tv News RT October 1, 2021 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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legal, of course ah . concerns grow for us and if this gone hunger strike, martin got his failed serving time for launch and cyber attacks against the hospital. he says mr. treated a teenager. we hear from his wife the last time in person in september 23rd. that so scary, i spoke to a lawyer the other week that told me that it's the worst president in the united states. i t stands for instagram, but it also speak in speak, read. exploiting kids for profit us lawmakers roast facebook or after the company's own research shows it since the gramm platform. hahn's children's mental health.
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but they failed to come up with any legislation. i'm poland. the keys is the you blackmail off the block, threatens to withhold cash regions the don't recognize l g b t writes, we gauge opinion. the city authorities have the right to not from out algebra t. everyone has this rise. do you have in union should find another way i believe that the european union should not interfere with what's happening in poland at all . hello, good morning. it's just going to 11 o'clock harry moscow. you watching artie international . now the child us hacked of ist martin got his felt his back in the spotlight. he is serving time for carrying out a cyber attack on a hospital, which he claims had mistreated. a teenage girl. it is a case we've been following very closely. and now there are concerns for his own treatment and health behind boss.
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ah, what got his fellows wife donna claims he is currently on hunger strike and in solitary confinement, and says she hasn't heard from him for about a week. earlier she spoke to my colleague, colleen brag the last time anyone heard from him is september 23rd. and when he is put in, in solitary, it usually are almost always comes with a hunger strike. the conditions are still deplorable from a water and drinking water. they corrode metal too hot steam pipes. it's very dangerous that a place is so scary. i spoke to a lawyer the other week then told me that it's the worst president in the united states. and the shoe is different than even the shoe that they use for the rest of the facility. it's. it's really scary to say that martin's been stripped of his
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phone and i was shortly off to your last conversation. why was that? it's just a temporary punishment. will you warned that communicating with us here at all t could y like prison rules? we believe that it's retaliatory and for speaking out against the prison, rape elimination act violations from the unit manager. there's not an iota evidence that he's done anything wrong, nor can they provide me. it doesn't seem to matter though, because they've already thrown him in the shoe. i don't know the extent as a punishment whether that includes more or how much time this is going to take. well, as we heard that all that apparently happened after on a got his felt gave a recording of a conversation with a husband to archie early. this month in it, he talked about alleged tissue corruption and says that he does not regret a thing. i'm certainly not a lot
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finally common sense prevail with i just don't know how this really hopping because it doesn't feel like it's it's real acute for good to be home with . i'm further allegations. he also says that he was sexually abused by unit manager in prison and that his complaints were ignored. again, the facility hasn't commented on those claims,
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but this is what his wife told us. the man in question is the unit manager for the senior as well as for death row. he has sexually abused members and mates. in marty's case i, he looked at him while he was in the nude indicating as he's done with other people . he stuck his hand into occupied showers, is carlos to sell and escorted and off camera. and in it display i guess of dominance in sexual intimidation kind of rules on the books about korea and that's the prison, rape elimination act. and how the people that accused others are supposed to be protected and have investigations, and none of that is happening. mm hm. watching our tina another you said this morning. facebook's head of safety has come on the fire in congress over the effect the company services actually have on young
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people's mental health. it does come after late internal research from the company suggested it's photo sharing platform. instagram hums children's well being little make is blasted. the take giant fil, exploiting kids for profit. it has weapon, eyes, childhood vulnerabilities against children themselves. it's chosen growth over children's mental health and well being greed over preventing the suffering of children to mold low whirl into your, on an edge for your own profit without any regard for any harm that is going to be done because your focus is on your pocket. book this book is just like a big tobacco pushing a product that they know was harmful to the health of young people, pushing it to them early. also facebook to make money. i g stands for instagram, but it also stands for inst, agreed. well,
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the accusations against facebook to include his failure to police extremism and hate speech as well as it's pull handling of use his personal data. but despite all of that, there are still no significant measures in place when it comes to regulating the platforms, content. kalamazoo, it has more on that facebook had to postpone the rolling out of their new app directed at children under the age of $1313.00 and younger. ah, because of wide spread outrage and the barrage of criticism that facebook was facing after the wall street journal revealed that facebook was well aware of the harmful effects caused by instagram. we make body image issues worse for one in 3 teen girls, teens blame instagram for increases in rate of anxiety and depression. according to what is being reported among teenagers who are suicidal,
