tv News RT September 27, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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little spot because of the, the a pollution talks get them away in germany and the social democrats come on top of that is not really defeated on you will see the new yourself to the stories love the other like the never media groups finally expressed concern over claims c, i was looking to keep up with potentially kill julian associations currently reported by yahoo news. so they were 1st said by an investigative journalist last year here on britain fuel shortage, crisis deepens with long tail box of petrol stations. the government says that the public's fault panicked by
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ah welcome, great, have you with his head on the results of in from germany's federal election with the outcome sent to determine who will replace anglo michael is chancellor in what will be the 1st change seen at the top since 2005 ah ah preliminary results shows that it's the center less social democrat, so you can tell top part of the role of shelf declared victory saying he has a mandate to lead the nation and glib ankles. kristian, democrats was 2nd public support for them dropping to an historic low visibility calls from within the c d. u. for leadership to step down. after that poor showing
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and into place came the greens many see them now as potential king makers in the upcoming coalition discussions. of correspond, peter oliver is in berlin with a full breakdown of the votes and what it means, the germany these preliminary result results are written. they usually fairly accurate. we won't get the official result for a little while yet. but what it shows is the social democrats would they selection, they want it in the terms that they've collected the most amount of votes. it doesn't mean that they directly gets a form of government just yet will have more or not just let wild jen and politics never as simple as that. yes. when it comes down to clear winners and losers, the winners have been the social democrats picking up almost 26 percent of the vote . and when you look at the fact that just before the summer, this year, they were pulling it 10 percent lower than not. but this is one of the biggest comebacks in lazarus, and it's no wonder that the mon, the chancellor, all app schultz is sounding pretty pleased with himself. why makes,
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hopefully it's his in, i'm happy to see so many here today. and of course, i'm happy about the election results. germans have decided, the social democrats are on their way up and that's a big success. this will be a long election night for sure. but what for certain as well is that many germans put that cross next to the s p d because they want to change in the government. and because they want the next chancellor of this country to be olaf shots or the green party will also go down as big winners from this election. they put on an extra 5.8 percent from what they posted back in 2017. they were partying things at green party headquarters on sunday night into the early hours of monday morning, along with the free democrats to help pretty much around what they got back in 2017 . they look almost certain to be the king makers when it comes to forming a new government. so those are the winners. have a look at the loses because whether our win is that has to be loses and it is the
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center, right? conservative union of the christian democratic union on their bavarian since the party, the christy and social union, who certainly fall into that biggest loser, cut agree. it's the lowest numbers that they've posted since the 2 parties have come together back in 72 years ago. really huge questions, so exactly what went wrong. that's going to be a big old top see when it comes to what's happened within the center. right. but they still have a chance of that maintaining power. this is of course, angular merkle party or was angular merkle, party the outgoing german chancellor. and no, the party going into the loses category would be the left. they dropped off massively from what they posted back in 2017. in fact they, they fell below the 5 percent the you actually need to get into the bone, the stock book because they won 3 constituencies outright. what that means is they have to wait on by the skin of the teeth. the electoral commission has announced
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that they will get 39 seats in the next parliament, left party leadership. they recognize this hasn't been a good time for them. above his did. it's clear that this was a punch in the gut and it really hurts. and of course, we lost massively. anything else would be unrealistic to claim gonzagos says i gave the result we will achieve nationwide is disastrous. there is no need to discuss it at all full stop. secondly, we should get out of the habit of blaming every one but ourselves. it is important to be self critical and analyze the mistakes we made. on the far right alternative germany, party or dead, they lost a little bit of the vote on what they put down in 2017. but what they have done is really established themselves as a part of germany political landscape. they're posting just over 10 percent in this years poll, particularly showing that they have a hotline in and around saxony,
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in the east of the country, counting the votes as the bit bo, it's forming coalitions that will be the real tricky thing. following this federal election, the possibilities? well, many you could still have a grand coalition, not between the center left in the center, right. that looks unlikely though. you then could have a traffic light coalition made up of the social democrats, the greens on the free democrats called traffic like coalition because of the party coolest other colors of a traffic light. then there are 3 different coalitions made up of the colors of various national flags of kenya, jamaica, or germany counting the votes. as i said, the easy bit, we are still a long way out for finding out what the next government of germany will look like. and who will be the chancellor to replace angle america? earlier i spoke with family, you can't believe a pulled muscle is also served as in m e p. and was a prominent campaign of briggs that he told us that michael's legacy is
