tv News RT September 28, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] ah, [000:00:00;00] the ah, crossing youtube is red line, the front form permanently bound to volunteer german language channels for allegedly violating the community guidelines in chief floods, declaration of media war by germany on russia. where are us marines been sent to the military prison? i still am busting these countries leadership vamp gun. this gun debacle, and what have been the series of increasing the popular online video influence the criminal court says it will no longer pursue allegations of us war crimes. and i've
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gotten this done, prompting furious rise groups to accuse the c. c. a being cowed by washington. ah, good evening, and thanks for company. this is let's start with news about assist the project. to do each. youtube is deleted to volunteer german language channels. so i think alleged community guideline violations which funds anything new to our tea, but this time they said to be permanent, says media regulators wait and threatening youtube or parent company, google with a $14000.00 fine. if the channels aren't allowed to broadcast again. ortiz corresponding constantino's coughed through what happened. archie has been crying foul over unfair treatment need for, for years, and the relationship between the platform and the network has been strained, especially in the recent years. but this is actually the 1st time when one of our
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aflac, she v 2 channels that was run by our colleagues in germany or the door is shut down completely. i mean, now not suspended, not shadow band, but completely shut down. this is new, this is truly an precedent that and you know, the popularity of r t among the german speaking audience has been grow in a recent years. just to give you some numbers are d. george had a total of almost $547000000.00 views on its youtube channel with 6 over $600000.00 subscribers and was among the top german news outlets on that platform. in june alone, our to george gathered over 21000000 views almost as much as a bigger tv received. one of the country spiegel is one of the countries, you know, major media outlets that has been around for decades. so archie, george managed to put up
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a fight against major german media outlets out there. and of course, this hasn't gone unnoticed. there's been a lot of german politicians who have repeatedly called 4 curves on rti in the country. and it's no secret that rti has been struggling to open a broadcast and television station in germany for years facing both hidden and over a resistance. so, you know, all in all it's been an extremely harsh and hostile environment for a fellow during journalist in germany, permanent bonds just some serious wrong doing what, what was the crime. so what we know, 1st rti which is main youtube channel, was given several co would related traits which culminated in the temporary suspensions. now we'll get back to this later, but now let me just explain how things unfolded. because they have their main
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youtube channel. stop shut down r t door, which is a team, decided to continue sharing content, but on their 2nd page, that is, belong to one of their shows. just for the record to this was different content, not which not that which had been flagged by youtube as an appropriate, but nonetheless, both pages were deleted permanently without any warnings from youtube whatsoever. now what's interesting is that there are no clear rules saying that you cannot run the separate page or start a new one if you are suspended on need to for, for some reason. and again our direction, republish. any videos that they received a strikes for on that 2nd page. they just transferred some of their new stories, general new stories to the 2nd page. and those were just regular. like i said, regular new stories. we know that our team, which has been covering
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a lot of protest against coven restoration. so lately it's heated topic in germany, and not a lot of mainstream german media outlets dare to give this topic a fair and a fair and balanced coverage. so but it is what it is has. busy you cheapo or any of its own is offered an explanation just to clarify exactly what is happening. yeah, sure, but i mean, as usual, in these cases, the explanation is vague and you to send a message to our colleagues in germany saying that there were, quote repeated violations of community guidelines. and well, this is basically it get out of, of the platform of google, which owns youtube. we approached them and ask for clarification on that story. so they gave us more details. let's have a listen to what they said. you cheap has clear community guidelines which explain what is allowed on the platform. r t. doyle was issued
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a warning for uploading content that violates our rules in relation to covert 19 medical misinformation policy. this resulted in the suspension of their right to upload videos. during the suspension, the channels owners tried to bypass the restrictions by using a different channel. as a result, both channels were close, violating youtube tons of service. well now to the time to get back to there was initial strikes that led to this supposedly temporary suspension of our t. george may need to channel. as you just heard from google, it says that it has something to do with so called medical misinformation. well, we checked with our colleagues in germany, and they told us that there are 4 videos in question. and all of them contain criticism of the government's approach of dealing with the pandemic voiced by journalists, but voiced by other medical experts in germany. and don't forget,
