tv News RT September 30, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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oh, the the, the wall of shame that graffiti spells out, i'm not how some in paris have come to view base. paris suburb is up at om. so over the construction of a wall designed in theory to keep drug addicts out saying it's been humane. and in practice certainly makes matters worse. it really feels like a zombie apocalypse movie. this last week we have faced assault after assault, left after we put them to one side like animal. it's a long western traditions to segregate new commons. the canadian military chiefs who saw the pandemic because charles protest propaganda own citizens. according to a troubling i'll be report and imprison activists has gone on hunger strike in the
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us after he was allegedly stripped of his phone and the claims of sexual harassment were ignored. we'll talk to martha golf felt wife about his condition like to this hour. ah, hello, says the evening at 9. i'm calling bray. welcome to your well these from our see international. first for you, then anger is mounting and a paris suburb over the construction of a wall designed to keep drug or the drug addicts out. but instead of solving the problem, the residents say that it's actually made matters worse. and it's turn that area into a living hell, charlotte to bend ski takes up their story. the writing is on the wall, quite literally the wall of shame. that's what the graffiti spells out. and that's how some encourage come to view this. this barrier has been built to hide one of
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the cities, ugliest problems. crack addiction for most drug uses turned hawk. it will in the 19th, decent paris and the surrounding streets into a living nightmare for locals. now they have be moved to around this location, meaning that the problem haven't been tackled. it's just a new set of glucose to deal with what you'd really feels like a zombie apocalypse movie. since last week we have faced assault after assault theft after 1st, my neighbor is still in hospital at the trying to catch a drug addict who robbed him. he was beaten up. noel says, this neighborhood has long suffered problems, but this addition of more than a 100 drug addicts on the doorstep only creates greater insecurity. that's been done. yeah, we are almost a breaking point. there's a feeling of nervousness violent. we think about it every day or even after all
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myself, with protective equipment. it's gus, a taser or a but why? because just as we can, there were 5 fights that happened on friday, then saturday and sunday they just didn't stop. we have drug addicts who come here every day because they knew crack, the war was hastily built with the authority saying that it was necessary to protect glucose from the drug uses. but it happened to walking around in that neighborhood. we have seen everything from spilling over into commercial areas and drug deals taking place in the, in the metro is mounting here, locals, all protesting against the fact that they have essentially been on the doorstep. just know who left. i'm angry because these people are being treated like animals. we countries, people like that. we can just move them to place further away from various well known color. why are we angry today because of everything that's happened?
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well, we've been attacked. it's getting worse and worse. women are being sold, it threatens, we must find a solution to the problem and we find that counselors, there you go, we have to do something proving. so do you still want to instead of relocating people to good neighborhood, we're moving them to areas that already have difficulty with them. they just shifted the problem a few blocks away. instead of building the infrastructure to accommodate the people about it's an acceptable go left. we are angry because instead of taking care of the deprived migrate population, we put them to one side like animals. it's a long western tradition to segregate new comments, to put problems, to one side instead of holding them. it's nothing new to fascist. we're very good at it, said the medical supervision have been approved by the government, but every time a location is projected. every physician from people who are buying
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some lightning the plan putting rock and they know the menu schools get injuring children. cool is some things that are like a logical and also the psychiatric needs. there are about a 130 and a 150 men and some women living in a kind of shanty town on the outskirts of paris in totally unsanitary conditions. they need social and health care, not this type of security response. they had already been about. this is the major player insecurity, which really can send things out and sometimes and you can aden, ami reporters refilled that military bosses so the pandemic as a quote, unique opportunity to test propaganda on the population. the plans were implemented, but disturbingly army chiefs thought they didn't need approval from higher
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authorities. separate officials of the military headquarters was such policies are not usually deployed against citizens domestically and have the potential to be abused by targeting government critics. the campaign called for shaping and exploiting information. c, j o. c claim. the information operation scheme with needed the head of civil disobedience by canadians during the karone of ours pandemic, and to bolster government messages about the pandemic. this project which attempted to shape and exploit information was launched in april of 2020 without the request or even permission of cabinet. and even though then, chief of the defense staff, general john vance, gave verbal orders to shut down the initiative that very same month report show that these influence activities as the military likes to call them, continued for 6 more months until events finally submitted a written edict in november and now you might be wondering how such authoritarian
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and frankly even mackey value and projects could be allowed to take place in a supposedly liberal country like canada, is specially since canadian law states that the military is specifically forbidden from using psychological operations or a cy, ups within canada, unless given explicit permission from the federal government? well, it turns out that the answer there is essentially creative semantics. you see, according to the department of national defense, cy ops are only used abroad and they are, of course, completely and totally different from what it is. instead choosing to refer to as information, operation, campaigns. sure. and as terrible as all the sounds. the sad truth is that this isn't even the 1st time that the canadian military has set its sites upon fellow law abiding canadians. another initiative, this one spearheaded by intelligence officers focused on gathering data from the social media profiles of canadians, is included collecting data on b, l. m. leaders and collecting posts that discussed public opinion of ontario premier
