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tv   Dennis Miller One  RT  September 10, 2021 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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and you have a good, a good dog. and i think that's probably a lot of true for that. we'll talk to about it. seasonable law right up to this. dennis miller plus one. the folks welcome to dennis miller plus one. i talked to the cat before, i shouldn't call the dog was for cat. sorry, my phone hipster stuff. sees him. a lot of the show caesar's a dog trainer with over 25 years experience working with man's best friend. he is most well known obviously for his emmy nominated series. dog whisper was caesar milan before his successful show, caesar focused on rehabilitating severely aggressive dogs and found that the dog psychology center in los angeles. that's a quandary for dog because they're often told to get off the couch, but the dog psychology center, they are encouraged to hop up on the couch, is
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a new show called caesar milan better human, better dog like that, which is now streaming on disney plus. she's are milan. how are you? my friend thing. great, great. but i do want to say something. i don't train dogs, i train people, you know, so i know they put me in the category of training dogs. i don't, i don't, i make sure that i train the human so they know how to connect, communicate, and then train the dog. that's what makes the well trained point noted. my friend, now listen, before we get started, i spent the weekend with my son and his friends dog benny, who is the best dog i've ever, but he's a doodle. is the sweetest got all he wants is love. and caesar, i fancy that when i'm patting him and we're having fun together, please tell me that when i think he's smiling, he's smiley because i hate the buzz kill thing. where the people say no. to hear
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this is the one the on the scale like that. how often can i assume they're smiling or not at all that? well, if they're not thirsty, they're definitely smiling. if they're not hot, they're definitely smart. they do imitate behavior, right? so if you're sad, they get that if you're excited, they get excited, save your smile. they do imitate it's part of learning. yeah, there you go because i'm always smiling at him and occasionally looks back. i think i hope happy with my company as i am with him because he is the sweetest creature on god's green earth. all right. tell me about the. busy new show, it sees a lot better human, better dog that alludes to what we just talked about, where you train the owners and not the dogs. tell me about show, where is it going to be? where can we see it and tell me, tell me about the overview. well, it's already area and national geographic every wednesday is on disney plus. but the whole point is for people to learn to utilize their home,
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the home should feel safe, peace, and love. this is the energy of the house, your energy should feel comp, compton, love and joy, and your community. your family should be in agreement committed and followed through. then your dog will imitate, or will show that this is the behavior in this house with this family. with this activities. dog is the only member of the family that actually tells the truth. so if the family practice inside, he and the dog is going to show inside the practice of the family and break this exercise, the dog is going to show like a fitness you see it. i mean, so the dog is always going to tell the human the reality. so i wanted to create a place where people can come get rehabilitated right away together with the dog and the family. and that's why i created a dog psychology center. you know, sir, i would assume, as the pandemic impact of everything on the planet earth, it impacted pet adoption. i would imagine a lot of people felt that they had cabin fever and might have went into dog adoption with. i don't know the stake intentions. tell me how you feel it impacted
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it and how is it's, how is it served or not served? are canine community? well, as you know, the shelters were full before the pan damn. yes. so it was not that the human actually wanted to rescue dog is the human. they want to be alone during the search . ok, artic moment on earth, you know. but at the same time, when you enter in a relationship with the knowledge, the outcome is not going to be good. that's why we jump right away said guys, we have to make a show right away for people. they just rescued dog, but another gun inside. i creaked in a way, you know, the going to be inside the house. the boat was before the, when they came before the human work too much. now the human doesn't work and doesn't do anything. you know, so now is the human and the dog spending too much time inside a crate that we call home. you know, caesar, when i hear you talking and talk about the human. i know in your heart, maybe i've just say maybe you've been in the human race,
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can be brutal and the canine race. i find if you treat them well, almost seem conditionally loving. but i wonder if during your life you've accumulated a track record with the human race where you're less, less amenable to their company than you are to dogs. let's think about it where the only species fall unstable leaders. so only human following stability. you know, so the dogs don't understand why humans follow unstable leaders. i just read a story about a pack of wild dogs attacking somebody. was a horrific story. you say the storage come up every day. there must be unsound leaders in the canine community to when you concede. no, no, no, that's a territorial behavior. that's a family behavior. they don't just look for trouble. they just protect home. they protect family, you know, human. that's behavior out of pure aggression. pure,
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you know, but a dog is not going to go look for you into your house. that means you pass by the house. when you're, when you're 1st dog, where are you at as a young human when you get it and how did it start to begin to heal your didn't tell me about your 1st encounter with your 1st dog? well i grew up in a farm, so we never just had one dog. we always had a pack of dogs that were the knowledge of the psychology of dog. you know how dogs behave among each other. most people and the city just had one dog. i was a farm kid with a pack of dots. you know? so i knew i could, i could never give you like, you know, my pass by one dog. it was a pack of dogs with a pack of humans. you know, my grandfather, my grandmother, my mom, my dad. so i grew up in a very traditional environment, you know, which is a large group a few months. and then, and the farm is a large group of animals. was that was that was, that was my life. i read an interesting story. i had never heard this before.
