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tv   News  RT  September 24, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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even that never change as obesity epidemic. that industry has been influencing very deeply. the medical and scientific establishment, ah, what's driving the m, it's corporate, me ah disgrace, european law. mike has condemn spain and the you today. then over the rest of catlin, the separate his leader collies put them all in italy for almost 4 years on the run . hundreds take the street to pass loan at dividing his release as you can see, protest in the schools and medical facilities now. but critics called by an infringement of civil liberties. less than a year after coming to office jo biden's approval ratings slump following a rafter, questionable policies with you as president, no less popular than his predecessor and likely future rival donald trump.
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until going to vote with germany set to choose its next chance that this weekend, off to 16 years of anglo merkel at the helm, we begin our special coverage of the country's elections. ah figure it out to do for russia and just turn to 5 pm here. now this is our international with me, kevin, in from i will use h q, a disgrace that so european politicians have described the arrest of cattle and separate his leader colleagues pushed him all in italy. he was stripped of his immunity, isn't any p. he's want to go to a range of charges including sedition and has been sort by spanish authorities finale for years now. where these pictures came in, the r t will do center just few hours ago, people out quite a lot of them to in boss loaner where hundreds have gathered outside the italian continent to protest pushed him almost attention. demonstrators, as you can see,
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waving capital and flags and chanting slogans, demanding his release to correspondingly. portraying kim told andrew farmer the latest we got reaction to 2 events from the spanish disgrace just doesn't stop. neither does the european disgrace solidarity with carlos put him on the spanish state is abusing the us war. and by using it in this way, allowing people to exercise their democrats right to vote is not a crime. there is only one way to still be insistent repression of the states. amnesty self determination and independence total supports mr. president. those definitely could be the turning point in the fate of cadillac independence theater calls pushed him on and it could be the end of freedom for him. he was arrested upon arrival on the italian island of sardine, where he was supposed to take part in a meeting that's about capital one,
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full court, just cultural stuff. nothing to do with independent well on friday. and italian court is deciding the next steps in the case of mr. put him on. and one of the very likely scenarios is extradition to spain, where he's wanted on several charges including misuse of funds and sedition, which could mean 25 years behind bars for the former cadillac independence leader. and you may wonder, how's that possible if he was supposed to be protected by parliamentary immunity as a member of the european parliament? well, earlier this year in march, in fact, mister put him on and his allies were stripped of that parliamentary immunity by other m. p. 's, even though a 3rd of them were firmly against it, and that was a very intense day in that parliament building. he should be at these dates of europe in parliament and long story unity but the europe in parliament lot more
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than that. but he didn't get the results, it is also long to warranty that goes on. well, we may be opening the door to other member states. cooper secured. any peace from representing minority. this for probably to go on. you know, these, these would be a tremendous expressive, and the government should not open quite as we heard him. me that suppose your mom has been wanted by the spanish authorities for several years now and always stemming from capital and you paid for independence wide back to the event that were happening exactly 4 years ago in september 2017. when the catalan regional parliament led by calls pushed him on, initiated a referendum, all the regions independence it went on despite the constitutional court in madrid, declaring it illegal. i remember how a vast majority of voters back then supported independence. even though the
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unionists decided to boycott that referendum and it all resulted in a very brutal crack down on the independence movement, with voters being severely beaten by police politicians being jailed at that time. some people were even saying that these were giving flashbacks of 60 toil spain of the middle of the 20th century. and i remember how it all ended so now catalonia never became independent and even
