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tv   News  RT  September 18, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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watershed moment. okay. down in history books. as a mocking beginning of the end of american preeminence, this is the end of america i i am now convinced that as many as 2, including up to 7 children were tragically killed in that story. there was a mistake. and i offer my sincere apology. h. u. s. general admit to drone, striking capital last month killed 10 civilians including 7 show up and right before the american military allowed. took 3 weeks for washington to acknowledge the incident after initially claiming a terrorist had been hit. we speak to the relatives of the victims in our special project on the heard voices. this is not a mistake of america. this is
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a crime on the morning of the bombing and she came and kissed me and said, good morning, father. it was her last meeting. i will never see her again. russians cast their ballots. on date 2 of the country, the parliamentary election, more of our t special coverage. i had this hour of voted 2021. ah, just after 10 am and montevideo 9 pm in manila for in the afternoon right here in moscow this saturday september the 18th. welcome to the news, our an rti. the united states has acknowledged that last month's drone strike enough ghana, stan killed 10 civilians, including 7 children, and not a single terrorist. washington initially claimed the strike was necessary to prevent attack on cabala report,
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the final days before america's military withdraw. i am now convinced that as many as 10 civilians, including up to 7 children, were tragically killed in that strike. moreover, we now assess that it is unlikely that the vehicle and those who died were associated with or were a direct threat to us forces. there was a mistake, and i offer my sincere apology. but here you can see the aftermath of that. it's been called by the americans mistake in a residential area of cabal, 3 kilometers from the report. that was a 2nd re blast, which is now believed to have been caused by a propane tank in the driveway. the u. s. military has so far to kind to say whether there be any disciplinary action. oh. busy oh. busy the
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me on our senior correspond america, the in capital. he filed us this report earlier, get it been evident to many, many people that something had gone terribly wrong with this strike you to this was weeks ago, weeks ago because people saw that the machine in the immediate aftermath of the explosion. if these had been a car bomb laden with explosives that many people speculate that the explosion, the devastation would have been much greater. it was a we also saw that the pictures of the grid, 3 images of the kids, 7 of them killed during the strike. now the united states maintain that the intelligence behind most was solid. they claim that they track this vehicle from
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a presumed isis compound, isis, k. compound, near capital, all the way to this residential district, just 3 kilometers away from capital international airport. where, of course, at the time of frantic evacuation was due on the way very frantic and with people love freight because everybody back then feared that there would be another terror attack. and the united states says that they surveilled this vehicle as it arrived in this residential neighborhood. they allegedly allegedly, according to witnesses, must have seen all the kids around the car as well as the, the owner of the man. they believe to be a nice the suspects carrying containers which turned out to be empty water containers to and from his car and what we had heard and up until now is a lot of mumbling and diversion on behalf of the state department, the pentagon aust grilled by senators and congressmen alike about this as strike
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about the overwhelming evidence that it had gone again terribly wrong. make no mistake. no military on the face of the earth worked harder to avoid civilian casualties than united states military. and nobody wants to see innocent life taken as the secretary says, in this statement we, we apologize and we will endeavor to learn from this horrible mistake. and to that end, he has directed a thorough review of the investigation just completed by us central command. what is highly unusual about the submission is that it came so fast because the united states is well known for dragging these things out in, in iraq, in the syria. we have seen incidents of stripes allegedly going wrong, but then the united states taking a year perhaps longer if a tool to admit to
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a nash strike cause in collateral damage killing civilians. usually their investigations are a very drags out, and there is at the end of it, no disciplinary measures. and despite this incident, being a tremendous blunder from a tactical perspective, as well as from a public relations perspective, the united states says that no disciplinary measures will be taken as of right now . now, what is the reason that the human rights agencies, for example, believe that the submission came soon quickly is because of the huge, both political and public pressure on the united states to admit to it. it should be noted that the us military was only forced to admit its failure in the strike because of the current global scrutiny on afghanistan. many similar strikes in syria, iraq and somalia have happened out of the spotlight and the u. s. continues to responsibility while devastated families suffer in silence while they have said
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that they're sorry, they have also offered compensation to the families of the victims or presumably the family because all the civilians killed and they don't like what parts of one family. but we have also heard from the united states that these stripes go out and they will try to learn the lessons to quote them of this terrible tragedy. but that they also said, please don't take this as, as, as aside about diminish ability to strike it. isis. target's guidance on america's last drilling strike of the ass guy who came just days after the terrible terror attack capital airport at the north gate, which claimed the lives of 13 american troops as well as more than a 100 civilian. but again, this is odd likely to sort of down the flames of political criticism aimed at the