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our te deutsche, didn't republish this, these videos on their 2nd channel, they just transferred some other content traffic to the 2nd page. and that's what they did. this is something they did in the past. it was okay. no consequences, no flax from youtube. so they assumed that if they do this, this time around, it's going to be fine. well, it turned out that it's not, i mean, it was a big part of the work that out the door does, you know, but the publishing the stories they cover on social media imagine that the company is not taken to this very kindly what the l t reaction, been sure. so, you know, among the 1st who reacted to the story and russia was our own editor in chief medical to see my now. and she said that what has just happened in germany amounts to a declaration of media war on russia by germany. so let's listen to what she said. so this time they did it and attempt to circumvent the restrictions when we invited our audience to our 2nd channel. while our 1st channel was serving
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a sentence for far fetched violation of community guidelines, which was swept in us for airing interviews with critics of covered 19 measures, it wasn't the 1st time when vital to our audience to our 2nd channel. but only today did they decide the band both at the same time. and the vector is terrorists and spacious of all kinds are quietly broadcasting on youtube. they have repeatedly said outright, they shadow banners and don't let us in. but this turned out to be not enough. we grew despite, they're not letting us in. now they've simply deleted us. this is a full fledged declaration of media war by germany to worth russia. russia's media watchdog was calling absorb, says it deems youtube recent action in germany against our t. george as an act of censorship, which is unacceptable. and the organization also said that you to, in russia might face of fine up to 14 little less than $14000.00 us dollars. now rush us foreign ministry spokeswoman many of the heart of also weighed in by saying that this was an act of aggression against our 2 doors. and that there
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is going to be a symmetrical response directed at german media working in russia. the steven doesn't clarify what exactly that means, but i guess our german colleagues should be bracing for the worse journalist. some whistleblowers say they are deeply concerned about revelations. the see i had drawn up plans to kidnap or even assassinate. we can make sound to julian, a sounds. navigation is coming from a yahoo! news report that sites testimonies from key witnesses. ortiz dunham quarter explains spy on him, kidnap him, kill him even. that's what the ca, under its former director, mike. pompey was accused of plotting for wiki leaks, founder julian songs, and recently published report pompeo and other top agency leaders were completely detached from reality because they were so embarrassed about vote 7 said a former trump national security official. they was seeing blood vault 7 series of
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document leaks, put, wiki leaks at the top of the most hated list in 2017 as it exposed the tools and methods used by the agency in hacking operations. the ca, itself described the leak as a colossal loss and plans to assassinate assange were apparently thrashed out among the top brass and presumably to get away with calling it all an offensive counter intelligence operation. peo branded wiki leaks a hostile intelligence agency wiki lakes, walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence survey. r t s the ca for comment on the yahoo news reports claims which have certainly upset many journalists and whistleblowers. already. the cia is the disgrace, the fact that it contemplated engaged in so many illegal acts against wicker lakes is an outright scandal, but should be investigated by congress and the justice department. these new revelations which involve
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a shocking disregard of the law truly beyond the pale. if you're a journalist, american, or otherwise, you need to understand, turning a blind eye to this story, moves the entire world toward a paradigm where the criminalization of journalism is routine. the u. s. government is slowly suffocating silencing and killing someone solely for the crime reporting documents that every major media outlet in the world determined where newsworthy, and few in the u. s. corporate press care. because he's never been in that clique with a c. i accused of plotting to kidnap and perhaps even kill julian, a sons the u. k. must surely be now asking itself whether can really take washington's extradition request seriously. well, the key revelations from the all who report on the thing new they were actually 1st and covered an investigation carried out by the editor in chief of the grey zone news website. that's my blumenthal. we spoke to him back in 2020, please, to say,
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sir again now welcome marks. you really broke the story yourself now, yahoo! doing it to the 2 stories tally. do you agree with what they've reported? well, i think when you have 30 former and current us intelligence officers, detailing a kind of hollywood style spy intrigue that tracks very closely with my reporting and the reporting of others, including the spanish newspaper, l. payees, and many other independent reporters defining more e t c. for example, in italy, we have to pay attention and we have to take this very seriously. i read this confirmation that the c i plotted, or considered assassinating assange and even his european associates, and considered his kidnapping. and what i reported relied on not just the testimony of intelligence officers who often lie,
