to stay away from the airport while the august 31st deadline set for us withdraw from the country is now just 3 days away. the thing to be responsible for thursday, for tank has been active in eastern afghanistan and pakistan and moves the savage campaign of bloodshed when it was founded in 2015. the lease defies expert allie risk as questions about why when the us had intelligence about the attack, still failed to prevent what i think, regardless of whether the strike had taken place or not. i think the becky wish, and if it's will continue to be in jeopardy, i mean this danger of the suicide bomber going ahead and carry or carrying out an attack like the one which we saw this danger always exist. you have to remember that the suicide bomber from what i saw and succeeded in this terrorist operation,
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despite the fact that the united states had intelligence, that such a scenario was likely in the space declared this global war on terror, opposite number 11. and here we have the polygon coming back to taller and we have high scale terrorist activity in the country. and i think that this goes to show that the united states, the global war on terror, embryo has failed. western countries and taliban officials had given warning that a severe terrorist attack was imminent. that many people desperate the fleet the country appeared to be either unaware or unafraid of the consequences. those of bodies has now been lined up in the streets with grieving families trying to identify their loved ones. what is my guess is in cobble for as he sent this update about the situation on the ground. but with scott days left until the end of the evacuation, things are still very tens here in capital. not quite as heads are quite as bad as
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things were in the immediate aftermath of the buildings or the bombing at capital airport. nevertheless, security measures around the city have been beefed up. so the taliban has set up more checkpoint security points on roads leading to the airport. but that is only going to have a limited effect because there are so many roads more than that. the crowds at the airport having dispersed there just as strong that justice packed anti terror aides across the city are continuing. security measures have been beefed up as not as much as they can be. so the taliban is still conducting door to door searches, anti terror rates across the seed. you trying to identify the tape to catch more isis members from off a dozen to a dozen ice supporters were detained, arrested around couple 3 of them had their pictures published by the taliban. and the taliban is promising to put a stop to, to stamp out,
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to put in then the ice is present here in capital around of gotten this done. but this is something they say they will only be able to do once the united states leaves. so the threat level is, is very high, both the taliban in the united states and its allies expect the expect the eye to splinters. so i just came to strike again, especially given how much cottage there last attack caused perhaps publicity for them. this is exactly the taliban says what they want. they want to discredit the taliban and they want to get people on their side say only we can provide you with security as we are the true gods people here in a god this time they say that the pallet bad news is too weak. it is too westernized that it has lost its edge. nevertheless, the united states as also enact that maximum security measures at the airport around several checkpoints. in area has been clear that people tried to get to
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close warning shots off both by the taliban, by us troops that flash by good aids, even gas grenades. use this if the crowd gets out of control, but things that also desperate for ordinary people that people who work with us forces, with nato forces, with the embassies diplomatic stuff. people who still haven't been able to get out, never might get out. they still haven't been vetted or approved for evacuation. they haven't been able to contact anyone. they haven't been able to secure arrangements for their families. so suddenly, with just 3 days left for people to get out of up, get this done and, and the crowds, the queue huge. there is a sense of desperation or the attack also left many people injured with hospitals having to provide make shift beds to accommodate the numbers. some of the patients who said to be in a critical condition, his how one survivor described the devastation i had applied for the visit. the
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poor nurse invited us to come near the door. i was near the gate when the explosion occurred. i saw myself fall into the ground and when i stood up, i told the dog last one side of my abdomen and then they brought me to hospital is one of the wounded. with the ass can crisis dominating debates in america, the bud administration found itself in an awkward spot. not just because of the intense criticism it's facing. but because it seems unable to decide what it's relations with the taliban. now to be used on explain of ghana stern is teetering on the brink of a security collapse and washington which brought the country to the edge, is busy figuring out if it has any friends left in the taliban controlled country. the television is not what they are, not a group. we trust they are not our friends. that message is clear enough, but only until you hear this and we're doing everything we can to be prepared for
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those attacks. that includes reaching out to the taliban who are actually providing the outer c 3 cord around the airfield to make sure they know what we expect them to do to protect us. so the us is partnering with the taliban and the pentagon, as explicitly admitted they, the american military, rely on the taliban to protect them. both sounds like a friendship. one moreover, that the u. s. cannot afford to lose right now. it's just lost troops in the cobbled terror attack and more atrocities are feared. the news in news in the
