tv News RT October 4, 2021 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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ah, so a data league reveals the offshore dealings of the world's rich and powerful, including former british premier, tony blair and current check prime minister andre babich with the united states named as a leading tax haven. said mark's energy agency gives the green light to part of russia's an old friend to gas pipeline. as europe grapples with soaring fuel prices, i say the situation is stabilizing it. no one's going to pretend his completely back to normal. i wish it was, but it is, is it's getting it that way. our british officials down play their own on going fuel crisis. they've now deployed military forces across the country. as petrol stations remain dry due to panic, buying with cues of angry driver's, waiting to fill up and leak documents,
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apparently confirmed systematic located meddling in russia with large sums being channelled for the british embassy in moscow. ah, hello, monday night and 9 here in moscow. my name's collin bray. welcome to you. world news from r t international 1st. then opening a pandora's box and expose a on the tax havens has revealed that how some of the world's rich and famous a hiding their wealth among the names mentioned in the 1st releases. our former british premier, tony black and in come and check prime minister andre babich. the lead details, how politicians, business leaders and celebrities avoid taxes using secretive offshore companies. the pandora papers single out the u. s. as a leading tax haven, i spoke to don't know, quarter to who went over the 1st release is for us on whether there is sensational is expected. people definitely were anticipating something as big as what happened in 2016 when the pat,
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when the panama papers were released. but actually this one hasn't made as much noise. the guardian sure had a click body picture of vladimir putin's face right at the front of its article, even though in the pandora papers vladimir putin was not even named. so that's a bit a bit interesting. but the investigation primarily deals with more or less obscure people. i mean, we have some examples being the king of jordan. so offshore properties, personal properties, the purchase of several theatres, by the general director of russia's channel one he was said to have been a silent partner in this operation. but he's already commented publicly that he hasn't concealed anything about his business dealings in connection to this. one higher profile mentioned though, the ukranian president vladimir zalinski in 2019, he was elected and most enlarged park on his platform of promising to rid the country of corruption. and ukraine is notoriously, hasn't a problem with corruption. and according to this investigation, he actually transferred 25 percent of his stake in a foreign at,
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in an offshore company to his personal friend who is now the top presidential advisor. so, so far he hasn't commented on that seems a little bit shady, but no confirmations. usually when we think of tax havens. right. i mean, you think of maybe a financial center like hong kong or some sort of obscure caribbean island. but the pandora paper is actually paint a very different picture. they're showing that they, they actually revealed that south dakota has become the new hot spot for tens of millions of dollars that used to be in offshore accounts in the caribbean and europe. and this is despite of jo biden's promise to no combat corruption. earlier this year to day i'm issued a national security study memorandum of the fight against corruption to establish cumbersome corruption as a core use national security interest. the united states will lead by example. and in partnership with allies, civil society and in the pro, with sex as to farthest skirts of corruption. in fact, delaware, whereat mister biden, hales from i've got some pretty good,
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the tax breaks the company's them i so if his big platform is to deal with tax evasion, as many leaders do where the americans on this list, well, it's a good question. they're basically not there. i mean, we hear report after report, obviously about like a lot of american businessman and big corporate corporate owners of 8 avoiding taxes. and yet this report, for some reason only mentions a couple of very obscure american billionaires that i personally never heard of. and so, yeah, the, the big question is, you know, where are all the big american names? i mean, what about the richest man in the world? jeff bezos, his company, amazon paid 0 dollars and 0 cents and federal income tax. not just in 2020, but also in 20182017. elan must paid also 0 dollars and 0 cents and federal income tax. in 2018 donald trump paid $750.00 back in 2017. so it seems a bit fishy, that there, there might be nothing important our a value to mention about these elf sure assets. now we also did hear from
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whistleblower, edward snowden. he let out a tweet about the report on this leak. so let's take alice, the humorous side of this very serious story is that even after 2 apocalyptic offshore finance law firm leaks, those industries are still compiling vast databases of ruin and still secure them with a posted note mark, do not leak hats off to the source this is just the beginning of these sir reports, and these leaks about these pandora papers. more of them are promised for the coming weeks, so we're gonna have to keep an eye out for them. the investigation also named somebody at alleges to be a former cleaner and lover of vladimir putin and the mother of one of his children, svetlana and criminal guest is alleged to be the owner of monica apartment bought virus offshore company. although the relationship with the russian president has never been confirmed. meanwhile, a friend of the president also appears in the papers, but not mister putin himself. once we heard the papers also reveal that the u. s.
