tv News RT September 20, 2021 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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[000:00:00;00] the the breaking news naughty a death multiple injuries in the shooting at a center for russian university. the alleged attacker has been detained. also this, our sorry is not enough. neither is the money. the family of 10 african civilians killed by us strike demand. justice. washington takes no one will be punished for the day. no one can compensate. if you give us all the money in the world, it will not be enough if not possible. we need assurance that next time they will not kill innocent people and children in other countries. the culprits must be
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convicted and close to 90 percent of the value of not being counted in russia's general election with the ruling party united, russia holding a strong lead. so far, we have all the latest as the results come in. ah welcome you watching out internationalist monday morning. we start with breaking news to sound because 8 people have been killed and there are multiple injuries and a shooting at a central russian university. so let's get more details now from a don quarter, who joins me in the studio. don shocking use. what more do now? on the really is a tragic situation. this shooting took place in the central russian city of parm in the morning. and the investigative committee that's looking into it says, now that 8 people have been killed and another 6 people have been injured. but we
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have also heard reports from the russian health ministry that says that as many as 14 people may have been injured. so we've still got conflicting reports. there's a lot that's still not entirely clear, but our tea did receive some disturbing footage from that scene around the time of when the shooting was taking place is going to be able to see on your screen. people attempting to escape the carnage by jumping out of the windows of the universe city. now, as for the legend shooter, the police have detained him, like you said, and the investigative committee claims that to have identified him identified who he was. but so far they've only published that they've only made public the information that he's a student. it's also said that once he was in custody, the, the investigative committee said that he actually put up a big fight with the police as well. but he resisted being detained and this kind of tragic shooting. i mean, it reminds a lot of people, especially in rush of mass shooting that took place in russia just back in may of this year. and because on and back then there were 9 people that were killed
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including 7 children at this similar school shooting not at a university, but at a school back then. and it was a loan loan teenage gunman. so back then also students were seen jumping out of windows, there was a gruesome sight. several people died from their injuries from jumping out of the windows. and back then, the authorities had actually come to the conclusion that maybe it's time to enact some stronger gun controls. as a result of it, nothing was really puts, you know, no radical measures were made, nothing was concrete. but perhaps after this, there might be more talk of that. sure. okay, all right. well thanks don. the latest. just to let you know if you just joining us . people now confirm dead in that shooting at a permit state university in central rush. of course, we'll cross that for the moment and we'll have more info for you as soon as we get it. thank you. now, another user today,
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sorry is not enough. that's how the families of afghan victims have reacted to the admission of guilt by the us in that deadly drone strike by the pentagon in couple which killed 10 civilians. there are also reports to that. us intelligence did warn about the possible presence of civilians, including children in the strike area, but only a few seconds before they miss our head. the father of a 2 year old girl shed his emotions in our special project on heard voices that done as if no one can compensated. if you give us all the money in the world, it will not be enough. it's not possible. they can't compensate for the murder of a child, and there is no remedy for this loss. they confess that it was a mistake. we wondered why they didn't check before attacking us. what did they find conclusive intelligence? they should have made sure, by carrying out a thorough investigation before accusing and attacking us. we have lost 10 relatives and it is such a painful and terrible incident. we agreeing heartbroken,
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our family was innocent. we knew that we didn't do anything wrong. for 2 weeks after the incident was that the families of the victims, the relatives of those killed in that throne strike heard was, was office cation was excuses. despite the abundant evidence pointing to the fact that something had gone terribly wrong with this strike. despite the fact that this has become a globe of scab on the spot, the inexcusable casualties, the families of the victims, those killed in that true strife say no one has approached them. that essentially, all they have seen are carefully worded statements by the pentagon and the by the administration's p. r. genes intended for cameras and designed to minimize damage make no mistake. no military on the face of the earth works harder to avoid civilian casualties than united states military. and nobody wants to see innocent
