tv News RT September 14, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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we are in a conflict situation with the largest and most powerful employer in such a situation. it's remarkable. survive the the most go where it's just turns 8 pm on tuesday, the 14th of september, you're watching off the international law from our election. h q overlooking the kremlin, and red square. that's account down continues to millions of russian voters choosing who they want in parliament, in a state duma election to set the political pace for the next 5 years. we're profiling the parties and outlining the issues the methods voters 1st though. here are the other global stores that we're tracking for you. this, our us lawmakers, parade secretary of state antony,
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blinking his handling of the pull out from afghanistan, the crisis. he says he inherited from, for the president donald trump, himself isolate software, a covert 19 case in his entourage and will continue carrying out his duties online . only before having to isolate the russian liter holds and other names meeting with syrian counterpart bash on our side. where he expressed fears about the forum presence in the middle east and state. the reason we're here, russia adds to the polls on friday for the general elections, all the parties, the candidates, and what's at stake in our special coverage this hour and throughout the week. ah, i'm calling bray. welcome to the selection studio in the house in moscow. later we'll get you up to speed on the campaign trail. hearing for more of the candidates hoping received in the lower house of parliament. and why this election is
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a big deal in russia 1st, or other stories that under testifying to congress us secretary of state anthony blanket has been harshly grilled for the rush to pull out from afghanistan. and lawmakers didn't mention the words either with the country's top diplomat. i can summarize this in one word, but trail. mr. blink and assuming it's not classified, can you tell us where you are today? yes, i'm at the state farm. it could couldn't be bothered to come down here and see congress are right. that's great. this administration's bungle pull out from afghanistan just may be the worst foreign affairs disaster in american history. and that's a failure on you either to plan or you had a horrible plan, simply put, i do not wish you. i'm not simply, you know what you thought. i don't hear you and it'll tell us when you serious front of the camera and not list your regularly or lives of the intelligence for
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your lives. all the us deadline to quit out ganawe's down expired last month, bringing americans longest to have a war to a close. as the pentagon withdrew, the taliban rapidly took over, sparking chaos with thousands of afghans trying to flee. the country throughout the biden administration insisted that things were going fine, but the white house is finding it as hard to maintain that narrative as all the senior correspondent or i guess the report next from cobble it was largely a partisan spectacle, but the republicans attempting to shift the blame for this catastrophe, as they described it onto the biden administration. the democrats, on the other hand, as well as the administration, attempted to absolve themselves of all responsibility for what happened in cobble as american troops pulled that more importantly, the bike minutes administration says that this is squarely on the shoulders of
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trump, the former president, because it was him who agreed to they pull out without leaving them a detailed plan as to what to do. now the republicans saying that this is an agreement defense because martin had the better half while half a year to make sure that americans were evacuated, that everything was done and orderly, and an orderly fashion, especially considering that the intelligence was that. but the state department and that intelligence agencies had warned that that was a serious risk, that the taliban would overrun the country very quickly. the biden administration nevertheless, maintains that what it did is made the best of a bad situation, which in those brecht as long ago or song when one was killed in 2011 a decade ago. ok, this capabilities were degraded significantly. we completed one of the biggest err lives in history, much of the equipment that was left behind,
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including in the hands of the afghan forces that then fell to the taliban. much of it, based on what i understand from my colleagues, a, b, o. d is an operable or soon will become an operable because it has to be maintained . it's not of any great strategic value in terms of threatening us. many of the arguments that be heard, jerry, the hearing never. well, they were stretching the truth to put it lightly. for example, at al qaeda has been degraded. oh, well, that is incorrect. it is more widespread with more followers than ever before. as for the argument that much of the equipment and weapons left behind by the united states and gather stock will become inoperable. well, that is untrue as well. because even if the taliban doesn't care for, for the 20000 hum, these the, the 40000 pickup trucks, thousands of other vehicles as well as half a 1000000 firearms left behind the united states. well, it will simply be able to cannibalize those that it doesn't need to make sure that
