tv News RT September 30, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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people out there, i guess, hoping that people die soon. what kind of motivation is i give them when i start crying about them dying? that's usually what it's about. it's just the sheer unfairness of it all. the. it was an extraordinary disaster. if we didn't have a president that was so battled you all would be fired. i don't think anyone controls anything. this president says about up against us. it will make his stone joe biden, and he's top brass. i was something congressman coding washington. she drove from i can't stand, we are. so if the whole half gun campaign might be a biggest failure in just the land itself, also comes from the wall of shame. that spells out. i'm not how some encourage come to view the power. so the these up in arms over the
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construction of a wall designed to keep drug addict side saying no, it's in humane. and i make it really feels like a zombie apocalypse movie since last week we have faith assault after assault. after we put them to one side like animal, it's a long western tradition segregate new comment and i'm good. school is over in the u. k. feel sure. do the pet stations across the country? the government, ny deploying is reserved, a fleeting attempt to resolve the crisis pointing boy, going to keep the pump. i think the frames, ah,
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well can you watching out into national us lawmakers blush, dr. joe biden. and his top military command is that the latest congressional hearing on the afghan is down, withdrew the by the administration. has received a lot of flack over this some recent weeks with some calling the police humiliating for washington. well, here are just some of the accusations that have been fired, the president and his team. we have poured cash and blood and credibility into a ghani government. that was a mirage. it fell immediately. we were buying into the big lie, the big law that this, that this was going to be successful that we could ever rely on the afghan stand government for anything at all. here's the thing. there's only 3 possibilities here . either the president lied to the american people, or he legitimately cannot remember the counsel of his top military advisors in winding down the longest war in american history. or you have not been fully
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accurate under oath. we didn't have a president that was so adult. you all would be fired. while in light of those accusations, many ask whether there would have been any real changes enough gonna stand security situation. if the american troops actually remain there. the morphine now looks deeper into the probe and explains why washington's biggest mistake might be not the police itself, but the whole afghan campaign from start to finish. the testimony before congress was damning. not only was the pull out of afghanistan fiasco, but the campaign failed to achieve its primary aim. it was an extraordinary disaster. it will go down in history, is one of the greatest failures of american leadership. we have 0 presence in afghanistan. it could be as little as 12 months before i cater will use afghans as a base conduct as a base to conduct air strikes or strikes against united states. frankly, after this debacle of withdrawal. i don't think anyone can trust anything. this
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president says about afghanistan. we need to consider some uncomfortable truths that we did not fully comprehend the depth of corruption and poor leadership in their senior ranks. that we did not grass a damaging effect of frequent and unexplained rotations by president gunny of his commanders. and that we fail to fully grasp that there was only so much for which and for whom many of the afghan forces what's fight. so after an entire war aimed to eliminate a terrorist threat to america, that threat could now be worse to real possibility. in a not too distant future, 612182436 months. that time of timeframe for recalls, tuition about carter, isis, terrorist organizations seek on govern spaces so that they can train and equip and thrive. and there is clearly a possibility that that can happen here. going forward. afghanistan in effect now has become an entire terrorist state tele bond,
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even though they may think that they're trying to govern that place itself to split . and already we're seeing isis attacking caliber on. and there's no guarantee them that taliban can ensure that attacks will not be planned and launched from that. but from afghanistan thought there were more revelations in the testimony, apparently behind closed doors. the biden administration was more divided on afghanistan. i think while we've, it's conceivable that you could stay there. my view is that you would have had to deploy more forces in order to protect ourselves and accomplish any mission that we would have been assign. it appears that the department of defense was not fully on board with pulling out of afghanistan, and they are arguing for maintaining some presence in the country. my view was that we needed to maintain about 2500. and we also needed to work with our coalition partners. we had about 6000 troops and their nato and other core countries that
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would, that would remain there. this flies in the face of the biden administration's claim that pulling out was the unanimous decision. it's unclear what would really change if the united states stayed in the country. it has been 20 years after all, and the security situation in afghanistan has not improved. so maybe the mistake wasn't pulling out in 2021, but rather going in in 2001. now that's a discussion you won't hear on capitol hill, but it's probably taking place in many american mines for officials on top de la phill to attribute that. so way to the somewhat chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan is completely absurd. if us official had dealt with the crime on september the 11th, that's what they were and found out who was responsible and brought them to justice . you know, this would have been, you know, at this point something that just something that happened 20 years ago that was
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dealt with. instead, they used september, the 11th as a pretext for 20 years of war. what the so called war on terra was doing, was feeling terrorism and the just armed resistance in country after country the united states has, has actually increased the risk of terrorism. and his mounting and a parish suburb over the construction of a was designed to keep drug use his eyes. however, instead of solving the problem, lycos the sites actually making matters worse. and this turned the area into a living hell. charlotte davinsky has their story. the writing is on the wall quite literally the wall of shame, that's what the graffiti spells out. and that's how some encourage have come to
