tv News RT September 12, 2021 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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the who's the this weekend, the 20th anniversary of the $911.00 terror attack is released to be classified document than about their proven to who carried out the atrocity report suggest the us and say can they target is enough gun aid worker to draw strong. kidding. 10 members of one family this we hear from a former american drone operator who tells us of his own experiences is killing innocent people. every shot that we turn like they're cheering their congratulating each other. they're high fiving each other. people are getting promoted because of this stuff in time and for the week looking back at what's happened, the last 7 days to a series of leak unconfirmed messages from the us military revealed
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a panic of the withdrawal from of ghana done with troops unable to rescue desperate american citizens, when the form of special forces soldiers shed encrypted messages gives us his thoughts about what happened. our biggest problem of getting people out actually is the u. s. government is actually not the todd man. we've seen the military lead people behind the gate. the us military was not letting even civilian americans with passports, american passports, the british promised submit to breaking a key election promised by high king taxes to fix a show full its health and social care funding. ah, good afternoon, just post 3 pm here in moscow. now this sunday afternoon, 12 to september live from ortiz, will use h q in moscow. my name is kevin. oh, and welcome to the weekly i rented for the headlines and brought you the last 7
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days and what's happening right now on 1st than the f b. i then releasing a previously classified document about his probe into the 911 attacks victims. families have long been clamoring for the records to be made public for the hope may be of implicating saudi arabia. saudi arabia denies this all along. it must be said 20 years after $911.00. they claim the latest papers back up the case. so what's in this? a redact to gather report dmitri pokes across it. you were chatting earlier saying a lot redacted, but the bit that is available, the bits that are available, what, what can be gleaned from it? yes, the report is heavily redacted. the main thing this report is showing basically is an interview with a certain individual whose name is redacted, who apparently worked at the consulate in los angeles, and supposedly apparently had contact with to saudi nationals who allegedly had connections with the 2 hijackers who perpetrated the 911 attack one of those people
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being all by me, he was already mentioned in previous reports, even back in 2016 when one of the investigations happened as having assisted these 2 hijackers provided them with lodging, provided them with money and translation and so on. so this report basically shows more light on those people, but it's not actually anything new by human guide. there's also from r e, a person who also assisted these people who is accredited a diplomat at the consulate in los angeles. so what this report basically does is show more light coming from this person who has interviewed about these 2 people. but it's not exactly a bombshell revelation of any sort of saudi nationals and no implication at all time with saudi government there along the way. as you say, the 2nd year that's been denied heavily by the government. there's nothing official there going on. so ok, so not a lot really. as come out from this report. i should ask, i guess, well why the victims happy that this report sat suppose because it at least is,
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is some so the new information. is that a? yeah, the thing is that as a positive. yeah. it seems that way because they just wanted any information leading up to the families. they insisted that bite and should release these documents and even threatened that he would not be had any memorials for 911 unless he released more documents to help their case against the saudi government and was have been released. it's just a day after the 20th anniversary, $911.00. it was that the time it just happened to happen within 24 hours of it is basically just biden, was pressured into releasing these documents and he announced that he would release this document and more would come within the next 6 months. we had great hope that president biden to campaigned on bringing truth and trust, back to the oval office would value the lives and sacrifices of america, citizens over diplomatic relations with a country accused of mass murder. we cannot in good faith and with veneration to those last sick and injured welcome, the president to a hallowed grounds, until he fulfills his commitment. that was a statement from the families,
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basically pressuring biden and releasing. so he did, and as always, these reports come out heavily redacted and even the former head of the ca said that this document probably would not show any new light or be any bombshell in terms of this investigation. i suspect that the families and not going to get the kind of satisfactory answers about the role of saudi arabia with regards to this attack. so than to be clear here to make sure there's nothing new in this document that we can gather so far that's revealed. anything that could incriminate saudi arabia officially yet? absolutely, yes, it doesn't seem that way. nevertheless, for some reason. yeah, the families say that they're happy about this, and they see this as a big step in their investigation and their lawsuit against saudi arabia, from claiming damages of billions of dollars against families. as a reminder, over 3000 people died and these are the families of those people who are trying to
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find someone to prove that the saudi government knew about it. but so far doesn't seem that they've had their bomb, shall revelation tying directly the saudi government to the 911 attacks. maybe there will be more documents within the next 6 months, but this is definitely not the one to be treat for. now, thank you very much. new footage suggests us drone striking cobble intended for terrorists actually ended up killing an aid worker loading his car with water and 10 civilians dying to the attack, including 7 children seems. this is the end of last month. us forces said the mans vehicle, much the description of one used by the terrorist group isis k. they also said there's a lot of secondary blah stocks. the drone strike suggesting that he was transporting explosive turns out that claim was false according to an investigation for the new york times worker train, the employee by an american n g o. there are many similar fates and victims of the 20 year us campaign. and i've kind of stuff as we discover in our ongoing,
