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tv   News  RT  September 18, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the the, the the while the moon is rising, the light coming on moscow is glittering its hello and welcome from up to our coverage of the 2021 russian state. do my election well pay the fest you in the house. the rooftop location will be keeping you updated on all the latest. bring you up to speed on the background on the policies as well. it's got to you of course, and not assessed from our gas. thank you for joining us. much appreciate it here and what that promises to be a busy day to in fact of 3. and we can cost the votes across the whole country. we're going to take a look at what's been putting at the pulse across russia,
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as well as hearing me off doing just a few minutes. folks today use the global news headline. i am now convinced that as many as 2 civilians, including up to 7 children, were tragically killed in that strike. it was a mistake. and i offer my sincere apology. top us general admit the drug store i can couple of months killed tens of it, including 7 children, a leading human rights group claims washington only because of increased global scrutiny. but in the meantime, a u. k. court rules that children under 16 to take cuba to blockers without parental consent, we put the issue for debate is for the medical professionals. ultimately, it looked at whether the child on the fact that the individual case is capable of giving informed consent. clearly the system is not been working for us,
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so we have no idea what the long term results will weight. of course, the main highlight what we're here for today. russians costs the balance on the 2 countries election through the country, state thrushes, lower house of parliament. they'll be more of all these special vote 2021 coverage for you coming up this out. ah, me you, as you know, it seems that will much appreciate a company today or action coverage will become very surely indeed that stay tuned with us for that. right. you don't know how to moscow starting things off with a look at the 1st of those headline stories and the us as acknowledge the last month stroke strike. and i've got to start killed 10 civilians including 7 children and not a single terrorist. washington initially claimed the strike was necessary to prevent
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that attack on cobble airport in a final day before american military withdrawal. i am now convinced that as many as 10 civilians, including up to 7 children, were tragically killed in that strike. moreover, we now assist it, it is unlikely that the vehicle and those who died were associated with us or were a director at the us forces. there was a mistake, and i offer my sincere apology. so here you can see the off them off, all of that. so i can a residential area of kabul, 3 kilometers from the airport and other one the secondary blast, which is beliefs have been caused by a gas tank in the driveway. u. s. military so far declined to say whether there will be any disciplinary action. busy busy in the
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lot, he's more guys if he's in the capital call, will you sent us this report with more details get it been evident to many, many people that something had gone terribly wrong with this strike. you know, this is weeks ago, weeks ago because people saw that the, she in the immediate aftermath of the explosion, if these had been a car, bob laden with explosives, that many people speculate that the explosion, the devastation would have been much greater. it was a we also saw that the pictures of great 3 images of the kids, 7 of them killed during the strike. now the united states maintained that the intelligence behind most was solid. they claim that they track this vehicle from a presumed isis compound, isis, k. compound, near capital,
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all the way to this residential district, just 3 kilometers away from capital international airport. where, of course, at the time of frantic evacuation was and away very frantic and with people's nerves frayed because everybody back then feared that there would be another terror attack. and the united states says that they surveilled this vehicle as it arrived in this residential neighborhood. they allegedly allegedly, according to witnesses, must have seen all the kids around the car as well as the, the owner of the man. they believe to be a nice the suspects carrying containers which turned out to be empty water containers to and from his car. and what we had heard up until now is a lot of mumbling and diversion on behalf of the state department, the pentagon aust grilled by senators and congressmen alike about this as striking
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about the overwhelming evidence that it had gone again terribly wrong. make no mistake, no military on the face of the earth works harder to avoid civilian casualties than united states military. and nobody wants to see innocent life taken. as the secretary says, in this statement we, we apologize and we will endeavor to learn from this horrible mistake. and to that end, he has directed a thorough review of the investigation just completed by us central command. what is highly unusual about the submission is that it came so fast because the united states is well known for dragging these things as in, in iraq, in the syria. we have seen incidents of stripes allegedly going wrong, but then the united states taking a year perhaps longer if a tool to admit to
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a nash strike cause a collateral damage killing civilians. usually there investigations a very drags out and there is at the end of it, no disciplinary measures. and despite this incident, being a tremendous blunder, promote tactical perspective, as well as from a public relations perspective. the united states says that no disciplinary measures will be taken as of right now. now, what are the reasons that the human rights agencies, for example, believe that the said mission came soon quickly is because of the huge both political and public pressure on the united states to admit to it. it should be noted that the us military was only forced to admit its failure in the strike because of the current global scrutiny on afghanistan. many similar strikes in syria, iraq and somalia have happened to out of the spotlights, and the u. s. continues to no responsibility while devastate to families suffer in silence while they have said that they're sorry,
