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tv   News  RT  September 29, 2021 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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ah, the, the, the, the russia threatened to block you tube in the country after the video sharing platform permanently deletes are to german language channels. moscow safety u. s. company would not have acted without the approval from berlin. coming up in the program, a us marine essentially military jail. after lunch busting his government's handling of the telephone, polite in a series of viral videos, prompting angry accusations of coercive government censorship from fellow service. members that need to send extra troops to kosovo, admit and arm stemmed off with serbia over the road and access here from a journalist. ah,
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just after mid day in real 11 pm koala lumper and 6 in the evening. here in moscow . the top story today on our t. russia has slammed youtube for deleting ortiz, german language channels, over a ledge, community guideline violations. the foreign ministry believes the move could not have happened without approval from the german government. and rushes media regulator is now threatening to block the u. s. video sharing service the actions of the video platform. youtube against those channels violate the key principles of free distribution of information and unhindered access to it. if the owners of youtube disregard the warning from russ kinetzer russian law allows for the full or partial blocking of excess to the platform, there is no doubt that you tube was acting with the open and tacit support of the
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german government in taking these unjust measures they have exposed correspondents of russian broadcasters, 2 years long, harris met, including the blocking of bank accounts in public flenar. the purpose of this aggression against the russian media holdings projects is obvious to drown out sources of information that clash with a media background that is comfortable for german officials. while the german government has rejected that obligation from moscow spokesmen. steph? and as i, bert said, berlin had nothing to do with you. troops actions against artsy earlier, my colleagues knew harvey and constantine rose coff discussed the permanent bond possible. knock on effects to you know, the popularity of art in germany among the german speaking audience has been grow. and especially in the recent years. and just to give you some numbers, rti, george had a total of almost 547000000 views. and over 600000 subscribers had not a small youtube channel that placed it among the top german news channels on that platform. you know, in june alone rti george gather over 21000000 views on that platform,
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which is almost as much as what spiegel tv received. nashville, it's one of the most credible in the major news outlets in germany and which has been around for decades. so r t, george has managed to put up a fight against major german news outlet. and of course, this hasn't gone unnoticed. there are a lot of politicians in germany who have repeatedly called for curbs on r t in, in the country. and rti has been struggling to study tv broadcast in germany for many years, facing both over it and have resistance. so all in all its been an extremely harsh environment, hostile environment for our fellow colleagues in germany. so these seem like cars treatment. what was the, the potential crime was committed? well, as usual, in these cases, the response from a media platform is fake and youtube send our colleagues in germany message saying that there were, quote repeated violations of community guidelines. so, you know,
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that's it, you know, get out of the platform. google, which owns youtube, gave us a more detailed response. so let's have a listen. youtube has clear community guidelines which explain what is allowed on the platform. all t joyce was issued a warning for uploading content that violates our rules in relation to coven 19 medical misinformation policy. this resulted in the suspension of their right to upload videos. during the suspension, the channels owners tried to bypass the restrictions by using a different channel. as a result, both channels were closed, violating youtube terms of service. so to give some context, 1st archie george, his main youtube channel was given several co related strikes and that led to a temporary suspension. so because the main page was suspended, its team decided to continue sharing its content on a different page that belongs to one of its shows. it was different content, not that which had been flagged by youtube, of course, but nonetheless,
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both pages were completely deleted by youtube without any war. and now what's interesting is that there are no clear rules saying that you can run a separate page or maybe even start a new page if you are suspended on youtube for whatever reason. besides those 4 videos in question that are 2 doors receive strikes for contained criticism of the government's approach of the pandemic voiced by other medical experts not by journalists. so, to claim that this was medical mis information, misinterpretation, well, in the eyes of our t, george, that's debatable. so is denying any wrong doing it challenging this man. while they're saying that they received an unfair treatment. and actually, 1st to comment on that story in russia with our own editor in chief american to see my now. and then she said that what just happened in germany, the rti george amounts to a declaration of war on russia by germany. let's hear what she actually said. so