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in depth investigation series and heard voices. the will use all tools at our disposal. killed our children to united states was bringing people to torture site. it was a pointless exercise. in our latest report we took to brandon bryan and he flew credit to drones for the us military to help pay for his education. he spoke to us about his own personal experiences which include his belief that he killed innocent men. after my 1st shot, 5 in the 3 innocent men killed. that i believe are innocent. i called my mother afterwards and cried. and she told me that it was good that i felt bad about it, because if i felt good about it, i would just be another psycho man ah,
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no other way. and again, my education and the military showed up one day and i will pay for your education if you are for a minimum of 4 years. and how can anyone turn that down? oh, the eye surgeon comes down and turns around now goes in the military crater, actually, since your job is to kill people and break things. so you got all these young enlisted deeds and girls. galvan guys who are out of high school have no experience in anything who are now basically video game snipers for months of training. made that put in the position to make these decision the are i
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the 1st 3 months i was inactive missions. i watched enemy forces die. friendly forces die and the forced to die and then innocence, innocent, people die. and so i got to see like, the impact on everybody ah, [000:00:00;00] ah, degradation. we did proper term, every shot that we took, like they're cheering, they're congratulating each other. they're high fiving each other, people getting promoted because of this stuff. it's like
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a withering away of who you are. i your hunting a man named and want all lucky. he was a mom from pm and ah, i was told one day going in that president obama himself was up and give the order himself to me. and i got this euphoric feeling. the death of the lock is a major blow to all kind of most active operational affiliate. and then it's done 16 year old son with job 2 weeks later. and it drones, right. when i asked some of the people that i knew why they struck the dual romanella lucky because i didn't want them to become
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a figurehead. the 1st thing that trump did in office was kill and or our rockies 8 year old daughter. we sit with the terrorist, you have to take out their families, maybe to them, it seems practical, but to me it seems evil. ah, there was an incident involved killing of civilians. they might have been to new zealand weiss civilians in afghanistan, so president obama got on television himself and was saying it was not the fault of intelligence or the military leadership. it was defaulting to drone operators that cause this and that really upset me because we get no intel. i felt like he was blaming me. vendor in chief of the united states military was pointing a little me and saying, oh, all those things that were other people's fault and sexually your phone, the.
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ah, i didn't know who i was anymore. i didn't know what i believed anymore. i didn't know my purpose anymore. i almost kill myself with a 9 millimeters 6 p 2266, our german law enforcement weapon. and the only reason i don't is because of him. like he said, he just wants he wanted to go for a walk and i'm sitting there with the guy in my hand and i'm ready to do it. and he's just like, dad, let's go for what, let's go for walk. i'm going to go for one. 0 i. ready can tell you 1st time stories, some people like forever changed by america's longest war and continuing special series on heard voices, which can also was shown line at r t dot com as well. this next more americans were allowed to leave afghanistan on thursday. the taliban then finally giving them the green light to flee on charter
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flights. almost 10 days after the official end of the us withdraw. many more the remain has the bud and ministration grapples with a fall out. and a series of league messages now to shedding light on its failed efforts to get it citizens out an american citizens. yes. all of them we are abandoning american citizens while those techs, which haven't been verified with disclose nonetheless by michael y'all. and he's a war correspondent and former us special forces soldiers and was among the civilians working with the military and private networks to rescue stranded americans at the time, he gave us more details of his conversation with a high ranking us army officer. that colonel was not physically present, but he was an contacts, major general chris donahue who, who was the combatant commander on the ground. and so, so that colonel was physically there. in fact, he was very frustrated and you can see from that tax, there was more tax those while he was really demonstrating
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a lot of frustration at one point he said, can you read the gate and other are intended with the car and get in? i mean, he wanted to rescue those people and you know, he, i hope that his tag cause him any problems. he's the kind of general we need. no, he didn't want to follow those orders. he wanted to get them out. we had 3 jets on the ground that were private jets that were paid for by a friend of mine's team. his name is rick clay, and his team had paid for 3 jets. they were on the ground civilian jets waiting. and the us military was not letting even civilian americans with passports, american passports, our biggest problem on getting people out actually is the u. s. government. it's actually not the todd man. i know that sounds crazy, but the biggest problem is not valid in italy. man, i'm actually it's in some cases of actually helped us. you can even make up the stuff. this is like something for a weird movie. so taliban is saying that us forces, happy to come and get them,