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retroviruses is extremely real. we believe it is their desire to continue those attacks and we expect those attacks to continue. the state department has all this mixed messaging is simply part of its weight and see strategy. let's see how the taliban lead government fairs and then will act. but the public, along with the conservative opposition are not buying this. they see it as political impotence on behalf of the president going forward. we will judge our engagement with any taliban lead government canister and based on one simple proposition, our interests and does it help us advance them or not biden's, chaotic withdrawals set the stage for this violence. thousands of people trying to get into the airport is right for suicide attack by didn't, has blood on his hands and must be held accountable to say that today's loss of
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american lives in cobble is sickening, does not begin to do justice to what has happened in region and joe biden is responsible if now clear beyond all doubt that you have neither the capacity nor the will to lead. he must resign. do the american people in favor resign and turn the job over to someone who can handle it. joe biden is between a rock into a hard place here on the one hand in the us. the very idea of dealing with the taliban is massively unpopular. but the fool out from the american, with the group has been a bigger disaster than the white house anticipated. so now they find themselves in a nightmare situation. the pentagon, admitting its troops simply con, defend themselves without the help of the taliban. i think it's important to put this in context. we should have never gone into afghanistan. mal omar was more than happy to negotiate with the u. s. to hand over. been logged back in 2001. and
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instead, the military industrial complex and the so called nieto alliance got exactly what they wanted this endless war. and at one point at some point b, b indeed was gonna have to be pulled off. but joe biden is certainly done his share of screwing up on this. the u. s. came to have gotten a stand to fight terrorism. and it's as if they're just learning that there's still plenty of unfinished business in that particular department. as we conduct these operations, we are sustaining the highest level of vigilance for an attack against the airport by isis k or another terrorist group. or commanders on the ground have taken every step they can to prepare for such an attack. or president has authorized every capability that those commanders have asked for to protect the field against such an attack. washington wanted to close a book that already had a few too many pages in it. instead though it may have started a new chapter, critics are also pointing out america spent 2 trillion dollars steering is 20 years
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enough canister. and that at least some of that money being reportedly appropriated by local officials among the former president and some in america. now claiming that issue as taxpayers whose dulles were stolen. caleb moore pin has more. while 2 decades of occupation has wrought nothing but misery to most afghan, there is a layer that have collaborated with the united states who have done pretty well, put it mildly to congressman want an investigation of osh ross ghani, the president who just fled. apparently he took a $169000000.00 with him. he's now got asylum in the united arab emirates, a country known for its shall we say hospitality. it's too easy for officials to buy properties to buy anonymously. there is no information available to help identify violations. more transparencies needed afghanistan, former vice president med z masoud allegedly fluted by in 2009 with over
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$52000000.00 in cash. he was eventually released without having to explain where the money came from. many former afghan officials have luxurious real estate in the by the cost of an average apartment and do buy is over $670000.00. meanwhile, the gross domestic product per person, per year in afghanistan for 2020 was less than $600.00 afghan corruption has been going on for decades and did not start with america. but rather than trying to fix this, i watering graft, the united states for gasoline on the fire, our biggest single project, sadly. and inadvertently of course, may have been the development of mass corruption. once it gets the level i saw when i was out there is somewhere between unbelievably hard and outright impossible to fix it. this is nothing new for us aligned regimes. the u. s. back saigon government in south vietnam was notorious for corruption. and that probably contributed to the overall victory of the communist. ny said he was convinced that
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mister to you had succeeded in removing from the country a substantial portion of south vietnam's estimated total of $26.00 tons of gold preserves form a face to you. profiting by control of corrupt regime, left vietnam, a billionaire, pow saigon and cobble have fallen, but the usa is still as its buddies around the world. take the cars on a family that rules iraqi kurdistan. the families spent $50000000.00 on beverly hills, mansion alone. the prime minister of iraqi kurdistan, a member of the cars on a family, actually spent over $3000000.00 in a car casino in a single night. now keep in mind that since 2014, the united states has sent over $3000000000.00 in humanitarian, a looks like american taxpayers have been subsidizing the lives of luxury for white house cronies across the planet. while the infrastructure of the united states is decaying and falling apart, in some cases literally and the u. s. economy creeks,
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we now have a situation where the government is handing out cash all over the world to notoriously corrupt people. i think the investigation is regarding corruption and janice and the american involvement. then it should've started in 2002 when the americans invaded and occupied at the dentist ban because they brought in a way, corruption with them. very ordinary people have become enormously rich. the previous ones who are just demand or maybe, or a strong man. now multi millionaire, only 2 percent of the gets to the target population. most of the other money leave that can need it through contracts by americans in foreigners or through simple theft corruption, eclip dot com, hungry. now in guilford,
