tv News RT September 8, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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everywhere, you know, choose the game that you want, any open roll game to that, and you are now on a vacation in a place where you're like flying helicopters or you're, you're on beaches, you're, you're in a city drive, you know, what are the car you want your name and these, these are getaways ah, breaking news and rti, russia security service claims that was behind a secret mission invalid bruce, which held the ultimate aim of sabotaging ties between mince and moscow. the rushes emergencies minister dies while trying to save a person's life. during 3, any exercises in the park, we got the project, the details of what is emerging a little later in the program. also coming up
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the president joe biden gets a hostile reception from his own citizens, amid public frustration over his handling of the damage. and the 20th anniversary of $911.00 approaches. our team explores the legacy of america as war. busy undetermined the series of special reports. today we'll be hearing from families who saw loved ones killed in a recent us to strike in a capital. i'm the head of the family that has lost and of its members, and this is not a mistake of america. this is a crime!
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aah! from moscow to the world, this is our t thanks for choosing us for your mid week global news roundup. i'm you know new. we begin with breaking news. we have managed to obtain 1st ton confirmation from russia security service, the f s. b of a cia plot involving bella luce, ukrainian intelligence, and 32 russian mercenaries. apparently, the ultimate goal was the pet moscow against the break it all done for us. let's cross to our correspondent ilia patricia elia. it really does sound like the plot of a spy thriller, doesn't it? can you tell us, 1st of all, why is russian intelligence revealing this information? no,
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you didn't. hi again. well, the russian federal security service called the the f s. b is reacting to a story. and it's now run by cnn. the story dating back to last year is back in the headlines because of a piano and report their journalists found from ukraine's security services. that the c i a assisted secret operation when more than 30 wasn't national, were arrested in mid and this included cash being sent to you. crazy and other ways of technical assistance and so on and so forth. now, i just interviewed a person who is working for the russian federal security service, and he has told me that the russian agents possess it up details to confirm
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everything that the cnn is currently reporting. however, according to the f s b, cnn has failed to mention that actually the cia was in charge of this entire peroration. so this wasn't even something that originated in ukraine and also the ultimate goal of all this. the main goal by washington was to so discord between moscow and bel ruth was to create an unprecedented conflict between the government here and moscow and admins as well. so will you perhaps put a bit more meat on the bone of what happened in ballard last year? than with the russian contractors. right, you didn't, this story is indeed very complicated, but i will try and help you digest that. so this was less than 2 weeks before
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a very important event and bow roost a presidential election. it was followed by mass opposition, protest, and unrest in bel rousseau. the country was very tense mood just before that. now, more than 30 our been wearing a military uniform, common gosh, arrived to barrows, and they were supposed to be on the way to assemble. and then later on to that as well up to the guard the all infrastructure there, at least that's what the men were thinking now. eventually it was revealed that they were lower than by ukraine's agents that were faking this whole story. but shortly after their arrival in bel roof, they were all detained, brutally by the bel rushing k, g, b, as terrorists. because the bel bush and side thought that the russian nationals
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were in the country to inside unrest and street violence during the election. now what we are hearing from the f s b right now that this was a chip off receipt by meant from the c i a and this was actually how the americans were trying to solve the sport that was trying to tell you about. felt that this was some kind of fake that the, these men, again, they were in dollars on this kind of mission. but according to the wash inside, they were members of a russian private security firm, possibly a number of security firms. and they had nothing to do with the russian government and with everything that was happening inside bell root. however, again, this information was revealed after this whole detention and after these men were let go. shortly after the whole story in mid ukraine demanded that they be
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extradited to keep because of their alleged role in the conflict and gone back. that is east ukraine, where the men supposedly bought along by pro russian anti government forces. so this was the plot. this was something that the gradient spies were planning in advance. now we're finding out that this wasn't even, again, the main thing behind the story because there was a major geo political goal behind all the, according to the russian f as b. to make sure that because of all this, because bell rose could have handed these men over to you. crane that would have spart a massive conflict between moscow and ment. we know that this never happened because this whole plot was eventually revealed, but now we're finding out that washington could have been behind all this. again, at least the russian officials saying that they've got all the details about this
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whole plot. and this is what they're getting up from them. and soon we're going to show you bits of that interview that are recorded in the building behind my shoulder. yes, so many aspects to that story. good job, breaking it all done for sylvia. thank you for that. are teas alia patricia go k to another major story of the day rushes emergencies minister has tragically died while attending training exercises in the arctic. it is believed the skinny is in a chav, jumped off a cliff into waters to try and rescue a camera man who was also fatally injured. our teeth. daniel hawkins, can tell us more. you're going to finish f would be less familiar to those abroad than at home. now, here in russia though, he was a well known part of the governing bodies, most recently serving his head of the russian emergencies ministry. a very senior chief position once occupied by the current defense minutes,