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it's autonomy. busy was taken away by madrid, some of the independent leaders were jailed but call pushed him on, was able to flee spain. however, the spanish thought he's decided to change their tactics. and now very habit, he's been arrested by italian police. and let's see what the italian court has to say about that. let's talk to, i know, spokesperson scenes, national commission of european citizens. thanks kevin la willis here. and i'll to international know, i know you're pretty much show on side with the colors, push them on set, cause on the people around and not cause. so what do you make of his arrest that he's surprised on on got lonia that was for my husband. i read that in the, in the speaking territory, and now i believe we need to frame as we've seen this state of repression. the talent will leave the still these days that repression has not stopped. we have
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more than $0.40 being prostituted by the sponge. they just because they demonstrate that in favor of independence. so this is not stopping us, put them on the form or precedents that only ask for the spanish state. and the strategy is the added value just to show, get them they forward to you and they and the power big. and the reason why is because we have out of 946 to 850. i hands hoping government is at 52 percent of the volt done so much of an absolute majority in the capital parliament is trying to undermine the strength of the will you just remind me in our view is hold me back in on this against because it's all come to the boil again, from view is run the world with this,
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with the events today. we'll talk about mr. pitch about future, just a 2nd. but his recently with the spanish prime minister, petro sense is meeting capital and pro and dependence groups. he said is going to take time to sort something out. can you just remind us in the last 4 years while colors push mom's been on the run and you've gone through everything you say going through? what has actually been achieved between you guys and madrid? has any steps forward been achieved or not? why? i think that here we need to, we need to be clear. i am the point. bad cut, i'm petitions. they agreed to the strategy that is to try to dialogue with the spanish state. that doesn't mean i'm imply that the catalan movement, the more money is in favor of a strategy. because actually many of us, we think that goes much to talk with somebody that doesn't recognize the nation and doesn't look right. but as you are saying is, seems to come on. 17, when the congress put someone acceptance to stop the government of colonial. i'm
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trying to get the same. it's not, nothing has been the chief thing a tree. just tell them citizens, i mean, the snow chalk is a right to the sensational mission and repression is a reality is a concept. and if it's happening, a colombia and european citizens added, the more do you say, like hearing everything you're saying, do you think you're actually though going to get anywhere? if color is pushing on is thrown in jail and i will talk about that in a minute. but it's not likely to embolden the movement. is madrid likely to want to hear? probably know what's going to happen? well, the point is that on the side of the car movement, popular movement and millions of times that we sustain and we promote this north. now we are, we are chopped at the firm and so this is not going to add more the termination. the thing is that the spanish thing is dragon. would you repeat?
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you know, i'm sort of puts in a good, i've got some news for you, which you don't fully know about. other ship, literally coming on top lines here. apparently, no news. you said that mr. puget. mom's been released, but italian caught and force him to stay in sardinia know till sunday. what do you think about that but a breaking well, it makes sense. germany gone to scotland. i mean, why are you telling what's going to be different? there's no point to space trying to make of the capture, the national, the spanish a stay company within the nation is trying to make a list of things, which is a political issue that we are going to resort. i'm feel the money based off of the democracy mandate for independence is being obeyed and is being applied because it's legitimate is mccracken, it's legal. how in dependence and not be legal when he's been volter and he's being
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a support that you know, all the more weight. well, i know we're across this with you, of course, and just to say that to claims come in from l price, just to repeat again. news justin mr. personal has been released by italian court and they forced him to stay in sardinia forced him to stay. and so did they till sunday will come up from all comments from you guys soon, but thank you for now and a spokesperson of international commission of a european citizens. you, i'm a keep across that story right now. next means on the canadian province of quebec has outlawed cobit related, riley's new schools and medical them vaccination facilities. the bail claims to protect children and health workers for what it cause the dangerous impacts of demonstration. but critics want, it denies people's right to protest. the law buttons, demonstrations or their incitement within 50 beaters of schools and clinics. offenders face thousands of dollars in fines if they breach that there's a coffee at medical school staff though are still allowed to protest in the
