tv News RT September 21, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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give things away, doctor, because the tax laws, you know, definitely do benefit the wealthier people in our society. so that makes sense for them to throw it out right off rather than give it to somebody who could use it. and then that person is not going to buy it. the law, the 5 from moscow man shoots dead, a gas station cashier and germany, to be asked to wear a musket, sparking horror and debate in the countries media. as frustration grows at covey restrictions time, a day of morning declared in the central russian city of per me, of university shooting that killed 6 people. hundreds paying their respect to the memorial to the victims. a correspondence there in space, the mother of one badly injured student, the shot hit my daughter in the back, she was running away. she saw him and started running. she had to have kidney
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removed. shocking things as us border guards, wip haitian refugees embolden they saw by rumors that joe buys. it may be opened up the front, sparking what governess branded unprecedented migrant such ah, good afternoon from oscar, then the tuesday, the 21st of september. welcome to the program. my name's kevin o. in this is in to national. i've got the latest for you for next time. starting with germany in shock tonight, after a man shot dead, a cashier who asked him to wear a mask of soul, the suspect turned himself into police, telling them he felt cornered by ever growing infringement from civil liberties. because of corona virus restrictions is a euro correspondent, a 49 year old man is in police custody in the western german state of rhineland
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politeness for the killing of a 20 year old petrol station worker. the man who's in custody says he shot dead. the 20 year old after being forced to wear a mask against covert 19 in the petrol station. it all happened on saturday evening . this 49 year old man arrived at the petrol station he was told he couldn't come in unless he had a face covering on around an hour and a half later. cctv seems to show that he came back wearing a mask, which he then took off when he was at the desk. this is according to prosecutors. you see not cctv footage. prosecutors then say he produced a revolver and shot dead. the 20 year old with one shot to his head. a manhunt ensued. however, it was until the next morning when this 49 year old man turned himself into police . regarding the motive he stated that the corona virus pandemic was
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a heavy burden on him. he felt pushed into a corner by this situation, and so no way out other than to send a signal. now, this is the 1st time that any killing has been linked to the government's measures here in germany against the cove at 19 pandemic. it seemed the representative for the bond, the stag, for what that region, yearly o'clock, and saying that she was absolutely shocked by this killing. she's been joined by numbers numerous over politicians and expressing their condolences and shock and disbelief at what happened there. but it isn't the 1st time that we've seen violence or roped by those that have been opposed to government measures against coven, 1900 demonstrations here in berlin, and around the, the rest of the country have turned violent in the past with clashes between demonstrators and the police, the, the,
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me, me, me in real numbers covered cases across germany are dropping right now, but in order to make sure that that remains the case while measures remain in place . in fact, here in berlin just on saturday, we're going to see new measures come into play, which is going to make things more inconvenient for those who haven't been fascinated. faith going to have to show proof of the nation approve that use of coverage some clothes at 19 within the last month, if you want to enter certain public spaces, the several 1000 people were testing co restrictions. me to a class to the police and brought central melbourne to a standstill in the street. the rallies against covey locked downs and vaccine
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rules coming just a day after right. police dispersed crowds to the city on the construction work has pelting their own union reps with bottles and other objects for as they saw it, fighting with the government to shut down the construction industry for employees to get a not collected by the end of the week. process to organize his warning to demonstrations are set to continue until the demands are met, including an immediate end to the locked out. no more mosque and vaccine mandates and reopening building sites. i spoke to the risk about this, he's a political commentator contributed for the monitor news site. he's industry, there's sidney. he told me the heavy 100 response from police which is included purpose spray and rubber bullets could get even harsher. in australia,
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you do have a small but same time, not insignificant percentage of the population. who is part of this worldwide movement of the what i would the, the, me, the nation group. the interesting thing about these particular practice today is the way that they have scribe bio straight and officials for example, want to describe the purpose of painting as i quoted drunk and fascist straight in moral to the post time. we've seen such language being used to describe the purpose for the police. it's interesting that the police officials have said that in light of what they've heard about the intentions of the demonstrators to continue they have, they said that they will take a different approach more heavy had to approach the demonstrations continue the next few days. here the central russian city perm is morning,