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biden administration and the state department for what many he has a fiasco is a humiliating and key author k arctic and to americans presence and have got to start off the 20 years of war, morocco of the, of the youngest victims of about august 29 striking capital were 2 girls, both age to the man who was targeted turned out to be an aide worker. us forces apparently thought he was loading balms onto a truck. that was turned out to be water bottles. his brother was among the grieving family members who shared their stories with us in our special project on heard voices thought the sandals belong to melinda. she was very close to me. i looked her so much. she always told me to buy ice cream with us military forces conducted and unmanned over the horizon airstrike on a vehicle known to be an imminent isis k threat. on the morning of the bombing, she came and kissed me and said, good morning,
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father. it was her last meeting. i will never see her again. the my name is maddie. i'm the head of the family that has lost 10 of its members, and it was around 4 30 pm. i left for the market and on the way i met my elder brother who was driving back home. we talked a little, then he left to go home and i crossed the road to go to the other side. i just crossed the road and i heard an explosion. my daughter lead her to me that she saw a small aircraft a dro, moving around in a circle which then fired a missile about hitch or hole. i turned to look out of there was just and smoke it was a terrible scene. my wife was shutting not her high was on fire. ah
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. busy there were parts of children's bodies, it was so bloody and christian. i went into my home and my brother and a nephew. they were critically injured but still alive and breathing. they later died in hospital. my brother and 9 others were killed in this horrific attack. my brother's daughter, who was student to get married, also lost her life. another relative was also here, a guest. she was killed to oh, i was maya love's cosmetic. she likes painting her nails for she like dolls very much. the main cause of the incident was the american president planning this attack without any evidence and destroying family was a catastrophe. ringback ringback ah,
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the president has made clear to the commanders that they should stop and nothing to make isis pay for the death of those american service members at the cobble airport . isis k. lived in this house, in this house with these children, members of ices. stupid thought without any proof, without any investigation, they attacked us and killed our children, and we will never forgive them. ah, our entire families. in short, it's been so painful for us mentally. we are not in a stable condition. the women are dead silent. they don't speak tomorrow, we left our devastated homes and now live in my sister's place. it's so painful to visit. it's because we could see your children dying there. the people accusing us of having contact with islam. mac state, the americans who bombed her family,
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seeing we'd been preparing an attack on them. they're complete and utter lawyers. ah . ringback after the incident, no authority came here to investigate. nobody asked us what happened here. no one help. ready no one came here to morally support us. this is not a mistake of america, this is a crime. we've lost her children. the count returned to us. so what mister owner should be restored by us for investigation into the incident. we all see international community to investigate this incident. ah,
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i'm happy that the americans have left afghanistan. they came because of their own goals and humiliated my country. america is not achieved anything in afghanistan, america has failed in afghanistan, and it is made people just shocking. first on testimony there and a number of days ago, pentagon spokesman john kirby was still maintaining the line. but the drone strike was a vital contra term measure. i'm not able to confirm the identities of isis individuals that were targeted in those strikes. the strike was taken to prevent an eminent attack on the airport. a former pentagon security on the list on an ex intelligence officer gave us their views on the us apology on the deep underlying issues that revealed it is a little unusual for them to admit to a mistake. and yet they used to be bombings all the time. in syria and northern
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iraq, they hardly ever admitted to the kind of gun really had no choice but to look into it. so the general takes responsibility and they're going to offer compensation that doesn't bring back the lives of children and the adults who are killed. and it also showed they didn't have good intelligence. and it really throws into question the over the horizon concept. that pentagon says it now has, and we'll continue to watch f can a stand for any potential terrorist attacks out of isis or, or al qaeda. it clearly shows that this over the horizon approach is inadequate. it makes more terrors, it kills by alienating entire populations who say all the united states is doing is murdering innocence. we have a person who's not properly trained, looking at a screen under great pressure from his commander in chief to be seen as striking somebody. and he's looking at something that he doesn't understand or she doesn't
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understand and to try to make a decision that yes, this could be a threat. and the result we fire missile, we do a building, a car had nothing to do with isis. united states should not be employed, weapons, ap hazard lee in a manner which ends up killing thousands of innocent civilians. remember these last 10 or just the final exclamation on a program is killed thousands of innocence the same way. this happened with bad intelligence. bad information and political pressure to be seen as doing some things in southern texes, have been drone from flying near the us mexico border. after dramatic footage showed thousands of migrants crowded under a bridge. official said the blackout was done to security reasons. ortiz kill up and picks up the story. the mind ministration has been focusing on all the lack of catching over the afghan, pull out. but meanwhile, the things that the us mexico border are getting worse. shocking footage now shows