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workplace. the law follows a number of anti vaccine protest outside schools in quebec, the largest city, montreal, the head of the province, telling us his patients had reached its limit to some of the rallies are up to the cross. the country turn violent. i think contrib lauren chen and lawyer julius gray look at the reactions to the belly more detail. according to premier le go, this bill is necessary because he alleges that protesters could be intimidating or preventing access to students and patients. not everybody is in favor of this proposal though, and some are claiming that it would be a violation of free speech and freedom of assembly. the problem is that i cannot see why such a law is not. because if the demonstration is violent or culture was loud, it can all written for it under the criminal code and under various when it's a lot. so there's absolutely no reason for it because i think they want to stop the
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message from be in. can you make it? and if that's the case, then it's a very serious, controversial contravention of the trust. and for anyone who does believe that such a law would infringe on the canadian charter of rights and freedoms, which does guarantee freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. remember that any and all of the freedoms outlined in the charter are subject to what it calls reasonable limitations by the government. and as we have seen time and time again, when different court cases have alleged that certain code restrictions violate human rights in canada, such as the canadian florentine hotels, it does seem that canadian judges are of the opinion that if something is done supposedly in the name of stopping the spread of co bid, then any and all limitations on canadian rights and freedoms are in fact reasonable . meantime, anti vaccine protests of also group destroyers with a 5th day of riley's melbourne against mandatory jobs for construction work. as a 3rd, as he's been singling out building sites because they're worried about spikes,
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they say they've seen in corona various cases at them. riot police arrested hundreds of demonstrators over the week and 5 purpose you may or may not be surprised to the next, but the news got fear less than a year after coming to office. jo biden's, popularity is already slumped to below that of his predecessor and possible rival at the next election. donald trump and just 3 months biden's ratings of collapse, but more than 10 percent. total court has got more on it. a pandemic spiraling out of control historic military defeat and a border crisis to boot. americans are starting to think things weren't as bad as they thought under former president. donald trump, the mounting issues on all fronts of lead to the surprise conclusion that trump is now seen as being as good a president as bite him, suggesting the honeymoon is being replaced with buyer's remorse. first on the list, afghanistan, the washington shameful defeat, that concluded its 20 year long war was the last straw. for many americans,
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the disastrous withdrawal of us troops and surrendering of millions of dollars of military texts of the taliban. had republicans and democrats alike demanding the biden administration, be held accountable in ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, the afghanistan might feel like a world away from america,
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but there is no shortage of problems at home under biden's administration. earlier this month, biden announced a number of vaccine testing and mask mandates, which is proving to be the latest american political spac connected to the pandemic effecting around 2 thirds of the u. s. workforce. it wasn't long before the cries that biden is violating people's freedom of choice, were heard. 24 republican state attorney generals, or even threatening lawsuits really disruption divides country. it increases the division in terms of vaccination when we should all be together along the campaign trail. biden. promised to make the country southern border a more humane place. instead, thousands of migrants are living in horrific condition. like under the del rio international bridge, the immigration crisis is getting worse as thousands more asylum seekers come knocking at the us his door. and to top it all off, biden's approach hasn't changed much from that of the trump administrations. kids
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are still being put in cages. and despite biden's many promises to would be green card holders, many migrants are being deported back home without getting their chance at asylum. ah ah. ready with a track record like biden's and not even a whole year in office. it's no wonder over half of america thinks the country is on the wrong track. with the german elections just days away, the country's gearing up to answer some really big questions. let's see, one who is going to replace anglo merkel after she leaves office off this weekend, new era. not a 16 years empower. the
