tv News RT September 20, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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the me, the news the developer news story to tell you about this 6 deaths multiple injuries in the shooting a university in central russia. the alleged attack has been to take one student describing to us what he saw, my friends and i was standing at the parking lot near the entrance where the gunshot journey and sold a shooter who will then 20 meters the will of his shotgun. what i suspect was arrested by a single police officer. presently you entered the building after you heard about the gun shops, therefore he risked his life to stop demand. and he was also fired that soon i ran into the building and one person coming down the stairs,
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the young man pointed the gun at me and find the show. it's tough to that. i fight in return. i run close to and pinned him down. i took away his gun and munitions. nobody's today. sorry is not enough. neither is the money. the family of 10 afghan civilians killed by a u. s. strike demanding justice washington. the saying, though no one will be punished for the death. no one can compensate. if you give us all the money in the world, it will not be enough. it's not possible. we need assurance that next time they will not kill innocent people and children in other countries. the culprits must be convicted and almost more than 99 and a half percent now with the votes that counted in russia's general election with the ruling parts united, russia holding a strongly ah
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very good afternoon from russia. this monday, the 20th of september live from ortiz, will use h q, kevin, over here for the next time our lot to tell you about as well. first of all breaking news, the latest on that we've been talking about for, for the last 4 hours is so now 6 people is the latest statistic, 6 killed and $28.00 injured. when i suspect open fire this morning at the university of central russia is a timeline of what's going on the warning you may find some of these pictures coming into disturbing. ah, ah, my friends and i was standing at the parking lot sooner than we heard gunshots turn, and so the shooter standing 20 meters away with his shotgun. we were in a different direction for where it was good and she didn't manage to eat any one thing. got shot and hit my car. luckily he didn't hear any of us well alive and
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ah ah, gave the zip a crowd of people was running, followed by a young man with a gun who was shooting. i thought it was the next minute so that one person fell on the gruff sleeve. there, why don't we just do this? we're not exercise that this was serious. so we locked the door in the gains office from the inside. it all started at 20 part 11 and we had been sitting there for an hour. and then the police knocked our door and they began to evacuate. the shooting took place in our building. i didn't have the shot, but when i was leaving university, a group of people had already got that. that turns out we had like 1015 minutes earlier. we could have been in that situation. it was very scary. we usually you can be
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a building in the time we are in the 1st building out that it was this little front . today me. there was a tragic twist to show it to our t sources at the university say, a panic button that could have alerted everyone on the campus as soon as was not activated because the security guard responsible for doing that was one of the 1st to be killed again, there's more distress the video it goes with the territory him are afraid we want to it to, you know, this is the alleged video of the incident to be confirmed. the shooter shot his way into the diversity where a security guard tried to stop the members immediately kill the thing. that's the guy we're talking about and i but the panic button, etc. as traffic police, in spite to dealing with the nearby road traffic accident, rushed to the scene. the heroic officer is name we believe constantine kalynne and risked his life to stop the suspect, who also fired at him. i was on duty and was dealing with
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a road traffic accident when an eye witness run into the office and said there was a shooting near the university, my colleague and i went to check, we saw people running out of the university and also her shooting my colleague organized the evacuation while i ran to the main entrance. i asked witnesses where the shooting came from. they said on the 2nd floor i ran into the building and so on. on the person coming down the stairs, i shouted to him to put down the weapon. the young man pointed the gun at me and fired a shot off to that i fly in return. the young man fell down. i ran close and pinned him down. i took away, he's gone and ammunition and a knife, and then i began administering 1st aid to him. i was brave guy, now there's more to tell you about switch from piece together. what's happened here? more info coming in. since the 1st time you've shown you, this is believe that the shooter purchased i munition of the local guns store back in august. the video here you see and showing the moment the suspect to reach the shop counter. we spoke to the director of an educational center where the suspect
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completed his weapons training. it transpired that the direct his child was also a perm university. when the shooting happened the pretty nice slick of the. he completed his training in april. it's only an 8 hour program for all types of weapons program does not give permission to buy weapons that comes from the licensing department of the national guard. please understand the junior, the committee is the national guard that carries out all checks. the medical commission data is also provided that even the examination is carried out by the national guard inspect you have no task. you should also understand that this cannot be foreseen. we cannot look into a person's head into his own senior. my child called me now. he studies at the universe city as well and was locked in one of the rooms. when i found out that this beast was studying ital facility, or can you imagine how i felt it? thank god, everything seems to be okay with my child. but all this is very hard for me to get
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of course, i have already brought up all documents on this person and local corresponding update to this to from the same. so please give me a ring, happened around noon according to the various sources between 11 and 12 o'clock and i sought an unknown person, came to the universe ground. he passed through a checkpoint, refer to evidence that he started shooting already. then. then he went to the main building and open the file that followed him, firing a series of shots inside the building was students, teachers, university stuff started jumping out of the windows on the 2nd floor. then lower enforcement officers arrived at the scene as well as ambulance teams. the police did everything to stop the attack of attempt to shoot more people. he's seriously injured, unverified pictures published on social networks medic administering 1st a to be a lead shooter assistance to the victims is also provided by eye witnesses who at