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state of south dakota has emerged as a major destination for wealthy people to avoid tax. although experts we spoke to say they're not surprised. the very thing that the united states criticized switzerland in the past whore it is now doing the famous numbered accounts look to real lesson here is if you will allow the distribution of wealth and income to be as only equal as it now is in the world. today you create the incentive and the means for those that the top to continue to accumulate from one generation to another. there is amazing tax evasion taking place around the world. and there's also a lot of unaccounted, unaccountable capital sloshing around the world are using various offshore havens and, and governments tolerate this and, and banks make a lot of money off this. and the us, by the way, is itself
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a major tax saving. it's a incorporation laws are among the easiest in the world. so the us is actually our prime participant. and this kind of a really crazy, monstrous, no tax avoidance. next to denmark's energy agency has cleared part of the north stream to gas pipeline, from russia to germany for operation. he has all europe correspondent. we're not quite there yet, but this is a step along the way to this gas pipeline eventually being up and running. what has happened is the danish energy agency has given its rubber stamp to the 1st string of the node stream to gas pipeline ad. that means that it has undergone air pre commissioning. it's also the hardest number of tests carried out on it, and it's passed those tests in the eyes of the, the danish energy agency. the still some way to go yet bow before the pipeline will
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be open running to its fullest extent. the 2 strings were tied together in the summer of last this year. it was of course, much delay due to sanctions and everything that came with that and all of the, the political wranglings they are now in the past. it would seem as we're into this stage of going through the compliance institute, if occasion for the infrastructure project. and ultimately once the 2 strings have been given the approval, they will be able to see gas flow through them. what's gonna happen now with this 1st string that's been approved by the danishes, that they'll fill it up with gas very slowly and gradually to essentially make sure that it takes all of those boxes as well, that it can carry the load that it's supposed to. the 2nd string of nord stream to well that is currently undergoing its air pre commissioning. you would imagine that once that's gotten begun that then it also goes through the ad this to vacation stages that the 1st strings been going through. eventually,
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when all of this is connected up, it will as start the working light for this pipeline stretches over 1200 kilometers from russia into germany on a, on the or the baltic sea coast there. it could pump as much as 55000000000 cubic meters of gas into germany every year. that's enough to heat $27000000.00 european homes every year. gas, of course, in high demand across europe at the moment and coming with high prices. lot of people looking to not stream to, to wealth fill the gap when it comes to that guy. and hopefully, hopefully see some of those bills go down. as peter says, the whole of europe is on the brink of an energy crisis. gas prices continue to hit record highs, surging to over $1200.00 per 1000 cubic meters. and with winter looming, there are concerns over how the blog is managing, the crunch, reporting next from paris, his shoulder due berinsky. there is a lot of finger pointing going on as the block faces this unprecedented energy
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crisis. that winter crunch is looming and according to some, this is a problem that has been years in the making. let's have a look at some of the main issues across europe at the moment. and we'll start here in france, where there has been a price increase this month of 12.6 percent in gas tariffs that follows several months of other rises. the prime minister shall cast excess that will not be a freeze and they will not be any more increases. but of course, that doesn't mitigate the months of increases that people have already seen on their household bills. then in spain, where price is they have tripled in the last year. i mean, we know that the spanish government is made emergency measures to try and mitigate the worst impact on the poor. but small business unions are just saying, this is an impossible situation coming after the cobra crisis. businesses just cannot take any more. and then in italy, prices are set to so by 40 percent,
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italian government is announced to package over $3000000000.00 euros to try and aid that. and then in germany, we also heard last week that one power plant had to completely shut up shop. and it's not the 1st time at all to do the same number of times in september. why? well, because it couldn't get enough co this crisis when it comes to natural gas, has pushed more people towards buying coal, depleting those stocks as well. so it seems like this is a double whammy. so what's behind this looming catastrophe? well, the you cannot agree on that, but some member states see that this is a problem that he was cause itself because it's pushed too fast too quickly to move to greener energy and at the same time as moved away from fossil fuels. and essentially would it's done is, is left, the entire book exposed in the g price is currently soaring across the u and