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but on internal documents from the spanish contractor that the ca appears to have been relying on to spy on julian assange and his associates. inside the ecuadorian embassy in london. that you see global, the spanish security firm. i obtain these files. testimonies by former business associates of the u suite c global chief to lead morales through spanish, through the spanish court, where morales has been on trial for the illegal activities he conducted against assange and his associates. and those files also tell the story. these are text messages, emails of plans to kidnap assassinate assange and, and torment, and rob his associates. so absolutely, this story is confirmation of absolutely illegal activity by the central intelligence agency. you said that it does sound often the sort of thing you would see only in a hollywood movie. and this might be a very eye opening moment for
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a lot of people at home who think that well, that's fantasy, these things never really happen into. in the real world in real life, but the thought now that you know, you've got the u. s. government and apparently in cahoots with the u. k. at some, where along the line considering the idea of snatching possibly assassinating somebody like a songs, it just pulls back the curtain, doesn't it on, on this? what has to be a lie that things like the rule of law, that the truth, morality and decency, they mean nothing. when it comes to your own personal political interests. where you see what julian assigns was up against. he was up against the most powerful intelligence agencies. and when he said, even to his own lawyers were being spied on everyone around us is working for the cia at the time. they didn't even believe him and you had figures like james ball, former wiki weeks associate now at the bureau. busy of investigative journalism st
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julian assange has nothing to fear, by leaving the embassy, he should just come out. and now we see julian assange was right all along at this the c i was planning to kill him. we have a former associate of the ca asset. the ve morales in this spanish court in the files, in emails, in text messages saying, there were, there was a standing plot to poison julian assigned, or to leave a door open at the embassy and to come in and snatch him. we have clear evidence that every journalist, every lawyer that went to visit assange was spied on their devices were open. this includes journalist from the washington post n p r, the new york times, who have said nothing about this. and we see that stella morris julian sanchez partner, was followed, spied on and that her child with julian size had their diapers stolen by cia, spies in london in order to trace the dna of that child. so, julian,
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his son was tortured, even before he was captured. and now it's very clear that the entire case against julian size has fallen apart. his inter attorney client privilege has been violated by the cia which was spying on those meeting. and the key witness in the u. s. indictment. seeking that hacker has admitted to lying. there is nothing left of this case. and yet julia sanchez still being tortured, held and persecuted even serial killers wouldn't be treated. this is fascinated in such a fashion. it feels like they've reserved the special treatment for people who embarrass the government. what message is not sending now, just how afraid will will people who are thinking of blowing the whistle how was going to respond to that? surely that's going to make them question their actions was very clear from the files that i uncovered or from the testimony of these us intelligence agents that
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the threat the julian assange presented was purely political in nature. not. he was not a criminal threat. he embarrassed the u. s. national security state, and they didn't know how to stop him because he was simply committing an act of journalism. and so assassination came into play and the discussion of assassination of a journalist said should send chills through the entire journalistic profession, which is mostly silent about a sizes, continued captivity. the fact that he's being held hostage by a u. s. government in where, when he's not even a us citizen. what this means is that anyone in any journalist organization that embarrasses the u. s. national security state and reveals its criminal inner workings, could be a target as well or their associates. because as we see, every associate of julian hassan, including glen greenwald, laura point trust. so many figures associated with wiki weeks were targeted as
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well. and their names are all on you see global files target. these individuals make them top priority. and that's what we got time from afraid, but i'm so glad we got a chance to speak about the. the smacks is hugely important story for everybody out there. hopefully we've raised a little bit more awareness. much appreciate your time. max blumenthal, my guest editor in chief of the great news website. thanks very much. now, another news, a us marine officer recently became known by the public face criticism of washington handling of the afghanistan pull out. and he's now been sent to a military prison. left tenant, colonel stewart shall a junior is currently in pre trial confinement. the time date and location of the proceedings have not been determined less tenant, colonel shallow will be afforded. oh, due process, what you are shallow did his polarized many americans because there are those who believe that he is a hero,
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that he stood up and spoke out for what he believes. and that is a view shared by many americans that the end of the afghan war, the evacuation that we saw at the end of august was humiliating for the united states. that it was a arctic that had cost the lives of to many american servicemen. and that it could have been avoided if intelligence had been heated. others believe that he spoke out of turn. he should have addressed his grievances through proper channels. but he himself says that off the 17 years in the military that he could no longer stay solemn, that he knew one of the 13 american servicemen that were killed in an ice. his k, tara attack on the 26th of august had capital airport and that he must, that he had to speak out. he gets the incompetence of senior pentagon leadership. people are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are
