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tv   News  RT  September 17, 2021 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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ah, seafood, that may be red or orange yellow. maybe we assume that they going to be on the suite to find a thing to receive a rounder soft soon again. that going to be sweeter in some way. ok. welcome to law coverage of the 2021 russian sake. due reelections were up here in our rooftop location, which as well as having a pretty good give very so today will be focusing on how these elections are being overseen. the funding measures take to ensure the integrity of the voting great company, thanks for joining us on. what is the day one of 3 in which the electorate contest will be focusing on what's happening at the polls and just a few minutes on 1st. let's catch up on today's world headlines front councils and
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embassy celebration in washington in protest against the new us security passed with the trailer that resulted in the loss of a lucrative marine deal for hours to get on the streets of the french capital. this is not the 1st time that the united states has taken content to notice that pending on the front, on the same day giving the game away while washington in the new pacific security alliance is not aimed at any one particular defense makes the fruit dog abundantly clear, we spoke in detail about china as the stabilizing activities and raging efforts to force and intimidate other countries. this agreement, this relationship does not have anything or anyone and russia's
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parliamentary elections under way with all polling station coming open, the doors, the day one vote. the so our election coverage will be coming up very shortly. do stay with us for that. we will start things off though with a look at the 1st of those headline news stories. a diplomatic flash point is developing between france and the united states. congress is cancelled and embassy gauntlet to celebrate the country's historical alliance and protest against america's new security pack, signed to the stranger in the u. k, which french officials have dubbed a stab in the back us sector, state and system all as well. france in particular, is a vital partner on this and so many other issues stretching back generations. and we want to find every opportunity to deepen our trans atlantic cooperation in the
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pacific and around the world. despite anthony lincoln's assurances, many french citizens are unconvinced. we gazed opinions in the capital, missy, but this is not the 1st time that united states has taken contract from last year. very good, the sad because we do not respect anyone to act like the patient. i think it front on the same day going on. they would like to may see if the current president represents a lot of money, but a lot of jobs, but it would be better for making other things. but it's a little just honest, i suppose. and the other hand, they were closest which allowed them to break the contract, started making the submarines no good for a person to see that a contract has been broken. happened to us and i always paragraph included, but it must be just have a good reason to find
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a standing correctly the united states is a competitor for so of course it is not a good thing that they should have been talks between the french and the americans a recap of what happened on wednesday, australia, the u. k and the u. s. signed a pacific security bank called orchestra, which is seen as countering china. it involves cooperation and an artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, a nuclear defense, was fairly well acquire a nuclear power submarine fleet with american and british technology. china, which is the dominant power in the, in the pacific regions, condemned the deal is cold war mentality. not the washington nor london explicitly linked to the new deal to the supposed invasion, but remarks from the us. defense secretary left little room for dance. we spoke in detail about china's di stabilizing activities in beijing efforts to course and intimidate other countries. this agreement,
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this relationship does not aim that anything or anyone while china and france of angry about the new pacts, others are asking what this could mean for nathan. it's a trinket, some of the like disruptions when donald trump left office and joe biden took charge. it could have been a cyber leave for some of washington's you allies just when the euro was starting to think that the future would be more predictable under the new president. this happens. i'm very angry today and bitter. this is not something allies do to each other. the world is a jungle. france has just been reminded this bitter truth by the way, the u. s. and the u. k of stopped her in the back in australia fil a v e readers are still really over what the vitamin ministration did of ghana. stan, and now paris has been stunned by washington's announcement of a new partnership with australia and the u. k. called all because,
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but haven't the u. s. the u. k. and all these been calls allies for ages? what's the problem? well, thanks to august, australia will now be hooked up with us technology to build nuclear submarines while france waves goodbye to its own multi 1000000000 dollar contract to build 12 diesel subs for camera. now, for some damage control by senior american officials, after that deal was to repeat ode. there are a range of partnerships that include the french and some partnerships that don't. and they have partnerships with other countries that don't include us. that is part of how global diplomacy works are such words enough to calm the fury in paris, which is even called of a gala, at the french embassy in washington to celebrate historic ties with the u. s. good question. anyway, the french government has shown they're not willing to just swallow that bitter pill. plus there's solidarity with paris from b, e. u on the matter. you know, as you hi, billy it is
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a good opportunity to recall to reflect on the need to raise the issue of european strategic autonomy. it is a new proof of the need to exist on our own. when the grazing of august was announced, none of the leaders of the u. s. u. k. or the trio mentioned china even once, but make no mistake. the masterminds of the new pact must have had keeping beijing at bay on their mind, their falling no one, just look at how the article and all because on the b, b. c is titled trying to reaction to the new partnership didn't take long, critical and outright countries should not build exclusionary blogs targeting or harming the interests of 3rd parties. in particular, they should shake off their colewell mentality and ideological prejudice. and the new published ed strategy for cooperation in the endo pacific, clearly stating the intention not to worsen relations with china. contradicting the