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the victims of my shooting and it's top university. yesterday 6 were killed for them age 20 and under a more than 2 dozen were wounded. a warning there are disturbing pictures coming up sorta se cctv recording sort of been released showing students inside that university building literally running for their lives as the legit assailant walked in. he injured the security guard, then shot him a 2nd time as the guard lay, the defenceless on the floor. the man dressed in black, then steps over the turns to the continuous mass killing. meantime, a memorials been set up where hundreds already paid their respects to those victims, among them a woman whose daughter was very badly injured in the attack. with the short of the shot heet, my daughter in the back, she was running away. she saw him and started running it, hit her in the bucket, she had to have
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a kidney removed. she'll be transported to more school. she received 1st aid, god bless those people and we got lucky in comparison to others. she was a little behind her group. they managed to walk themselves inside the classroom. parents should be aware of what the kids are doing. this is what i'm talking about . how is it possible? she didn't see he got all the stuff at home. friends laughing thought it was a joke. what's that about? the, the city is still really from what's happened here throughout the night. hundreds of people gathered and make shift and memorial here, bringing flowers to honor the memory of lucy's being diversity is closed now. it's campus has been sealed off by the police with investigation. of course and post when no one except for those who live in the student dormitory, behind these fans are allowed inside. now we're stayed standing in front of an entrance where the gunman broke in. the attacker is, believe you have initially gone down a security guard to make his way into the campus. now let's recap some of the key
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moments from yesterday's shooting. ah, i wish i didn't hear the shots, but when i was leaving university, a group of people had already got that turns out that we had 1015 minutes. sonya we could have been in that situation. it was very scary. we usually have building time . we are in the 1st building and out that it was this little practice saved today. the me in the suspect was identified as an
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18 year old freshman student at the university, had spend just a couple of weeks there before the incident. so it's unlikely it was an act of personal revenge. investigators have been able to piece together exactly what happened on that day. so we know that a black class shooter and how many hunting, rifle, and ammunition wrapped around his body stormed into the campus around 11 in the morning while students were in their classes. some of the students and teachers barricaded in their classrooms, others were seen jumping out of window and trying to flee the harness. it was a peripheral scene unfolding, unfolding just meters away from where we're standing. now. people were leaping from a height of about 4 meters falling heavily on the ground. many of them have suffered serious injuries because of that. our team met. i should talk to you the suspects father, who lives in a different city now and hasn't kept in close contact with his son an ex wife. but
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nonetheless, he noticed that something was not right with his son. i am in another city right now. her various roommates and still don't know what to believe. i work away on contract. come to come around once a year. sometimes more, sometimes less and last saw my son around april or may. nothing could have prepared me for the one. when i 1st heard about the incident, i went into shock and i still haven't recovered from what he suspected of doing. he lived with his mother. we cleaned divorce for 12 years. and whenever i talked to him, he just sat at home by the computer. i kept asking him, why didn't he go for a walk or do something else? this year he went to university for study forensic science on a fee basis. he hadn't even finished his 1st month. well, as you can imagine, this was a night, especially for those who was inside at that moment. then we're going to listen to a story of a teacher who was lucky enough to survive this horrible blood bath. most of that
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are willing like school to know we were touring university, new hardware had arrived and we spend time on it. and so my next level was said a bit longer and there's 3 minute safety because everything happened just to do. we will want to point students left earlier to be in time and know that she was injured when she's been hospitalized right now. but my mom and i'm in the adults have instructions on what to do and everything on her parent instructions and training. but to summarize all to relieve running case fabricate of something. that's a terrorist attack. of course, the question on everyone's mind now is how we mentally insane 18 year old got hold of a farm. while he bought it legally, resentment footage taken in one of the gun stores where the shooter allegedly purchased his ammo, he passed all the medical tests. he was that advice like high trees, who apparently hadn't noticed anything odd about this quiet young man. so that would be mass shooter, got a firearm license in accordance with russian laws,
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and probably this is an area of legislation that is going to be revised in by authorities in the near future. now, what's crystal clear about this strategy to do right now is that it could have been much worse if it hadn't been for youth road traffic, police officers who miraculously happen to be affinity. when the shooting started, they both rushed to the camp. but one of them quickly ran into the attacker who opened fire that officer constantly colleen and fired back one of the suspect and then even administered 1st aid. the gunman in the hospital. now in serious condition, although he survived and regained consciousness, i can say the same about the city though, as perm is still trying to come to terms with the nightmare. that's just happened as a terrible thing say yes, thank you for watching it today. we know sort of show you said that we appreciate all the more this is our to international. now, this is