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more than $10000.00 migrants packed under a single bridge in texas. ah, ah, 10503 illegal aliens or under this bridge tonight, because joe biden made a political decision to cancel deportation flight to haiti. the border patrol is over capacity, it's indefensible. it's inhuman and it was entirely caused by biden and harris hash tag biden border crisis. so we now have the federal aviation administration saying that no drones may fly over the area. they say it's about security concerns,
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but media says it's about restricting their ability to show the world what's actually happening. after exposing the massive explosion in a legal border crossings in the last 24 hours with their overhead drone, the federal aviation administration steps into ban fox news from flying widens. white house has been called out before or restricting the media is access to migrant facilities. concerns about the inflow have been rising ever since he took office. now the texas governor has called out by saying that he won't allow his state to be overrun and that the president is doing nothing as things get worse. it is the federal government's job to secure our border. but the bottom ministration has failed to do its job. this government has not forgotten about the migrants, but they hope that the public as forgotten, the government is up to something. everything it's happening on the border happens for a reason. and they never explained to us what that reason is,
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and i'll tell you very briefly, it's so they can bring in lots and lots of people from foreign countries, turn them into american citizens, make them into democrat party voters, and then in the future, never lose another national election, that's what this border is about. is entrenching democrats in permanent power and that's why they don't explain it. and that's why they're willing to let people go along thinking it some kind of failure or fiasco or incompetence. but it's not. i fail to see how national security could be impinged by a national television network showing pictures from a great distance of thousands of illegal immigrants across the border in texas. there is no national security concern for it, but there's certainly a security concern for the bio ministrations political future. because the more american people see that picture, the more appall they're going to get, the more they're going to demand changes in the policy at the border. this is political security, not national security. many people across america are looking at the migrant in
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flown, looking at the pact facilities and looking with outrage at the white house. so that appears they are doing nothing about it. well, except telling people not to film it, that is failed. martin r t new york date 2 of russia's parliamentary election is in full swing. indeed pulling stations in the far eastern time zone where it's already evening of close their doors for the day. but there's plenty more time for people to cast their ballots with a 3rd day of voting on sunday. the a total of 14 parties are running for seats in the state. and throughout the week we've been reviewing each wall on what they stand for. let's take a glimpse of a number of the contenders. we saw with the communists of russia, not to be confused with the better known communist party of the russian federation
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. it is promoting a marxist lenin, this ideology, and wants to see a massive re nationalization campaign. the party garner just over 2 percent of the vote in the previous election and has no representatives in the state do, nor another contender in this election is the liberal, conservative civic platform. it was funded by 1000000000 me k, a proctor of before a behind the scenes bus stop saw him quit the party, support small and medium sized businesses and wants to see stronger domestic production instead of imports. civic platform has one seats in the current parliament, one less than one percent of the fortune 2016. something else to note, russia has invited election observers from dozens of countries who are visiting pulling stations in cities and towns across the world's largest nation. my colleague niel harvey has more another aspect to enter continuing special coverage
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of election 2021. while international observers dropped in on polling stations across the country, despite the numbers being restricted because of coven, 250 members were present this year. they represent more than 50 different countries and 10 different international organizations. and one of the observers shared with is what they'd seen from the medical security condition, but also like the per say, i do to make the vote transparent. energy to me, i really appreciate is there are so many measures and so many conditions that personally we don't have any italy, helpful additions, or electors varies from country to country. how does the process work in russia? 450 and pace when 225 electoral districts chosen to the state duma for a 5 year term, half of them elected by majority voting based on one m. p per constituency. the remaining 225, made up my apologies, which have all the 5 percent representation in parliament. aside from those
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traditional polling stations, russian citizens are also able to cast their votes on line. moscow, more than a 1000000 people have done just fat on the 1st voting with worn out on how online voting works and how secure the system is, is to meet you back. voting is an essential part of any self respecting democracy. but the way people are voting is changing. the old fashion ballot in a box is steadily being replaced, or at least complemented by online voting. in russia, electronic ballads have been around for, for elections already, and the upcoming legislative vote is set to have the largest share of online voters of any russian election so far. the online system, however, is still relatively new, so it's only being rolled out in several regions. but some 2000000 people have already registered for the electronic vote, including an astronaut aboard the i assess and in arctic explore. but as with anything new, especially electronic issues of accessibility, a voter, security,
