tv Documentary RT August 29, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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the united states established a military base in bagram and built a prison there by the same prison to which hodges lip, with depth and energy. and by the don't know the money good also well over the well not too bad. then it's really shuttled that actually trip the muscle shout when it will see the clean just cut off. so he to the took go of the as you go, it was tortured for alleged links with the taliban, with whom the americans would later meet at the negotiating table. on february, the 29th 2020 a peace treaty assigned, obliging nato states to withdraw their troops in return. for taliban guarantees that i've got this down will not become a safe haven for terrorists for the company. so i wanna get to know what you know,
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that was reported out there that you did go to the nato began to withdraw troops. and under the terms of the agreement between the taliban and the united states, the gun, the government was forced to release $5000.00 convicted taliban members, including known warlords. soon after that the taliban would conduct a series of terror attacks and begin to retake the country district by district. on the night of july, the 2nd 2021. the americans abandoned bad drum and bass and did so secretly without notifying the local authorities. the african military was compelled to secure the site to protect it from looters. before leaving american soldiers removed unneeded vehicles, military hardware and other surplus items and dumped them near the base. the site is now a big junkyard. sure to be
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a little more the among the piles of detritus, the vehicles, nato, metals, clothes and shoes. those are both well sung because it is a better one. no, no. can you hold it? no, no guns that have been to be that much done. not another gender. you know? sure. that'd be like the ones that come out to be a commercial truck. how you doing the same for you?
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yeah. now does that come with furniture one is that already gonna let you know one on your truck was it doesn't really reset most of the boxes, you know, just go and i don't know if it shows or will it will a good does. it is a new shoes or when i'm just new to bucks, not because it is extra. know that my son actually has fought in battles, walls and revolutions his whole life. he fought the soviet army, the taliban, and isis after 5 months in dram prison gully was sent to guantanamo bay detention camp. 4 years later, after being found innocent and relief,
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you took up his gun once again. for more than 200 lip comes from the ship. worry about june, try since 2015. he's been the head man in june district, one of the most dangerous places in the state. the taliban and later right is constantly trying to take over 100. got been, his men successfully repelled their attacks, but recently he was relieved of his duties of desperate head. but he was referring to focus on his most home. i've done this, moodily but there was a boy who showed me, did you says his father, you know, he says he's already got lived now lives in couple. his launched and appealed against her dismissal in an attempt to regain his old job. even though he's no
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longer the head hug, regularly visits his old district to see friends meet with the elders and inspect the check points. this road has always been dangerous even more so now, fighting between the gun ami and the taliban has escalated, but that doesn't stop. hodge leave. he's traveling to his chin district in south eastern afghanistan that nobody particularly caught all front of mother. no. those 2 who do not understand it will come come, the better actually started to go under the shannon on the whole cause of the barn because all it was for good was there was the use for the rules like low part of it is just a little
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a holiday and what i thought that was part of the largest go label is visits. the checkpoints that he set up. the address is urgent issues and office some advice. the code doesn't that bundle co jojo because everybody's him. the julie lee just grant us a remote. but if you have you mother, one of the channels chancellor level that was how how did you live with the district head? i voted against the taliban through the war.
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he has long been a target for the taliban. they've tried to blow him up more than once. that's why he's always accompanied by armed guards on every trend. come or whatever. doesn't sound like you know, crystal is not a cushion. care. well, he wasn't finished. this is the symmetry where he got it buried. his brothers, 40 days later the family gathered for the wake. and then there was an explosion. 212 . by the taliban had booby trapped the grave hoping to kill him. but he was incapable that day, which is what saved him. 18 people died in that explosion,
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mostly women and children. for mamma la la chip. ozzy bun could show danish little gun in michelle douglas was same, say done. this quarter gunning was on the run down gunny run gun too late to get the kind of build up was not going to be about to hit that as you know before about the long run up to what you should go up to. katy ah, i don't know what she's there to the bomb which, which other zealand does hucker dudley bush case of
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what is done is going to go on a classroom. i did come up to the america cent hudgens. i live from diagram to guantanamo. he spent 4 years in prison on the caribbean island. the go that i'm going to give you could be did that i want to kind of go over. i said that they could the number that they were, the last piece could be cut. somebody cut off, there was no one to go back or come i had enough but a month to i gotta lose the whole the cold done so can get that one get burned.
