tv News RT September 22, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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the who's ah 7 pm in moscow, this is alt in to national be breaking news to le should to the french defense ministry this evening, saying nato partners will revise the strategic concepts of the alliance after all these years, following a row caused by a recently signed security deal between the us, the u. k. a less from also coming up to fight record to you energy prices and huge sure fall in supply. the block is slapping volume on poland at this time. the legend people using coal. this also blaming russia for the crisis
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gas rubber bullets and hundreds of arrests and followed cale 6 melbourne's war memorial day. 3 of this trouble and i was protest continue in a failure against covert vaccine laws for a 3rd day to say ah hello. they were good evening live from ortiz. will these are h q when i was kevin. oh, it here for the next 30 minutes. i'm not breaking news and pick one as the road between the u. s. and from so for a new anglo american australian security deal takes a new twist. with the french defense ministry saying tonight, nato partners have agreed to re thinks the strategic crux of the whole alliance. the reason for nato's existence is transatlantic security. this is what we want to remind united states off. therefore, our partners decided on our initiative as well as on the initiative of germany to
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revise the strategic concept of the alliance. being allies does not mean being hostage to the interests of another country, telephone prince in new york city for his caleb, i mean the other started as a spot between the us and france and britons roped into but now they're talking about the whole may be future of nato is big news. indeed, this is the continuing falling out between france and the united states, britain and australia over the recent security past. the latest thing we've heard is security. we've heard british prime minister boris johnson, telling france to get a grip. this is what he said. i just think it's time for some of our dearest friends around the world to pony our grip. about all this done in a break, because this is fundamentally a, a great step forward for global security. it's 3 very like minded
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allies, standing shoulder to shoulder, creating a new partnership for the sharing of technology. it is not exclusive, i did not trying to to shoulder anybody. i did not at the stereo towards china. now these remarks came from johnson after the cancellation of ma cron, the french president, we, after he canceled his speech before the un general assembly. he was set to give a pre recorded message and it was not delivered. and this is a continued situation where because of the new security pack, france lost a very lucrative deal to sell diesel electric marines to australia. at this point, we've got the ambassadors from france to the united states and, and to australia being recalled. now it's also important to note that the defense minister of france, canceled her meeting with the british counterpart. and we have
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a situation now where the united states is saying that it's diplomats have told french diplomats that they remain a vital ally. they're trying to ease the situation. meanwhile, we understand there is a phone call that has been scheduled today, wednesday between joe biden and the french president mc kron. now, mccracken says, in that phone call, he's going to expect to hear concrete measures from joe biden about how to address the dispute between the 2 countries. now, it's quite interesting with all this disagreement happening, that joe biden spoke to the un general assembly. and when he did, he talked about a new era of global cooperation. this is joe biden. while the major powers of the world have a duty in my view to carefully manage their relationships. so we do not chip from responsible competition to conflict. we are not seeking
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a new cold war or world wide it in the rigid blocks, the united states is ready to work with any nation will stand up for our allies in our friends and oppose attempts by stronger countries dominate weaker ones. so now that we're hearing that the concept of nato is possibly up for being revised . that raises the question, what other things and what other alliances might up be up for being revised? this is an interesting situation. some developments that many did not expect or i can open things for much to say this is really developing interested here with kohl's. going to be the latest in the us and france keep us posted. i spoke last powder it should word or professor demo for university in the u. k. says that european partners have previously been forced to bow to american senior se, maybe not so much longer. the european union has essentially being the political
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of nato, which is an american brown military organization. and that is put up because you repeat in partners in a junior position compared to the us, which of course makes submarine deals like we've seen straight yet far less surprising. we have to remember there is a new come with a name for most of the post war era, france refused to join nato because it proclaimed to be a sovereign nation that is not occupied by foreign troops, unlike st. germany. and therefore, a didn't wish to join the battle type relationship of, of nature in europe. but as recently changed, and perhaps, you know, that, that's, that's really the background that front still is looking back at the era away. it was running a bit more of an independent political policy for one router,
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potentially another one brewing the color button as appointed an afghan delegate to the united nations. even though the u. s. still has the one in place from the previous administration movement says it has alerted that the body's secretary general of the chain shall tease senior correspondent, rakowski reports from kabul. the united nations now faces an incredibly difficult decision because any choice that they make is fraud with political risk. the taliban argument essentially is the person that is the un representative of, of, of galveston has no credibility. because the person who appointed him the former president of kinda thought fled the country resigned and his government collapsed. he's no longer recognized as the legitimate president of, of got to started. any appointment that he made is now now and void nevertheless, recognizing the taliban now might send all the messages because the international
