tv News RT October 1, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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ah meadows tonight fears growing for us activist on reported hunger strike, martin gods felt serving time for cyber attacks on a hospital. he says severely mistreated a teenager, we hear direct from his wife the last time anyone heard from him on september 23rd . that says gary, especially the other week that's formal, that's the worst credit in the united states. gas prices in europe have hit a new records with the german government, wanting people to repair for a close to freezing month as they put it mean time, the countries energy regulators still to grants and operating license. so they now fully completed north stream to russian gas pipeline. i g stands for instagram,
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but it also stands for instagram. exploiting kids for profit us lawmakers roast facebook then after the company's own research shows it's instagram platform harms, children's mental health. but they fail to come up with any legislation. ah. friday, october the 1st 7 in the evening in our life. my will do use h q in moscow. my name's kevin. are you watching out international 1st than jail to us hacked of his mounting gods fields back in the spotlight to night. he serving time for a cyber attack on a hospital, which he claims had mistreated a teenage girl. in a case we've closely followed here. and now there are concerns tonight for his own health and treatment behind bus. ah, is wife donna claims he's currently on hunger strike at in solitary confinement
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further. she says she's not heard from him now for around a week. she spoke to call him bray. the last time anyone heard from him is september 23rd. and when he is playing in solitary, it usually are almost always comes with a hunger strike. the conditions are still deplorable from a water drinking water that corrode metal too hot steam pipes. it's very dangerous. that place is so scary. i spoke to a lawyer the other week that told me that it's the worst president in the united states. and the shield is different than even the ship they use for the rest of the facility. it's. it's really scary to say that martin's been stripped of his phone and i was shortly off the last conversation. why was that? it's just a temporary punishment. will you warned that communicating with us here at all t could violate prison rules. we believe that it's retaliatory and for
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speaking out against the prison, rape elimination act violations from the unit manager. there's not an iota evidence that he's done anything wrong, nor can they provide me. it doesn't seem to matter though, because they've already thrown him in the shoe. i don't know the extent as a punishment whether that includes more or how much time this is going to take. well, as we handle apparently happened after she gave a recording of conversation with her husband to us at our t this month in it. he talks about alleged corruption in the courts, but says he still has no regrets. but i'm certainly not continued a lot of the traffic on a capital. we also present the comment of us so far. they've not replied god. field was jailed in
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with any further allegations. he says he was sexually abused by a prison official and that his complaints were ignored. again, that facility hasn't commented on those claims, but this is what his wife told us. the man in question is the unit manager for the ceo as well as for death row. he has sexually abused members and mates. in marty's case, i, he looked at and while he was in the nude indicating as he's done with other people,
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he stuck his hand into occupied showers. and he's gone to cells and escorted and off camera. in it display i guess of dominance and sexual intimidation. kind of rules on the books about korea and that's the prison, rape elimination act. and how the people that accused others are supposed to be protected and have investigations. and none of that is happens. mm no truck. that's what i'll tell you. went to just around the corner, reco gas prices continue, the sweet europe, yet germany is still to grub certification to that brand new nodes stream to gas pipeline which has been completed. while the gas pilot is technically as a say, ready to go. it still has to be given permission to operate by the german energy regulator is out. he's silly patrol here with the latest on it. remember the situation when, for example, bitcoin prices were setting one record after another. what's been happening with
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natural gas futures in europe in september is resembling that somehow one record after another. and currently for 1000 cubic meters of natural gas, the price is higher than $1000.00. but of course, bitcoin is still something that, for the most part, crypto enthusiasts care about. but when it comes to natural gas, that is something vital for the heat, for the european homes, to be heated. and perhaps the best reflection of what that means for europeans is this ad that's current the out, and germany have a look. i ship it while
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european gas and power supply and demand hangs in the balance. the major market players are looking to rushes nord stream to pipeline, as hope. in fact, that is something that could double the flow of russian gas to europe. however, it's still yet to be certified in that process has begun at the beginning of september, but 1st it's up to the german energy regulator to give the green light to it, then they're supposed to pass on a draft to the european commission. and this is a process that could take up months and with the, the many enemies that nord stream to has had both in europe and across the atlantic . that their accusations, that is bureaucracy and some want that to happen on purpose. and we've already heard from one of the major players on the market that nord
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streamed to with all this bureaucracy may not be able to help with the situation this winter season. the certification of the pipeline, as far as i know will be so light, it will probably not be able to help was out this winter when it comes to gas from the russian energy giant has been increasing exports. and we can name loads of the european countries from romania to greece, finland, italy at the exports are growing even though previous the it was gas from that was being accused of this. 3 surgeon, gas prices, but the russian companies saying, just give us the certification, give us the infrastructure, and we are ready to send extra deliveries of natural gas to europe. so it could be up to the bureaucracy and it looks like the ball is in the european bureaucrats court. so to say gas from is waiting for the certification of nord stream to yeah.
