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tv   Keiser Report  RT  September 22, 2021 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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are you still doesn't the took it off. i think the people need to take responsibility in their own hands and be prepared if those kinds of weapons were less available. we wouldn't have a lot of shootings and we certainly wouldn't have the number that i use. the french defense ministry says nato partners will revise the strategic concept of the alliance following a dispute over recently signed security between the u. k. us and australia, the left front is frozen out by the record you and as you brought who's on a huge short fallen supply, the block is flopping volumes on poland for use and cold. and it also planning russia for the cross. in the meanwhile, australia, again, rubber bullets and hundreds of rest follow chaos,
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that melbourne's woolly moral as protest continue in australia or against the cobra vaccine laws. next or the cause, a report in just a few moments time for all you gave you. is it spoon buff? we were talking about the latest news update. join us again that the max kaiser. this is the kaiser re poor. things are kicking off in france. oh gosh, here at a fortuitous time, stacy. yes, we were here during the very 1st time that france has ever withdrawn. and ambassador from the united states, at least in 1776. so it's been interesting and i do want to alert twitter to tweet. they should perhaps put some sort of warning label on diplomacy is back.
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that was from poetess, president biden, on june 11th, 2021. he said, diplomacy is back, the encyclopedia britannica. so i go to a u. k. source to see why france might be upset about this whole australian u. k. america submarine deal. diplomacy, the established method of influencing the decisions and behavior of foreign governments and people to dialogue, negotiation and other measures short of war or violence. modern diplomatic practices are product of the post renaissance european state system. they do point out that the defer, the term diplomacy is derived by a friend from an ancient greek word. of course, everything comes from greece, right? and it's a folded document. i, you fold the document that are a print prints or a king used to give you to travel and you were an envoy, a for the state to negotiate on their behalf. and importantly,
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one more thing is that they say diplomatic activity endeavors to maximize a group's advantages without the risk and expense of using force and preferably without causing resentment. as we see there's a lot of resentment right now. right, right, right. george w bush memory says a problem with the franchise. they don't have a word for entrepreneur. and of course, that was ironic and amusing at the same time. so diplomacy invented in france, but there is not a policy joe biden. a rightfully said that the aged diplomacy is dead. and so here we are in this big model. you know, i do want to like in something that it's, you could say this is also make sense in the world because in this world, there is a lot of resentment about. every single transaction is a form of a contract, right?
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world trade is a contract. you're expecting something in return, you're expecting your dollars that china, for example, sends all their goods in exchange for dollars. like you're expecting a fair trade, you're expecting not to be resentful about the diminishing value of those dollars, for example, that you might hold on your balance sheet. so i think you could look at the diplomacy of the world is that there it is very precarious. it's capricious and it's it's always changing its mind right about what the value of the underlying payments rail, the reserve currency is while nevertheless, macro, who heads up france pay, pulled us diplomats and he's hopping mad about this, all the trail i guess is being perceived of of the u. s. and the u. k scheming in the background. and so we're at a diplomatic crossroads in the past. this would mean nothing because no one
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respects france on the international stage. however, maybe this time, micron and france will do something with a little bit more teeth. they should kick the us diplomats out of paris. i think that would be more of a statement of, of something in the stake. why that would be war and i doubt they will do that. but the, the interesting thing is, on case report here, we've been talking about the globalization and these periods of, of, you know, a declining power in arise and power. we don't know for a 5060 years what emerges from it, but in those 5060 years of, of come out. you see a lot of crazy things. so in this case you like online, you'll see a lot of american british and australians who are party to this submarine deal that got sunk for oak, with between the french and the science. as i'll say, it's just a business deal. it's nothing personal. it's about getting a better nuclear power at some marine china,
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however is the reason why they're saying they want to build these nuclear submarines in order to fight china eventually. so i do want to look at this chart i have here the data of the exports from australia where their exports go to and that's how you accumulate part assets and well, right? as a nation, you export your goods. and c'mon is their number one, export destination is china by more than twice the next one. so 39 point one percent of all of their exports go to china. 3.74 percent goes to the united kingdom and 3.62 percent. as in either state, so in terms of their actual wealth as a nation, australia revise heavily on china. so china is also not happy about this news. they are not going to call their ambassadors like france did, because all france can do is pull their ambassadors. but i'm certain china is