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the saturday should go. we know that mister chef was in the city of no risk in the northern fault of russia. taking part in training exercises organized by the emergency ministry. there were a large number of journalists, video operators, directors in attendance, who were filming a training video for the emergency ministry eye, witness accounts state. but at $1.00 of this group of journalists and directors got too close to the edge of a cliff. and neither fell or began to fall. mississippi chef was standing me, a boy whose training kicked him and he attempted to hold the direct to jumping off to him. sadly, his efforts were futile. both men were l. if it's a hospital and to come to the injuries, medics power to help one of our correspondents from all the spanish was also in attendance at these training exercises. this is what he told us on trying to save the film director, who was there at that moment in order to choose
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a new location for his future film. according to witnesses, the director stumbled and fell in each have rushed to save him, fell on to a rock. unfortunately, neither of them survived. you. local residents told us this place is very dangerous . tragedies have already happened there. aside from his role as head of the emergency ministry post yorkie pie since 2018 and misses in a chef also occupied positions in the russian security operator serving. is that pretty head of the f s b on the security account? so as one is being part for many years of the russian president's partial security detail effectively being mr. putins a to camp. and the some president has already expressed his deep condolences in connection with mister chef death. he leaves behind is wife, a son, a grandson, and 2 granddaughters. dying what he was trained to do, what he loved doing, and what he did for large part of his life,
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which was saving lives in dire situations where nobody else could do appointment for his position as head of the emergency ministry will be appointed in due course . you've been using a shift, though, of course, will be remembered as a hero. there was a frosty reception for joe biden, this week out of new jersey time ravaged by the recent hurricane ida, a group of locals, voice their anger over the dentist and polite with some even branding the american president, a tyrant. the. c c fury quite vocal over the war and of gala stone is being felt all the more acutely
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in the run up to a grim anniversary for the united states. almost 20 years have passed since the tragic events of $911.00 a day that shook the world and set the stage for the us war and turn to market. we've been taking a closer look at the devastating impact the subsequent to decades of conflict, us out on the lives of millions in our special project on heard voices. the will use all tools at our disposal. killed our children to united states was bringing people to watch a site. it was a pointless exercise where we start by looking at the impact of one recent defense, a so called defensive or a strike conducted by the u. s. in couple, at the end of august, just before the gun withdrawal deadline, we heard from fathers who lost their children in the raid. the youngest was a toddler. h to saw the sandals belong to melinda.
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she was very close to me. i looked her so much. she always told me to buy ice cream, u. s. military forces conducted and unmanned over the horizon airstrike on a vehicle known to be an imminent isis k threat. on the morning of the bombing, she came and kissed me and said, good morning, father. it was her last meeting. i will never see her again. the my name is amanda maddie. i'm the head of the family that has lost 10 of its members. it was around 4 30 pm. i left for the market and on the way i met my elder brother who was driving back home. we talked a little then he left to go home and i crossed the road to go to the other side. i just crossed the road and i heard an explosion. my daughter later to me that she saw a small aircraft, a drone, moving around in
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a circle which then fired and metal about hitch or home. i turned to look, there was dust and smoke lightning. it was a terrible scene. my wife was shutting her high. she was on fire. ah, there were parts of children's bodies. it was so bloody increase and i went into my home on fun, my brother and the nephew. they were critically injured, but still alive and breathing. they later died in hospital. my brother and 9 others were killed in this horrific attack. my brother's daughter, who was soon to get married, also lost her life. another relative was also here, a guest. she was killed to oh, i my loves cosmetics,
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she likes painting her nails. she like dolls very much. the main cause of the incident was the american president, planning this attack without any evidence and destroying our family was a catastrophe. ringback ringback ah, the president is made clear to the commanders that they should stop at nothing to make isis pay for the deaths of those american service members at the cobbler airport. they say, isis k lived in this house in this house, were these children members of ices, a stupid thought without any proof, without any investigation, they attacked us and killed our children, and we will never forgive them. ah, our entire families in shock. it's being so painful for us mentally. we are not in
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a stable condition. the women are dead silent. they don't speaking. oh no, we left our devastated homes and now live in my sister's place. it's so painful to visit it because we could see your children dying there. the people accusing us of having contact with this law, mac state, the americans who bombed our family, seeing we'd been preparing an attack on them. their complete and utter liars, ah . ringback after the incident, no authority came here to investigate. nobody asked us what happened to your new one help? no one came here to morally support us. this is not a mistake of america, this is a crime. we've lost her children. the count returned to us. so what mister owner should be restored by
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a fir investigation into the incident. we all see international community to investigate this incident. ah, make no mistake. no, no, cherry on the face of the earth, works harder to avoid civilian casualties than the united states military. and nobody wants to see innocent life taken i think that the americans have left us get this done. they came because of their own goals and humiliated my country. america is not achieved. anything in africa on america has failed in afghanistan, and it is made our people miserable. oh, will be speaking with more people, both soldiers and civilians whose lives were changed forever by america's war in
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our continuing special coverage on heard voices right through the week. now just days after the last u. s. military jet left afghanistan, the by den ministration is asking congress for within $6000000000.00 to resettle thousands of african refugees. that's in addition to the trillions already spent on the longest ever american war kill of open reports. so how much cash is every american dish out for the war on terror? well, if you do the math for each individual in the united states, it comes out to about $16000.00. 64000 for a family, for your interior, for 60 that cool. it or is it worth it? no, horrible. it's too much. $600000.00 is a lot for everybody. not everybody could pay that. whereas a gone, is there any accountability?
