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tv   News  RT  September 28, 2021 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the the, the, me ah, the thing you choose, red line platform permanently banned to volunteer german language channels for allegedly violating its community guidelines. these editor in chief, goes into full fledged declaration of media war by germany and russia. marines sent to a military prison and busting his country's need a ship for his gun. this done pull at the ball clue would have been a series of increasingly popular online video that says the international criminal court says it will no longer pursue allegations of us. walker, i'm enough janice on this probably the furious rights groups, the keys, the i see, see it being counted by washington, sanctions and hungry cases. ukraine of meddling,
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and it's internal affairs by trying to scalp for an energy deal with russia gas from which will take care of losing out on lucrative friends ah . good evening. thank so much for joining us. this is anti internation. my listener with some news about our system projects, not our t d r t deutsche. youtube has deleted to volunteer german language channels, reciting, alleged community guideline violations. such bands are new to our team at this time . it is said to be permanent. constantino's cough is following this one for the joints be in the studio. first of all, i speak a bit of german politic june into the deutsch. unfortunately, tell me a bit more about them. are they popular? not look, they are popular. but let me 1st tell you that rti has been crying
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foul over unfair treatment on youtube for years. and the relationship between the platform and the never has been strained recently. there is no way we can sugar coat those. but this is actually the 1st time when our one of our flagship e 2 channels has been shut down. and please not suspend the nod shadow band, but just out right, a band. it's truly unprecedented. and answering your question, the popularity of rti deutsche has been growing them on german speed audience in the recent years. has being are to do each had a total of almost $547000000.00 views with over 600000 subscribers. and this was among the top german news channels on the platform. and i got to tell you that in june alone are 2 deutsch gathered over 21000000 views
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on youtube. and that is almost as much as we got to be received. one of countries, main news outlet, which has been around for years. so our t george has managed to put up a fight against major news outlets in germany. and of course it hasn't gone unnoticed. some german politicians have been calling to curb the growing popularity and dominance of r t. i news channels in germany and in germans, media, social media. and of course our tea. that's something that is worth mentioning already has been struggling to open its tv broadcast for years facing both hidden and overt restriction. so it's been extremely harsh and it's been, it's an extremely harsh environment for colleagues. and what just happened, of course me, things just even even worse and this and the punishment, what was the crime, what they done wrong? so what we know 1st are t deutsch is main,
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you to chat channel was suspended because of some videos that receive strike. these were the videos that are related to covert restrictions decoded in general. now we'll, we'll get, get back to this. i just wanted to explain how things unfolded later on. so because that main page was suspended, our colleagues 1st decided that they would like to continue sharing content on a separate page that belong to one of its shows. it was a different content, not the one in question that that was us they receive strikes for. but down the last spoke, pages have now shut down and deleted completely by youtube without any warning. what's interesting is that there are no clear rules saying that you can't run the separate channel if you were banned or if your main page was suspended for some reason. there is no a clear rule about that. and again,
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rti george didn't republish any videos. they received strikes, it was other news stories, just regular news stories. and one should know that our to george has been covered in a lot of protests against co restrictions in the country, which is a really heated a topic in germany. and not all news outlets there to not to cover those demonstrations fairly in, in a balanced manner. i didn't, and i, it's google whose parent company of sheba things alphabet to the company. google, somewhere in the hierarchy of power must have come up with an explanation of why this is happening. yeah, let's have a listen. you cheap has clear community guidelines which explain what is allowed on the platform. all t joyce was issued a warning for floating content that violates our rules in relation to coven 19 medical misinformation policy. this resulted in the suspension of their right to