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on thursday candidates held the final debate on it. but at a rally, shortly before the event merkel was actually booed for backing one of the candidates list, share this a successor. meantime, germans have found some pretty creative way to say goodbye. he want to make his made 500 of these little babies. special edition teddy bears in their image. i don't know if that's scary, cute it features merkle trade, my ball burners, signature, diamond shape, and just yet well, meaning them the less in the capital lead people gather to paying colorful portraits of the outgoing leader. and of course, merkel terray has been full of ups and downs over the years as she's tackled a raft of major problems from the pandemic to being spied on by the united states. he's your correspondent looking at the merkel era after almost 16 years in charge, the time has come for angle america to step down as german chancellor,
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drawing the curtain on a political korea of over 3 decade, coming to office in 2005. she's the 3rd longest serving german chancellor of old time, only her mentor helmut kohl held the position longer in postwar, germany, anglo myrtle have achieved something that most politicians haven't at their time of leaving office. she has remained popular with a large chunk of the voters. no small achievement. when you look at the challenges she's had to face me, germany weathered the financial storm that began with the collapse of layman brothers back in 2008 better than most countries. a 480000000000 euro bailout for the banks and managing to keep on employment figures from spiking to high soaring de la medical reelected in 2009 then came the collapse of grease and the fee as it could never pay any of it. to push the single currency
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close to the brink and a tidal wave of criticism crushing down on merkel and her government's view 2013. so whistleblower. edward snowden reveal that the united states had kept detailed tubs on senior german officials, including chancellor merkel, her phone being tapped by washington. protests on the streets of germany, were followed up with more diplomatic comment from the chancellor. but we have always made it clear to the u. s. president. buying amongst friends is not acceptable to me. one of the biggest moments of angle american tenure came in 2015 with the refugee crisis. her statement via shuffle. so we can do it. she did a policy which saw hundreds of thousands of refuge fleeing the conflict and syria coming here to germany. something which saw anglo merkel revealed by some reviled
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by others. each daughter guns, i simply say that germany is a strong country. we have already managed so many things, we can't do it. and whenever there is something sending you no way need to cross that bridge, which is need to work and it is going to invite the indoor. so we have not. migrant glows in such forms before and what we are seeing right now has no relevance to the presence room. it's that when this is merkel repeat constantly, we will cope with it. but she is not offered. a structured solution is on to the chancellor medical actions in regard to refugees changed the makeup of the german parliament is opposition to her policies on asylum allowed the anti migrant alternative for germany party to win seats in the bond. the stock becoming the largest opposition party to her government, making things difficult to her when addressing the chamber the
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me there being no easy route to the finish line for angle american. the government's policies on the coven pandemic set off a small but vocal opposition that it was point threatened to storm the bottom to stuck. the me me, me, me, the retreat from afghanistan provided the chancellor with more problems in her final weeks with accusations of rifts within her cabinets over how best to evacuate people from cobble. and then issues over who had been able to get on german plane
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is that the ever we will continue the evacuation operation for as long as possible in order to help afghans who worked with us for security for freedom, for the rule of law and development to leave the country. we currently have a very pragmatic procedure. we only carry out the security check upon entry to the country. we have now identified 4 cases of people who had already been deported border now in germany. she prepares to vacate the chancellor's office just behind me. alarm bells ringing loudly and anglo merkel. christian democratic union party as they slump to record lows in the polls. the chancellor's final address to the bond, the stock, which became a attempt to promote the d. u. candidate arm and lush, it as her successor ended in a barrage of hackles. it's not just about foreign policy and nato in europe.