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or call us to let them through. nobody can make up the stuff. i don't care who's fault it is the department of state or the military. it's all of your fault. you didn't let them in period they were at the beginning. then of course, the next day we have a pentagon in the white house. they're going know, you know, all american citizens who wanted to get in could have gotten in. but they couldn't actually make it to the airport and were saying, excuse my language, i don't know if i can say this on russian tv. they definitely were at the gate period repeatedly. no, you can. my call you on also release conversations with contractors who are in cobble one of them, claiming that $45.00 americans, including women and children, were unable to get into that airport, even if they had us passport. the source for the claim that some were beaten and assaulted in their efforts to get it added to that he was asking senior officers for clarification on how best they could help the people outside facing a terrifying weight and situation potentially. but further to that, it seems his command is apparently refused to step in and therefore leaving those
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still stuck out side to meet the fate. but another contract to wrote the u. s. general new the citizens were stuck outside the airport, but still nonetheless, wouldn't grant access even proposed paying other governments, such as the u. k, to maybe help and left americans and confirm to the general mark. millie, chairman of the joint chiefs of stuff, had made the decision to not open that gate. can you confirm general milly was mentioned by name as the leader that is condemning them to death . yes, i can confirm that mentioned by name. so the picture coming in for those conversations in stark contrast to the narrative coming from the, by the ministration thus far, they continually stress that the situation was under control. and no american citizens would be left behind. what we're doing every single minute of every single hour of every single day is working to create safe passage for all civilians,
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including the afghans who worked for us to the airport to get them on planes and get them out. i think they're responsible to say americans are stranded, they are not. we are committed to bringing americans who want to come home homes. we completed one of the biggest err lists in history, extraordinary success. and this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravely and selfless courage of united states, military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals. after the evacuation, michael yon wrote a scathing letter to the armies high command, highlighting some of the missteps as he saw them. specifically, the us nationals were abandoned at the gates. well, 3 empty jet paid for by volunteers. we're currently waiting for them. we asked the pens again for clarity so far they've declined to comment on believes the lack of transparency has just made matters worse. that's what americans are saying. we leave no one behind. right. and right now we've seen the military leave people behind the gate. but it's, it's a sin to say, well,
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i'm just going to live because it's humiliating. so we just have to leave behind and lie about it, know we're going to try to get them out and we're getting a lot of them out right now. the military in the department state are in our way, at this point. so in addition to leaving people behind, they are stopping us from getting them out. now, department state isn't our way where we want the military and the government to get out of our way. we don't need their help anymore. i mean, now that we're getting success as civilians, because you know, we can do it, we don't need them, we're faster, we're more efficient, and we don't have the bureaucracy and we're just smarter than they are. this is our international wherever you're watching this. we can thank you for it. we know it's a big choice. there's the weekly with kevin. oh, this is a head if you didn't catch it in the week. a candidate for the french presidency is calling for his version of the breakfast. big name said michelle body of their telling his countrymen to free themselves from the collections of the european
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union. i will tell you more after this. ah, ah, is your media a reflection of reality? the world transformed what will make you feel safe? tyson lation community, are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? which direction? what is truth? what is faith in the world corrupted? you need to this end. the join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah.
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join me every 1st day on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guess on the world. the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in the moon. ah, the british prime minister burst johnson, admitting breaking a key pledge of his election manifesto by raising personal taxes to the highest level in decades. we promise not to raise the rates of income tax, national insurance or v a t. this is a tax guarantee, it will protect the income, so hardworking families across the next parliament. no conservative government, no conservative government to speak every once to ruth passes and i will be honest
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with the heights i kept. yes, i accepted the break. i manifest commitment, which is not something which is not something i do likely, but a global pandemic within mit one. yeah, cool. so this coming up for an 18 month spending bonanza because it covert 19 to see the u. k. national debt spiral. in the 1st year of the pandemic, the government borrowed 300000000000 pounds, the large part of which was to fund work his fellow schemes. boris johnson, cold tuesdays tax like difficult but responsible decision needed. he said to fix a funding shortfall at health and social care. we're beginning the beginning to catch up program in history of the n h s. the levy will share the cost as fairly, as possible between people and businesses. because we all benefit from a well supported and a chest and all businesses benefit from a healthy workforce. the shuttle work in pensions. secretary jonathan reynolds,
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reacting to the prime minister, essentially saying the way the government try to frame this issue of, for example, people living longer and having healthier lives and insensitive way of dealing with what are very real issues for the elderly when it comes to their pensions. to governments, cases of the full data and the pandemic have produced a statistical aberration. i reject the presentation of this issue as a source of intergenerational tension or unfairness because we all have an interest in ensuring that there's a decent state pension in the future. we would never present increase longevity as a problem. the pretense that the prime minister is only here because it's panoramic, he's not going to wash. he's putting a sticking plaster over gaping wounds which his party inflicted. he made the comment on social care before the pandemic, and he said he would pay for it without raising taxes before the pandemic. now this is of course, the 2nd manifest pledge that the prime minister has broken within
