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tv   News  RT  September 11, 2021 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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see what that battle has done to him. i feel like julian's life might be coming to an end. we are in a conflict situation with the largest and most powerful employer in such a situation. it's remarkable piece of ice. the horrible smell that snow, like i mean, i don't, i can only describe it as nettle and flesh. i was angry excuse me. 2 decades on from the worst terror attack in modern history, the world commemorates those who suffered and die did not 11 necessities. the collateral damage inflicted by the american war on terror, through torture, thrown attacks and death. in august 20th anniversary we told to those who suffered
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from the event this afternoon. as part of our in depth investigation into the impact of the american war on terror, we speak to a former guantanamo detainees about the horrors inflicted on them. i was begging to go to the tunnel because what i've seen and witnessed in belgrade was so destructive to say, i haven't, i can't sleep 15 years, 10 months, 25 days on this is america's legacy for the sabotaged equipment of a country. brought a ruined steel in control of the tyler by 20 years later, america, fleas, i've got a son in disgrace and defeat. my correspondent describes the war on terror of fail to achieve any of its play and goals. instead, leaving behind the trail of destruction, afghans give us wherever they are on the us invasion. in 34 provinces of africana stone, there was peace. 20 years ago it was
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a war for the u. s. economic gain. the americans came to have ghana stand because they wanted to exploit our resources for people like us became their slaves. and when they left, they took everything with them. i the oh, good afternoon for moscow. this saturday september, the 11th 2021. you watching out international with me, kevin o, in and today marks the 20th anniversary of the worst terror attack in modern history. when us planes were hijacked and flown into the twin towers of the world trade center in new york, claiming the lives of almost 3000 people. an employee of our company these days was an eye witness, but then to those horrendous attacks, i remember that day with a shiver. he ran onto the streets of new york city that day with his video camera of the 1st plane hit. but for all those years, he's not been able to find the strength. he says to watch is footage. until the day
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of our interview the i knew something was terribly wrong and i immediately wanted to get out there. and for some reason i, i wanted to grab my camera, put on my skates, and i, by the time i got my skates on, that's one of the towers had fallen already. and i was just so unbelievable. and so i, i ran outside and there were already crowds of people outside gathering. i just felt i needed to, i wanted to document that i wanted to to be able to, to see it, you know, and, and it's funny that because i ditch, shoot some video and i couldn't look at it later. i, i never looked at it. i put it in a box and i just put it away. in
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the 1st thing i remember was a commercial airliner, had flown overhead, and everybody just screamed and thought it was coming down also. and everybody sort of ran for cover. and then you could see people with ash on them and they were just walking with just the last 4 eyes. and i was just very unbelievable. and then you saw the plume of smoke. that was what once was the towers and you looked at that and you just couldn't believe that that that skyline was gone. and i think everybody was just and this belief at that time, i remember the smell that came over the, the city. it was this horrible smell that smell like, i mean i don't, i can only describe it as metal and flesh and it was so strong that you can
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taste it in your mouth. and we were all wondering if we were going to get sick from this. the doesn't seem like 20 years ago. all of a sudden and yeah, just you think you lose these emotions and, and they just seem to always sit there somewhere and they and they come up. you know, i think about it. i think about my friends who've off their family, their friends, i know a lot of people that have lost loved ones and it was just a constant funeral, basically with name after name, after name of people who died. and we saw their life stories on tv. and it was just never ending funeral in new york for a while. the
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media was constantly bombarding us days later with a message that we should live our lives. like normal to show that we beat this. but i was angry. wait power. excuse me. i was angry because of people saying we're in big white houses for lot of security and they were saying to go with our lives and we had to walk around and we were afraid to go in public places like times square. we just never knew what was going to happen at that point. and i remember, you know, thinking i'm going to bring my son into the world. you know,
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what kind of world is going to be and, and that scared me. john burns reliving what he saw 1st. the 911 tragedy led to the american war on terror, an invasion of afghanistan then. but now with us troops out of the country party continues to scrutinize. they had risked impact that that campaigns had on the lives of civilians and soldiers alike in a special series of reports called unheard voices. we tell you the stories of those directly affected by the long warning conflict, including one of the men who went through the terrors of the guantanamo bay prison . the will use all tools at our disposal said killed our children to united states was bringing people to watch the site. it was a pointless exercise. 53 year old was a bag lives in britain, works for
