tv News RT October 1, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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i had a low expectation to life. i accepted the accept the fact that i made that work. we had no fears, jail change pretty fast for shots. different stories behind the bullets with gas prices in europe hit a new record with the german government wanting people to prepare for a close to freezing month. meanwhile, all the countries energy regulators get to granted operating license to the now fully completed in order for him to gas pipeline. wow, a hit by wave of anti lockdown rallies. australia sees a rise in cases of alleged police brutality against protest. this and the white house declassified to report revealing it suspected for years that the mystery surround supposedly attacking u. s. government stop abroad would not unknown russia weapons,
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but chirping crickets. ah, hello, lie pro moscow. this is our t international. i'm calling bray with the world use this our 1st then with winter, just around the corner in europe. reco gas prices continue to sweet the continent, but germany is still get to grants certification to nordstrom, to the gas pipeline is technically completed, but it still needs permission to operate from the german energy regulator. his art is alia. katrinka, remember the situation when, for example, bitcoin prices were setting one record after another. what's been happening with natural gas futures in europe, in september is resembling that somehow one record after another. and currently for 1000 cubic meters of natural gas, the price is higher than $1000.00. but of course,
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bitcoin is still something that for the most part, crypto enthusiasts care about. but when it comes to natural gas, that is something vital for the heat. for the european homes to be heated and perhaps the best reflection of what that means for europeans is this ad that's current the out in germany have a look i ship while european gas and power supply and demand hangs in the balance. the major market players are looking to russia's nord stream to pipeline, as hope. in fact,
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that is something that could double the flow of russian gas to europe. however, it's still yet to be certified in that process has begun at the beginning of september, but 1st it's up to the german energy regulator to give the green light to it, then they're supposed to pass on a draft to the european commission. and this is a process that could take up months and with the, the many enemies that nord stream to has had both in europe and across the atlantic . that their accusations, that is bureaucracy and some want that to happen on purpose. and we've already heard from one of the major players on the market that nord streamed to with all this bureaucracy may not be able to help with the situation this winter season. the certification of the pipeline, as far as i know will be so light, it will probably not be able to help was out this winter when it comes to gas from
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the russian energy giant has been increasing exports. and we can name loads of the european countries from romania to greece, finland, italy at the exports are growing even though previous the, it was gas from that was being accused of this surgeon gas prices, but the russian companies saying, just give us the certification, give us the infrastructure and we are ready to send extra deliveries of natural gas to europe. so it could be up to the bureaucracy and it looks like the ball is in the earpiece, bureaucrats court. so to say gas from is waiting for this certification of nord stream to brussels accuses gas problem of manipulating supplies and prices at a time of urgent need. but the russian energy from insists that it is meeting all its contractual obligations in their entirety. earlier,
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a former austrian foreign minister told us that he, you state sadly have themselves to blame e, you customers are only comp our customers among many of us, we are competing with china with india is doing it for. so sometimes they pay simply higher prices, if lack of planning, it's mismanagement, i would say energy politics has also to do with securing supply with affordable prices with bringing energy to the customer. and here we have seen mismanagement that we have been focusing only on moving out of forsythe, not anymore. i'm allowing companies tool to invest interest. i let, but it's a completely whole made dilemma. it's definitely not that the russians are not delivering dell, that russian energy companies, such a gust from our fulfilling doubt contracts. but the issue is many fault and the situation that we are in is one of an,
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a chief transition. and in an energy transition, you cannot simply move out of anything without moving into something, and this has been the case in germany to the south caucasus. then another turbulent twists for the small nation of georgia is larger than life. former president mccall sectors really has been arrested hours after returning to the country parents for the 1st time in a is the georgia prime minister had also vowed to arrest him if he return right. correspond donald quarters across his forest either. he's never been far from a drama. has he knew he'd face the rest by going back? so why is he there and what are the charges while he's facing some half the prison time? that's for sure. and now the prosecutor's office is saying that they're investigating him for the additional offense of illegally crossing the border into the country. now we have to remember that the former georgia president has been living in ukraine since 2013. that was after his 9 years of power back in georgia,
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a kia gave him citizenship. he was even the god or of odessa for, for quite a while there. but during his time in ukraine, he was actually accused of several crimes back in georgia to of which he was a convicted of in absentia. now those crimes are the killing of the head of the united georgian banks, foreign department, and the killing of a government deputy, which together have earned him 9 years in prison. and we also heard from the prosecutor's office that this sentence is not up for appeal. now the controversy surrounding suckers really actually doesn't and there it was his administration that was power in power when war broke out in the region back in 2008 soccer really tried to accuse russia of instigating this war. but actually, the international community has really has recognized that the responsibility actually lies with him. in the missions view, it was julia which triggered off the wall when it's attacked. syn valley in south city with heavy artillery on the nights of the 7th to the 8th of august,
