tv News RT August 29, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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it is threats to the populations of different nations. if nato disbanded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large companies would lose millions and millions or is business and business is good and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is faster. ah, breaking news here and are you getting unconfirmed reports to the stage of a rocket strike on the residential building in cars on the telephone to deploy is extra security call the lamp or following those who riffing seems on thursday for the suicide bomber claimed, at least $170.00 lives, including 13 us marine bullying 20 years of war and trillions of dollars spent only veteran's voice, their anger at how the situation in the country unraveled so quickly. even invading
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up down a fan was a radius taylor. historically, no one has ever able to conquer a dentist and we're just gonna continue to make the same being mistaken. we're just being used for the m i c. and that's the taliban surrounds. cobble apple with extra forces in foreign countries. race again is starting to evacuate. that troops and citizens to meet the end of the month deadline. ah, thanks so much for joining us. you watching the weekly here on t international. let's start our use our, those some breaking information just coming out of afghanistan, just coming in the last few minutes. information suggesting that there's been a rocky explosion in carbo this just 3 days after a suicide bombing occurred. busy at the cities airport, now we must stress that this in from action is very latest,
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is just come in yet to be officially confirmed. and there is no word as yet on possible casualties. but reporters in the area are saying that the rocket has hit a residential building on saturday. the u. s. press the one that there were likely to be further. busy militant attacks on cobble over the next day or 2, citing information from military commanders. we are hoping to get an update life from our correspondent rod guys who will be speaking to him shortly. now in the meantime, listen, have surrounded cobbler port with extra guards. it follows that terrorist attack hello in the week when a deadly explosion, my suicide bomber claimed the lives of at least a 170 victims of warning. the images you are about to see you may find disturbing. the
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the. so the belinda dixon. i do want thursday suicide bombing happened to the entrance to carla pool, where people waiting in line to be processed to fly out. last tool through the crowd, bodies was thrown into a nearby sewage channel. people had been massing at the site for days, trying to flee the tyler bands, return. tragedy left hundreds of people injured, many of them meeting hospital treatment and a number of them remain in critical condition. the isis split into group i c. k, that's referred to behind the tank, has been active in eastern afghanistan and pakistan. and it was the savage campaign, the bloodshed when it was 1st founded back in 2015 with all details. he is eager
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stuff, the dreaded name of ice. it had all but vanished from international headlines. but now, amid the afghan power vacuum, the terror group has apparently struck again. the double strike right outside couple, airport killed dozens. american politicians had been warning, an attack was inevitable, but to no avail. every day were on the ground is another day. we know that ice case seeking to target the airport attack, both us and allied forces and innocent civilians. as we conduct these operations, we are sustaining the highest level of vigilance for an attack against the airport by isis k or another terrorist group. or commanders on the ground have taken every step they can to prepare for such an attack. isis k is an african off shoot of the same notorious islamic state terror group. it's based in correson,
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hence the letter k in the abbreviation with over 2000 g. hardy's committed to its terrible cause. the group targets have ghana stones most vulnerable me the the if you think this may have been isis case law strike at the exiting foreign troops before a happy union with the taliban? well, i think again, the 2 groups are sworn enemies with the taliban just not radical enough. in the
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eyes of isis k. the islamic emerett strongly condemns the bombing targeting civilians at cocoa airport. the explosion took place in an area where us forces are responsible for security. the bottom line is isis k presents a massive security and reputational challenge for the taliban. given the taliban attempts to look more civil, humane and legitimate, we could conceivably soon see. i mean, strange as it sounds, a taliban lead anti terrorist operation or isis k might become the perfect pretext for the us to negotiate at least some presence in taliban controlled. galveston. the 30 soldiers killed in thursday's boma time with the 1st death of us personnel. enough counted down for 18 months and one of the largest daily death tolls for a decade. 10 of those service ma'am, we're from camp pendleton,