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perhaps it's anecdotal. but what did, what did j to pink at smith, seeing you a certain sort of empathy that allowed her to help you early on. and it seemed that she played an interval part not so touching to me. tell me about that. well, you know this debbie every once in a while you, you get to meet people like angels that you can see the help your life. so when i, when i start working with j as dog sucky, she jaida was coming back to south center and think left. since in one point i just felt open to say, you know what, i would like to have a tv show or a radio show, because back then i used to live listen to read d's in the morning. and i would like to have a radio show because you know, you can teach people through that was and then she said, well, for that you have to speak english. so she sent an english teacher. so i can learn english. i can, you know, accomplish my dream. perhaps you should go back and honor the great rick dees and cut a version of this go dog here for your new show. i think i remember wrist
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having an unexpected duck but he certainly rose for a while. they're back on l. a. radio. you know, i saw i saw something today, caesar, the absolutely broke my heart. and i'm wondering how these dogs will be when we pull out of there, the evacuation. many of these train, you know, these dogs that work with the soldiers are left behind and these crates that had to be the grimace pitcher. well, there are many grim pictures that come across stars screens and i looked at then i got my god, what are they going to make of this will a dog like that? be able to come out and adapt to a new world, or is that dog guard until he gets back to a, shall we say, more civilized world? what's your thoughts? this is what happened also to humans. remember they can make a human a soldier, but not a soldier, a human so they can make a dog. busy a trained dog, but when it comes for the dog to retire,
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nobody knows how to send him back. who is not so i have rehabilitated many dogs to come from war zones. right? because they are in a certain level of stress. so they don't do dog behavior, they don't do follow play, explore. they don't go to a dog. they don't go to a dog beach so they don't get to practice that state of mind. their job is war, war, war, war. so there is a, there is a way to bring them back, but whoever is going to keep them for the rest of the live bills have to be knowledgeable handler because those guys are machine. so anything that goes wrong, any tree or they go back into, you know, a soldier is a navy seal inside that dog now? well, let me know which one can only hope they have part of that in them because yours, you watch this evacuation. i know in the conflagration men, there's great sadness and indeed madness. but when you see them bouncing young children on their knees and trying to get them out to safety, i can't say that you can't train soldier to be a man. indeed, it is
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a very essence of humanity to me. in many ways, we're talking to cesar milan and he has a new show better human, better dog sees, or i can't believe that the dog whisper ever ended that seem like such. you talk about major home runs that was about his home runny as a, as a show can get who makes that decision at some time. perfect title, perfect toes for you did. okay. tell me why. what tell me about it? well, it was, it was time to, to evolve. you know, i think the wister was what was a good way to introduce the idea that a person doesn't train dogs that a person drink humans. and now with my pack now, you know, with my sons being older and a group of young people that i've been working with now as a pack of human health in your family, helping somebody family, which is to me that's what makes you a better human right because we're back oriented, we need to learn to help each other. and so through a dog and the end is new generation way of looking at the world more natural,
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more simple, more profound. you know, my kids and under friends pretty much are helping to change the world. so i just wanted to make sure it's a pack as well. it takes up back the really transform the world. that was very, yeah, was good. but then everybody said, well, he has magic, so he's the only one who can do it. so now is like a pack of people doing rehabilitation, so i'm very, very proud of it. well listen, i'm a, we're going to talk more to caesar about his start and all that and where it goes from here. i'm a dog person. there are times i can't even forgive certain people who abuse dogs, there was a, i won't says name, i don't want to give them that. but when people fight dogs, i know people's way, it's culture and i look back and i go to jesus. that is about as a groom, is it gets to punish a dog who doesn't fight well, so i can't abide by it. but i'm touch that he is. i don't know so empathetic with these dogs. think about the dogs in your life, folks. it's like seinfeld used to do that. great. but where is the beauty of dogs?