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a fracture. d, thanks in large part to her decision to let hundreds of thousands of migrants into the block. she's been there since 2005, and i would argue got the all of european union of 2005 was a far more cohesive block. that is now, she leaves your, which is divided your to where by that are more and you policies on the rise across the continent. i mean, governments, if you look at poland and hungary and you have your know where the walls are becoming the fashion, your guessing wall directive in hungry at the boulders, you're getting wolves and serbia walls increase the theaters called because what people don't want to see happen again, if the american crisis to happen then 2015 and 16, and i would argue we could end up with your going to follow your skeptic area and is the interesting thing about angle america. you know, she's always been european union biggest champion. but the army of all, i need to be her legacy that ends up destroying the autopay and union. so the
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voting is over in germany. it's a social democrat celebrating puts the love of talking today before the next government and in the chancellor confirmed will make sure you don't miss any of the big developments here are naughty. the ah, in the wake of germany don't just tell the election youtube updated. it's policies regarding prohibited content, any materials that call into question the outcomes, sundays vote, and now banned under the heading elections. misinformation policies it says uses should not post content that advance is false. claims specifically, claims that widespread fraud errors or glitches change the outcome of any presidential elections in the united states and the 2021 german federal election votes in other countries. i don't even get a mention issue says that misinformation of that kind can cause real world harm and
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interfere with democratic processes among the things that now also bands, content classes, incitement to meddle with elections and also hacked materials. really, we had from spite cohen u. s. libertarian parties, candidate for v p in 2020. he questioned how widely the policies likely to be enforced. it infringes on the idea of the freedom. the concept of freedom of speech is that a government cannot stop you from speaking. now, as a private platform, they are allowed to decide what, what they allow. now with that said, the fact that they explicitly lifted the us election and the german election makes me wonder how much of this is this company deciding that their policy and how much of it is actually being poking and prodding and coercion from specific government to do that what i'm interested to see is how uniformly, is this going to be applied? are they going to apply this just as equally in china or russia or a country like that, as opposed to, if it happens in the us or in germany? is this going to be arbitrarily enforced, or is this basically become
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a ban on election whistle blowing around the country around the planet? russia also recently held an election with the ruling united, russia party winning the majority of the seats voting some of the controllers who surrounding it were among topics that came from a wide ranging party interview with a former president to meet you benefit of his previous full interview on tuesday with him, but you know, it has to do with new mcclure, but during the 3 day vote, central election commission servers were under constant attack. according to the ministry of digital development, around half came from the united states. that's reason enough for a fight, right? because everyone's sick and tired of tech, including the united states, big tech plays by its own corporate rules, the money they made them up. and now that's how they decide things. they let some of the hook give others the chop. they blocked the former us president everywhere he had 85 or 90000000 followers. by, by why,
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why we don't like him. when i check twitter recommendations on who to follow, of course, the 1st person who comes up is an evolving who is serving a criminal sentence. isn't this interference in the affairs of a foreign country? it's blatant interference. made your organization say they are deeply concerned about claims to see i was plotting to kidnap and perhaps even kill julian assange allegations of a page and the yahoo news report of of the revelations and the thing new. in fact, they are here in r t last year. the yahoo article is testimony from key witnesses on the ca heads fury. wikileaks so called vote 7 disclosures on the us intelligence agencies, activities. pompeo and other top agency leaders were completely detached from reality because they were so embarrassed about vote 7 said a former trump national security official. they was seeing blood while it goes all
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the way back to 2017. when assange was 5 years into his stay at the dory and embassy in london, and that was also when wiki leeks began publishing its volt 7 documents, a series of document leaks, exposing the methods and tools that they use in terms of computer hacking. now, the agency considers this its largest data loss in ca, history, and according to the sources that yahoo new spoke with. they claim that the then head of the cia might, palm pale, was basically out for revenge. i mean, it talks about how the cia and british tell intelligence believes that russian agents had come come up with a plan to rescue julian songs and bring him to moscow. and it also talks about how these western intelligence agencies were ready for shoot outs in the street to prevent this from happening. there were also plans to spy on kidnap and even kill julian songs without any sort of trial. that would be, these plans were being fleshed out and talked about in the ca,
