tv News RT September 7, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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almost no food. no. what about that? only give them up. sure. somebody stuck a fish in the cove in your living like the theme of own but in the 21st century. ah ah, the biggest catch program in the history of the national health service promise? of course, johnson described his plans for the country's coven recovery, the paying for it means breaking to key election pledges? yes, i except this break, i manifest commitment, which is not which is not something i do likely, but a global pandemic within the stand. new interim government is announced. the cabinet featuring a taliban founder and a militant who's on the f. b, i wanted list so the b b. c apologizes for
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a documentary on an alleged chemical attack in syria in 2018, which made false claims of the former inspector who challenged the western narrative. the blamed the assad government. ah, get everything for julia. this is our british pm, boris johnson has broken 2 of his parties, key election promises in just one day and all to pay for the unprecedented impact of the pandemic. correspondence in london, isa ali has details absolutely. bars. johnson, the prime minister and flying because he was today by both his health secretary and his chancellor. really outlining these changes to been known. sometimes you get a government policy in particular when it comes to the law retention,
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which is essentially the positive insure factory pension is, would have been increased year on, on the pensions, whether it was the pegs, the rate of inflation rises in earnings or point 5 percent whichever one of those 3 q who in the highest, that's how much triple triple on pension would have risen by a 5 with an unusually high figure of age. with 8 percent rise in earnings. the government tailored simply to lies about pension is by the market for the following year. so they've habit to do away with this long you don't policy, but on to the funding, not saying that it's public interest for the overall economy. where beginning the biggest catch up program in history of the an h. s. the levy who share the cost as fairly, as possible between people and businesses. because we all benefit from
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a well supported in a chest and all businesses benefit from a healthy workforce. while the opposition carry, haven't taken it lightly. henry, a shudder work comparison. secretary jonathan reynolds, reacting to the prime minister, essentially saying that way the government have tried to frame this issue of, for example, people living longer and having healthier lives and insensitive way of dealing with one of the very real issues for the elderly when it comes to that pension to governments cases of the 1st day or in the pandemic have produced a statistical aberration. i reject the presentation of this issue as the source of intergenerational tension or unfairness because we all have an interest in ensuring that there's a decent state pension in the future. we would never present increase longevity as a problem. now this is of course the prime minister has broken within
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a day, the 2nd of those being an announcement to raise the national insurance contributions . the government, i promise not to do something to the pointing out strenuously. because when the manifesto was the rest of the country in the world and didn't have a pen to take into account, no conservative government, no conservative government to seek every once to raise taxes. and i will be honest with the high, except yes, i accept the break i manifest to commitment, which is not something. yeah. which is not something i do likely, but a global pandemic within the. so the government, the, the treasury, all with a balancing act to do to have tried to please if not all sectors of society as many as possible when it comes to gender. you have the so called global a gender build back. and that's a point. and slogan the bars johnson repeated again today. ok,
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well we discuss this with political commentator anthony webb, who told us the problems with the interest and social cast, multi well before the pandemic. i think it is damaging because of the way it's been done to saw with he's playing 3 times. i make the governments is actually dealt with the district course that way it's been spending money. i'm not thinking about the consequences. it's now trying to deal with the consequences by bringing in this additional means, like a mummy house, as a leader. the opposition court is now today all the problems we had with the us and with social care interested well before the american revolt. so afghan, the stand 3 weeks since the taliban swept back to power and seized full control of
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the country. the islamist military group is now officially announced this into the government correspondent where i guess the reports from cobble. there had been a lot of speculation in the, in the weeks leading up to this point about the makeup of any new afghan or taliban government, whether the taliban would but compromise to all the codes, especially from the west. but any new afghan government to be to be inclusive perhaps even include women in it. but these new government that has been announced . 5 the tattered bud says, this is a care take government, so only temporary, perhaps with legend stated, for the future. this new government is swell, tally bad through and through. they have elected to go for the iranian model. and nowadays for a supreme leader, i mean he bit the law who is the supreme leader of the taliban ruling, the government, which is then made up of a prime minister in this case, mohammed whom formerly the prime minister of the out of the taliban government
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during 2000 during 2001 when they were lost in power, he is seen as a loyal functionary of the tyler by someone who has stayed as have all the other figures in this new government with the data. but through the long years of us occupation, m. v. insurrection, against the other names on these new government lease will perhaps turn heads. you could move ahead. one of the sons of the co founder, or perhaps even arguably the founder of the taliban. he is now slated to be the defense minister. perhaps an even more controversial appointment is that of the new interior of minutes to hit or dean, her guardian, the son of a former warlord, and someone who has a $5000000.00 bounty to him set by the united states. he's wanted for