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every night i come home and the dog says it's july it's there's such sweet creatures that what i do run across somebody who can buy dogs. i often think i'd need to know more about this person. that's a pretty big deal. cesar milan right after this dentist miller plus one the the ah,
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me join me every thursday on the alex salmon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics, sport, business and show business. i'll see you then. me. me. make sure, you know, board is blind number t's as emerge. we don't have authority, we don't actually the whole world needs to take action and be ready people who judge. 2 crisis we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way,
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but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is paid for the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we need together in the hey folks. welcome back to dennis miller plus one. we're joined by, you know, the phase caesar milan many years known as the dog whisper. we just heard that he put, put the show down of his own volition. he has founded the dog psychology center in los angeles. he has a new show called caesar milan, better human, better dog, which is now streaming on disney. plus you help humans, as you said at the psychology center in los angeles, isn't it kind of interesting, caesar? i would say these people are predisposed to want to be kind of want to be good
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owners, if they would go to something called a psychology center. the 1st step is do acknowledge you need help. i'm touch that people would come there for their pets. was knowledge, right? so doug over means you just know how to love dogs, but knowledgeable when is when you know how to connect communicate. so you need knowledge to be with elephants and not just love, but dog people, they will then believe that just need love. but you know my glass dog lubbers. so what's missing from my client's knowledge? yeah so, so i created a dog psychology center because people needed to understand it does do have their own psychology just like men have their own psychology. women have their own psychology, child psychology, everything has a psychology. but when it comes to a dog, people turns them into humans. so they are like human psychology and a dog. you know what i mean? so because america loves to go outside colleges and as well as open a door fact gala, you sent that and this is my mentality coming from mexico. well listen to keep it
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simple is oftentimes the best thing, of course that they they, they suffer maladies like a human being. i'm wondering, does a dog as much as i love dogs. i don't know the intricacies. i often wonder what a dog feel, depression, or with what's going on in their head. well, you know, a house, an environment can be very depressing. you know, you can enter into a place and feels depressing. or you can be around people. they're depressed and you're going to absorb the pressure. so imagine you doing it. a dog doesn't have a filter. a dog immediately picks up on the negative, negativity of the environment and then negatively of the people, right? or if the activity is negative. so those are the 3 things are going to influence you, you know, and so as the pressure, real it israel, who creates that human animals are not depressed. they stay away from depression. that's where we go into nature to remove depression, right? we want to vacation. so we can find happiness again. so
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a dog is mother nature. i'm almost reticent as this because my curiosity tells me to i'm afraid of the answer. many times in modern therapy, life people are pharmacologic, lea adjusted we might go to that a little too easily. i think there are people that saves their lives, but i also think we might be a little too placing fair about our approach to it is there, is there a trend towards pharmacological adjustment of pets that exist now? yeah, fortunately, people give process to the us because the dog shows some kind of some kind of confusion. but if the dog is not getting exercise, mental stimulation and affection, and that order body my heart, of course, they're going to develop frustration that they're going to be bored. they're going to be inches, of course, in the medication. it's not going to get rid of it. what gets rid of it, a good walk, rather late, you know, her swim, just outdoor,
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just just do what mother nature does that mean that that's been too much, i'm indoor with a human that is doing the same thing. god imagine a poor dog sitting there. he's been neutered and he thought that was the big problem with his sex life from here on in. and then they come in with an it depressed this might keep you from being courtney, doug. they listen, was it not enough? was a lot of my do i really are to start the yes. you know the think the dog by agra to get the jesus the affairs of men, dogs, most liquor i go and how or how am i not in charge this is absolutely great. we're talking to cesar log, and as i said, the new shows are not new show, but it's been running for a while, but sees him a lot better human, better dog, now, streaming on disney. plus you talked earlier about being raised on a farm of the back of dogs was at your tell father grandfather,