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they have also offered compensation to the families of the victims or presumably the family because all the civilians killed and they don't like what parts of one family. but we have also heard from the united states that these drugs go on. they will try to learn the lessons, to quote them of this terrible tragedy. but they also said, please don't take this as, as a, as a side of our diminish ability to strike it. isis. target's guidance on america's last drilling strike of the guy who came just days after the terrible terror attack could capital airport at the north gate, which came the lives of 13 american troops as well as more than a 100 civilians. but again, this is odd likely to sort of down the flames of political criticism aimed at the by the ministration and the state department. for what many he has a fiasco is
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a humiliating and key author, k arctic and to americans presence and have got to start off the 20 years of war for pens and security channel to mark maloof. believe the deadly mistake calls into question. america's modern military. it is a little unusual for them to admit a mistake, and they used to be bombings all the time in syria and northern iraq. they hardly ever admitted to it. the kind of guy really had no choice but to look into it. so the general takes responsibility and they're going to offer compensation that doesn't bring back the lives of these children and the adults who are killed. and it also showed they didn't have good intelligence. and it really throws into question the over the horizon concept that kind of gun says it now has and will continue to watch f can stand for any potential terrorist attacks out of isis or,
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or al qaeda. it clearly shows that this over the horizon approach is inadequate. demonstrators have gathered in washington and demanding justice for those arrested during the january, the 6th riot, more than $600.00 people will remember, have since been charged for storming at the capital building. well, what i want to do now is cross lie to washington speak to all t contributor, nico house, nico, what we want to do is kind of get an idea, what's the atmosphere? and what's the, what's the latest developments coming out from where you are? so be quite frank atmosphere is kind of confusing because on the new we were told there was supposed to be a bunch of violet and right wing extremists here that we're here to protest. trump and separate trump himself back. he said, don't come. and then when we arrive here to start talking to people, ask why they were here. a lot of them were actually there are actually here to protest for the,
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for the people who are rested on january 6 for what they believe are arbitrary reason. and a lot of people are actually here protesting against the car. in fact, there was a pro biden's, the porter who was riding on a bicycle. and i would say that a lot of america with his dinner about the quarter can call and call liberal or loved it in the cars and actually protected them on the other side of that we have integral out here as well. and based on the, the chance and the screaming and the music that they're playing. and it's not that they're holding. they actually think that approach from rally. so my, my, my analysis of the whole situation that everybody here is confused. nobody knows really going on, but there are some people who are exclusively here who up to hopefully free the process or advocate on their behalf. because they believe that they were wrongfully treated, that this rally is that in this process, which does have a permit, by the way, it's called the 1st amendment process. and it doesn't make you question the mainstream media narrative that this was inherently supposed to be a violent protest because it doesn't really make any sense that somebody would put
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their name and their phone number on a dc permit to gate a cold quote. resurrection park to or it's direction park to well, the good thing is just looking from the scenes behind me that it does look peaceful . but one thing is to show it might be confusing. so many months have passed a course since january the 6th, and yet people are still talking about, but that was nico house, and he couldn't contributor. joining us from the us, come from anytime. what i want to do also is cross to the u. k. now, because a court in the country has ruled that children on the age of 16 can take puberty blockers without parental consent. the court of appeal over time to judgement last year by the high court. i'll t shante with cash the brings us the details. trans rights in the u. k is back in the spotlight again as doctors are now able to prescribe puberty blockers to on the
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16th. and again, central london, which runs the u. k. only use gender identity clinic has one the appeal which refers to the 2020 ruling that under 16 lack the capacity to give that own consent . the judgment upholds established legal principles, which respect the ability of our clinicians to engage actively and thoughtfully with our patients in decisions about their care and futures. it's a firms that is for doctors not judges to decide on the capacity of um, the 16th to consent to medical treatment. the case was brought by di, transitional care, a bell who started taking puberty blockers at 16 prescribed mail home and testosterone, and had surgery to remove her breasts. but now in mid twenty's, she regrets a decision to transition. last year, the high court rule that teenagers were highly unlikely to be able to give informed consent to what described as experimental treatment. nor would they be able to understand and way up the implications following the court's decision,
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all treatment was been suspended. a new referrals put on hold as well. a view that has now been overturned. it has shown a light into the dark corners of a medical scandal that is carmen children and harmed me, obviously disappointed with the ruin of the court and especially that it didn't. apple with the significant risk of harm the children exposed to by being given powerful experimental drugs. they could access though that the whole name blocking treatment is used by specialists to put a pulls on puberty. while young people think about whether it really is something that they want to do, for many young people struggling with their gender identity, who believe the weight for treatment is far too long? this is a life saving victory, but for care about who wants to take an appeal to the supreme court, the decision today is a step backwards for common sense me. well, given all the control to see surrounding this topic, we've got various opinions early on my colleagues unit or neil put the issue all