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doug ford. all of this is specially when combined with the increasingly strict code protocols put in place by the federal and provincial gover. mintz paint's a grim picture for canada's future. it seems increasingly like canadians are finding themselves in a position where their own government and yes, even their own military views them as the enemy and a group to be controlled. curious attendance this you might want to take a look at when it comes to fighting cove at one canadian believe she became an enemy of the state self recovering from the disease without taking a backseat. you can read more about column, it's rachel miles than on off the don't call this one. it's a stance on how the country's government messages. she says we use to cross critical and independent thought of facebook's head of safety has been grilled by us senators over the effect that the companies instagram platform has on young people's mental health. it comes after leak research from the photo sharing site
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suggested that it harms children's well being right across this forest life to us, corresponding kind of morgan that cal, it sounds like it's been post by its own petard instagram with sentences angry. what they so sure. facebook is in the hot seat once again. this time over a new report that shows it buried information about the damaging effects of the app known as instagram. it has weaponized childhood vulnerability against children themselves is chosen growth over children's mental, ill and well being, greed over preventing the suffering of children. this seems to be a recurring theme with this company. do everything and anything to mould the world into your own image, for your own profit without any regard for any harm that is going to be done
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because your focus is on your pocket book. facebook is just like big tobacco pushing, a product that they know is harmful to the health of young people, pushing it to them early. also facebook can make money. i g stands for instagram, but it also stands for insta, greed. now facebook has even had to postpone the rolling out of a new app directed kids ages 13 and under the after it was revealed by the wall street journal that facebook's own internal research showed the negative teen mental health effects caused by the instagram app we make body image issues worse, one in 3 teen girls, teens blame instagram for increases in rate of inside sea and depression. among
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teens who reported suicidal thoughts, 13 percent of british suicidal teenagers, and 6 percent of americans suicidal teenagers, listed instagram as having an impact on their desire to kill themselves. now the tech giant fiercely disputed the investigation said that it was cherry picking facts. but this is certainly not the 1st time that men many have raised these concerns and the senate hearing then published 2 internal reports about the casual link between mental health and the well being of the app and facebook. it should be noted, it has a long history of downplaying. these mental health concerns the research that we've seen is using social apps to connect with other people can have positive mental health benefits. now no wonder are,
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according to another leaked document, facebook has been exploring new ways to try and capture the pre teen market. but an absolute majority of americans say they want big tack and social media to be more highly regulated. they are deeply concerned about this ongoing issue. despite this bipartisan consensus, we don't seem to hear any solid regulatory proposals. okay, in the meantime then caleb, i guess it's time for parents to think about limiting screen time until annuity at capitol hill makes any decisions kind of more than thank you. ok you without c from moscow on the way more of our headline news, the hacker joe, for a decade for taking a children's hospital offline and protested how one of the patients was being treated. but now he's on hunger strike after allegedly having his phone confiscated and for being put in solitary confinement. his wife said it's too much. we speak to
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jamie diamond was critical, a big claim starting what it was, a $200.00 a point. it's now around 45000 point depending the points out 10 x from here. so he's looking for up to $450.00 to $5.00, and about a coin. the hello again, us activist martin got felt whose job for carrying out a cyber attack on a hospital to expose its questionable treatment of a teenage girl. it's back in the news. his wife claims he's currently on hunger strike in solitary confinement. me earlier this month's small things wife stay now claims that he was stripped of his phone after she gave a recording of a conversation between the 2 of them to
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r t. she also shared a recent letter from martin with us. this is what he says about it. inmates may submit telephone numbers for any person. they choose including numbers for members of the news media. the relevant program statements has nothing about limiting media interviews, no width of the incident report allege, let alone provide a scintilla of evidence that i circle, invented the ability of stuff to monitor frequency of telephone youth content of the call, or the number called federal bureau of prisons knew the content of the call as it purports to quote its contents in the incident report. b a p new the number called earlier. martin also claimed that he was sexually abused by a unit manager in prison and that his complaints were ignored. and course held story began in 2014, when he sought to fight for what he believed was the right thing to do. me,
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awe news, the highly emotive story. mountains. why stay in a join us now? good to have you with us on, on a 1st of all, what do you know of martin's current condition? i think it's good to be here and today i believe is the day of the hunger strike. and the starting solitary confinement and special housing unit or shoe of the cmu by the communications management. what exactly is the on hunger strike for what was the last time 8th, anything?