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watching this and saying, well, you know what you're relying on us to buy your commodities. so let's see what happens there. we don't know. oh, right, it's a topsy turvy, d globalized world. as we said, one of the themes are 2020 want to be dig globalization and d dollarization. so d dollarization is not happening right now. people are flocking to the dollar. as all these countries began to get more belligerent in their rhetoric and their saber rattling as we used to say, and they are getting on a war footing. right. and china is obviously setting themselves up for a move on taiwan. i think that's going to be the big story of 2022. and so france gets caught in the cross hairs. australia gets caught in the cross. there's a lot of countries that are middle countries or low countries are going to be
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trampled on. australia has no bargaining chips unless you want to try to che, swap nuclear weapons for a bedroom. i remember when mar my arrives in australia, it turned into vegemite, converge him, i believe it or not even the last tasty, then mar, my. if you can imagine that they do have an army of kangaroos, i don't know if you've ever locks the chinese of millions and millions of soldiers . the australians have the kangaroo army. but you mentioned d dollarization. so you have the globalization di dollarization, and i mentioned the resentment about the payments rail of the us dollar that has operated this global system for the past 50 years. and there are many issues going into this particular story, but the natural gas story of europe and the u. k is quite remarkable. it's getting natural gas. prices are fourfold in the past year. oh, in europe and here in the united kingdom. why not here? but here,
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and that's headline and the united kingdom. of course you do not ever want to hear these 2 words from a minister of the government. don't panic, business minister bids to com crisis fears as u. k. gas prices sore. the government was scrambling on this weekend saturday night to reassure britain's that rise and gas prices would not plunge the country into an energy crisis. as ministers held a series of emergency meetings with energy companies and regulators to establish whether the nation could keep the life and central heating on this winter, don't panic. we're meeting to discuss whether to keep them. we can keep the life and heating on this winter. it's like that sounds like some reason to panic, right? so the u. k. and the united states, when they're talking to australia and china, and the sub deal and france are saying, forget diplomacy. let's look at the economics. right? that's the standard they use. i guess, you know, let's just look at the economics of breaks in which we said on this show now
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leading up to brags it that economically it was the stupidest thing a country could possibly do to cut themselves off from the world's largest trading partner. and a lot of people said, well, it's not about economics, it's about waving the british wagon eating marmite all day. and i said okay, that's great, but wait until the economic set in here is a good example. this gas crisis and the u. k is a direct result of breaks it, add on top of that, the idea that britain's interfering politically with france and australia as to smite france because france of course was against britain during brags it say, have all these politicians who are holding grudges with each other and are just playing petty politics with each other. the people in britain are going to freeze, but that was totally predictable. so there are, there's also the issue of massive money printing. money supply is probably also
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certainly the balance sheet of the central banks, the european central bank, the bank of england, the u. s. federal reserve bank is up massively. this is causing and lation and commodity prices. it's not just gas, it's food, it's chips, microchips, it's everything is up massively. so they're pretending that this is like some emergency meeting. we have to find some mysterious outside alien force. we don't know what's going on. this is the resentment i talked about about the and diplomatic feed system. but also on top of that, you have the fact that this natural gas prices also happening across europe and in the united states. and in terms of the free market. the issue here as well as all of the ellen g capacity is all going to where they will pay the highest price and the highest price is in asia. so all the l n g ships containing all that liquid net liquefied natural gas is all going to asia. because even though the prices are at
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400 percent in europe and even more in the u. k, it's because they're not that still less than what asia pays. so you're just going to have to say, we have, we already have this with labor, right? labor prices, american workers, european workers had to compete with asian workers. and that meant their, their wages had to go down. now the asian consumer is willing to pay a lot more for natural gas. so we're going to pay more as well in terms of the u. k . though the regulator set the price about how much the energy providers are allowed to charge. so far a companies have gone us and about for about are likely to go bus this week in terms of providers because they can't raise their prices. so they're just losing money, transporting this natural gas into the homes of residences, right? about the money printing. it's causing inflation. but more so in the u. k than elsewhere because they have the problem of distribution, transportation and logistics because it's an island, right?