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puberty broken up could debate the court is essentially handing decision making power from the parent to the doctor. the doctor can say no, but the parent can't, does not finally at the right of parents to bring up their their children as they see fit is for the medical professionals, along with ideally the parents. but alternately, it looks at whether the child on the fax, at the individual case is capable of giving informed consent. and the best person to judge there is the medical practitioner who's fully aware of all the treatment involves. and the pros and cons, it's fine to say that the doctors and to nations and the regulations need to take responsibility for judging informed consent like children. but we have to accept that say, in, sorry, that i have failed. there's an exponential rise of the transition accounts on
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social media. and so clearly the system has not been working for adolescents so far. we have no idea what the long term results will be in terms of the grant from the current her whole to children going through the system just because one individual person and this case came about. well, it's not one individual, as you know, well, i'm referring to the bad taste. that is the case to decided by the court of appeal . yes. today, in that particular case, k rebel has regretted her transition. i'm elected to do transition back. that does not give key rebel who is not, as well as i'm aware, medically or legally qualified, the right to bring litigation, the aim of which was to overturn competence and denied access to medical care for transgender children, parents on the whole what, what,
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what is best for their children, but sometimes you know what children also know what's best for themself. it all depends on the marriage destination of rebel is not acceptable. the, the issue of a child who thinks they will think that they are in the wrong body where they learning that this is a unique case where children are indoctrinated don't lines for the but they are in the wrong body. no child is born in the wrong body. they are taught this is fact in schools that children all boys or girls based on the, in the feelings and not on last biological sex. they then go to each other. so can they have a girl who be a firm does employ at the time you stop and yet don't treat each other. so he's fully aware of the boys who want to go. that is because they treat her healthy body to change it to do to night. the biological goals
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are, i'm on it to view is it is, of course they to all of the 2021 state do reactions here. and russia will be taking a closer look at all the parties. the candidates out, of course. exactly what's at stake. that is, of course, or part of our best coverage. that is why we are here at the very heart of moscow. unbelievable you behind office will be bring you all the details on all of that right off the shall break to go to a the to war may have to come with americans. but a warning the feet had become even one pocket and was unfolded. watership moment down in history books as a market beginning of the end of american pre eminence. this is the end of america . i
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy plantation let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk me. ah ah, with all the warmest of welcome from our studio in the sky on a roof overlooking,
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of course a bit prevalent. you're going to fit into the 2nd. it is time for our in depth coverage of elections to the state. duma rushes lower house of parliament and devoted will be held the over 3 days from friday to saturday. that means the 2nd election, well on the way across the entire country. indeed. and what's interesting, if you took my tongue out in the election so far, which party is just sitting, just shy of 26 percent as of 3 pair most the time the top say was probably the more interesting thing it's not for online voting is calculated separately. and us who ready reach 70 percent of those who registered quite a different one votes. of course something has been brought in newly in russia for these elections. and let me put in a lead by example of us and president of course, currently self isolating off a number of co cases i recorded in his, in a circle, adapting to the era of the pandemic. russia extended the voting period to 3 days to
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give everyone the sharps to vote wherever they are, all designed to limit the spread of covered 90 ahead of the election. and even as the version got underway, moscow has been ringing the anom over nurtured for an interference. correspondence between rush call delve into that. what is this, if not for an interference, not a single vote has yet been counted and brushes election, and yet the european parliament is talking about not recognizing the result and pass the motion, saying the block will ignore the outcome. if it deems the vote was enough to european standards, of course not all the lawmakers back, the move with some incense that their colleagues over the veiled threat. we surround russia with native basis, and we call them the aggressor. we support opposition groups and we accuse them a foreign interference. european project is not being undermined and divided by russia, but by the rank hypocrisy that is characterized in this report,
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it tells me that it is time to embark on a positive dialogue with the russian federation. it's time to stop listening to the american continent. your right to make a choice in relate good relations with russia. moscow is not exactly impressed with the move either by his christa novel. it was stressed that the russian side has concrete evidence of the violations of russian law by the u. s. internet platforms in the context of preparing and conducting the duma elections. it was stated that interference in the internal affairs of our country was categorically and admissible. we had also passed the relevant information through our embassy in washington to the us department. well, it's not the 1st time rush has been crying foul over outside interference in the selection. russia has irrefutable proofs of us tag giant's broke russian law relating to the preparation and holding of the russian state to me or election. interference in our countries. internal affairs is entirely unacceptable. first,