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questioning with regards to a bombing in 2008, which killed amongst others, a us citizen. he is believed to be heavily involved in again the, the insurrection and the resistance against us present. and nathan present here got to start again. there was a lot of a lot of speculation that perhaps given how hard the taliban is trying to, to god to get to get it to the actual recognition that they would make compromises . but perhaps after what happened in pad, she had a valley over the last week. the fierce battles there and the pipes decimation of the opposition that had gathered that the taliban elements, perhaps, that had a bold and the taliban to appoint the government and the figures. but that it has, nevertheless, again, a temporary government. the taliban says it is unclear yet how long it will stay in power. and what will follow is syrian british journalists, richard med hearse,
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believes that they will take a cautious approach to the new afghan government, hoping the country doesn't descend towards terrorism. again, i think that a lot more can be achieved with diplomacy. if they really want to stop ganeth them from becoming a terror hub, as they say, the best thing to do is to, you know, sit down and talk with talent to avoid. busy this happening, but as i said, i'm gonna send was never a problem really regarding 911 of the war on terror. this was all the far invaded afghanistan and iraq for different reasons, right. if they were really concerned about terrorism, they have to look at the room allies because many of them are sponsors of terrorism . and the united states itself was helping these groups, right. the very same ones that are now in the, in the taliban government to how connie network, for example. and as we said, the majority back in the 1080, they were getting the money from the united states. so the u. s. helped create these groups, pop them up and had a hand in this had a role. and it's very important to underline the historical aspect of that the b,
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b. c has apologized for a documentary on an alleged chemical attack in syria in 2018. they admitted that it contained serious inaccuracies. comes 10 months after the report was ad on radio for a key implication by the british broadcast. that was that a former inspector whose views had contracted starkly with the western narrative, blaming the syrian government. that was motivated. they said by a pale from wikileaks was supplied website was in fact offering a cash incentive for information on doom at the time, but says no such reward was paid. the editor in chief of wiki lynx welcomed the apology from the b. b. c. adding, he hopes that other media outlets will follow suit, shall he had was dashti, has more unraveling. what really happened? that takes us to the heart of the global race and to control the narrative as the war. this was the opening of a, b, b, c radio for documentary. and as we know, the pbc predicate itself on anything box, fake news,
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the tools you can rely on the go to platform for truth and the broadcast, the vows to leave no stone left on turn over the ledge. 2018 chemical talk in syria . but i run it clean now 10 months off to the publishing of this so called truce, the bbc admit, so that contains some serious inaccuracies. the see you found that although they were limited to one aspect of an investigation into a complex and hotly contested subject, these points represented a failure to meet the standard of accuracy appropriate to a program of this kind. and this program, a so called account of a former inspector from the organization for the per mission of chemical weapons under the name alex was included. only it suggests that alex is. disclosures has been motivated by reward of a $100000.00 offered by wiki leaks. now, just to be clear, no such reward was ever paid according to wiki itself, but why would they be c? remember this, this serious is the result of sorrow journalism and needs to be
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b. c's editorial standards and number of your points are based on inaccurate interpretations of the contents of the serious. and we would suggest listening again for clarification. as appropriate. we approached individuals where allegations were raised, invite exam, as well as others to respond to what is reported in the program was done by the investigation and now were journalism. yes, it was a b, c, talking about the same documentary off the journalists are in must a sensible casa. his question about how the documentary series failed to mention reports, i found a, b, b, c, john, this rhymes lassie that the attack may have been staged. and how it will to down down the x, y, former p. c, w inspector jose, but stoney, as merely having an axe to grind with the americans. however, they will either rebuff or down played back then that he would say now admits it insinuated that alex was off to the cash bounty. but that's all the documentary
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fabricated, or at least a seriously exaggerated. it also claim that pizza hitchens the agenda to fall these complaints against the documentary in the very fast side, shall the russian and syrian state views on the complex that these attacks were indeed staged. and yes, the claims have been withdrawn by the b, b, c. but aligning hitchens with the russian, syria and official view leads to why and questions about anyone stepping out of line automatically being pitted as spinning and, and to what the narrative has to. alex is dealing with journalists, although he has collaborated with journalists who held, brought the same views on the war as the russian and 3 governments. it also collaborated with journalists of whom that could not be said, mister hitchens, among them. if they say, suppose the bone can tackle narratives rather than spin and create them all vs lay the b, b. c has backtracked on that and well peter hitch and to push the b b. c to face. it's fundamental flaws. hales is all as
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a factory for truth. what does it mean about the war agenda? the broadcast has been pushing for years. the bbc reporting is very biased and, and very much supportive of british establishment. this was a very important incident. it led to the u. k. the u. s. and perhaps bombing syria, there's been a very heavy bias. an assumption that i thought was always wrong and that the accusations of the west were always right. and it's time after time we've seen incident switch and accusations by the west, which have convincingly turned out to be not through time hoping that more more requests will be made to them to look into more substantial issues here. the fall and from the taliban take over enough. gunston supposed to challenge for the central asian region and also russia and facing off any potential threat is
