tv Redacted Tonight RT August 28, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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critical leadership and our country large, understood the bargain. you get a home and then you will rebel, right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial back and think about the longer deeper history of what housings meant in the united states. not just that old question of the american dream, but the bigger question of who the dream has been for me all the welcome to redacted deny this is the show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents. have been gone for 2 weeks and i realize the whole crap 1st in afghanistan thing isn't exactly breaking news now. but you
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see, i haven't gotten a chance to get it off my chest. and if i don't get it off my chest and it, it just, it just sits there. it just sits. it just sits right right here and no, i don't know how something on my chest could fit in my brain. but, but it does, it just, it fits there and it has, it hasn't come out somewhere somewhere because it doesn't find much. i'm screaming at a 16 year old grocery store. clerk, what do you mean? there's no organic watermelons, everyone love watermelon. and it got her outside. and do you think anyone one feet? oh no. organic abuse, tortured water, bella, they got ripped from it from others army. when it was still an infant. how do you sleep at night? so let's just talk a little but i guess then before i stab a teenager wearing a little paper had said ok, that's a big deal. here's what i have to say about. i can't stand they should have listen
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to us from day one. they should have listen to all of us. they shouldn't listen to anyone who was anti war from day one with if ridiculous, catastrophic insanity in ghana thing. we said it was stupid. we said it was harmful . i would wait full above human life of money of time, of, of we started of human potential of all of the things we did. we will wait for all the global cooperation. by that, i mean it laid waste to global cooperation to diplomacy, took life to kinship, to love, to come rod or even cohesion. all of those go we things that make existence worthwhile . they destroyed it all and day, day, day, you know, day you know, the day, the little people with a weird, weird, squinty, be the eyes. people wait for brains in praying for meeting their brains out there,
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then chunks, they tour it all up while using the military. as a giant money laundering machine, they take taxpayer money and they funneled it into into the pocket of contractors and politicians and corporation. during the time we were in games in $21.00 trillion dollars, went on, accounted for at the pentagon. by the way, that the wall, they're building our military building around the cobble airport to keep the taliban out. oh wait joe didn't did i say 21 trillion? i think it was actually 35000000 that was on accounted for. well, what's a few trillion dollars between friends, right? oh, it's enough to end the world hunger for the next 700 years. that's a long time that is longer than a frozen hungry man dinner last in my fridge. so really long time again is tan
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was a money laundering scheme and all the while the people there, the sucking it all out of the money that they're struggling. people here in america can afford health care, or student loans, or their own housing, or their apartment, or their mistresses, or their mres, or their children or their illegitimate children, or their legitimate children that they claim are adopted. because they're, i believe no one wants to fetch up to where the ugly genes came from. the point is nobody can afford anything. while we dump trillions into a nonsense war. and ghana stay on 20 or effort to replace the calla band with the taliban. i didn't study poly shy in college, but that's the ball and, and the calibus or a group right when not jobs that way i'll create. meanwhile, people here in the us are assaulted by problems on a daily basis problem that could be solved if just just of just a fraction. just
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a little fraction of our military budget were devoted to real fraction over the money spent have candidates were given to actually help people. but of course, we can't do that now instead to just dump it into our 20 year. catastrophic had up your own war. so basically, the war has, has also been a war against average american people, your mainstream garbage media. doesn't want to say that par do day now. now, now even the, even the weird do they come in to argue with them? he paid all, he just can't say it either. the warner can stand was a war against us as well. you and me, the war in iraq was also a war against the american people. the war in syria was also a war against the american people. and i know you may say, well, yes, but leif bombs aren't raining down on the american people. true,
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but 30000 service members have killed themselves over the past 20 years since the wars in iraq and afghanistan started one every few hours take his or her life. that's more than the combat. death of that can stand rock, syria, libby, yard and fast and furious and combined. so there are ramifications. there are repercussions other than just financial to america. and that's not even including the people who have come back from war, come back from the military and have had their, their, their, their, their whole personalities been rearranged, scrambled like eggs. they suffer for p p s t u or some other trauma. hell, some of them go off to war as nice, normal and caring. human do grew grandma help you go on a bus that kind of person. and they come home and as, as far close fans. yeah. yeah. i