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community had come together in their appeal to the taliban to make any government that they form that they announced to be inclusive. the taliban chose to chose to ignore those appeals. the guns that they announced was packed with terror released individuals and hard line islamist. no women in it, hardly any representatives of minorities. there is also the fact that if the, if the taliban is representative, is announced to quickly, barely a month since they took over. again, i thought it may send the wrong message to the other millicent, fractions of the world. but if you take over a country with violence law, violence offensives, that international recognition is sure to follow, which is something perhaps that the un and if the member states don't want a message, they don't want to send out that there is also the flip side that refusing to engage with the taliban will side live the taliban from international markets,
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from international politics, international funding, as well as humanitarian assistance. it may force them to continue with exporting hair with and opium. the majority of which worldwide is a source here in canada stock. it may also encourage taliban to go back on its promises to the international community to make sure that no terrorist make of guidance on their home. again, they may allow our car to back in. they may radicalize even further, but it may also work in the humanitarian situation here. and i've got to stop because if no one talks to the chat about, it would be incredibly difficult to organize humanitarian assistance which is desperately needed here. and i've got to stop as for which way or when the united nations will decide, well, they have a special committee, the credentials committee, which, which decides on the sorts of disputes it is made up of russia, china,
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the united states, sweden as well as 5 other nations it is doubtful whether they meet before the 27th of september when the afghan representative is supposed to speak before the us. usually they, they put the they put the decision to the un general assembly for a public vote on the issue. but we will have to wait and see where the person speaking for a dentist on will be the relic of the past regime with, with little influence on the affairs or in of galveston on the ground or whether it will be a taliban representative. the representative of a movement that is still considered a terrorist organization by many countries in the world. a lot of europe worried about a difficult winter coming up may be because of energy problems while amid reco d. u. energy prices and heavy dependence on and reliable renewables, poland and shock tonight that brussels now wants to find it in this emergency time
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for using unclean coal. the block is slipping, a big half a 1000000 euro penalty for every day. a coal mine near the check border continues to operate, but was so says it simply won't pay. the court of justice of the european union demands half a 1000000 daily fines from poland. for the fact that poland did not leave its citizens without energy and did not close the mines overnight. it is judicial robbery and stepped in broad daylight. you won't get assent. the fine comes after 4 months of war, sir, ignoring all it is to hold the tour of coal. mine po. the dog is a closing. that facility threatens the country's energy security. moreover, to eliminate tens of thousands of jobs ah,
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in the meantime, he lawmakers a blaming moscow now for the crisis, clement gaz problems not pumping enough gas will quickly in response to that then rushes entity produces said that it's got nothing to do with it and everything in fact, to do with a block letting stop pulse of the fuel run out the kremlin shipping in to i think that rushes huge, no stream to gas pipeline. so recently, commission to europe will actually slash prices when economist and political commentator tells us the whole situation exposes a you hypocrisy. this is absolutely a thing of russia for we have because i guess from was sending more gas to germany than ever last. it is now or shows now that it is deli needed and we don't know these things. definitely the, the problems are made in with, in europe and are not from the outside. i think this is the,
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the arrogance and the hypocrisy of the european bureaucrats. they don't care what is the needs of countries they are, they get their, their salary any way. they seem to be an indifferent universe and we see all over in every park. they are putting their fingers in every part they try to regulate. we have the same problems with the european bureaucrats. while you can see why consumers are getting anxious here and we have to in britain of a number of quite a few of the supplies go bankrupt. the supply crisis is driven up gas prices by 280 percent already this year. you governments from france to italy and spain are struggling to get enough energy to consumers with madrid. no promising emergency action. spanish themselves. they say the situation yet is critical, but they're not expecting much help from their leaders so much theresa and battle prices have gone up a lot. i spent about 300. you were
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a month from federal and another $200.00 tricity, which is half of my salary. our budget is reduced, so we have to make our bags will have to go without air conditioning in summer and heat. and in winter, i don't expect any support at all. we should be able to afford some solar panels to help our sell. because we don't expect any help from the government. we have not been able to pay the bills. we have had to raise a large part to follow prices. what has affected our customers directly if the price continues to go up, we would be obliged to speak with the owner of the promises can reach an agreement that will lower our rental info. and this is the last resort we'll have to close down the meantime. energy pills in the small eastern european state moved over are so high there that some people of been seeking refuge in germany ahead of the coming winter covering that. just another snapshot of how it's affecting people that a day, a year correspondent refugee sense it just behind me here. and linda seen