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this time, they deemed it an attempt to circumvent the restrictions when we invited our audience to our 2nd channel. while our 1st channel was serving a sentence for a far fetched violation of community guidelines, which was slapped enough for airing interviews with critics of coven 19 measures, it wasn't the 1st time we invited our audience to our 2nd channel. but only today did they decide to ban both at the same time, anti faxes terrorists and fascists. of all kinds of quietly broadcasting on youtube . they have repeatedly said outright that they shadow by us and don't let us in. but this turned out to be not enough. we grew despite, they're not letting us in. now they've simply deleted us. this is a full fledged declaration of a media war by germany towards russia. just foreign ministry spokeswoman money is also we'd in by saying that would just happen was inactive aggression. and that there's going to be a symmetrical response directed at german media working in russia. now the message
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should, didn't clarify what exactly that means, but i guess her truman colleagues working here can be bracing for a bumpy road ahead. lie spoke with pet, her best drawn, who is foreign policy speaker for the alternative. for germany party, he sees the youtube banners, overtly political. many channels are close only because they are very critical about the german government. so of course there is no proof. there is no hard truth for any involvement, but there is no logic in it. why should capitalistic information on big company, close channels with which they're earning money? if they, what's really closing channels that are spreading missed and formations of all medical misinformation, they must close the government channel and the public kind of vision channel and
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germany, the 5 globally structures against politicians and media who are critical about topics that those global is try to pushed into the society and it should be noted, it's not the 1st time youtube has targeted r t. in april this year, the google own platform tipped on several of our channels videos relating to cobit 19 that included an interview with a renown verola just footage of anti lockdown protests. youtube accused r. t of spreading medical misinformation without giving specifics. the leaf hemmer from germany, c, d u party, things people should be able to decide for themselves where they get their information doesn't open. clearly the situation does not with european freedom. in a positive light, we have to acknowledge that the entire media space has been subject to censorship and manipulation, which reminds me of the worst times in germany. it's in our interest for our see to
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make an even greater contribution to german and european media diversity. as i said before, r t has become an integral component of european press freedom. we are citizens, have the right to be informed and have access to high quality journalists, regardless of its origin. another over a headline story today, a us marine officer known for as i've spoken criticism of the u. s. police from a gas stove has been sent to a military jail. that's after he published a series of videos saying he couldn't stay silent after serving in the military for 17 years and losing colleagues. and last months, couple report suicide bombing. people are upset because they're senior leaders, let them down. and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability are saying we messed this up. i'm not saying we've got to be in the, in afghanistan forever. but i am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate bob graham airfield, the strategic berries before we evacuate everyone. i am submitting charges
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a guest general mackenzie for his bad assumptions. now, because i've been dated, but because the senior leaders need to be help towel to the same standard as us, i the the, the, the extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, gravely and selfless courage of united states, military and our diplomats. and intelligence professionals, it was designed to save american lives on one month
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on no top u. s. military official has face to any action for the gun that's done withdrawal tobacco. we spoke to us marine reserve as to believe stewart sheller was punished for speaking up in order to set an example. the woke generals in the depth and everybody else. they see him as a threat, so they need it. they need to shut him up. joe, what did they do? they gave him a gag order right now. now he's going to go to the break. now he's facing charges. and i personally think that they're also trying to make an example out and showing the world. okay. if you're going to do this, if you're going to speak out against us, we're gonna, we're going to hit hard and you're probably going to phase military prison, which is unfortunately, that looks like it was some of the targets of steward. shoulders criticism were grilled in congress. this week over the key arctic afghan withdrawal, with senior american military officials making last struck many as per excuses for