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really, you want to say it's really ugly. so yes, the greatest price that has been paid has been paid by the afghan people. but that's not the only price paid for this boat horse unicorns war. oh man, the boat has been graft taking through all this. it has been banana for 20 years. the war going vine wars. we were turning the tide. we're winning hearts and minds. we're bringing democracy to the people. we're helping them. we care about women. we care about children. we care about. yeah. do you think the price is worth it? i didn't did all that in turn. i've never matter the life they've told us or madness. and people still believe this stuff. people believe it,
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they turn on the tv, they go to general check the thing. what, why, why. 0 stop, stop. people are still falling for people don't think joe biden, or donald trump brock obama. george bush came flying. holy moses heard about anyone can stand. and they do have tens of thousands of bombs, all those people wanted to speak to the american people today to say we really care about every body in afghanistan. and honestly, i lose weight over just you know, how they're doing, whether they're doing well. i, i the women and, and the children, and then the elderly over there. i worry about the morning noon and brad, everyone focusing too much on the people of afghanistan. if you aren't, they get enough about a difficult time to be the president and the joint chiefs and all the general,
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all the other people that are the very often very tough on us working so hard to make up that god many people act like i get a fan has been a disaster for the united states and it has in many regards. but for the psycho pass, who make up the ruling elite, it has been exactly what they wanted. it has it has taken. the war has taken pro ism dollars over 2 decades from us taxpayers and given it to the elite, if only some one, anyone at war and had known and warned us that the goal all along would have
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unless war. because the goal is not completely subject to the goal is to use wash money out of the way out of the tax basis of european africa back into the hand of a trend. that is the goal. my goal is to have people who i don't know who that fellas, but he better watches back. i feel like the american government might come after someone like that. and perhaps the sad part is we can even act like we didn't know this would happen because the american government never have this what they would never, they never author, david swanson reminds us since world war 2, during the suppose it golden age piece, the united states military has killed or helped kill some 20000000 people
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overthrown at least 36 governments interfered in at least 85 for an election attempt to do as jasmine a over 54 and leaders and dropped bombs on people in over 30 countries. the disaster in afghanistan is not a surprise is exactly the standard operating procedure for the, for the, for the yes. rule our country, both parties know captions. my nano yo me, you can just put bikes cover you can can, i gave you needed to and you cannot hold murderers to account by putting other matters in charge. here you handle this. i've why i got this off, my chest, my head, my, my breath, my head, jess, my. my brain nipples, brain nipples and clear. now. company wash in d, c, the belly, the base is redacted. the night,
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the i well commonly cam. now let's take the news from behind. well folks you probably heard, especially if you watched naomi care bonnie say last week, this july when the hottest. * month ever recorded in the history of recording things, but this is nothing to worry about. ok, because it's not. it's not a trend at all. i mean, just look at june, june was the how does june ever recorded in the united states? ok. ok, fine. june was but it's still not a try and last year was praying fringy and right. i mean in 2020 january was the hot in january record but february,
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february 2020 was the 2nd hot. is february ever recorded. say 2nd, but all on march 2020 was not even hot at all except for being the 2nd. hottest march ever recorded. wait, but april was the 2nd hot of april ever regard to see how exciting that is. if i do fail, i but, but alba may, though may 2020. was tied for the hottest may ever recorded in the, on the, on the globe. well sure, but july 2020 was the 2nd of july ever recorded. however, september, march, august, september, ever recorded, but no. rember 2020 was the 2nd member. ever
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recorded. well, but but by not to worry. greg miller, a window washer and to lead ohio, he switched to an energy efficient light bulb on his patio. so graham, this climate change thing handled not dimension cheryl thomas, a yoga instructor in montgomery, maryland brought her re usable tote bag to the store with her this week. so i have something climate change got fed. yeah. right. it wasn't good enough to fit all of her food she had to use for other plastic bags, but still reusable bag. take that burning up planet are tote game is on lock or maybe things
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are getting really, really bad. maybe have to change course change like the course of humanity soon. and we could actually do that if someone, anyone where to get angry and fight back. but no one is the the the, me, the oh, what, what was that? i never saw any cnn. why does people to take it easy for death or nothing?