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a key focus of military drills now. underway in the nation of categor done on these constantine rush casa, the cloud. well, the military exercises been crickets down have officially kicked off impressive show of force displayed by famous rocket artillery launcher is the famous grab and elsewhere. the training facility troops have also engaged in active shooting, and these are well under way. now, these workings are stage of annual leave. this year, they are communism the backdrop of the disastrous us redraw from, again, it's dan, which is, by the way, not far from here. and as the how the bond is still trying to establish itself as the new government in kabul, neighboring countries, namely get, dan, did you get sam as big as dan, as well as russia, their main military ally are weary of uncontrolled militants, for extreme as might take advantage of the situation and cause trouble in
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the military and political situation in collective security treaty organization, soon of a direct responsibility is still complicated. the most vulnerable area is central asia. in the wake of the talent, they coordinate. galveston, which borders on to genius time the region is seen height and activity from international terrorism, and really just radicalism. now this training facility, the training ground where we are at, is located in probably one of the most scenic part of stan and the mountain by the lake vista. cool. and it is specifically designed to help the military deal with mountain 1000 military personnel as well as, or tillery over 100 feet. the armored vehicles tanks as well as a vh and are taking part in this maneuvers now according to the area of the israel, the terrorist and the made up country named gunny,
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attacked several villages here. and there was main job to repel the sold as quickly as possible. well, this region has a grace repeated important for russia cruise. and one of the main rushes out posed in this region, the no tree phase in the seat of khan. and by the way, helicopter then several closures, or chats from the base, are also taken part in this maneuvers. other countries that have send the military to the exercise. there were conflicts done in virginia down along with russia and fergus done. these are 4 members of the c s t o, the collective security treaty organization, which brings together 6 former soviet republics. now, the main goal of these trails, like any other drill, improve skills of the military. but there is also a message here that moscow allies in the region remain vigilant. in this you most was time following the us pull out from again a sam. it's been revealed more than half of all the people on germany's
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extremist watch list on german passport holders. revelation came following a request from mil to to for germany. party among the suspects are citizens of syria, iraq, russia, turkey and afghan. the stuff we spoke with a f d member, martin hess about the government's migration policy on z. they simply don't see or recognize that the basic mistake is the people without identity, paperless, and without the identity cause of being allowed into the country on a massive scale. they simply don't want to recognize that it is not possible to check the background of these people mentioned. as a result, the threats of islamist terrorism in our country continues to increase. feel we need to protect a board as effectively and we must not as has now happening in our kennesaw and bring people into our country without any checks. can we see what can happen if we brought 20 convicted criminals into the country? we have committed a whole range of crying for melissa children to other sexual offences. and in
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addition, take a number of people. we don't know exactly how many other issues, including those present to fix, pursuing a completely misguided migration policy. we need to broaden only those who have no intention to prove who they are, give a credible reason should be allowed to enter our country. she wants policy. we should help those in need and for refugee doesn't have to be in january, should be somewhere closer to their home. and i was when we ship consistently for anyone who becomes islamist or preacher of hey can give a con, we can only of the same ship by deporting them where it is possible. where it is not possible because there are obstacles on taishan. we have to put them in custody awaiting with ation, mr. german says who we can not to who we should put them into longer term, cassidy for how we should reduce their radius fax, one to 0. by depriving them with their liberty, the only that will bring security to our country is consequent. now, what's
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me. it's almost exactly 10 years ago today when we 1st was back in 2011 and i said it would be the biggest story the decade. and certainly that has proven to be the case, and now we've got out the door making big point legal, tender, the the, the, the ah, the canadian prime minister, just into the didn't get the war, mr. welcomes during an electioneering campaign stop in ontario. when gravel was thrown at him, demonstrators made the move as the pan was boarding, his bus boots, jim health post is falling for no vaccine passports and no lockdown. gravel only
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hits his shoulder to dose that he was an incident came to the premier earlier fund . anti vax mob been disrupting liberal campaign events in recently today called a snap, generally election last month signed to lead the country out of the pandemic. but his covert recovery plans of face shall criticism, along with the facts, canadians having to go to the pulse 2 years ahead of schedule independent political on this dallas under bruno shed, his thoughts on to those decision to go to the pulse. well, he appears to be on rocky ground. however, when they called the election a few weeks ago, actually election coincided by the way with the events in cobble with the withdrawal of the american. it seemed a strategic move at the time because the liberals were actually doing quite well for awhile, particularly with with the vaccinations. there was a feeling that while flo and some say bumpy and the little lock downs