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so they add the cost onto that, and since they have to go through the tariffs and the barriers and the importation and exportation, they're adding a whole another layer of cost that they didn't have to to worry about before. but fortunately in the u. k, they have a sticker weapon in the face of the gas prices. it's called coal. that's right. go north young man and start digging coal out of the ground. it'll be good for your country. and in the last few seconds here, gas prices were up 70 percent in august alone. this is causing petrochemical plants to shut because they can't afford this, which is causing a shortage of carbon dioxide. remarkably, in this age of climate change we're, we're trying to cut carbon dioxide emissions. well, there's a shortage of carbon dioxide which is used for food short shortage, which could thus cause food shortages. so it is like a doom loop of a bad diplomacy and dylan's we've got to take a break. when we come back much more coming your way. the me
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ah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah, ah, will the oh right now there are 2000000000 people who are overweight or
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obese. it's profitable to sell food that is fatty and sugary and faulty and addicted. not at the individual level. it's not individual willpower. and if we go on believing that will never change as obesity epidemic, that industry has been influencing very deeply. the medical and scientific establishment, ah, what's driving the? it's corporate. me. ah, the me welcome back to the kaiser report imax, guys there
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a time now to turn to alexis cell. he's the former president of the swiss pirate party, who now works with the nym project, which we've talked about before, as well as campaigning for digital integrity of the human person electron welcome robin. thank you very much for having me here. yeah, i've been following you work for a while. it's fantastic. so for those who are not up to speed yet describe digital integrity of the human person, let's get what's going on. what does it mean? actually we already have a right for physical integrity and mental integrity. meaning that's like the state cannot like shop your arm because they want you. and now i'm advocating that data is actually part of your, your self and you have a digital integrity that society should also respect and protect, making sure that you are guarantee that you can say free and autonomous because your digital self is about being a thomas on line, so if i get an app, let's say it's tracking my heartbeat and my breathing and things i've,
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the states are that are me that i should have some, some dominion over that data. yeah, exactly. well the, the 1st thing up with did the right to do the integrity is about the stage and the data. so the stage and what's the value of the stage of grants, the right of a, to anonymity. the state should not miss abuse data, but then obviously once the state does that in the society done, there is also like example to be given to the the companies and companies should not do that also. so the ambiguity of this, or the difficulty of it, i guess, is establishing where one beta sphere begins and where it ends. and so there is some crossover of our physical solves into something that is beta, right? and then you try to establish what that is. executive point is to not establish it is verify is very interesting because this is a legal construction and with your body and your mental state also, it hasn't been establish your grant,
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the right to digit to physical integrity and there's no way stated what it is. it is jurisprudence, it's a case law who actually every time they face an event, they decide does it affect your autonomy or capacity of taking your own decision or not and they accept not. so this with the digital integrity will be the same. it was going to be a long work of like, case law jurisprudence, tribunal thing. okay. do we accept that case or case? all right, so one of your quote to you recently said something that there is no quote i r l or in real life in real life. what older people know as real life is considered life away from the keyboard for younger digital generations. and so digital self determination of the right to be free in all aspects of your life, including online, where they live. ok this phrase in real life, you're saying it doesn't exist. exactly, actually i didn't say that the 1st people who said that are the people from pyre bay and i took it because it struck me at that time because it was like
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a confrontation between the new world and the old world. and basically you made me realize that life has been extended digitally. we have a digital life. people say that and they ties. part of us is we're presenting us and we have our we make our relationship digitally. and if you would disappear digitally, if we would erase all the data that are on your right now in state databases in commercial databases, your own data, then you would not, you would disappear from the surface of the planet even if you're still there. so the data dutch is about you around you, your data is make is part of you. otherwise you don't have a social life. so it has, it is become part of life. so that's why in your in real life versus online doesn't make sense. online is an extension of our life. right? so to be specific than in terms of technological determinism. the data base by the state is where the details are stored. that should not be stored. yeah,
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i my, now i'm really more and more containing for like a 0 knowledge state, for example, a state like us, i mean, the 1st, the state will disappear in the current formats, it will evolve into something where, what's, what's prompting going prompt? bitcoin is something that because it's creating a new form of governance of a way of like we can organize ourselves in, in financial matters and in other matters. so that is prompting that, of course. but in the meantime, what we're going to do, we're going to like slowly take away watch the garden, the state needs. and one of it is data. they don't need data to actually do the static things they need. they need data to try to keep up their power that they have now, like with surveillance, that's providing for example, transportation bringing people from point a to point b. you don't need personal
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data on this. so in the 18th century, they concept of natural law and was big in terms of coming up with things like the constitution, the bill of rights. and so this is a continuation. exactly. that's a consideration of that. yeah. the idea is that what i try to do is like to make, i like inter him solution that was like comprehensible by that the scholars and lawyers today. so if i go to see a judge today and i say i want to protect my digital integrity. even if he doesn't know the term right now, he can relate that to physical integrity and to mental integrity. and he can derive a lot of actions based on that. and he will derive actions based on does the harm on your data affect your autonomy of your, the way you control things over the way you choose to make a choice in your life? so yeah, i think it's pretty accurate. i think it's a good tool to have now, and it's actually being implemented because people take that as a tool which is useful. that color is refer to something called individual
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sovereignty. yeah. does that, does it does because bitcoin is about and i think this is actually why i started in the coin in professional studies 13 because bitcoin is build on everything that makes individual sovereignty, not a peer to peer networks, consensus open source protocol. i miss encryption cryptography. exactly. so all of this and it was existing before and it was not valued and suddenly retrace a currency with it and suddenly hit house big value. so people were quite concerned . didn't understand that. and so i'm using this example, and the strongest part is that with cryptography, when you are transferring money, you have to sign. so sign is signing is a, is a way of like proving your autonomy. you're proving you're controlling that stuff. you don't need someone else. someone else to help you, your free as a human being to send some something else. no need for a state or warranty?
