tv News RT August 31, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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for well, they have no bitcoin fact they shut their bitcoin mining down, not sense. they bird, their treasure fleet 500 years ago under the main dynasty as a country made such a boneheaded and stupid mistake. the the me the extraordinary success and this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravely and selfless. courage is united states military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals. the us president joe biden cool nation, and i've gotten this done a success to quite the chaos and bloodshed during the fine with the u. s. military president. be able to claim, see that american efforts to remake of the country?
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it's image a coming to an end, and foreign powers race to get the last of that. the black bull, hundreds of african se one's employed, has been left with that protection. performer interpreter who works for the british embassy tells us that the u. k. has betrayed its local stuff. i will put them in a very good i had a more than my campus if we're car we americans talk diplomat admits he doesn't know the exact number of citizens, the less enough kind of stand that isn't face is a backlash. i was handling to the evacuation mission from the country and ah, hello, welcome to school midnight. moscow you watching. are you international now end of an era? the re making a country is u. s. president joe biden described the withdrawal from afghanistan
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while claiming that the mission there was a success. let's get more now on this. we've corresponded over in the states colored morphy. good evening again. caleb. just run through then the key points that were made in by essentially calling miss an extraordinary successful mission. okay, we do apologize. i'm not sure. kelly morphine can here is we'll try and get back to him as soon as we can now, in the meantime. ok, in the meantime, we can get more reaction to what joe, by me saying, because we can talk to dave perkins, he's a radio host and political analysts to we are glad we got you because we just last saw correspondent. but let's start with what joe biden is, has been saying over the last hour or so. i mean, he started off by saying that this was an extraordinarily successful mission,
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the evacuation part. but, you know, when you look at the pictures over the last couple of weeks, you've had people falling off planes to that desks and you've had a huge terrorist attack that killed almost 200 painful. well look here, if you start at the beginning, you do a logical primer on military withdrawal from an occupying position in a country. and you begin with what's the safest place for us to be while we pull all our tentacles in from everywhere else. and that safe place was by graham air force base. you could see a mile and a half across the country from everywhere in background. and the border is a trouble airport or the width of a street with 4000000 people around. so at bob graham, you could see your enemies coming and protect yourself, but that cobbled you cannot also the taliban offered for america to continue to hold the city of cobble through the withdrawal and america. i. e joe biden declined that offer, so they closed bob graham for no good reason,
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and the reason they closed it was because joe biden demanded they draw down their troops support for protection of background to 600 marines. the general said miss president, we can't predict it with $600.00 range bite and said, i don't care. draw down to $600.00 marines knowing they would close. barbara. now it's my opinion that they close background because taliban order jo. 2 and that's a different matter. i'm sure for a different day on your program. the bottom line is the order of withdrawal is keep barbara open until the end withdraw all the n g o is the charity workers. all the people that are not united states government, but are they're doing good things 1st, then withdraw all our allies, all the african to help us for the last 20 years. they deserve rescue. every single one of them, and we should have rescued every single one of them in our suite time, from the safety of background. then you draw down american government employees. and finally, when it's time to leave, you're leaving from the background which cannot be attacked. if you're defending it
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because of that stand off distance around the borders of that airfield. and as you leave, you take a couple of bombers with you. you blow up that $10000000000.00 embassy. you blow up all the runways and all the military bases were built, including bag ram at the end. and you destroy all the military equipment you left so the taliban can use it. and then you fly home with all of the people that you saved. it is a simple, logical order of progression in which this thing should have gone, but bite and started backwards by removing our position of strength by closing background, shrinking our footprint, you half the size of an airport in the city of 4000000 people. and then making it impossible to defend that by drawing down the military as he goes until there's not enough people left. you have to let your people through the gates at cobble airport . and every time you open a gate, 100 people shove through any one of which could have a suicide best on,
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and you would know it was a disaster waiting to happen, and biden did it all in the wrong order. every death is on him. their blood is on his hands, all the decisions were made exactly backwards and as wrong as can be. and really the only choice he has right now is to claim credit for doing good because that will fool that people who aren't really paying attention. but the whole world knows he did this completely wrong and in the worst, most in a bumbling possible way. and i don't see him saving it. well, i mean, he certainly wasn't taking blame himself because he was always saying that he was taking the advice of top military commanders. you know, people who should know about this sort of thing. we're telling him, but this is the right way to go. and also that the afghan government wouldn't collapse in the way it did. i mean it's, it's just a massive failure of intelligence. no, the intelligence was right. it's a failure of the administration. it's a failure to read it and decide from it. what things to do that are the right decisions. they made the wrong decisions, every step of the way,