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2008. now why would suck us freely return to a country in which she's a wanted man? well, he actually announced his plans earlier in the week on facebook, claiming he was, he would return and quote, take part in saving georgia. now interestingly enough, this coincides with local elections that are going on there in which his former party is challenging. the current ruling administration, but as of now we've heard from his lawyer, he says that he cannot get in touch with suckers. really. the georgian ambassador to ukraine has been summoned for more information on to what's going on. so the events surrounding the store are really developing quickly and will be on top of it as they develop so that campaigning really going well, so far this weekend and is it okay? don't cool to, thanks for that. next, a series of anti lockdown rallies in australia have seen tempers fray with allegations of police brutality against protested the frustrations being filled to by some of the toughest stand longest coven restrictions in the world. at least 2
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claims of police violence have been made in the last 6 days alone with video circulating online. oh, what i needed is footage from melbourne shows the swift attention of one demonstrator apparently after he entered a restricted area and in a separate incident and sidney a mother was allegedly arrested in front of her children for not wearing a face mask. follow to wave a violent anti cope at rallies across the country. ah ah ah, the authorities have defended their tactics saying that some protest as are there
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for a fight and not protesting for freedoms. here we've been discussing whether the police and the restrictions have gone too far. peter, i'd imagine the police are trained to anticipate when things like lockdown fatigue, overwhelmed people, and they start to get out to take it towards office as a background. oh, individual offices and on to encounter a situation where does this steady development pressure on the public about a particular angle? very often. and so it may be useful to mind as a country, regardless of that aspect, offices should be acting proportionately occurs. it's a pressure job, we're on grateful. but look what is happening now and i, you can use the brutality. i'm in what i saw in the food charge it was quite disturbing. and that the woman wasn't even, i, you know, doing anything for my age to expect the police to be as a result of things without any use of force at all. and a use of force isn't necessarily groups. obviously,
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it becomes brutality when it's unnecessary and or excessive. hello. a lot of police time is taken up, dealing with anti faxes in their protests and people who are fed up with lockdown, just wanting to say enough is enough. can any of these legal rallies ever be justified? personally, i think the boxes are precious leisha to reduce to the harm of this hardware virus . but i also understand that many people there are really fed up curious that we need to have some, you know, some one to do to help us not spread the virus. but, and there is another way to do that. and it's not the way that i saw there was training policeman to, you know, was doing with that for mother. and i agree that so you know, different scenarios need different tact is if you're going to say the pollution stop doing things the way they do them after year is in decades it's old and then are afraid. we want me to be able to come up with a realistic. ready alternative asked for having difference, try an age, a different tom says, processed posts,
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i think what would lead to more confusion. we sold them must be it something else that we can do and, and i sure the people might eventually list them more if you treat them in a different way without see if we head into the we can get the confetti ready because we are going to head to the magnificence and isaac's cathedral in st. petersburg. shortly for russia's 1st roll wedding in more than a 100 years or more on the stunning ceremony after the break. ah. join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess of the world of politics, sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then. mm . either financial survival guys. i don't. why?
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hey, i buy mama futures of a for friday as the last time i buy it from the future. so crocker watch kaiser reporting ah, if you are expecting be of long gum and put me in the image with a c. i'm sorry, this is a wrong expectation. you will have to see if you want me to go with julie energies. you can't do all the democratic system and the wall and the political order ah, we have the usa department as declassified a 2018 document advising that an exotic noises supposedly plaguing us spies and
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diplomats abroad were actually just local insects. but that a mission hasn't stopped the u. s. establishment in the media. spinning it into a frenzy that the sounds actually came from mystical russian weaponry. kevin owen got the details earlier from ortiz constantine raj. gov while according to recently emerged a documentary, this whole story might be just a big conspiracy theory and it was even more interesting as that simple a cricket chirping you heard it right. creek, crypt, cricket chirping. might have been falsely taken of for the sound of this of science fiction super weapon. we believe the recorded sounds are mechanical or biological in origin rather than electronic. the most likely source is the end is short tailed cricket. the recorded audio signal is with high confidence, not produced by the nonlinear detection of high power radio frequency or ultrasound pulses. well, it all started back in 2016, a with 21 usaa service members in cuba. when they experienced this medical symptoms