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but when he's in or was he was lou but such marcella, you really, if you don't go to the more that was dummy thus for my holiday, ah, to move the 3 the will banos. i was a little little bit of color but doesn't matter what level. so could have been without for a little to do on a saturday. i what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy plantation let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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the gee golly was eventually found innocent and returned to afghanistan. as soon as he was back, he continued to fight the taliban and later isis, the cross. i'm to say danson draws positive poker out. we'll start a 100 gully made a stop indoor bob, a district to see his old comrade in arms. hagey honeysuckle, the former district head, and now a respected elder malik is silly land you think you're gonna land land. if you're gonna this is the gun pakistani border where many of the taliban come from and they often try to take over the area. one day they decided to attack again. then occasion was known as haji hamish goals soldiers were already moving out to intercept them. but then the americans intervened. i don't know
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what is up when you get to that? what again when does you know that ladder i live on the do is set them up. see when the new m a do not that doesn't really live. doesn't that if you could do that with you, that's going to get i live i got out of on willow of psyche to merely with them, or linda with, i'm going to, you know, know that i don't know what is a, as a movie, does not look at i got to play, i wanted to go to need heavily. but given that julie already there and or above a district the she was try builders have come together. the taliban have proposed that they start negotiations. or what did they come on? some time ago they should worry, eldest signed a pack requiring everyone to fight against the taliban. any one who supported them would be find an exiled. now, the elders must decide whether or not to negotiate with the taliban. though sledge
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among ma, through or closed out a longer the tune was so, so holler, holler one into the salish. good people with a solution because people they're capable to work. so that's how with our her going, she doesn't. what is that about that? a good, a cut up, the good guys. most of the elders have decided to hold a few more meetings to discuss the issue ah, on the most dangerous sections of the road, hadzic i live is escorted by his old acquaintances from his police days was wrong. general as well as that, i knew that you put up bunny, the man that i'm dash budget budget.
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valerie from come from louis opposed to the wonder that sherman go. because you don't want you to get money, go down the money. you know how to go about it, but the moment that of her vision was 100 got live has arrived in achievement. it old district had been continued fighting here for years. at 1st there were constant clashes with the taliban, but in 2015 parts of the district were taken over by ices, where they imposed serial law deposit. i was cassandra law,
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so you gave us a call on my cell, my throughout the channel. do you feel that it doesn't really matter to me today? busted me government troops and the u. s. military tried to dislodge ices, but failed. the terrorists had in underground tunnels and caves motherhood under was the last friday the smoke was done. hello, ms. martin, this is him so you know, i don't know once i don't know, but this month's visit junko. oh,
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the american military decided to destroy all the underground passages by dropping the biggest conventional bomb or as they call it, the mother of old bombs. that was the 1st time this devastating weapon had been used in combat with the most emotional produced by monday. when i told him i was not much harder to get on. the mother of old bombs is the most powerful but not the only bond that was dropped here. this land has been bombed and shelled many times. almost no buildings have been left damaged. oh, no. there wasn't a photo spot in the local no, no, no, no. no, not a non we'll go from the other bottom of the
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bottom of the southern. i'm open to what it was about. what about when you got to know if you will be what i got. i got me to gail will come in and get to the city but it was filled out through z o o z. thank you. you're not saved. on the i got the $700.00 you go to go and i wanna say it was quoted me the times. okay. is that something that is or no, no, no, i'm going to come out of that bundle. so 1st on what. ready
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i see has been expelled from the district. now afghan troops and local militia counter taliban attacks. i don't know much, much more. that was that was out of that. i was a nice beginner. like while retreating, the taliban burned down a local market. was phoenix as opposed to daddy, mom and i was calling to schedule a showing me inside him. he wasn't on saturday that it was actually just show me the rooms and i know we still need that done by and does she does void of
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a lot of scotty really go to the go with the get those some through the stuff and then a because she was the opponent on this, that would be a shallow stadium. she was losing one color with and i will listen that, isn't it? michelle route. i go to watch whatever emotional was natalie of the chop stock, run the quote, the charcoal it will to and busy with them. but because they were done material when, when he was going to for the water much, much better, better. ah. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ah,
