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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  September 4, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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ok, and so that's just alone has more plastic surgery to get at what point will we all just admit that he's been replaced by the planet hollywood mannequin of himself. don't lie. i know hollywood, not even a real planet. anyway, last week i told you about how i've gained if there was a giant money laundering scheme. but i didn't get into like the little nitty gritty details, like how they were literally just handing out bundles of cash to anybody they could. here's a quote from ghana, stan and iraq war veteran, matthew how, holy cow i was live in like scarface. i was paying out anywhere between $3400000.00 per week to $5000000.00 per week at times. all in cash. i had $50000000.00 the most i ever had at one point was $24000000.00 on and you know, $100.00 bills sitting in saves in my bedroom. and there was hardly any
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oversight whatsoever. $24000000.00 just being handed to to make it look like we were doing something at all in the insane war game. matthew ho was no ordinary soldier. he was a captain in the marine corps, an official at the department of defense and then an official at the state department until he quit because it suddenly occurred to him that it's all crazy. and not like drunk girl, the college girl taking a town in the middle of the street kind of crazy. but like the onboarding their head off a back and stored by your and crazy. why would the us military just give out millions of dollars to random people with no accountability? well, basically the pentagon and our idiot, greedy government didn't know how to measure success. they couldn't measure it in
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how the people of afghanistan were doing. because not good polls conducted by american organizations show up can the thing to be the status placed on earth. 0 percent of respondents claimed that they are thriving as opposed to 85 percent who said they were suffering when asked by gallop in 20190 per cent. you could as could double amputee, male carriers if they were thriving and you'd get a higher number than 0. ma'am, literally everyone in the country we destroyed is miserable. right george? the best way to defeat him is never waiver to be strong to use every asset our disposal is to constantly stay on the offensive. and at the same time spread liberty. and that's what the people are saying now is happening in afghanistan.
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10000000 citizens of registered to vote. 0 percent of people doing well. we're really excited about registering to vote for the corrupt us puppet government. it funding the brand of liberty. we spread, she takes a lot of like colonial vassal state. i'm not sure why that is, did you have africa? it could be the pap rica. oh, you added a pinch of indiscriminate for profit al fire raining down from above. that was be what i'm can you think just, just the less were wolf gang talking up your country. the misery index in afghanistan hasn't always been a 100 percent before the us held, bring down afghans and socialist government in the seventy's, half of african university students were women as were 40 percent of the country, doctors, 70 percent of the teachers and 30 percent of its civil servants. oh, so people and particularly women were living and okay,
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life before we helped all over it for the how that works. i guess that's the liberty we spread. so the us military couldn't measure success by how well the people were doing. they couldn't measure it in how much they had won the hearts and minds of the people because they don't ask, don't ask. and they couldn't measure success in how much they were defeating the taliban, because they were not one officers said only the area as far as my machine guns reach and the taliban control everything else. i can't believe bush lied to us. you know? it said, you know, what, is it the republican, the god damn republicans, they lie to the american people. the republicans discussed. we sent our troops in afghanistan, within a matter of months of scattered and many of its operatives were killed. the tale bon was driven from power and pushed back on his heels and the democrats. so those
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are, those are the 2 groups of liars, the republicans and democrats. everyone else in congress, pretty great. pretty great. other that are politicians are top notch. yeah, we push the taliban back on their heels. i guess they just had super gigantic heels and also they had the help of a pretty big sugar daddy, the american government. man, if the us hadn't been funding them with their past off. that's right. we were funding the taliban. o dime. matthew said somehow in the minds of the u. s. political leaders dollars spent equated to things being constructed and effective counterinsurgency against the taliban. but the taliban themselves, we're taking the money. the taliban guys were doing the construction work. we were,
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why didn't the taliban in our war against the taliban? and as we fought and gave lives to tell a man with guns they paid for with the money we gave them. and after 20 years we succeeded in replacing the taliban with the taliban. even the report of the special inspector general for dana fan reconstruction, meaning the us government's report on afghanistan, even they stated that washington has been buying the insurgents, cooperation, making the taliban unofficial sub contractors to the us government unofficial sub contractors. here's the here's the sane, appropriate response to this the,