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a day. the 2nd of those being an announcement is res national insurance contributions, which they the government that is promised not to do in the lead up to that election at the end of $29.00 teams. so the government, the chancellor, the treasury all with a balancing act to do to have to try to please if not all sectors of society as many as possible when it comes to the agenda, not just in the u. k. the so called global gender of build back a better point. and slogan the bars johnson repeated again today, how much was a sally? they're part of a team and learned that we talked about it to his political commentator anthony webber, who says this long going to show for an age his social care funding. i think it is damaging because of the way it's been job to saw where he's playing the time to make the governments has actually dealt with the kid. not a district course,
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not way it's been spending money. we're not thinking about the consequences. it's now trying to deal with the consequences by bringing in this additional means of like a mummy. as the leader, the opposition court is now today, all the problems we had with the chest and with social care interested, well be poor, the american malone after breakfast, could frank sit be next? because a candidate for the french president sees no calling in his country to seize control and free itself from the clutches of the big name to politics. charlotte events, he's got the story from paris. he was the man that was losing the charge. when it came to the brig negotiation, he was a man that was in charge of insuring a victory. you fool you. and during many years to break that she was the man that kept saying you is the gold standard during those discussions,
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even if she was the u. k. you trying to cherry pick was wanting from the you. now mission volunteer is telling a very different story. something for the presidency, hearing from elections, take place in about a level. and the thing he is saying is shocking. many events in the south phone yesterday about needing to have more fluency in europe. germany is doing. and when it came to migration and see what he has to say, we cannot do all this without having regained our legal sovereignty. being permanently frightened by a ruling or a condemnation at the level of the european court of justice. so the european convention on human rights, or by an interpretation by our own judicial institutions, the reaction, i mean, i will, in fact, some people were so shocked about these comments. they thought that they would fake news. how could someone like me should vanya, the such thing? the problem is a junior european affairs,
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mr. clem. paul said that he couldn't believe that some of the who is truly committed. you will, will be able to say such things. others suggested the mission volunteer had essentially imploded. toya korea, michele bonnie: a is giving a master class on how to destroy your career and legacy and the desperate hope of looking electable to elect for that just straight up dislikes you regardless. well, bonia has defended his coming thing. the idea of a constitutional field would only apply when it comes european court on issues such as like ration. but his attempts to defend his comments seem to me things worse. you can only, can i break that she is, has been reacting to this here just some of the comments. this is breathtaking. the hypocrisy the same. michel bonnie who doing the brakes. it negotiations taught to belittle the u. k for demanding control over our courts and our borders. now he
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wants the same for friends for exit. this is ironic in the extreme bonnie: a preaching the merits of national sovereignty to cover the overpower for e. u and european court of human rights. born is through feelings, it seems about the new and about european institutions couldn't have come at a point to the book at the moment. brussels is trying to reschedule supremacy when it comes to issues of the country, such as hungary and poland. even seeing some questions being raised by germany called to school court and he's coming to from meetings to maybe of the am to, to have more influence when he comes to the european union to counterbalance influence of germany. just will suggest that the relationships within the block goes cosy, i think, would have you believe which many wonder if this does mean that there are trouble voices. will continue to follow the twist and tends to hear it off international with us. it's not the way that we ponder in these. we brought you some of the
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headlines anyway, so much more of course go home here in moscow, i will use h q. it's kevin, in thanking you for watching this sunday and stop by if you will for taylor made program. so you and your part of the world right ahead of me. ah, the drug started as a way to come back, a great problem. what's the wonder? it's part of the attitude of the nation, not just of north dakota, and it got to be something that you could get elected. this time, the fight against drugs took a check. he told us that and there was a competence for me. this is way too dangerous for him to be doing. clearly they
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put him in harm's way. a rural college student does interest get shot in the head and found in a river like that. something else had to be happening with the the me this me the year before the september 11th attacks, when the taliban were in power, afghanistan produced literally 0 harowick no heroine.
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and after the 911 attacks, they got to a point by 2010 where they were producing 93 percent of the world. terran, i know this because i was the chief investigator on the senate foreign relations committee staff at the time. and i went to afghanistan in 2009 to study the problem . the positive cable is called polar soft, which means dad's money. a favorite haunt, the drug addicts. it's easy to buy, how she should be em, or heroine here. me neither during the soviet presence, enough gun this done nor after it under the taliban could this possibly have been
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