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a prisoner rights organization and doesn't look like somebody who's lived the experience of america's worst prison practices. but he knows about that all too well. i had to stop telling myself that i'm the father, that i am a son. i'm a husband that i'm a human being. i started to whole myself. what i had been told and i was, and that was my number 558 was my number and going to i in was in may 2002. i was interrogated by the c i and the f b i and they threatened if i did not corporate to send me either to egypt, syria, to be tortured with us or you were the enemy. there's no in between. and that doctor still stand ah, in. i
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think it's quite clear to meet the united states response to the terrible acts of 911 was vengeance. the war on terror is not a police operation. it's a military operation. why they picked on me. it wasn't just me. they picked on everyone who knows. if anybody prepared to hand you over to continue to talk you through the pakistanis and the bill of rights and i'm mike harrison. i'm a deal national. they handed me over to the americans without any legal process before i was held for a year in 2002 to 2003. and i saw 2 individuals beaten to death by american soldiers. these terrorists play by
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a whole set of different rules. it's gonna force us in your words to get me dirty and nasty in order to take them on. we'll use our tools at our disposal to the boys, a few bad apples. isolated incidents one by one. the terrorists are learning the meaning of american justice to me displace the pit demise. what i did states was doing after they were bringing people to this torture site afghans for africa and abusing them outside of the rule of law and then allowing some of them to go back home. and they would go home and tell people what the americans didn't. by the time i got to guantanamo, i was begging to go to the tunnel because what i've seen and witness in background
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was so destructive to this day. i haven't, i can't sleep. oh, i. ready several of us since one tournament and several taliban members who now heads of various departments in the government were tortured. we were stripped, we were beaten with spat upon. we were humiliated photographs. this was taken during this period of time, they had a found a woman in the next room that led me to believe was my wife being tortured the weight, picture of my children front of me and asked, where do you think they are now, what do you think happened to them. you took your way, and of course what they wanted me to do was cosign a confession that i was a member of all of which i was not. and this was i'd say stand that i got it. i think i got it's better than a lot of the other prison. i
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me. ah, so this is the hon made calendar that i made when i was going to move. i thought that perhaps if i counted the days that it will be easier. but when the days turn into weeks and months, and then 2 years, i realize that it was just futile. when i received such letters from my children who are very young at the time, it's actually made it worse to look at the calendar and start to count on the days my children growing up without me. and every day, without them, with a sub in the heart. and they would come sporadically, they had to be vetted uncensored by the us censorship. my daughter who was 6 at the time, wrote a poem, 12345. once i caught official life and they redacted that because they said that
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has numbers and a numbers could mean some sort of a code. so it was that kind of nonsensical reduction disconnecting from the idea of being a father. ironically and sadly, but also my own personal faith in my belief in god my reading the koran and again inexpensively becoming friends with several of the american soldiers who would bring me little snippets of inclination sometime next week and chocolate sometime next week, and a dvd player and show me a film, lexus, humanity that i have never forgotten to this. and i think i left on time to move, not hating america because of those soldiers. me messages directly from some american soldiers who say that
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this has been a, a war that has destroyed us as individuals, soldiers spoken to told me that they cannot think. so i am in no doubt about the, the effects of this war, not just on the individuals, but on the nation as a whole of whom the soldiers are representative me . the other has gone to the shop and unity types destroyed. the united states produced a senate to report on torture, but not a single person was ever bought for charges for these kind. recently, i gave evidence the international criminal court for their investigations of abuses by americans. enough got a sense they will investigate to the united states, the initial army, and the caliber. the only ones who responded by threatening the international