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apparent intentions of august the e. u, will also pursue its multifaceted engagement with china, engaging bilaterally to promote solutions to common challenges. when it comes to neighboring countries, new zealand doesn't want australian nuclear subs anywhere near its waters. stria has today voluntarily and secretly entered into a nuclear by defense, the military pac with 2 nuclear weapons sites. is that an it guy for regional stability and pace and corporation in the world? there are a wide range and concern indonesia, the pacific new zealand. many other players are looking in a, the disbelief or anger, or at least concerned about a position to not having gone through all that. let me just show you part of how the australian prime minister introduced barcus. we must now take our partnership to a new level, a partnership, the 6 to engage not to exclude, to contribute,
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not tied to and to enable and empower not to control or coerce. well, good luck with engaging and not excluding something tells me that this new partnership bell has already stepped on toes and undermined international ties. we heard from the live in a former vice president of the organization for security and cooperation in europe a long time. when this talk member, he thinks that the orcas bank raises the prospect of a conflict with china. we live in the excellent corporation with the bondai in china, and that on it is complicated because we just in global ation and our allies the united states. but if you want to feel confident they can and even conflict with china and know on how
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to do up the now the con, i'll make the here that even the a little bit alliance had been split and then find out what is the leaving behind us which is looking goal which had been so many, many to be late in the in, you know, going into the on they're going to going they're going to be and they might be going to law. and the good not only is the you will be a union, but try and in japan,
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colleena and and all i think is what is the basic actual global storm clouds are gathering over switzer. the stems from a post made by rapid nicky menache to her 22000000 followers. when she landed her cousin's friend and turn it out of stuff at a highly unpleasant side effect from a coven vaccine. let's get the take on this of these poly boy again. one of america's most successful reporting, nicky, min and britain, top dr. flash, pandemic, oracle. professor chris with the 2 people you never expected to utter in the same sentence. it all started with the men gall earlier this week that had to be vaccinated. mickey didn't go to the man gall and said that it was because he didn't want to leave her baby. but she also tweeted saying that she wouldn't get jack to
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attend the medical lab and then if she was going to get back, it would only be off the she's done enough research in her after which she received it this week in great detail about a friend of a cousin of hud in trinidad not tweeted. 222000000 followers. his testicles became swollen. his friend was weeks away from getting married. now the girl called off the wedding. so just pray on it and make sure you're comfortable with your decision. not bullard, the story for and mary, as of mean and nicky cousins, friend is definitely going to become some sort of pop culture icon and into this very dull and dreary, but obviously very important. corona virus press conference, one of the journalists that professor chris will see why he thinks of him in august story. predictably the scientists gave it
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a proper sat down. and many of those people regard, i think know that they are peddling untruths. in my view, they should be ashamed. and then he, k prime minister or johnston, also comment on the story. and as if this story couldn't get any way to meet him and then responded to bar johnson with this bizarre recording of imitating a british accent. not too bad actually. yes. hello, prime minister boris. it's nick human knowledge. i went to school with margaret that shot. i'm a big, big star in, in the united states. just to be clare. aussie does not endorse me. he's cousins, friends. technical very my, i'm the thing about high school with my get that check. that's definitely make news . i'm getting back to they did is great do it. i think i thought that was the end of the story, but no, i'm here to update to the government of trinidad. tobago has issued an official
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statement denying that nicky cousin friend balls was swollen because of the vaccine . now that the ball gate has reached such truly proportions, the conclusion of the saga is something that only an absurd it bill may to couldn't, couldn't call nick, even though i had posted on her instagram. this time the twitter restricted her ability to tweet that got the juices of the pundits really flowing point she's making, are worth reiterating. you can't allow people to force you to take drugs that you don't want for that you don't need. the only thing is that we have denied restrict nick human knowledge is that somehow she has managed to make a false claim about being in trouble for making a phone crying. wow. and major news on this. we're quick to notice that my
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knowledge is tweet wasn't taken down, as they stated, could make some of the rapid followers think twice about getting vaccinated. maybe hosting journalists don't go things. there's a clear, political patton, in who twitter designs the sensor twitch and have a gigi. she, they hide, they say all we're technical platform, we're not a publisher. the moment they threw dani trim trump off twitter for what he tweeted . they became, in my opinion, a publisher just like a tv company, just like a newspaper, and therefore they should be responsible for watches, published on their platform. but these big companies don't want the hiding behind. if your opinion fits in to their soto for california and view of the world liberal view of the world, except if it doesn't, if it goes against what they think the world should be like,