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i feel they could do better things that the money especially was going on with depend demik right now and the state wherein here at home i say take care here 1st and then you worry about elsewhere. i mean, we've got a lot of domestic issues here. i will give priority whether it's college funding or house tuition, whatever they needed for a really terrible, terrible lot of people while thinking that they're going to fight for a country and this and that. but they lose their lives and bring people home. now some might say that that is a small price to pay in order to keep us safe from terrorist attacks like on $911.00. but apparently there have been some other less than honorable motives who can milk this thing all the way to 2015. there's plenty to go round. the old military industrial complex is always hungry for cash and they melt it way past 2015. it is now 2021 and the u. s. de unload it at this point, roughly 6 trillion dollars and that is a conservative estimate. now that's only the financial cost. let's go over the
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human cost of 20 years worth of violence and killing. but now it's over. coach biden blew his whistle and we're leaving the court. so who won? what have we truly accomplished in 20 years of post $911.00 was millions of lives and trillions of dollars later, who has one who has lost and at what price 20 years from now was to be reckoning with has societal costs. we have dentist done in iraq was low enough to us forces that gun. so as the us a learned anything from decades of war. will we now get a peace dividend to pay for things like health care education and infrastructure? like again, right after bringing the troops home, congress actually increased the military budget. biden's proposed pentagon budget was already it's near reco levels before the house armed services committee. radcliffe recommendation to add nearly $24000000000.00 higher than the peaks of the korean or vietnam was, or the recon build up of the $980.00 is if we concerned about making america and the world safer,
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we should be investing more funds in addressing pandemic climate change and racial and economic injustice, not by un weapons. we don't need a price as we can't afford. after 20 years. trillions of dollars. nothing seems to have been learned by the united states and economy based on war keeps rolling ahead . caleb bobbin r t new york and other story to bring you today. a gas explosion in an apartment block near moscow has claimed at least 2 lives and left 9 injured. the building in against was partially destroyed in the block, which happened wednesday morning the well, this video was captured by a bystander right after the explosion as you may just be able to miss. here the young girl lead to be a 3 or 4 star, struck the, precariously on the ledge of an apartment with it was blow nice. people were urging her not to move the child listened and was later brought down safely thankfully by
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rescuers reporting from the can scar t double quarter. as you can see behind me, this is the tragic aftermath of the gas explosion that rocked against your moscow in the early hours of the morning. it looks as if you as if several apartments were literally ripped out of the building and windows of neighboring buildings have also been shattered. as a result of the blast, 2 people have been confirmed to be killed and it's looking like another 9 have been injured. 2 of which were children that the emergency services were actually able to save from the rubble, as you can see behind me, they're still working on that. and there's also off camera, people cleaning up glass workers, cleaning up the rubble of what came off of the building after this terrible explosion for being evacuated from both the effected building and part of the neighboring building. as the authorities have said, that the latter is actually in danger of suffering serious damage if the former were to collapse upon it in the potential situations.