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life taken. as the secretary says, in this statement we, we apologize and we will endeavor to learn from this horrible mistake. and to that end, he has directed a thorough review of the investigation just completed by us central command. i mean, my d, the father of the 2 year old girl, told us that that was the money that the money isn't going to solve anything new compensation is neither do they want theory. i the apologies for cameras what they want is something that they may never received. they wanted investigation, they want accountability and culpability. they want those responsible for these tragedy for, for the deadly mistakes that went into it. for them to be brought to justice was more, but we want justice according to american law. and the person who pulled the trigger . and those who gave the fire command should stun before a court of law. we need assurance that next time they will not kill innocent people
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and children in other countries. the culprits must be convicted. nobody formerly met with those. no one contacted a toll on behalf of the american government. we want an official investigation, and the culprit must be convicted in a court of law in the u. s. then we will accept reparations. according to american law, just 3 people from the telephone came here. they search the crime scene and left without saying anything, but the pentagon, however, is protecting it, so it says that no disciplinary measures will be carried out of its ultimately, this is all a terrible tragedy, but new ones mistake specifically because all of its employees, the intelligence community all acted by the book and that the intelligence was solid and that is unfortunately the pattern we have seen. and they've got to start over the entirety of the 20 year war when it comes to air strikes or drones stripes . as any number of organizations, the track civilian casualties will attest to relief where for example,
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has counted more than 3000 civilian deaths gather on since 2016 since nato and the united states began reducing the number of troops they had on the ground. and increasing the number of air strikes up to 20 a day. they've also found that 40 percent of the casualties caused by the united states and its allies, the air strikes that have got to stop 40 percent of the civilian casualties. what kids call mark along. we can say revenge or fight barton. we are a poor family and only trust our god. he is the one who has the power to punish them accordingly. we can't forgive them. why would we do that? i have heard that the americans have killed so many innocent people in june attacks . i would say that these cases must be investigated to stop these killings in other countries like afghanistan. i have lost my daughter, my brother, and his children. these drone strikes needs to be stopped altogether. after the
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attack on our family. we asked for justice. now i call him those who have lost people to join a text over the years to stand up and demand justice. at the end of the day, just this may prove to be elusive. this scandal, however, will dry gone because there are a whole host of questions that still haven't been answered, such as why the united states would but choose, had attacked this car in the dead sea. populated residential neighborhood. why they claim that the warning that there were children at the sheed came very late when it is evident that they could have seen the children as they launched the miss hall before they launched the miss our wall. they track this car. they could have seen the kids in the car playing around the vehicle. and there are also questions about accountability. whether after this fiasco, both the drone track and what many american c as a k arctic and humiliating in to america's war in afghanistan. whether anybody
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will answer for it now, u. s. company has mounted a legal challenge to the 2019 decision to classify one of its chemicals is a substance of very high concern. us after test showed that gen x was dangerous for the environment and also human health will accompany cam order which are spun off from dupont in 20. 15 denies the claims the decision is not rounded in solid scientific evidence. little levels of gen x do not pose a human health risk, and it has also been shown to rapidly eliminate from the human body. you know, this is a class completely manmade toxins that are now contaminating our entire planet. they were manufactured by companies. by ma'am, they don't exist on the planet other than these few companies that decided to make them and pump them out into our world. knowing that these chemicals would stay in our environment virtually for ever,
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which is why you hear them referred to now as forever chemicals, and that they would get into us and accumulate and stay there and result in toxic effects in simply knocking a couple of carbons off of a, a chemical like p f away and calling it something new. a gen x really is not satisfying to regulators and scientists who are looking at it and watching the data as it comes in. while the to speak substance is used as a replacement for an older class of chemicals called p. f. a's is be heard that they were a band globally in 2019 due to their effect in the environment. and they are also believe to cause serious illnesses including cancer. european court ruled genetics may be presence, may present, sorry, many of the same issues. if i were the subject to the film, dark waters based on the legal battle with the time in west virginia,