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view this. this barrier has been built to hide one of the cities, ugliest problems. crack addiction for months, drug use is turned hawk. it will in the 19th, decent paris and the surrounding streets into a living nightmare for locals. now they have been moved to around this location, meaning the problem haven't been tackled. it's just a new set of glucose to deal with what it really feels like a zombie apocalypse movie. this last week we have faced assault after assault theft after fest. my neighbor is still in hospital at the trying to catch a drug addict who robbed him. he was beaten up. noel says this neighborhood has long suffered problems, but this addition of more than a 100 drug addicts on the doorstep only creates greater insecurity. that's been done. yeah, we are almost a breaking point. there's a feeling of nervousness,
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violence. we think about it every day or even after all myself, with protective equipment. it's such a take us a taser or a but why? because just last weekend they were 5 fight that happened on friday, then saturday and sunday they just didn't stop there. we have drug addicts who come here every day because they need crack. this war was hastily built with the authority saying that it was necessary to protect glucose from the drug uses. but it happened to walking around in the neighborhood. we have seen everything from spilling over into commercial areas and drug deals, taking place openly in the metro is mounting here, locals, all protesting against the fact that they have been on the doorstep just last. i'm angry because these people are being treated like animals. we countries, people like that, we can just move them to place further away from very well known color. why are we
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angry today? because of everything that's happened. we're always been attacked. it's getting worse and worse, women are being the salted threat and we must find a solution to the problem. and we find that scandalous. there you go. we have to do something proving so did. so on the instead of relocating people to good neighborhood where moving them to areas that already have difficulty with them, they just shifted the problem a few blocks away. instead of building the infrastructure to accommodate the people about it's an acceptable bill. collector, we are angry because instead of taking care of the deprived migrant population, we put them to one side like animals. it's a long western tradition to segregate newcomers, to put problems, to one side instead of folding them, it's nothing new. the fascist were very good at it, said due to the medical supervision have been approved by the government, but every time a location is suggested. positions from people who are buying
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some lightening the plan to putting crock and they know the menu, schools, injury and children. cool is some things that are like a logical and also the psychiatric need. there are between 130 and 150 men and some women live in, in a kind of shanty town on the outskirts of paris in totally unsanitary conditions. they need social and health care, not this type of security response. they had already been abandon later play of insecurity, which really gets really awful things out. and even sometimes the army has been called in to help and the government has launched its reserve. tankersley has britain continues to rage over petro shortages. it has sparks,
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chaotic scenes in the country this week as people panic by fuel. and it's also seen violence. the pump too, with a man in the capitol, apparently confronting a drive a hare. while holding a knife. the me well, the massive keys there and panic, buying kicked off last week after oil firm b. p wound they would have to temporarily closed some of the petrol stations due to a lack of laurie drive is needed to deliver fuel to the pump. i think for the boy took her turn to fill up the tank
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patch crisis time and the day has come the finally need some petros in my car. so i am going to go and try and find some. now i'm on a bit less than a quarter of a tank. definitely less than quarter of a tank close to kind of dangerously low on petrol. first thing we're doing, by the way, as a little aside, is picking up from jerry can or from my friend who is pregnant and has run out of petro. this is the finest chocolate is going to get you be to know sort of petrol station. they're going to be like red rags, full social media has really fed this crisis. so there is a practice nation. me, me to say some number one. look it up. sorry, no fuel. you haven't been able to watch for delivering clued. yeah,
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you're delivering and you've been unable to work from day because there's been no petra one or your last name for dr. dr. okay, got that. so this is central station number and it looks like there is absolutely nothing. this is pretty di and i believe we talked about lender. you guys have your own supplies somewhere. okay. do you know of any places where there might be patch? oh, that was a policeman who just called me the bp petrol station. about 10 minutes drive from here. had a delivery this morning, but apparently it was mental that and where we're going to go now in order to give it a guy. oh my god like it's rammed because they've got, it must be there. so this is patrick station number 3,
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and look at the kids. i miss today's of was already monday, tuesday. i'm just trying to work with tomorrow that i know to people here. that's been enough that your talk to terry kendall to it's actually crazy. the amount of people that don't feel, i don't think that that there will be no, this is basically blocking of traffic that access to the central station is blocking off traffic. people actually getting around the round about you did not get to you. and in britain, i tell you, this is quite up . i'm wondering if i'm phone late, my coupled with just one way think no children, why don't you know the police and was like, oh it meant the good luck it looks like we may actually be able to get patch or if it doesn't run out right in front of our noses. yeah.