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francis top court has upheld charges against the cement company for funding terrorism. lafarge is accused of paying 13000000 euro to johanna groups in syria to keep its operations running our t, charlotte, to ben sky house more for us. jackie ations was paid almost 13000000 years to a number of military groups in syria during the conflict that including 2 she's allegations state back 220132014. when the fours made the payments, the legislature 20 for cement company continuing to be able to operate in the country. now the 1st is also accused of buying pet tools from a middleman which is proven would be indirect violation of you in ball goes now for as try to have some of the allegations against big cost with a lower court earlier. this is turning round and saying that allegations of crime
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against humanity could be thrown that france is hope court. the supreme court has now waded into this and decided that actually lose allegations can be put back on the table. this is what the court said in its judgements, in this case, the payment of several $1000000.00 to an organization which is actively criminal is enough to characterize the complicity. whether or not the party in question was only doing so to see the commercial activity, but case had been brought to the court's attention by former employees over the fall, and also had be backed by n g o is what groups have welcome to this decision. a great win in the fight for corporate accountability for international crimes, or far as can be prosecuted for complicity and crimes against humanity. so i hear that the father can now be investigated for crimes against humanity is not good for
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the company. also faces of the charges, including the financing of terrorism, endangering the lives of individuals and of course, violating that you involve go now to far for its purpose, has admitted that it stayed pe militants inferior during 2013 and during 2014. but it says that in a pre to try and help its employees for protecting them home the ground. we also know that several invest in executive school falls also under investigation. as part of why look into the falls is activities were in syria to really periods in the process. it is continuing to cooperate with all that you shall investigation. i put the idea that the falls could now face these additional accusations, this investigation of crimes that can bring humanity would set a precedent. there is a trial they just get because why do investigation is still going on. if it goes to
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trial, it will be the 1st time that a french company has been tried in fonts in this way. the last segment of the north stream to gas pipeline linking russia to germany was welded in the baltic sea on monday. it's been completed as well just of a time when europe is expecting a winter surgeon gas demand. peter oliver can tell us more 3 years in the making and not without a bumper to along the road. the final piece of the old stream to gas pipeline has been welded into place. the final bit of pipe is piece 200500 and 58th and appraised the $11000000000.00 gym. so once the tops are turned on, it will bring siberian gas via the russian port of lucca under the baltic sea right here to germany. the mayor of the si size tone where the pipeline arrives in europe,
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who doubles up as a life. god says the energy project brings not only gas, but money, and jobs as well. because of the pipeline pipeline is very important for the town of lubin. we still benefits both during the construction and operating stages for our industrial port, which is a municipal court in which living has a state to generate jobs. as a result of the projects in the long term operational phase, the ton of leave me will receive a share of the business profits generated by the north stream to pipeline, as well as gas gates and other company. that's one of the 1500000 euros that will go to leave mental health budgets. it's not all being smooth sailing though. for us president donald trump wanted to sell europe more of america's liquefied natural gas problem. there though is it's more expensive than the piped russian variety. so he slapped sanctions on the nord stream to project causing hold ups. so we're protecting germany, we're protecting france, we're protecting these countries. and then numerous of the countries go out and
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make a pipeline deal with russia, where they're paying billions of dollars into the coffers of russian. germany is totally controlled by russia because they will get it from 60 to 70 percent of their energy from russia and a new pipeline. in may, the current inhabitants of the white house lifted the sanctions on the north stream to company. that doesn't mean he's a fun my you know, to, to, has been known for some time. good friends can disagree and, but by the time i became president, there was 90 percent completed and imposing sanctions did not seem to make any sense. ukraine is also worried that it could be used to cut it out of the european gas trans that infrastructure. however, russia says switches the demand for its gas, the more roots it has to europe, the better moscow's always said,
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that nord stream to isn't economic project and has nothing to do with politics. and perhaps that's why the mayor of you been isn't too concerned about the effects. geo politics could have on the pipeline coming into his town on a list, often hom, through the get either a 5 german state involved in the construction of the north street to projects and other states of assessed and endorse the project. and so the, even one court cases over, i've always believed that this project could be implemented within the legal framework that exists within the you and those state. i have not been concerned that high school means could stop the project, european politics, federal politics, and even american politics are too far away from us. we just did our job, did our taxes and everything to make sure this projects became successful as the 1st notary high applying. there were still 2 or 3 legal hurdles overcome with regard to the gas market directive with the commissioning and transport of the gases. but i'm quite sure that russia and the countries in companies involved resolve these issues and that we will start receiving the 1st rushing through the
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pipelines before the end of 2021, with the pipeline connected up just behind me certificate action and safety checks will take around 3 months to be completed after that, while nord stream to will be able to pump as much as 55000000000 cubic meters of gas per year. he to germany, that's roughly enough. the heat around 26000000 european homes feature all of a r t on the baltic coast. one of the globe is most respected and read. wore a correspondence in conversation next john poacher, yesterday's guest, and going underground. it all starts and moments do speak of me the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people.
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