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the generals advising them. i'm sorry to say, but this is true with any army at almost any time in world history. the higher in rank, you go, the less like an officer and the more like a politician you come. these are people considering their retirements, their future positions on the boards of directors of military industrial companies, their lecture tours that they've got all these things on their mind maybe runs for office even general milly. yeah. like you'd get a vote from anyone. even a dog would not vote for that guy right now, but if you do it wrong, you have to pay a price for it. and i think i really think this could be the beginning of the end of the bite and presidency. i'm thinking by the end of the year, he'll be gone because part of what this reveals is that his thinking is to adult. he is to past his prime and he really is not the man that ought to be leading the united states of america right now. i think this will be held up as an example of that truth. did you not think he's in a position of strength when he went on to talk about this is the end of nation
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building. let's just get your thoughts on that before that the just want to run the clip of what exactly who said, go right ahead. spoke in need an error of major military operations to re make other countries. i think the year of nation building will be brought to a very i now the voice to be in the david with donald trump. i think speaking his presidential campaign barton signed sounding a lot like trump, but will not win report when people hear him say that, well, trump himself has said many times in the last couple of weeks and you can get those clips to that he would have done this procedure of withdraw completely backwards from what biden did, and biden says over and over again. i was bound by the agreement from may. by the 1st of may, i was bound by the agreement of my predecessor. well,
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that was an agreement with conditions on the taliban, which the taliban violated manifest. lee, and which no american president has the honor because the other side violated the agreement, 1st whiten was not bound by anything from it. and the evidence of that is all the other things sometimes done that biden has undone as quickly as possible, including putting us back into the paris. is that right? the paris accord yet the paris climate accords on the hey, he was ignore the rated. i think it was the 1st paper he signed, like 12 or 1 pm on doing something supposedly trump had done that, bound him to it. right. so bite and doesn't care about anything. the trump did that, that he feels held to be, wasn't held to that. and trump says over and over, i would have done this backwards. i would have kept by graham open till the end. i would have exported everyone from the theatre while i could, while i had the military strength and then broke down the military, got them out from a position of safety bond and destroyed dollar equipment in our building. so we
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didn't leave them anything. drum says how he would do it and bite and get it opposite of that. and then we want to hear the 2 of them say the same thing and say, well, they are comparable. not just in the thoughts but in the ways that they did it. why did it utterly in competently and foolishly and i do not believe trump would have done that in terms of nation building. let me just say we've had 35000 men in korea at the dmc since 953. we've had ramstein air force base in germany and all kinds of nato installations all over europe. we're 506070 years. we're not nation building because we maintain permanent military forces where deterring chaos and disaster and opportunism on the part of bad people. and we could always think in terms of deterring that rather than having to go back and fight battles later, that didn't have to even start. so i think it's wrong headed to say, we're only there donation bill then i think call me crazy. but if we had maintained
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a force there for another 20 years and no more terrorist attacks that happened, i think there would be an argument in favor of doing that because there hasn't been another $911.00 since then. and then the fact he has to say that that this is the end of an era for nation building just does not just on the line. the fact the last 20 years have failed. no, because nation building was not what we were trying to do. people misunderstand that because some people talked about doing that. exporting liberty and democracy and all of that that was never going to work. and everybody in the ground there knew that what we were doing was continuing to do what we did at the beginning, which was deter terrorist attacks on us by taking away a battlefield that they were using for did it, did it work? david, when you look at the fact that the taliban back in control, and now you've got isis k to contend with. all of that happened on biden's watch. trump destroyed isis in a matter of weeks if someone strong was at the helm pulling the leavers and
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pressing the buttons and giving the orders. there is no reason these 7 century terrorists have to survive as a functioning and fear giving organization. joe biden was never going to attack anybody because he is not a man of strength and his party is not a party of strength in terms of foreign policy. they do it by weakness and capitulation. and i think we've seen manifest evidence of that and at dentistry. he also mentioned in his speech, russia in china. i think he said that china was the competitor in russia as a challenger. he think that there was an opportunity there to say we have a common interest to fight terrorism. we have a common interest to help with the refugee to have a common interest to come to drug trafficking. he didn't say any of that. he just again, sort of underlined what he saw, the differences. i don't know about russia, but i know china makes batteries for electric, car engines and afghanistan as huge deposits of lithium and other rare earth metals