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apparently. and also the had, like i said, mike, palm pale. he apparently was willing to justify this by calling wiki week's a hostile foreign intelligence service wiki leaks, walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service. now if you accept that narrative than assassinating julian assange could be justified, as of course, and offensive counter intelligence operation as opposed to just killing a civilian without any sort of trial. of course, that's what it seems like to see i was trying to do, but we actually ask them for comment and they have yet to, to respond. we know that the story is getting traction now. what's been some of that reaction? the whole idea itself is pretty outrageous, and the biggest kind of reaction has come, particularly from journalists and whistleblowers, who are, i think a lot of them are thinking, you know, could i be next on the sea ice kill list? if i make some sort of report that the agency doesn't like very much, i mean we heard from ca, whistleblower edward snowden. he said that the charges need to be dropped against
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the psalms because he wasn't given any sort of judicial process in the c. i was already having plans to kill him. one of the other journalists that was actually mentioned in the yahoo news article said that the cia and now biden are looking like the ones responsible for, for offences against press freedom. and we also heard an official reaction actually from the freedom of the press foundations. the ca is a disgrace. the fact that it contemplated engaged in so many illegal acts against wicker lakes is an outright scandal, but should be investigated by congress and the justice department. these new revelations, which involve a shocking disregard of the law a truly beyond the pale. but we should reiterate, this is not the 1st time we've heard or been speaking about. indeed these allegations. yeah, actually investigative journalist at the grace own max blumenthal, he had already published an investigation earlier that revealed an apparent ca spying operation against doing the psalms when he was at the ecuadorian embassy and
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plans to assassinate him were kidnap him. so let's take listen to actually the interview that we did with him in which morales who does not speak english very well, is giving instructions to his employees at the ecuadorian embassy in perfect english on how to set up a separate a secret separate video server to circumvent the ecuadorian security services and feed video back to the united states to the american client. this e mail was sent from an ip address trace directly to the venetian hotel of donald trump's top donor sheldon adelson. and brian nagle, who is addison's global director of global security and this is significant because brian nagle has a decades long career. busy at the u. s. secret service morales is employees who
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are involved in the operation does not just spy on julian savage, but revealed that they had even been told to consider an operation to assassinate julian astonished the top dissident in the west with poison. with more and more information being published and being, you know, and people knowing about this about possible ca, abuses when it comes to their, their dealings with drilling assange. i mean, it's definitely going to take away credibility from the, from washington's attempted, appealing for his extradition to the united states. lily spoke with taylor, who dac and independent journalist and fidel non fires. the former council of the ecuador, in embassy, where julian assad stayed in london. and i asked if they were all shocked by this latest article. i'm not surprised by it. this just provides further evidence and proof that the us government is completely deprived and acts very inappropriately with this investigation into which leaks enjoy and assad. we see in the report
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again and just how they can really get away with some very new various illegal and absolutely immoral activity. journalists in the west mainstream journalists are picking up on this and they're seeing that charging and award winning journal left with espionage is wrong. and it is very much a threat to our 1st amendment, which the u. s. claims to hold. so dear julia not only expose the war crimes and the criminals, but julians also challenge the media machinery behind all of those wars. so she expose and challenge the mass media who were either complicit, who were not doing what generally should do, which is challenge the power unexposed the wrong doing. so they have managed to destroy she's character to the same. she him, to the extent that people don't see as a popular cause the standing up for,
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for, for something somebody like julian. the next business fuel shortage, crisis deepens with long tail bank, the pedal stations, you take the public spelled panic fine story after the break. the the many countries in the western world are grappling with such issues as illegal immigration in energy insecurity. unremarkable if there is always a single root cause, a party to blame. and that is russia also. iran stepped out on the world late to the big way, ending its isolation rather driven by dreamer shaped by those in
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me i think we dare to ask me to join me as a 1st aid on the alex summon show i'll be speaking to guess in the world the politic sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. mm. the welcome back. is that true pumps room dry and the u. k. in the supply chain, crisis deepens, the government has gone on the defensive. down the street scenes of tailback said
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empty pumps of petrol stations all down to panic. buying, critics say force, johnson should be taking responsibility as his mismanagement that they allege lead to fuel running out on the easy sally picks the story. that's probably a variety of reasons as to why we've been seeing the scenes over the past few days . this we can just gone in the united kingdom of dr as motorists panic, buying as much fuel as they can in some instances, as report so much that there were shortages of delivery drivers, fuel truck drivers across the country. many reasons being put forward for that. and it led to scenes of people going out panic, buying. we saw the kind of scene last year at the time that makes start when people were fighting and the supermarket isles over food and toilet paper. and this time, we've seen scenes of violence saw some 4 courts, people falling out and pushing in front of each other and driving into each other.