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where the where the close mens october. the 1st already count come soon enough, can it? lot of people in europe are worried. kara can nestle's where this former austria minister of foreign affairs, always nice stuff in the program making the time for us. thank you so bureau, in a bind gas prices, a spike? was it expected or is it taken people by surprise was behind all this while about 10 months ago. it was a topic of expert circus if you want. that's the gas story to slow. that is, he had tools that you should kate so much expansive that we have above all a complete and the investment in gas. and i and i, because of pressure, be it political beat, even traditional pressure. just let me remind you of, of the court case against, or i got shannon amsterdam a few months ago and this is not the only quote. and so it's, and it says conundrum of reasons that have led to this dilemma. but it's
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a completely whole made dilemma this time if you want, it's not the arabs like in 197379. it's definitely not that the russians are not delivering that russian energy companies, such a gust from fulfilling contracts. but the issue is many fault and the situation that we are in is one of an, a cheap transition. and in an energy transition, you cannot simply move out of anything without moving into something. and this has been the case in germany, right. try to make it greener, but there's no agree that a go at the moment you sonya. on the contrary, that we have now a new old called coal fired power stations that are put into operation once again. just like was the case about 19 years ago when i'm going to declare to the german energy transition, moving out of nuclear. and then also king coal at the old core fire at our station
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had to step in. now the skeptics here of who to go hang out a minute, the something going on here. russia just got this pipeline needs to be certified by germany. the very sometime that this gas crisis is happening, as russia got some to do that. he mentioned a contract thing though, because russia said the log we're rural, it is a reliable partner, a reliable energy partner would never use energy as a ransom kind of thing. so they say, well, why hasn't russia the skeptics, it was russia come forward, brought more gas. tell us about this contract thing again. when you know the debate and it's not just the debate, there's a series of political and legal matches taken in many countries. don't rely so much on fossil energy. she answered all our c 5. now, many countries have been dollars supplying over the last 2 years and declined from
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long term pipeline supplies, such as the case, the session supply, and for many reasons. build allen g terminals in order to import liquefied natural gas from north america. now the north american producers in canada and the united states over the last 3 years because of low prices because of many other reasons, many of them have gone bankrupt and many of the gas themselves. plus, i think one thing that is completely underrated in many decisions. 30 s e u customers are only comp customers among many others. we are competing with china with india for so sometimes they pay simply higher prices. so if you have an l a t wessel going out and you have a higher price in shanghai and in rotterdam, you with to night. yeah,
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of course his business said that there is no even though it. yeah. and the motors are responsible. supplier is business, as it's been probably explained to think to people in the u and, and as this may be, lack of planning, it's all or bad things come together at the same time been explained to the public to think in europe. i think that the lack of planning it's mismanagement. i would say a few days ago i gave each on that topic in munich. and the topic of my speech i chosen was energy politics has to be more than climate politics. climate change is an important topic. it's topic about time, we all know it, but energy politics has also to do with securing supply with affordable prices with bringing energy to the customer. and here we have seen management that we have been focusing only on moving out of forsythe not anymore and allowing companies tool to invest and foster. let me
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t heron. i'm running out of time. but while you're here is this, how much bad news we've got 30 seconds. is this for the a year? is it going to be a cold winter and cannot stream to be given the license in time? 20 seconds? and the deadline for the license is 8th of january. i hope there joel man, regulator will actually land because winters can start over in december and doesn't start on the 8th of generator. karen, can i so former austrian, the minister of foreign affairs, thank you for explaining to us night. i see you almost liken facebook's had a safety's come under fire and congress over the effect. the company's services have on young people's mental health that comes off to leaked into the research, suggested his photo sharing platform, instagram, harm's children's well being. lawmakers blasted the tech jacqueline for exploiting kids for profit. it has weapon, eyes, childhood vulnerabilities against children themselves,
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is chosen growth over children's mental health and well being, greed over preventing the suffering of children. this seems to be a recurring theme with this company. do everything and anything to mould the world into your, on an edge, for your own profit without any regard for any harm that is going to be done because your focus is on your pocket. but facebook is just like big tobacco pushing, a product that they know is harmful to the health of young people, pushing it to them early. also facebook to make money. i g stands for instagram, but it also stands for insta, greed, but accusations against facebook and co failure to police extremism and hate speech as well as poor handling of use of personal data. but despite that, there's still no significant measures in place when it comes to regulating the