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they're still functional years that decades into the future. what wasn't touched upon in the hearing all that much was the, the humanitarian situation here. and i've got this done, which is to put it again disastrous because there is, there is of the prospect of collapse and on the political front of the show. so front, at this specially on the humanitarian front, the hunger we're talking about across the country. the you in itself has said that more than 10000000 afghans a 3rd of the population depend. you buy the terry navy and they have no assurance that tomorrow they'll be able to eat. and bearing that in mind, the taliban and booth, the tide about the world food program have said that he stop positive catalyst on we'll run out by the end of september. unless something is done. i mean, you, you take a walk down the street here and in capital duty, louis as well as teachers, professors begging for food because they haven't been paid in months because
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government accounts have been foes internationally, especially in the west. and the taliban has nothing to pay them with and bearing lisa get in mind as some of the questions we had during that hearing address the l g b t q, community and their well being. as you know, mr. secretary, the l g b t q, community afghans, extremely vulnerable to punitive actions from the taliban. what thank you for rightly putting the spotlight on concerns about the l g, b u, i post community. and i can't stand in a particular threat that they, they find themselves under. this is something that we are focused on. i'm glad that cleared up. i'll be sleeping so much better tonight. thank god. luckily we have no issues in our country that are more important than the l g b t q. crisis in afghanistan. what, a complete, absolute bleeping idiot we have for a secretary of state. the only reason he's not the dumbest man in d. c is his boss already has that title. it is important to bear in mind that
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people are saying the l g b t q, community, the lives that their rights, that they don't matter, the point these, they're making that the l g b t, few community was prosecuted under the previous us back regime. the government here where he'll know sexuality was an offense, and it was punishable by even debt sherry a lot more remote communities. and for them now to be tried to turn people turn people's attention away from the crisis. he's gripping of gases starting to focus on the l g, b t q, community. well, that is piece on his to put it to put it lightly. retired us air force left hand and colonel who also worked for the national security agency, says biden's miscalculated the whole situation. blink. and of course, he is called people in many ways, but the department of defense is the, is a big player here. and a tone of the questioning today is really political theater. and you can,
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you can kind of watch it on both sides. it's more entertaining than it is revealing . we blame term for everything. we don't see signs that i assessed the situation 8 months ago, let's say in january, let's say at the end of january when he took power. it didn't seem like he was really assessing what he had been left by the previous administration. and that's the duty of all presidents as they tread for power. so you can blame trump. i don't think it's, it's really valid in this case here the russian president is in self isolation offered a cobra. 1900 case was detect among his entourage has been confirmed though the demon food and himself is tested negative for the virus who will continue with his work schedule obeyed online. the russian later cause had 2 shops of splitting the vaccine earlier this year. surely before isolating, put in hosted syrian head of state basha,
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alice sat on an unannounced that is to the russian capital. a monday's meeting was that 1st since putting visited damascus last year. upon from discussing the situation in afghanistan, believe stress, the need to restore political dialogue in syria with the country. of course, still trapped in that decade plus among civil war to reassure the side of his support for the country. but race alarm at the forum presence on its sole glove, probably when the main issue in my opinion is that foreign armed forces are present and certain certain territories without any un mandates. and without your authorization, which clearly contradicts international law and prevent you taking maximum efforts to consolidate the country and move along the path of its restoration at a rate that would be possible if the entire territory was controlled by a legitimate government. and will echoing some of that britain's former envoy to syria said the pentagon presence. that is absurd. i think it was probably
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very timely into the recent american withdrawal from afghanistan. now logically, you might think the president biden would follow up withdrawal from ending the forever war in afghanistan, with a similar withdrawal in syria after all. the purpose of the american troops in ne syria, supposedly to keep control over ice, if it is a transparent nonsense, the real purpose has been to put pressure on. i said to step down and it is very unlikely to happen. the french government's been struggling to explain its handling of the kobe crisis as the form of health ministers officially pro, for her pandemic policy, and endangering the lives of french people to do best. he has the story. as a manual mat corner looks to seek a 2nd term at the helm of france. serious questions of being all about the way his
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administration felt with the covert 19 pandemic? first to be something for the full might help him in this stuff on your own. on january 24th 2020 as it was being confirmed that the vars had reached brought. she had made the statement open. the disco, the risk of invitation from hun is moderate. it is now practically 0. since the city, you know, is isolated, the risks of thought, the facts around and imported case of very weak and the risks of spread and virus in the population of very low. however, a few months later, often leaving the health ministry and launching a failed bid to become the mayor of parish lose all was telling a very different story. when i left the ministry, i was crying because i knew that not the way was in front of us from the start. i only thought of one thing, the corona virus. we should have stopped everything. it was a masquerade. she also will lead to told the parliamentary investigation that she