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this feeds every potential exit from the e. u. pro government newspaper, corporate national debates have found that potential pucks. it's more or less up to the show the the ah,
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me. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally and go into this. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time, time to sit down and talk me the news. ah welcome back. speculations again on the rise above where the hungry couldn't be preparing to follow the u. k. out the eas exit doors after a pro government newspaper cool for a national debate about a potential hugs it respond to huge backlash in the country with claims. the prime
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minister victor opened, has been making moves behind people's backs to oliver explains hungry future. in the european union, subject to the whole debate right now. an article in a pro government newspaper by a leading member of an organization affiliated to prime minister or bond has let the blue touch paper on the potentially explosive issue. now those who support the current government are suggesting it may be time to talk about hungary exit from the you or hooks it. i know it's considered to do, but someone has to write down and for the 1st time, not necessarily as a deterrent hooks. it hungry voluntary. so for an exit from the e. u. the hungarian foreign minister though has dismissed out of hand. the proposition of the countries exit in that which is a little hungry, has been a member of the european union and will remain a member of the european union, were interested to see the e. u. as a strong organization. budapest seem to have relished its role as the huge black
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sheath of late victor oberon and his party barely missing an opportunity could both heads with the commission on almost every issue possible. senior figures though, within all bonds for jazz party, started to suggest that now maybe the time to go their separate ways. arrogance politicians, robert, you know, faces that we would not be admitted to the e. u today because of our so called rule of law issues and values and views proposition lead to see this as a naked attempt by victor rollback to get his country's future in the european union into the national to be it. we know well how fidel potty propaganda works. first, an idea circulated. then several people argue for it until it becomes an official government, gold. hungarians go to the polls next year and the united opposition all currently neck and neck, with all bonds feed as well. the very idea of hooks that merely many outside of
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hungry just seeing her, the incumbent prime ministers, political rivals, fail pulling, hungry out of the eu. has been on all bands do list for a while or been has been planning to leave the you for a long time. and now that the can seem to still billions of euros and you found so easily. he's accelerating the exits, your membership may well end up being a campaign if you here in 2020 field, put a cursory glance at the only country to leave the european union the day and all of the problems and hearing that they will serve as a cautionary tale. so those 2 things, flipping from brussels, the right idea. peter, all over our feet, budapest, hungary, and political scientists. daniel mackenzie, says tensions between the hungarian government and he, you have never been greater. the younger government started campaign against g, b, t, people and other
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u. member states criticizing campaign since 2015. if you do crises, the governments to say in europe and states losing their own christian identity, and now they have only get this global is liberal id. so this is when the author of the government are not satisfied you that the rather the type in the culture dimension rather on the, on, on the policy image. and what he's not changing is that it seems that the companies between the roof and union and the government more severe and they're going to be also financial consequences of these. this is why actually the government content place to initiate and you debate over the exit symbol store of a young girl and her grizzly bad. but it seems to court the world's imagination russian animation. masha and the best seen off the logs of peppa pig and sesame
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street to become the highest globally rated children tv show. we went to the production studio to find out how the budgets made from flip books to 3 d generated cartoons. animation has always been able to capture the imagination of both young and old. and today the most popular current soon among children all over the world, turns out to be a russian one, marsha and the bear. and it's made here in moscow at anna mccord animation studio, started in 2009 marsh, and the barrier now has over a 100 episodes, several spin off shows and has been translated into $43.00 different languages. it has proven to be one of the most popular kids cartoons in the world. so let's find out what it takes to capture the imagination of youngsters worldwide. if you haven't heard of the show before, the premise is quite simple. it follows a little girl named marcia who constantly gets into trouble and her big furry
