tv News RT September 14, 2021 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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in such a situation, it's remarkable to supplies the news the simply put, i do not wish you. i'm not simply what you got. i don't hear your lot and installation period, right. of the camera and put top stories from us today. us lawmakers for re secretary stayed on the blink, and then over his handling of the pull, i've got to stop a crisis. he says he inherited from former president donald from this we are going to introduce you to the parties involved in the rice. also getting deeper inside politics. why a massive beyond lesson for this. russia is getting ready them for those parliamentary elections. later this week we take
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a look at the part. these are the candidates and also state coming up also in support. we think daniel medive after the project victory, the us open the brush and tell you stuff fleming is 1st grand slam by beating will never will never joke of it ending the serbs. oh, dream of wedding. all 4 seasons and awful major rather in a single season and dropped the politics up to defeating cobra. with the splitting the vaccine, the tiny, say the sun, marino urgency, to open its borders to people who've had the job. ah, today the 14th of september live from ortiz, will be h q. it's kevin with you for the next time. look into a program 1st than it is testimony before congress, us secretary of state and to the blinking ban, harshly grilled for the hasty pullover. i've got to stand a law makers,
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didn't mean their words with the country's top diplomat either. i can summarize this in one word, but trail. mr. blink and assuming it's not classified, can you tell us where you are today? yes, i'm at the state farm and i couldn't couldn't be bothered to come down here and see congress or right. that's great. this administration's bungle pull out from afghanistan. just maybe the worst foreign affairs disaster in american history. and that's a failure on you either to plan or you had a horrible plan, simply put, i do not wish you. i'm not simply you longer than what you said. i don't wish to hear you, and it'll tell us when you serious front of the camera and you will go to your lives of the intelligence for your lives. all. alright, let's see if we can cross life to a correspondence as he curse one word, garcia who's in cobb. i'm not sure if he got a line to him or not. laura is
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a big delay on it. but 1st off, we don't know if you there or not, but can you hear me this morning is clear if you can, that the u. s. have been destroyed, is going to be filling the heat over this for some time. yeah. well these, i mean you saw for yourself. it was largely a partisan spectacle where both sides attempted to either blame the other who absolved themselves of all responsibility for the chaos that unfolded here. got his thoughts in the final days of us presence here. look, that the democrats, what they were arguing at the, by the ministration as the ultimately what we saw here. these humiliating evacuation was from salt because it was trump who agreed to lead to this war, but didn't leave a plaid for, for biden. and for the democrats to follow, which would you know when, when heard by republicans,
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they see that is an agree just sort of defense because obviously biden had many months to prepare for an evacuation. they had the better half of half a year to make sure that they could get those who are vulnerable. american diplomats, american citizens, at native e, you citizens, out of the country. they didn't do so. but what they said is that we made the best of a bad situation. which of those brecht as long ago was sound good? lauren was killed in 2011 a decade ago. ok, this capabilities were degraded significantly. we completed one of the biggest air lives in history, much of the equipment that was left behind, including in the hands of the ac and forces that then fell to the taliban. much of it, based on what i understand from my colleagues of b o. d is an operable or soon will become an operable because it has to be maintained. it's not of any great strategic value in terms of threatening us.
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what are the things that caused a lot of outbreaks with regards to this hearing is at the tech day blink. inside step to refuse to answer. many of the questions what we heard just now, for example, that is stretching the truth. al qaeda may have been degraded here and i've got this done, although varies. there is no guarantee of that in other parts of the world. they're much more widespread, much more powerful, and have much, much more fighters than they ever did before. as for his argument, that much of the equipment left behind by the united states and i've gotten troops will become inoperable. but that's simply a true the quantity of equipment is such very 20000 humvees. for example, 40000 pickup trucks, thousands upon thousands of other trucks. and armored personnel carriers half a 1000000 weapons mean that even if the taliban doesn't care for them, doesn't maintain them. they can capitalize parts from vehicles and for the
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arguments that they aren't using to make sure that they can keep using american weapons for years. if not decades and to the future. because the other thing here is that that was and touched upon all that much as the disastrous humanitarian situation here. and have got to stop the countries on the brink of collapse and all fronts, politically, as well as socially, and especially from a perspective of people's needs. and that is food. the us itself has said the food stock while it's here and i've got to start, couldn't run out within a few weeks until the end of september. unless something is done about this. now, bear in mind that over a 3rd of the population of, of got to start at is more than 10000000 people have no guarantee. they don't know that they'll have a meal tomorrow. the situation is incredibly desperate here and capital the capital . you can walk down the street and you'll see lawyers and doctors and teachers out