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including ah, headache, business of fatigue and nausea, anxiety, cognitive, difficulties in of, in memory laws. and then similar cases were reported in china in 2018 and then in some other countries. well, there have been speculations in the american media, and they often were backed by their cia sources, dads out the russians or the chinese have come up with this. cut an edge never seen before. weapon that targets us service members around the globe, causing this, ah, vicious injuries rushes behind sonic attacks. that led to brain. injuries of u. s embassy personnel communications intercepts and suggests that the russian intelligence agency was involved. but now russia is the leading suspect nbc news has learned, according to 3 u. s. officials, the main suspect of the intelligence agencies, russia did it. well, one of the things that sparked this exact suspicion was this in a weird noise, heard and recorded by you as diplomats in cuba before they felt ill and well. now
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it turns out that this could have been just rowdy insects and not necessarily the super weapons. ah, what's also interesting is that it's not actually the 1st time this has been noticed. in 20192 american researchers ran a similar analysis. and they looked into the same recording concluded that this were crickets, not something allison. some reason their findings were brushed aside, and this conspiracy theory took on a life of its own. some of the mystery. so the think it's crickets, whether drove the people crackers at the end of the day, but you don't know as to speed saying that these people to say they went through some, some pretty em, the heavy symptoms did have that. we were still not really sure why then? sure, so the symptoms are for real and in the same report that di shoots down this a microwave weapon theory actually confirm stats. audio, as personnel may have been suffering from some mass mental disorders. a possible
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explanation for the report to symptoms is psychogenic illness. jason, believe such psychogenic effects may serve to explain important components of their port at symptoms and mid september, the cuban, a group of cuban a researcher is also announced at the claims of secret sonic weapons were not scientifically acceptable. and they attributed this symptoms to you. ah, what they called a mass psychosis on the part of usaa service members. now, whatever caused this mysterious illness, it apparently has become a big thing, an issue for the american diplomat serving abroad. because we know that there have been around $200.00 incidents of havana syndrome, still dates. and just last week, us lawmakers passed the how think american victims afflicted by neurological attacks act, or havana act, which actually is given the cia millions of dollars to compensate. the personnel affected various firefighters to the latest sector of the french population, refusing to bow to new mandatory coven vaccine loads. almost 200 in the south of
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the country have been suspended without pay until that they cannot return to work. when that jabbed a shell ado, beds get ripples. now getting a sense of what the resistance is here from key work is across france to the idea of not just the obligatory vaccination, but then showing that you've been vaccinated by the use of this health past. this is a health pass which you show not only for some places of work, but also for cafes, restaurants, bars, cinemas, cultural places to show that you've either had to vaccination shots a if it's pfizer or astrazeneca, or the one if it's the johnson and johnson, all that you've had a recent test that shows that you cobit negative, but for these key workers, they have to show that they are w vaccinated to be able to continue to work. however, in the southeast of france, in region, just above the city of niece, almost 200 firefighters, have since been suspended because their refusal outright to comply with this new
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regime. they have said, we're not showing you whether or not we've been vaccinated to. we don't know if they've even been vaccinated. this is more for them about the idea that they are refusing to give over that information to their employers. and as a result, they've been suspended, likely, according to the new regulations without pay as well. at now, just to give you a sense of how many individuals that is at this is about 13 percent of all of the firefighters in this particular region. so you can imagine that that is likely to have a pretty big impact. it's not the 1st time that fire fighters have shown resistance to this idea of the health path. we know that some unions even took a case to the european court of human rights in august. they may have failed, but the union says it's going to continue to fight for the cause. the aim is not at all to increase the number of strikers or protesters, but to protect staff who do not wish to be vaccinated and who are waiting for
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a solution. it's not just firefighters, either. this is something that is impacting other key workers such as health workers. here ross, we understand that there are around 20000 medical staff. this could be doctors and nurses care staff caregivers who have been suspended since this obligation to show that you vaccinated car came into force on september 15th. however, while there are 2700000 workers in the health sector here, france. and you might think, oh, well, you know, 20000 isn't that many unions have told us every member of staff that is lost, every member of staff that is not working. that has a wider impact, an impact on the services that they're able to offer as well. as other staff who continue to work and we've heard that while originally this health pastor is only supposed to be in place until about november 15th, the government is already muted. the suggestion that it could be looking at
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legislating to make that health pass obligatory up until the summer of 2022. she can imagine if people have been angry up until this point, this is likely to only solidify that and get even more if that goes ahead to the canary islands now were a major new fishes opened in a volcanic eruption, raising further fears for residence on la palmer lava flows are advancing towards us of the biggest town on the island having force the evacuation of it. it is in that power for 2 weeks now. there are also warnings that the toxic gas created when lava had sea water could spread to continental europe. a 1000 buildings have been damaged on the spanish territory and more than 6000 people have fled their homes. the arden itself has been declared a disaster zone. russia's 1st roll wedding in more than a century has taken place in the lavish ceremony in saint petersburg. grand duke george ohio to fetch romano for the senate of the russian imperial family,
