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tv   News  RT  September 20, 2021 11:00am-11:24am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the 6 thought moscow time, this breaking news, 6 death multiple injuries in the shooting of the university and central russia. today, the alleged attack has been detained. one student shares with us what he went through, my friends and i was standing at the parking lot near the entrance where gunshot john and sold a shooter standing 20 meters away with his shotgun. the suspect was arrested by a single police officer, calling him a hero tonight who entered the building after he heard about the gun shots,
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he risked his life to stop the man. it also fired us in i ran into the building and one person coming down the stairs. the young man pointed the gun at me and find a show off to that fund in return, i run close to and pinned him down. i took away his gun and munition elsewhere. the big story to tell you about i lies apart from today. reportedly canceling a top level defense meeting with britain. i'm threatening to tell, pay to the use free trade agreements with a style. it's been really controversial after washington london, camber of a seal, the tax id. so major french defense contract taken over by the us here almost more than 19 on and a half percent of the votes. and i counted in russia's big general election over the last 3 days with the ruling party united, russia holding
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a strongly ah very good evening from me here in moscow. my name is kevin o. in this monday, the 20th of september live from ortiz world news headquarters. i'm here for the next half hour with our latest and a lot talk about as you could hear, the, the breaking news. 6 people were killed earlier today in 28 injured for a suspect. opened fire this morning at a university of central russia, a place called per. he's a time one of the events from what went on and a warning. suddenly it goes with a kind of story like this. some of the pictures coming up are upsetting the news. my friends and i were standing at the parking lot sooner than trying to wear gunshots turn. and so the shooter standing 20 meters away with his shotgun were in a different direction for where it was good and she didn't manage to eat any one thing,
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got shot and hit my car. luckily he didn't have any funds well alive and save me a visit of the crowd of people was running followed by a young man with a gun who was shooting for the next minute. so that one person fell on the gruff there. why don't we just do this? we're not serious. so we're locked the door into jean's office from the inside. it all started at 20 part and we had been sitting there for an hour, and then the police knocked our door and they began to evacuate. the shooting took place in our building. i didn't hit the show, but when i was leaving university,
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a group of people had already got the 10015 minutes earlier. we could've been in that situation. it was very scary. we usually faced building time we had in the 1st notice that it was this little practice today. me meantime r t source is at the university say panic, but this terrible twist. this which could have alerted everyone on campus even so, you know, wasn't activated because the guy that god responsible for doing that was one of the 1st to be killed. again, not nice pictures coming up. well, this is the ledge video of the incident. the gunman shot his went to the university where a security guard try to stop him with thinking then this is the man that should have pressed the button. he was immediately killed. then a hero, a traffic police inspect dealing with a nearby road accident at the time, rushed to the scene. the heroic officer named his constantine kalynne in tonight risked his life to stop the suspect,
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who had also fired at him. i was on duty and was dealing with the road traffic accident when an eye witness run into the office and said there was a shooting near the university. my colleague and i went to check, we saw people running out of the university and also her shooting my colleague, organize the evacuation. while i ran to the main entrance, i asked witnesses where the shooting came from. they said on the 2nd floor i ran into the building and saw an armed person coming down the stairs. i shouted to him to put down the weapon. the young man pointed the gun. that's me and fired a short after that, i fired and returned. the young man fell down. i ran closer and pinned him down. i took away his gun and ammunition and a knife, and then i began administering 1st a to him. we come up with a local correspondence to to bring a small from the same so pretty little difficult. everything happened around noon according to the various sources between 11 and 12 o'clock. i felt an unknown
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person came to the university grounds. he passed through a checkpoint and his photo evidence that he started shooting already. then. then he went to the main building and opened the file that followed him, firing a series of shots inside the building. the students, teachers, university stuff started jumping out of the windows on the 2nd floor. then law enforcement officers arrived at the scene as well as ambulance teams. the police did everything to stop the attack of attempt to shoot more people. he seriously injured unverified pictures published on social networks show medics administering 1st a to the lead shoot assistance to the victims is also provided by eye witnesses who at the university at the time of the incident, students, teachers, and university staff. according to the latest information, the shooter is an 18 year old student of former law students. but this information has yet to be verified. in the investigative committee announced that a criminal case has been opened. yeah,
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another search for clues as to what happened begins. well, there's this to stop may be believed that the shooter purchased a munition at a local gun store back in the summer and august, the video showing the moment the suspect, the think reaches the counter. we spoke to the director of nadia occasional center where the suspect apparently completed his weapon training. it transpired to another twist, the direct his child was also perm universe to this morning when that shooting happened. good, pretty nice. of course, he completed his training in april. it's only an 8 hour program for all types of weapons program does not give permission to buy weapons that comes from the licensing department. the national guards can please understand that sooner the need is the national guard that carries out all checks and the medical commission data is also provided that even the examination is carried out by the national guard inspect, you know, to us. you should also understand that this cannot be foreseen. we cannot look into