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platforms content. cal it mo, pins got more. facebook had to postpone the rolling out of their new app directed at children under the age of $1313.00 and younger. because of wide spread outrage and the barrage of criticism that facebook was facing after the wall street journal revealed that facebook was well aware of the harmful effects caused by instagram. we make body image issues worse for one in 3 teen girls, teens blame instagram for increases in rate of anxiety and depression. according to what is being reported among teenagers who are suicidal, 13 percent in britain and 6 percent in the united states actually listed instagram as having a been a factor in their desire to commit suicide. the tech giant a has, you know, basically accused of these reports of, quote,
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cherry picking fats on the eve of today's hearing. they did release 2 of their own internal reports, but many are looking on with disappointment because this is certainly not the 1st time that facebook has been caught suppressing data and channeling information in their own way. the research that we've seen is that using social apps to connect with other people can have positive mental health benefits. many people across the political spectrum in the united states, democrats, republicans, it seems like a consensus in the united states that there should be some better regulation of big tack and social media on that. the harmful effects of social media should be controlled. but despite there being such widespread feeling and their being ongoing hearings on capitol hill are, there doesn't seem to be a real legislative agenda being rolled out. other don't seem to be a real legislation being put into the works to limit the power of big tack and the social media monopolies despite of some colorful hearings. like we just heard. the
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answer over here is for free voluntary action to shut down facebook and whether that's something like a small business, refusing to advertise on facebook or over a government agency refusing to share information through facebook. the key here isn't to regulate it, because that's gonna end up only favoring facebook, but rather to leave facebook and especially for the government to show an example and to set to remove all government agencies from facebook. so if the government simply steps away from it, and that includes also as well, i think repre electra represent representatives have a moral responsibility to leave facebook. that decreases its values, utility and lee. that is what it should be, is basically sort of a small shy. it's a small site to share some basic information. labor that full for now, this is odds international. we're heading into a break. oh,
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frances mc, crown recently said, quote, the europeans must start being naive when we are under pressure from powers, which at times harden their spans, we need to react and show we have the power and capacity to defend ourselves, vold words. but does europe have the political will to actually defend itself to live in a time now where we receive so many inputs on a daily basis that are completely unrelated to reality. so think about how and social media were built ers, and they basically were present themselves in a very unrealistic way. and so we come down to fomo. there is any, involve more than that. it's about being sort of envious of something that may not exist and is also really tied to the fact that as humans, we want to be part of the crowd
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with oh is attack exciting rushes 1st, royal wedding and more than a century is just taking place on the road at a lavish ceremony in saint petersburg, grand duke george mc holl of its romanovs, no less. a descendant of the russian imperial family tied, the knot was italian fiance. he then, her grandson of the last empress, 1st cousin men who fled the country and declared himself ruler in exile. one of the clock back here of the 1917 revolution ended the monarchy. well, with all the load on the right role of an egos done of germany earlier. well, it is certainly a 1st for russia in many, many years in over a century. of course, that's because the groom, the duke here he is coming from the he's
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a descendant of the russian royal bloodline. but that's not the only thing monarchical about this wedding. it is also the number of guests hundreds of people have decided to, well attend the ceremony. some figures very, very colorful, which is already quite royal in scale and lavish, but also many european aristocrats, dukes, and even the last king of bulgaria decided, well to come and wish the new with some luck. and if i may say, so, the crowning jewel of this wedding as well is the venue, of course, it's the saint ice axe cathedral, a well as an historic church, one of the most beautiful in all of russia. and well, quite very well associated with the russian royal blood line. so yeah, it is a sight truly to behold. but well, this as all things royal against this wedding was not without its controversies, because the main question is to is as to how much claim on the throne the groom
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really has here. because his, his relationship with czar nicholas, the 2nd russia's last czar who, along with all of his family, including his children, was well put to death by a firing squad on the orders of while the communist revolutionaries back all the way back in 1918. so this duke, the groom, here he is the great grandson of the cousin of nicholas, the 2nd russia's last czar. and that cousin, while he kind of abdicated and he even pledged allegiance to the revolutionary authorities, back in 1917, only to change his mind later in exile in europe. but whatever controversies is the rest about this wedding, well there still, it will let the experts to decide as to what to do with them. and we will wish the newly weds the best of luck. of course, absolutely no truck in the the volcanic eruption in the canary islands, la palmer, a new facia tell you about that said raising further fee is for residents. pictures