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there on the streets, begging for food because they haven't been paid, paid in weeks. they didn't months. so the, the funds of the afghan government now the taliban to be frozen in the west and they have nothing to pay people with. and in these circumstances we are bearing in mind this environment here. you have at that hearing, congressmen asking blinking about the rights of the l g b t q community here. as you know mister secretary, the l g b t q i community in afghanistan is extremely vulnerable to punitive actions from the taliban. what thank you for very rightly putting the spotlight on concerns about the l g, b u i, pos, community. and i can stand in a particular threat that they may find themselves under. this is something that we are focused on. i'm glad that cleared up. i'll be sleeping so much better tonight. thank god. luckily we have no issues in our country that are more important than the l g b t q. crisis in afghanistan. what, a complete,
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absolute bleeping idiot we have for a secretary of state. the only reason he's not the dumbest man in d. c is his boss already has that title. but the argument being made here isn't that the lives and rights of the l g b t q, community on to board and do aren't as important as all the others, the thousands of us green cardholders as well as europe and citizens that were left behind during this vacuum evacuation the argument is the congressmen are attempting to change the subject at the switch that turns people people's attentions to something else. because even under the u. s. back government here, homosexuality was, was a criminal offense. it was punishable by law and indeed in the more rural communities and sharia law, it was punishable by death. this was while the united states occupation was ongoing . so for them now to be suddenly remembering the rights of the l. g. b t. community
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seems to be very strange to many people warranty the right thanks. bruce. have displayed the highly controversial as you say in the last. now we spoke as well to retard us air force, lieutenant colonel, who used to work for the end of the pentagon and again the recriminations. keep on come and don't like. she says, 5 miscalculated or blank. and of course, he is called the bull in many ways, but the department of defense is the, is a big player here. and the tone of the questioning today is really political theater. and you can, you can kind of watch it on both sides. it's more entertaining than it is revealing . we blame trump for everything. we don't see signs so that i assessed the situation 8 months ago, let's say in january, let's say at the end of january when he took power. it didn't seem like he was really assessing what he had been left by the previous administration. and that's
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the duty of all presidents as they tread for power. so he can blame trump. i don't think it's, it's really valid in this case. or a big we came up here what was happening already. let's return to a special coverage of russia's parliamentary elections which are taking place this weekend. the welcome back to the heart of moscow fees. a special studio will set up here throughout the week to bring you the very best coverage and reporting on the elections to the state to do about the russians. low a house for voting itself takes place over 3 days from friday to to the end of sunday. throughout this week, we're going to introduce you to the parties involved in the rice and also give you a deeper insight into russian politics. why it matters to beyond lesson for the 1st
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constantine rush of explains why the elections are so special this time around. more duties, more responsibility, more power, the upcoming election march. a new chapter in the history of the state duma. russia's lower house of parliament. the 2020 constitution referendum gave russian legislators new authority hands. whoever grabs these seats now will have greater political weight than their predecessors. the doom is now responsible for approving the countries prime minister, deputy prime minister that most of the cabinet. what remains intact, however, is the duma structure and there are $400.00 tpc for grabs, which will this time be contested him on the 14th political party, the president can still appoint minister, is responsible for national security and foreign policy without parliament's approval. but even with that law, the new elected m. p 's will gain more influence and play a bigger role st. domestic economic affairs. and this is just the fraction of their new found authority. the 2020 amendments have also solidified the so called
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parliamentary control, a range of legal action. the duma can take to overhaul different aspects of the country and governance like finances, for instance, and peace can now summon russia. the central bank chairman who now must report both to the president and the parliament with new powers come new responsibilities. there would be m p 's. now phase. how for a scrutiny to be allowed to run, no foreign citizenship, and no money or acids in banks outside of russia. the pandemic has pushed authorities to increase the online balloting 1st tested during the 2020 constitutional referendum. 7 russian regents will provide this option for those who can't or don't want to go to a polling station. in addition, the vote is going to be held for 3 straight days to avoid lines and unnecessary commotion at ballad boxes. the increased role of the countries main legislative body along with organizational challenges make this election. one of the rushes most significant, both of the last decade, k or i,
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that's the technicality of it. all the very expecting later this week, let's get cracking and talking about those 14 policies that are constantly mentioned that green alternative, that's quite an interesting participant to keep watch on in the race for the 2 for this week until last year it was only a social movement it was standing for providence environmental agenda in russian politics. it also backs the youth climate movement, which is called fridays future it ahead about that. last before the pandemic, it organizes campaigns and petitions. it's the campaign that inspired by aggressive sumburgh correspondent, patricia profiles the poppy and central moscow. very new, very young, but very ambitious. the average age of the members of the party is just above 30. now the question on everyone's mind is, how is the green alternative, different from the traditional greens here in russia? well, here's how the parties leader answered that question. and he's saying it's all about the generation gap where shapes, 1st of all,
