tv News RT September 11, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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the main goal of destroying terrorism and then was it achieved? yes. and no. ok to essentially no longer exists. good for us. but there are certainly other terrorist groups that are worse than on the reports of injuries. and frances rallies against covered restrictions turned violent. the police are responding with tear gas pepper spray and stun grenade. i see 10 month said put you 5 days on, which is america's legacy. they're stronger than sabotaged equipment. a country brought to avoid a steel and control of the tyler by exactly 20 years after 911 and the start of its own subsequent war on terror. america has fled. afghanistan in
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disgrace and defeat. as our corresponded describes, the conflict failed to achieve its goals. but left behind us, a trail of destruction. horrible smell that snow like i mean, i don't, i can only describe it as nettle and flesh. i was angry because excuse me. remembering the worst terror attack in modern history, the world commemorates the victims of $911.00. on this 20th anniversary, we talk to those who suffered during the tragedy and its aftermath. plus we bring you an in depth investigation into the collateral damage of the war on terror and it's a multitude of civilian casualties. we speak to a former us drone operator who believes he was responsible for the killing of innocent man. every shot that we took, like they're cheering,
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they're congratulating each other. they're high fiving each other. people are getting promoted because of this stuff. ah, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for r t international. i'm your host donald quarter. welcome the program. now to paris were violent protests against coven restrictions have once again ruptured on saturday. right? police just deployed tear gas and pepper spray. while injuries have been reported. the ah was the end of the demonstration and its disposal. it became very tense not to be
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really st. paul, a real square, that was theory of confrontations. please actively deploy guests and flesh grenades . now the situation is stabilized somewhat. as you can see, there are not many left on palo rail square in front of the state council building, but there is a huge number of police just a few minutes ago. it was impossible to breathe. here. to the demonstrating against coven passes, which they consider an encroachment on freedoms. let's listen to some protested that i meant to speak to at the thought of the rally. in a few days times, many will lose their jobs over covert passes. don't watch, i'm not rallying against vaccines, but against covert passes. if i'm for freedom, all people must live as they see fit, make their own decisions, stop forcing them to do what they don't want to be refused. what i don't like most is that no one's even asked our opinion. we have m p 's meant to represent us, but their silence. we could have held a referendum. why does france still longer hold referendums earlier?
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it's on. don't know what the concept couldn't be. many cool to come out and protest on september 11th, and dakota, pulse activists wanted to land. the decisive blow today felt the loose laid out the strategy. let's listen to yell of a 1000 not done up. and i thought cut up also called in everyone to come out in paris to force the government to refuse this and to freedom lorne. cobit pauses. we think it totally contradicts the 1789 declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen. it contradicts republican principles and freedom and equality. we call no french people to come to paris. so man on the cross that were not in minority, you will see us in paris, the seat of decision making all authorities and mass media headquartered. they will see that many against covert pauses, sunny day supplemental, today in paris, full rallies were organized. and even despite the fact that protest as a spread across the city and wanted to standard one, press the government,
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which is refusing to budge. olivier baron promised a very hard to respond to medical workers who don't want to get back to native. you can see that the day ended like this home with baton well, this weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the worst terror attack in modern history. when u. s. airliners were hijacked and flown into the twin towers of the world trade center in new york city, killing almost 3000 people. earlier i spoke with our chief caleb mop and who was following the memorial events in new york city. as well as our senior correspondent, mariah garcia, who is in the afghan capital of couple l. a 1st to you. it's a solemn day for all americans and new york in particular. what's the atmosphere like in the city right now? while it's just gotten dark here and the lights commemorating the events that the world trade center have gone on, there have been people gathering the sites all day, leaving flowers, firemen,
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rescue workers. survivors have been gathering. we heard interesting remarks from comma la harris, who spoke in pennsylvania. we also heard from the president the states former us president, spoke elected officials, survivors quite an interesting ceremony all coming amid the decision by the united states to pull out of afghanistan, jo biden's, chaotic pull out of afghan, a stand seems to be the shadow that is hanging over today's commemorations now, when the vice president connelly harris and the president joe biden spoke, they called for unity among the american people. the message we've often heard from us elected officials, here's what they said, i hope and prayer that we continue to honor their unity by strengthening our common bonds by strengthening our global partnership. and by always living out our highest ideals, we saw a national unity been. we learned that unit is the one thing that must never break
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use what makes us who we are. america is best. now those calls for unity that we heard are pretty standard from us. elected officials, however, they were pretty strongly contracted from the words of former us president george w bush. he was president when $911.00 happened, he launched the us invasion of iraq and afghanistan, and his tone was rather bitter on the 20 year commemorates. here is george w bush, when it comes to the unity of america. those days seem distant from our own malign, for seems at work and our common life. that turns every disagreement into an argument and every argument into a clash of cultures. so much of our politics has become a naked appealed anger, fear and resentment badly. just worried about our nation and our future together.