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who did you 1st see who gave you that bounce, that these are noble creatures that need to be honored. who was it in your life? you know, my graph, i used to say never work against mother. nature always gain their trust, always gain the respect and they're going to give you a beautiful gift. hello. these that you grew up with. the motor code are those more values. yes. and that's your view nature, right gain, they're trying to gain the respect so they can give you and return something. so it's the perception. and then you learn to agree that that is the way and that you commit. and then you just followed the rules so that became my 1st language. you know, before the spanish you know it's funny. caesars you often get your deeper yoda level knowledge from your grandparents. because the parents still trying to ryan gooey, they got to stay with every day because kids that could become a while back pretty quickly. so they've got a different sort of wisdom that the lay on. yeah. you got the grandparents who get to go home at the end of the day and they go and give you some really to new
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knowledge here because i get to go. so your grand, your grandfather bentley? was that for you? what did you learn on the farm? are dogs? is that a completely different community than the farm animals that you saw raised? is there a different way to treat farm animals than there was dogs where farm animals is smart on the uptake as dogs? what did you notice, or are they just one part of one big animal community? well, the piece is equal, you know, the share of the piece to animals who are, you know, and the intimate space versus the one they're never going to be in the myspace is, is the same. you know, to me so that way that they don't have a discomfort growing up, so this safe peace and love to everybody regardless what the future is going to going to be. so that for me was very, very, very healing, very healthy. you know, to live with that mentality, safe peace and love, trash respect,
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love honesty. they load the so all of that by abrasion that you're doing in naturally and you know, any, anybody can practice that because you don't require money to practice those simplicity or the most get the benefit. also the exercise, you know, it's not just to be there like they have to actually do something for their food. and so as we did something for our food far people walk a lot, you know, and so animals walk with the farm people. so we're constantly migrating, connecting, and will become one. the family that chickens will follow, the gab will follow that god will follow. so if you have all of these relatives, they look completely different than you, but they all follow you want to as an the fight. and like i said, a big fan of dogs, but i don't have the depth knowledge, obviously that you do. this is not a trap question. you know, i don't know the answer. i know that it seems like pit bulls have more problems than other dogs. are they all? are they all the way they're nurtured or not nurtured?
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or do you think there is something in them that is a more wildside or you know, i hear stories about yeah, i said those are stories feeding from the little rascal was a pitiful. so can become movie started last and wrinkle thing. yes. you know who, who, what human, what human is behind him. right? yeah. so it's not the breed like the breed. is it like a cultural background? he's animal dog, breed name. so if you don't want certain part of the breed to come out, just don't come up, keep entire, keep him busy, right? keep entire him busy and breathe will not come out. the head, i can say endorphins. are a big thing to you. i'm wondering when you reach nader's in your life or felt the soft 3 or your big locker because i i times my life when i have gotten so confused, bath older stumbled into a bad place. i remember it's like forrest gump, i just think keep move and find
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a hill and go up. but keep movement. that's it. that's the easiest way to lock your brain, right? and i, and that's it. just, the movement is the movement. step, right? is everything step. so when a dog doesn't move, you see aggression fear, anxiety, and security, he doesn't listen why? because he's blocked. but once it's movement look at that does with the homeless people, 9 out of 10 homeless people have a pitiful off leash. why? because they're constantly moving. so why they're homeless practice and natural, simple, profound and the rest of the people don't. it's just, you know, it's movement. that's all it is. i'm intrigued to see how you are now with hard case dogs. i assume you run across some real hard cases like anybody who's in the behavior modification gree, their dogs who have been, as you say, trained into a worse state than others when you come across the dog. now like that, think think,