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upload videos. during the suspension, the channels owners tried to bypass the restrictions by using a different channel. as a result, both channels were close, violating youtube in terms of service or you just heard that. and i think now it's the time to go back to those videos. i mentioned that are to, to receive their strikes for so as you heard from google, they are supposedly have something to do with the medical misinformation. well, we checked with our colleagues in germany, and what they told us is that those videos in question contained criticism of the government's approach in dealing depend, deming voiced by other medical experts. and don't forget that or to george didn't republish those various. i would like to stress this again time and again, they did not republish those videos on a 2nd channel. are they just transfer some of its content from their main page to
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a 2nd page that was still working? and according to our colleagues, there are no rules out blowing on blowing this. now that we know of, well, what i'm hearing is you're saying we don't like because if you are young man, was the reaction been like in russia? so the 1st person to respond to the story, to comment on the story. russia was our own editor in chief medical to see my now. and then she's sas that would just happened amounts to a declaration of media war on russia by germany. so let's have a listen. okay, looks like we haven't got margarita, simon young. the editor in chief as well. that was, that was a hard statement. she, she didn't less about women when i was like part of her organizations under attack
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. now i'm sure it was. it was strongly worded. absolutely. and we will give you a more detailed comment. but let me just on a closing note, tell you that also russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman marine harvey. she also said that a statement is been prepared by the foreign ministry and she said that the german media work in, in russia might like it. which of course was sad ironically. so we are actually expecting a tough response on the part of russia's authorities, famous to harvest. somebody has him there. yes. something's gonna happen. that's for sure. we'll bring it to everybody watching as soon as we get it close to. thank you. ok, let's bringing patrick headings in his geopolitical and list executive editor 21st century was soft. cope. kentucky on patrick, so anti joy, she's easy channel alone and actually very popular with the german audience. very
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strong ratings online in germany. and it's the, the plug post by the sound of it. what do you think the crime is here? they, they've gone over the line of decency and when it comes to talking about cov, it, and medical treatment, or is this something else of foot? know there, there's 2 things going on here. one is this, this idea of giving strikes for medical misinformation. this is something that you tube has begun doing since the beginning of the pandemic, and they're locked in with various governments, mainly western governments. and they'll sort of use this overarching umbrella. it's just intentionally very vague in order to basically delete channels. this is a tactic, this happened to, to us at the u. k column. they deleted a 9 year old channel because of medical misinformation and they don't give any explanation or any details as to what the offending word or the offending statement is. it's just
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a general arbitrary tactic that's used. and i think if you combine that with the political impetus of these governments, i'm talking mainly about the g 7 countries. ok. then you have using cove it as a kind of a opportunistic tactic to delete to sensor r t does media coverage which competes with are outcompetes, other english language channels and competitions. as your previous commentators said. so, you know, this is really a credibility war between russia in the west and in the media space. and despite constant efforts by western countries, nato government to paint russian outlet says kremlin propaganda or russian. this information at no time, can they ever demonstrate exactly where the information is in the content which is being broadcast? and i think this situation is more or less a continuation of that. and then on youtube hasn't actually cited anything. in
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particular, a specific example of what represents missing information. it, it's a very broad turn, isn't it? it gives you an awful lot of scope to, to come up with a reasons a band. somebody if you never really give defined parameters of what people kevin candy. yes, correct, that's correct, and they don't know. i've spoken to other people who have received strikes had channels deleted under this very same tactic. and so their community guidelines are not clear, even though they say they are, they're intentionally vague. so as to allow them to oppose any arbitrary censorship, they feel like they're inconsistent. they're up to state normally don't respond or give you any explanation at all. so, but let's listen running a censorship farm that some of these big tech companies are doing is never straightforward of business. but if you combine this,