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the last time anyone heard from him is september 23rd. and when he put it in, in solitary, it usually almost always comes with a hunger strike. the conditions are still deplorable from water, the drinking water that corrode metal q hot steam pipes. it's very dangerous. i presume that you've tried to speak to the prison authorities about this, what they told you. and his case manager, rebecca del, i won't confirm to his attorney, it's about who's got it disciplinary status. she will tell us how long he's going to be inside the shoe. we really can't get any information. she said we can write him a letter, but with the delay and the turnaround on letters, there would be a month before we heard back from him. given that he's in a high security facility, i'd imagine that it's, it's pretty tough in that for any body. do you think that the drastic action that
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he's taking might change his situation in any way? i should hope so. that's so scary. i spoke to a lawyer the other week that told me that it's the worst prison in the united states. and the issue is different than even the issue that they use for the rest of the facilities. it's really scary and i can only hope that things are okay. i mean the last you didn't put an issue that she before and earlier last year and he could only drink water 3 times a week during the shower because like i said, the water is just totally non potable. ok. and what about the claims of sexual assaults? that your husband's made, if you, if you get a wall of silence from the prison authorities, presumably on such a serious accusation as that of the other agencies, you can go to that you can get help from over that to get any kind of investigation started. yeah, so that the man in question is the unit manager for the c n u,
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as well as for death row, his name is todd royer. he also, his family runs a business called trailers in indiana, and he has actually abused numbered inmates. in marty's case, he looked at and while he was in the nude investigating and he's done with other people, he stuck his hand and occupied showers, have gone into cells and sported and off camera. in it display, i guess as dominant and sexual intimidation. the, there's a ton of a ton of rules on the books about korea and that's the prison, rape elimination act. and how the people that accuse others are supposed to be protected and how investigations and none of that is happening. and we expect catherine, sir, vault is the lawyer for the prison to be blocking. let us to
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b o y g i g is the internal watched out for the joke. the office of inspector general led by michael corbett and we have submitted complaints and we hope that will investigate so far. no investigation been acknowledged. now the communications have been cut off. you say that martin's been stripped of his phone and i was surely after your last conversation. why was that? is it just a temporary punishment? will you warned that communicating with us here at r t could violate prison rules? no, we believe that it's retaliatory. and for speaking out against the prison, rape elimination act violations from the unit manager, top lawyer. in fact, i'm sorry, i'm gonna look down in the notes here, but marty never broke any of the rules that they're charging him with. they charged him with incident report e p a 0288, which was prohibited. act coach,
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united southern use of the telephone for abuses other than criminal activity. for example, circumventing telephone monitoring procedures. however, they've never provided any evidence that he's done. anything like that, in fact, they know the frequency of the calls, the content of his calls and the number that he called, which are all the requirements that need to be met and none of that has been met. there's not an iota evidence that he's done anything wrong, nor can they provide me. it doesn't seem to matter though, because they've already thrown him in the shoes. i don't know the extent of the punishment whether that includes more or how much time this is going to take. but it just, it battalion, tory, i think against making these complaints. they have a very strong model that you should take it down and that's not how marty feels about things he believes being trying to expose bad. and we're happy that before that happen. just thinking about why he's being treated the way
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he is behind bars. because despite the ethics of what, of why he did what he did, which is clearly not a mitigating circumstance, as far as the judges were concerned. he did hack a hospitals systems which is a crime. why do you think the legal teams went after him so severely? why is he in such a high security installation? well, to sense of another defending someone's life. i don't think should be a crime, nor would you want to present that as a defense trial. his judge, nathaniel judge, nathaniel horton, fisherman, brands had has financial conflicts of interest in the case of him and his family members have donated for many years to the boston foundation, which accepts donations from boston, children, capital and isn't adoption agency. the b,