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safety, and reliability or a priority. so how exactly does the online voting system work? first of all, it's easy to use to register. all people need to do is go to their government service account request access to the vote. entered s m s confirmation code. and well, that's it. on the day of the vote, they just go to the voting website log in, choose a candidate, and submit their ballot. the process can be done from anywhere in the world with an internet connection, no pulling station needed, just a smartphone or a computer. for security, the system is all lot more complicated. upon voting, the ballot is encrypted, void of any information about the voter and send to a distributed block chain network for storage. and sally, for one devote closes while the vote is in the system. it is virtually impossible to alter since the vote exist on several node simultaneously, which automatically check between themselves to see that the data is consistent. if
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anything is altered on one node, it is automatically disregarded and information from the other identical nodes is used instead, finding out the result of the vote before the election ends is also impossible. the whole thing is protected by 2 keys, one open key, encrypt all the balance, and the other, which can decipher them, is split into segments that are distributed among the participants of the electoral process. when voting ends and these fragments are combined, the system decrypt, the balance then gives a final result of the vote. individual votes at this point cannot be decrypted. so it is impossible to track how each individual voted with each successful election more and more russians are choosing to vote from the comfort of their mobile devices. and who knows if the system proves safe anonymous and most importantly, reliable, it could become the primary voting method of choice. in the very near future,
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that's election day. the online voting system is up and running and the servers are ready to accept all the encrypted balance. so let's look don't blank, this should be really fast. so that's all there is to it. now the encrypted ballot is sent to the server where it will be stored safely until the polls close. and no one will be able to take a peek at it because the only way to see what is actually on the ballot is to decrypt it. and to do that, you need the special key. and the decipher key has already been split into 8 pieces and handed out to the participants of the election process. sort of like horror crux as in harry potter. so now let's look to do is wait until monday when the voting is finished and the 8 pieces of the key are reassembled to finally reveal
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the final result of the vote. political analyst of the, in a, me internet media project. dmitri babich totally through the importance of this particular election on the west stance on it. a lot of voters already decided to do it electronically. i'm not sure that the pandemic was the decision factor, but it was vaughan over the fact us to already in law school and the in some other fetus. a lot of people voted via electronic devices and participation. so you will be done in 2016 when we've had the last election. presidential elections coming up on us a different matter altogether in 2024. 24. does this have any knock on effect, depending on the result of this as to how things will, will go in russia. building up to that electron traditionally duly elections for like a rehearsal for the presidential election in russia? definitely, we're going to see new faces. the big question is, i would like to see new partners and how well that russia is going to do already.
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if people are getting more interested in politics, i mean, i read the western press that the selection is so. so an interesting but then a 100, so like most about it in the western media in russian media, new name, some mentioned somehow and when i see these new names in their western media, i just don't know how these people can put their act together. it's not an interesting election and then why writing about young people, or there are interesting people interesting cases. now, how can they seduction be dope? for me it's not an action. so he's definitely taken an interest in this election is the bottom and thankfully threatened to not recognize the result of the election if it's a big if they find evidence a fraud. it's an unusual move to to say this is the punishment. we're not sure if there's been a crime yet. what do you make it? well, they just want their people to wind, their main candid at no. molly is not trying. so they registered is my bank. you
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know, either we get area of allusion in russia or we're not interested, and that's the wrong attitude. first is bad for russia because we need gradual change. we don't need revolutions. second, it's bad for the west because it antagonizes russia and also it tries to achieve result it cannot achieve that won't be reduced. and russia this issue now about the nevada. the app is some people have called it this tactical voting up, which google and apple have allowed access to, which is forbidden that has not been resolved that, that issue. but some people are saying that that was interference. what is your feeling on that? but imagine if in the united states, russian companies had a device that would allow vote us in the united states to find out how russia would like them to vote. that will be a huge scandal. you know,
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we all remember russian gauge was i think it was a fortune for american viewers for at least 2 and a half years. until april, 2021 basically. mr. miller, mr. miller, acknowledge that there was no confusion. but we have evidence of western total support from the radical position in russia. you're just have to read the newspapers in the west, north and russian. the news survival got good today. here's my goal is going to be federal reserve there. you don't get a back. oh heck, no,
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refrigeration came. well look at the rest, the 7 years bill it separately or what kind of report the the boom bus, the one business show you can't afford to miss bridge the board and i'm ready to a one. and then washington, coming up the popular encrypted messaging app helen ground has played host to a rising wave of cyber tribes. that's according to your investigation. just ahead, we'll look into the report and what it means to the platform plus, as a labor shortage continues between the united states, taking especially harsh.


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