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that are used in the production of those batteries. i think china wants a free reign to run in mine those and make the batteries because in america, our car companies are starting to mandate that there won't be any more internal combustion engines. after the year 2030 and the manufacturer is going to stop making them, we're all going to be forced to buy electric cars. and the maker of the batteries where those cars will be china. how did that happen? joe biden is said to be corrupt and in the grip of china, and i can make a strong argument that that's true. and you can't argue against it by looking at what he's done. yeah, understand he's run away with america's tail between its legs and gotten out of the way of china, which is now allying itself with the taliban in order to profit from the rare earth metals that are in afghanistan. soil. you just wait, look at the story to 3 years from now. you'll see the chinese energetically mining those things on an industrial scale and have dentistry dave really good to to show interesting to get your thoughts on joe biden. speech about the ask understand, withdrew. we'll leave it there was dave perkins,
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radio host and political analyst. caleb, can you hear us? we have so just run through the key points that, that joe biden was making in his address to the nation. and essentially, his defense of american actions in afghanistan. sure. while the long awaited speech from joe biden was significantly delayed, the press waited quite some time for joe biden to finally come out and deliver his remarks. and when he spoke, he basically said, as was said by general mackenzie, that the mission was going according to plan. it was going as it was planned to go . now this comes at a time where we've seen that the withdrawal has at this point, cost $13.00 us service person's lives as well as the lives of $170.00 afghan civilians. now the leaving date was august 31st, and joe biden says that america is reaching its goal. here's what he said. extraordinary success. and this mission was due to the incredible skill,
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bravely and selfless courage of united states, military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals. now the town of the speech was overwhelmingly a defensive 1. 1 point he shouted about how the united states was facing a choice of leaving or escalating in afghanistan and how he made the choice to leave rather than to escalate. interestingly enough, he did go on to then blame the afghan army and donald trump for the setbacks and the problems that have recently taken place. and there was a shift in some of the numbers, rather than saying that it was 6000 us personnel who were evacuated, the number was reduced to 5500. now he talked about how he did not want to make a forever war into a forever exit. and furthermore, he talked about how the era of the united states using its military to remake countries,
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had come to an end. now he said the only us interest in afghanistan currently is making sure that afghan a stand does not become a base for terrorist attacks against the united states. and he said the united states would continue to make sure that afghan stan did not turn into that. and that was really the only interest united states has in afghanistan. now it's also important to note the context of the speech biden is on the defensive. because very much, he has been viewed in a negative light. the situation where the remains of those 13 service personnel were killed were delivered to the united states. well, family members that were not very happy with how joe biden interacted with them. we have mark schmidt's the father of one of the soldiers who was killed, talking about how joe biden spoke about the death of his own son bo by now, and how he continued to look at his watch and saying, he was rather disgusted with how the us commander in chief interacted with him in the aftermath of the death of his son. this is what he said. i said,
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i swear to god if he checks his watch one more time, i couldn't look at him anymore after that considering especially the time and why we were there. i found to be the most disrespectful thing i've ever seen. now at this point, we've got a number of republicans stepping up and calling for joe biden to resign, saying that he broke his promise to make sure that every american is brought safely home from afghanistan. but there are also a number of democratic voices that are also harshly critical of the white house and how it's handled things. the evaluation process appears to have been egregiously mishandled. in order to move forward, we need answers and accountability regarding the cascade and sailors that lead us to this moment. our troops deserve nothing less than a complete and unvarnished truth. i think that timeline is less than what we have to do to get the us citizen and others out of the country. president biden withdrew from afghanistan before the deadline, abandoning american citizen,
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still on the ground, desperately needing evacuation. if biden refuses to resign, he must be impeached. this is an absolute disgrace. joe biden camera harris. anthony blank, and lloyd austin and general milly should all resign of face impeachment and removal from office. anger appears to be boiling within the military itself. there are 90 retired generals and admirals who have now stepped forward to demand that general milly, as well as secretary of defense austin, resign in results in response to their actions in afghanistan. joe biden took his opportunity to day to step up and take credit for ending a more than 20 year long military engagement by the united states and afghanistan. many are looking on at the manner in which the united states withdrew and the human cost and saying that their this was basically handled pretty badly and the human