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13 percent in britain and 6 percent in the united states actually listed instagram as having a been a factor in their desire to commit suicide. the tech giant a has, you know, basically accused of these reports of quote sherry, picking fats on the eve of today's hearing. they did release 2 of their own internal reports, but many are looking on with disappointment because this is certainly not the 1st time that facebook has been caught suppressing data and channeling information in their own way. the research that we've seen is that using social apps to connect with other people can have positive mental health benefits. many people across the political spectrum in the united states, democrats, republicans, it seems like a consensus in the united states that there should be some better regulation of big tack and social media on that. the harmful effects of social media should be controlled. but despite there being such widespread feeling and they're being
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ongoing hearings on capitol hill are, there doesn't seem to be a real legislative agenda being rolled out. other don't seem to be a real legislation being put into the works to limit the power of big tack and the social media monopolies despite of some colorful hearings. like we just heard. the answer over here is for free voluntary action to shut down facebook and whether that's something like a small business, refusing to advertise on facebook or over a government agency refusing to share information through facebook. the key here isn't to regulate it, because that's gonna end up only favoring facebook, but rather to leave facebook and especially for the government to show an example and to set to remove all government agencies from facebook. so if the government simply steps away from it, and that includes also as well, i think rubber electra represent representatives have a moral responsibility to leave facebook. that decreases its values, utility and lee. that is what it should be, is basically sort of
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a small shay. it's a small site to share some basic information by poland. justice minister says his country is being blackmailed by the u after the block threatened to the troll funds if some polish regions fail to recognize l g b t writes for dis, shrieks, have already back down and revoke their policies that discriminated against the gain community. will early this month, the european commission told the region that he would withhold over a $120000000.00 euros if the declarations remained in force. it comes 2 months after the broke initiated legal action against the country for alleged violations of algae b t writes, but many are apparently unhappy with the intervention by the year. but over social network was, i believe that the european union should not interfere with what's happening and pulling it off. they should not act like that, especially if the city deserves that money and should be given it handled ease and sanctions of this type should not be imposed. i don't, i think the european union is right. how government is very homophobic. i agree
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with europe, probably in the city authorities have the right to not have them only now to believe everyone has this rise. nubian union should find another way of them. the voice of i'm not a sign of pro l g b t zones. but on the other hand, every one has a right to their own life communion, on the part of the european union. it is very unfair. such things should not be combined. here is the man and here's the money. there are completely separate matters. i think nothing should be done by force. if there is no such need in poland, you do not have to force anything. while the local governors in poland justified their you turn saying that they are not ready to be accountable for the year financial loss. one expert though that we heard from does say that such an approach by the you to maintain unity in the block is a path to dictatorship. every local power should act according to the wheel. and i have a lot of a degree of power, especially in this case,
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especially in this case. so, you know, i'm not entering into the subject of nato, not talking about i ball to lesbian, gay, transgender, and song. i'm talking about the general view, the general principle that should be that while respected by the european union. alas, the european union wants to become like the southwest hold, or talk, receipt of dictatorship, i think is a very democratic choice. i think the informa common discount is like paul on the local municipalities, local provinces. so local powers, they have power enough according to the constitution to act, i called you to they will, i think it is something which is completely legitimated and should be understood. and should be allowed also, the central lever watching, i think phil had fee over the next few minutes, president mac ron hare, refron sets up a commission to combat conspiracy theories. however,
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with the elections just around the corner. some dcs is a political ploy to try when office will have the details after the right blue. ah, frances mc chrome recently said quote, the europeans must stop being naive when we are under pressure from powers which at times harden their stance. we need to react and show we have the power and capacity to defend ourselves, vold words, but does europe have the political will to actually defend itself? for? oh, come with me is gonna work is with