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criminal court was the united states of america. they said that we will sanction all members of the international court. we will arrest any members of the icpc who come to the usa or elsewhere that want to investigate. but i think the united states of america needs to step back if it wants to help any of any assistance to the people who understand the school in the physician to negotiate those conditions . it has, it has been an aggressive taliban already made gestures towards russia towards china to have the wrong to it's pakistan with indonesia, with the united states and britain in particular. i think they're feeling very upset because this is a defeat. it's a military defeat. however, you want to look at it and imperial hubris, as it were, will not allow them to say that we need to move forward and continue within negotiations that we began in doha, that they cannot be any more saber rattling. it's no good for the african people. it's no good background assessment with the britain or america. you've really got
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to find a way forward and beg the table to hearing more from those whose lives with forever changed by america's longest war and special coverage, unheard voices. the 911 attacks set in motion and what the us called the war on terror without kind of being the initial target for the is all america's efforts. don't seem to have so much of a dent in the global terror network with al qaeda joy know by new generation of terrorists. the war on terror is also ruled. mass destruction and the loss of life in countries hit by america's wrath, as well as blanket global surveillance. last month the world watched is the us pulled out to us chaos. leading to the local victory of the taliban. senior correspondent looks next. what went wrong in america? the longest military operation in 2001 began with with largest and pub invade. i've gotta start to fight for freedom to fight
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terrorism and make the world a better place. 19 years, 10 months and $25.00 days on which is america's legacy. destroyed and sabotaged equipment. a country bought a ruined steel and control of the tallow. but that is the ultimate tragedy of the afghan war at was entirely and violently pointless. years and years of an obliging little questioning media. fooled billions into believing that there was progress that america could win to her with the taliban. to taliban fled to the end of the taliban. taliban leadership on the run. and now the question is, how do you handle that success? ah, with the
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it wasn't supposed to be this way. the taliban wasn't supposed to sweep the country in me. a weeks, the pentagon spent a decade preparing to leave of guy this dog had even they weren't ready for the together with our allies, we will complete our mission there by the end of this year, financed a timeline for drawing down our forces. we are working to finally and america's longest war. it's time to end for evermore. the america's proudest movement of the afghan war wasn't supposed to be a humiliating evacuation under the guns of the taliban. but it was, there is absolutely nothing else to celebrate. the united states ended 20
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years of war and can stand the longest war in american history. we completed one of the biggest air lists in history with more than 120000 people evacuated to safety. no nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all the history. the only the united states had the capacity in the will believe you to do it and we did it today. where was the afghan army, where it was the west and backed government? where did all the money go? the united states sank more than a $100000000000.00 in the rebuilding of gather stock for reference adjusted for inflation. that is more that the united states spent on the marshall plan to rebuild europe after world war 2. and the tragedy of it is that for a civilian the side from all the american weapons and the taliban pads,
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berries almost no evidence that any of that money ever passed through here, from broken roads that lead to nowhere to abandon the hospitals from twisted contractors and corrupt leaders, again it's, dawn can arguably be called the largest money laundering operation in human history . the united states is also committed to playing a leading role in the reconstruction of afghanistan. ah, in i
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tell him in now has more black hawk helicopters than 85 percent of the countries in the world. me and i just still exist in our growing and afghan stand and eventually they acquire me. ah, ah, the we now have americans stuck in the town that in charge with most more weaponry than they've ever had in the past and a border that is, the taliban now controls more of the country than it did before. the us invaded the new government the field with what dynamo, bay, inmates, and terrorists, medina, dean,
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who even have american bounties on their heads. what washington achieved was the absolute opposite of what it intended. the key bombing at capital airport during the evacuation epitomized the afghan war, a senseless act, devoid of reason which needlessly cut short so many lives. we will not forgive. we will not forget. we will hunt you down to make you pay. we've heard the same promise before