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putting unprecedented pressure on both energy companies and all our citizens when designing energy and climate policy is we have to ensure their social acceptability otherwise we risk their failure. well, the ease flatly deny is this. it would check, it says actually this crisis shows that the problem is that a is too much dependence in the you own fossil fuels. and the reality is that the only way to mitigate crises like this in the future is to move harder and faster towards green energy instead of being paralyzed, those slowing things down because of the price hike. now, in the energy sector, we should speed things up in the transition to renewable energy. so the affordable renewable energy becomes available for everyone was the e u. a scratching its head over what to do. it's also looking potentially for a scapegoat. and some have suggested that russia is to blame for this crisis, saying that it is holding back on natural gas reserves. russia says that's not the case. in fact, russia says it's willing to step up to the hour of need of it to you repeat
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neighbors. and increase the supplies of gas to meet those needs, those demands. but what needs to happen for that to take place is the certification of the north stream to pipe. this is a pipe that was completed last month and would see natural gas be able to be delivered directly to germany. but before that can happen, that certification needs to take place. that is something that you finance. i mean, this is our light. he to discuss this week is they meet to discuss this entire crisis, but the idea that you finance ministers are discussing bread and butter subjects like energy bills and how people are going to pay them really gives you a sense of how this crisis is. and as they scratching the heads, looking for a solution, there are tens of millions of households who are concerned about what this winter is going to bring. the difficult choices that they will have to make in detail. i
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the heat that homes or feed their families all the while it is wondering how it will keep them light. so on a brussels based journalist lou group, a predict prices will soon be back to normal and the node stream to can play a key role. there is no lack of gas in the world. and a good example of it is the fact that the price of gas is not increased by one euros sent into united states over the last few months. while can europe, it has increased by more than one percent. over one year, which is of course a lot. so now is the time to support the b, the customers, the consumers, the end consumers, to avoid a price hike. now in the winter, but by sprain, this will be finished. everybody knows that the easiest is, of course, to get the gas from russia through an all stream to and again, there is gas, everywhere in russia is not stopping this gas from being the liver thing is that we
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need to finalize all stream to and it's a matter of months at most or across the channel for the crisis in the balance in the u. k. as well with petrol stations, they're still running dry and angry drivers forming huge caves. as a result, the government's deploying military personnel nationwide to get supplies moving. jody edwards ashley reports from london. put it this way as day 10 now of the petrol crisis situation. and the united kingdom is still seeing many cars backed up outside of petrol stations. people waiting hours to fill up that tanks and even the public transportation is being diverted away to avoid all of this gridlock things have gotten so bad. now, the minute tree has now been deployed and drafted in to try and get the feel to the petrol stations i think is also really important. we can actually call in the military at a time like this full, that extra support to give that confidence and have a misha that's there as a precaution, because as i say,
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the situation is stabilizing. no one's going to pretend his completely back to normal. i wish it was, but he says it's getting that way. so the government says that this shortage is easing the problem is guessing best said the prime minister also reiterating cited javits comments. just that the ali being deployed is simply a precautionary measures. now, around 200 military personnel getting involved in this operation that trying to focus on is london on the southeast region. they argue that these are the worst affect it for myself. personally, i'm a little bit worried because in my journey on the way to work this morning, my call was flashing red at me, meaning i need to get to a petrol station as soon as possible. but of course, i'm not the only wanna tool, millions of people are now affected. in fact, it's such a hot topic that discussing the petro situation is as common as discussing the weather here in the united kingdom, which goes to show just how many people affected,