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welcome back. now ahead of the french elections, president micron has set up a commission to fight fake news in conspiracy theories, which he says do pose a threat to french society. many declaim, it's actually a cynical ploy to shape the narrative and help him win a 2nd term in office. charlotte davinsky picks up the story. how do you solve the problem? all fake news, conspiracy theories, people who just don't subscribe to the same ideas that the government wants them to . well, hearing frowns, it's easy. you set up a commission and with months before the presidential elections and perhaps a team designed to control the message. that's exactly what a manual met goal is doing. it's something that he's been passionate about for a while. the key problem is the crushing of the hierarchies induced by
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a society of permanent comment. the feeling that everything is equal, that all works are equal. that someone who is not a specialist, but has an opinion on the virus, is well, it's the voice of a scientist. but that's not how everyone sees it. some are suggesting that this commission will lead to possible censorship and this idea, beggs, another question. where will the investigations start? will the french government be on the list too? because it's record isn't exemplary. here at peachy sal patricia, a hospital was attacked, the staff were assaulted, an officer protecting them, was injured, unwavering support for our law enforcement agencies. they all the pride of the republic, except that also true. in fact, those who entered the hospital were apparently seeking shelter from t a gas that was being fired at them by the police. despite dinner being
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hauled in over his mis information, he was later cleared of spreading fake news. about the time members of mac coins, party tried to suggest the yellow vest movement was sinister plot organized by trump, supporters in the us and planned immediately after mac coons. except that really did turn out to be a conspiracy theory. there is also the question about the loyalties, perhaps the biases of those who make up the commission. now, one member has previously expressed concern about journalists that our sister station over to france. i have entire hard drives on some of them. the chair of mac calls, anti conspiracy theory panel. when checks the idea that he'll now be leading the thought police. there is no question of censorship,
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but strengthening the space for common debate. they are increasingly threatened by succession of opinions, and that's exactly now how some view it societies have their own flourish. don't open the page where everyone has the right to their own viewpoints. so could this commission end up doing the, let's say to what it's trying to do. moving funds away from its tradition of enlightenment design. it's all up ignited country, given the current means of disseminating information. monolithic propaganda such as france practice to during the world, warsaw during the quarterly or was, is no longer possible. so french authorities have to find other means so specially to support next to a presidential campaign. this commission is great news because it's most too ridiculous. the press is already starting to call to talk about the contradictions
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of its members, the fake news that they themselves have spread. a doctor, a member of this commission has even been called to order by the order of physicians for spreading faith news. you have, in this commission, the founder of a side conspiracy watch who thinks that we can fight against all conspiracy theories without making an this distinction because they are all enemies. french people are too rebellious. i think in my opinion too, to accept the very i do i do of a kind of ministry of truth or to quote, a famous novel. we are all individual. we all have different ideas and beliefs and they're not all necessarily correct. but it's the ability to express them to debate them, to challenge them, that has allowed humans to thrive, to expand our capabilities. if we start drawing a line over,
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what thoughts are acceptable and what ones aren't? are we not waiting into very dangerous territory? geology belsky. r t. paris. our series of anti locked down rallies have been seen in australia which has imposed some of the toughest and longest restrictions in the world. tempest though, have frayed, with allegations of police brutality against protesters with 2 claims in the last 6 days alike. oh, what size girl was girl? i did well that this video here from melbourne to show the spit detention of one demonstrator apparently after he entered the restricted area and in a separate recording and sidney, a mother was alleged to be arrested in front of the children and not wearing a mass as follows a wave of violent anti coven rallies across the country. ah
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ah, well responding to those allegations of police brutality, the authorities have stressed that some protest is our quote there for a fight and not to protest for freedoms. earlier. my colleague colleen bray discussed with our guests whether the measures aimed at curbing the rallies are appropriate. peter, i'd imagine the police are trained to anticipate when the things like locked down fatigue, overwhelmed people, and they start to get out to take it towards offices. is certainly part of the background. oh, individual offices and downtown county. enough sort of situation. where does this steady development pressure on the public about particular angle?