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polluted by the chemicals, the chemicals i'm telling you, the documents, i don't understand. they're hiding from the chemical. but if you drank, drank it, like saying what if i swallowed a tire? well, the movie day was that based on the story of roy rober below he, we heard from earlier, he filed lawsuit against the potent on behalf of this more time the suffered from the dumping of the chemicals. he told us he hoped to raise public awareness on the issue. you know, i'm encouraged to see that the story in what happened with p f away is giving out to the public through things like the movie, dark waters. that people are becoming aware of that this has happened then, and hopefully they'll still know that there's a long history here. when we 1st started digging into p f away, back in 1999. that chemical was completely unregulated and what we were hearing
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back then 20 years ago about p f away is the same thing we're hearing about john acts. now that there's an adequate studies and testing to show that there's harmful effects. so it's incredibly important to take proactive steps to try to address the chemical. we shouldn't wait to see what kinds of cancer is actually develop the people who are drinking it are being exposed. now an official inquiry has been launched into the european commission president ursula on the line. he says she has no record of her text messages, but the chief executive of pfizer, the messages were exchanged during talks and buying vaccines from the pharmaceutical, joined peter oliver. as more details it comes down to a question of communication or more accurately a question of communications. basically what's being offered by e. u. officials, when they do deals with others. and what was promised to who,
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particularly it's in relation to the text messages that went between the commission, president ursula on the line and the ceo of the pharmaceutical giant pfizer. now the e u ombudsman. she's very keen to take a look into this further and find out exactly what was said. the message coming from the e u commission was they don't keep any record of what they call short lived communications . the decision to record a certain piece of information in the administration's document management system should, according to e law, not be dependent on the medium b, at a letter, an e mail, a text or instant message, but on its content. well, at the time the deal was done, it was said to have been very much down to the personal diplomacy of a you commission, president lafond line at secuity whopping 1800000000 doses of their covert 19 vaccine. and it was absolutely essential because it took up the slack that had been left after the collapse of the deals with vaccine manufacture astrazeneca to
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provide jobs to the european union. for a month, miss vonda line had been exchanging texts and calls with albert buller, the chief executive of pfizer. another vaccine supplies the block. and as they spoke 2 things became clear. 5 might have more doses, it could offer the block many more. and the european union would be thrilled to have them. this isn't the 1st time though, that earth lafond line has been asked to show text messages that she sent in an official capacity. and it's turned out that they've not been available back in 2019 . there was a parliamentary inquiry here in germany into deals that had been done contracts that had been handed out with the german defense ministry. now before becoming the commission president on the line was the fence minister here in berlin. now some of those contracts were there will accusations that they've been given out to people without the correct oversight being in place that personal connections had played a role personal connections. of course,
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not that far from personal diplomacy in some people's eyes. well, when it came to the german boon, the stock, the parliament here in berlin, asking to see these text messages while they had been wiped, we could not find the official papers or other documents revealing why the ministry hide external consultants to the assumption is that a lot happened by text messages. we have to assume that officials have destroyed evidence. such behavior may have criminal implications. well, if you test your mind back to 2019, this was quite a big scandal here in germany in relation to how these defense contracts had been handed out. ultimately, of course, it was massively overshadowed by the cobra, 1900 pandemic. but now what we're seeing is questions being asked over how earth lafond the line carries our business. and so far, well, the answers haven't been forthcoming from the european commission. like tonight, the parliamentary elections in russia because after a weekend of voting,
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the counting is well underway with the latest results as they come in. here's where we see shy at our skyline studio in central moscow the right. so that id. thank you very much. we do continue our special election coverage here on arte international. wow. what a 3 days it has being here. valid counting is in full swing and the results are pouring and what is here, right? the central moscow, the kremlin red square, is a national is leih from the center of the russian capital with close to 90 percent of the votes now counted. let me show you how it all looks so far. united russia has 49 percent of the communist, perennially, and 2nd place they're up to 20 percent. now, the liberal democrats, for example, just to under 8. now adjust russia, which is merged with 2 smaller parties,
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is next 7 and a half a son and a new party. and this election is called new people. that's just the bias of just about the 5 percent threshold, which of course, that is the point needed to have any presence in parliament so that in now these results on the final, i only count for half of the 450 contested seats as russia also votes for individual candidates as well as parties just for a moment. here's a quick explain us. ah, [000:00:00;00] the