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the university at the time of the incident, students, teachers, and university. according to the latest information, the shooter is an 18 year old student of former law students. but this information has yet to be verified. in the investigative committee announced that a criminal case has been opened. a correspondent tunnel coat has been on this one today. donald, i mean that you can imagine the are these students were facing, they could see the panic as they're trying to jump out of those windows to get to some sort of safety sort of work out what the heck was going on around them. yeah, right, absolutely. the students have been evacuated from the area already, and the university administration has already determined that they're going to be moving to remote learning. specifically after this tragic mass shooting took place . we've heard a lot from the investigative committee they've, they've claimed that they've actually arrested, they've detained the police, him detained him and they've identified who he is. and they've only published actually that he's a student. we don't know the former or current or if you went to the university, but that he was a student or is
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a student. we also know that when he was in custody, he put up quite a fight with the police. and now he's in critical condition. we don't know how he sustained those injuries if it was connected to that resisting, or we don't know specifics, not a lot more. who said the moment as it is a little under investigation, of course you think in custody. she's saying. and this is the 2nd my shooting just this year on that there was one a while before that as well. i mean, is it a partner? is it connected? i don't know, but each time, obviously it's going to make the headlines a terrible tragedy. and there was one earlier, it was man, right after seeing this tragedy on the television, i'm sure a lot of people are thinking back to the other mass shooting that took place this year and made in cars on and there was another school shooting. the shooter was a 19 year old boy. he was saying that he hated everyone that he was a god and he even tried to kill himself in the police car. once he was detained, the police stopped him from being able to do that. but many said he was mentally insane. the investigative committee said that's, that's not the case. but many people are still saying that we should take
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ah, ah, lose. now that took place this year, but there is yet another school shooting that happened in russia that you could draw a lot of parallels between another one that happened in 2018 in the crimean town of kurtz that that was that shooter that killed people in that town he was 18 years old, that's almost the same age as the 19 year old shooter that committed this, this, these atrocities in cars on. and he was all he also was said to have hated everyone at the school, perhaps had some mental issues that he had to work out. and that he was also suspected of idolizing the people who carried out the columbine high school shooting in the united states in the 1990. so, i mean, a lot of people are asking what's going on here. right. and after the coach
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massacres took place, russian vladimir, russian president vladimir putin gave his opinion on this. he said that this is likely a result of globalization. he said that the lack of a positive content on the internet gives way to things like this trends that began in the united states of school shootings being basically being carried over through social media and the internet into russia. there was all he also said that specifically after that because on shooting that there needs to be tighter gun laws . and that's something that the duma has been looking into. no serious concrete steps forward have been made. but after this kind of tragic shooting has, once again happened in russia, it may bring policy in that direction. you know, maybe the counselors for just say don't course a thank you for the update. the what other news were across here today, sorry is not enough. that is how the families of afghan victims have reacted to the admission of guilt by the us in
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a deadly recent drone strike by the pentagon and cobble what 10 civilians were killed. there are also reports that us intelligence did warn about the possible presence of civilians, including children in the strike area, but crucially seems only a few seconds before the missile head. so no time to do anything. the father of a 2 year old girl killed by the strike should his emotions with us that no one can compensated. if you give us all the money in the world, it will not be enough. it's not possible. they can't compensate for the murder of a child, and there is no remedy for this loss. after they confess that it was a mistake. we wondered why they didn't check before talking. what did they find conclusive intelligence? they should have made sure by carrying out a thorough investigation before accusing and attacking us. we have lost 10 relatives and it is such a painful and terrible incident. we are grieving heartbroken, our family was innocent. we knew that we didn't do anything wrong. for 2 weeks after the incident was that the families of the victims,
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the relatives of those killed in that room strike i heard was, was office cation was excuses despite the, the abundant evidence pointing to the fact that something had gone terribly wrong with this strike. despite the fact that this has become a global scabbed on the spot, the inexcusable casualty list, the families of the victims, those killed and that will strike a new one has approached them. that's essentially all they have seen are carefully worded statements by the pet to god and the by the administration's p. r. genes intended for cameras and design to minimize damage. make no mistake. no military on the face of the earth works harder to avoid civilian casualties than united states military. and nobody wants to see innocent life taken. as the secretary says, in the statement we,
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we apologize and we will endeavor to learn from this horrible mistake. and to that end, he has directed a thorough review of the investigation just completed by us central command. i mean, my d, the father of the 2 year old girl, told us that that was the money that the money isn't going to solve anything new compensation is neither do they want theory. i the apologies for cameras what they want is something that they may never receive. they both have investigation. they want to accountability and culpability. they want those responsible for these tragedy, for, for the deadly mistakes that went into it for them to be brought to justice, much more. but we want justice according to american law, and the person who pulled the trigger. and those who gave the fire command should stand before a court of law. we need assurance that next time they will not kill innocent people and children in other countries. the culprits must be convicted. nobody formerly
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met with those. no one contacted a toll on behalf of the american government. we want an official investigation, and the culprit must be convicted in a court of law in the u. s. then we will accept reparations. according to american law, just 3 people from the telephone came here. they search the crime scene and left without saying anything, but the pentagon, however, is protecting it, so it says the new disciplinary measures will be carried out. so that's ultimately, this is all a terrible tragedy. but new ones mistake specifically because all of its employees, the intelligence community, all acted by the book and that the intelligence was solid. and that is unfortunately the pattern we have seen. and i've got to start over the entirety of the 20 year war when it comes to air strikes or drones such as any number of organizations. the track civilian casualties will attest to relief where for example, has counted more than 3000 civilian deaths gathered on since 2016.