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then they'll send you. the best example is donald trump. if he had some tweets that were wrong, of course, they should be taken down, but to actually take away his whole account, i said democratically elected leader. that is twitter. over step in the mark, in my personal opinion and twitter because they control the public square, the public space. now, i don't know how they got themselves into this position, but they have, they have this inordinate power. and if they can get rid of the democrats, 60 elected president of the united states will come to get rid of this or up singer and her dangerous trash talk. in other news, the russia gave scandal. remember, the other refuses to die down a u. s. lawyer who made various allegations from has now been charged with lying to the s b. i about his role in hillary clinton's presidential campaign, a web team's been probing that story had to
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r t dot com to find out more. the news. this is our say on the wave for you, this will launch into our russian parliamentary election coverage and the race for those 450 seats in the state. that's on the way after this break. the hey, you know we've moved on from just printing lots of money and incurring lots of dad for dom reasons to printing loss of money and incurring lots of debt for extraordinarily dom reason. ah, is your media a reflection of reality in
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a world transformed what will make you feel safer? tyson lation community you going the right way? where are you being that direction? what is true? what is in the world to corrupted you need to descend ah, to join us in the depths all remained in the shallows. ah the the welcome back to our
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roof. so to get overlooking the red square and the trend that it's time now for our in depth coverage of the election to the state, duma, russia, lower closing will be held over a period of 3 days running from friday to sunday. and that means, of course, the election is well underway. all polling stations have opened the doors. the day one of the vote. international observers have been dropping in on the polling stations right across the country. despite the numbers being restricted to coven, 250. participating on this occasion, they represent more than 50 different countries and 10 different international organizations. one observer shared with us what he thinks into the security condition. i also like the power to do so to make the move turns orange energy. i really appreciate it. there are so many measures in so many conditions that personally we don't have any italy and one polling station here in
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moscow got a rather unexpected visitors doors. it was a straker. don't get too excited. it's just the raccoon came in for a closer look for 7 minutes. took his time before being finally cooled by the police. amazingly, was brought in by a voter to keep them company. well, how petitions are elected. it can vary from country to country. so let's see how the process goes down here in russia. $450.00 piece and $225.00 electoral districts chosen to the state duma for a 5 year term. half of them elected by majority voting based on one n, p per constituent. see the remaining 225, a made up by parties who get above the 5 percent threshold of representation in parliament. aside from traditional falling stations, person citizens are also able to cast their votes on line. and moscow with more than a 1000000 people have already used this option on day one,
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with more on how online voting works and just have security system. these are these, dimitri pounds. voting is an essential part of any self respecting democracy. but the way people are voting is changing. the old fashioned ballot in a box is steadily being replaced, or at least complemented by online voting and russia. electronic ballads have been around for, for elections already. and the upcoming legislative vote is set of the largest share of online voters of any russian election so far. the online system, however, is still relatively new, so it's only being rolled out in several regions. but some 2000000 people have already registered for the electronic vote, including an astronaut aboard the i assess and an arctic explore. but as with anything new, especially electronic issues of accessibility, voters, security, safety, and reliability are
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a priority. so how exactly does the online voting system work? first of all, it's easy to use to register. all people need to do is go to their government service account request access to the vote. entered s m s confirmation code. and well, that's it. on the day of the vote, they just go to the voting website log in, choose a candidate, and submit their ballot. the process can be done from anywhere in the world with an internet connection, no pulling station needed, just a smartphone or a computer. for security the system as a whole lot more complicated. upon voting, the ballot is encrypted, void of any information about the voter and a sensor. distributed block chain network for storage and tally for one to vote closes while the vote in the system. it is virtually impossible to alter since the bold exist on several nodes simultaneously. which automatically check between themselves to see that the data is consistent. if anything is altered on one node, it is automatically disregarded and information from the other identical nodes is
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used instead, finding out the result of the vote before the election ends is also impossible. the whole thing is protected by 2 keys, one open key, encrypt all the ballots, and the other, which can decipher them, is split into segments that are distributed among the participants of the electoral process. when voting ends and these fragments are combined, the system decrypt the ballots, then gives a final result of devote individual votes at this point cannot be decrypted. so it is impossible to track how each individual voted with each successful election more and more russians are choosing to vote from the comfort of their mobile devices. and who knows if the system proved safe anonymous. and most importantly, reliable, it could become the primary voting method of choice. in the very near future that's election day. the online voting system is up and running and the servers are ready to accept all the encrypted balance. so let's look don't blank,
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this should be really fast. ah, so that's all there is to it. now the encrypted ballot is sent to the server where it will be stored safely until the polls close. and no one will be able to take a peek at it because the only way to see what is actually on that ballad is to decrypt it. and to do that, you need the special key. and the decipher key has already been split into 8 pieces and handed out to the participants of the election process. sort of horrocks, as in harry potter. so now let's, let's to do is wait until monday when the voting is finished. and the 8 pieces of the key are reassembled to finally reveal the final result of the vote.