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the. c the i can keep going back i've, i've time. okay, not on the cloud said there was no incentive to report on official accesses fraud or abuse and barely any oversight over where the money was actually going. contractors, n g o z and others who are, who are aboard the endless gravy train also kept quiet as they stopped their pockets with billions of dollars of public money. so why, over the 20 years, didn't the taliban simply overrun the u. s. paces? well, partially because they knew they'd be bombed into oblivion, but perhaps more importantly, because the base is we're giving them millions of dollars in
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a country where the average income is $2.00 per day in taking the american based out of town would be like banishing, malfunctioning atm, that's just spending money out all over the place. we have to throw out this. this just said she few ring under dollar bills all over the floor. we have to get rid of this thing. it is mfc mfc. the inspector general report noted, one particularly embarrassing infants, where the u. s. paid $2400000.00 for a new compound that it could never use it. it was built outside the security perimeter of the base for which it was commissioned. what's, what's that over there? oh that's, that's the new compound. you know, the new new compound. you ordered what? it's in caliber territory. yeah, that's right. that's right. yeah. we, we, we,
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we thought it would be pretty cool. you know, pretty, pretty good give but and if you knew com valid taliban now where the calvin could could use it. pretty cool. we. we can never use that facility now. yeah, that's right. that's right sir. yeah. but on the bright side, the taliban have a new come back. the floors are like air conditioner. there's an infinity pool. it has it. yeah. well bama will bomb it. yeah. ok. then of course, there's a heroine trade and have dentist in it was basically 0 before we invaded. and by 2017, it has blown up to 9000 tons, producing 90 percent of the global heroine supply. and all the while the us was paying to fulfill it. tate in local farmers were given cash not to plant poppies, but frequently they would simply take the money and plant the crop. 8 elsewhere unbeknown to the americans. thus they were simultaneously getting paid to plant and
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paid not to plant. there were 3 daughters episodes more sophisticated than ours. rat vienna gannon van. yeah. ok. we'll go to afghanistan, we'll pay the taliban to fight. we'll pay the poppy growers to not grow the poppies . they're totally still growing. we will pay the contractors to build things we can't use and we'll pay half down security for you to turning soldiers that don't exist. any questions? i don't think so. i wrote this whole play it after i get a bag full of whips. i think i think it some of my best work. it's easier to understand if you read it upside down. i'm going to go look some frogs down. but over a 2nd, think that america didn't disappear trillions of dollars without getting a little take for ourselves. matthew ho noted that 40 percent of the a money year march for iraq and afghanistan never even left the united states going
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towards management consultants. the fees for the prime contractor. one example is creative associates international, a for profit in g o that received $449000000.00 worth of contract in afghanistan to privatize the country schools. let me guess they paid the taliban to be the teachers. as joseph heller said in his novel turned instruction, manual catch 22. insanity is contagious. his head for luck. i am glad the worn game is somewhat over. but i don't hide 5 more criminals when they say they're going to limit their future war crimes, to only drop bombs, obliterating. and if in people can grab a license, they can take once we have you and leg irons company from washington, d. c, the belly to be redacted, denied the in
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welcome. i really can't take the news from behind this week. hurricane ida was the 5th largest hurricane to ever make landfall in the u. s. he left more than a 1000000 residents and businesses without power, including the, the entire city of new orleans 1000000 in louisiana though, are likely to be without electricity for weeks. you see, mentioned they have a really great social safety net. they do quite well when there's a catastrophe, like hurricane or drought, or pandemic, or a movie directed by michael bag that you're trying to get through without the standard bucket of butter dram. i mean,
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because the theater stop selling those due to covert precautions when any of those bad things happen. in advanced societies, the government can help the people, right, get them medical care, food, water and old card asleep in it's federal. but here in the us, you get arrested for sleeping it all guards because being or is against the constitution. everyone knows that the 4 bothers, they didn't know what an automobile was, but they just had a feeling that anyone sleeping inside of those was probably a threat that the country when you live in late stage capitalism, which means capitalism just before the collapse, services for struggling citizens have already been gutted and sold for parts. so you take, you take late stage capitalism and then ya, pile on collapsing empire. and then you pile on climate catastrophe. on top of that, you end up with
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a double stuff oreo. and the milk gets done 10 is pumped out a bill gates nipple says he holds malaria vaccine just out of the reach of an african child. yeah. so that's a fun fact on fact. so what have the authorities in new orleans done to help people in this time of need in response to the power of failure. new orleans police department superintendent, john ferguson announced sunday night that anti living patrols would be deployed throughout the city, anti looting patrols. how about how people the down patrols send those around? how about cats that baby from floating away on a car door patrols? what kind of consumer is capital is defend the stores before the people both are anti looting patrols. i mean, even if you saw some alluding, what are, what are, what are they feeling in a time like that?