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look at the geo politics of this situation. the united states, other g 7 countries are determined to sandbox, the delay the approval of the nord stream to pipeline the pipelines finished. i don't think it's gone through all the different obstacles in brussels yet. so that's something that the united states and britain do not want to see happen anytime soon. is this connected with that? i think you have to look at this is part of the full spectrum warfare. and if you look at the g 7 meeting in 2018, the g 7 countries passed a resolution called the rapid response mechanism. and that was basically that all g 7 countries would be on message in their media statements of their mainstream media . the government statements that they would coordinate this in the type of glove shayton to use a german term and this is right across the g 7. so anything to do with criticizing the german government would basically be seen as a threat and that would go into the full spectrum warfare sort of approach
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that nato countries have adopted this kind of permanent state of war, this integrated military tactic. and unfortunately, these governments are becoming increasingly paranoid about any criticism domestically, from what are all very unpopular policies along the time, and then so easy to escape, goat or blame russia. and then in this case, governments are talking directly with silicon valley. they're saying remove that channel. this happened to read fish. another r t affiliated channel recently was taken off instagram. and it was again very vague in terms of what exactly they did. patrick, appreciate you coming on, patrick hannon from, i guess. geopolitical analyst, executive editor of 21st century wide dot com. thanks so much. a us marine officer. he recently became known by the public for his criticism of washington handling of the afghanistan. polanski is now being sent to a military prison. left tenant, colonel stewart shall
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a junior is currently in pre trial confinement. the time date and location of the proceedings have not been determined less tenant colonel shallow will be afforded. oh, due process, what you shall did. his polarized many americans, because there are those who believe that he is a hero, that he stood up and spoke out for what he believes. and that is a view shared by many americans. at the end of the afghan war, the evacuation that we saw at the end of august was humiliating for the united states. that it was a arctic that had cost the lives of too many american servicemen and that it could have been avoided. if intelligence had been heated, others believe that he spoke out of turn with a v should've addresses grievances through proper channels. but he himself says that off the 17 years in the military that he could no longer stay solid. that he
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knew one of the 13 american servicemen that were killed in an ice. his k terror attack on the 26th of august had capital airport and that he much that he had to speak out to get the incompetence of senior pentagon leadership. people are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability are saying we mess this up. i'm not saying we've got to be in the in afghanistan forever, but i am saying, did any of you will you ranked on the table and say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate bob graham airfield, the strategic barriers before we evacuate everyone. i am submitting charges a guest general mackenzie for his bad assumptions now because i've been dated, but because the senior leaders need to be help how to the same standard is essentially what steward. shallow one sees accountability and he says that he has always been held responsible for those. i bet him and so my senior pentagon leadership be held accountable. but those that me who did the 13 american troops
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killed in the terror attacked by ice case on the 26th of august at the airport of campbell. however, when he went public, he violated all manner of protocols and codes of the us military because officers ad service went off a bid from publicly criticizing their superior officers, as well as speaking with contempt of civilian leadership, both of which he did. he was also issued a gag order, which he willingly violated and which was evidently the final straw for the military. they arrested him and threw him in the military prison for his parents. that was an act of courage. although sunday is asked the questions that everybody was asking themselves below to get to speak out loud. he was asking for accountability. in fact, i think he even asked for an apology that we made mistakes, but they couldn't do that, which is mind blow. there have been little by way of accountability. no one has
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been fired or resigned either at the white house in the biden administration or at the pentagon over what many americans he is a fiasco the final days of american present here. even get his thoughts. nevertheless, what we have seen, his continued hearings continued grilling by especially republic republicans, but as well as, as well as veterans who have criticized the biden administration, which has been on the defensive with excuses after excuses. the fact that the afghan army that we in our partner strain simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise, and it would be just honest a claim. otherwise i was there a couple times in 2006. i was there in 2011. i was there, but i every time it got worse and get better. so it is going to be a surprise. isn't it true that you've left americans behind on august the 31st.