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news. and we are now joined by our t's augustana boy, the host of our team program worlds of pod, great to have you with us with national election coverage, as you well know, we've been talking to lots of international that was, i was, i must say it's been a real surprise for me on a personal level, the she, a number of international observe was flying, flying in from all around the world to monitor this. do my election. there's no kidding around. it's been a serious job this time. they've all been saying to me, but it appeared, transpired, they've all been saying, it appeared to be very legitimate. what about you worked on it? has it been a success? has it appeared, transpired from what you've seen? well, every, i think it all depends on the vantage point. them closer yara, to where things happen, then perhaps the more diverse and objective is the picture. but you said that many people were excited by this incentive. there was, you know, that there are also some organizations and some figures political figures who
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a highly critical and skeptical of this quote. and i, i think i've never seen the russian parliamentary elections with such a full arise reaction because people who haven't been here who haven't visited the polls, they think it's all biased. it's bald, bought and sold. but people who work here on the ground there apparently satisfied, but i guess it shows you the sort of the range of reactions russia provokes in their world time. people think that, you know, it's developing, but some people believe that it's old who me and to me here. whether that's right. i mean, as we in the p for world cup in 2018 when we had tens of thousands of people flocking to russia for the football world cup. i could see the shock on their faces. they. it seemed to me that some we even surprised that the sun was even shining and i'll be it not today, but you know, there are no beds walking down the street and under their normal people leaving to
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love their children to know exactly. so we've been covering this take tumor election for 2021, but you and me when we were talking just unfair a few moments ago, what this election could potentially mean for the next election in 2024. 2024 is going to be a pivot election because it's a presidential election and to be honest with you, i think all the criticism and cap this is associated with the current flow that has much more to do with the kremlin rather than the russian parliament. per se, because let's be honest, how many people in the west know the names of the russian duma, deputies or even how these parliament is organized? what it does, what is power is, are very few people know know about that, but i think a lot of people in the world, especially in the western world, very unhappy with large me put in. they believe that he's the only person who rubs russia, that everything in russian depends on him. and that's why they're very happy with
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whatever development that happened in this country. politically, as he says 2024 ease of very important election because there are lots of speculation. so whether it's going to be here of transition. now, why didn't why didn't happen in power and russia for quite some time and everybody around him? and i think he himself, himself understand that sooner or later he will have to step down. and what is going to happen to russia after all after that is political system is governing system is a big question. now, it's my personal opinion that being a leader of a great country is a little bit like being a parent. you need to make sure that your children or your country should be able to exist without you know, a lot of efforts have been going on and rush into making sure that institution millie, russia is strengthen. and we've been talking about the parliament, the, the recent results. these elections are a way to contribute to that because the parliament is getting more diverse there
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for 5 parties as far as we understand now, rather than 4. and there are the political changes that are also happening on the material and the regional level. so i think these elections, i certainly a step forward towards pointed $24.00. and the transition of russia from a country that was strengthened to some extent billed by like, you know, put into a country that will have to carry on his own with or without him. well, i was going to ask you, because obviously the united russia party is clearly in the lead here, and that is the party that putin is affiliated with. but i wanted to ask you, what does that say about the president? does he still clearly have the support of the russian people? well, if you feel the most popular politician in this country, you know, regardless of which, when you look at whether it is opposition or pull or whether it's conducted by a western pulling agency, it's everybody. all the polls show that he is the most popular politician and
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discovery. but again, this is a country of 143000000 and it could not be run by one person alone. and if you actually know anything about russia, it's all, it's always been a big challenge to institutionalize this country in a way that would be sustainable. and i think united russia party is one instrument of doing that. it's a popular party, but i think that showing this this time is a little bit worse than it was 5 years ago. it's still secure is a lot of very important seats in the regions and department, but there are other parties and hopefully there will be many more new people coming . and i'm not using that as a form of political advertising because there's one of the parties with the exact same name. but my hope is that there will be more representation in the parliament,