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quite an interesting tone from the commander in chief who started america the longest war and also went down in history for the weapons of mass destruction that turned out to not be there in iraq. but regardless of the moment in american politics is certainly not one of the unity. there is bitter division in the united states. recently jo biden's decision to pull out of afghanistan and the chaotic results have his opponents in the republican party up in arms. at this point, republicans are calling for joe biden to either resign or be impeached for his actions in afghanistan. this is what we've heard from joe biden's rivals in the republican party frozen by and said that he wanted to take this afghanistan off the plate for future presidents. he's done the exact opposite for the next 20 years. american presidents will be dealing with this catastrophe. and ask dana, stan, we call upon most somberly the resignation of this president joe
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biden filled the case. start doing the work and figure how to get this done and impeached joe, by the joe, by, deserves to be in peach for a higher crime and misdemeanour of dereliction of duty. sentiments. fearing that afghan a stand could once again become a hot bed for terrorism, terrorism that could be exported from afghanistan to the united states were echoed by the us secretary of defense. he echoed these concerns saying that now that's the focus of the usa making sure ghana stan doesn't once again become a base for terrorism. and we now look at the chaotic pull out of afghanistan where the taliban wants declared terrorist by the united states are now once again in power, as well as terrorist groups like isis. k is set up shop. you have a lot of americans 20 years later looking at the war on terror and saying, what was it all 4, what did it accomplish? what was the purpose of it?
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it's been 20 years since 911. a lot of survivors have a lot of questions. not a lot of closure and not a lot of clarity here in new york city. let's go now to you moran. the 911 attacks set in motion. of course, a tragic chapter in african history. can you tell us about the consequences that america's war on terror has had on the afghan people while they're being felt all over the city? look, i've got his thoughts as we speak thousands, tens of thousands. perhaps hundreds of thousands of people are now going hungry because foreign aid was cut off almost entirely. what's united states troops? the last of them left kabul airport. the taliban has been celebrated. guys have their supporters again all over the all over the country. we saw fireworks today on the 20th anniversary of 911 all over the city. not quite as it pads is what we saw when american troops pulled that. but nevertheless,
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there you have it. the taliban has been busy, busy, solid, defied its rule here in that got to stop its, its authority, which at this point is almost, i've disputed more than that we've, we have seen from the, from the new government that they have announced that there is no compromise they don't feel like they have to compromise to anyone given how, how quickly how rapidly they took over the entire country, how quickly they reportedly crushed. much of the, much of the resistance to them in patch here in patch here valley. we know that the taliban was so desperately now international recognition at once access to the funds that have been frozen at once. humanitarian aid to resume. because all over these long years, the united states and its allies, they, they go to got his thought, almost addicted to foreign aid. many people desperately require it to leave to,
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to get by. and that aid has been cut off for now. it is no exaggeration when i say thousands, tens of thousands, just in cowboy, where we are now in the streets with their families, begging for work, begging for food. so things, things are certainly very desperate here with much of the country demolish both politically fine naturally. and socially, as a result of the us occupation him, i don't you, patients that i reported earlier is very difficult to cause successful. and 2001 i began with with largest and pub invade. i've got to start to fight for freedom to fight terrorism and make the world a better place. 19 years, 10 months and $25.00 days on. this is america's legacy. they're stronger than
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sabotaged equipment. i country bought a ruin and still in control of the tallow, but that is the ultimate tragedy of the afghan war at was entirely and violently pointless. years and years of an obliging little questioning media. fooled billions into believing that there was progress that america could win to victory over the taliban. to taliban fled to the end of the taliban. taliban leadership on the run. and now the question is, how do you handle that success? ah, with it wasn't supposed to be this way. the taliban wasn't supposed to sweep the country in mere weeks. the pentagon spent a decade preparing to leave of got to stop and even they weren't ready for this.