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losses that took place on all sides could have been avoided. a lot of voices stepping up and saying there was simply a lot of mismanagement here. joe biden took the floor today to defend himself and say that things are going to plan and things are being successful. okay, yeah, thanks, sam kilobit was. art is kellum open reporting for us there from new york. well, after seizing power, the ton of ban names to general amnesty in afghanistan for all citizens, including officials who worked under the previous government. but with reports growing of taliban reprisals, any body with links to foreign forces could well be in danger. we spoke to a former interpreter who worked for the british embassy, inca bull. during the 20 year campaign, he asked that his name and location be kept secret. we had a lot of government because our government we never thought of you will in the subdivision. when big brother, i don't know, why did it was like white and without protection,
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without any almost when we come back i don't have an issue. i'm. i keep changing my, my place, we had the moment all of the scheme of the government and the movement people to the airport. but we couldn't even touch it because there, how can they were feeding people like things i'm thinking going on are some of the 1st visit to me by a piece but also be like you, me a question. i do this, even though i think i tried many parents call them even then i have to show another when i know what to do, but they're not getting the response. i lost everything with the hope of the i will
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. i will buy from well, the taliban has deployed extra guards around couple airport. see only corey to act of the country after last week's bombing, which killed at least $170.00. the past 2 through crowds throwing bodies into a nearby open sewer. people who been gathering at the port for days trying to flee the taliban former interpreter again, talk to us about the explosion and the keys. the british government trying is local stuff from one a one to make it a way. you can smell the blood a plus i saw by my own eyes, the body. i thought they are devoid is my way. i'm going to bid and you couldn't, i couldn't even walk with a lot of what is inside the water. i'm not if you don't go on the wall. so i a very good in terms of the and also that it wouldn't be clued there. there was no for him
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to do. i did inform the can be informed you okay about before the things happens, but they do that after that the time was too late for the it is a bit res. i work for them in a very good way. i had been a more than like, ever since the 1st day when the, from the clear, you know, a, we will not on those people who will be both not handing over the government options, but i don't think maybe start putting how's the thought going to fight my house and they were going to tell me all i can do the 9th and sort of by monday to build up the i know the like i'm not on on my car. we don't know if they help us. we believe that the other one will be most. that's why they're not even.
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they're not even talking with the remote british foreign sexy, dominant. rob has admitted he doesn't know exactly how many k nationals are still in afghanistan. he's facing growing anger over the handling of the british evacuation mission and put the number that's behind in the low hundreds. during the recent interview. look, of course, when we are lament the fact that anyone would be left behind. i know that the number of u. k. nationals, the particular responsibility of the foreign office is now down at a very low level specific, well, low hundreds given that we've taken in total $5000.00 out. and most of those are difficult cases where it's not clear around the eligibility of their undocumented, believe us or not dominate raw. then went on to say that no other department in the united kingdom has handled the crisis in austin east on any better than the foreign office. of course, the very department that he is in charge of now that has raised numerous consent
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and raised many eyebrows. among many colleagues in the hall of westminster of close dominic roles has been long embroiled over the last few weeks in many controversial issues in the handling of the crisis in afghanistan. because of course, when coppell fell to the taliban some 2 weeks ago, dominic rob was nowhere to be seen. in fact, finally seen sunbathing abroad on holiday with his family. but not just that, allegedly he declined many phone calls. he did not pick up the phone to his counterpart in afghanistan and pakistan which has led to many people pointing. many thing is of blame dominant rob. so the foreign secretary to go a while during an international crisis of this magnitude is nothing short of a shameful. i think it was amazing, staggering that the foreign secretary was still on holiday, while f canister was collapsing to the taliban. you've got to be on duty during that sort of period where we're so deeply and intimately involved in it. we haven't
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heard from the foreign secretary and about a week despite this being the biggest single foreign policy disasters and suez. so i don't know what the foreign office is thinking. while his handling of the crisis in afghanistan has really gone from bad to worse. in fact, he's now saying and advising that, anybody that's still to leave ask on a stone, would probably be better off. going to a neighboring country to try and return to safety. here in the united kingdom. however, of course i easier said than done considering the taliban operating for to checkpoints and really is putting a lot of trust in the taliban to uphold that side of the deal. allowing any safe passage to anybody that wishes to leave. it does come. of course, as britain promised that all you k citizens, all you k nationals, and indeed all of those assisted and the occupation assisted the british army and the occupation of the last 18 years would be able to return to the united kingdom.