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we have different views. we pursue international goals, prioritize 17 sustainable development goals, set up by the united nation. the other green party, unfortunately, doesn't see their idea further than community work. this is an example of a generation gap. this is what makes us different, because we look at the world and the agenda globally, and through a broader lens. we look not only on the scale of russia, but the whole world, because russia is a big geopolitical player, including on the issue of the green agenda. the green alternative isn't a rich party. they're not supported by any big businesses or corporations. they're saying that they don't want to receive cash from those who are causing harm to the environment. now i can tell you that when they were asked about whether they're ready to build some kind of aligns as with other political movements, the answer from them was no because they don't see this possible given their goals . and given what vase down for in terms of ideology, we are of course,
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close to parties on the left. but in general, ideology, in reality, i don't think compromises with the other parties are possible because it's again going to face a generation gap. once again, we're the youngest party where the voice of the generation that is not being heard . officials start carrying about young people only before their retirement, their understanding of how to work with young people comes from their childhood and legs 40 years behind. well, on the one hand, these words that they represent the younger generation, the fact that this is the youngest party, this is something that could give them an advantage during this election. but experts are saying that for now, for this alternative green party, the chances of securing some seats in the duma are quite slim. all right, that's all from a reduction studio for this. but our coverage is really only just beginning plenty more for you in the coming days here on the international. because we explains the
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big issues facing russian versus people trying to win that balance this weekend. the sneeze right now, the french government spin strutting to explain its handling of the coven crisis as the country's former health ministers officially come under investigation for her pandemic policy and endangering the lives of french people, shall davinsky go the latest on that one today. the manual mat corner look to seek a 2nd term. what the hell? know from serious questions of being all about the way his administration dealt with the coven. 19 pandemic. first to be something for the full might help them in this stuff on your zone. on january 24th 2020 as it was being confirmed that the forest had reached france, she had made this statement in the disco risk of invitation from han is moderate.
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it is now practically 0 since the city, you know, is isolated the risks upside the facts around and imported case and very weak and the risks of spread and virus in the population. a very low. however, a few months later, often leaving the health ministry and launching a failed bid to become the mayor of parish moved on was telling a very different story. when i left the ministry, i was crying because i knew that nami way was in front of us from the start. i only thought of one thing, the corona virus. we should have stopped everything. it was a masquerade. she also related to told the parliamentary investigation that she diluted president michael and and then prime minister edward felipe about the potential dangers of the virus. in january 2020. susan is now under investigation by a special court for endangering the lives of others. this is one of the very 1st cases worldwide were leading public figure is being held accountable for how the
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crisis was handled. however, you may not be alone in front of those who held high office during the pandemic. do you to be question to that includes edgewood felipe and the current health minister olivia, around the court of justice also has its site set on the director general of health and public fraud. the pressure is on the court of justice is wading through thousands and thousands of complaints against government minutes says all over allegations of ms handling the pandemic, even president my colon has admitted that france was you prepared? i mistakes were made. let's be honest. the moment has revealed flaws, shortcomings, like all the countries of the world. we have lack gowns, gloves,
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hydro alcoholic gels. we were not able to distribute as many mosques as we would have liked for our caregivers. for staff carrying for our seniors, for nurses and home helpers. however, the difference between mister mccolan, those that he appoints is that he is president, enjoys immunity from prosecution. now, since that was a missions from has run up, it's couldn't be rules, mosques remain mandatory in shops and on public transport health classes showing you do vaccinations, faces or obligatory in many cultural and leisure spaces as well as in most restaurant fonts and cafes. rule that triggered approach the news those who end up being caught over the state handling of cove,
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it will have the opportunity to defend losing has already said that she won't let the action of the government being discredited. much was done to prepare for the global crisis, whether or not that was the case is now in the hands of the french judicial system . from the very beginning, there were apparently lies understatement. so many failures not health policy. justice should come into play to understand what really happened to health management, which was a disaster. remember, it was agnes fuson who stated that the virus would not spread in front, but also hung post was a power sample designed to prevent so far it's from entering. and she lied about the mass. it seems only now politicians of finally discovered that serving the public interest comes with responsibility to international. thanks for watching this tuesday, i heard the europe instead of marina was been urging the youth to let people know collated with us putting the job into the block. as the countries already defeated