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tied the knot with his italian fiance. he's the grandson of the last emperor's 1st cousin who fled russia and declared himself ruler and exile after the 1900. 17 revolution ended the monarchy with a low down on the right roll of eds his egleston of. well, it is certainly a 1st for russia in many, many years in over a century. of course, that's because the groom, the duke here he is coming from the he's a descendant of the russian royal bloodline. but that's not the only thing monarchical about this wedding. it is also the number of guests hundreds of people have decided to, well attend the ceremony. some figures very, very colorful, which is already quite royal in scale and lavish, but also many european aristocrats, dukes, and even the last king of bulgaria decided, well to come and wish the new with some luck. and if i may say, so, the crowning jewel of this wedding as well is the venue, of course,
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it's the saint ice axe cathedral, a well as an historic church, one of the most beautiful in all of russia. and well, quite very well associated with the russian royal blood line. so yeah, it is a sight truly to behold. but well, this as all things royal against this wedding was not without its controversies, because the main question is to is as to how much claim on the throne the groom really has here because his, his relationship with sar nicholas the 2nd rushes last czar who along with all of his family, including his children, was well put to death by a firing squad on the orders of while the communist revolutionaries back all the way back in 1918. so this duke, the groom, here he is the great grandson of the cousin of nicholas the 2nd russia's last zak. and that cousin will he kind of abdicated and he even pledged allegiance to the
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revolutionary authorities back in 1917, only to change his mind later in exile in europe. but whatever controversies is the rest about this wedding, well, there still will let the experts to decide as to what to do with them. and we will wish the newly weds the best of luck, of course. okay, now you're up to date. thanks for choosing our tv in years this hour. i'll be back here to update you on our developing stories after scottsdale here in the arte america team in washington. ah, look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at the point obviously is too great truck rather than fear i would like to take on various jobs
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with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot must protect its own existence with a tie now where we receive so many inputs on a daily basis that are completely i will need to reality. so think about how and social media filters, and they basically will present themselves in a very unrealistic way. it's what we come down a promo. there is any involve more than that. it's about the sort of envious or something. it may not exist and is also really tied to the fact that as humans we want to be part of the crowd ah,
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come with me is to work, is work with your medical logo on the matter because i don't want ah cosby, toyota. the shirts under which wire copy visits in the knob, normal quote is researchable lesson nissan league shall i tell ok? imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century. what other chapters called gun violence from school shootings,
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homelessness. first it was my job and then it was my fair. when was my savings? i have nothing, i have nothing and it's not like i don't try. i look for resources, i look for jobs, i look for everything i can to make this pass. and i end up doing, passing the road to the american dream, paved with dead refugees. at this very idealized image of our america, native americans look past the deaths that happen every single day. this is a modem. history of the usa by america on r t o. the lack of universal health care makes america the country of every man for himself. we have a retirement crisis in this country and we have a health care crisis for seniors in this country as well. so private business has come up with a special mechanism for that. it's called the life settlement market. we are
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a life settlement provider, which means that we buy life insurance policies from primarily seniors throughout the united states who are no longer want or can't afford their life insurance policies. if you're sick and for the want to live a few more years, you consillio life insurance that way you get more money right away and the company collects your insurance payment after your death as a group of people out there, i guess hoping that people die what kind of motivation is i give them when i start crying about him dying, that's usually what it's about as just the sheer unfairness of it all. oh
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i ah, the international criminal court prosecutor is looking to resume his investigation into war crimes which were committed in afghanistan. however, one country has already been granted a sort of immunity from any wrongdoing. we will tell you why the united states is being exempted in the by an agenda is on the verge of collapse, as one at democratic senator is calling the spinning plan. this school and sanity is my president by insane the bill will cost 0 dollars. something is it adding up and we're going to give you the $350.00 and talking about insanity and the last 48 hours of the trump for the pin. pretty insane. as major stories about the former
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president and his staff has been released with most put in the entire organization in a very negative light. we go straight to those. busy who know the campaign and get their take on the timing and what is the truth? and what did we just left of the tablet? and johnstone joined us to talk about his latest project, which exposes the dark secret which shed light on the world power structure and how deep the root of human trafficking. and pedophilia are in today piety. and you know, huge, these stories are more and they need you to right here in our, to america a lot to cover. so let's get started. ah, thanks for joining us. you know, back in 2002, the international criminal court was set up to tackle the world's worst crimes. and it has the authority to step in and actually bring people to justice for war crimes when national government are unwilling to do so. the investigator had actually found a reasonable basis to believe that.
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