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raising their hands and accepting accountability are saying we mess this up. i'm not saying we've got to be in the in afghanistan forever, but i am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate bob graham airfield, the strategic air various before we evacuate everyone. i am submitting charges a guest general mackenzie for his bad assumptions now because i'm vindictive, but because the senior leaders need to be helped counselor standard is essentially what steward, shallow one sees accountability and he says that he has always been held responsible for those. i bet him and so my senior pentagon leadership be held accountable for those of them, including the 13 american troops killed in the terror attacked by ice case on the 26th of august at the airport of campbell. however, when he went public, he violated all manner of protocols and codes of the u. s. military because officers and service went off
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a bid from publicly criticizing their superior officers, as well as speaking with contempt of civilian leadership, both of which he did. he was also issued a gag order, which he willingly violated and which was evidently the final straw for the military. they arrested him and threw him in the military prison for his parents. that was an act of courage on sunday is asked the questions that everybody was asking themselves below to sketch to speak out loud. he was asking for accountability. in fact, i think he even us for an apology that we made mistakes, but they couldn't do that, which is mind blow. there have been little by way of accountability. no one has been fired or resigned either at the white house in the biden administration or at the pentagon over what many americans he is a fiasco the final days of american present here in again his thoughts. nevertheless, what we have seen is continued hearings,
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continued grilling by especially republic republicans, but as well as, as well as veterans who have criticized the biden administration, which has been on the defensive with excuses after excuses. the fact that the african army that we in our partner strained, simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise, and it would be dishonest to claim otherwise. i was there a couple times in 2006. i was there in 2011. i was there, but i every time they got worse and get better. so there's going to be a surprise, isn't it true that you've left americans behind on august the 31st. there are americans, there were americans, there was still and enough dentistry in n g l r. we can tell you right to work to try to get those americans out. yeah. that, that's a yes let's, let's not repeat please. the frankly false that we didn't leave americans behind. so in august we all witnessed the horror of pres is own making for
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now mr. shallow who office 17 years of service says he, he walked away from a 2000000 dollar pension and he has had it in his resignation. he has also been relieved of command, but he remains an active serviceman. as these resignations can take a while to go through and for discharge to officially be confirmed, he remains a detention pre trial detention and awaits the most likely face military charges. vehicle license plate route between serbia in cost of that is now escalated into a military stand up shows no sign of a basing. nato troops have boosted their presence along the coast of serbia border and the e. u. and us of called on both sides to show restraint correspondence bar, a smaller go ski reports from the border. so i am currently here at the administrative crossing between central serbia and coastal. it's been a tough day and the go. she ations between the mayor's in the serbia,
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municipalities in the north of coastal and k for the nato forces in charge of keeping the peace in kosovo. k for his suggested to the mares, is that a key for troops actually replaced the special units called ross who that were sent by bertina to remove the serbian license plates. but the mares have refused this because it doesn't solve the issue that cause the crisis. it doesn't solve the fact that they would still be removing serbian license plate services in protesting for the past 9 days. saying that this is a violation of the brussels agreement. and that they are restricting freedom of movement of serbs in the province. the way they see it, a serbia has sense, military forces, a tanks armored vehicles to the region around the administrative crossings with coast civil. while the serbian president alexander butcher himself, has remained silent. they cancelling all of his meetings at the same time. a baby as prime minister has visited kosovo, visit a persona, and sent a message. the belgrade should ease up on the tensions all. the people here that
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have been protesting serves who live in the north of coastal are hoping that this will be resolved peacefully. they have been imposing barricades hoping that this issue will be solved without any conflicts. serbia does not recognize its former province of kosovo as a separate nation or it's right to impose official regulations such as those governing vehicle license plates. civil unilaterally declared independence from server in 2008. that's almost a decade after the conflict between the 2 sides. and native intervention around half un member states have recognized because of those independence analysis. now from the political analysts, nickel, merck of it's showing me now grieving. c nichoela using when you hear about what seemed like a disagreement about car license plates, that sounds fairly trivial. but this seems to be escalating. is this about something as simple or was it run much deeper?