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now there were some reports of technical glitches earlier in the day, putting the online voting system briefly out of action. it has since been fully restored. officials blamed a hacking attack. these attacks were planned and organized, which shows an intention to prevent services from working normally in attempt to block the work of electronic voting systems. oh, well, they were to so called the dos attacks. that's when computers received a huge amount of requests all at once. in an attempt to overload and crash the system. half of them emanated from the united states, a quarter from germany, that's according to russia's communications ministry. even before the hacking attacks, russia had been flagging foreign meddling in the votes, calling on big us tech companies to remove content band in the country and after long stand off a pro opposition app called in the valley. after the prominent criminal critic has been deleted from google and apple app store is more on that is artist constantino's called the app in question is somewhat an extension of nevada,
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his website and provides news about him or his organization. but this is not what's gotten it under the scrutiny. the app also has a section dedicated to so called smart voting. now, smart voting encourages those who disliked the current government to mark their ballot for whatever candidate in a given constituency is most likely to defeat the candidate of united russia. now more often than that, these are representatives of the communist party, russia, 2nd most popular party, which leadership ironically denounces nevada and his demon distances itself from smart voting anyway. according to ross, comrades or rushes internet watch dock, there is a link between smart voting and the news intake corruption fun which labeled an extremist organisation for reading extreme as content and inciting, and authorized pro. has this slide koby restrictions earlier. ross come to absorb demanded from google and apple to take down the valley ab because of net link. otherwise rushes officials would have considered this as foreign interference in
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the run up to the parliamentary election. now, we've also heard from the head of the sovereignty committee in russia senate, mr. climmer, who said that the issue was brought up in a conversation between russian diplomats and the us in bassett, or in moscow. john solomon now in the band. his aides have also published and an official response. the guy from apple, which states that advocate status as an extremist organization, was a reason the tech company decided to take down the app. americas tech giant did not always comply with russian laws. an offer refused or failed to delete illegal content. for instance, messages publicly calling on people to take part in unauthorized demonstrations. for that, the likes of facebook, twitter, google received half to find, but this time they decided to comply so that the app is no longer available in russia, which is of course, another blow to the jailed opposition figure and his team as they often look to the
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west for support. well, there are 14 positive cars standing full positions in the doom and all for the week we've been taking a closer look at then. let's just remind you a couple. now. first off, the party of growth, which is seen as a right wing liberal movement promoting the free marketing wants to see economy reform and tax cuts for low earnest policy also was parliament to have greater control over the executive branch. they picked up a little under 2 percent of the votes in the last election. another contender is the socially conservative party of pension is which brands itself a constructive opposition. some of its key, none of us. the pledges are higher health care spending and improving the lives of the elderly. the movement goes to sent the vote in 2016. not wraps it up from our election headquarters for this our, our team will be here to keep that today throughout the 3 days of voting. and of course we'll have those all important results for you by monday morning. for now though, that's it for make thanks for watching our time with more and half an hour. ah,
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the ah, the war may have to come with americans. but a warning the feet had become even one pocket and was unfolded. watership moment down in history books. as a market beginning of the end of american pre eminence, this is the end of the news. me started my
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interest, i should say in black americans in the soviet union. and the theories was finding this portrait, even though i have gone to grad school and the master's degree in russian literature, i speak russian and i had lived over there in the late eighty's finding this portrait was, was a stunning development for me. how did i not know about this? i didn't know that this was a phenomenon that there were many african americans who went to russia in the, in the thirty's. in the 19 twenties and 70 a, several 100 african americans moved to the soviet union. and many of their descendants still live in russia and you know, no rush for us to choose to nice things that richard lum duck issue. the russians that i meet here, they 1st still pay your partner,
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that when i speak russian and then wait, wait, wait.


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