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very often. and so it's not maybe is forms of mind as a country, regardless of that aspect. offices should be acting proportionately occurs. it's a pressure job where own grateful. but look what is happening now, and i mean, you can use the brutality. i'm in what i saw in the food church. it was quite disturbing. and that the woman wasn't even i, you know, doing anything. and fred is my age to expect the police to be as was all the things were any use of course it's all and i use of force isn't necessarily groups. obviously it becomes brutality when it's unnecessary and or excessive. hello. a lot of police time is taken up, dealing with anti faxes and their protests and people who are fed up with lockdown, just wanting to say enough is enough. can any of these and evil rallies ever be justified? personally, i think back since our precious leisha to reduce the harm of this horrible virus. but i also understand the to many people there are really fed up for that. we need to have some, you know, some one to do to help us not spread. the virus but,
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and there is another way to do that and it's not the way that i saw there was training policeman to, you know, was doing with that for mother. and i agree that so you know, different scenarios need different tact is if you're going to say the pollution stop doing things the way they do them after year is in decades. looks old and then are afraid. we want me to be able to come up with a realistic alternative, ask for having difference, trying to different talk, process posts. i think what would lead to more confusion. we sold them must be it something else that we can do and, and i sure the people might eventually list some more if you treat them in a different way that after the elections in germany last weekend, there are reports of multiple violations during voting. one instance ballot papers were delivered to the wrong districts, and people had to key for hours at polling stations. the government has since
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admitted that there were several incidents across the country. this, these incidents have been discovered and they are being discussed intensively in such a major city in germany, in the city where we are. and i think that is exactly where it belongs, with more now on exactly at what went wrong during the elections. his am cecia, thomas chavez. it all started when mock election forecasts for accidentally at 2 days ahead of the vote. the public broadcaster briefly displayed a ticket was a projected results union evening quiz program. and 2 days later, they're only ours. defer pollock station close to the free voters party leader also pleaded forecast results. the publication of paul's and projections on election day is strictly prohibited with fines up to $50000.00 euros. but the party had claims. this was an accident. you'll be endorsement impunity. we will clarify this with the federal returning officer. it was just
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a mis al nice. there was no intention to break any laws. ah, and some districts voters had to stand in line for hours. some even had to wait well after the official closing time of 6 pm to cast a vote. the delay was caused by incorrect ballads being distributed to the wrong neighborhoods. the labels on the ballot boxes did not match the content resulting in hundreds of people voting for candidates from other areas. and due to high number of wrong tickets and therefore difficulty counting votes. one of the berlin districts had to publish estimates instead of results. it also took longer to deliver the correct ballads because streets were closed due to the bell in march, and on the same day, which about $25000.00 people attended. the marathon should not have taken place on the election day. the most important act to which citizens express political will must not fall victim to a commercial sports event. if the entire city center has paralyzed traffic that is
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an extreme obstruction. bmw, ballast chief election official even admitted that she knew about the labeling issue back in august. but ballots were shipped anyway. so following widespread criticism for a serious of organizational and blunders, the cheap election officer has announced her resignation, visually sh rootman. we will have to seriously investigate whether voters were not able to cast their vote. this allegedly happened because they were not provided with a sufficient amount of ballot papers or the correct ballot papers by an election is only democratic when all vote is are able to use their right to vote. finally, a full investigation into mismanagement is still being conducted. was its conclusions expected next week after that, experts predict legal challenges to the results that may start pouring in? said calmer choice reporting there from berlin. you watching r t that brings you up to date for now just approaching 1130 here. a mosque of
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a back again in about 30 minutes. ah. join me every thursday on the alex simon, sure. i'll be speaking to guess from the world politics sport. business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. welcome to match hazards, financial survival guy. looking forward to your as we go. yeah, this is what happens to pageants and brittany, go at the top of you watch kaiser report. ah, ah.
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hello and welcome to cross paths where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . france's mc crone recently said, quote, the europeans must stop being naive when we are under pressure from powers, which at times harden their stance. we need to react and show we have the power and capacity to defend ourselves. bold words, but does europe have the political will to actually defend itself? cross ducking, european security, i'm joined by my guest, donald's. as soon in london, he is emeritus professor of compared to europe in history at queen mary university of london. also in london. we have damian wilson. he is a former european parliament communication.
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