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diluted president macro and and then prime minister edward felipe about the potential dangers of the virus. in january 2020 susan is now under investigation by a special court for endangering the lives of others. this is one of the very 1st cases worldwide we're leading, public figure is being held accountable for how the crisis was handled. however, we may not be alone here in front of those who held high office during the pandemic. do you to be question to that includes the edgewood fillings and the current health minister olivia around the court of justice also has the site set on the director general of health and public health from the pressure is on the court of justice is waiting through thousands and thousands of complaints
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against government ministers, all over allegations of handling the pandemic. even president cohen has admitted that france was prepared and mistakes were made. let's be honest. the moment has revealed flaws, shortcomings, like all the countries of the world. we have lack gowns, gloves, hydro alcoholic gels, we were not able to distribute as many mosques as we would have liked for our caregivers, for staff carrying for our seniors, for nurses and home helpers. however, the difference between mr. michael and those that he a point is that he is president, enjoys immunity from prosecution. now since the missions from has run up, its couldn't be rules, mosques remain mandatory in shops and on public transport health passes showing you do vaccinations, faces are obligatory in many cultural and ledger spaces as well as in most
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restaurant fonts and cafes rule that's true. good. protests the with those who end up being caught over the state handling of cobra, it will have the opportunity to state that defense losing has already said that she won't let the action of the government be discredited. that much was done to prepare for the global crisis. whether or not that was the case is now in the hands of the french judicial system. even from the very beginning they were apparently lies understatement. so many failures not health policy. justice should come into play to understand what really happened to health management, which was a disaster. remember, it was agnes fuson who stated that the virus would not spread in front,
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but also hung posters at paris, therefore, designed to prevent so far as from entering. and she lied about the mass. it seems only now politicians of finally discovered that serving the public interest comes with responsibility. don't of the robot says here, hers about has been using them in combat, alongside humans, in its exact bad 2021 military drills. take a look at the
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this is are tina robots. next it's 100 percent people power. we're going to launch back into our russian parliamentary election, special coverage rights helps us to the sink in the state to $900.00. the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk rather driven by dreamers shaped by those in
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have a 3 day start this friday and continues right the way through to the end of sunday . throughout this week, we're going to be introducing you to the parties in that race. i give you more of an insight to into rushes politics. now let's clarify 1st how the election actually works here. there are going to be $450.00 m paid from $225.00 electoral districts chosen to the state. get a 5 year term, half of them are elected in the 1st part of the post system. the majority voting in a single mandate constituencies on the basis of a one n p per constituency. the other 225, a sent by the elected parties, but only the ones who achieve more than 5 percent representation in the next parliament for the big issues that voters are going to be choosing from russia, of course, not immune. so what many worldwide to see is the mishandling of the pandemic by right, meaning governments don't call next asks whether that could boost left his groupings at the russian ballot box super profits for some abject poverty. for others,
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the pandemic striven. a sharp wedge between the world's rich and poor, sending millions of people to the bread line. while the lead, skyrocketing profit margins carry them into space. i also want to think every amazon employee and every amazon customer, because you guys paid for all of this. ah, we're here to make space more accessible to all welcome to dawn of a new space age ah, in the u. s. a poll of 18 to 34 year olds found only 49 percent of respondents had a positive view of capitalism. that's down from 58 percent when the same question
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was asked 2 years ago. and this shift can be seen through the 10000 new people who have joined the democratic socialists of america since march. people are really starting to just look around and say, man, capitalism isn't working. if the market's captive and produce hand sanitizer the toilet paper masks during the plague, what good as the system? a steep majority of young brit also want socialism, according to a new poll by the institute of economic affairs, almost 70 percent. in fact, at the same time in spain, the socialist workers party has retained its firm hold on power throughout the pandemic. for people growing up in economy, far less forgiving than the one in which their parents spent their best years. radical solutions look like the only viable ones. defeating a disease like this is an activity for which has decided must be prepared. and which is, society must mobilize its resources to confront this disease.