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yes, here. so in reality, if you look at the traditional law, the commercial lawyer you being able to make a contract with someone is also very, very protected in the sense you are free to do to it, to make a contract with anyone. no. so and what is needed is a tool to prove that you can engage yourself and that's your physical signature. and so the digital signature from bitcoin is the same kind of thing. so that's why you can use bitcoin as a way to look in the consideration of this natural law. i spot something here that i'm not sure it makes. we have to talk about this. so in a moment ago, you mentioned that the definition would be outside of some statutory definition of in the, of an individual there is. yeah, there. i know there's no definition of physical integrity. ok. and then it says here that you're looking for something to be enshrined in the swiss constitution.
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yes. is that, is there a conflict there? no, no, it's just the right of digital integrity to be not the definition of digital integrity, but the right of digital integrity. you already have an article, article 10 in the swiss constitution that says everyone has the right to his physical and mental integrity. i just want to add digital there. okay, good. now let's move on. so most space on the internet is privately owned, your thoughts on social media giants like facebook, twitter, youtube, censoring, free expression of the deplorable as they call them. in america in europe, i suppose they just use the term peasant is good enough. this is urgent. the mainstream corporate media, the social credit score is here, the social credit score. what you're seeing in china is here now it's in, it's in the united states, i presume it's in europe to some degree, your thoughts on how this fits into digital integrity. so the social score exists, those are already in switzerland for many years as a credit, as like a financial credit score. and it was impossible to, to challenge that in private companies. so it does because it does fit with digital
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integrity because digital integrity is about autonomy. so if a company or a corporation is having data which my data, which they harvest, and they use it to alter my capacity of taking decision because they are going to sell me as they're going to whatever they're going to change my information or bubble around me. to push me into a certain direction that is harming my, my autonomy basically. so what they doing is they, they are basically modern slavery. this is what i say in my book. it's modern slavery and of the digital world, which is hard to argue with. and slavery, as must be against the law, and many codes of law. now let's talk about nym. so a quick way of them and how that helps your aim of digital integrity. so while it's very simple is one of the thing to do to protect your digital integrity, you need certain tools. one of them is cryptography the rights to conduct
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cryptography. one of them is the right to it to privacy, but the right to privacy is, is not very well understood by not i think is that the right to privacy can only be enforced over anonymity. so you needs a layer of anonymity. so then you can make a connection with 2 people and then they disclose exactly what they want and they make a real private discussion. if you're having a encrypted discussion in on the internet right now, it's like being in, in the middle of the town. everyone can see you, you, you have a discussion where no one understand what you're saying, but they see that you're, you're talking to try tore. so well. the idea is to make a tour of a tour which is much stronger like that it's not toward technology is different. it's a mix, not because we're going to apply to the packets that go through the name a different way of processing, which is they're being mixed with all the traffic of everyone's just like going
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makes or to kind of coin mixer. but for general traffic general, exactly, and the idea is that like a, a passive attacker, like at the end to say, oh, dca or a big state or a facebook or whoever. if they observe the whole network, they cannot tell who's talking to whereas this project because, you know, harry, how, but it help and you know, we had them on a couple years ago, you know, where are we with near miss it out there? is it up and running? what's going on here? have of, we have a running test test, it's the testing is running. we have to get into almost 5 to 6000 notes. i'm going to, how can i join it? i mean, you just have to run a mix, mix nets, mix node, and you can also use it directly. you can already use it right now by running the and yeah, so the test net is now live and hopefully we'll have the main at one point. right, and i suppose you're also looking at development like lightning,
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which is 2nd layer on top of bitcoin. yeah, you mix that with them and i've got like a mixer for messages. you've got lightning, you've got coin, you know, so this dream, not a dream is really coming. really becoming a reality, this idea of a individual sovereignty. you think we're really going to get there? yeah, we're going to get there because the cost of maintaining data will be too high. now you, we will face like more leaks and lose data in switzerland. we just have a leak from a small city of $5000.00 people and the whole clouds went online with everything, emails, tax declaration, everything went just online and people don't like that, you know. and so now there's, there's a cost of maintaining private data, which is going to be so high that those tools will actually be cheaper at the end. and i think that's also a way like the business business wise economic model will have an impact there. all right, got it up there. alexis, thanks for being icon report. thank you. all right,
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not going to do it for this edition. guys are part with me. max guys, are they here? but a lot of thank i guess alexis or so of them and other cool stuff. it's all next time via the me ah ah ah ah, the me there
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is your media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safer. type relation to community you going the right way for you being direct? what is truth is in a world corrupted, you need to defend the join us in the depths. will remain in the shallows, use the . i don't know. i mean there are some steps in there were rescuing the food.


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