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military base and california. dozens of people have been lying flowers at the entrance to the side. the dead comprised of 9 marines and a sailor, most of them in their early twenties. the pendleton bases home to the 1st marine division as the largest and oldest and the corps, those playing their respects, including relatives of those killed express, their sorrow and frustration of the tragic events gave him and let him down the leader's day. and as she could feel through beds through bed mission at this point and tell him to send them in like that you never want to, you never want to see something like that happen. and so that's that's it. so yeah, it's heartbreaking, kind of, there's not enough words to express, you know how i feel right now, but i just, you know, i feel that somebody has blood on there and then it's just,
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so i need it so unnecessary. you know. ok, let's back to our breaking news story this out because there are been reports coming in of an explosion in cobble. these are confirm reports. us find out if we can find a little bit more information on this by going to correspondent is on the ground in afghanistan, nazis right guys, the of his in the afghan capital, it is very early stages morale, a few minutes together. any information about this reported explosion but all the, all the previous plus we've, we've largely be able to hear them. this one we, we didn't hear from where we are. we call our colleagues our contact near the airport. one of them said that this happened and as he rode, which is about 3 kilometers away from the airport, that leads from central capital to the airport. but again, 3 kilometers are quite
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a distance away. we're hearing different versions. we're hearing one version where there was a blast, another version that there was a rocket strike. so a rocket, he's an apartment building on al shaheed road and other sorts told us that there were 1st, there was another explosion. so one explosion. and then a number of rocket blocks. so it's still very early in the, at this stage, it's confusing, they'll be all sorts of reports coming in. it's, it's important that we look at these, perhaps wait a little and see which version is verified. which version basically you have the most logical because another thing that we had was that these blas quite far away from the course control destination by us troops. which is very unlikely because they have no presence now outside of the airport. yeah, and with, of course, the president biden warning that intelligence was that they're expecting an attack
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on the add port in the next 24 to 36 hours. very easy for people to jump to conclusions. like you said, on initial inspection, this happened a good few kilometers, were near, but we'll watch. we've great, interesting concern. thanks for the lights rad gas t, as in campbell. well as the crisis in our kennesaw no falls wiki links is drawing attention to past revelations about america's longest war in a series of twitter post the organisation republish. classified us documents that it 1st linked to the public a decade ago. back then wiki leaks found the julian his songs had warned that the us intervention would be an endless war. beneficial to only a few dollars quarter, takes the story. the swift fall of the afghan capital cast a dark shadow over every sacrifice made in the fight against the taliban. but there is a man who try to stop things from going down this road. his name is julian, a son. she is the co founder of wiki leaks, and behind one of the biggest revelations in u. s. military history. in 2010,
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the whistleblower group released the afghan papers more than 90. 1000 leaked reports that shed light on the grim affairs. the u. s. was for understandable reasons hesitant to share with the public the unvarnished ground level picture of the word of god has done that is in many respects more green than the official betrayal of the biggest leaks in u. s. military history. a devastating portrait of the failing war in afghanistan. when these reports came into the public eye, washington's reaction was not to say, sorry, or even to try to deflect the guilt. instead, it shifted the blame on 2 sides, calling him
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a criminal for apparently putting american lives in danger. what he likes, walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service. it is an attack on the international community liaisons engaged in terrorism. he should be treated as an enemy combatant. so a psalms put american lives in danger. when he showed the world how us soldiers actually killed innocent people, how publications documented their involvement in a case by case level in the death of more than 20000 people in afghanistan and more than a 108000 people in iraq. and so when you want to distract from this, you just make the same accusation to the, to the person that is making accusation against you. wiki leaks determined that the 2006 operation medusa resulted in one of the highest civilian death tolls of the war. despite the shocking circumstances surrounding the event. it was poorly investigated. an american soldier was killed. they called him an ac 130 gunship.