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there are americans, there were americans, there were still in enough dennis stand and you know, are we can tell you work to try to get those americans out. yeah. that, that's a yes let's, let's not repeat please the, the frankly fall so that we didn't leave americans behind. so in august we all witnessed the horror of praises own making for now mister shallow, who office 17 years of service, says he. he walked away from a $2000000.00 pension. he has had it in his resignation. he has also been relieved of command, but he remains an active serviceman. as these resignations can take a while to go through and for discharge to officially be confirmed, he remains a detention pre trial, detention and awaits the most likely face military charges. meanwhile, the international criminal court is resuming a proven to war crimes in afghanistan, but the investigation will no longer look at allegations of us atrocities search
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the focus will be exclusively on the taliban and isis k or the correspond. kelly moore pin picks up the story military personnel and top brass who were involved in the 20 years of us operations in afghanistan can now sleep easy because it appears they will not be facing prosecution from the international criminal court. the new chief prosecutor of the international criminal court is said they won't be looking in the u. s. atrocities in afghanistan because of the taliban take over the country and quote, limited resources available to the international criminal court. i have therefore decided to focus my offices investigations enough, going to start on crimes allegedly committed by the taliban and the exotic state correson province and to de prioritize other aspects of this investigation. now this decision to quote de, prioritize as the international criminal court is calling it has upset many human
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rights organizations. they feel that washington is essentially being let off the hook. the prosecutors telling war criminals around the world that the u. s. playbook of delay and intimidation works. it also validates one of the cool criticisms of the i, c. c that it only takes action against politically weak individuals or nations while giving western powers a pass. by d prioritizing, investigating us and former gun national security forces, the icpc prosecutor, it's shamefully hunting him of get out of jail free card. now, there were plenty of scandals and horrendous incidents over the course of the 20 years of the united states military presence in afghanistan. all culminating in the recent chaotic pullout and we also witnessed the incident recently where there was a drone strike that intended to hit isis k fighters and ended up killing civilians . a family ended up dying at the hands of the united states, but it appears that incident like this will not be investigated by the
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international criminal court. it's unlikely any individuals involved in such events will face charges in the hague. me now the i c. c tried to probe us activities in afghanistan, and in response, donald trump slap sanctions on officials of the i, c. c. here's how then secretary of state mike, palm pale, commented on it at the time. we cannot, we will not stand by. as our people are threatened by a kangaroo court, we have responded any way. the way a responsible nation must by condemning the investigation by suspending cooperation with the court and denying basis to those most directly responsible for going after
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our personnel. now, while the international criminal court will be investigating situations in afghanistan, they won't be investigating the role of the united states. they say they simply don't have the resources to do it. they're citing the taliban take over the country . but many observers are looking on and wondering if this is simply due to the fact that the u. s. a has been so harsh and placed sanctions on. i think the officials who did look into that, they're wondering if the new prosecutor simply wants to avoid having his own name on the sanctions list. joined on the line now by human rights sla, done cover liquor as well as being human rights. laurie also wrote the book no more war. how the west violates international law by using humanitarian intervention to advancing, can all make and strategic interests. and i wonder all, we think something, something along those lines right here and what we're talking about done the, i'm joining the dots incorrectly here. so we have the international criminal court
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. the chief prosecutor says we're going to investigate possible war crimes by us forces in afghanistan. the u. s. government responds with sanction actually revokes the visa of the chief prosecutor. we get a new chief prosecutor who then says, yeah, we're not gonna bother with that because it's cost too much. i mean, it's not too simple to put all that together and get your answer. no, i think i think you're exactly right. the u. s. bullying of the international criminal court did what it set out to do, and that was to get the u. s. off the hook here in afghanistan, and not only the us, but also the northern alliance, which of course, the u. s. l. put in power in 2001, and which is responsible for its own share of human rights abuses right off the bat . what comes to mind, for example, is the convoy of death in which is surrendered. taliban fighters were sent and sealed containers to a prison and they all died on the way in literally thousands of people. and this
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was overseen by both the us and the 19. no one will ever be prosecuted for that. or the numerous rapes that happened in theater by us forces. and by again, the northern alliance that was known for boy played for raping young boys. this is shameful. you know, the job of the i, c. c is to investigate crimes within these theaters. not to favor one party over another, and that's exactly what it's doing. what's just a disturbing for me, not that any previous the trustees might go unpunished, is the fact that if you say, well, it's too expensive to investigate america, please. at some point, explain to me why it's more expensive to investigate them and not not the taliban or islamic state, but by saying we're not going to investigate you on these things. i mean, you effectively given them comp belongs to do whatever they want in the future. because if you're not going to investigate them for killing people, when will you investigate? well, exactly. i mean, that's a terrible precedent. you know,