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oh, my god. what if i have been with this gym and boone de sac for with he is here is of the democracy. and this is exactly what will be discussed me. despite the obvious challenges, the merkel years will go down as a time of relative stability for most germans. her policies have made it easier for families to balance. children with korea's employment figures have remained steady while the economy is enviable in the you. internationally, germany has taken a far more prominent role under miracles leadership than it is had in modern times . one of the big concerns right now though, is that with no clear successor to angle america in terms of policy or certainly international clout, what will become of those years of stability that we've seen to her rein fees, role of her r, t, berlin. you know, to say,
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we just say merkel is our big political issues to failed to consider a snapshot, which is what she's still one of the power hoses of the through of the last decade and a half during her reign. if you want to call it, the merkel is word we for american presidents, a full french fleet is 5 british prime ministers from george w bush to joe biden. chug chirac to madame a. cron. tony blair boris johnson. multiple was dominated headlines in that time to have gotten the stan syria, yemen. she's also played a key role in helping to save the euro currency after that awful, 2008 financial collapse around the world. and in the aftermath of lockdown, and she spearheaded an unprecedented trinity in euro e u wide pandemic recovery fund. so was the legacy of the minds of average germans on the street though we went to find out it's been a long time. i've experienced 3 chances. i called schmidt and merkel. it's strange when you're 54 and you've only had 3 chancellor, and i think she did a lot of good things for the country and also made
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a lot of strange decisions with c. d. you is not my party was but i think she can happily retire. i will miss mrs. mccullough because i'm not satisfied with the current candidates. i would have preferred her. i think mrs. miracle has done a good job. very charismatic. she's accepted everywhere in the world. not to see the new boat or how you can admire the woman too long, too long. mrs. merkel should have gone 4 years ago now. she has lost her way. she did a lot of good in the 12 years before, but now you can see that she's out of steam. okay, get a prize if you remember this, his, her, the election process will work over the weekend. todd complicated voters don't directly choose a chancellor. they've got 2 votes to decide the next parliament. the 1st ballot is for a candidate in the constituency, and there are $22299.00 constituencies across the country. now the 2nd ballot is for a political party. there are $47.00 of them running to cease the only parties with
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more than 5 percent of the vote nationwide can enter the bonus tag. one of the candidates for the chancellor ship is annalynne a bad broke the green party co leader since 2018. she's now spoken opponent of an old string to pipeline the pumps gas from russia to europe. the bareback been criticized for lacking top level experience. she was even accused of plagiarism and latest book. we discussed how the election might pan out a bit more with yoga and told all fairies in the ortho journalist and for a politician for michael's christian democrat party with violence. when he tried to get it con, go on like this. we have total stagnation in german politics. we can't get any problem solve anymore. we have a failed cobra policy, no solution when the happened to problems everywhere and the country is stagnant frozen. and the big parties are also stagnant of guns. there's no more progress to that is the cool problem that don't do anything any more. i was in the talk myself
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for 18 years. it's completely wrong about it. we no longer want the professional politicians who go into the button to talk and then stay there for 50 years. and who's only goal is to be re elected. they get elected whether they are chancellor or presidents, the same as in america or france. they days, they are elected, they only think about their reelection, not about the fate of the country. we want people who for the good of the country above their own interest, and of course that is not easy to achieve it, but there is a way don't allow more than 2 terms. then you get a completely different type of person who doesn't run off of the mainstream as in content. so we have to leave the to the next generation so that it is still beautiful. but the methods are different than the green c climate policy as a religion, as a belief, that is what you do once you've decided. but if it is decided they will be electric
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cars, then they will only be electric cars. that is wrong. you have to approach a big problem with an open mind. new things will be invented. it's a mistake to focus on the electric car because 90 percent of the world's population cannot afford an electric car for countries don't have that. we need a solution for these countries. face been eyes for they take now nothing is happening, nothing more is coming. they no longer have any solutions. when a problem comes up, they stand looking at each other and don't know what to do. i've talked to leaders for years, politicians in the federal government telling them that these wars are wrong and that they are misinformed. people are not better off and i've got to stop still as badly off as they work 20 years ago. for advice on demarco, you were in danger of being kicked out of the christian democratic union party because you were against was mrs. mark like others as govern football too long?
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nothing has happened in the last 8 years. from mrs. marco's point of view, there is nothing more to be achieved. she was never a real cd. you leader. well, before we go, let's continue developing the story. if you listen later on about the capital m separately to college, push them all. well, the news is he's reportedly been released from custody on the italian holiday. anyway, he was arrested on thursday evening. not clear if he's been failed to house the rest. so still trying to get a handle on. he's wanted a range of charges including sedition under, seen by spanish authorities finale for years. italian course decided that the mom will remain on sardinia, where he will face judges on saturday. i will keep an eye on that, of course, and that keep you updated and all developments, but for now that's all we're talking about. and of course, as a reminder, is a lot more coverage over the weekend of what's happening in germany. those big elections of who's going to replace anglo merkel 5 in the afternoon.


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