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can you tell me what's it been like for the past school day? we don't read yesterday, i'm going to go to my rating and warm. i spoke to thank you very much. if you don't know any problem, so i don't know, full garage is nothing money going to we could work it out. yeah, no panic, 5, number 3. thank you very much. i also have jerry, which might get me be to not shaming going on. i'm going to get a thing for the jerry. yeah. finally happening. i can only fill up the petrol because that's the thing possible thing to do. i'm making a real mass. you've never done this before. i haven't done this. didn't tune up for them to tell you what?
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no, there's no coverage around when you want to cover. just fill out the the key, the q 5. sorry, that was exciting. i got into a bit of a flap because i feel like i thought i'd be attacked filling up the jerry can, if somebody stockpiling petro whereas i was just getting it for a friend. now about probably an hour and a half ago we started, i mean, $0.03 a release and a little bit of emptiness as well. trying to fill up in the u. k. then i break through these getting some of the blame for brits having to line up for petrol with the country, using many european drivers for it ditched e membership. as a partial remedy, the u. k. government has now offered temporary visas to thousands of foreign fuel
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tanka and heavy goods vehicle drivers that would last until christmas. however many, including an official from a dutch trades union have rejected the idea this offering of shows interest, no strategic strategy to solve the issue in the industry. because shot that song virus is foreseen for many years already. and the reason why there are a lower number of divers drive a simply leave the profession because the working conditions are not what it should be. and this will not be solved when handing out 5000 fish out and are analyzes u. k is now in the perfect storm, perfect storm and a negative weight. because to watch it, many your workers who work inside the u. k. left the u. k already far, because it was in the stable but the fuel cases, the problem at the moment. but it's to do with the general public, they are the ones who are causing that issue a shortage of fuel, but it's
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a shortage of drive. most people simply buying too much fuel and the same goes on. sure. but even the worst sort of jumping. now this person has got to realize that they can get sure no problem as a genuine concern for ki, walk us through, can all get better stations genuine. we need to get fuel to get to the what the government well talking about. and it was almost like the government. and then while the case mobilizes the army to candidates fuel crisis across in mainland europe, the u has decided to keep funding fossil fuel projects until 2027 parent li, going against the box policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. we'll have the details just after the break. ah, i
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join me every thursday on the alex salmon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me . what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy fontaine, and let it be an arms race is often very dramatic developments. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk a try now where we received so many inputs on a daily basis that are completely related to reality. so think about how in social media filters and they basically present themselves in very unrealistic way. and so
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we come out of fomo and be involved more than that. it's about the sort of envious or something that may not exist. and it is also really tied to the fact that as humans we want to be part of the crowd. ah, welcome back and gas prices, happy to new high in europe, reaching out $1150.00 for 1000 cubic meters earlier today. and the prices have been skyrocketing since the beginning of september, and it's not only gas to which europe desperately needs at the moment. because report say that the was forced to ask russia for more coal emitter looming energy shortage. europe has been struggling to reduce his consumption of coal in line with policies and limiting greenhouse gases, but is to me, she po, can, i explains those green energy ambitions might have to take a step back. environmentalism is all the rage right now,
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but mother nature doesn't always play ball. winter comes whether there's wind enough or not to power the turbines and where it's freezing cold. no one actually cares if gas and coal aren't green. energy prices are skyrocketing in europe and environmental initiatives seem to only be making things worse. the fact that wind farms are useless when there's no wind is a big problem for the likes of the u. k. for example, where they're supposed to produce around 20 percent of the country's energy supply . so it's back to dirtier forms of power. less than that we need to learn that fossil fuels are still needed in the energy mix in order to back up renewable energy. because if we continue to remove all the bases capacity that is coming from sources like gas called a nuclear, without having something that's like come backups the intermittency of wind and
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solar. then we will be having tight situations of the one that we are experiencing at the moment. take the current unreliability of wind and solar, add the increased demand and low supply of coal and natural gas throughout the continent. plus all the carbon permit fees for coal producers. and you've got a perfect recipe for energy crisis, but somehow no one saw it coming. not a good start for what the likes of ursula underlines they will be a defining era for environmentalism. it is a pleasure to welcome you to this conference on the make a break decade for climate action. the next 10 years might be a turning point. first and foremost, for global c o. 2 emissions. good luck with that 3 month after she said that and you lawmakers are already extending subsidies for fossil fuel gas until 2027. all the while the energy commission insist that it had nothing to do with the crisis. the current increase in energy prices has little to do with our climate policies
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and much what to do with our dependence on volatile foreign fossil fuels. right. and the price of coal permits which have more than doubled over the past few years . probably also had nothing to do with the current situation, but higher coal prices and a shortage of supply isn't justice acting europe right now. china is also having a hard time with the whole environmentally friendly approached energy. large sectors of the countries industry have been crippled by energy shortages and regions are being forced to ration power with chinese governments calling for an increase in coal imports. and we're not even into winter yet. going green is trendy and it sounds nice, but in reality we're a long way off before it's actually practical until then it seems non green energy sources are here to stay, trying to limit them without thinking of the consequences is simply a recipe for disaster. at the moment we have to state that physically it's impossible to get rid of all the fulfill if you will,
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sources for energy production. if we did not get now nuclear power production and a little later on and achieve production from coal, we could maybe use less natural gas. but natural gas seems to be the major backbone. so usually for promot, providing a stable energy production at with natural gas. you can quickly lift up energy production level when wind stop blowing when it start already strained relations between the u. k. in front of being tested further by a surgeon migrant crossings on the english channel. the number of refugee boats making that journey to britain has doubled since last year, and it seemed london and paris exchange threats over what should be done.