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a head amongst the other stories in moscow. lashing out today the european co to human rights after claims. russia is responsible for the murder of alexander live in anchor. the former f s. b agent turned you k to this and got a correspondent to talk about that. but a few developments to brief you on after the break. ah, driven times remember shaped by those with the in me thing we dare to ask me
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the 2018 police things which left 3 people critically and one dead. moscow stress that london is using the instant to put pressure on russia. you 30 say they believe the suspect works for russian military intelligence. it comes after alexander petroff and russ, i'm sure of also alleged to tell intelligence agents were named as suspects 3 years ago. and a couple of stories want to talk about the correspondence for trying to dave. let's start with this one. what would we know about this? the suspect them? kevin? hi again. well, according to u. k. police, this man's name as dentist, sergei, of 50 years old. and the believe he was a very serious man there. calling him a major general working for russia's foreign intelligence service. and it's also claimed that mister sir, give was in charge of this entire alleged mission to murder double agent, circ a scribble. even though the u. k. prosecutors actually claimed that the investigators found out that he remained in london during his entire stay in the u
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. k. london has authorized the charges against the man, but he cannot be formally charged before he's arrested. and they believe that he is currently in russia, so that cannot happen for now. recap, brings on this one is well known case in britain, maybe not so much for the rest of the world, just recap it briefly because it's a complicated case. let's go back to march 2018 when survey script ball, who had served as a russian spy for years, but then eventually turned into a double agent back that he felt severely ill along with his daughter, and soon after that the u. k. and its western allies began accusing russia of poisoning mister scribble, and they began to knowing that a murder attempt. this was when you case, former prime minister. theresa may famous famously said that russia was, quote, unquote, highly likely guilty without providing the public with any evidence at that time,
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it was claimed that 2 russian nationals. busy busy under the names alexander petroff and wu salon, monsieur of used a nerve aged, called navi chalk to get rid of sergei script ball. eventually they gave an interview to our channel saying that they were not involved. busy in any kind of wrong doing and they went to the u. k. simply asked tours. so now the u. k. police have announced that there is a 3rd man involved. like i said, said his forgive who was allegedly in charge of all this and what's the response been about for moscow about it? well, today's response from russia's officials is really echoing what they were saying before russia kept asking for evidence and was even keen to join the efforts when it comes to investigating the case. however, when the u. k blatantly refused to provide any evidence or cooperate on this.
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moscow began blaming the british officials for using this whole case as a political tool to demonize russia. so here's what the spokeswoman for the washing . foreign ministry said on tuesday about this junior bullet works for and then for over 2 and a half years, the british authorities have used the incident salisbury to deliberately complicate bilateral title, despite repeated appeals from russia, along with coal 1st possible dialogue in london, a still refusing to have a substantial discussion enjoined investigation into the incident where and i want to remind you here, russian citizen suffered when you open. now, coincidentally, with this latest u. k police announcement, the european court of human rights on tuesday, ruled that russia is responsible for another case, the murder of alexander. let me name co, which it aides back 2006 and me. so we'll new then, to be honest with you,
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there isn't really anything new coming from the european court. pretty much their ruling echoes to what, sorry, pretty much their willing echoes. what the british authorities were saying earlier, just to remind you the story of alexander live in ankles. death. like you said, it was a massive headline. 15 years ago. and this was something that cause serious cracks in london. moscow relations, it took the u. k. investigated 10 years to conclude that the kremlin, quote unquote. busy probably approved the murder of alexander live in ankle, who used to be a russian spy, but then became a british citizen. the investigation also found that 2 russian nationals, one of them, a former k g b body guard poisoned mister. let the name co by adding polonium. busy to his drink. now, this top european human rights court has now ruled that there is initial
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evidence that these 2 russians acted as agents of the russian stay plots. it concluded that moscow's failure to refute these claims is something that also compromises the russian state. now, in response to that, the washing foreign ministry says that the latest decisions by the european court of human rights have become increasingly roofs of phobic whiteness. william, here's more evidence that the european court of human rights positioning itself as an international judicial authority is trying to play political role and do the bit to cultivate an atmosphere. first with obie had become so popular in several western state decimal. if there are any further international consequences of this, and if there's any further reaction, we'll let you know all about it and we'll help you get through it. lovely job, the twist in terms of it goes on and on and they are trying to thank you for now.