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20 years ago when america was united and when it thought that it could change the world. but it thought it was invincible. and when the people believed a president's promise more, i guess the of r t couple of cada's thought. we spoke to people in that capital, filling the pentagon withdrawal and discover 20 years of occupation, how it's taken. it's toll. when i was at school, i said my targets in life, but unfortunately now it looks like, oh my dreams have vanished. i can achieve those goals and we're worried about our studies and the prospect of finding work. many of my classmates have left of dentist and when mr. malott, i still hope to regain some kind of normal life. but looks difficult. in 34 provinces of afghanistan, there was peace. 20 years ago, it was a war by the us economic gain. we have won our freedom by sacrificing the blood of many people, the countries by contract. now,
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the americans came to ganeth stand because they wanted to exploit our resources. they brought their allies with them. poor people like us became their slaves and when they left they took everything with them. look what they did to our airport. in the last 20 years, a lot of money has flowed into afghanistan, but not to all people. members of the lead class built up their properties and businesses. ordinary people got nothing to cost to the war on terrorism. limited to foreign countries is sweeping surveillance targets us citizens himself, with particular discrimination of muslims in america, of his kellum open as more been 20 years and the war on terror began the
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with the color the now it's hard to measure whether or not terror has been defeated, what human rights, civil liberties, they've certainly taken a half the blow. remember the patriot act, that law, they said was absolutely necessary in order to keep us safe. that lifted restrictions on government spying, allowing for wiretapping and creating harsher penalties for those considered to be potential terrorists. only one us sen opposed it back. then i recognize fully that this is a different world with different technologies, different issues and different threats. yet we must examine every item that is
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proposed in response to these events, to be sure that we are not rewarding these terrorists and weakening ourselves by giving up the cherished freedoms that they seek to destroy. later came the revelations of edward snowden, showing the 911 had opened the door to violations of our privacy. breaking news this evening is the identity of the man who cynthia obama administration into defend and explain mode this week. his name is edward snowden. edward snowden reportedly has the blueprint, documents of how our country's national secrete security agency operate documents lead by an essay contractor. and would snowden reveal details of a secret intelligence sharing agreement that shows a u. s. government handed over, intercepted communications containing phone calls and emailed us citizens that didn't lead to the law being overturned. top officials still insist that it's necessary for government success in preventing another catastrophic attack on the american homeland would have been much more difficult if not impossible,
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without the u. s. a patriot act. amid all the government, spying, it was necessary to find them animated. the muslim community was soon in the crosshairs. targeted by law enforcement was thing and entrapment. all done supposedly to keep us safe from another 911. the better the tech was the stepping stone for it became open season on american muslims. there are no rules. the government just said, let's go off to muslims for war on terror, created the perfect atmosphere for racism, discrimination clamp downs on civil liberties and government spying. it's been 20 years that war continues with all its fear and manipulation with no end in sight. caleb martin r t new york. look at events back 20 years to the day and the continued to effect the world since on the sombre anniversary of 911 will leave you again for a bit with the pictures of one of the moral pools. one of 2 standing on the sites of the world trade center's north and south in low manhattan is know 10, 27 in the morning recommend 1028. those attacks that fateful day started to unfold
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at 846 a new york time 2 decades ago. the what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk me the news. the
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news i mention returns here. we're going underground for $911.00 special coming up in the show on the 20th anniversary of atrocities in new york in washington d. c, which catalyzed mass ariel bombing of afghanistan. we talk to the taliban about victory against the nato occupation. and what about the 911, the so called land and the free all give me forgot the pink floyd front man roger waters tells us why the u. s. a isn't morning on the 48 anniversary of the chilean coup it back which created penetrates, brutal, chicago style satcher. i think it will make experiment. it would be forced on nations all around the world. well, this is more coming up in today's going underground, but 1st it's been 20 years in new york and washington came under attack in nature.
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nations was fatal terror atrocity. and of course, led to 20 years of violent u. s. u. k. occupation of afghan austin. but nato defeat has put the taliban back in control. joining me not from john carter as the taliban spokes person. so hell, shane sales. thank you so much for coming back on. so it's widely reported that the taliban may have selected september. the 11th for the new leadership to take the oath of office significance for 911 as the as the day of the oh, so just go incidents course incident but do not have your teeth like me i you know i'm on one night that time i was there when i was, yeah, and i'm wondering if we wonder we.


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