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together with our allies, we will complete our mission. there, by the end of this year, i announced a timeline for drawing down our forces. we are working to finally and america's longest war. it's time to end for evermore. the america's proudest movement of the afghan war wasn't supposed to be a humiliating evacuation under the guns of the taliban. but it was there is absolutely nothing else to celebrate. the united states ended 20 years of war and i can stand the longest war in american history. we completed one of the biggest err left in history with more than 120000 people evacuated to safety. no
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nation, no nation has ever done anything like it in all history. the only the united states had the capacity in the will believe you to do it and we did it today. where was the afghan army? where was the western back government? where did all the money go? the united states sank more than a $100000000000.00 into rebuilding of gather stock for reference adjusted for inflation. that is more that the united states sped on the marshall plan to rebuild europe after world war 2. and the tragedy of it is that for a civilian the side from all the american weapons and the taliban pads, berries almost no evidence that any of that money ever passed through here, from broken roads that lead to nowhere to abandon hospitals from twisted
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contractors and corrupt leaders again, this dawn can arguably be called the largest money laundering operation in human history. the united states is also committed to playing a leading role in the reconstruction of afghanistan. in the i tell it now has more black hawk helicopters than 85 percent of the countries in the world. me and i just k still
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exist in our growing and afghan, a stand and eventually they acquire these weapons. me ah, the we now have americans stuck in afghanistan, the taliban in charge with most more weaponry than they've ever had in the past. and a border that is open. the taliban now controls more of the country than it did before . the us invaded the new government the field with what dynamo, bay, inmates, and terrorist merger dean who even have american bounties on their heads. what washington achieved was the absolute opposite of what it intended. bombing at capital airport during the evacuation epitomized the afghan war, a senseless act,
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devoid of reason, which needlessly cut short so many lives. we will not forgive. we will not forget. we will hunt you down to make you pay. we've heard the same promise before 20 years ago when america was united and when it thought that it could change the world when it thought it was invincible. and when the people believed a president's promise more i guess the f r t couple of cada's dot among those who watched those awful events unfold, 1st hand on 911 is a current r t employee who are, who remembers that day with a shiver. john burns ran onto the streets of new york city with his video camera after the 1st plane hit. for all these years, he's not been able to find the strength to watch what he filled until the day of
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our interview. the. i knew something was terribly wrong and i immediately wanted to get out there. and for some reason i, i wanted to grab my camera, put on my skates, and i by the time i got my skates on that one of the towers had fallen already. and i was just so unbelievable. and so i, i ran outside and there were already crowds of people outside gathering. i just felt i needed to, i wanted to document that i wanted to to be able to, to see it, you know, and, and it's funny that because i did shoot some video and i couldn't look at it later . i, i never looked at it. i put in a box and i just put it away. the
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1st thing i remember was a commercial airliner had flown overhead and everybody just screamed and thought it was coming down also. and everybody sort of ran for cover. and then you could see people with ash on them and they were just walking with just the last 4 eyes. and i was just very unbelievable. and then you saw the plume of smoke. that was what once was the towers and you looked at that and you just couldn't believe that that that skyline was gone. and i think everybody was just in disbelief at that time. i remember the smell that came over the, the city. it was this horrible smell that smell like, i mean i don't, i can only describe it as metal and flesh and it was so strong that you could
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taste it in your mouth. and we were all wondering if we were going to get 6 on this . the that's hard doesn't seem like 20 years ago. all of a sudden and yeah, just you think you lose these emotions and, and they just seem to always sit there somewhere and they and they come up the know i think about it. i think about my friends who've off their family, their friends, i know a lot of people that have lost loved ones and it was just a constant funeral. basically. what's the name after name after name of people who died. and we saw their life stories on tv, and it was just never ending funeral in new york for a while. the