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coming to an area taken by day never looks quite as spectacular, as we say, as it does at night, must be scared it be there one thing looking on. but imagine being there will lava flows now advancing towards la palmer's biggest town having forced the evacuation of villages in their path for 2 weeks. now, a dealership in watch and you see those pictures of those 2 villas. it's trapped literally fine. but in between that huge love afloat. the site i was scary. is that will they ever go home? well, there are warnings that the toxic gas created would love a, had see water could spread to continental europe. it's already got as far as the sea. but so far, the weather people, a scientists saying people am, alan, don't need to worry yet not been too bad. fingers crossed a 1000 buildings already being damaged on the spanish territory. more than 6000 people having to leave their homes. so many them destroyed must be heartbreaking. the islands being declared, a disaster zone. series of anti locked and
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rallies in australia of st. tempers, fray with allegations of police brutality against protest. as the frustrations being filled by some of the toughest and longest coven restrictions in the world, at least 2 claims of police violence were made in the last 6 days alone, with video circulating online. oh, what i guess what i needed for lis footage is saying coming from maldon, showing the swift attention of from one demonstrator apparently after he entered a restricted area and then another video. another answer is sidney. a mother who allegedly was arrested in front of a children for not wearing a mask. it follows a wave of violent anti cove rallies across the country. ah ah
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ah ah, defending the tactics authority his earliest dress that some protest is a quote therefore a fight and not to protest for freedoms call him bray discussed that with our guests and whether the police of the restrictions are gone on too far, too long. peter, i'd imagine the police are trained to anticipate when things like lockdown fatigue, overwhelmed people, and they start to get out to take it towards offices is certainly falls in the background or individual offices or downtown county. enough slow situation. where does this steady development pressure on the public about a particular angle? very often. and so it might be useful to mind as it could be, regardless of that aspect offices should be acting proportionately occurs. it's
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a pressure job where own grateful, but look what is happening now and i, you can use the brutality. i'm in what i saw in the food charge it was quite disturbing. and that the woman wasn't even, i, you know, doing anything and fridays my age to expect the police to be, as was all the things why any use of force at all. and i use of force isn't necessarily groups. obviously, it becomes brutality when it's unnecessary and or excessive. hello. a lot of police time has taken up dealing with anti faxes in their protests and people who are fed up with lockdown, just wanting to say enough is enough. can any of these and evil rallies ever be justified? personally, i think the boxes are precious leisha to reduce to the harm of this hardware virus . but i also understand the to many people there are really fed up for that. we need to have some, you know, some one to do to help us not spread the virus but, and there is another way to do that. and it's not the way that i saw there was training policeman to, you know, was doing with that for mother. and i agree that so you know,
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different scenarios need different tact is if you're going to say the pollution stop doing things the way they do them after year is in decades it's old and then are afraid. we want me to be able to come up with a realistic alternative, asked for having difference trying to different tom says, processed posts, i think what would lead to more confusion. we sold them must be it something else that we can do and, and i'm sure that people might eventually list them more if you treat them in a different way. well as the way things look in so far from these him tonight, the so much more fuel in line of our t dot com or have a social media. could tele calabrese just have a hoffer grandkid, he'll take you through the night. any break in happens. he'll explain it all to you and take you through it out by hand, but for now, we're going state side after the break. bit of a break coming up, then it's the boom bust team enjoy. ah,
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join me every thursday on the alex salmon show. and i'll be speaking to guess of the world politics sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. ah, lou to no one. no, sir, no, no. admiral. who are job? no, no. well dog, more shrill than what the ship unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known. drill a production issue or sure, doug did that. they're not eligible. no new
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son, new rochelle, he on more, more general manager thought this is meant union from all one up on there and i got the owner myself. i got your name. i go on underscore, i wish to know about joy. oh, new. i know you didn't oh gosh more polished enough jr. let's i had to put on with their mother and all everybody built you could have pushed out nice. oh boy. good to go on what the on this the were wrong. she my new on it. i'm all i can send more on all said mom, good student i don't the year you're in love or put them out. thank you. bye.
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