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not a flat screen tv. there's no electricity. is it going to steal it to follow down the street on using play station game consoles? is orth know if they're loading, they're usually stealing food and water. so, good. that means they need food and they found it. and i got those where you, the stuff on the shelf at the quickie mart is not a real high end product, right? it's not $1000.00 floor, guar rotating gently behind the hot dog sneeze. guard. the shelves are filled with spam and pop tart and b. cherokee. you're going to shoot to do it over jerky. turkey a worth? the dog cherokee, a police are more worried about protecting the nike sneakers. then the humans sitting on top of their houses with the word help spelled
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out in bed sheets and cat litter. the real looting is done by corporations and corporate own politicians who come in after the city has been destroyed. privatized the schools privatize the power grid, sell off the properties to investment capital firms like the small vultures they are. oh no voltage. but those do. tiny. that's real loaded. that's the good stuff, the pure and cut looting. and i haven't seen any of the cop tackling the bankers behind that. right. where is that per block? we here redacted then we did score a video, one of the biggest looters. whoever existed here. he is privatizing a school in new orleans after hurricane katrina. i'm not kidding. we caught him in the act the i was going to insult him, but i feel kind of bad making fun of a guy having
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a seizure. so i'm going to put a wooden spoon in his mouth before that gets any worse. we have to go to a quick break, but i'm coming to los angeles september 18th for a live taping on my podcast government secrets with graham l. would you get tickets? redacted tore a dot. com, but don't go away. we got a lot more. well, there are back driven by dreamer shaped by those with the in me thing we dare to ask me. ah, the civic leg around the world expedition by 1000
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miles round the clock is given the dead calm as every country close by the crew. gavin's food and water to go to chat. those also need, i know i said it's got everybody locked down or almost no food. and no. what about that? only give them up. sure. can somebody call me? especially in the coven, your living? like the theme of own, but in the 21st century. ah ah,
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the ah ah, welcome back. i'm still a camp. it became national news this week. and last, when in wisconsin, the walker saw school district opted out of a free school lunch program for all students. after public pressure,
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the school board rescinded the decision to cut free meals. for more on this story, we go to our chief food analyst naomi care body. now me. if we get rid of lunch money, how else are kids going to pay for their cigarettes? ok, that sounds like more of a personal thing. you got me? i'm just trying to understand thing, know the free food, see the bided and ministration extended the national school lunch, seamless summer option through june 2020, to a pandemic program. which less, which let's all students, regardless of their parents income, receive free lunch. and that made some school board members and walk ashore angry only in america would people reject something free to make clear freedom a free chicken nuggets. that was their argument. i think so. and the ministers wanted to get back to the normal program where students parents applied for a free,
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based on income or means tested lunch. officials often worry that families would become spoiled, and in assistant superintendent said he feared there would be a slow addiction to the service we. i think i get it. there's a free lunch crisis in the us. it's actually sad. some kids even need 3 meals a day. they don't pay for i to have to come to the free food epidemic because whenever hunger strikes, i have to rob a panera. also lunch is just a gateway to the more potent branch. it's not long before we see these kids lounging for hours in there at leisure, chugging bottomless caprice on that makes no sense. well, i guess nobody ever invited you to brunch after the school board voted no on free meals for all back in june. the parents organized protests, surprisingly the kids and sidewalk truck. art did not scare them. then months later,
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the washington post picked up. the stories. officials also received calls and emails from people around the country. and according to the board, the issue became less and less about lunch threats and a lot of swearing level against walker shop school board members, fox 6, getting our hands on emails and voice mails. and we want to warn you. they're pretty graphic. one e mail says, i hope you get hit by a bus. that does seem a little off topic. i mean, we weren't talking about transportation. show the district did the right thing after they were shamed for it on a national stage. well, actually, the voted by 4 to go back to free lunch. officials who received threatening voicemails said they were going to be intimidated, and came to believe that aren't even local belief. well, understand why people are that school administrators took time out of the day. they