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more help and take a listen. the fact that the african army that we in our partners trained simply melted away in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise, and it would be dishonest to claim otherwise. i was there a couple times in 2006. i was there in 2011. i was there and, but i, every time they got worse and get better. so there's going to be a surprise, isn't it true that you've left americans behind on august the 31st. there are americans, there were americans, there was still in enough dentistry. and you know, are we continue to work to try to nobody was manning up to a nobody was owning the disaster. they're just trying to make it go away. nobody raised their hand in hand and said this is on me. and they're just trying to sweep it under the rug and distract, distract, distract, and move on to the next thing. and nothing was being done about it. so after the whole incident occurred, a week or so passed and nobody said anything. and then now lieutenant colonel
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sheller made that, made that video on his laptop and all he did, he didn't ask for anything completely unreasonable. all i did was he asked for accountability and he asked for answers. and in the military accountability is a major thing. when you're scheduling a major evacuation of a country you've been in for 20 years, there is no excuse to not be on the same page. there's no excuse to come up with an effective bullet proof plan to evacuate successfully. there's another thing in the military called leave. no man behind. and that's also another thing we did. we left hundreds of americans behind. so since nobody was really stepping up to the plate, the tenant colonel sheller decided to be the 1st one to come public and criticize the leadership patrol station punch up in the you can tell the more besides, after the shortest of bricks c 92nd. oh
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i i, i use i use me a try now with so many inputs on a daily basis that are completely i'm related to reality. so think about how in
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social media filters and they basically present themselves and the very unrealistic way. and so we come out of fomo, there is and be involved more than that. it's about the sort of envious or something that may not exist. and it is also really tied to the fact that humans, we want to be part of the crowd o a quarter of an hour into the program. you're welcome back. unger, over fuel shortages is boiling over in the u. k with violence flooring up at petrol stations. on tuesday, a man in london was sing confronting a driver while holding what looked like a knife. this is video of the incense which played out a part for chords. allegedly, the flare up happened because the driver tried to jump the queue on was injured, and those involved had left by the time police right now, our teeth poly biker has been looking into why the fuel shortage is triggering much
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i, i think this is, this is patch a crisis time and the day has come that finally need some petrol in my car. so i'm going to go and try and find them. now i'm on a bit less than a quarter of a tank. definitely less than quarterly. thank. close to kind of dangerously low on patch roll. first thing we're doing, by the way, as a little aside, is picking up from jerry can for, for my friend who is pregnant and has run out of petrol. this is the kind of stuff that's going to get you be to know sort of petrol station. they're going to be like read rags to both social media has really fed this crisis. so there is a practice nation that me,
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me petrol station. number one. look it up. sorry, no fuel. you haven't been able to. what for delivering clue the delivery. and you've been unable to work from the day because there's been no petra barclay what an awful lot was that to me that you need to drive thrive because that's what this is federal station number and it looks like there is absolutely nothing. this is pretty di, and i believe we talked about you guys have your supplies somewhere you know of any places where there might be that show that was a policeman who just called me at the b p petrol station. it's about 10 minutes drive from here. how did delivery this morning,
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but apparently mental that is where we're going to go now in order to give it a guy. oh, my god, let it run. because they've got petro, it must be so this is patched station number 3, and look at the key of work ready, monday or tuesday. i'm just going to work with tomorrow that i know to people here . that's good enough that you'll have to terry kendall to. it's actually crazy, the amount of people that don't fuel. i don't think that that there will be no, this is basically blocking of traffic access to the schedule station is blocking off traffic. people actually getting around the round about you did not get to and in britain i tell you, this is quite the must be pulled up. i'm wondering if i'm only my couple of just one way. no children. why don't think, yeah, the police and was like, oh,
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it meant the good luck. it looks like we may actually be able to get petro if it doesn't run out right in front of our noses. yeah. can you tell me what's it been like for the past school day? we don't really on board and i can provide a warm i spoke to 2nd. but if you don't know any problem so i don't know, full garage is nothing going to work for that. no contact number 3. thank you very much. i also have jerry cad, which might get me be to not shaming going on. i'm going to get a thing for the jerry finally happening. i can only fill up towns about the petro because that's the safety possible thing to do.