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particularly those people working at the petrol pump stations. if you're going to fuel a peek to cross one minute, one day you're, you're fluffy, nearby taking return does not normally next they run a fuel in, i just doesn't get so because nobody comes in. well, the last 10 days have also be defined by a bit of a blame game on the one hand, gentleness of being attacked, saying that the media is really reporting on big headlines and then on the individual level as well. people pointing the finger of blame directly, those people tonic, buying all of this patchwork. but can jonas the blame for simply reports in the news? no. can the public really be blamed for simply buying depleting? result is neither seems remotely irrational, especially the crux of all of this is the very fact that a 100
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a 1000 laurie drive is how now have now had a mass exit is leaving the united kingdom. there are many reasons for that, particularly things like breakfast with these laurie, dr. a staying in the e u countries that they are from. so this seems to be a direct result of numerous things, particularly, like breck said, and it doesn't seem that it's going to be a quick fix for the united kingdom x. the british embassy in moscow is declining to comment on findings that the u. k. has been massively funding anti government sentiment in russia. it's off of the credit and demanded britain explained, leaked documents, apparently confirming that london funneled money through the embassy. we've contacted the british forward and home offices as well as the embassy here in moscow. so far, none responded. ortiz, he goes, don off breaks down the story. couple of documents have been made public, including the general outline of activities of the yuki embassy here in moscow, dated years 2019 to 2020. in total, the whole data dump consists of more than
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a $150.00 pages, and on those pages are well details as to how the u. k. embassy and london by proxy have been trying to sway the public opinion here in russia on some key topics. how they supported certain groups, like for example, the l g b t community. and they also give the list of people who executed the tasks, who well received funding for it, and even the some journalists and media outlets who also received funding from london. here's how the russian foreign ministry commented on the revelations, the scale of funding and project activities. even a cursory glance, is simply shocking. for an agent. come on, they had children, independent journalists and acted as for instance, the embassy here has been trying to groom a whole network of what they call independent journalists, while independent. yet still, they were reimbursed for their work by the u. k. taxpayers, pounds. also there's a list of media outlets. we're also at least in part funded by london. and some of
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them are already with a tag over for an agent here in russia might seem like it's not a big deal. but imagine a similar headline. but with the roles rolled, swapped that it was, the russian embassy engage in similar activities, but in the u. k. now the embassy here we reached out for a common to them, but they have refused to do so saying that they simply do not comment on the documents. also, we have reached out to the u. k. foreign office and home office, but we are still to hear back from them. a next up, the credit reiterates that, not enough. it's being done to convince people in russia that they need. the coven shot as infections, rocket light from moscow. this is our t a . when i would show the wrong one, i'll just don't hold any world yes, to see proud disdain,
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ah, hello again. the corona virus situation here in russia is causing alarm with the health watch stroke describing the latest situation as extremely difficult. ortiz to be true, power counts the details. well, russia is experiencing another surgeon corona virus cases just over the past 24 hours over 25000 new cases haven't confirmed and over 800 deaths. now, officials at this point say that the elderly, the group most at risk from the disease are being infected at an alarmingly high rate. moscow's mayor suggests abandon has noted that the elderly still remained the least vaccinated group in moscow. and the kremlin spokespersons meet to scoff has lamented the insufficient rates of vaccination throughout the country. the pace of vaccination in russia despite the complete readiness of the entire infrastructure