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what i and many other, you know, human rights advocates have been saying for years is that the i c. c has been used as a tool by the west, the punish developing countries. the only leaders successfully prosecuted by the icpc have been from african country. what is this saying to the world it's saying to the world. if you are a week country, you can be subject to i. c. c, prosecution. but if you are a strong economic and military power, like the us who can throw its weight around, you will be exempt from human rights prosecution. i feel like they're, they could be pulled back here like in the wizard of oz. and gradually people are starting to see the truth of how things actually happen at the military level. internationally. it's the truth that there is no justice internationally. really,
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you're only accountable as your own public allow you to be. for example, with the recent drug strike america, they came clean that they killed innocent afghans civilians, but only maybe because there was so much information out there in the media. they have no choice, but i mean, most of the time there is no accountability that for well, it's true. and even in that case that you give the u. s. has made it clear that they probably will not hold anyone accountable for that particular action. yeah. people now know about it, people are upset about it, but there will be no accountability there either. and so yes, basically what we're left with is the law of the jungle, the might makes right? and that is not what, how international law is supposed to work. it never was supposed to work that way, but that is how it is working. i mean, that's what i tell my students and what you know, what i tell my last students of course, is a law of it does not apply to the rich and powerful just as much to the week. and
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the poor is not a law at all. and so yeah, we have no true international law functioning at this point. i mean, just wanted to just point again on the drone strike because maybe i'm just a bit too soft. there was a part to me the that admired the you. the pens come for coming forward and saying we killed 10 innocent people, including 7 children. we got it wrong. i want to believe that they came forward because they realize they got it wrong and they didn't want to do it again. i'm just being too naive here. is it just because they got caught? that's what i think it's because they got caught they were they were happy to claim it 1st that they were attacking a vehicle. i guess they even claim might have had a car bomb turned out it was an aide worker with his family. 10 civilians were killed again in the media for the most part was happy to go along with that story. but there were some good journalism which exposed at the new york times. i give them credit, did expose that. no. these were all civilians. there is no evidence they were armed
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or had a bomb. and what could the pentagon do at that point? they, they, they had to face up to it. but again, i think no one will be how do we become a little bit wiser, my hearts and so little bit more down pleasure to speak to the bank of all human rights law and author. always a pleasure. thank you. another use hungary slammed ukraine, accusing care the trying to think a natural gas deal between budapest and rushes gas from the and carrion. foreign minister says that no amount of political maneuvering is more important than keeping people's homes will or side one for hungary. energy safety is a matter of security, sovereignty and economy rather than a political matter. you cannot heed homes with political statements. today. the reality is that energy supplies in hungary can be guaranteed most securely through a long term agreement with gas from guys all the new 15 year deal will supply hungry with nearly 5000000 cubic meters of gas every year,
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mainly using it under the pipeline called to extreme that is not routed through your crime, and that moves on good care of which you set to lose money from the fees it takes to allow gas to pass through his territory, both countries of some of each other. some basset is over the signing of the deal. ukraine claims the agreement stands to favor russia, not his own national interest. we consider this to be a purely political economically unreasonable decision taken in favor of the kremlin, unto the detriment of ukraine's national interests and ukrainian hungarian relations. for its part, the criminal says the gas fear was my appeal. if i can only benefits and says that there's no reason for the calls that extreme reaction coming from ukraine earliest, but we've talked to peer emanuel man geopolitical expert. he says the current tensions are actually being drawn from across the atlantic, from the guy and point of view. they won secure, or a supply of gods on for most of european countries varies. no,
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i cannot chief to russian guys because isa geography cardi quite or near near you neighborhood and also is cheaper true or. busy gas pipelines, but we know, but behind this dispute ukraine is playing the american game because the ukraine is consider as a pilot, geopolitical pilot from united states to try to we can russia and the united states to push ukraine or against russia, policies, and also to promote its own no or own shale gas, and we would like to connect ukraine to we are reorientation the infrastructure, which would, would be nuts, more east, west about north south and to supply. we've american shale gas. so i think there is a much.


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