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were easing during the summer. so there was a feeling of that, that there's some resolution approaching. i can see why they called this election now before whatever troubles would come as a result of the economic stimulus programs. we don't know in many countries in the west are in for a number of surprises, i think in, in the next coming months. so perhaps if a high, the, i being a strategist for 2 though who is seeking a majority government right now, he has a minority government the west african nation of guinea rarely draws global headlines for the military to their essential quakes through commodity markets. that's because it's a key metal producer with
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a dramatic spike in minion prices. some marketplace spotted a chance. the caching on he's done, you hawkins, has been taking a closer look. this isn't the 1st coup and guineas. recent history. in fact, is one of several people's in a number of former french african colonies in just a few months. presidents of the impoverished west african states taken into custody while the countries special forces. their constitution dissolved by nationwide curfew declared with any refusal from officials to cooperate deemed a rebellion. the mutiny is certainly mean business, but claim is all for the greater good will no longer infest. politics to one man will trust it to the people. guineas, beautiful. we don't need to re geenie any more. we just need to make love to her. the world is seeing a rare moment of unity from the year when to the african union, and even usually rival staves quickly bonded together to condemn the military takeover. i am personally following the situation in guinea very closely. i
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strongly condemn any take over the government by force of the gun and call for the immediate release of president alpha con day said why all the attention? guinea, despite being direly poor, is actually pretty rich apart from large amounts of gold and diamonds. the country holds by some estimates, a 3rd of the worlds of the box life. one of the main sources of minium, in fact, is the world's 2nd largest producer and metal markets look pretty rattled right now . if you do have issues in the country that supplies 20 percent of book site to the global market, then clearly that will be a problem. element in price is a decade high. great news for mining companies. but it probably makes little difference to the average guinea and like in most former colonies, is mainly mining conglomerates that tend to profit multiple states have investments in the country from russia and china to australia and the u. k. according to the us state department,
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one of the biggest plays in guineas. marcus is france. french companies, as part of international conglomerates, play a big role in the mining sector, as well as the privatization of the countries energy grid. relations between the 2 countries have grown closer under the baffled president's rule. from from guinea have shown bilateral relations with many high level meetings relations have intensified since south con, they came to power called a one office in the country's 1st free elections in later years. like many lead is on the continent. he was accused of holding sham elections. which the opposition boycotted, cracking down on, beset, timid, bloody protest, costing dozens of lives. yet his rule is still considered better than an unknown alternative. and guinea turbulence follows and all too familiar pattern, 3 crews, and just 10 years and laboring form will furnish colony. molly, a recent military takeover in shad following the killing of its strong one pro didn't erase debbie, a long time,
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french ally with president micron even attending his funeral again. despite his flaws. paris was pragmatic. things could be worse. this latest crew certainly won't be the loss in a vicious cycle of violence, power struggles, and instability for africans in former colonies, the only certainty seems to be more of the same. and as the world condemn is the latest round of violence. it's a sad fact that unity only seems to be shown what national interests are at stake. africa seems to be still stuck between either authoritative regime and truly do not want to leave out like what happens on the or school and the worst type. of course i always the military one, so it's unfortunate, but i don't see positive development in the future in the conference because this is a problem of most african and developing countries. it's that the natural resources are not really used to help develop the country for the sake of the test. it is
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that the, the conundrum that most african countries have not managed to rick away from. so i don't think even the new regime we manage to do different policies, i guess the business as usual would be the same again, get a, be me going to korea. and then the multinational companies will keep proctoring from the actual resources for with a smoke size or gold or diamond. i don't think things would change for the regular regular guinea institute. k ones, you know, more than half an hour. the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except when the short or conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we
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should be very careful about artificial intelligence. the point obviously is to create truck rather than fear i would take on various jobs with artificial intelligence. real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy going from station let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. developments only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful at the very critical time. time to sit down and talk
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i have often said transparency for the powerful privacy for the last bit cares about privacy. what people care about is power tuning and sons has become a symbol of the battles of brevity. information is power. that's what's going on, or a huge struggle with governments and corporations who want to keep information secret and others who think democratic rights should be pushed forward. and people have a right to know what to do. watch how a sounds helped to shift the conversation around transparency and see what that battle has done to him. i feel like joy might be coming to an end. we are in a conflict situation with the largest and most powerful employer in such a situation. it's remarkable.
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