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runs much deeper. this is what new crisis center we get. we could add this in a sequence of crisis. since i would say nato and the western states intervene in a serbian internal affairs in the 9 at the end of the $990.00. even after the 1999 illegal bombing, sergio by nato to create this public state called kosovo. we see that the western states, despite billions of dollars invested, are made long given to the new state, still have not solve the problem. and today serves and operating and still have a tough time living together. and especially on the political side, the political, the politicians in kosovo, just chance stop. i just can't find a way to be. we're working with serbia and they still have to attack the surgeon one way or another. so this is just one new crisis. as we've seen many every, every these past years. and this is not something actually renewed when deeper.
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what is new is that and again, that in this situation for the 1st time, serbia is not afraid to focus muscle. that red line has been crossed. nato is positioned a large number of troops around the board. it will help to de escalate things. it probably will help a little bit because i think k for today, they had an image that had 20 years ago. and that the serbs in different prefer having k for troops rather than the obedient roster troops which are supposed to be lead troops. but it's not solving the problem again because what service don't wind the north coast or anywhere else. and so that they like to take the new license base and they don't they don't consider themselves. kosovars. don't want to be basis based. they want to go smart administrative documents, just they for them. they still live in serbia and they are a majority in the north and they don't understand this and they don't want any,
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i would say for an military occupation, whether it's the venue rest roaster, or it's a key for nato military. if they didn't want any outside interference can, can you see both parties coming to the go shading table over this very, it's going to be very difficult. it was extremely difficult before this last summer . both parties were supposed to, they were supposed to discuss and try to find a solution. where does it still make position? there has been negotiations, an agreement decided between serbs and obedient in 2013 where we're in 2020, 2021 and we still have no problem progress. what the main points was again, association is serving the municipality. we still haven't seen any such organization. and i think that the agreement, the brussel agreement, broken by breast by the european union, is not working and none of the negotiations broken by the west globally. whether it's by wrestles by washington by nato,
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have helped bring serves. and obedience to the negotiation table and find a peaceful situation to this crisis. speaking to political analyst, nicholas, appreciate your, your time and your views. nicholas, thanks so much. rob set up for this hour. indeed from the entire evening for me, but you will be getting more news coming in 30 minutes. the crown oh, i use simple rti for an exclusive interview. today we're joined by a new dream. inventive chairman of united russia and deputy chairman of russia, security council. and mr. bennett, thank you very much for sitting down with r t. hello. my 1st question is about the party you live. united. russia has retained the majority in the russian parliament since 2003. however,
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unlike the 2016 election with the 54 percent of the votes, this time popular support was just 50 percent. could you comment on the outcome and why the ruling party losing ground? so many of the party customer good senior. the good who that, what should i say? it's a big win for the party. we must not grow complacently and rest on our laurels just because the ruling party enjoys great popularity among russian voters. still, it is a very impressive outcome. most political parties in the majority of countries around the world, which would be quite happy with such results. we certainly very much are. we've discussed this with my colleagues with presidents who helped our party during the campaign with as head of state. he was really key to our success. so the results are fine, but it doesn't mean that we can rest on our laurels. russians are happy about everything. that is not the case. the elections are always about trust that you will be able to deliver going forward. it is an acid test on where we have been
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