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i'm making a real math. i know you've never done this before. i haven't done this. didn't tune up for them to tell you what companies around when you want to come out the the key, the q 5. sorry, that was exciting. i got into a bit of a flap because i feel like i thought i'd be filling up the jerry can if somebody stockpiling petro whereas i was just getting it for a friend. now about an hour and a half ago we started, i mean, the street sense of relief and a little bit of emptiness as well. a feud between serbia and casa over rude access shows no sign of abating nato troops in kosovo have not bolstered
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their presence on the serbian border. the commission president has called. busy on both sides to show restraint. the current res intentions between possible in serbia is very concerning, is worrying. it is essential to lower the attention and to return to the dialogue. so far though, there is no sign of de escalation. filmmaker journalist boris molig risky sent us this report from the frontier while the pen stand off between belgrade and prestige and causal has everyone wondering whether the next war in the balkans will start over a license plate ro serves here. have been protesting for the past 10 days against his license plate ban, a ban on serbian license plates, imposed by the prestige authorities that call it reciprocal measures. but belgrade actually calls it
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a violation of the brussels agreement that was signed in 2013. and the violation of the basic human rights of serbs, the freedom of movement and not addition emotion. the repeated new people can no longer tolerate the tyranny, harassment and oppression. we don't want to face the same fate from central cost as well. we can believe me that i have not and will move on to take this patient. and these are, of course, also as we know, has been as many administered by the united nations as since 999 after nato bomb serbia to take control of its southern province of called civil that is declared independence in 2008. something that has not been recognized by about half of the world countries, including russia and china, but much of the western countries consider cost of both an independent country. now, serbia has sent its military forces to the administrative crossings, of course. and what makes this stand off different than the stand off in the path
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is, serbia, is a parent readiness to flex its military muscle. they have called unforeseen or to remove the license plate band, while christina has called them belgrade to ease up on the tension. however, whether belgrade it's actually ready to use military force to protect the serbs in constable remains a question. also a little bit more in this story we heard from political analyst nicholas markovich . he thinks cost of always been emboldened by foreign support. just one new crisis, as you've seen many every, every these past years and this is not something actually renewed when deeper. what is new is that, and you see again that in this situation for the 1st time, certainly got afraid to flex it's muscle. that red line has been crossed. nato is responsible of this situation. if nato had not on illegally yugoslavia in 1989, we would not have pen situation. we do have in coastal mentor and service. so i
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think the fact that nato has not been capable of managing the situation which has created it. so it is definitely not a good idea to have nato forces, again, on, on, on the administrative border between central serbia and co, civil admin, tokyo. but then the western organizations have shown that they have failed, totally failed in the balcony. and they should let the nation take over and probably maybe let the surgeons and albanians and countries from that region to the patrician between themselves for as a reminder, our t as always, has plenty more content waiting few on our social channels on instagram. and you can find a man in london, but she devi, in his latest video post, he explores whether artificial intelligence could lead to the end of humanity. as we know it. the $100.00, the artificial intelligence determined that machines did not pose
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a threat to human college, but they've updated it to send out the warning letter. that's right, that's a good of us. the concluding the in just falling short. yes. he's so much in areas like speech recognition language, probably decision making, others that we should start getting a little bit worried and keep close on. the field of artificial intelligence has made remarkable progress in the past 5 years and is having real world impact on people. institutions and culture on the left of the 15 talk at halogen, they can predict disease in the human body for even happened real problems. i think for themselves we will start to trust them even by mostly by phone. i really like the big study says i always driving misinformation, even discrimination against people who are actually lead to some of them coming to home already to i'm soon phone and tell me you can get food. i
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even mosque. yes. that was never to bolt. i always loved to be contained and if i forget that much more tenfold in the mac bought off the that when you do the heads of a russian cybersecurity company has been detained in moscow on there's no facing charges of treason with more on the arrest heres for among cost with ilia such golf, a 35 year old entrepreneur has been detained by the russian authorities organ charges of state. treat treason that happened just a day after his company offices of the russian capital were search. now a little bit about the company, the name is group i b, and that makes information. security software also provides internet copyrights protection services, of course, is dealing with cyber crime as well. now back in 2016,
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it is such called he was rated by the forbes to be among the 30 most promising russian and super nurse. and he has the further accolades from the top 5 consultants, ernst and young, who named them answer printer of the year for 3 times now, if convicted of stay trees and such causes, facing up to 20 years behind bars, criminal spokesperson. dmitri fiscal has reacted to this little bit earlier, saying that this case has nothing to do with a business or investment climate in russia. it has to do with state treason and nothing to do with the economy. now we got a word from the companies spokespeople as well, and they said that the global operations of group i b will not be interrupted and they will continue doing business as usual, making profits of the sickest and society. life insurance is in the dark next. not
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sure. a short duck explores what's an increasingly lucrative business day with us for ah, join me every thursday on the alex salmon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century. what other chapters called gun violence school shootings, homelessness 1st, it was my job and then it was my family. didn't was my savings. i have nothing. i have nothing and it's not like i don't try. i look for resources, i look for jobs,
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i look for everything i can to make this pass. and i end up doing testing the road to the american dream, paved with dead refugees at this very idealized image of the older america, native americans look past the death that happened every single day. this is a modern history of the usa, america on r t and your media reflection of reality. the in a world transformed what will make you feel safer. type relation or community. you going the right way? where are you being somewhere? which direction? what is truth is faith in the world corrupted. you need to
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defend the join us in the depths remained in the shallows. ah, in the me me ah. so my father, when i was a kid, he was raising us while going to college and working full time job and sometimes to .


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