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a sharp increase in the number of people coming to it from all over the effects of the coven. 19 con demik in that country along with a big rise in energy bills due to increases in the wholesale gas prices of made conditions in that country. on livable, i spoke to a group of people who come here from mold over. they explained the situation. some of them didn't want to have their face to seem on camera. the winter is coming soon . it's cold there, there's nothing there. so we came here to eat and so on. and we'll deal with the food is expensive. the electricity is expensive, the gas is expensive, the water is expensive and the taxes are rising everywhere. moldova, there is a quarantine life is bad. here, there are a lot of illnesses. we have problems with gas, with water, with food. it is unlikely that the people ice like they will be granted asylum in germany as well. dover is on the list of countries that the government tearing off
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safe and free. however while their applications the process which can take around a year, they will receive a place to stay and money for food which can be as high as $800.00 euros per month for a family, a 3, an average salary. moldova only stretches to around $450.00 euros per month. petitions in germany a came to close that particular loopo, none of them will get any kind of assign them that's absolutely clear because there's no political repression in moldova. but they have found a loophole to get through and they using it. it's all duty to make sure this stops . they go mad. i spoke to a full of praise for the way they've been treated here in germany. and despite the old remain hopeful that they may be grunted permanent leave to remain here for that the situation may improve in moldova, allow them to go home. germany has never refused to provide asylum so far. it's been accepting everyone and i hope that will continue their opportunities here,
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unlike him all. dover and germany feeds us. it's very good here compared with them all. dover. as energy prices continue to rise in winter is on its way more may well see this as the best option that's available to them. these are all over off the berlin, coming up more angst over the various rules of what you can and can't do, but corrode a virus. and when you have a job now it's turned on the very people that will help the people suffer from cope it in the 1st place. stay with me here are to speak. so one of many doctors who are refusing french orders now for them to get corona virus jobs, doctors even been suspended over it. we talked to him after the break. ah, driven by adrian shaped bank. those with me in the
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ah again, good evening tear gas and rubber bullets, son of marks a 3rd day of chaotic scenes in the city of melbourne, where another round of anti coated protest had taken place, including its iconic wall and moral to offices, made more than $200.00 arrest across the city, as demonstrated, took to the streets to protest corona virus, jobs for the construction industry. the well state premier duddy landers chipping and branding the seeds ugly. i think they
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were pretend, protested vowing punishment as they continued. so organizes are worn, that rallies will continue, they say, until the demands are met. those demands an immediate enter, the locked no more masculine occupation mandate and the reopening of building sides to the and vaccinated form restraint in u. k. newspapers to add a former style, immediate lawyer sharing with me their views on the reasons i think is behind this angst. right. know that people are sick of it. you know, after, after i was of 200 consecutive days in melbourne, which is obviously the capital, the most densely populated state victoria, which has borne the brunt of, of the current of ours. a people have just had enough. i mean, i was trying to put up with a lot, but after, while you got a cold, you gotta call it into the problem is latoria and with, with bring the premium and lenders is a, he actually missed quite a substantial part of management around the pandemic. he had a you had a fall and,
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and was quite, quite badly injured his ribs and was actually off the scene for quite some time. he's now come back into it and people are saying, listen, you're coming back into tell us what to do. we need to know what the plan is and seems to be. the plan is more of the same old loc downs and they're not going to be particularly the most recent instance of being amongst the construction workers. it was simply told, okay, no work for teams. no work for 2 weeks. go home. i think the feeling of this my country wide, but it's it's more intense in melbourne because the locked down and i think we've had 1200 debts astray wide and 800 of those been in, in victoria. so i kind of, it is, had a disproportionate effect in victoria. they riots which are unprecedented here in australia. i mean we've had projects a full but nothing like that. i mean, 2000 protesters virtually shut down the melbourne, say big day,
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they shut down on the west bridge. this is, this is something that's gone beyond anything that happened before you had more cove. it was. what do you think about this quandary then? french doctors refusing government orders to get the covert job does get, these are the same people who treated the coven suffers, and they've helped the been work to the bones for the last 2 years or so. well, since last week, all health workers must get a shot. we spoke to one g p, you said no. and there's been suspended. of course, it's not that i don't want to get vaccinated. i just don't need to. there is a specific part of the population that no one talks about. those who had cove it and have antibodies. i still have them and check them from time to time. we medics have always been taught that if you have antibodies, you don't need to get a job. what we see now is vaccination madness. when we're vaccinating people who have a high level of antibodies,