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a person's head into his soul senior, my child called me now. he studies at this university as well and was locked in one of the rooms. when i found out that this beast was studying ital facility, or can you imagine how i felt it? thank god, everything seems to be okay with my child. but all this is very hard for me. of course, i have already brought up all documents on this person. and then a hot breaking call to make mention a few of the father of the suspect fielding calls about this kind of stuff to the media, to the police. well, he did speak, he's spoken to us. he says, he still can't believe what his son may have done here. i'm in another city right now. i've heard various rumors and still don't know what to believe. i work away on contract, come to come around once a year, sometimes more, sometimes less and last. so my son around april or may, nothing could have prepared me for the one. when i 1st heard about the incident,
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i went into shock and i still haven't recovered from what he suspected of doing. when he lived with his mother, we've been divorced for 12 years. and whenever i talked to him, he just sat at home by the computer. i kept asking him, why didn't he go for a walk or do something else? this year he went to university to study forensic science on a fee basis. he hasn't even finished his 1st month. so cold is been across history all day update and has done bit more coming in by the various victims here. yeah, we're beginning to see a lot of reports in the media and various media outlets with some initial information about the victims who suffered in this tragic mass shooting. we know that one of the leading medics in the region in which perm is located, where the mass shooting took place. it was margarita and house. and unfortunately she was shot dead by the gunman. she was actually on a tour of the university with her grandchild at the time that that happened. so definitely a very tragic incident. and we have gotten some international reaction for an
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officials from sweden and norway have given their condolences to the families that have lost their loved ones in this, in this mass shooting. and we also heard from president vladimir putin. he gave his comment on, on this situation, he called it an enormous calamity for the entire country because you may have but it's still condolences cannot drown out the upset of our loss. this is a huge disaster for the entire country, but you law enforces, we'll do the best to investigate this terrible crime and find out the reasons for what has happened. both parties will take all necessary measures to help the families of the victims and those injured because what it was, you'd expect the response that coming from the top very soon on. but of course, president putin spoken about this kind of thing before, cuz it's not the 1st time this has happened in russia. suddenly it was going to big headlines. it is rare, but he's spoken about it before and they yeah, absolutely. i mean, i'm sure a lot of people, especially in russia, are watching the tv right now. thinking about probably the last mass shooting that took place to the took place just this year actually in may in the russian city of
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because on back then, the shooter was a 19 year old boy. he was saying things like, he hated everyone around him and he that he said that he was god, he tried to kill himself in the cop car that he was in after he was detained. luckily the police were able to prevent him from doing that. many said he was mentally insane in the media and people that knew him, the investigative committee has yet to confirm that, but the indications are looking that way. let's re revisit those events that transpired in because on oh, who in the
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the me now after that tragic mass shooting took place, like you said, russian president vladimir putin also commented, gave his condolences to the families that lost loved ones in that terrible mass shooting and we can even go back farther to another mass shooting the took place, encouraged crimea, back in 2018. that had
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a lot of parallels to what we just saw in. because on actually just on the screen, the shooter back in 2018 and kurtz was 18 years old, just around the same age as the shooter. and because on who was 19 years old, he was also said to have hated everyone at the school. he went to even apparently idolize the gunman from the columbine high school shooting that took place in the 1990 s in the united states. and russian president vladimir putin at that time said that the, the reason for this was, was most likely a consequence of globalization. he said, and going back to the cause on shooting, not just putting, but other russian officials as well. this brought them to think more about perhaps tightening the gun laws in russia. maybe that this would be a solution to this, to these a string of shootings. and that has made it up all the way up to the government, duma, and people. the politicians have been talking about it, but it hasn't been passed yet. maybe this, this 3rd one could push policy in that direction. you know,
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maybe the counselors for change with so many elements potentially the party. why someone would do this is crazy stuff. all right, thank you very much and come back to later keep us posted price fix dorian for you . k. well, i'm prompts as well as the us and the straight in the k, the prime ministers in damage limitation mode tonight, in the midst of a rift with paris for us, johnson says the u. k is quote, very, very proud of its relationship with france, but things are going to bit downhill is saying that britain's love for france can never be destroyed. that the poor of emotion comes off. the paris cooled off a top level franco, british defense conference, enraged at the u. k. the new security pack, which has proved really controversial with a lot of people with a straight layer and the us, china is not happy isa riley reports on it all tonight. the french defense ministry cancelling summit that was due to be held bilateral summit with the bridge. we understand that there were reports of florence, paula,
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who is the french defense minister, personally called for that meeting. to be counseled the british side are denying it . they say that this is merely a postponement, it's not a cancellation of that. 3 meeting the french side, haven't commented on those reports yet, but that it all comes, of course, as tensions continue. and some of the words coming out from the french side really harsh when it comes to their view of events, saying that when 2 sides reach an agreement, they must stick to that word. keeping one's word is the condition of trust between democracies and between allies. so it is unthinkable to move forward on trade negotiations as if nothing had happened with a country in which we no longer trust. now, part of the political fallout continues as a result of this is the decision by the french governments. recall that some buffet is to both the united states and australia and the french foreign minister, john eve,
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ledger leon again outlining the deep sense of anger in paris over these developments . there was a lie, there was duplicity. there was a major breach of trust in there was disdain. so things are not going well between us, not at all. it means that there is a crisis. we cannot play like this between allies and when you have an ally, you don't treat it in such a brutal and unpredictable way don't. because there is really a crisis. we are a fierce champion of freedom and free enterprise, but freedoms need to be defended. so we're also building strong security ties around the world. it shows our readiness to be hard headed and defending our interests in challenging unfair practices and malign acts like math as was the wiki leaks. publishing group have released the number of documents, exposing american conduct towards france during the 2012 elections in france. and as part of that,