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media was constantly bombarding us days later with the message that we should live our lives. like normal to show that we beat this. but i was angry wait power, excuse me. i was angry because the people saying were in big white houses a lot of security. and they were saying, till go, we have our lives and we had to walk around and we were afraid to go and, you know, public places like times square. we just never knew what was going to happen at that point. and i remember, you know, thinking i'm going to bring my son into the world. you know,
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what kind of world is going to be and, and that scared me. an innocent african aid worker was killed in a recent us drone strike and couple, according to an independent investigation. washington says it was targeting the terrorist group, isis k. and us forces said the mans vehicle matched the description of one used by the terrorist group. they also said there were multiple blast suggesting he was transporting explosive. but it turns out the accusation was false. according to the investigation published by the new york times. the aid worker had even been employed by an american n g o. previously, and his brother who lost 10 relatives in the attack, told us his story as part of our special series on, on heard voices where we bring you the 1st hand accounts of civilians and soldiers immensely impacted by america's longest war. the will use all tools at our disposal and killed children to united states was bringing people
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to watch a site. it was a pointless exercise. brandon bryan to former u. s. military drone operator has spoken out about such attacks as he believes he was responsible for the deaths of innocent men. after my 1st shot, i took it to 3 innocent men killed. that, i believe are innocent. i called my mother afterwards and cried. and she told me that it was good that i felt bad about it, because if i felt good about it, i was, i would just be another psychopath. ah no other way. and again, for my education and the military showed up one day and i will pay for your education if you, sir, for a minimum of 4 years. how can anyone turn that down?
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oh, i started and comes down and turns around. now go to the military grade ranch and since your job is to kill people and break things. so you got all these young enlisted dude and girls gallon and guys who are out of high school. grab no experience in anything who are now. basically, video game snipers for months of training, made that put in the position to make these decisions. the are the 1st 3 months. i was in active missions, i watched enemy forces die or friendly forces die and the forces die and then
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innocence, innocent, people die. and so i got to see like the impact on everybody ah, [000:00:00;00] ah, ah, degredation with the proper term in every shot that we took there cheering their congratulating each other, their high fiving each other people getting promoted because of this stuff. and it's like a withering away of who you are. me when you were hunting, a man named. lucky he was
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a mom from p. m. and ah, i was told one day going in that president obama himself would stop and give the order himself to me. and i got this euphoric feeling. the death of the lock is a major blow tacos most active operational affiliate. and then his 16 year old son was killed 2 weeks later and drones, right. when i asked some of the people that i knew why they struck romanella lucky, they said that because i didn't want them to become a figure. the 1st thing that trump did in office was kill and we're our rockies 8 year old daughter. well, we see with the terrorist you have to take out their families, maybe to them, it seems practical,
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but to me it seems evil. ah, there was an incident involved killing of civilians. they might have been to new zealand white civilians in afghanistan. president obama got on television himself and was saying it was not the fault of intelligence or the military leadership. it was defaulted to drone operators that cause this and that really upset me because we get no intel. i felt like he was blaming me. commander in chief of the united states military was pointing a little me and saying, oh, all those things that were other people's fault and sexually, you're from the ah, i didn't know who i was anymore. i didn't know what i believed anymore. i didn't know my purpose anymore. i almost kill myself with
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a 9 millimeters 6 p 2266, our german law enforcement weapon. and the only reason i don't is because of him. but he said he just wants he wanted to go for a walk. and i'm sitting there with the guy in my hand and i ready to do it. and he's just like, dad, let's go for work. let's go for walk. i'm going to go for one. i . ready got more 1st and stories from people whose lives were forever changed by america's longest war and our special series on here on heard voices on air and online. while stay tuned for your world news headlines and just about 30 minutes. we'll see you then the the,
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the the in the me i don't the welcome to all the part. there's a saying you, the corolla attributed you profit mohammed the readings be fall times they're represented divided guidance. some time. * from the java and sometimes they are about the conflict of daily living impact to them. this applies practically to women and encouraged in the past to leave out that dream we flash to human beings that are being told by the college on this amount to nothing more. but they panic,
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