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since nato in the united states began reducing the number of troops they had on the ground and increasing the number of air strikes up to 20 a day. they've also found that 40 percent of the casualties caused by the united states and its allies, the air strikes that have got to stop 40 percent of the civilian casualties where kids walk along. we can say revenge or fight back. we are a poor family and only trust god, he is the one who has the power to punish them accordingly. we can't forgive them. why would we do that? i have heard that the americans have killed so many innocent people in drone attacks, and i would say that these cases must be investigated to stop these killings in other countries like afghanistan, i have lost my daughter, my brother, and his children. these drone strikes needs to be stopped altogether after the attack on our family model. we asked for justice, but now i call them those who have lost people to join tax over the years to stand
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up and demand justice. at the end of the day, just this may prove to be elusive. this scandal, however, will dry gone because there are a whole host of questions that still haven't be nonsense, such as why the united states would but choose to attack this car in the dead sea populated residential neighbourhood. why they claim that the warning that there were children at the sheed came very late when it is evident that they could have seen the children as they launched the miss hall before they launched the miss our wall, they track this car. they could have seen the kids in the car playing around the vehicle. and there are also questions about accountability. whether after this, the asco, both the drones truck and what many american c as a chaotic and humiliate again, to america's war in afghanistan. whether anybody will onto, for it the
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you know, right next tier, big story across the we can from russia or special coverage of it here. now to international the big vote that just one percent of votes left balance left to be counted his head. the results currently look for the parties in the general election. united russia is almost 50 percent. the coleman is currently in 2nd place . and so they are again, have 19 of the liberal democrats belie behind them at 8 a just russia, which is merged with 2 smaller parties, also run 7 on how to send this new party to the selection called new people. ready they've just scraped 10 above the 5 percent threshold needed to have a presence in parliament results and not final. they only can for half of the $450.00 contested seats as russia also votes for individual candidates, as well as parties that rory su chaise across the coverage for today from all
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special skylines to do in the heart of moscow above red squid. despite the inclement weather, that blooming over night, still nonetheless, we have some great guests to give us analysis and experts down the to it they are well one to 3 days. it's been so far and the results are continuing to pour in. so a new come to the russian and political scene, it looks like it will be making it smog on its 1st attempt. the new people party founded just a year ago and 2020 new people is a sensor, right? party lead to bias tra, alexi that china. it pledges to fight bureaucracy in the country and stands for the modernization of political institutions. the part he promotes social justice and supports the development of modern technologies, science and education correspondent ego to don off get his 1st reactions. now the 1st reactions to the voting, they could very well add to the existing full parts. he's currently represented in
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the lower house of the russian parliament. and, well, what better way to find out about the party's policies and what they're all about? after all, even in russia, not that many people might know about them because they have only been formed just a year ago. store we choose to if you could give a problem with how are you feeling at the moment? and what do you think of the preliminary results? the, even the preliminary results are quite impressive for a new party taking part in the federal elections for the 1st time. we feel tremendous supports. it's a huge responsibility. what is especially encouraging is that russians across the world voted for our party. it's amazing. now 30 to 3 years chicago. what are the 3 main things that our foreign viewers should know about? your partner eluded me. kelly and somebody, me and we represent modern russia, a country striving to employ common sense in decision making. one that takes a rational approach when considering various issues. the main point is that our
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party is the voice of the russian regions. the regional agenda is our top priority, and wherever we go, it enjoys people support. the results for the communist party of russia seems to be very promising. at this. the comments party of russia is seen as the main alternative to the current ruling party. and that sentiment seems to have only grown in recent years, in part, perhaps due to the pandemic and the government's response to it. like in many countries, the health crisis actually widened the wealth gab among citizens and the communist party of russia, promises to tackle that inequality. they propose a program called the 10 steps towards the power of the people. one of the proposed steps. as for example, is it nationalization of key industries and banks and an overhaul on industrial investments? a lot of people are beginning to look for an alternative system and communist party of russia seems to offer that alternative. or we're now joined with pavel andre, off of russia. is central election commission joining us here on our rooftop studio