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we don't know what this could lead to. it shouldn't be like this. one woman told me that her teenage son has a lot of antibodies. it's more than 250 units per millimeter and therefore he's protected from cove it and doesn't pose any danger to others, but he has no right to do anything as he's not been given a covert passport because he needs to be vaccinated. like this is what i call vaccination madness. inoculating people who have antibody to those who this is not, right. i think there are millions of people like us in france. well, almost 90 percent of health workers have now been vaccinated. but unions with the number of those who haven't got the job is high enough still to disrupt medical care. a political observer told us french government covered policies of proof fall to divisive so far. the problem. what's the problem is that when it comes to such figures, the minister of health cannot be happy about this. it means the hospital falling apart with good, good. at the same time, you will need these health classes soon. don't worry, everything will be fine. it's a bit like playing good coughing,
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bad coping in american tv series. just with the french twist, the foreign press, the german press wrote about the so called authoritarian, done. and that's exactly where we are. on the 100, they're leaving health care workers of the job on the other. the virus figures look normal so you can't measure make much sense. least as might have made sense in the summer encourage people to get vaccinated. and that's exactly what the health classes when did use for vaccination, also had the limitations on what i was told. you told me i have never heard such rude language being used against health care workers. i don't understand what's going on. they say things like, what's your justification? they threaten repercussions. they say you shouldn't be practicing medicine. we have never heard such things from the government. it's in comprehensible, it should be the opposite. the government should be showing sympathy and gratitude . in mid august, we received a letter from the regional health agency that said we had to close our office until 15 of september. if we didn't,
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we were threatened with legal action of either 6 months in prison or a 10000 euro fine. last year, all medical workers were applauded and now they are being dismissed. this is beyond my understanding. yeah. and it's not only the french medical community that supposing government vaccine policies now top scientists of the us food and drug administration of quit. after contributing to will health organization review that criticize his white house plans to give coven boost the jobs to the general population. the review was that americans simply don't need the most cases published in leading medical journal, the lancet, and they said it's better to give those jobs instead to the unvaccinated. they added the may only be a benefit in booster for those with weak immune systems. or if initial shots, so give enough protection. one of the review office told us why happy and been fully vaccinated. you are protected again, severe disease, hospitalization, and death. so if you took
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a situation like in the united states, where approximately 64 percent of the population of 40 vaccinated in my view, it is more important to get those persons who are not vaccinated to get them vaccinated in africa. only 3 percent of the population approximated. so we need to get more vaccine to the continent of africa, as well as other countries which have very small proportions of their population backs and the to the priority is to get those people vaccinated vaccinated. before we talk about booster doses for the general population. well that's it for now, this wednesday stand by for news views. here's my state side. the state is off the break. i can totally call embrace here in half. no, been great companies. good. but for now for me, kevin now in the rest the team on gt signing off,
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and i see it same times tomorrow and thanking you for watching off the international, the global broadcast from russia. mm. the the ah, working machine in the back. she popped in. she said, well, i'm getting ready to go shopping for christmas and we, we said goodbye. there was a good good bye to another, shooting another safe part of american life. shattered by violence. the gunman was armed with an a r 1570 automatic rifle. when the issue comes home, it's time to act. when we're filing on this issue, the other side wins by default,
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lady that lived over there, i was walking one of the dogs. why do you wear again? were you scared? that's and i took it off and i think the people need to take responsibility in their own hands and be prepared if those kinds of weapons were less available. we wouldn't have a lot of shootings and we certainly wouldn't have the number that i joined me every 1st bit on the alex summon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world. the politics sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me the, i don't know, i mean there's some steps in there who are rescuing the food. it's not like we're not scavenging or we're rescuing resources that are still good. this is best buy
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march 21st. which is in 2 days. all these potatoes, holla, panels, onions, all of these came from waste ground sources. this is great for me because i'm always looking for a way to give things away. dr. because the tax laws, you know, definitely do benefit the wealthier people in our society. so that makes sense for them to throw it out right off, rather than give it to somebody who could use it, then that person is not going to buy it. the i'm here to sound the alarm. the world must wake up.
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we are on the hedge, given a beast and moving in the wrong direction. the $7060.00 assembly of the united nations started today with the world leaders of over $100.00 plus countries meeting together for intense discussion on the most pressing global issues. and i'm here today to share with you are the united states. it tends to work with partners and allies to answer these questions. and as we close this period of relentless war, we're opening a new air of letters, diplomacy, of using the power of our development aid to invest in new ways of looking people up around the world that our own success is bound up in other succeeding as well we will bring you the 360 v today features. now the votes are in despite an early election gamble. candace hi, minister, just in today is to keep his title. we will bring you the details.
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