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think boys town or something where spencer tracy wants to help the kid with the most problems of g r, you touched by the challenge? are you drawn to the challenge? do like getting a, a case that's not as pro forma for you. are you intrigued? but that's why i created. that's why i have the wrench, 438 grades where we have a city literally as a city that is for dos who have developed problems, right? because and some and some dogs, they just need to run, but they don't have the land or the free. you can just let a dog run free. right? so you need a place where this dog, where the bill of aggression can just run it out. you know, so, so he can get detoxified on his own, but he's supervised by people wonder stand what he's going through. so for me it's, it's late. i just need, i just need the place before i didn't have the place. yeah. you know, when i place in south center, it was very small. so i used to walk a lot and you know, run, you can in santa monica, mountains, that was from inglewood to south central was the mexican guy who will go back of
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dogs. so you will see me in the street 40 dogs off leash, just walking because i was rehabilitating. but now that i have a ranch, now i do it inside the rad, with lammas, where a bucket you know, with horses and donkeys, and it's almost like i went back to the beginning of me growing up and brought it to america. and i put it into like a display form. where's your head out in life? you know, sometimes when you come from humble roots and it sounds like you did and you, all of a sudden you're, you're caesar milan, for god's sakes, you're famous, famous and odd things, an odd dinner date. and in a weird way, it's everything you kind of thought, oh, that would be cool. and then you get there, you find out what it doesn't fill, you find out what it over fills and can throw you off. where's your head and your caesar milan? journey right now, you know, it's really what you follow, right? or how you see life is to me god, family self. so it's not self and then family and then god is god family. so. so
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1st i'm a service and then i sort of me. so the last one is me because when you serve yourself, that's what your eagle gets really big. unanimous does what the money same, empowering in your head, but god, family 1st does that keeps you humble. i think gale sayers wrote a beautiful book if i'm not mistaken, called i am 3rd which is the same the same trinity. and i think that probably gives you a gravity as opposed to grab it. so i think that kind of gets you settled in if you realize that the best way to go through this trip is with a selfless intent. well, listen, caesar, i'm touch by the work you do with dogs. i god bless. i come across dogs and i can stop on hikes, they make me melt. i just look at them and all i think in my head is they just want to be loved there. they just want to be love. you. you add the caveat. yeah. and they want to be loved by somebody who knows how to steer the ship a little too. you're adding that ingredients the that i think it's probably best
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for the old house, sees him a lot better. human, better dog, now, streaming under disney plus or if you're in the l. a area, or if you want to transit out here, as i said i'm, i'm, it's neat that people take their dogs to the dog psychology center in los angeles and work on the relationship. i assume you've got 2 labs now and your 2 sons are going to carry forth with the the mantel. and i'm heartened to know that nice to see see similar. thank you. alright, later gator, dennis miller plus one. the the having alternate realities experience or even live in like a role or does my dear, you know, especially during and amec, where you can go anywhere in the game world, go everywhere, you know, choose the game that you want. any open roll game, choose it, and you are now on a vacation in a place where you're like flying helicopters or you're, you're on beaches, you're,
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you're in a city drive, you know, what are the car you want? you know, you name it these. these are getaways on september the 11th 2001 day that reshaped the modern world. i remember watching the world trade center bird on a tv at the cia, and i was standing there like this just looking at it. and a colleague of mine was standing next to me and he said, my god, do they have any idea what they've done? we're going to kill everybody now. everybody, the, the live tv images promote the us into declaring its war on terror. began to bomb african villages and holmes and get people hurt and,
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and killed the main goal of destroying terrorism and then was it achieved? yes. and no. ok to essentially no longer exists good for us. but there are certainly other terrorist groups that are worse than i is your media a reflection of reality the in the world transformed what will make you feel safe for tyson lation community? are you going the right way or are you being direct? what is true? what is faith in the world corrupted?
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you need to defend the join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah the i did confess to crimes. i didn't because of torture. if you are not the american desert, that is fascism of the anniversary of 911 to look at the lasting impact of the us led war on terror. today we'll be hearing from a former guantanamo prisoner. he was released off the 14 years old and the full attention of this rocking food and deteriorating mental health. just some of the complaints raised by african refugees in the u. k. still stuck in hotels well after their quarantine expired. or despite promises from the british government to help them rebuild their lives.


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