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in some instances, we've also heard reports of security and emergency services themselves not being able to access fuel. and as for those who have been caught up cooing for hours in some instances, to try to get that fuel, they say that these are not the scenes they expect to see in a developed country country. we claim to be and we have to wait until i was up to get just to be a petrol. it's really up. that's the thing that we've come to us to be honest. i'm quite low right now, is also, i don't know what the situation is. maybe an upcoming days from now than the, the ending on the asthma and messes the government, has more than anything the government isn't making this better. to be honest with anything that you think of a back i money queuing because everybody else is king. is the on a you know, i need to be, petro runs out. i'm going to get to know it's for the government's response to the crisis. what we've been hearing from grant shops, the transport secretary,
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and he's not been shy and taking a met. both the public for panic, buying is what he says is one of the reasons for this thing. there isn't a shortage of fuel, but also the groups which represent the fuel industry saying that they to contributed to this crisis by essentially staring the public into public buying. there's plenty of fuel, there's no shortage of the fuel within the country. the most important thing is actually that people carry on as they normally would. and that cause when they normally would, then you wouldn't have cues and you wouldn't have shorts just at the pump either. so it's not like we don't have a fuel in the current country. we do need to just ensure that people are filling up when they need to the lot. rather than thinking, i'd better go up now just in case i need it next week or the week after, amongst the pressure being placed on government a cause for the gratian reforms to be done. there are reports that the government will be making visas easier to access for those truck drive as a temporary 3 month visa,
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which will take them up to christmas ensure there are no food shortages leading up to the festive period, but the next few weeks are those who be facing the same type of ordeal that even yours truly did having to queue up for hours just to feel that cause the british prison has been hit by obese allegations. after teenage inmates gave birth alone in a cell and then lost the child, adding insult to injury, he later emerged only the gods, not the mother receive bereavement counseling afterwards. i
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miss a give this alone in his cell overnight without medical assistance. no one responsible for miss a care headed for history of her pregnancy maternity services ad bronze field for outdated and inadequate. the response to miss a request for a nurse was completely inadequate. there was no trick or neo natal emergency equipment in the prison. ah 18 year old was in a bronze field in middlesex, europe's largest women's prison home, remand for robbery charge. days before giving birth, she told god she would kill herself if her baby was taken away from her prison officials of admitted wrong doing and said an internal investigations, ongoing women's rights advocate. reese everson thinks the head of the prison should be held accountable. this is more of the,
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the horrors that we continue to see with human rights violations, specifically for incarcerated people, but also for women. this is a common experience throughout the private prison that we've got to really get more serious about human rights laws and realizing that we owe each other a duty to treat one another humanely. and even if you have been found to have been, you know, kind of convicted of a crime, there's still a duty to treat you with humanity. and that's not, that's clearly not been the case. and if there is such a large gap in what needs to happen versus what's actually happening as you have to do a complete overhaul for more importantly, we have to call for accountability for the head of that prison. there are certain protections that need to be put in place and they simply were not here. that's unacceptable. there's, there's no, there's no understanding or no, no,
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no reasonable explanation for how something like this could happen on anyone's watch. when fishermen route raised over the government's plans to install new offshore wind turbines around the north coast during the protest, they don't rotten fish. the doors of the regional marathon committee the demo which involved about $300.00 fishermen started on boats and continued on shore. protest is, believe wind turbines will kill our fish stocks in the area and damage the environment . just the goal of our protest is to alert politicians and the general public that there's a danger to the see. the problem is that they're trying to sell us those wind farms as if they were eco friendly. the truth is that they're not. the senior french energy official defended the wind farm plan, saying protestors risk leaving people without electricity who will be calling them and nothing but the week of certain people to leave in their local come in just without taking into consideration. the common needs of our country was we do need
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energy. our society depends on a energy production can certainly create some disagreements of the head of the french regional fishing committee, however, says that the government is turning a blind eye to the damage. this project will cause i believe that this whole green transition is a masquerade, a true environmental disaster. and the general public knows nothing about what is going on in the see. we, the fishermen were in the see every day. so we know what problems were dealing with . unfortunately they never listen to us. only we know where wind farms can be built in a way they won't endanger the fish, at least now, the government is aware that there are protests and the fishermen are determined to never let this happen. so we will fight till the end of this year. thanks so much she companies around the evening watching r t updates for you in 30 minutes. ah
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. when i would show the wrong one, i'll just don't rule out the thing because the after an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves, well, the part we choose to look so common ground in this notion here for you let me know when you're on the country for bring up your child in local, what asian you feel from wells. but for some reason, like as long as we speak this
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live let's put the following. to move that answers your matrix. i don't want, i me the way we look the counter and the rise and the shape of our news. these traits are all imbedded in our dna and passed from generation to generation. interesting to them because i missed, you know, what college the think you will get. let me try it out though it's mostly likely to
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work with me. we'll geneticists about some of the risk features people might have. after all, there's a lot that they can explain scientifically and medically, ah, cause the choice of insurance. which way you can complete it's in the book for the piece that you bought them more the dish they took up committing to 6 to 8 year be shut because we're sharing the mobile. please make sure going on this road leads to none with a village near rep land in the state of madhya pradesh. india will. miss sharma often travels here. he is a social worker who takes care of a local resident. the news you bailey about him and i need to call to make sure to get to get him botches, leaky body.
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