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. thank you so much for coming to talk to us this time around. people were able to vote using that smart phone hasn't worked out. okay. and is that a safe method to be voting with using your smartphone? or has been not only smartphones, but basically an electronic gadgets, like the desktop computer, a note book, whatever it has been the 1st time the russians were able to use the digital electronic quoting system, the, the, the 1st, the 1st come was moscow. and the time it was also other regions on the russian federation of the federal voting system at the central level selection community we last night we put together the key to draw out the results for the federal system. it went very smooth. it was very, quite quiet. quick to do, people get more and more trust in the system the see the way the central election
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commission is, is operating completely in an open manner, where we're sitting together with a journalist with the observers. international observers waiting for the results over seeing how the digital electronic voting system has been put together to to, to produce the results. i mean, they, they, they gain trust the see also a lot of competition. i think you, judging by the results, you might think no, they're all of the same. well, maybe there is another 5040 getting into the in, in the parliament. but at the same time, we are inside saw why the fierce competition devoted. so it some sort of online foreign interference accusations have been made. did you have any problems with your systems? did you have any hoc attacks? we had reports that there were cyber attacks. we had reports of quite severe and multiple attempts to do to disrupt the all our systems,
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but they, there was food, food. and as far as far as we were at the moment, we haven't had any infringement on the results. so the thing, the look you posted on that window before i leave you to this, i want to take you, but it's the breaking developing new story in from russia as well. here we go. this picture showing updated information from the investigative team at the scene of the university shooting this morning was 6, were killed, it was a report initially, it's gone to the 6, so that's revised. but the good news between 8 injured there as well. students were filled, literally jumping out of the windows to escape, trying to work what's happening and the fear that must be going for the alleged attack. this is new in this as being arrested and as a student to, according to preliminary findings these that's the pictures of him. we think the lead shoot to walking amongst the grounds. so you can see yourself the
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paramedics on the scene as soon as they possibly could. we also knew in this i showed a picture as well. the video, reportedly showing the moment the suspect went to a gun shop to buy ammunition in august. but it, you can see the panic, we're at perm state university today. people being told to stay away from campus, we will update you and you can stay across it as well. it don't call me and our social media ah, the ah, i use
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ah, working machine in the back. she popped in. she said, well, i'm getting ready to go shopping for christmas and we recently there was a good device to another shooting. another state, part of american life, shattered by violence. the gunman was armed with an a ar 1570 automatic rifle. when the issue comes home, it's time to act. when we're filing on this issue, the other side wins by default, lady that lived over there. i was walking one of the dogs. why do you wear again? were you scared? i took it off and i think the people need to take responsibility in their own hands and be prepared if those kinds of weapons were less available. we wouldn't have
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a lot of shootings and we certainly wouldn't have the number that i didn't i lose lose. i hello and welcome to cross top, where all things are considered on funeral as well. in the us, democrats talk endlessly about the so called january 6 insurrection. they're less concerned with the real possibility, general mark merely when, constitutionally broke. also, the art of stabbing, an ally in the back, france is furious. me
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to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, glenn, these and, and also he is a professor at the university of southeastern norway as well as the author of the new book. great power politics in the 4th industrial revolution. and who depends. we have george semi welly, he's a podcast to read the gaggle which can be found on youtube and locals. are a gentleman, cross talk rules and effect. that means he can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. oh, it's going to george, 1st thing, budapest, george. you know the if you, if you look at the liberal media in the us, there continue to be obsessed with january 6. even on the 20th anniversary commemoration of $911.00. they had to poll january, thinks into it, and then over the last week we have a story about the joint chiefs of staff, general mark, milly, according to news reports, we have to have them confirmed and we know the general be speaking in front of
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congress before the end of the month, but instead of saying, oh my goodness, what a breach of the constitution of norms coming from such people, there seems to be scant really interest in it. i mean, he did it because he's a patriot. well, since when breaking the laws patriotic. yes, this is entirely correct, and we're already used to be around the, during the, from years we had 4 years of the intelligence services actively working to subvert the administration. all duly elected president. and this is what we have in the case of general milly. i mean, let's keep in mind his 1st, according to the woodward book, i mean, his 1st meeting or the conference with the chinese took place on october, the 30th before the election is before the election. he gives them.
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