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not only politically, but also in terms of the age, in terms of professional experience and so on and so forth. and just continue briefly. the conversation about putin, putin is known as a strong leader, is something the west loft asked him for. but what does that tell you though? when it comes to russia, does it seem like the people of russia they enjoy having a strong leader? i don't believe that's the case and if you actually look at the address that was made on the eve of these elections, the actual address, the russian people asking them and calling them to go to the polls. he tries to communicate that message joined responsibility because i think he more than anyone else understands the see if the mere mortal, sooner or later he will have to step down. he's not the young man. and if he really cares about russia retired, i think he does. he needs to make sure that russia can stand on his own, see them that requires not. that requires a certain process of generating leadership not only on the state level,
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but also the regional on the when this level, russia has to be run by its own people. you know, making sure that people from this is from the paternal istic, authoritarian to say what they expect. the government provides everything for them to assist and what they feel part of also of what is happening. you've quite a challenge. you can see even the weather agrees or that it is, it's a very difficult process, but hopefully it will be successful and then the sub will sides no later on a voice or the host of asi it's world of thought. thank you very much. thank you. i thank you for joining us, your naughty international continue our coverage and my colleagues earlier. i talked to an italian m p who has been working as an international observer for this election. we've easy to around the 20 police station by what i saw. everything was working pretty good. everything was arranged in the right way. i can just underline
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a couple of thinks of it was not working in perfect way in a couple of pulling station. the secret of the vote was not to guarantee it. and then another one of for miss connor was not working here was good the my, i can see i, i was able to talk with president of a police station everywhere. he was going to understand of a problem to, to understand the eager start putting spatial. so everything was fine. of course, i am not able to give an opinion about the vote to on the web because you know that the something that i can not check as an upset or better, but something very much more technical than in my country. you know, we will, we have a long tradition about selection from up the recycling war. so we have a kind of more anxious system. we don't have to come there. we don't have the
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opportunity to vote by them by, by, by the web. so a new come to the russian and political scene looks like it will make it smog at the 1st attempt. the new people party currently has just under 6 percent of the vote. however, that is just above the 5 percent threshold required to enter the duma. now founded just a year ago and 2020 new people as a center right party led by, as i like, seen a child at fletcher's to fight bureaucracy in the country and stands for the modernization of political institutions. the party promotes social justice and supports the development of modern technologies of science and education. a correspondent eagerness. donnell. scott is 1st reactions now to the voting store. we choose to a couple of buggy we're putting in here. how are you feeling at the moment, and what do you think of the preliminary results? the, even the preliminary results are quite impressive for a new party taking part in the federal election for the 1st time. we feel
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tremendous supports. it's a huge responsibility. what is especially encouraging is that russians across the world voted for our party. it's amazing. and if i need to 3 v, what are the 3 main things that our foreign viewers should know about? your partner eluded me. gillian, somebody, me and we represent modern russia, a country striving to employ common sense in decision making. one that takes a rational approach when considering various issues. the main point is that our party is the voice of the russian regions. the regional agenda is our top priority and wherever we go, it enjoys people's support. well, that just about wraps it up for me for this hour. here are an author into national from rooftop studio overlooking downtown moscow special coverage for russia. 2021 state. do my election. thank you so much for joining us here on oxy. we will be back here soon with very much more for you on this channel was with the elections for the meantime. however,
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we're heading back to the east central headquarters for the continuation of breaking news. yes, thanks for ya. before we go this i, let's just give you an update then on that breaking news, because 8 people have been killed and there are multiple injuries in the shooting. at a central russian university, students were filmed, jumping out of windows, trying to escape. the alleged attacker has been arrested and as a student, according to preliminary investigations, penn state university has told people to stay away from the campus. so that brings up data on that breaking news with, with more stories for you. and the headlines about how the the, the,
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