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they probably haven't heard about gerald the tote bag. it's probably what happens. we've got a quick break, but you can get every episode of redacted night on portable tv or the portable tv app. i'll be right back a lot more. ah, a military mission against a we'll conclude on august 31st. i want to go to what i thought the quote i quoted young george. and i really need proof for my. you got to be subtle there. that company said that the cut cut over the month. okay. that i'm on the 7th, not to get a quote to show me that this was the right weapon against the right and the local. no, no, no bought it from but it was filled out through z o o z
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the, the signing of the us to all about agreement. and i laid the groundwork for the road ahead toward a lasting peace in afghanistan. and i know we still need that done by and does i have the families that mark i took marking your function, you would like to get some more worried shots? miller. definition me to another. do y'all done? got, i've got that limit and i wanted them to put that on the schedule. i don't know
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what the less about for us. let me welcome back. i'm still the camp earlier this month, workers at an a bisco bakery in portland, oregon went on strike for better working conditions. it wasn't long before they were joined by nabisco workers around the country. for more on this story, we turned to our senior snap based correspondence for con. hello jennifer. hello li . having a bit of stack their identity. my favorite brands, i have to support the workers. nabisco workers are striking this month we delay
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workers were striking last month. so i got to go off random instead of pringles, i'm meeting shingles. you don't have her eat them if they're so bad, you could actually do see nabisco, employees are working 16 hours ships. they got their pensions taken away. they're constantly under threat of being outsourced and the company has proposed a change in their overtime pay, which would cost employees up to $10000.00 a year. these workers are being treated unfairly. it's time for the 1st step of a revolution revolution. so organizing a group of people, no more brand name, snacks. well, ok, boy cards can be effective. you mentioned frito lay what's going on there for you to lay. workers were working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, some not getting a single day off for months at a time. both these companies were earning record profits over the pandemic, with none of those gains gushing down to the workers. gushing down,
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try trickling down. i was thinking about gushers, but it's not just frito lay nabisco workers. there has been a historic level of strikes in recent years, even as union membership is that a low teachers nurses, miners, flight attendants, auto workers, mcdonalds workers, amazon workers, the mainstream media isn't covering this trend. of course, if you want to find out about this, you have to turn to danny devito. well, yet danny devito, danny devito support nabisco workers striking for humane working hours. fair pay out source in jobs. no contracts, no snacks here that li, no snacks. or that the cookie mas, we're doing what is that it was danny devito, twitter actually unverified to veto for this tweet. they said it was because he hadn't completed his profile, but they didn't bring that up with any of his previous tweets, like this one. 0 god,
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he tweeted his foot. that was literally his last tweed before the nabisco one been him for that. it's interesting. other media has not been covering what's essentially been this desperate worker revolt. the pandemic acts as a catalyst for late stage capitalism. and instead, is doing all these innocent, where'd all the workers go? stories, it's so confusing. why aren't people who are receiving pandemic relieve signing back up to sell their lives to shoot a corporations? why are they walking out after suffering, brutal, unsafe working conditions? now all of the sudden they want to be compensated fairly. oh, that fair. well true. and how are the employers taking it out on me started on the employer's, should i start offering living wages? now, i think i'll hang a weird passive aggressive sign complaining to my customers that no one wants to work at. my evil corp. look with this with a story number of strikes,
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workers refusing to go back to terrible jobs and the public getting a taste of social support. thanks to cove it. the desperate times were living in might just be causing the rumblings of the beginning of a chance. a real class solid arity only time will tell thanks a lot. java. gil, moving on liberals are getting excited about president biden's commitment to anti trust enforcement. but how much will breaking up monopolies do to address the problem the plague, the capitalist system, to find out more, we go to our anti trustworthy correspondent, anders lea ah, the by an administration may not exactly pose a threat to the capital a system. but because of their embrace of anti trust enforcement,
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the white house does threaten to annoy it. 2 biden's ration executive order intended to promote economic competition between a tiny number of insanely rich people did include 72 different measuring do things like make mergers more difficult. reduce non compete. clauses allow hearing aids to be sold over the counter restore net neutrality, and force baskin robbins to give out bigger samples. that last one was written by the president, personally at the signing ceremony by didn't had this to say. let me be very clear . capitalism without competition isn't capitalistic. it's exploitation. i take it, he thinks capitalism with competition is not exploitation. so as long as pepsi is there to compete with them, coca cola isn't really exploiting anyone, even in all those countries, they spent decades dealing waterfront, economic philosophy aside, the order does have quite