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let's talk about so called smart voting scheme, that russian opposition activist alex in nevada. then his team came up with to try to take away votes from united russia. a long standing ruling party that supports the kremlin. smart voting suggests you mark your ballot for a rival candidate who's most likely to be the candidate of the united russia in particular, constituency. russian authorities don't say that the tactic is something bad, per se, but they claim there is a link between smart voting and development, anti corruption fund, which was labeled and extremist organisation for inciting unauthorized demonstrations and defines of russia's covert roles. but that's just a part of it. according to russia's foreign ministry, certain smartphone apps facilitating smart voting were designed by employees of a firm run by people who have close ties with the pentagon, in the eyes of russian diplomats. this is a clear case of foreign interference in the country as election. plenty of materials have already been distributed through the communications watchdog and law
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enforcement agencies. ip addresses have been identified. it has been established that servers and technical support for the smart voting up, mainly come from the u. s. russian officials have shown no intention of letting this one slide and brought the issue during a meeting with the u. s. tech joins with us ambassador in moscow as well as handing over each row of documents regarding the lodge and interference to the state department. the main message is, keep out of our election. it's related to the refusal of some online platforms to remove prohibited content. specific facts were handed over to the american ambassador. he promised to check this information while saying they don't have any intelligence that someone could be breaking russian law. as a result, we've already seen apple and google came into the pressure and take down the values app dedicated to smart voting. however, in many other cases, american tech giants are failing to comply with russian laws by not removing illegal content like messages publicly calling on people to take part in an
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authorized demonstrations. and this is likely to remain a point of tension between moscow, washington and the with big tech as the doom election plays out. of course, how politicians are elected varies greatly from country to country. so let's take a quick look now at the process here in russia, a 450 piece from across 225 electrical districts are going to be chosen through the state for a 5 year term. now, half of those are elected by majority voting based on what m. p per constituency. the remaining 225, i made up by parties that passed the 5 percent threshold to get through. let's take a look at some of those policies now hoping to win those. one of them is utilizing the party meaning motherland in russia, it seems the nationalist movement advocate for traditional values. it also wants to impose tougher immigration roles and spread the wealth from moscow to russia region and secured 100 percent support in the last election. of course,
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in 2016. so probably trying to put that number up to the 5 threshold, what another contender hope and the same is the new people party. now it will sound it a year ago, and it's considered a piece of center, right? well, some of it, he pledges ought to cut down on bureaucracy and modernize rushed to the political institutions. but you also want to boost the high tech sector and scientific research. while, while the you has been threatening not to recognise to resolve, it seemed to be not up to that standard election unless teaching budget in russia right now and has seen nothing that concerns him yet. so my following remarks will be made in comparison with my previous experience, and this is what the unfriendly minded western crest is. all criticize along with the voting buffer is usually organized. sometimes the orchestra is invited and sub arrays lotteries to attract voters. people believe that this is the way to
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influence the voters this year because of the pandemic. i haven't seen anything like this, but i must say that voting is also a political act. there's a certain voting technology spots at the same time. cultural peculiarities can alter the voting in sicily. voting is not the same as in luxembourg, canada and peru. they vote differently, and russia has its own traditions and customs. it's our culture voting here is different, not like in some western countries, but this time i haven't seen any treats. in fact, everything was in order and well organized. i don't have any special comments in this regard. and maybe this will convince people who are sufficiently informed or perhaps had an unfriendly attitude towards the electoral process. which is all falling here in moscow. we're going to go inside warm up and take a bit of a break that, that fits for this from an action. it's key while we're going to be back though, keeping updated throughout the remaining 2 days. and indeed, throughout the remain evening, getting all those all important results for you by monday morning. but now the
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thought is from us. thank you for watching. as don said, we will be back with you in half an hour. in the meantime, we will be starting here and looking at this as you provide the news, i join me every 1st day on the alec simon show, and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me oh right now, there are 2000000000 people who are overweight or obese. it's profitable to sell food that is fatty and sugary and faulty and addicted. not at the individual
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level. it's not individual willpower. and if we go on believing that will never change as obesity epidemic, that industry has been influencing very deeply. the medical and scientific establishment, ah, what's driving the reason? it's corporate, me. ah, what started my interest, i should say in black americans in the soviet union in the thirty's, was finding this portrait, even though i've gone to grad school in the master's degree in russia literature, i speak russian. and i had lived over there in the late eighty's finding this portrait was, was a stunning development for me. how did i not know about this? i didn't know that this is a phenomenon that there were many african americans who went to russia in the,
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in the thirty's, in the 1900 twenty's insanity is several 100 african americans moved to the soviet union. and many of their descendants still live in russia and you know, no rush. presto, yes. you choose to nice things that richard lum duck issue. the russians that i meet here, they 1st like pay your partner, that when i speak russian and then wait, wait, wait. the nation that was go back home, black american, something from racism and a complete lack of prospects, a just the exact amount per month. we'll be losing to migrate them, be asian.


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