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friend bear who tries to steer her away from disaster teaching her some valuable lessons in life along the way. it's a simple concepts both proven to be an international sensation. and while each episode is only around 70 minutes long, it can take up to 9 months to make, but it all starts with the script discard with the crash you when it all begins with a scraped. and this is the most difficult part of the process. with a good script, you'll either make good film or not 5050, somebody with a bad one. a good film is impossible. scriptwriting is one of the hardest task. since we've been working for a while with covered a lot of topics, there is certainly a bit of a crisis of ideas at this point. and the good script writer is a hard to find as it is. but an animation great writer is even rarer because we do pantomime. there is minimum dialogue, all of that has to be thought out. and every writer we have is worth his weight in gold. once the writers are happy with the script is then developed into a storyboard and a symbol to d and
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a magic. this process can also take several months with the vertical slew the news . if after several months of writing and rewriting, it all goes to a storyboard artist. he's like a drawing director. he has to take all the tax, visualize that determined, the framing, what the characters do. at the same time, he has to understand editing framing. everything has to be quite expressive. the drunk process is rather quick. although we storyboards for an episode, it takes about 3 months, but in 3 easy, it takes a lot of time to produce. after that would take the story board and turn it into to the medic. this is basically timeline where we put all the frames and it becomes a sort of 2 d cartoon with low frame rate. and then we put in the dialogue. we do the sound before the animates, unlike many big budget. moving through this record, the actress she does several taken, which is what works then we put in the sounds, the music and with this model of the node we hold screenings, we'll look it up over the side of some changes. what works, what doesn't. and when everyone's happy,
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will launch 3 d production with the storyboard complete and the dialogue recorded. it's after the animation team. this is where the magic of animation happens. all the scripts, the idea is the storyboards. the all get sent here and turned into something more closely resembling the final product. and it's all done by these animators and directors. here they take the basic movements of characters depicted in the storyboards and bring them to life when you want them record 1st, the story board goes to the director. he then assigns the scene to the animators and gives them his feedback. and then they both play out the scenes as if with live actors come up with ways for everything to look great, which is fun to watch. they determine how the characters move, what pace, and then the animators do their job. so in storyboard form, this is what this scene look like. and here's what the animated did with it. here you can compare the sound is already recorded during the storyboard phase. so when
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it's passed on to the animators, they apply phonemes to the models, and then the animators go through it all to make it thing. he can add a smile or frown. one simple scene, which last, just over a 2nd, can take up to 5 days to animate. and each is just one of the hundreds of scenes that go into creating an episode. and then after months of time consuming and ridiculous work, the final version is pretty up rendered and finally released to the world marsh. and the bear seem to have tapped into something that children throughout the world can understand and relate to. and with all the stories it's told and is yet to tell, hopefully it will make these children better. people. and along the way, leave some lasting impressions. i gave wraps it up, join me for more in half an hour. the one i make no,
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no borders and the blind to please we don't have authority. we go to the back seat. the whole world needs to take action and be ready. not a joke. people judge, you know, common crisis is what we can do better. we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way, but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenges to response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are together in you know, look at the low, low ball latan and me see what's happening as the ball ball bang. perpetuate
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there. lowball money thing americans love buying homes. ah, this was a funny middle part of how our political leadership and our country large understood the bargain. you get a whole and then you will rebel, right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial back and think about the longer deeper history of what housings meant in the united states. not just that old question of the american dream, but the bigger question of who the dream has been for.
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oh when i was the wrong, the why don't just don't i mean you yes. to see out the same because the after an engagement equals the trail went to many find themselves worlds apart. and we choose to look for common ground in this is been by someone business, so you can't afford to miss. i'm rachel bluff, branch of boring washington coming up. john is regulatory crackdown continues to expand as a nation plan, the ban on certain firms watching us. i p o, sure it had we dive into the latest efforts was, markets are winding down for the weekend. we bring you a look at the date of economies around the globe as the u. s. federal reserve insight into future policy play. and then we take you to the u. k. we're the
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nation's ongoing recovery. is being threatened by a massive labor shortage. we'll discuss. we have a lot to get to today. so let's get started. the really the program with the latest on china's efforts to crack down on big tech and specifically on the company's listing in the us. asian has repeatedly cited security concerns, especially for the companies like the ride share app d b, which hold the data of hundreds of millions of users. reports are now saying that as early as next month, the chinese government will propose new rules that would ban companies with large amounts of sensitive consumer data from going public in the us. however, companies with less sensitive.


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