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the g, d p and also about to explode higher and that all ratings about to go fully bit going hyper pigmentation. and that's going to filter up to some bigger countries. it's going to go global and we're all living to something that is absolutely remarkable. the moon choose ah goodness. as mentioned and for the bright submarine edging to open its borders to people and knock elated with his foot the v job as most of the countries received the russian vaccine. but the eas medicines watched august, still hesitant about whether or not to prove it. submarine talk, diplomat says, there is no place for politics when it comes to vaccines. they look at,
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there should be no politicization about the use of a vaccine scientist should speak about the research. and we were glad to see that we were right to use boot degree, because it has indeed helped us reduce infections. i would say even reduce them to 0, we did not have any issues in the summer months and we do not have any today. even though new virus strains have emerged. we can see that the situation is very calm and our republic largely thanks to the use of the russian vaccine, almost 20000 people as 2 thirds of submarine this population have been inoculated with russia. sputnik fee, but their inability to move freely especially problematic because that landlord nations entirely surrounded by italy, any you member, state, and citizens who have had the russian job and unable to obtain a much sought after covert 19 passport. their summary knows how she says geo politics as a parts of play and the issue we have some problem to to. ready movement in, in italy,
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there is some jupiter legal issues. there is no doubt that to fight coby. it is necessary to dispose of as many vaccines and treatment as possible did 94 percent of people actually need to be has antibodies infection to do tv, amber under control. we are talking about a policy to people to date and we haven't had not death since a prison and our next 2 years are currently 3 in the meals. i believe it will be an opportunity that european union can not miss the opportunity because me is do the an effect. the miss seen after winning his 1st grand slam, that helmet vetted,
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has been speaking to us here at r t that russia's top tennis play. defeated world number one of the joke of h to lift the us open title and stop the serve from climate all 4 major and the single season, but of a shocker. it was, it's the 1st such title russian male is one then since 2005, congratulations to him. and the 5th grand slam victory by a russian male in history. you can watch the interview in full on youtube channel. oh, yeah. first of all, i do leave a lot that like 3 hours and definitely a lot of emotions going through my body and through my head. but force just really happy and a lot of relief. because finally choose something i was dreaming for a long time. ah yeah, i think i think it helps me when i say this, i'm talking only from my side because i knew he's going to have this pressure at the same time. it's not like and when he has pressure, he becomes
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a better player normally. so i knew that from the start of the match, i need to turn this pressure on him and not let him be stronger because of this pressure and feet from it. because that was just super important point of the match . and i'm really had to manage to, to follow my plan. yeah, well it was not easy, especially if with kinetic, we didn't have phones for some time. the things that they supported me through all it all the week a lot. and there was. busy no love hate relationship this year and i think they just, it was not against me. they really wanted not to when there was a lot of surveying phones in the stands. it definitely was not an easy moment, but that's what makes it even sweeter you story. saudi about russian president vladimir putin to go to self isolation off, recovered 19 case partly was detected among his own to raj. let's get latest on the company rose coast coffee call for this. i just come in purely cautionary this or
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is there a suggestion that the president himself may have covert or symptoms? what's going on? yeah, sure. hello kevin. so i think it's important distress at this point that we're not talking about that. russia's president vladimir putin has constructed covert or any other infection, but there are people within his inner circle among his age that adversely half. and that is the main reason why he's going to self isolate a for the foreseeable future. now, this is something that let me put and mentioned before he 1st said that he might sell fi, slay during and awards ceremony in the kremlin when he was awarding a russian, parlin peons and well, now it is officially confirmed. now, what does that mean for the president schedule? letterman put in is going to continue. he's working meetings, but ah, online, he's going to take part in the session of the c s t o council. this is a military alliance between russia and 6 former soviet republics, as well as he's go to take part in the meeting of the shanghai cooperation
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organization c as o, again via video link. now it is worth mentioning that lever improvement has taken 2 jobs of sputnik we, if you months ago. he publicly said that during q and a session in july. and as he put it, that went smoothly for him. now, in general, the situation with cove it in rush remains not that severe as it used to be, say, during the summer or the city that register is the most covert cases. it's still moscow. we're talking about 2000 new infections daily, but it seems that more likely the health care officials have managed to curb the situation. according to the official data. there are over 40000000 russians who have had at least one dose of anti corona virus. maxine at this moment, back to you, kevin. yeah, i think he thinks pretty substantial,
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not renewing on the home. you can keep up to date with that and everything else we're talking about today quoted r t dot com or on our socials. but for now, reporting for moscow, this choose to 29 minutes past the kevin over to the teams signing off. thanks for watching and have a good day. ah, ah, the me the news long long when i would show the wrong. why don't we
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