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a few good provisions for consumers and workers. problem is, these provisions have to be enforced by agencies like the d o j and fcc, which are still staffed with quite a few regulators. don't really believe in regulation. why is it only the officials who are paid to enforce good laws? who don't care about their jobs? can we send the slackers over to the d e a for once? yeah, no more read today, just smoke some fat ones in flight crime with veitch. one anti trust or biden has well intrusted with the federal trade commission is legal, scholarly, and con, whose new job is chair of the f t c. as inspired her staff to investigate the private sector more diligently for new jobs. well, they do have the perfect resumes, the f t c is now pursuing an anti trust case that would force facebook to give up their recent acquisitions. con is leading the case despite the company trying to
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get her refused for her previous writing on how big tech should be broken up. take things so personally, she was writing about all monopolies, not just you. facebook. indeed, breaking up big tech companies like facebook and amazon is the ultimate goal of con, and her contemporaries in the anti monopoly. doing so will no doubt provide plenty of headaches for corporate america, which is a reward in and of itself. yet it's a bit unclear how exactly more economic competition is going to make the world better placed. we know that the small businesses and time and uplift, spanish eyes consistently pay less the margin and are often exempt from granting their employees labor protections. and so size shouldn't really be the issue. sorry i, i just had apple install a chip in my brain that stops me from making dick jokes. anyway,
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facebook structure, we're dividing it into a bunch of little facebook to really be an improvement. my going to log on one day and find out all my friends have been divided into 12 different social media platforms. based on their horoscope side, least i won't have to see any more of those cringing aquarius boats. wait, is my site going to be called cancer book or something? fortunately, we don't have to choose between a small number of unregulated mega corporations and the prospect of jeff bezos cloning himself 5 times to lead all 6 of the new companies. amazon has been broken up into instead, we can just fire bays house and hire ourselves a company like amazon is so large and produces so many goods and services that it's essentially a public utility at this point. how about the people who pay into it and whose taxes paper is warehouses? not to mention all the people who have to work their tails off in those warehouses
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. get to decide how amazon functions. just think of all the problems we could address if amazon was nationalized and put under the control of workers and citizens. removing the profit motive we could use pill pack, amazon's online pharmacy to deliver free individual dose packets to people who need prescription drugs. whole food which is owned by amazon could be used to combat food insecurity. not to mention, i would finally be able to watch garfield in friends without having to pay 3 bucks had episode. in all likelihood nationalization of any private company, little on amazon is a long way off pay it. i trust. enforcement appears to be much closer on the horizon. but after all the legal maneuvering corporations will do to avoid it. in all the exploitation that will reveal itself is endemic. all capitalist firms, maybe then that will become clear. that while bigger isn't always better economic democracy, it's from washington. i'm anders late with redacted and i
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hear your headline from the future tomorrow. we'll get this news from ghana. stan u. s. military, even bad and fleeing. i mean, you think the one thing we could handle and 2 weeks from now you'll read us government lab sanctions on african republic of taco before being informed country, just typo from staff lunch order. i mean that that doesn't mean blood taco didn't deserve it, though. and in november you'll find out. predator drone awarded purple, hard for 20 years and have ghana. stan responds by spelling out humbled explosions . but only 22. attendees died in that so still still feel good story. now it's our show, but i'm coming to los angeles september 18th for a live taping of my podcast. government secrets with graham l. would get tickets
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and leave camp dot com and check out the podcast government secrets for free on i tunes stitcher and spotify until next time. good night, and keep fighting. ah, ah, is the earth still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff bezos? you know that its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon isn't trying to get into to step by step. the amazon empire has extended its grip on the world that was like being quiet like a dog. and so amazon looks like monopoly trays like a monopoly makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly. amazon essentially controlled the market place. it's not really a market as a private arena world where a single company controls the distribution of daily products and the infrastructure
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of our economy. is according to amazon you know, look at the low the bull bull autonomy say what's happening as the goal low ball bang, perpetuate their logo, money thing, the hours help headlines or whatnot. t, but us lashes out at ices, k enough, gone, gone. a drone strike killed 2 of us operatives and leave one more wounded. it is the 1st reprisal facilitates coppell airport bombing in which 13 americans were among the many people killed and shops are fired and car bolted as 1st crowds. those people continue to talk to the airport.
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