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this is a c 130 cargo, refitted with canons on the side. it circled overhead and rained down shells the warlock say $181.00 enemy were killed. the logs also say there were no wounded or captured. it was a significant massacre. the afghan papers go on to suggest that the cover ups began with those actually carrying out the slaughter us soldiers reporting on their own actions appear to lump civilian deaths with the number of insurgency had killed. wiki leaks revelations also shed light on special task force. 373 and a lead unit tasked with hunting down taliban leaders. many times though, they were involved in the killing of civilian men, women, and children, and washington later trying to water down the situation with misleading information about what happened. one example of this was when the task force fired rockets at a compound quoting nefarious activity there. but it was apparently not the case. it
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does appear to be evidence of all crimes. in this example, is it asked for 373 high miles missile strike on a house which killed 7 children. nato later recognized the children's deaths they had caused, but said that initially they had no idea they were there. the colossal price american taxpayers paid needless suffering caused the fall of a corrupt, failed state. why did all this continue for so long? one answer is gigantic profits for giants of the military. industrial complex woodstock returns from 2001 to 20. $21.00 for government contracted companies like lockheed martin and northrop grumman totaling more than 1000 percent. it's one of many, seemingly inevitable consequences of what a san claimed is money making scheme of endless war to
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wash money out of the way out of the base. you're getting back into the hands of that is the goal in to have in on no wonder the west may want to bury the truth and condemn julian a san whose fate is still hanging in the air as he faces 175 years in prison if extradited from a u. k. jail cell to the united states. the editor in chief of wiki link says recent events in afghanistan, vindicate degrees leaks all those years ago. ordered by all the revelations that came out of the documents by we can use 11 years ago. some of them, of course, went from earlier period ca, documents, diplomatic cables, military documents will all paint the media, the through the,
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the true picture of what was going on. and i'm kind of some 11 years ago. and it was somehow didn't register the, the ly continued. and that is the, the most of pricing for, you know, about the, the current events basically is the thing clearly, mainstream media cars come to record with this. how was it possible for 20 years to maintain the like what was going on inside the unit until so said that the afghan war was being used to law under american and european money? what did he mean by that? the trillion dollar plus the trillion dollars putting under estimate did go into us the military industrial complex, the, the private contractors like dunkirk who were supposed to be training the outcome, police, etc. it was a massive flow of money that went into the wrong pocket. it could only be called
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corruption on a large scale. on top of that, of course there's the corruption inside the sun where basically money was used as carol zone to, to pump on the fire or they were no loves could on the fire or just to gasoline being pumped on the fire that does not create a lasting bonfire, everybody knows that spring. a quick recap of our top story, this our rocket explosion has been reported and cobbled that just 3 days after a suicide bombing at the cities court. now this rocket attack hasn't been officially conferred as of yet. however, local media saying that 2 people, including a child, had been killed or 3 other people injured eye. witnesses in the area saying that the rockets hit a residential building on saturday. the us president was that they were likely to be further militant attacks on cobble airports over the next day or 2,
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citing military command watching off international still to come committing crimes behind bars. we look at the growing problem of transgender convicts abusing fellow inmates in women's prison. that story for you after this break the what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk when i would show the wrong when all just don't the
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rules yet to shape out. the thing becomes the after an engagement equal betrayal. when so many find themselves world far as we choose to look for common ground in the ah welcome back. we move now to a topic that we feel this is more investigation that he's getting elsewhere and relates to a series of reports we're looking at. the problem of transgender convex, abusing female inmates imprisons around the globe. a growing number of women said that their lives have been turned into
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a living hell on nail prison is exploiting the system. one of the most notorious cases in canada, women found themselves in danger after a predatory male offender who claimed to be identifying as a woman was sent to the prison. the walk in on him have inspecting the dream in the bathroom, making out with someone else and wanting to re some with me. 3 women really the morning after bill. someone also had to take the bill, which she used under the assumption that it provides protection from 8th and habitat is be mean the one who was telling me how beautiful i was. and he was trying to get his name. it was super weird. all the girls were uncomfortable, charlotte,
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in the house with him and everything. he tried to tell me he was in love with me. it was weird. he asked me to read for him and the girl and started making out with her and feeling her out. well, i was there he brecht told me a girl to class and he also bragged about taking the girls virginity in the library to get details as well as the error when it, when they're worth your of us. it was in the living room you encounter. i couldn't eat after the braces are inside women's jails rating. our women men are using this loophole to access already vulnerable. women who have no voice or platform to speak from our government, setting out women to be sexually assaulted by these may raises the
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correctional service of canada, told auntie it provides a safe and secure environment in prisons and does not tolerate sexual coalition or violence. but will leave you this with our latest in depth reports on the issue i spoke to, we spoke to activists, heather mason, who shed more lights on the story in canada and her own experience of abuse in prison. oh, in fact, i want to get a sense of your time inside, and specifically how trans inmates affected your experience. i was incarcerated with trans individuals in provincial. that was the 1st time i came across it. and then again, when i went to federal and that was when they actually put them on compound with us, instead of segregating them away from us. and they didn't have to have surgery. so