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these documents show an intention on the part of the cia to conduct infiltration of some of the political parties taking part. we know, of course, that tension is generally between the u. s. and its partners across the world are somewhat tied, but that hasn't been helped by the latest announcements of a new license, if you will, between the u. k. the united states and australia, and part of that is the analysis of a multi $1000000000.00 submarine deal. the only snag is australia had already agreed to deal with the french, according to paris, and that they are now reneging on that deal. now again, all of this comes against the backdrop of. busy those ties between america and some of the closest allies already strained because of the manner the chaotic manner in which nato led by the us, withdrew from afghanistan, ready, many french, and other continental european powers. calling for europe to go its own way when it
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comes to military affairs. and these types of developments with a seemingly the anglo phone world sticking together will do nothing to make those ties any stronger. the big weekend devoted is going on 3 days until special election coverage here of general election and our to international. it's been happening in russia with less than half of the remaining one percent of votes still to be counted. so nearly done and dusted. this is how the results look this. well, let me see, i'm saying, and 1st, i mean the you not allowed to change. united russia has almost 50 percent, the communist, perennially and 2nd place of about 19 the liberal democrats behind that to get 8 a just russia, which has merged with 2 smaller parties also has around 7 and a half percent. then there's a new party in the fray as well,
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just scrape in through that called new people just above the 5 percent threshold needed to have a presence in parliament. however, it's not all done and dusted what you see in there. this results are not final. they only come for half of the $450.00 contested seats in the duma as a rusher. also votes for individual candidates as well as parties is quite complicated. now, brewery, so she's been across the coverage for us today from a special skyline studio. we can call it in the heart of moscow above red square. not much sky this morning though, inclement weather blew in overnight, but despite it all, that's great guest analysis and here they are. well, what are 3 days? it's been so far and the results are continuing to pour in. so a new come to the russian and political scene. it looks like it will be making it smog on its 1st attempt. the new people found it just a year ago and 2020 new people is a sensor, right? party lead to
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a vice chair alexi that child. it pledges to fight bureaucracy in the country and stands for the modernization of political institutions. the part he promotes social justice and supports the development of modern technologies, science and patient correspondent, eager to don off, get his 1st reactions. now the 1st reactions to the voting, they could very well add to the existing full parts. he's currently represented in the lower house of the russian parliament. and, well, what better way to find out about the parties, policies, and what they're all about after all, even in russia, not that many people might know about them since they have only been form just a year ago. store, we choose to if you could put them in here. how are you feeling at the moment? and what do you think of the preliminary results? the, even the preliminary results are quite impressive for a new party taking part in the federal election for the 1st time. we feel tremendous supports. it's a huge responsibility. what is especially encouraging is that russians across the
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world voted for our party. it's amazing. not 30 to 3 years chicago. what are the 3 main things that are foreign viewers should know about your partner luther name kelly and somebody me and we represent modern russia, a country striving to employ common sense in decision making. one that takes a rational approach when considering various issues. the main point is that our party is the voice of the russian regions. the regional agenda is our top priority and wherever we go, it enjoys people's support. and the very special guest with us today here for our election coverage, of course, in casa trough, basically the russian federation council, deputy chair, and a member of united russia party. what would you make of that number so far? the performance of the party, of course, the election was a kind of a proof for us where the russian population accepted reform 3 proposed or denied them. there is out, goes for it, sound goes without saying, we are well,
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except that we are supportive and the current policy, which is conducted by the president, the thrust by the government of russia, which is supported by the parliamentary majority. continue. it is because it is supported by, by voters. i thought of the last election a few years ago that the voter turnout was very low. and this time though, the voter turnout has been much higher. if that's the case. why do you think more people are voting now? well, for the conditions were much more convenient because we provided 3 days walking. and this is always good for people to have a choice. secondly, i believe that the, the content of the election campaign was rather probably crusoe for most russians, whether to choose evolution or of illusion because many political parties proposed revolutionary changes. they are quite tired with nothing happening in russia the
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previous 20 years. some people want to have more radical changes, and i believe that the majority of russian society is not happy with this radical change of. they do not want to have any reputation so free. lucian's debate had the 991. or are there other units or well history? what about what about the recent changes to the con? the constitution was the cost of char, ultimately giving the duma more power. how is not going to work in practice? can you tell us about that? well, number one, these injections took place directly after soon after the amendments to the constitution were fast. and these amendments i believe, are quite important for most people because they provide better social protection. they limit the possibilities for the government to reconsider their previous commitments against the civil society and they give more power to their representative organs like the state duma. i. 1 think that the turn out to be true,
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you could see these 3 days of confirms that these dreamt the amendments to the constitution are still very much what people are they are they get the support from


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