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and this by the opportunities provided leaves much to be desired. in all likelihood, it's due to an insufficient campaign to clarify, there is no alternative to vaccination. what's most alarming to officials right now at this point is that the infection rates are nearing levels seen back in january the peak throughout this year. and over the last week, infection rates throughout the country have gone out by 30 percent and hospitalizations have increased by 20 percent. in fact, hospitals at this point are being warned to prepare for pretty much anything because the situation is further complicated by an expected surgeon, seasonal diseases. as for measures to combat the crisis of russian regions are at liberty to introduce whatever measures or restrictions that they deem necessary according to the situation of the region. however, most of them still adhere to guidelines issued by roscoe, nazare, rushes, ferrel, consumer rights wash, dog, and some of those measures, for example, included that events for over $3000.00 people are basically prohibited throughout
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the entire country. while sporting events and other venues. most of them can only operate as co it free zones. but with this latest surgeon infections, many regions have already started introducing harsher measures like your codes, code pass and self isolation, and with the numbers expected to rise in the next coming weeks. it's expected that more regions will start to try and combat the crisis. russian military has successfully test launched its cutting edge hypersonic anti ship missile cold calling from 1st time it was fine, it saved from a nuclear submarine. the missile hit its intended target in the barren sea and rushes optic. the 2nd was 1st produced in 2016 and can destroy enemy ships as well as ground targets. it's exceptionally high speed, makes it difficult for anti crop systems to intercept and pentagon officials have singled out the vessel as one of russia's most dangerous allies may have been on america's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. but the u. s.
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military is now facing a revolt from within its own soldiers. speaking out against the leadership and the damage done by supposedly woke practices a all those people did die in vain. people are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability are saying we messed this up. we were taught that the country was able to, that it was founded in 1619 and not 1776. and that whites are inherently evil to i've made that very clear to my own people that in the light of a hyper politicized environment, i will not tolerate any discrimination of any kind based on politics.
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this is really about the freedom, the american people, the right to choose your own medical procedures, the right to decide what's going to be injected into your, your body and what's not. those are a natural human right that we can't take away from people with and that's our looks for moscow so far this monday, thanks for watching. i'm calling bry about with the next update in just over half an hour, because even these are the 4 people who pulled the trigger. i survive something on survival. one of
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ah i ah, i'm absent at ancy, we're going underground, digging up the stories buried by the so called mainstream media coming over the show hot on the heels of an anti jeremy corbin labor leaders conference comes boards, johnson's conservative party conference this week. the tories, a leading impulse, just white in energy crisis, one of the highest per capita deaf talk o v responses and welfare got to the poorest. we follow the money and 24 hours
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ahead of ours. johnson's defense secretary speech at the tory conference and following defeat in afghanistan is the u. k. importing taliban style attacks on freedom to impose british government values, all of them all coming up in today's going underground. at 1st, it's political conference season here in britain, but as morris johnson writers speech for this week, brittany seemingly facing crisis after crisis the army brought in to solve the car fuel prices, energy companies going bankrupt, allegedly on trustworthy transport. companies having to be brought back into public ownership and johnson having to subsidize a c o 2 company to keep beer flowing. who better to follow the money with the north, prem sicker arch critic of structures of financial regulation here in britain. thank you so much for coming back on after so long. we have 14, a half 1000000 here in poverty, including $4300000.00 children, a labor leader. they buy the leader, you turning on minimum wage deregulation boss johnson cutting 20 pounds a week from britain's a 6000000 poorest as it conscious cruelty by stammer and johnson or is it
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incompetence while i hello alicia. nice to be on your program. i. i think her, there are structural moves and the whole us a u. k. economy, which neither party is willing to address. and what we are witnessing in terms of she'll she'll to do is for you to do is homelessness. cuts in universal credit. that is basically how neoliberalism is playing out. it is really about enriching the rich and not really doing much for the masses. and i mean, i know you've written a bit about this. i mean say just the health care system here, the envy of the world. it used to be the national health service here. it is, it by stealth. they are privatizing it. and is it working this idea that that you can cream people off into the private sector? now as the n a just seems to be failing.
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