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on his way back to couple 100. it's an old friend cargo kinda howdy. they fought the soviet army together. the american soldiers arrested them both on the same day before that capital kinda hurry, served with hud. you guy leave in the police and was responsible for the local checkpoints than had issued 40 people. i wish going of where she hung up. i wish i would. i will sort of in the little even if you watch on them a back a little different. i can do what are the done last a shot that i started? it is eliminate candidates. you bought them like it was a did give them one of the to do a little while it might be we shall not be what they spent the 1st 5 months in bagram. and the next time they saw each other was just before they was sent to guantanamo, but they didn't recognize each other. my voice was with them as it read them back to you then, but i will the fellow side of that would be the deal that's about it yet. i'm just
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going to go to learn there. yeah. and i will let, i just have it on the way we'll be with you by monday. so generally, whenever you get one in cocoa also face charges for alleged links with al qaeda. he spent one year and 9 months in guantanamo where in an attempt to beat a confession out of him. he was tortured. ah, cheryl gog, by the way, give us. but i don't mind. again, telling him against the pretty we're not putting up with a family that usually will do some of the work. i know the like only didn't know, did that saw that he thought the, the going to the, like i said i got to get my like, and as you're back in me, just like how g got lib. taco was found innocent and sent back to afghanistan. after prison, he lost everything cocoa, now lives in his friend's house and works as
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a farmer to feed himself his wife and their 7 kids. how about that the style of god's book which are well no one is dont that are allowed for this story about why not no way to put them on it was both about but that was a good shot. but so what i read is still when you were talking to cut, you started with us. i want to know about that, but i know what it is you can. i was one of the study by just that it's about a kid the by luggage. while the money bottle another but the setup monitor home, then you would have worked at the madonna. what did you know about madonna? but if we know how to get it back to set up, money was that, you know, got a loaner was ended up with out of that of that or that that that would be a dilemma. i was kinda sorry i my car was listen, i'm calling for sure that that he missed glue. let me see what he's done for them. log on to the police and no 10 was calling for quality or the one i want to see. they're going to be with us. i've been to the full has a while to push them because about john and well to job on the side of the world. i
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was, i'm going to get them on the planet to buy the modem was abstract. can i do more miles with the steel baggage sort of a center she got the bug and sure that one can look at it. that's a good one. i don't know. i shall carlos at one on 11. i could do my or no, i don't wanna keep you there, but at least when i look at it and i'm sure it ah, would you please go to chuck disorder? jetta?
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world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then, me the still large enough to satisfy the ambitions of jeff, based on, you know, it's got its tentacles in so many aspects of the economy. there's nothing that amazon isn't trying to get into to step by step. the amazon empire has extended its grip on the world that was like end up being quite like a dog. so amazon looks like monopoly trays like a monopoly makes money like monopoly behaves like monopoly. amazon essentially controlled the marketplace. it's not really a market, it's a private arena world where a single company controls the distribution of daily products. and the infrastructure of our economy is the, according to amazon,
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speaking to that is that nations are allowed to do anything. all the master races and then you have the mind, the nation, so other slaves, americans, brock, obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians enter this dangerous go. you man, that wants to take over the world. that was a culture strategy. so i'm going into a new one. i v i b, i not leashed it off in one and tablet block. nato took it out. we moved eastern. the reason us hedge some dangerous is the the sovereignty of other countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and it's international. war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nato,
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what is founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in larger companies would lose millions and millions more business and businesses. good. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fascist. the ah, the rocket strike in a residential area of couple reportedly killed 9 people with many more injured pentagon officials are saying a u. s. a drone hit a bomb laden truck carrying suicide bombers to the airport. meanwhile, the taliban deployed extra security and couple airport following horrific scenes earlier this week when a suicide blast claimed at least 170 lives,
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