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however, as the weeks and days been passed, many ministers in parliament was saying not everybody would be able to get out. and now dominic rob, as we heard, is it missing? he has no idea how many british citizens still remain in afghanistan. but is it actually maintain that you have done a good job and that people should stop attacking the u. k for its own as occupation process. anyone getting back passing briefings either at me or the foreign commonwealth and development office is frankly not credible. and it is deeply responsible. we have absolutely been on this, and you can see we have been on these. why? because we have got 17000 people out. well, it's not just a u. k. citizens that are in need of returning here to the united kingdom, but many, many afghans are absolutely desperate to flee from the taliban takeover as well and have been e mailing the united kingdom, the foreign office trying to get some help. so what we're hearing now is the
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minister has admitted the emails from schools of people have not only not been replied to a process, but not even being read by many, many ministers here in westminster. meaning that many people are still stuck in the region. unfair and for their lives without any sense that they will of a be able to get out. despite all of this, dominick rob the foreign secretary is still maintaining. they were real, a tangible gains from the 18 year occupation when colleagues all around him over the past few weeks have even been pushed to the point of floods, of kids in the house of commons, saying the absolute opposite to dominic rob. now he will indeed be stopped in a foreign affair. select committee. that's an opportunity for many m p 's to really grill the foreign secretary office handling of this crisis. no doubt it really will be a grilling, indeed that tomorrow. but many people are really questioning how on the dominic rob
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is in this position still in this position, a crucial role. but at a critical time, when we asked people to in london what they think of the foreign secretaries handling of the afghan pull out, i think you should be aware of how many people are left and then try to help those people. well, i mean, they have to come up with the correct amount of how many people are there and why was they, you know, brought back. he showed that he doesn't know what we actually know the best i mean to, to be a british, but someone gives you 4 days or 5 days to clear out a country's got much chances and everyone else seems to be more more concerned with his own in depression that he is making on the world world, isn't that what, what's going on in the world around him? if a public doesn't, a public person doesn't have to acknowledge who is supposed to protect the nation.
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it doesn't make me feel that i can trust politicians. my whole opinion of the government is not very high. and as a dominic rob, so behavioral things appalling. i'm just a model dominant rob has flatly denied acclaimed from us media that britain may have been indirectly responsible for letting a suicide bomber into cabala pool last thursday. append to can document the 2 political magazine suggests american forces kept the airports main gate open despite knowing it was a prime target for terrorists in order to let british personnel evacuate. but the foreign secretary has said that the allegation is just not true. and another government minister has a keys the us of indulging in a plain game. there is an underlying current of blame, which is on helpful. it's a distraction from the main efforts of what is happening on the ground. if the scale of this attack was known beforehand, old gate should have been closed as
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a matter of protocol and they went, which suggest saw it, detailed intelligence was missing, or huge risks were chosen to be taken anyway. what we did ask a former u. k. counterterrorism intelligence officer charles, she bridge about how to conduct such an operation amid a high risk of a terrorist attack and end of the day. if you've only got one or 2 or 3 days left to carry out your evacuation, it could be argued dot, you constantly shut down the operation every time that there's a town. that's because if you do so of course you just had an initiative to group such as i say. so perhaps even the taliban themselves, you could simply manufacture bomb alerts like that. and therefore that by disrupt the operation. i thought at the time, even before the capture plays, the british appeared to be the people who actually went public with this. which in a way.
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