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take sandwiches out of kids, mel. they're working hard. all i'm saying lee is bullies should be locally sourced like half a teary, a bully. their job is getting harder as food insecurity increases, believe they're getting overwhelmed as there are many more targets in the lunch room. you have the poor kid who gets the special lunch dead or sandwich, or the poor kid who gets the i need a lunch money, branding by rubber stamp. branding the heretic. yes, but it is ending the means tested, want stigmatized and segregated students and increased inequality. and we've seen the benefits of the pandemic related emergency free lunch programs. california and main recently announced they're making free lunch permanent for all schools in their state's data even shows the universal lunch made mass schoolers rife. if we can afford to donate a fleet of black hawk helicopters to the taliban,
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we can afford to feed all students. but. but if you're a kid, tell your parents you still need lunch money. why? you want kids to pay for those cigarettes. it's child labor. if they have to work for it. all right, thanks sammy. moving on. it's time for something new here in the united states were known for pioneering, many arts jazz, hip hop, war crimes. the list goes on. but none may be as significant as our contributions to the art of debate. the tonight's topic is the california recall election happening september 14th, governor gavin newsom is officially under recall. people believe the candidate who has the best shot of the throwing, newsome is far right. talk show hosts larry elder arguing for notion,
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we have here and there's lane and arguing for elder, we have to offer con, all right guys. i want to fit through american debate. job are going to start. well, the case for larry elder is simple. yeah, the new so now newsome is a hypocrite. wrong. he says the state needs to be locked down, but he makes exceptions for his friends. so he says he wants to fight the fossil fuel industry, but he makes exceptions for his friends. he says he doesn't want me to come into his house and eat his food, but he makes exceptions for his friend broke into his house. you haven't knew some slash the state budget to fight wildfires and has been caught exaggerating the amount of preventative action. they've taken against future wildfires. that means that gavin newsom is pro wildfire and or rebuttal enters li here.
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lou, what makes gavin newsome great? well, i'll tell you one thing. he is not larry elder. i hate that guy. larry elder, it is. it is an absurd libertarian. talk show clown, it makes rush limbaugh, look like garrison dealer. everything. human got mean tude, everything. jennifer has criticized about newsome is even more true of elder gavin . know some is robert larry elder is lupe, unregulated. libertarian glue that will probably poison your shield. that was elder wants to immediately get rid of mask in vaccine mandate. we can have california be another florida. imagine losing disney world and disney land. that'll be too much for this country to bam. move like disney and boom. there will be a big for the fossil fuels he wants to cut health care education and he thinks california is minimum wage should be 0 dollars. well jennifer, i had gavin newsom as much as that. got it. but, well, i got to admit the elder guy is like a comic book. the only good thing about larry elder is that as
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a conservative talk show host in 2021. we know his days. remember, there's been an epidemic of it's, i've act and sort of talk, show host dying of i ready. i think you mean dying of freedom? no, i don't. and as i mentioned that elder black man is guilty of peddling races, that's right. well, i actually do some research on anders twitter in podcast history. turns out that anders is why i want to say that out. i apologize to you for being white every day. that is true. but look, we is right, gavin newsome is a flawless governor. i did not say that that is not true at all. you're exactly rightly we should elect elder, close the water, get rid of all the rounds and replace them. well. we've not from europe thinking, i didn't say that he's got i think what we've learned here is that gavin newsome is a terrible, awful, lying and hypocritical governor. and also this recall as
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a right, we show that our show but do not miss my interview with us political prisoner, steven danziger under dak, that v i p. you can get it with a portable tv app or by going to portable dot tv also for more commentary on the gutting of roe v wade and other stories go check out youtube dot com slash moment of clarity until next time. good knife and keep fighting. oh, i use driven by dreams shaped banks. those with me in me i
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think we dare to ask me i can't rec, drugs are essential for millions of patients or are they they want that pill that they hope will take care of their problem thoroughly and rapidly in the short term, they really work the problem is, in the long term, they're mostly disastrous. suddenly stopping a drug can cause withdrawal symptoms more serious than the condition it was meant to treat instead of the beneficial effects of these different medicines ending up to something wonderful. very often they're harmful effects and up to something terrible. can pills so of all ills? or are we trying to mitigate life itself? i just think i was like i was just scared, scared little girl, the 24. and like,
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didn't have to be so complicated. the the ah, the taliban celebrates, taking full control over the scan is done after declaring the procedure, the last remaining resistance. however, anti taliban fight is still claimed a whole part of the eastern time. she had providence and also also become a convicted rapist and several suspected terrorists discovered among the solemn c conservative to germany from afghanistan on friday, or introducing the bill to allow authorities access to the internet to can and the devices if any body under investigation.


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