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when coven 19 came in the late winter of 2020, the united states was unprepared. and the united states has been on able to cope the country. the system as a whole has broken down, and that is a clear way in which the experience of the pandemic has made the witnesses of capitalism and the growing interest in socialism much stronger than it was already before that. russia also has not been immune to the rise in global wealth inequality. the countries rich have added $40000000000.00 to their collective net worth since the beginning of this year. so the russian communist party says it's going to tackle the financial gap, its program titled 10 steps towards people. power promises fixes through policies
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like nationalization of key industries and banks, as well as an overhaul of industrial investment. although some have criticized the k p r ups own relationship to russia's millionaires since the party nominated over 100 of them for its ticket to the state, duma general secretary did not use the gun of the claims that there is nothing contradictory about that most possible for a millionaire to be a communist, i believe it's completely possible for us all to be millionaires. if the 10000 minds that this country has created worked for every person. there would be plenty of millionaires. but they've been stolen by 15 scoundrels who don't even want to pay normal taxes if what was inherited from our forefathers and from god worked for every person. then the situation would change dramatically. it's times like these when capitalism is not exactly doing much good for many people. that 1000000 struggling to get by start to look for alternatives. well, the socialists be able to step up to the parliamentary play. and it's not just the
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socialists pledging to do a better job than the current government. the russian united democratic party will commonly known as yeah, because it's a liberal policy. it's been on the slide for decades with its best results back in 190909 when it took most 6 percent of the vote. since then though it's tumbled to around a 2 percent chat, chat told us what he expects this time around. let's just of a bit of money this time we'll have 14 squares, but in reality there are only 21 banks, the policy of that they may put in or the other is an alternative. 13 parties support his policy. the common is the liberal democrats that just russia and so on down the list. while gab luca proposes an alternative course, everyone who believe there should be political freedoms friendly and beneficial, but mutually beneficial relations with other countries. mutually respectful and peaceful relations with other countries. everyone who understands we shouldn't
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always look for enemies inside their own country. we need to begin work on improvements, insider and country help people there. they will look up well those who want to see continuation of the policies we currently have convert to 13 different policies with different names. however, all of them will support the current government on all major issues with judah, when you had a meeting, a one must go district with voters. a young man approached me and said, all my family has always voted republican and i want to vote for you too. but you probably won't get enough. so maybe will vote for the companies because they also the opposition. people quite often come to me with similar words. and i told him that if everyone but so you look at despite worrying, they won't get enough. we won't just pass the flight percent threshold will pass 15 percent. there are many people who won't change it and ready for them, but their own powers is a bad phenomenon. people should believe in their own power vote for the policy. they support and care for the party, his view, they share,
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and then everything will be all right. everything will be the way it should be. just one of the 14 parties up production in the duma this weekend, the we're all profiling here. that's it from our election h q for this. our, our cars, correspondents are going to be here right. the way through this remaining campaign days throughout the weekend voting and those all important results come monday morning as well. for now, that's it from a colleague. bright, thanks for watching. i'll have your next global update and stay tumor election, special ed just over half an hour life from moscow. your without the international . ah, the ah,
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type relation for community you going the right way or are you being direct? what is true? what is faith in the world corrupted. you need to defend the join us. in the depths all remained in the shallows, ah, ah, the pacific leg around the world expedition 5000 miles round the clock and the dead calm as every country close by with my food,
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the crew, gavin's food and water. to go to those for a little i know i got everybody locked down or no food and no water really upset. stomach stuck, especially in the cove. it you're living like the female of own but in the 21st century this is been bus. the one business show you can't afford to mass. i'm rachel, beloved, that our friendship or in washington coming up, bay things regulatory scrutiny of heating up. yet again,
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is china look to break up financials? ali pay a dominant player in the nation will discuss was the legal battle between apple and fortnight developer. epic games has taken yet another turn. as the gaming firm looks to appeal a recent ruling in court, we have legal analysis on deck to go over what the deck then and the e u is rejecting calls to do away with the trade rules and the u. k. divorce deal will program that members of northern ireland government go as far as to resign over the conflict for the staff. we have a lot to cover today. so let's get started. the we were the program with the latest on china's new and more aggressive regulatory climate. beijing is now taking aim at ant groups alley.
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