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we need to see less channel crossings each month. not more. it's vital france acts to stop boats leaving and worked with britain unreturned. the former lives a lost front, won't accept any behavior that reaches maritime law and financial blackmail. great britain must own its commitment. the friendship between our 2 countries deserves better than posturing that undermine corporation. between all services, as far as the u. k, has confirmed the, the french have obligations and duties to alleviate the crisis and seeing as they have not been met at all. he's the 54000000 pounds check to the french should be ripped up. the situation is only getting better. i'm the statistics speak for themselves a numerous single day this year over $700.00 refugees made it to pretty sure bringing the total to at least $17000.00 up from around 8500 last year. and now the government says it needs new laws to deal with the crisis. this is
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a complicated issue, requiring changes to our laws. the government's new plan for migration provides the only long term solution to fix the broken system and delivered the change required to tackle criminal gangs and prevent further loss of life. pretty good for tao has been recent times wrapped up rhetoric declaring that the english channel route would be shut off entirely. and all full of policy has been thought off to make that happen. most recently, the nationality and board as bill which criminalizes such coughing so far have already been $300.00 arrest with $65.00 convictions. plus the bill grounds. border forces further powers 1st baffled back into french waters, which is apparently prevented will than 12000 attempts. the campaign to say these policies are totally inhumane. every time the home secretary talks about people smugglers, she ignores her own failure to open up safe and legal asylum routes. we urgently need new approach to asylum in this country. i spoke to local people haven't days
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or about what should could be done, who is to blame, and whether the government has adopted the right approach. they could face from the other side. how many fails and thousands of people. it seems we can predict the french don't care because said go to the british problem is we really need to work for the french to stop the people whole process as long as the french are completely wrong. the french are happy, just dumped them in boats is really nice and they should be born here in a different, proper way. not put onto a given money to, to get them here. seems to be the french don't want to stop. and if you come into the country, you have to report to a playstation playstation. so you know, once they come in, you lose and they go to ground. so you don't know where they don't know where they are. the asylum seekers attempting to cross the channel being crammed into tiny
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boats and things that are designed for 21 mile journey, not least at times with triple the recommended capacity. it must also be said, the english channel is one of the wells and busiest shipping lane. so when people say it's a life threatening journey, it's no exaggeration. despite the dangerous thousands are still taking the risk which perhaps things volumes of just how desperate they are to escape, where they have come from, shot edwards dash the all to dover. finally, it's not often that you hear about comedians getting angry or the criticism, but an article on the news website. the conversation has enraged some performers in the united states because it has put forward the idea that only liberal comedians are actually funny come with his theorists tend to diminish or at least distinguish roy with humor, from what they do to be more authentic liberal humor less controls 95 percent of
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comedy outlets, but that's not enough. they want to size the few comedians who poked his away. comedy is comedy. there are no restrictions to make fun of. when someone tries to tell you what is off limits for comedy, that means it's don't get scared. well, there's also a liner in the article that walks the conservative comic grad, greg gut feld. he's been a t v hugs to one of america's most popular night tv programs, and even comics with left leaning political views to have criticized the piece. but we got the thoughts of comedians evans, science and ron actually the left that has the hard time punching up, making jokes even about themselves. whereas the political right to make jokes about themselves, because they don't think humor as part of warfare. they think i'm humorous part of entertainment. the problem is the radical left the left, jimmy kimball's and. ready the steven crow bears they've been weaponized comedy as far as can you be.
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