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c h was probably used to get justina adopted out. there was just a report in the wall street journal this past week about a big investigation and found financial conflicts of interest for judges in a number of cases that did way more widespread than i had any idea about right now . marty has a motion for bill pending appeal pending in front of judge court, and that's been on the docket for more than $45.00 days without a ruling. and i think there is personal animosity as well as financial conflicts of interest from the judge against marty. i'm presumably expensive if you want to get the ball rolling even sooner when, when do you think this process might go ahead in order for you to at least have a chance of seeing your husband again before the decades finished? so his brief with they had oral arguments for appeal in june, so it's been about 3 months and we're still awaiting a decision from the court of appeals. it was
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a very strong case as far as appeals go. and where we're waiting for an answer now, but i am looking for a civil attorney to fight against the jail because it's so disillusioning in mind boggling that there are laws on the books, there are right things for it. ways to go and it just, it just, i don't know, i'm starting to think that she was legal 5. i can't understand what's happening in this country. meantime, is there anything that else you can do to improve martin's prison conditions? presumably he now has to keep quiet if he doesn't want to get on the wrong side of those prison authorities and maybe jeopardize his bail or payroll or earlier release. what can you do to try and at least make things more bearable? well we're looking for a civil attorney and someone who deal with prison issues. so we certainly welcome any suggestions, of course it will be expected. so if anyone wants to donate it free mortgagee dot
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com after we accept donations and we're largely just trying to keep the pressure and make sure they know they're being watched. so their behaviors and tolerable, disgusting on american and illegal. okay, i know that whatever your family's going through the copies, it's a tough time around, but we really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. it's something we're going to be watching closely around the to technical self. thanks very much me next more than a $130.00 judges in the united states to be criticized for taking part in cases in which they will their families stood to financially gain. the wall street journal reports that 131 judges had failed to recuse themselves from 685 cases since 2010 involving firms in which they or their family held shares. and which 2 thirds of
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the cases ended up being ruled in favor of the judges or relatives. held stokes, with over $15000.00 in companies involved in $173.00 of these cases. and we'll have $50000.00 worth and $21.00 others. the report also found that in $61.00 instances, the stocks were traded during the court proceedings. the u. s. course administrative office says look into the violations. the wall street journal's report on instances where conflicts inadvertently were not identified before a key was result or transfer dis troubling. and the administrative office is carefully reviewing the matter. i can say with absolute certainty that i never made any decision in favor of a company, because i own stock and was invested in that company. i dropped the ball. thank you for helping me stay on my toes the way i'm supposed to. i just blew it. i regret any question that i've created the appearance of impropriety or a conflict of interest. the newspaper highlights a new york judge who handle the pollution claim against oil, joined exxon mobil while own acts on stock. and colorado judge who oversaw case
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against nbc universal loan, a comcast, in which the 2 chairs, the failure of judges to stand aside when there's a financial conflict of interest, violates federal law and spoke to furious public reaction. will they go to jail bean teached? if not, then it's just another story of entitlement with no repercussions and prosecutions . we expect judges to be fair and impartial. you now see why americans do not trust . there is rotting corruption in every level with no consequences. tell me how is that, okay? and nothing will happen, that's the whole problem. look at the senators who benefit from star traits, nothing out to them. different rules, different people. a lawyer in new york politician money, hell also says the situation underlines the reality of american legal impartiality . if it would have been one case that would have been fine, but instead it was a 131 judges and nearly 700 cases. so this really proves to be, you know,
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a pervasive and systemic disregard for the choose a law. and it really illustrates how the judges, the federal bench, the whole system as an institution, you know, is impartial and biased. i think this is just the tip of the iceberg. i think all these judges have been exploring this for law for a long, long time. when the public gets a win that the system is corrupt and you know, did the judiciary is not fair and impartial? i think that that really pushes the public to put pressure on our elected officials to come up with structures that demand impartiality. next, the ethics of the trade of caching in life insurance that is accused of praying on the thickest in american society. the,
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy going from station let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk a little try now where we received. so many inputs on a daily basis that are completely related to reality. so think about how and social media filters and they basically were present themselves in very unrealistic way. and so we come at a fomo, there is any involved more than that. it's about being sort of envious of something that may not exist and is also really tied to the fact that as humans we want to be part of the crowd.
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