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that happened in 2017. and what was your reaction when you love that was trans inmates living in the compound with you? well, i was actually really freak doe in provincial because they brought me over to the indirect supervision range. and there is a sex offender there that was fully intact. and he was there hiding out because of his crimes. that's what the guard told me anyway, that he was trying to peek into my style when they're searching me. so that was my very 1st experience of that. but when i got to the federal and i was told that there are men on compound with us, i was blown away. i didn't believe it. i couldn't believe that they were putting males in women's presence. i was actually harassed by one of them when i was inside, used to get me to try to walk back and forth in front of them so that they could check out my but lots of other comments as well. and then i was also in the halfway
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has with a male who has fully intact and it was like walking on egg shells. are you worried that there are people who are going to use the system in order to end up in a female prison? and then come out and decide that he's a man again. well, yeah, there's nothing to prevent them. if they claim transgender identity, you can't say that they're not transgender because you're discriminating against their identity or their expression, and even the one, but do get denied training for their utilizing the grievance system, which is the complaint system or correctional services of canada. when their complaints not resolve their bringing it to the human rights tribunal, did you ever inform the gods about how uncomfortable you fall, that instant you described of sexual assault and it. so how did they react? so. a as women, we do not utilize the avenues that are set up for us. so the grievance system and the human rights tribunal, we're just not,
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we're not taught about it. we don't understand how the system works. and for the most part, women are there. they're dealing with so much trauma, like a lot of them are like constitution, drug addiction and have been abused their entire lives. they just accept it as another thing that's happened to them. it's reality of being female. so there are complaints and there are grievances, but not enough. women are speaking out because they're scared. did any of your fellow female prisoners have similar experiences to you? yeah. some of my friends were like, pushed up against the wall in the laundry room and a hard time shut down their throats. they've had their breast or their touch, sexual comments. a few of them have been sexually assaulted. so i speak to a lot of women that have been incarcerated, and the stories are very similar,
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same with physical altercation. they've never been punched in the face so hard. they're starting to carry weapons around, which is not a normal thing for women that are incarcerated in canada. they're putting soup cans and socks because they know that they're fighting males and not women. and there's the really, really big power difference between them. candidates prison system allows men to choose to solve the sentence in a female prison. if they say they identify as women, they don't need to undergo any sod, true or human therapy. that what is enough for to say this is in the name of the quality and to ensure the safety of transgender is the law change was pushed for by prime minister justin trudeau. himself, will you do your best to ensure that trans women are put in prison? or prison, more appropriate to their gender identity is
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yes, i will ensure that i consider myself to be a fairly strong advocate for, for l g b, t, q 2 issues and fairly aware of all the different pressures. and this wasn't one that i had ever thought of. so thank you. have a mason whom we just heard from, says the government has to rethink its approach to the whole issue. nobody wants to speak about it. they don't want to report on it. we're being told that we're lying, that it's not happening, not have to use that return. so back there's literally no discussion about it. there is no discussion before any of the policies that were implemented. and i feel like there are solution to this. they have the room in men's institutions that have wings and dorms, and they can make l g b, t q wings, better tailor to fit their unique needs over in the united states. similar concerns have been raised, for example, by the case of to no one row,
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a transgender woman in annoy who was transferred from a mens prison to a women's facility that was off the she alleged mail inmates had sexually harassed her, but in her new prison, monro herself was accused of raping a female inmate at the thought of the california past its own controversial law. now it allows trans inmates to be transferred to facilities that align with that gender identity. the law was adopted in january by may, over 216 transfer request had been made and not left. some female convicts, very worried. i will not be a victim any more. i haven't do the sexual abuse as young as 4 to 8 and with the rape as well. numerous main staff correctional officers being an appropriate ever since telephone as as b one for 2 has passed. i have been living in constant fear. i can't mentally function without fear. if the men come here,
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please help us. i'm scared just because they feel like a woman doesn't mean their penis doesn't work. we discuss california law with alex har on a co founder partners for ethical and founder of the agenda mapping project. she says the well being of women prisoners is simply of no interest to legislators. senate bill 132 is, is, is like i see it's sentencing women who have committed whatever crime to the punishment of sexual violence at the hands of meals. and i think that in terms of the pyramids of nice, gavin use them and scott, winner and every other enabler who had the largest to happen, views, the feelings of, and the physical safety of incarcerated women at the bottom of that tear amid of needs. when we of course understand it has to be a top ortiz keeping
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a close eye on similar developments in the us and elsewhere in the world. and we'll have more features on the issues raised, took off. ah, the next round of our investigation, it's transgender crime in female prisons will. to morrow on monday we'll be looking into cases in the state of california and also in the u. k. next, let's return to our top story this our, that is that a rocket explosion has been reported in cobble this just 3 days after the suicide bombing that occurred at the cities airport. local major is saying that 2 people, including a child, have been killed and that 3 others have been injured. the rocket is believed to fit a residential building. let's get more on this story now for lossy corresponding rock garcia if he's on the ground in the afghan capital. it's pretty unclear in early stay.
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