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the next seems to 70 reminiscent of slavery times us for the gods and have been criticized for whipping haitian refugees trying to enter the country. the whole amount of patrols have been filled, hitting migrants with, with play cords to stop them. crossing the river that separates texas from mexico. the state tis a focal point from the refugee crisis, with 3300 asylum seekers. my own already deported, including through special flights have been put on back to the asian capital. but the ways the gods attack, the migrants has drawn painful comparisons for the particularly dark period. american history. this display of cruelty ruminates and of the treatment that are in slaves. ancestors experienced. this is the humanizing and still happening in 2021. president boynton is handling the border crisis just as poorly as he handle get his done duty is cancellation of deportation. fly, the high
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t a whopping 12000 migrants now comes, undertakes as bridge incompetent and clueless. margaret said from haiti's intensified afternoon quake and tropical storm hit the island over the weekend. the white has got a massive deportation, dry flying, as i said, but refugees to the agent. capital the by the administration is now looking to expel nearly $12000.00 more people. mostly haitians from the texas borders. mexico, like, has missing the whipping for takes it look at griffith, but insisted it's policy was working just fine. i don't know what the circumstances would be. it's obviously horrific the footage. i don't have any more information on it, so let me venture to do that. and we'll see if there's more to convey our immigration policy is not about one country or discriminate and one country over another. we want to and that, and put, and hopefully put an end to what we saw over the last 4 years. so the governor of texas is now asking biden to declare a federal emergency. the states been overwhelmed by the micro influx with refugees
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emboldened by rumors that they thought buying it, opened the border. they crossed the river ria grand day from mexico and sets up camp in the us. but border guards, whipping asylum seekers is on the latest disturbing incident as american to continues to battle record immigration. ah, ah ah. i have determined that the disaster calls from individuals on lawfully crossing the texas mexico border is of such severity, that supplementary federal assistance is necessary to lessen the threat of disaster save lives and protect property, public health and safety. the months long surge and illegal crossings has
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instigated an international humanitarian crisis, spurred spike and international criminal activity, an open, the floodgates to human traffic is in drug smugglers endangering public health and safety in our states. one us republican started just things biden's created the crisis that didn't need to happen the by name ministration is. ringback absolutely, darrel active duty here, he's the only president of the united states that can claim that he's created 2 prices at the same time, one in our southern border and one in afghan. a stand. it's not only a humanitarian crisis is also a national security one. there's just no plan and there is no leadership and we do not see, nor do we expect to see any real deportations back to haiti or 2 other countries with which we're not even talking about with regard to the 200000 that
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are are, are crossing our borders now, the reason why we know that del rio is the issue, is because the governor of texas secured his own state as critical areas. and so it's pushing these migrants into del ria, there's absolutely no way that a republican president or donald trump. they were, if they were implemented, we would have this type of crisis, humanitarian crisis, national security crisis at our borders know, britain as defense ministries apologized and loans to an investigation into leaking of personal data, of hundreds of africans who worked for the u. k. it's submitted warning that the taliban could now use that information to threaten lives than more than 250 afghans, including interpreters to help british forces during the war. trying to relocate to the u. k. their email addresses will lead to a mass letter sent by the ministry asking for updates about the current situation,
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but seems some hit the reply all button. therefore, revealing the locations at the same time, photos and other personal information. we're also exposed. spokesperson said, the ministry was sorry, an investigation has been launched into a data breach of information from the afghan relocations assistance policy team. we apologize to everyone impacted by this breach and are working hard to ensure it does not happen again. the ministry of defense takes it's information and data handling responsibilities very seriously. but it's not a hurst. british mistake, it's put off, comes at risk when you case of hurried to, to evacuate their africa and mission. they left behind documents that identified africans who worked for britain along with their families, despite the phone office stating that every effort had been made to destroy sensitive material. and the u. s. 2 is also been criticized for putting lives at risk during that front. it withdraw the taliban scooping up. think of printers, scanners for instance,
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another biometric equipment left behind by troops or could be used potentially to identify africans who work for the american lead coalition. one for appendix security. unless telling us it's unlikely the us or u. k. will take proper responsibility for their mistakes. in this particular case, i doubt that there will be accountability. i can't speak for the prince, but the united states never follows up on anything they hope the low over united states did the same thing. i can't believe that the british ministry would do the same thing. after the example of the united states, put the lives of hundreds of interpreters and their families in, in dire straits. and many of them actually had been rounded up. as a consequence, attention has been closed away from those who are stranded. they have become the forgotten ones they worked with with us and with, with the allies. they were promised to be taken care of and we reneged on that
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promise. so this is, this is devastating, not only for the us, for the u. k. you can keep on top of all the stories we're talking about today for the last half hour and i'll see the com low grade features pictures, check it out if you get a minute or any of us social is. but for now, stand by for news for you. here's direct from the state side. state is from the break, and here in moscow it's kevin how the team, the army, great team today. thank you for watching on that work we see into national me the back guys or financial survival guys. housing level. oh, you mean the downside, artificial mortgage room don't get carried away. i was calling to report
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